SNF 2009.01 - Football! Hotaru AND Brian VS M.Bison AND Flora

Description: Football! Stuff happens, everyone is happy, it's fun for the whole family! Not descriptive enough for you?! Then you can go to hell, this is not a charity! Go back to the moon, with your... sharp ass...! This current description brought you by, Starscream accidentally overrode the real desc with something else. (Winners: M.Bison/Flora)

The smell of freshly cut grass, the sound of stadium seats filled to capacity, the soft, omnipresent roar of a crowd eager to see tonight's event unfold as the late arrivals hurry to their seats... It might be the setting for any weekly sporting or fighting event. But this week it's the prelude to a strange mixture of both! Football and Sanctioned Fighting come together in Pennsylvania, hosted down on the field of Beaver Stadium.

It probably comes as no shock that Hotaru Futaba isn't terribly experienced with the game of football. She's vaguely familiar with the sport from school yard approximations thereof, but she's always considered it something that caters to, well, more giant people. Like her frightfully tall partner for the match, Brian Battler! Standing down on the grass, the teenaged fighter repeatedly folds her fingers together, unconscious of the somewhat nervous fidgit.

A lone football sits at the center of the field, waiting to be claimed by one of the four fighters in tonight's bout as the two teams make efforts to accomplish touchdowns on either end for bonus Starpoints. Having doned a dark green and brown variant of her typical fighting attire (The better to conceal inevitable grass stains), the girl tries to sort through the special rules in her mind, while also remembering what she can of her opponents. Flora she remembers, the fellow student having left an impression (And some blunt arrow bruises) the last time they fought. Bison... Well, the last time they fought was pretty short, she remembers that much!

Unclasping her hands, she wipes her face, trying to focus herself better on the match ahead. "I'll just stay right next to Brian," she muses to herself. He should know what to do out here after all!

Flora does not like football.

Oh, she knows how it's played; she was never big on it, but she's done it once or twice in school. Unlike Hotaru, Flora /is/ a big person and got to be the sort of thing people thought would cater to her. (It doesn't.) But it just seems so...crude. Well, no more crude than fighting, but Flora is not sure she wants to spend the next while handling balls while running around like a maniac.

Flora's bowstaff is at the sidelines. She doesn't have it, although she is thinking to herself that it might be a good idea to go grab as soon as possible. She adjusts the ill-fitting football uniform (jersey only, no padding) as she walks away from it and toward the middle, looking somewhere between nervous and terrified.

Football. The great American pastime. Along with baseball. And basketball. Whatever. NASCAR, that too. Bison doesn't care. He tried out for the football team when he was a youngun... and they quickly found out he was just a little -too- vicious... even for a contact sport like that. He never forgot that. Gave him a taste for hating football players. So this Brian Battler guy... yeah, Bison's not gonna like him much. But hey, who wants to be liked by Bison? Just about no one. And he's damn comfortable with that.

Bison strides onto the field, boxer-booted feet cutting into the grass due to sheer weight--the turf is not going to be happy at the end of -this- day.

"Football. Hate this damn sport," he announces, to everyone -and- no one... 'play football'. Like Bison is -even gonna try-. Well, he might. Might be fun to pass the ball into someone's face, not that Bison could throw a proper spiral. Uniform? Hah. Just -let- someone try to put that on him... or tell him to do it... spoiler, that's what Bison is. Actually, he -is- wearing the helmet, and the overall effect is, he looks like a bulldog inside it, all gnashing teeth and smashed-wrinkle face. Combined with the usual gear he wears, it's a rather comical effect, but just try laughing from within arm's reach to about 30 yards out... See, now, a nice guy would tell Flora, "Calm down, don't worry, you'll be fine." Bison? He looks over at her and hnhs. "You big enough. Better kick some ass or I'll beat ya." Oh Bison. ALWAYS a winner at life.

Unlike the others in this match, Brian Battler has come to make an entrance. This is his game, his world. He's gotta show these people who is the boss of this house. Penn State might end up wishing they'd never seen this man... again.

After all, last time he was here, Brian ended the NFL aspirations of two redshirted freshmen. And while his opponents tonight will be tougher than that tight end and tailback, the total carnage about to ensue could make it pale in comparison.

A huge, white barrier is held up by PSU cheerleaders, as they would for their own team. A series of pyrotechnics explode around the entrance, and four massive subwoofers shake the stadium in steady, thunderous beats like massive footsteps. With a sudden roar of some infernal beast over the PA, a massive man tears through the banner, the rumbling from the subwoofers matching his exaggerated footsteps to add weight to the already massive man.

This is a man ready for the gridiron. Wrists and fingers are taped. White football pants with a stripe of blue and silver down the side are somehow already bloodstained on the heavily padded thigh. His Dallas Cowboys jersey clings tightly to the massive shoulderpads, and the helmet of his former NFL team seems to hide all his features behind the plastic eyeshield and metal cage.

Like a madman or an uncaged beast, he stomps and shakes his way onto the field, white foam spraying from under his helmet. After a good minute, he seems to calm down enough to stop and contort himself as the PA system gives another infernal roar, as if he was the beast itself.

And with that over with, he makes his way over to his teammate. "That felt good," he mutters.

Looking over the field, Hotaru clasps her hands behind her back, having gotten her sheepish nervousness in check in time for the other fighters to make their appearance. She watches Flora and thinks back on how she decided not to wear a helmet for the battle to be. It'd almost definitely just slow her down anyway, with weight and vision limitations. She watches Bison enter the field and a soft breath escapes between her breath. The bull like boxer represents almost everything wrong in fighting in her mind. Loud mouth, poor sport, behemoth with enough power behind him to back up his bad attitude. It's unfortunate is what it is. She feels sorry for Flora being teamed up with a brute like him. But on the flipside, the other student doesn't need to worry about getting /punched/ by him... or does she?

Her ruminations are cut short as the stadium comes alive with excitement. Music, cheers, rumbles, and roars. It's time for someone to show this crowd that not all fighters are football hating pussyfoots! As Brian tears through the banner, stampeding across the field with a broadcast rumble to add weight to each step, Hotaru's eyes widen noticeably. That's... that's some entrance!

She's glad he's on her side. At least someone who understands what this American game is all about. One hand comes up from behind her back to wave at the mighty brawler, "It's nice to be fighting alongside you again, Mister Battler." Hotaru pipes up. She lowers her hand and turns around to face the opposing team, taking in a deep breath then exhaling before she adopts a ready stance much like any other fight. "I'll stick close to you," she says with a faint smile. He looks like he's got the football thing down perfectly. She doesn't really know anything about positions or what he would've played during his brief stint in the leagues, but hey, Being Gigantic has to count for a lot.

Enough, in fact, that the girl doesn't budge from Brian's side. She'll let him lead the charge here. It buys her another half second to prepare.

COMBATSYS: Hotaru focuses on her next action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Brian            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          M.Bison
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Hotaru           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Flora

The way Bison sounds, Flora /isn't/ sure that he's not going to smack her around a little if she makes a mistake or something - and although Flora is tall, she's not exactly as brawny as Bison (or Brian, for that matter. She'd come out the loser in that sort of a contest.

Flora swallows and doesn't say anything immediately, because Brian's entrance is intimidating as hell if you weren't expecting it (and she wasn't).

She starts to say something, swallows again, and stays put. Let the big guys start it off; like Hotaru, she doesn't exactly want to start by drawing attention to herself. Flora's eyes flick back to her staff again. She really wishes she had it.

COMBATSYS: Flora focuses on her next action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Brian            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          M.Bison
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Hotaru           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Flora

He won't really. Well, he might. You can't really tell with a guy like him. He's unpredictable in his own way, though very predictable in others... in most ways, really. Like this one. Battler's entrance... Bison laughs, though it sounds squeezed due to the helmet. "Man, that was freakin' -pathetic-, Battler!" Really, these two should be friends, over beers and women. But it's most likely that they'll hate each other, because that's just how they roll. It's in their DNA.

Bison wastes no time with this shiz--the theatrics are nothing to him, he's not afraid of a man spitting fake foam from his mouth. And anyways, crap like that is for pro wrestling, not real fighting. (Nevermind that pro wrestlers have manhandled Bison quite well thank you very much.) Bison's small, dark eyes flick from Hotaru to Brian and back. Hotaru, Brian. Brian, Hotaru. WHO TO PUNCH FIRST. Suddenly, Bison roars, a sound every bit as intimidating in volume and pure noise as Brian's stompy entrance... and he charges for Battler. He doesn't even bother with the ball--just aims to smack a fist right into Brian Battler's face. Or helmet. Whichever. He's not particular about this.

COMBATSYS: Brian interrupts Dash Straight from M.Bison with Hyper Tackle.
- Power hit! -

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Brian            0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0          M.Bison
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Hotaru           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Flora

It's kinda funny. Many of the fights Brian has engaged in that have been legitimate combats on the circuit have involved his diminutive partner. The number of times she's handed him his ass has garnered her some respect in the Texan's eyes, but whether that's a good thing remains to be seen. "Pleasure's mine, miss," he says, nodding down at Hotaru, almost robotically. Turning his attention back to the other team, his eyes scan for the ball.

Ball, ball, who's got the ba-

Suddenly, without a coinflip or anyone even getting the ball, this boxer in a helmet comes screaming in, driving a fist towards Brian's helmeted head. With nary a thought, Brian charges headlong into the fist, graciously taking the punch in the facemask. Definitely not comfortable, seeing as it wrenches hair, ears and his nose, but certainly not as bad as Bison likely intended. But Bison gets a free gift with his punch! Yes, act now and you, too, can catch a rising forearm to the gut which unceremoniously takes you off your feet and sends you sprawling into the wet grass!

Turning towards the other man, Brian chuckles. "And you said my entrance was pathetic."

The opening volley of attacks between Bison and Brian are definitely an eye opener to the kind of forces that are going to be in play out here on the field. Powerful charging fist meets crazy counter tackle as the two collide in an exchange of violent force. Well, that isn't exactly how the smallest fighter in the stadium is used to engaging in the sport, but she might just have to adapt to the playing field.

She's often wondered larger fighters just have it easier - being so big, doesn't the sport just come easier to them? But in the end, timing and experience must still play a part. Sticking close to Brian but just slipping enough to the side that she isn't caught up in the collision of locotomotive force, the Kenpo artist decides to make sure Flora feels a part of the fight, sprinting forward over the short cut grass to close the distance between them.

She notices she's missing her bow off to the side. Remembering their last match, she can't help but wonder if the girl has changed her style or has a backup art for just such circumstances. Either way, she's about to test her balance as she ducks in low then sweeps up into a straight shot palm strike targeting Flora's center of gravity. "If your art requires your bow..." she murmurs during the windup, before swinging with force that coordinates leg, torso, and arm strength, "I think you should grab it. Those two aren't going to hold back!"

COMBATSYS: Hotaru successfully hits Flora with Medium Punch.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Brian            0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0          M.Bison
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Hotaru           0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0            Flora

Flora certainly doesn't seem to be doing very well without her staff. Having started to move toward the ball, she's wide open when Hotaru goes after her, as she's not used to blocking without having something to block with. It hits solidly, stopping her forward motion entirely and rocking her back on her feet, dazed for a moment.

"Football doesn't use a bow," she says, also quietly, although she privately intends to go get it in a moment anyway. Flora delivers a strong open-hand blow at Hotaru's shoulder, as much to shove her off balance as anything else, an instant before the taller girl starts backing toward the sidelines. They may not /like/ the staff, but she really needs it to do much; it was stupid to come out here without.

Bison bounces back up--the hit wasn't that bad, and he's taken worse. He spits, onto the grass. "It =was= pathetic," he growls. Brian pretty much just gained instant and enduring Bison aggro with just a few words. "Think you got what it takes to beat me? Sheeeeeit. Little girl over there?" He points at Hotaru. "Maybe -SHE- got what it takes to beat me... you? You ain't got NOTHIN'."

Bison isn't shouting yet, which means he's probably just getting even angrier. That this punk... this white freak of nature... should have dumped HIM, Mike BISON, like that... oh yeah. There's gonna be hell to pay. He's gonna smash this can't-let-go-of-high-school-fame freak and then he's gonna be the winner.

Such are the thoughts that make up the Mind of Bison. Welcome in, hope you brought your hip waders, it gets ugly in here.

"Gonna -bust your face off-," proclaims Bison. More strong than smart, the man seems fixated now, thrusting a short left body blow for Brian's stomach--and then a quick right hook, a short one meant to clock him right in the temple. So maybe he means face and guts...? Bison isn't usually very eloquent.

COMBATSYS: Brian interrupts Medium Punch from M.Bison with Rocket Tackle.
- Power hit! -
~ Cruel hit! ~

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Brian            0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0          M.Bison
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Hotaru           0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0            Flora

It's less about the pain than the embarassment. Brian's just this hick football dude, and Bison? He's supposed to be this steamroller of a boxer. Maybe he takes a bit to get warmed up, but Brian sees nothing wrong in taking a bit out of the former heavyweight champion in the meantime. See, Brian knows this game, both the one he's dressed for and the real one the group is engaging in. His job is to keep people busy, keep them thinking and worrying about him while the smaller, sneakier one goes and screws things up for the opponent. The more bulldozing damage he can do, the better.

It seems curious, though, that Brian practically stands there as Mike rushes in, jabbing fists at him with considerable force. However, the boxer's hands are not met with chewy, fleshy bits, but instead impact-resistant plastic and a wall of solid muscle and bone which has been highly trained to take impacts in this equipment. As one meaty fist collides with the side of a helmet, another fist, this time of Brian's, reaches up and grabs the facemask of his attacker. Dropping quickly into a crouch and pulling Bison down a bit by the cage, Brian rockets his shoulder up as he yanks the mask forward, allowing some nice access to tender throatbits as both men leave their feet.

Letting go of his catch after impact, Brian lands with a nice thunderous thud which once again shakes the stadium. Seems the guy on the bass pedal enjoys the power. Shaking his head gently, the Texan puts his hands on his waist and looks down at his opponent again. "If you shut yer trap long enough to fight, son," he says, calmer than normal, "you might not be getting schooled so hard."

COMBATSYS: Hotaru dodges Flora's Power Strike.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Brian            0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0          M.Bison
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Hotaru           0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0            Flora

"Yeah," Hotaru agrees with Flora before glancing over her shoulder at the poor, lone, abandoned football at the center of the field. "But something tells me the rules have changed a little." Brian and Bison seem to be playing an entirely /different/ sport at this point. One that involves as much brutal damage to each other in as few hits as possible, it seems like.

She's not ignoring Flora, however, but rather paying rapt attention as evidenced by the girl looking back toward her just in time to lean around the intended shoulder strike, rising out of her extended stance into standing straight up in the process. Glancing up at the significantly much taller girl, Hotaru grins a little, "Go ahead, no one's going to mind." She whirls around as Bison shouts something about 'little girl.' That must be her, and she's half expecting a giant fist coming her way at that point. But instead the two giant men collide in another exchange of violent, cringe-causing blows and combinations, eliciting a audible reaction from the crowd. Football fans and fight fanatics alike are eating up the exchange, while Hotaru feels practically lost in it all.

Eying the football sitting over in the grass, all alone, all neglected, she decides to make her move. "Yosh." she whispers, sprinting forward, putting her speed to use as she darts for the ball to scoop it up off the grass as Brian tackles the formidable boxer down. The only problem is that once she gets it, she isn't terribly sure what to do with it. She'd ask Brian, but he seems to be, uh, preoccupied. "Well, I don't want this after all." the girl decides, drawing her arm back, taking aim, and deciding to get rid of the sports ball in the most useful way that comes to mind. By hurtling it Bison's way, in hopes of distracting the rude fighter with a thump to the head!

Flora sprints across the field - she could be a runner, if she wasn't a fighter, or at least that's the impression she gives until she stubs her toe and trips, rolling the last few yards across the ground with a pain in her foot.


But she ended up near where she was going anyway. Flora pulls herself the last few feet across the ground, gripping her bow and twisting about, coming up to a kneeling position with her hand pulled back and the bowstring drawn.

She doesn't have an arrow. Only a flickering green line is visible where the arrow should be; Flora fires it at Brian, and it trails green sparks on its way there. With the distraction launched, Flora pulls her quiver up with her as she stands, slinging it over one shoulder. Much better.

COMBATSYS: M.Bison blocks Hotaru's Rough Passing.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Brian            0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0          M.Bison
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Hotaru           0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0            Flora

"Keep talkin'... punk." Bison doesn't get looked down on by NOBODY. Except Vega. That Brian is doin' this to him... it's incomprehensible. He's enraged, fully enraged now, and he surges upwards, seeking to tag Brian's face right under the chin. He's roaring, now--and with perfect timing, Hotaru flings the ball right into the back of Bison's head. Fortunately a combination of his already-surging movement and his helmet protect him from the football--and Hotaru, for all her skills... well... does he have to think it?

She throws like a girl. (Don't tell Rainbow Mika.) So Bison barely notices the impact of the football; it'll register in about five seconds, delayed reaction like a lizard with two brains.

The forebrain, the dominant one... well, naturally that's just focused on Brian. Bison wants to tear that smirk right off his face. Tear it off and eat it, with some good collard greens and okra. Thp-thp-thp. Okay he doesn't really want to do that. But he -does- want to hurt Brian very very badly, and this, he figures, is his 'opening' to do so...

Because if he connects, he'll use the opening to snag Brian, with his big, beefy hands, and headbutt the man repeatedly, maybe four times, before tossing him to the turf.

COMBATSYS: Brian endures Flora's Empty Hand.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Brian            0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0          M.Bison
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Hotaru           0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0            Flora

COMBATSYS: Brian fails to interrupt Head Bomber from M.Bison with Samurai Bomb.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Brian            0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0          M.Bison
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Hotaru           0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0            Flora

Brian hasn't smirked at all, in fact, but it's probably easy to think that he is from behind the cage and haze of anger. He's looking down his nose at the heavyweight champ, but that's about all. Luckily for Bison, a pair of distractions now help to crack the defense of the former linebacker like an egg.

First is the green flickering energy that zooms in, striking him in the chest. Brian tries to ignore the tingling and the burning sensation which feels like Vic's on an open wound, intent more on the large guy who wants to rip his face off. Second is practically animal instinct as he sees the football flying towards the back of the boxer's head. He flinches, almost going for the ball before his attentions are brought back to reality by hands nearly as large as his own grabbing him under the pads. Fingertips reach down and almost manage to grab the boxer's waistband, but his attempt is cut short by the repeated assault of helmet to helmet contact before he's dumped unceremoneously to the ground.

Well, crap. "Good one," he mutters, slowly dragging himself to his feet.

Hotaru's thrown football bounces rather uncerimoniously off of the back of Bison's helmeted head. She's definitely not going to win MVP of the year with that pass, to be certain. Besides, as much as she's spent the fight avoiding getting between the two mountains of force in the field, her requires her to be there, her speed is going to need to keep her alive. She smiles just a little as she notices Flora's gone and retrieved her bow. It's good. It'll let her fight her more seriously knowing that she's not being handicapped by not having her large weapon in her hands.

But for right now, the girl is interested in testing Bison's ability to fend her off entirely. For almost all of the previous year, the mighty fighter held the belt he obtained by defeating her and right now she's wishing she had gotten an opportunity to try and take it back from him. For now, though, she'll have to settle for charging him after his punishing combination against Brian.

A large fighter like himself presents the appropriate target, as she seeks to get a tight enough handhold on his arms or shirt even, and convert all that forward momentum into a series of rapid kicks, trying to scramble right over the anti-football-player like a set of stairs before flipping forward to land off to his side in hopes he won't recover in time to keep track of her. "Ya, ya, ya!"

Flora takes the time to firmly attach her quiver so that it won't slide around too much. Now she has arrows, and arrows are a good thing to have when you're wielding a bow.

Flora starts to move closer again now that she's armed, keeping one of her blunt-tipped arrows against the string but not drawn back - and pointing mostly downward at that. She uses a kind of sideways movement so she can keep an eye on the other three, and she's advancing on the ball.

She doesn't quite get there, because as Hotaru leaps to the side, Flora decides to attack instead. She comes in low, hooking backwards with the curved edge of her bow in an attempt to trip Hotaru just in front of her - and then she fires almost straight down to keep her there. Or that's the idea, anyway. It's never worked quite right in practice.

COMBATSYS: M.Bison interrupts Shin-Jou Tai from Hotaru with Turn Punch.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Brian            0/-------/--=====|=======\=------\1          M.Bison
[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Hotaru           1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0            Flora

That's right. He -did- take the belt from Hotaru, didn't he? He'd completely forgotten about that. His blood's up now--sorry Hotaru, you're about to reap the whirlwind that Brian started. To be completely honest, he doesn't even realize Hotaru's coming after him until she's grabbing his arm.

"HUH?" states the boxer, ever so eloquently, as he's turned towards Hotaru--and then stepladdered. His instincts are what save him from pain--muscles tensing and body moving to avoid the worst of the impacts. And, as Hotaru will soon find out, like those raptors of old... his vision is partially based on movement. So he -does- track her...

And when she lands she's going to find him -right on her-. With a fist. A big right hand fist that's already three-quarters of the way through a punishing right straight--ironically, the pulling twist that Hotaru used to open his guard... is what gave him the inspiration and momentum to hurl himself into this punch.

Bison doesn't even quite register that he just punched her 'til it's done, but he's not going to apologize. That isn't him any more than this football helmet that he's wearing is, a helmet he finally rips the hell off and tosses to the ground.

Sadly, his face still looks like a jarful of smashed asses. Perhaps that -wasn't- the fault of the helmet.

As Brian regains his footing, the football itself rolls towards his feet. Taking the football in hand, he looks at the oblong pigskin for a moment before looking up again. This sham of a game has long since left the realm of football and is almost strictly a rumble. The realization of the joke of it all is punctuated by the hollow clunk of Bison's helmet crashing to the ground.

Hmph. The boxer, his reptilian brain keeping intense focus on Hotaru, isn't an immediate threat at this moment. But over there, there's the girl with a bow. A weapon. Brian has a distinct distaste for fighters who can't be bothered to fight with what nature gave them and must supplement their failure with accessories. "Another fuckin' weapon user," he grunts to himself, before dropping back and planting his back leg.

Brian was a quarterback in junior high, back before his growth spurt sent him into the stratosphere. He hasn't thrown a football since then, but he still gets a nice spiral as he sends the football right at Flora, with the hope that it might turn her weapon into either a crutch or a pile of toothpicks.

COMBATSYS: Hotaru blocks Flora's Trip Hunt.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Brian            0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\1          M.Bison
[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Hotaru           1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0            Flora

It seems to be going fine at first. She can tell that Bison is weathering the quick kicking combination well enough, but what that actually means for her hasn't quite registered until she drops down to land on his other side, expecting to have a shot to catch the rabid boxer off guard. The crushing fist that smashes into her side is all the clue that Hotaru needs to realize that no, he's not caught off guard at all! No amount of traction after her feet touch the ground is going to keep her footing in tact after that single, punishing impact, and Bison might be plenty satisfied to see the featherweight go spinning through the air for a few yards before crashing back down into a tumble.

"Saa." the Kenpo artist grouses as she pulls herself back up slowly, shaking her head, left hand resting at her side as she grimaces. Flora's timing is effective, however, reaching the girl just as she's getting up, but Hotaru tenses, blocking the intended trip with her shin, regaining her footing and putting aside the major bruising pain in her rib cage at the moment.

Out of the corner of her eye she notices Brian deciding to try and bean Flora with a football. A tactic she can't really chide him for, since she just tried the same thing with Bison! But with that being the case, she decides to face the boxing menace on the field. Helmet off, she can see his face now. Can see the fury that powers his swings. But she can't back down!

She sprints for Bison again, adopting a very direct path up until she takes to the air from a few yards out, aiming to flip forward and plant her hands against the much taller man's shoulders. If she manages to land in place, she'll turn around quickly, trying to drop down behind him and plant both her feet hard enough into his upper back to hopefully send him stumbling a little!

COMBATSYS: Brian successfully hits Flora with Rough Passing.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Brian            0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1          M.Bison
[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Hotaru           1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1            Flora


Flora staggers back mid-draw when a very fast-moving football hits her dead center in the chest, nearly hard enough to launch her. It doesn't, but that's mostly because the ball isn't heavy enough to; if it was anything bigger, she'd be flying, or at the very least on the ground.

Her bow, however, is intact. Flora debates taking another shot - Hotaru is kind of close, but she could probably arc something at the others - but instead only draws an arrow and holds it back. She breathes in and out, almost ritualistically, clearing her mind and preparing her shot.

COMBATSYS: Flora gathers her will.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Brian            0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1          M.Bison
[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Hotaru           1/-------/=======|=======\====---\1            Flora

COMBATSYS: M.Bison endures Hotaru's Ten Ranku-Tou.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Brian            0/-------/-======|=======\==-----\1          M.Bison
[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Hotaru           1/------=/=======|=======\====---\1            Flora

Hotaru is a brave one, that's for sure--after taking a hit like that, most wouldn't want to come after Bison -again-. He can admire her for that. But at the same time... well, he doesn't think she can hurt him that bad. Is it true? Yes and no--she leaps over him, snags him... flips over... and thrusts her feet into his back. It hurts--but it doesn't fold him like an accordion, like it should. He starts to bend... and then he recoils back, getting his feet under him.

Hotaru, inadvertently, provides him the momentum he needs to charge at Brian again, fully intent on placing his right fist into the man's head, by a very simple means--a punch. Hey, he -is- a boxer, right? He's gotta go with what he knows.

"YOU GONNA DIE!!" he shouts, rather dramatically (melodramatically?) as he charges, feet pounding the ground, throwing up clots of ground.

COMBATSYS: Brian Toughs Out M.Bison's Fierce Punch!
# Disabling hit! #

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Brian            1/-------/=======|=======\===----\1          M.Bison
[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Hotaru           1/------=/=======|=======\====---\1            Flora

The spiral was tight, and it hit right where he wanted it to... Yeah. Shame it wasn't something larger, like a brick or a hammer or an engine block. Brian knows he'll have to throw something larger at Flora soon. Like maybe Bison. There's always a certain irony in using opponents as improvised weaponry. But to do that, he'll have to take care of that particular issue. Luckily, the issue comes roaring in like a rocket, intent on taking his head clean off with a rushing right cross. Lowering his head -into- the punch would hardly seem like an intelligent thing to do, but Brian knows the helmet on his head can likely take the punishment.

And, to a degree, he's right. But it also proves to be too much for the brain container, as the impact-resistant plastic buckles under the force and cracks like a faultline in California. A grunt slips from under the facemask as the large man sways back from the blow, his footing remaining steady and sound. Reaching up, he tears the helmet off his head and, for the first time tonight, the frown that tends to stick to Brian's face is visible to the world.

Blinking a few times to try and clear his vision, Brian reaches out towards the darker blob of a vague human shape, trying to get his hand around the general area where a neck would be as he starts running forward. After working with Rugal for a while, the Texan has taken a pointer or two from his boss and seems to be trying to emulate the Gigaton Press... Which, for the former linebacker, means a running chokeslam. Really the best one can do without Orochi blood pumping through your veins.

Backflipping off of the back of the mighty boxer, Hotaru lands back in the grass a graceful moment later, prepared for possible retaliation. What she didn't expect was for the bad blood between the ex footballer and Bison to take those fearsome fists back toward Brian's head.

Standing up slowly, she takes her sight off Bison, her attention shifting back to Flora. The archer girl has been left mostly off to the side ever since she claimed her bow. It's probably the ideal arrangement for someone who seems good at long ranged fighting, but something's going to need to be done about that! She needs to pressure her in closer range, she decides.

Tearing off to the side just as the sound of a helmet cracking under incredible force reaches her ears. She's glad she wasn't a target for that! Closing distance quickly, she slides into a low crouch once she's drawn near. A brief pause as she focuses her stance, before the girl leaps into a low arc, bringing her right leg up before dropping it heel first for Flora's shoulder. "KYA!"

COMBATSYS: Flora blocks Hotaru's Medium Kick.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Brian            1/-------/=======|=======\===----\1          M.Bison
[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Hotaru           1/------=/=======|=======\====---\1            Flora

Flora had been preparing to attack, not be attacked - but she switches rapidly from one to the other when Hotaru comes near her. It looks like she's not going to be able to shoot into the crowd this time (which is a pity, because she doesn't want to go /anywhere/ near someone as insane as Brian seems to be).

Flora drops her arrow entirely and shifts her grip on her staff, shouldering into the blow in an attempt to make it hit early and thus not quite as effectively. It sort of works, although she still gets kicked.

It also means she is rather close in to Hotaru, which seems like a good place for Hotaru to have her. Flora hooks with the butt end of her staff, sideways and then up, trying to launch Hotaru into the air with the curved weapon; she follows this up by trying to hook her back out of the air and slam her into the ground, a distinctive green glow on her weapon extending her reach somewhat. "Ha!"

COMBATSYS: M.Bison interrupts Strong Throw from Brian with Fierce Punch.
# Disabling hit! #

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Brian            1/---====/=======|=======\====---\1          M.Bison
[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Hotaru           1/------=/=======|=======\===----\1            Flora

Broke the helmet. Brian's next. Of course, the man stood up to Bison's punch, and that's pretty goddamn impressive. Doesn't make Bison pause in the least, though--really he's not even thinking about it. Instead he's wheeling around to meet Brian's charge. Brian's going to contact Bison, for sure--lifting the big black man off his feet. But Bison's actually thinking, at least on some level, and so he wraps his left arm around Brian's shoulder. Awww! Carry him to the threshold!

Or not. Bison starts punching into Brian's head, repeatedly, each blow landing like the proverbial hammer on the anvil. Punch. Punch. Punch. PUnch. PUNCH.

By the time he lands the fifth blow he's got enough wits about him to recognize where he is, and so he rolls with the slam, coming up smeared with mud, but... obviously very pleased with himself. Very very pleased. Brian just got TOLD. As far as Bison is concerned, anyways, which is the only thing he's concerned with! The two girls can continue their fight. Bison's still got a score to settle with this guy here, this 'football player'. This trash game... well, he's sure the SNF had the best of intentions with this. But really. Has Bison -ever- gone along with anything they've tried to shoehorn him into?

Ever so slowly, the former linebacker rolls off his back and onto his side. That landing was far from graceful, the pain ushered in by Bison's fist colliding with his head repeatedly once again making his vision blurry. Face dripping with mud gathered by having the back of his head knocked forcibly into the ground, the Texan quickly wipes his face somewhat clear of the soil and grass.

Now, see, Brian isn't normally one to be smug. It usually comes out when dealing with female fighters or when drunk... or both, as it normally stands... but the further along in a battle he gets, the more irritable he becomes. He's stomped out of more fights than he can recall, which has led to him being somewhat absent in the circuit at times.

He's quite irritable right now. And the gloating look on Bison's face only feeds into his ire as he rolls again, propping himself up on all fours, facing his opponent with his head hung low. Brian has a tendency to not listen very well.

Snapping his head up, the former linebacker suddenly pops his legs up into a four-point stance. Long horns, like that of a Texas bull, seem to erupt from Brian's head like a ghostly afterimage. A ghastly white billow of steam shoots from his nose, lingering in the air like a jet of smoke. He stomps a hole into the ground with his back foot, giving him a better grip to explode out of stance towards the former heavyweight champion. Three times he makes a pass at Bison, dropping his shoulder and launching it, and his forearm, towards the boxer's gut as he charges through, attempting to take him off his feet and keep him significantly airborne.

If the Shadaloo agent does take air thanks to Battler Airways, the landing will be far rougher than the takeoff. For Brian would launch himself into a tight spiral, much like his pass earlier, landing his head right into Bison's backbone and grinding it there until landfall. With over 330 lbs of Texan landing on your lower spine, there's a great deal of potential injury that could occur. Even more trauma could occur after Brian gets to his feet and jumps on the back of your head.

The guy manning the bass pedal in the background seems to be trying to help things along, hitting the button with every strike and landfall.

COMBATSYS: Flora successfully hits Hotaru with Double Clutch.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Brian            0/-------/-------|=======\====---\1          M.Bison
[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Hotaru           1/----===/=======|=======\=====--\1            Flora

Flora's staff holds up well against Hotaru's drop kick, leaving the smaller martial artist to drop to the grass, recovering from the defended blow with a soft grunt. She doesn't intend to let it slow her down, already pushing up to standing, readying herself for a follow up strike when Flora makes her move. Not having even tried to gain distance, Hotaru finds herself hooked by the sweeping, reaching weapon. "Erk!" she squeaks, flung up off her feet.

An airborn flail does little to improve her circumstances as she finds herself slammed right back down against the ground, landing with a thump on her back and another gasp of breath escaping her lips. She rolls away from Flora quickly, not wanting to be left open to follow up strikes, coming up into a defensive crouch. She hesitates for only a second before glancing over her shoulder, taking a cursory glance at the exchange between Brian and Bison. For as tough as the ex football player/'R' enforcer may be, Bison seems to be giving him a pretty thorough punching. Reluctant to leave Flora on her own to cast arrows wherever she may feel like it, she decides that keeping her partner from eating another violent punch like that is a bit more important at the immediate moment.

Pushing herself from crouching to sprinting happens in an instant, the girl deciding to give Bison a hard enough hit to actually /slow/ someone like him down! It's an all or nothing attack as she draws an incredible amount of chi from the world around her, readied the instant she's closed distance, to dish out a crushingly powerful energy-imbued flip kick, "Ten-shou...!"

A successful hit might let her take Bison down, tackling him long enough to charge up a point blank chi detonation that she'll channel directly into his chest given the chance, before the girl backflips away to escape the aftermath of her most powerful technique!

Flora, after that blow... catches her breath.

She doesn't quite drop out of her combat stance - no long rests for her - but she does lower her guard slightly, letting Hotaru slip away without being stopped. Flora moves to reposition herself, edging around to get to a place where she might be able to lay a hand (foot, stick, arrow; she's not picky) on Brian without opening herself up unduely.

But mostly she wants her breath back.

COMBATSYS: Flora gains composure.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Brian            0/-------/-------|=======\====---\1          M.Bison
[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Hotaru           0/-------/-------|=======\===----\1            Flora

COMBATSYS: M.Bison blocks Brian's Big Bang Blitzkrieg.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Brian            0/-------/-------|=======\=====--\1          M.Bison
[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Hotaru           0/-------/-------|=======\===----\1            Flora

COMBATSYS: M.Bison interrupts Ten-shou Ranki from Hotaru with Gigaton Blow+.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////                         ]
Brian            0/-------/-------|===----\-------\0          M.Bison
[                            \\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Hotaru           1/-----==/=======|=======\===----\1            Flora

COMBATSYS: M.Bison can no longer fight.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Brian            0/-------/-------|=======\===----\1            Flora
[                            \\  <
Hotaru           1/-----==/=======|

Man, they -really- wanna bring him down. Fine. Bison's first got to deal with Brian. The man's got something painful lined up, for sure--he can see the look in Brian's eyes. The cold anger, the irritation. They're things that Bison knows well. Knows intimately. He and Brian are so much aliike... and here comes Brian, just as Bison expects him to.. invoking the image of a bull. Well, Bison's familiar with that. And his anger towards Brian is cooled off somewhat, with the damage he's already done. So those three passes, they're taken on the forearms and a tensed gut--but he doesn't go airborne. On the last pass, Bison pushes off with his feet, adjusting the impact ever so slightly, enough to let him get away from Brian.

Away from Brian, and right at Hotaru. Maybe his intent was to attack anyways--certainly, he's already got his fists up. Up, and extending... extending, as Bison puts, literally, his whole body behind a furious rushing punch, a natural extension of his famous dashing straight. A punch with the power of a freight train behind it, with the power of -five- freight trains behind that. A wall-smashing, body caving, you-are-already-dead kind of punch. A punch that is, ultimately, connected with Hotaru's back--because the power of her chi and that flipping kick have just smashed into his chin.

Even blunting the rest of the attack--probably knocking her 'hella far' as the kids say--that kick is still viciously powerful. Bison stumbles to a halt, as if firing off the Gigaton Blow drained him of his anger. And he looks back at the fighters on the field.

"Good luck 'gainst him, kid," he says, as he walks to the sidelines, squatting on a bench. He's done with the fight, clearly, his posture and attitude screaming it, as he upends a gigantic liter bottle of Gatorade into his mouth (and all over his shirt, the slovenly thug.)

Well, now. Down to two on one. Usually Brian's partners find themselves in this situation, as it is usually he who storms off the field in a cloud of mutter and grump. Instead, here he is, somewhat satisfied with the end result of his actions, even if he's disappointed he didn't get to cripple the boxer with the Blitz. But such is life. It just means he gets to put the hurt onto someone else, too.

Now that Bison has thrown in the towel, the Texan turns to the other man's partner, the one with the bow and the staff. Those... weapons. His dislike of weapon users well known, he begins to stalk towards Flora, cracking his knuckles deliberately as he makes his way close. There's no real strategy here, other than overpowering her via sheer size and mass, attempting to get under her skin and intimidate her into making a mistake of some kind which will make her hurt herself. Of course, if that won't happen, him swinging his fist down at her head like it was a sledgehammer and her spine was a stake might just work as well.

It seems like her bid to take Bison down might very well pay off, as her blue chi laced flip kick meets with the kind of friction that suggests a connecting blow. She just needs to guage it, complete her rising flip, and descend back on him while he's off guard to finish the technique...

She finds out otherwise the instant that punch connects, however. Getting struck by a speeding truck might be a comperable experience, as Hotaru goes from upside down to sailing across the field. It's the hardest single strike she's taken in a long while, the force of Bison's piston-like arm driving the featherweight into a straight shot through the air. The landing is uncontrolled - a rapid tumble across the grass before coming to a rest on her back. Arching as the pain of the impact registers at last, Hotaru gasps, eyes squinted shut.

Breathless, she rolls over to her knees, hands resting against her lower back. She's going to be feeling that punch for a long time. Eyes watering a little, she bites back the pain as best as possible as she squints across the distance. Whatever happened as a result of her attack against Bison, the boxer doesn't seem to be sticking with the fight any longer. It's time to take a shot against the lone opponent standing. Had better make it the best she can do, since she's not going to be moving around too much once the full magnitude of Bison's powerful blow sinks in.

Gritting her teeth, Hotaru pushes herself up into a sprint. She has a lot of ground to cover to get to Flora, but she's going to try all the same. Her gait slowed from what it had been earlier, she still has enough wherewithall to draw chi to her hands, leaving trails of thin blue energy in the wake of her movements. From a hop a few yards out, she springs at Flora, attempting to batter her defenses with a pair of chi-charged windmilling palm strikes. She'll try a second series after the first, given a chance, before attempting to bowl the much taller girl off her feet with a rising shoulder slam.

The cost for the effort is the aggrivation it causes her back, and by the time she lands, her feet give out, the girl crumpling to the grass with a yelp of sharp pain before lying still.

COMBATSYS: Hotaru can no longer fight.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Brian            0/-------/-------|=======\===----\1            Flora

COMBATSYS: Flora dodges Hotaru's Sou-shou Tenrenge.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Brian            0/-------/-------|=======\===----\1            Flora

COMBATSYS: Flora counters Medium Punch from Brian with Phantom Step.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Brian            0/-------/------=|====---\-------\0            Flora

It isn't often that Flora is shorter than someone, so having Brian coming at her remains intimidating - honestly, it would be even if she was taller, because he's much stronger than she is and outweighs her by about twice. And Hotaru is coming in now, too. It can't get much busier.

Flora grips her staff, whispers under her breath, and acts all at once. Moving so fast that she nearly blurs, Flora throws herself under the jumping Hotaru in a roll, scrambling up on the far side without losing much forward speed, and sidestepping Brian's last few feet of charge.

Flora puts her speed to use by delivering one blurred strike at Brian's back as he moves past her, to smack him around a little and shove him further on and off-balance. But that's all she has in her; she stands, afterwards, looking just as nervous as before.

A deep exhale of breath, more akin to a dark sigh than a grunt of pain, escapes Brian's lips as his blow meets nothing but air, and his back struck by the girl. He barely notices Hotaru slumping to the ground, instead turning like a robot back towards his opponent. It looks like it was a mistake to ignore this chick as long as he did. But those are the things one learns as fights go on. If he'd studied the film the SNF directors ever gave him, he'd understand what to be on the lookout for, but he hated strategy. Just punch things. Everything goes down under withering fire.

The scowl on his face rests there, his gaze dropping onto his smaller opponent as he squares his shoulders and sets his jaw. "Alright, then," he mutters, bringing his full height to bear and balling his fists. "Bring it."

COMBATSYS: Brian gains composure.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Brian            0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0            Flora

Good work, Flora thinks to herself, you've gotten him mad. /Now/ what?

She stands there, not actually stunned but unsure what her first action should be. This lasts only a second or two - still a long time in a fight, not too long as things go - before she comes to a conclusion, after glancing down and seeing the ball barely two steps away from her.

Flora takes those steps and kicks up the football as hard as she can in the general direction of the goalpost. Without actually waiting to see whether it went in - she only kicked it as a distraction - she keeps on moving toward Brian, delivering an almost identical kick at his shins.

COMBATSYS: Brian fails to interrupt Heavy Kick from Flora with Strong Kick.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Brian            0/-------/------=|====---\-------\0            Flora

And, like a human obelisk, he stands there.

He ignores the football. He doesn't care right now. Frankly, he doesn't even know if she kicked it the right direction or not... though it would amuse him if she scored a field goal for him. No, he's waiting to see what she does towards him. And when she moves closer, he raises his leg like a muai thai fighter, cocking it back before he gets hit in the shin by her kick. Now, he'd been expecting it, but what he hadn't accounted for was the condition of the field... Slick grass and mud allow the kick to actually make his foot slide slightly, enough to upset his balance and force the deep cleating of his foe to instead be used to keep him on his feet at all. His foot falls hard to the ground, crashing into a pool of mud and splashing the contents around. Another sigh. He's getting sick of all this. "Come on now," he spits, the scowl on his face unchanging. "I said bring it."

Flora gets even muddier than she was after her roll. Thanks, Brian.

Flora doesn't hesitate this time. Brian's taunting doesn't have anything to do with it - she just wants to finish, ideally to win (she doubts she can) but mostly to get it over with. She's at least less nervous than she was before; if he wants a fight, she can bring it.

Flora steps into her blow, striking from the side with the front end of her staff. She reverses it afterwards, striking with the b ack end - and then the front again. She keeps this up, a continual battering at Brian's defenses, high and low, in an attempt to keep him from getting away.

COMBATSYS: Brian blocks Flora's Spinning Staff.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Brian            0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0            Flora

This is better. Somewhat.

As the girl begins to lay into him, Brian seems to anticipate the incoming blows, turning his body into the strikes to lessen the impact of the staff against himself. An active defense, for sure, but an odd one, as he barely raises his hands to prevent damage to himself. Meaty.

The last of Flora's blows, however, seem to do something a little different. The strike to his knee seems to send the former linebacker into a spin. Sure, it did cause his leg to buckle slightly, but not to the degree of which he's actually twisting around, dropping him almost into a crouch before he launches upward, continuing to spin as he rises, then falls towards the girl in a spinning body splash. Nothing like having 335lbs of muscle come crashing down to earth on top of you, eh?

COMBATSYS: Brian successfully hits Flora with Screw Body Press.
Glancing Blow

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Brian            0/-------/----===|======-\-------\0            Flora

Nothing like it indeed. Flora was not looking forward to being crushed.

And she isn't, not entirely - she backs up, slips on the mud, and goes down too early, landing on her rear. When Brian crashes down to earth, he is pinning her legs (painfully, at that) but her upper body is free and clear. She makes a rather pained noise as Brian lands, a high-pitched squeak that doesn't really suit her.

It's too close to use her staff, so Flora doesn't. She pounds her hands against his back instead before trying to lever him off; she can't really lift that much weight but she can shove it, sending him rolling off her. Or that's the idea, anyway. She doesn't want to be stuck down under him.

COMBATSYS: Brian fails to interrupt Quick Throw from Flora with Samurai Bomb.

[                             \  < >  ///////////////               ]
Brian            0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0            Flora

COMBATSYS: Brian can no longer fight.

                                  >  ///////////////               ]
                                 |=======\-------\0            Flora

Once again, face down in the mud. Sure, he's got her legs pinned under him, but that's not much of a consolation prize, really. No, she can still move, and he finds himself in blackface a second time tonight. As she tries to pry him off of her, he reaches out and slams his hand down, pushing through the mud and trying to grab some part of her leg, which he can't exactly see because of the mud in his eyes. Instead, he tears loose a single cleat. It bears the signs of age, a victim of a muddy game many years ago.

Tossing the cleat behind him before being rolled off and into yet more mud and grass, Brian's expression has changed from a straight angry scowl to something more akin to deep frustration. Comically, the cleat descends and cracks the giant between the eyes as he lays there a second. "Fuck this noise," he mutters, sitting bolt upright and reclaiming his feet.

Looking over at the scoreboard, he notices that things are not tied at 0-0. No, that kick of Flora's actually managed to split the uprights, apparently. Shaking his head, Brian walks over towards the sidelines without another word, accosting a towel boy for a clean cloth as he makes his way back down towards the tunnel.

Stick a fork in it. It's over.

Flora stays down in the mud and dirt, very glad that this is the /one/ fight that she did not wear her skirts to. The uniform was a great idea. It's a sign of how punch-dizzy she is that that actually crosses her mind at a time like this.

Brian walks off. Flora eventually pushes herself up, with effort, and rests part of her weight on her staff (not the whole thing, that's just asking to break it). She's still not sure how that possibly worked... but it did. "Ow," she says, very quietly, before moving to check on the others. There's no point in being a bad winner.

Log created on 18:52:14 01/11/2009 by Hotaru, and last modified on 11:56:23 01/31/2009.