SNF 2017.05

SNF -- SYFI Event: Mimi vs. Natsu - As part of the GRAND OPENING BATTLE FEST to kick off the Southtown Youth Fighters' Initiative, Gorin High's star volleyball player, Natsu Ayuhara, has been matched up against a relative newcomer, the Seijyun student practicing her family's ancient kenjutsu style, Sumire Wakatsuki. It may end up being a learning experience for both! - created on 21:29:40 05/06/2017 by Mimi and last modified on 14:19:37 05/08/2017. Cast: Natsu and Mimi.

SYFI Battle Fest! REI HAZUKI vs RYU - After many of the SYFI exhibition matches have taken place, SYFI coordinator Rei Hazuki takes the mic to announce a special treat for the assembled masses: the itinerant World Warrior: Ryu! The press is likely eager to press the laconic Ansatsuken star for comment on his whereabouts for the past few months, but they might have better luck speaking to the fiery-haired Hazuki instead...! - created on 12:54:40 05/07/2017 by Ryu and last modified on 14:14:54 05/11/2017. Cast: Frei and Ryu.

Exotica Sands! Rust vs. Miguel - LOCATION: Moonlight Reef - TIME: Twilight - As it wasn't totally connected to Zack island, Moonlight Reef is still mostly intact. The hotels are worn down and in disrepair though -- something that PFW only found out after the fact. To provide safe and mold-free living conditions, they have provided all present with really nifty tents that hold out at least 55% of the ocean breeze. Here, RUST and MIGUEL will duke it out in what's left of the volleyball court, lit only by the pale moonlight -- for drama purposes, and certainly not because PFW was already using their lighting rigs elsewhere. NOTE: Contractual obligation to wear swimsuits for this fight (Winner: *shrug*) - created on 21:15:56 05/20/2017 by Rust and last modified on 19:16:32 05/23/2017. Cast: Rust and Miguel.

Exotica Sands! MUNIN vs JEZEBEL - Ah, tropical paradise! If you're sick of the cold, the rim of a semi-active volcano ought to be the right place to be! Feast your eyes on the glowing, red-hot trickles of lava bubbling out of the ground. Try not to breathe too much of the sulfurous plumes of smoke! You'll probably be able to find a patch of ground that isn't too hot to stand on -- it'd be fine to fight there if you want. <Winner: Munin> - created on 11:50:28 05/22/2017 by Jezebel and last modified on 11:34:43 05/24/2017. Cast: Munin and Jezebel.

SNF: ISLAND FIGHTS 'Hitomi v Rainbow Mika' - HITOMI would probably remember this SNF's pool from the last time she fought here on Zack Island. She should also remember the "butt battle" rules -- that is, both fighters will be positioned on floating platforms only about two feet square, and the "safest" way to attack your opponent is via derriere. Luckily, her opponent RAINBOW MIKA is also versed in the arts of Keijo!!!!!!!!* (* all exclamation points are contractually necessary) - created on 18:26:40 05/22/2017 by Hitomi and last modified on 23:53:54 09/11/2017. Cast: Rainbow Mika and Hitomi.

SNF: Decadent Battle - From one hellish island to the next... ROSE may have been hoping for a pleasant vacation here, maybe watch a bit of opera, soak in the luxurious baths. And truth be told, she'll probably get to take part in this at some point. But she'll ALSO be expected to take on two competitors on the grand stage of the cargo-ship-turned-cruise-liner. Gilded chandeliers, a grand piano, an orchestra pit... and a two-on-one battle?! While opponents in a prior battle, ALEXIS and MAI will be teaming up in an attempt to takedown the Genoan for the amusement of several dozens of paying customers! Cue the dramatic music! Send out the champagne! - created on 20:46:31 05/23/2017 by Alexis and last modified on 14:46:11 05/30/2017. Cast: Rose, Alexis, and Mai.

SNF: The Meowseidon Adventure - Mr. Burr fights Felicia and Yuri aboard the SS Opulance, where Felicia has been 'recruited' to help staff as entertainment! - created on 13:48:18 05/24/2017 by Felicia and last modified on 22:42:42 05/25/2017. Cast: Mr.Burr, Felicia, and Yuri.

7 logs.