SNF 2005.04 - Guy vs Shenwoo

Description: What started off as a fun fight for both Shenwoo and Guy ended up in a disappointing run for the "God of Battle." (Winner: Guy)

   Looking as if a few blocks of Hong Kong had been lifted up and
transported across the Sea of Japan, Chinatown adds another bit of variety to
Southtown. Rivaling San Francisco's in size, the area has slowly developed
into a home for those who move to Japan from nearby Hong Kong. Best known as
a place to purchase goods otherwise unavailable, the area is a nest of both
Chinese culture as well as that of a few other ethnic groups. A variety of
bizarre and unique shops and restaurants are sure to interest almost any
resident of Southtown, even those who've lived here all their lives.

For all his tendency towards showboating, Shenwoo isn't the sort to make a
fashionably late entrance; instead, the brawler from Shanghai generally can't
keep a tight enough rein on his eagerness to fight to avoid being prompt...  If
not early.  The fact of the matter is that the tall blond man has been here
since the SNF crew first started setting up, putting up their barricades to keep
the spectators out but provide enough space for the fighters to do their thing,
setting up cameras and microphones and all the other various things they need to
bring Saturday Night Fight into everyone's living room.  He's leaning,
apparently at his ease, against one of the storefronts, idly rolling a trio of
spheres in his hand; the spheres make a faint, soothing sort of music as they
roll about, though the berserker barely hears it...  Not above the sound of the
blood pumping in his ears.  His look is nothing if not eager, dark eyes focused
sharply on nothing at all and a broad, toothy, almost feral grin on his face.
Oh yes...  Saturday is his favourite day of the week.  Now all he needs is his
opponent, and the real fun can start.

Some people, on the other hand, don't feel a particular need to get to where
they're going early.  Of course, it can still happen anyway.  Guy arrives
sometime later, yet still before the crew is finished setting up, simply walking
in in a less-than spectacular fashion, looking both ready and relaxed.  It's
just another fight, right?  Looking around, he spots Shenwoo, and proceeds to
study him from afar, walking over to stand right on the outside of one of the
barricades.  He's ready to do this until it's time for the fight to start.  It
pays to be prepared, and going for a confrontation right now would be
inconvenient at best.

Yes, it's just another fight.  For money, which really is the best kind...  Who
doesn't enjoy getting paid to do what they love?  Shenwoo is certainly a fan of
it.  With the designated time creeping all the closer, the self-styled 'God of
Battle' moves off of his resting spot to walk into the middle of the
cordoned-off fighting area, his dark eyes scanning around.  It should be plenty
of space, really...  High-flying acrobatics are not really a specialty of the
street brawler.  His opponent might be an unknown element, but that just makes
it all the more fun.  His grin broadens just a little at the thought, his left
hand still toying with the harmony balls.  "Heh...  I hope he isn't late," Shen
says, his other hand resting on his hip.  Winning by default would just...
Really piss him off.

The time is approaching, isn't it?  As it comes closer and closer to showtime,
Guy continues to observe Shenwoo.  Finally, he lightly hops into the fighting
area, standing up straight, tall, and proud as he walks toward Shenwoo.  Coming
to a stop a few feet in front of the other man, he crosses his arms with a face
as blank as he can get it, which is to say he's looking vaguely irate at nothing
in particular.  Not saying a word amid the hubbub involved in finishing things
up, he simply waits for an okay to begin the battle.

There we go, that's more like it.  Shenwoo's glad they haven't put him up
against another woman this week - not that he'd underestimate a female fighter,
around here, but he can't feel entirely comfortable with it - and so as soon as
Guy hops into the 'ring', such as it is, the tall man from Shanghai gives a
slight nod, sizing up his opponent.  His left hand clenches, meanwhile, the
three spheres crushed to fragments in his hand, which he lets spill onto the
pavement.  "Let's be sure to have fun with this," says he, as he casually
assumes his loose boxing stance, leading with his right hand, even as the
go-ahead to start the fight comes through.  Unusually for the tall man, he
doesn't immediately go on the offensive...  Instead, he watches Guy /very/
carefully, his dark eyes looking sharper than the rest of his eager expression
would suggest.

COMBATSYS: Shenwoo has started a fight here.

COMBATSYS: Shenwoo focuses on his next action.

COMBATSYS: Guy has joined the fight here.

With a quick nod, Guy shifts a bit, bringing one foot in front of the other,
standing near motionless except for his leading hand, which sways slightly with
each breath.  Ready for the fight, totally at ease...the practitioner of
Bushin-ryu plans to make this quite the show.  Clearing his mind of lesser
things and distractions, he's ready.  From his position of relative stillness,
Guy snaps into action, grabbing forward at Shenwoo's shoulders, bringing a knee
up simultaneously to gut-level.  Should he hit, the knee will come up
repeatedly, only at last for Guy to chuck Shenwoo over his shoulder.

COMBATSYS: Guy successfully hits Shenwoo with Tsukami Nage.
- Power hit! -

[........\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Shenwoo          0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0              Guy

Looks like Shenwoo got a little too caught up in what he was doing; he
miscalculates Guy's speed rather badly, and ends up grabbed and having a knee
slammed repeatedly into his rock-hard abs.  Though his body shakes with each
hit, not a sound escapes the man from Shanghai, not even when he's tossed over
Guy's shoulder; he lands, rolls and is back up to his feet reasonably quickly.
At this point, he makes noise; a quiet laugh as he rubs his gut, shaking his
head slightly.  "That's good," the tall man says, taking a single step forward
before all but vanishing, his blurring form hurtling towards Guy with his left
fist - with its weighty steel ring - extended; the velocity of his movement
causes his loose shirt and his hair to trail behind him, as he attempts to put
that fist right in ol' Guy's face.  Straightforward and uncomplicated; a pretty
good representation of Shen himself.  "SHYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"  

COMBATSYS: Guy blocks Shenwoo's Geki-Ken.

[    ....\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Shenwoo          0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0              Guy

Showing the first real emotion since he got here, Guy smirks to himself as he
feels his knee connect over and over.  After he throws Shenwoo away, though, he
swiftly manages to wipe it off his face, trying to keep his focus.  Taking a
wary step back from the attack he knows has to be coming, his foresight is well
rewarded.  Having just enough time to do something about Shenwoo's swift attack,
he turns to the side and takes it on his arm, holding it steady with the other.
It still hurts, but it could be much, much worse, he's sure.  Still, as long as
Shenwoo's in close, why waste the opportunity?  Quickly turning back so he's
facing Shenwoo full on, Guy kicks.  More accurately, he kicks with one foot,
planting it solidly if he can, then flips, regardless of initial contact,
bringing his other foot up toward Shenwoo's chin.
COMBATSYS: Guy successfully hits Shenwoo with Kamaitachi.

[    ..........\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Shenwoo          0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0              Guy

Okay, this is totally not going how Shenwoo was expecting...  But he can deal
with that.  The first kick hits the tall man solidly, and much as he tries to
pull himself back out of the way of the followup, he has little luck; instead,
Guy's other foot comes in contact with his chin, knocking his head back.  "Keh!"
Oh, hell no!  Immediately, he moves on an attack of his own, not even intending
to let Guy complete his flip; from that reared-back position he brings both his
hands down in a double axe-handle, hard, to as sensitive a part of Guy's anatomy
as he can manage.  His intent, of course, is to smash the other man into the
ground rather than give him time to land.  After all, where would the fun be in

COMBATSYS: Guy dodges Shenwoo's Kouryuu-Geki.

[         .....\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Shenwoo          0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0              Guy

Feeling his hits connect, Guy smirks again.  He can't help it: he's feeling
pleased and confident.  He's not about to start feeling less so, either, as it's
time for his famed ninja evasiveness to kick in.  Sure, he's upside down in
midair.  That doesn't matter.   Seeing Shenwoo's attack incoming, Guy reaches
down (his up) with his arms and pushes himself back, away from Shenwoo.  It's
not much distance, but it's enough to make it so that Shenwoo misses.  Now
upside down, with the momentum of his flip killed, Guy shoves himself backward
again, flipping in midair a sizeable distance away, before lightly coming to his
feet and charging right back.  Sprinting rather absurdly fast, he goes down into
a sliding sweep kick aimed at Shenwoo's legs, intent on bringing the bigger man

COMBATSYS: Guy successfully hits Shenwoo with Hayagake.

[         ...........\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Shenwoo          1/------=/=======|=====--\-------\0              Guy

As such, Shenwoo ends up deposited right on the ground.  He's starting to get a
bit irritated, too; but quickly enough he hops up onto his feet, chuckling
again.  "Damn, I never seem to have much luck in these things," he says, shaking
his head.  And immediately twisting around to bring one of his long legs to
bear, his heel aimed directly at Guy's face with a quick shout.  "HAA!"  He's
not one to depend too much on luck anyway, but it does seem like things work
against him these days...  Not that it's any reason for him to stop trying to
take the other man down.  

COMBATSYS: Shenwoo successfully hits Guy with Tenrenshou.

[             .......\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Shenwoo          1/----===/=======|=======\-------\1              Guy

In a motion similar to before, Guy brings an arm out to absorb the blow,
reinforcing it with his other hand.  One difficulty - the kick hit his face.
Ow.  It's a higher kick than he thought it was, and now he's paying the price.
The impact knocks Guy on his backside, although he does his best to roll with it
to his feet.  The smirk is gone, by the way, and he's looking at Shenwoo in all
seriousness once more.  Wiping his mouth with one hand (because that's what
people do in this situation after getting hit in the face, damn it!), he rushes
forward with a sliding punch, followed by several more.  Just when it seems as
though he's down, Guy swing a high roundhouse toward Shenwoo's face, hops back,
and then charges forward with a near horizantal flying kick.
COMBATSYS: Guy successfully hits Shenwoo with Bushin Gourai Kyaku.

[             ...............\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Shenwoo          1/-======/=======|-------\-------\0              Guy

This time, Shenwoo seems ready for it.  He stands his ground at Guy's advance,
his tall frame shaking with each punch, head knocked to one side by the
roundhouse, and finally getting hit by the flying kick which sends him skidding
backwards a few feet.  With each hit, his dark eyes fairly glitter with a
dangerous light, that seems to get all the brighter with every strike.  Finally,
he's left standing there, his body battered and weary, his shoulders shaking.
Is he out of the fight?  Is he done?  ...Not just yet.  He takes a step forward,
dust rising around his foot, and then another, before he practically leaps at
Guy, a roar of inarticulate fury escaping the berserker as a wave of 'ki'
spreads out from him, pushing back the spectators a single step with the sheer
force of his spirit.  But he starts off simply, aiming a straight jab at the
other man's face...  

COMBATSYS: Guy dodges Shenwoo's Bakuma Assault.

As Shenwoo's jab approaches his face, Guy is there one moment, and the
next...He's not.  Luckily for him, the ki that overwhelmed the onlookers didn't
have nearly as much effect on him, leaving him free to jump.  Having leaped
quickly into the air, he comes down some distance well behind the other man.  He
turns and looks at Shenwoo for a moment, glad that whatever was coming was
avoided, and then settles in.  He's waiting for Shenwoo to make the next move,
looking for a way to turn it to his advantage and end this fight.

COMBATSYS: Guy focuses on his next action.

[             ...............\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Shenwoo          0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0              Guy

"Heh," mutters Shenwoo, wobbling a little.  Well, he can't help but be impressed
with Guy's abilities...  And here he'd thought that Cammy chick was fast.  But
with the berseker's fury played out, does that mean there's no fight left in him
at all?  Not quite yet.  He staggers a bit, before running forward again, making
the next move indeed, both hands coming up at the bottom of Guy's jaw.  Sure, it
might work against him, but there's no point in standing around and waiting for
the other fighter to finish him off.  A fight's not done until you can't fight
any more.  

COMBATSYS: Guy fails to interrupt Fukuko-Geki from Shenwoo with Seoi Nage.

[                 ...........\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Shenwoo          0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0              Guy

Again, Guy takes a hit by not taking the appropriate action for the attack.
Moving forward to intercept Shenwoo, expecting another straight punch of some
sort, Guy brings his hands up to grab Shenwoo's arm.  That doesn't happen, and
instead he's sent backwards with another solid hit to his face.  His roll is a
bit looser this time as he comes back to his feet, but it's clear to him that he
needs to finish this, and fast.  ...Right after the pain in his chin goes down a

But Shenwoo's not planning on giving Guy the chance; he's got some momentum
going, now, and while it might be too little too late, he's going to ride it for
all it's worth.  Speaking of momentum, for a second time now he rockets forward
with his beringed left fist extended, face the very image of focus and, well...
Almost-mad glee, as he continues to attack the other man.
"RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAGH!"  He's not thinking too far ahead...  Not much
further than his fist meeting Guy's face, anyway.  

COMBATSYS: Shenwoo successfully hits Guy with Geki-Ken.

[                    ........\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Shenwoo          0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0              Guy

Once more, Guy takes one to the face.  He's not terribly happy about it at this
point, and as soon as he picks himself back up from a rough landing incurred by
said shot to the face, it shows.  Scowling, face bruised and bloodied, he looks
totally super-pissed.  Sprinting forward again, Guy's ready to keep things going
hard and fast.  Jumping upward with a shout once he gets close, he begins to
spin about with one leg extended, looking very much like another variation of a
hurricane kick, the difference being his carries him (and hopefully his
opponent) upward with multiple spinkicks, instead of horizantally.  But that's
all acedemic if it doesn't hit.

COMBATSYS: Guy successfully hits Shenwoo with Bushin Senpuu Kyaku.
- Power hit! -

[                    ..........  < >  /////////////                 ]
Shenwoo          0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0              Guy

For whatever reason, Shenwoo just can't seem to deal with Guy's attacks tonight;
the tall man is trapped in the shorter fighter's rising spin-kick, each strike
hitting that powerful body with a terrible impact, before he's finally tosses
away and left to tumble to the pavement.  He's out, or as good as...  The
victory is Guy's for sure.  But, coughing up a bit of blood from his split lip,
the man from Shanghai manages to get up as far as a crouch.  He could be a
sportsman, and just let Guy enjoy his victory, but Shen is entirely disappointed
with his showing this weekend.  Oh, it's not that he dislikes losing, not
exactly, but he definitely dislikes not being up to form, and there's only one
place to vent his frustration.  From that crouching position he launches himself
forward again, actually disappearing from sight for a few instants as he rushes
Guy, a shockwave of ki enveloping his left fist as he pushes it forward, his
shout of fury lagging behind him a second as he attempts to hit Guy with fist
and energy wave both, just so /both/ fighters know Shenwoo gave it his all.  He
would, after all, expect the same from the other man.

COMBATSYS: Shenwoo can no longer fight.

COMBATSYS: Guy dodges Shenwoo's Setsu Geki-Ken.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  <|
Guy              0/-------/-======|

There's no doubting that's a swift charge - indeed, very much so.  Fortunately
for Guy, in this case, he's swifter.  Ducking quickly to the side, he can still
feel the force of the shockwave pass over him, though where he's at it has
little effect.  Looking down at his defeated foe, his face bruised and once
again as impassive as he can get it, Guy turns and walks off.  Shenwoo's no
longer his concern.

With his attack missing, Shenwoo rides the last of the momentum and then drops
to his knees, resting on one hand as well.  With that attack expended, with the
last of the energy he had expended, so too goes the last of his fury...  At
that's left to him is to laugh, and laugh he does; he's laughing at himself, a
bit, and at the enjoyment of fighting a strong opponent, even as disappointed
with his own performance as he is.  But his dark eyes watch Guy's departure.
He'll remember Guy, that's for certain, and some day...  Some day he'll try this

Log created by Kobun, and last modified on 09:46:59 05/06/2005.