SNF 2017.04 - SNF - DYE! DYE! DYE!
[Toggle Names]Description: Sakura Kasugano and Munin Arshe are participating in an egg-dyeing contest at the Electric Fountain... but it's a little more involved than just dippin' some shells.
The (in)famous electric fountain. Munin has never seen it in person, but she can understand it's rep now. It IS beautiful, over the top, and when you think about it a grand display of senseless wealthy ostentation.
With a snicker, she shakes her head and begins planning her moves as she is able. Currently, she's dressed in black tights, both top and bottom, with a pair of bunny-ears on her head, and none the comfy for it. Taking position, she also makes note of her egg supply. There are SO many bad jokes she could make about this whole thing..... and for once, she just might once things are under way. Cause hey.....
A well-timed smart remark worked in Monkey Island!
No one can ever accuse Sakura Kasugano of not going all out, whatever she does. It's kind of her trademark--when she does something, when she gets interested, she acquires a sort of laser focus on the target. In the past that included various manga, games, learning English... but for the past several years, it's been martial arts. Specifically the arts of Ansatsuken, the martial art popularized by Ryu and Ken Masters. Many of her friends thought, 'it's a phase, she'll get bored of it', as she had with several other hobbies, burning bright and burning fast. But years on... and she's still into it.
And so when she can turn out for an SNF--when she isn't piled under homework that she put off until the last minute, or getting tickets to see a series of fight nights, or whatever else she's doing, as a busy, popular teenager... she goes all out. The Electric Fountain lives up to the name and the hype, and Sakura takes a moment to take it all in. If she's self-conscious at all, it isn't evident, even though she's wearing what can only be considered -the- classical 'bunny-girl' outfit--a bunny-ear headband, the collar choker with a red satin bow, the strapless, sleeveless red satin leotard with the scoop back, the wrist cuffs that match the choker... the fishnet stockings. But it isn't all classic.
After all... she is still wearing her padded, fingerless fighting gloves, and instead of rounded-toe pumps, she is still wearing her red Converse. It's a look that's very... her. At the moment she's getting her eggs and an explanation from one of the officials, but she isn't really listening too hard. Something about dyeing the eggs and not letting her opponent dye her eggs... righto. Okay.
She nods and smiles and nods, then walks to where she's been directed, where the dye streams are already starting up.
Munin gives Sakura a salute while waiting for the bell to ring, also phasing out most of the instruction other than 'color eggs, stop enemys eggs' "Been a long time since the fight at the arcade. Hope you can still put up as much of a fight now as you did then!". With that black misty chi begins to drift off her body as she prepares for the battle to commence.
Were Sakura a betting girl, she might bet that none of these eggs are gonna get dyed. She gives Munin a smile and hmmms. "Well.... I guess we'll have to see!" She stretches, lacing her fingers together and flexing them outwards as she extends her arms up and forward, then settles into her stance... after taking a moment to figure out how to store her eggs as to be out of the way of most problems.
In heeled pumps, even low ones, she'd probably have a few problems maintaining her balance, but at least, in her Cons, she's all good there, pulling her gloves just a tiniest bit tighter, then raising her hands and smacking her fists together and nodding. "Let's go!" she says, with a grin, raising her hands up and gesturing to Munin.
COMBATSYS: Sakura has started a fight here.
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Sakura 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Munin has joined the fight here.
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Sakura 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Munin
Those glowing violet eyes of hers pulse brighter a moment as Munin gives a feral grin of her own in response. With a pair of eggs in one hand, she makes a break for the streams of colored water, leaping into the air while letting the hand with the eggs hit the water, coloring the eggs in the process!
Sakura is surprised for a moment that Munin actually seems to be going through with it, but shrugs to herself and smiles. She takes a couple eggs in her left hand and runs forward as well, feet pounding the floor for a moment before she crouches down and leaps as well, tucking her body into a tight ball.
She aims to get slightly above Munin, to let gravity help just a touch as she kicks outwards, aiming the sole of her right foot for Munin's upper chest.
COMBATSYS: Munin blocks Sakura's Medium Kick.
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Sakura 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Munin
The arm with the eggless hand comes up quite sharpish, stopping the kick in it's tracks with a dull thump "Not gonna be THAT easy!". As gravity begins to set in, that same arm and hand are used to throw a burst of shadowy chi at Sakura point-blank! Should she land safely, Munin proceeds to circle around, dousing the 2 eggs in her other hand in more colors. After all, just one is too simple to be any fun!
COMBATSYS: Sakura dodges Munin's Shadow Wave.
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Sakura 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Munin
Sakura pushes off with her foot--she didn't hit Munin but she made solid contact, enough for her to use some stored kinetic energy to alter her trajectory. She did it with the intent of passing her eggs through a red wash, but it has an added bonus--she is going off at a different angle just as Munin hurls the wave of shadowy power, vacating that space none too soon. Flipping around as she lands, she passes her eggs into her basket and gets out two more, swiping these two through a yellow bath, and keeping them in hand as she lunges forward, closing the gap, then stopping on her left foot, using all the momentum to crank her right foot up and around, throwing an overhead, downward-slicing roundhouse kick.
COMBATSYS: Sakura successfully hits Munin with Flower Kick.
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Sakura 0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0 Munin
In her haste, Munin misses the kick incoming, and it solidly connects with the side of her face, snapping her head sideways abruptly!
One of her eggs consequently slips from her hand, and SPLATS to the ground!
Not being daunted, Munin continues on her course, dropping off the still-remaining egg and grabbing another. Best to stick to one she thinks, to lessen the chance of damage or slipping. Concerted note of Sakura is taken, her speed, her movements, her patterns. Hopefully this will make things go more smoothly in the next exchange!
COMBATSYS: Munin focuses on her next action.
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Sakura 0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0 Munin
Sakura takes just a moment to drop the two yellow eggs into her basket and take out the last two. There's a fountain of grass-green dye just a bit past Munin... if she can get to that one... Sakura backs up a bit and also moves just a couple steps to her left, then starts in a fast dash, making only two long steps before she pushes off and flies in a low arc towards Munin.
Kicking her feet out to either side, she looks to -slam- her hands into the top of Munin's head, and to use the momentum gained from that to pass over both her and the fountain, letting her swipe the eggs through that before she lands.
COMBATSYS: Munin counters Sakura Otoshi from Sakura with Terminal Response.
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Sakura 0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0 Munin
An impressive arial attack, but Munin has Sakuras number on this one!
She adjusts her momentum sharply, moving beneath Sakura as the gal comes in, but leaves a chi-illusion of herself still where she had been, all completely seemlessly!
As Sakuras attack hits the illusion (which abruptly vanishes in a puff of smoke), Munin 'stabs' upwards towards her opponent with a lance of violet chi emitted from her palm, aiming for one of the nerves under the arm!
Continuing on with her new trajectory, Munin hits the blue color, dousing her egg with the hue!
Sakura grunts when she's lanced with the violet chi, which throws off her landing; she drops one of her eggs, which falls and cracks against the flooring, as she stumbles upon landing. The lingering pain makes her frown and touch her chest for a moment, but it isn't anything she can't work past; she's seen techniques like that plenty of times now.
And, at least she got one egg dyed. Pushing on, she dashes forward, seeking to close the distance, throwing herself into a headlong hurtle that looks almost off-balance--until she gathers her legs underneath her and thrusts them down, stopping herself with a skid and throwing all that momentum into a headlong punch. With her right hand, the one not holding an egg.
COMBATSYS: Munin dodges Sakura's Aggressive Strike.
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Sakura 0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0 Munin
Having only just given her egg the blues, Munin is almost taken off-guard by Sakuras sudden attack! She turns around juuuuuust in time to see it coming, and slips sideways, the punch missing her face by only an inch or two!
Using the momentum of the sidestep to fuel the attack, Munin spins past Sakura, another lance of chi forming from her hand with which she takes a swing at Sakura as she spins past, to continue on upon landing!
COMBATSYS: Sakura blocks Munin's Spin Slash.
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Sakura 0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0 Munin
Despite the headlong rush of her punch, Sakura isn't unbalanced enough to make things easy for Munin. Instinctively, she crosses her arms and tenses as she turns to follow Munin's path, the slash of energy impacting against tightened defenses both physical and otherwise; Munin is attempting to get past her, but Sakura isn't about to let that happen so easily, as she demonstrates more of that explosive movement by lunging forward, aiming to snag Munin around the neck and basically bulldog her to the floor... face-first.
COMBATSYS: Sakura successfully hits Munin with Quick Throw.
- Power hit! -
- Power hit! -
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Sakura 0/-------/---====|=======\-------\0 Munin
Once more, Kasugano has the upper hand. Munin is too focused on her manuevering with her landing on the wet ground, and with a "GURK!" shes hooked with arm and thrown down, her egg splattering ot the ground!
After a beat she pushes herself back up with an angry growl, throwing a general punch with plenty of force behind it at Sakura before attempting to take off to get another egg!
COMBATSYS: Sakura dodges Munin's Fierce Punch.
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Sakura 0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0 Munin
Immediately after landing Sakura rolls away and springs to her feet. She knows that if she got her face planted into the flooring like that she'd be looking for some payback and so she doesn't expect any less from Munin. The angry growl just tips her off that the faceplant wasn't appreciated, not that Saku expected it to be.
However, anger, while powerful, isn't always well-directed and Sakura does manage to see the punch coming, staying a couple of beats ahead of it--and good thing, too, because that would definitely have hurt if it landed. She's getting more into the fight now--well, into the egg part of it--so she skips in front of Munin to stop her from getting too far, faking a low kick with her left foot, just a flicker of movement before she steps in with a classic right hook.
COMBATSYS: Munin blocks Sakura's Medium Punch.
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Sakura 0/-------/---====|=======\-------\1 Munin
Munin doesn't seem to be taking it as lightly now, though she too is just gettin 'into' things and finding her tempo of sorts. She reads the feint, and stops the hook with a basic arm block, and in one smooth motion spins, leans down, grabs an egg, and comes back up with an attempted grab! If able, she'll grab Sakura, lift, and slam her down on the pavement! Nice and simple!
COMBATSYS: Sakura blocks Munin's Power Throw.
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Sakura 0/-------/-<<<<<<|=======\-------\1 Munin
Sakura is out of position to attempt to avoid, so she doesn't resist when Munin grabs her--just prepares herself. In fact she helps Munin lift her, pushing off with her feet, tucking her legs up--imparting a touch of roll to the slam so that she can use it to both absorb some of the impact and allow her to spring back to her feet.
As she's rising, she's winding up--one-handed, due to her left hand being occupied--and a small burst of her white chi flares into her right hand, maybe about the size of a softball or just a bit bigger, that she hurls forward almost point-blank at Munin. It probably won't be much of an impact--maybe just enough to make Munin stumble.
COMBATSYS: Sakura successfully hits Munin with Small Hadouken.
- Power hit! -
- Power hit! -
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Sakura 0/-------/<<<<<<<|=======\===----\1 Munin
One of the jets of water fires into the air between the fighters, masking Sakura from view! Unforutnatley for Munin, it masks the attack well, and she doesn't see it coming until the last minute! The ball of chi hits her cleanly in the face, and she is knocked backwards, dazed a bit!
Her grip loosens, and the egg therein falls to the ground with a dull PLOP, smashing cleanly!
In a half-daze, Munin charges in semi-blindly, throwing a combination of powerful punches and kicks in the hopes that maybe one will connect, at least until her vision clears!
At worst it'll hopefully keep her opponent busy!
COMBATSYS: Sakura parries Munin's Fierce Combo!
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Sakura 1/-------/<<<<<<<|=======\====---\1 Munin
The distance created by Munin's eating the chiball to the face makes defending against the punches and kicks... actually relatively easy, although Sakura never lets her guard down. She slips, deflects, avoids, and on the last attack, actively parries it, striking a open-handed blow to shift Munin off-balance... and then she lunges forward, not to close distance but to put power from movement into her counterattack.
She starts with a quick right uppercut, a blow meant to stun, and immediately follows up with another uppercut--stronger and deeper, necessitating a semi-crouch to start it and taking Sakura off her feet and twisting her completely around at the peak of the attack.
Because she's so into it she even shouts "SHOU'OU KEN!" to declare the name of the attack.
COMBATSYS: Munin endures Sakura's EX Shou'ou Ken EX.
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Sakura 1/------</<<<<<<<|=======\=======\1 Munin
In her unsteady state, Munin ends up stepping on her egg supply. Sadly, only one survives!
However, in her dazed state, she knows she cannot properly defend, and so does the only thing that comes to mind: let the attack come in, and respond in the window of recovery!
Her jaw audibly crunches as the uppercut connects cleanly, her head jolting backwards from the impact.
Munins recovery, however, is almost instant. It's the window she was waiting for!
An illusion of herself seemlessly runs forwards in a clear charge attack, masking the REAL Munins movements just behind it! Hopefully it'll take Sakura off guard for a solid punch to the face to stun, followed by a lance of chi from the other hand being jabbed towards Sakuras midsection!
COMBATSYS: Munin blitzes into action and acts again!
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Sakura 1/------</<<<<<<<|=======\=======\1 Munin
COMBATSYS: Sakura blocks Munin's Mirror Image.
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Sakura 1/-----<</<<<<<<<|=======\=======\1 Munin
COMBATSYS: Munin successfully hits Sakura with Shadow Spike.
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Sakura 1/---<<<</<<<<<<<|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Munin
Sakura is not exactly taken completely off-guard--she manages to stop the incoming punch--but stopping that leaves her open for the thrust attack and that makes her stagger back, losing another egg as her hands spasm involuntarily--she actually just crushes the egg in her hand outright. No time to worry about it, or moan about how she'll have to wash that glove extra-careful... Munin's in her face and it's highly doubtful she's going to stop.
That pain she felt before is amplified now, breathing actually hurts--but she can't -stop- breathing, that's kind of out of the question. She fades back a step, almost punching herself in the gut where Munin 'stabbed' her, to bring forth a sharper spike of pain that helps her clear her mind, and then she's winding up--and taking off, at least for a moment, as she throws herself into a whirling, scything spinkick, her own version of the much-famed Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku.
COMBATSYS: Munin counters Shunpuu Kyaku EX from Sakura with Shadow Strike.
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Sakura 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|>>>>>>>\-------\1 Munin
Seems Munin has Sakura rushing a bit too much..... not only that, but the classic 'hurricane kick' is well known to Sakuras opponent. It has a very clear weakness that can easily be exploited if fast enough....
Luckily for Munin, this time she IS fast enough!
Leaping into the air with the kick, she aims the trajectory juuuust above Sakura, and as she passes over the girls head, she slashes at the spinning girls shoulders with another chi-lance with a hard swing using the velocity of the leap to add to the impact!
Sakura wasn't really looking to go all out, per se. Fights like these are supposed to be fun little matches. But when Munin lays a beating on her like that... well..
She's morally required to respond in kind. It isn't a matter of vengeance or retaliation--it's a recognition of power and the matching of strengths. Sakura lands hard but bounces up immediately--she won't even register the pain for another 15 seconds or so, because she's just that keyed up--and lunges forward a step, a long step, before planting a foot, and transferring all that motion into power, throwing herself into a spin, a low version of the attack she just used--only spinning much more rapidly and with slashes of wind flaring around her kicking leg.
Her spin continues four times before she completes the attack with a last spin, kicking outwards in a reverse heel kick aimed for Munin's chest.
COMBATSYS: Munin dodges Sakura's Haru Ichiban.
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Sakura 0/-------/-----<<|>>>>>>>\-------\1 Munin
Again, Munin is attentive enough despite the wet ground and creeping exhaustion to see the move, recall what it entails from her research, and employ it's counterattack!
She leaps into the air, keeping herself reletively flat in the air as the attack flies past beneath, casting a much bigger shadow on the ground....
Her eyes glow brightly, and suddenly, spikes of shadow erupt from the ground beneath Sakura, spearing at her from multiple angles though none would cause a lethal injury if they hit where aimed. It may be for fun, but after the events on the island Munin has learned to always use everything you can!
Hit or miss, she lands in a roll, and comes up to her feet, expecting a potential response from Sakura.....
COMBATSYS: Munin successfully hits Sakura with Iron Maiden.
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Sakura 0/-------/---<<<<|-------\-------\0 Munin
Sakura is speared by the spikes of energy, simply too tired and injured to really avoid any of them. She already close to the edge; the spikes just kind of push her over it, as she stands there, her knees buckling, her basket dropping from her hand to splatter eggs all over the floor. Still...
Still, she too was taught to use everything, to never leave anything behind, and so she summons up enough will for a final attempt, her chi flaring to life once more, cradled in her gloved hands, concentrated to the size of a beach ball, crackling and spitting as she thrusts it forward, then sinks to a knee.
COMBATSYS: Sakura has reached second wind!
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Sakura 0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0 Munin
COMBATSYS: Munin dodges Sakura's Medium Hadouken.
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Sakura 0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0 Munin
It's a good thing Munin waited to see what was coming! When Sakura throws the clutch fireball, she again barely manages the sidestep, the hairs on her skin prickling from the energy as it passes, it's so close.
Feeling as tired as Sakura looks, Munin moves in again.... she goes for a very simple attack: kicking Sakura in the chin like a football player kicking a football!
COMBATSYS: Sakura interrupts Medium Kick from Munin with Shou'ou Ken EX.
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Munin 0/-------/-----==|
COMBATSYS: Sakura can no longer fight.
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Munin 0/-------/-----==|
Sakura pushes back up to her feet, but she knows it's not going to be much longer. She whirls, taking the kick to the shoulder--and that lets her throw another uppercut right to Munin's chin. But everything else just overwhelms her and she drops to her knees again, not unconscious, but definitely no longer in the fight.
The last-ditch hit connects cleanly with Munins chin, and her head snaps back! She is dazed a moment, but manages to fight off the blackness after a moment.
From what she can tell, Sakura is out of the fight at least for the moment. Munins last egg is in her hand, and she remembers that the battle isn't entirely about the combat!
Walking over to Sakuras remaining egg stash, she lifts the basket up, and turns it upside down, letting them splatter onto the ground. Turning around, she passes her own remaining egg through the purple water spout as she passes it, moving to offer Sakura a hand up with a small smile "Looks like we're one and one now". She then offers Sakura the egg! Somehow it just feels right in her mind.
COMBATSYS: Munin takes no action.
[ \\\\\ <
Munin 0/-------/-----==|
COMBATSYS: Munin has ended the fight here.
Log created on 21:30:04 04/12/2017 by Sakura, and last modified on 20:55:52 04/26/2017.