SNF 2005.04 - Yashiro vs Shingo

Description: Yashiro and Shingo have a fairly quick and painful fight which ends with both fighters unable to continue.

COMBATSYS: Shingo has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Shingo           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Yashiro has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Yashiro          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Shingo

Set in a clearing of the park mostly used for various field sports is this weekend's Saturday Night Fight featuring Shingo Yabuki and Yashiro. Shingo hasn't actually met his opponent before but has seen him here and there on the SNF listings. This isn't exactly a high-profile fight yet there is a nice crowd already forming to take in the events. Almost everyone watching either lacking the funds or didn't feel like paying to go see the main event in Howard Arena. Why pay to watch a fight when you can watch one here for free?

There isn't a ring to speak of. They're fighting on one half of a soccer/rugby/American football field. So the fight won't be cramped up but there isn't exactly a whole lot of places to take cover at. Which suits Shingo just fine. Squaring off with Yashiro after doing the wave thing to the crowd and his fans Shingo beams at the man with a thumbs-up, "Let's go." The referee looks between the two fighters and drops his hands to start, "FIGHT!"

Shingo wastes no time and ducks in at Yashiro to get under his guard with a smile on his face. His gloved hands clench tightly into fists and he kicks up into the air. Rising up he jabs an elbow out at Yashiro's neck and spins with his hands held upward out to the side, "Oriyaaaaa!" The uppercut-like move is executed in the hopes and knocking Yashiro up into the air and back away with some force.

COMBATSYS: Shingo successfully hits Yashiro with Oniyaki Mikansei.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Yashiro          0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0           Shingo

Stretching his arms while he waits for the referee to start the fight, Yashiro takes a few moments to inspect his opponent. He doesn't look overly threatening, but looks can of course be quite deceiving, especially when dealing with people who can throw around flames and energy blasts. Of course, this particular opponent may have some trouble with that, but that's still up to Yashiro to learn over the course of the fight.
As the call to fight is made, Yashiro settles down into a ready position, arms out in front of him as he watches Shingo charging in toward him, returning the younger fighter's grin. Seeing Shingo ducking down in an attempt to get around his guard, the Orochi assumes that he's going to have to deal with a body blow, and begins stepping to the side in an attempt to avoid it. He wasn't expecting Shingo's sudden upward surge however, and takes the elbow straight in the neck, followed by the impact of Shingo's fists, which launch him off his feet and send him sprawling out on the grass of the field.
He gets back up with a grunt, looking Shingo over again. That was more painful than he was expecting. "Pretty good, kid." He's not going to dwell on it for long, though; the fight's only just started! As soon as he finishes speaking Yashiro charges in toward Shingo, attempting to land a quick two punch combo to the other fighter's stomach, followed by vicious uppercut.

COMBATSYS: Shingo fails to counter Missile Might Bash from Yashiro with Tsuki Hiji.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Yashiro          0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0           Shingo

The downside of performing the Unfinished Demon Scorcher, besides the lack of speed, is that it often has the tendancy to leave Shingo vulnerable to attack. The motion having him remain in the air for a few seconds. And apparently those few seconds were all that Yashiro needed. Shingo recovers just in the nick of time to regain his balance and get pounced on by the power fighter. He most certainly gets an arm up to knock away the first of the three punches to open his opponente up for a kick. Unfortunately for him Yashiro's three-hit combo is faster than he is and the uppercut has Shingo staggering back. "You're not bad yourself, Mister Yashiro," Shingo nods back at the man.

Having his first blow deflected is unfortunate, but Yashiro is quickly reassured by the solid impact of his fists hitting less well protected parts of Shingo's body, knocking the other fighter back for a moment.
Yashiro grins as he continues to press on toward Shingo, not intending to give the teenager a chance to recover if he can help it. "Oh, I'm just gettin' warmed up!" He pulls his right arm back, swinging it around and up into the air, then lunges toward Shingo, attempting to slam him on the shoulder with a powerful blow intended to knock him all the way down to the ground. If he misses, there'll probably be a small crater in the dirt of the field.

COMBATSYS: Shingo endures Yashiro's Sledgehammer Punch.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Yashiro          0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0           Shingo

The punch coming right after he just saw fit to uppercut the boy from Yashiro is to be expected. Beyond the obvious of this being a fight. While Yashiro's intentions where to pound Shingo into the ground. It just doesn't happen. Well, it doesn't happen as he would've liked.

The Kusangi-ryuu disciple stares down his advancing foe and steadies himself quietly, "Stay cool, Shingo." You could almost hear the sound of his gloves tightening up from him making his fists even firmer. The punch comes in fast and hard on his shoulder. Shingo is still standing. The impact does sink him into the ground about half an inch. Smiling back at Yashiro he replies, "Same here!" He then yanks the older fighter forward by the jacket. Hopfully Yashiro gets taken by surprise and stumbles right into a devious backhand strike to his torso with the whole arm and Shingo leaning into it firmly.

COMBATSYS: Shingo successfully hits Yashiro with Hatsugane.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Yashiro          1/-----==/=======|=======\=------\1           Shingo

Yashiro is moderately surprised that Shingo manages to stay on his feet. Not that people haven't withstood the impact of an overhand swing from him before, but it's still not the most common result. The result of that is that he's leaning slightly toward Shingo, and is off balance enough that he's unable to recover before Shingo gets a hold of his clothing. Shingo's hand slams into Yashiro, causing him to lean over even further as the air is expelled from him in a grunt.
This does, however, still leave Yashiro in close quarters with Shingo, and punches aren't the only thing that the Orochi fighter can do. He lashes out with his right hand, attempting to close it around Shingo's throat. If he manages to get him, he lifts the teen up off the ground, then quickly spins around and slams him down head-first into the dirt.

COMBATSYS: Shingo counters Hatchet Throw from Yashiro with Tsuki Hiji.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Yashiro          1/---====/=======|=======\===----\1           Shingo

The right hand is met with a left forearm in the way. Sorry! The throat you are trying to reach isn't here at the moment. Please leave your name and number after the kick. The arm is meant to be there for Yashiro to grab. Cause reaching for a highschool student's throat just isn't cool. "GECCHU!" What about that kick? Here it is! Thrusting out at Yashiro's ribs. The boy's is not out to break or crack any of them. He's using it as a way to put space in between him and Yashiro to set up for his next attack. If it happens that a rib does break or crack. Oh well. That works out in his favour as well. After the kick Shingo starts to move around the place to avoid being grabbed again.

As soon as he finds himself holding onto Shingo's arm rather than his neck Yashiro starts trying to adjust his original plan, but he's interrupted by Shingo's foot slamming into his chest, sending him staggering back a few paces with a grunt. It doesn't faze him for long, but it does manage to create some space between the two fighters.
That space doesn't last for long, however. With a wordless shout Yashiro rushes back in toward Shingo, launching a blurringly fast series of blows to the teen's chest and stomach. There's easily a dozen punches thrown in the space of a few seconds, but it's hard to keep track of them all. After several moments of pummeling Yashiro slams his left fist into Shingo's stomach, arcing upward to knock the boy up into the air. He then immediately follows up by leaping into the air himself, using the momentum of his jump to add even more force to the uppercut which he throws at Shingo's jaw, attempting to send him flying up into the air.

COMBATSYS: Shingo blocks Yashiro's Million Bash Stream.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Yashiro          0/-------/----===|=======\=====--\1           Shingo

Several moments of pummeling sure is a long time to spend blocking all those fists that Yashiro lets loose on him. One or two of them getting past his defenses but all in all Shingo weathers the storm very well. From all the muscles that Yashiro is so keen on showing off he would've at least figured that there would be something more. Idly watching as the man leaps up into the air to chase after the boy that's not up there. "Hey Mister Yashiro! I'm down..."

Shingo dashes under the aerial musician and spins around to face his back for when he comes down. That is if he were going to wait for Yashiro to get out of the air. Instead he thinks he'll give some assistance. "! SHINGO KIIIIIICKU!" He makes a single step forward using it to lift into a butterfly twist of his body at Yashiro. A kick coming down in a sharp arc to the side of the man's body to slam him to the ground. Shingo is the Man. He just wants to keep you down. Coincidentally the side of Yashiro that is aimed for is the same side that got kicked earlier when he countered.

COMBATSYS: Shingo successfully hits Yashiro with Shingo Kick.
- Power hit! -

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Yashiro          0/-------/=======|=======\======-\1           Shingo

And as Yashiro launches himself into the uppercut, he suddenly notices that Shingo is no longer there. That's a very bad thing, especially since he can't really look for him until he lands again. It seems that Shingo isn't going to allow him that chance, however.
Seemingly out of nowhere, Shingo's foot slams into the side of Yashiro's body. The kick that he'd taken previously didn't really hurt all that much, but having another blow land on the same spot is hardly pleasant, especially one with this kind of force behind it.
The up side to this is that Yashiro now knows where Shingo is again. As he's driven into the ground by Shingo's foot he's already reaching out with both arms in an attempt to grab the teenager by the leg. If he manages to grab the limb his next action is to surge back to his feet, dragging Shingo up into the air, then turning around and slamming Shingo face-first into the ground, taking full advantage of the leverage he's now got.

COMBATSYS: Shingo endures Yashiro's Hatchet Throw.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  ///////                       ]
Yashiro          1/------=/=======|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2           Shingo

If Yashiro wants to grab Shingo then all he's got to do is ask. The boy would be more than happy to stand there and take it like a man. Something that he seems to do when Yashiro grabs his leg. There's no fight or struggle when he's grappled and incidentally smacked against the ground for some lovely tasty grass. Mmm, grass. Full of fiber. Now that's good eating. Takes away from the pain of being tossed like that.

"Burning..." The crowd is amazed at how fast Yabuki gets up. And they have a better vantage point from being the third-party observer. So imagine how it must look to Yashiro when his opponent is suddenly off the ground and on him with a frenzy of punches. "SHINGOOOOOOO!" Psuedo-Kyo explodes off the ground and lunges in with a hook punch off of a reverse pivot. A fist then comes in low at Yashiro's gut that angles up slightly. Next follows a series of downward punches with the other hand that finishes off with the slamming backfist that Yashiro felt earlier when Shingo grabbed his red jacket. The last hit should effectively end this fight by sending the guitarist flying through the air with the greatest of ease.

COMBATSYS: Shingo successfully hits Yashiro with Burning Shingo.
- Power hit! -

[                                < >  ///////                       ]
Yashiro          1/-======/=======|====---\-------\0           Shingo

Yashiro is already slowed down by the kicks to his ribs, and as the first punch slams into him it becomes clear that there's not much the Orochi fighter can do to stop Shingo. The blows are flying too quickly and too accurately for him to bring up any sort of defense, so after the first few he doesn't even try.
Instead he starts drawing energy into himself, the dirt under his feet starting to ripple and bulge as Shingo's fists continue to slam into him. Shingo's final blow impacts solidly, and it feels like something, probably a rib, snaps under the force of the blow, but Yashiro fails to go flying off of his feet. And now that Shingo's not caught up in such a violent flurry of activity it may become apparent that the ground beneath his feet is actually trembling as a growl builds up in Yashiro's throat. There isn't much time to think about this however, as Yashiro's fist suddenly flies toward Shingo with enough force to send the boy flying across the field if he's caught unprepared.
Sadly for Yashiro, the blow isn't quite as accurate as he'd like. This is due to the fact that he begins to lose consciousness even before he's finished following through with the move. Whether or not he manages to hit Shingo, he follows it up by falling to his knees, then slumping down to the ground as the combined effect of Shingo's attacks and attempting to channel that much energy while wounded take their toll on him. He'll probably regain consciousness before long, but it's quite clear that he's out of the fight.

COMBATSYS: Yashiro can no longer fight.

[                       \\\\\\\  <
Shingo           0/-------/--=====|

COMBATSYS: Yashiro successfully hits Shingo with Final Impact.

[                                <
Shingo           1/-----==/=======|

Well Shingo certainly is having too much fun wailing on Yashiro with his fists to clearly notice the glow of energy gathering up under the man. Not saying that he was smiling and laughing maniacally the whole time while beating him up. Just that a good fight is always enjoyable. No matter who it is. Until they start with the attempted murder. Anyways Shingo is introducing Yashiro's face to his fist and abruptly gets an introduction of his own when a return punch connects with him right in the chest.

He would go flying across the field if he wasn't a tough kid. And goes sliding back several meters ploughing the ground with his feet and eventually his hands as his body drops to the ground. "Ow." He's not going to pass out. But he figures he might as well take a quick rest before the medics come to check him out. Or the ref ends the fight. Whichever comes first.

COMBATSYS: Shingo takes no action.

COMBATSYS: Shingo can no longer fight.

The referee gives the ruling of a double KO regarding this match and gives the cue for the medical people on the side to go ahead and check out the fighters. On hearing the end of the fight Shingo sits up cross-legged and lets himself get checked out after nodding to Yashiro's body, "Good fight, Mister Yashiro!" Although Shingo is gonna go get himself drunk later on for failing Kusanagi-san and Kusanagi-ryuu kobojutsu. Oh wait. He's not old enough to drink. Sucks to be him.

Log created by Yashiro, and last modified on 16:39:35 04/29/2005.