Wild Ambition

Wild Ambition: Battle In Glorious Nippon - When it comes to defense of his property, Kain doesn't cut corners. Even a warehouse that doesn't have any special importance is going to get some decent defenders when it's threatened. And there's plenty of threats to Kain's property in the Southtown harbor of late. But Mad Gear's Katana does not back down from a challenege! Possibly because he's not very good at calculating odds. A stubborn refusal to give up serves him well, though, despite charging into battle outnumbered, and refusing all help from his allies. - created on 20:53:45 06/24/2013 by Kain and last modified on 19:08:37 06/26/2013. Cast: Katana.

Wild Ambition: Harboring Ill Will - The Southtown Siege has begun! Layla Burnier, 2nd in command of the Southtown Siege, and a gaggle of thugs face off against two sudden interlopers: Julia Chang and the legendary Wolf Terry Bogard! Can these two help up clean up the streets of Southtown, or will they get a beatdown of the century?! - created on 19:36:14 06/28/2013 by Layla and last modified on 18:36:18 06/29/2013. Cast: Terry, Julia, and Layla.

Wild Ambition: Logistics Prognostics - On orders from the Duke, Aranha hits the Southtown Harbor to take hold of some of Kain R. Heinlein's warehouses for the Good Cause. Unfortunately for Aranha, Shadaloo had the exact same ideas and now not only does he have warehouse security to deal with... he also has a date with a Doll... - created on 21:11:45 06/30/2013 by Jianyu and last modified on 15:32:19 07/01/2013. Cast: Aranha and Jianyu.

Wild Ambition: Harboring Ill Will - The Dancing Spider ends up getting assigned hired muscle duty. Being up the thugs is easy at first but then a couple of brawlers thinking that gang warfare woould make for some fun fights ends up complicating things a bit for Aranha. - created on 21:35:52 07/03/2013 by Aranha and last modified on 22:44:23 07/07/2013. Cast: Shenwoo, Aranha, and Miguel.

Wild Ambition: Of Duke, Worms, and Embargo. - Duke sends Nagase to deal with a secretive shipment by Kain that the Syndicate has discovered, but some unexpected occurances throw a wrench in her plans; or several. Boat chases, explosions, and action abounds, will the young kunoichi stop the shipment from being a success...? Or will she fail, and pay a heavy toll in the doing...? - created on 18:56:50 07/07/2013 by Nagase and last modified on 02:46:26 07/08/2013. Cast: Nagase and Kain.

Docked, Stocked, And Two Smoking Barrels - Rumor has it that the harbor is ruled by one of Kain's toughest gangsters. Rile him up enough, and you might be able to lure him out. If the Syndicate can defeat this gang boss, they will almost certainly take control of the harbor. Only when the other missions are completed, will this mission be unlocked! Syndicate faction! Don't be afraid to recruit non-Syndicate people to help take this guy (or girl) down! Kain faction! If you think your boss is scary, wait until those syndicate lowlifes have to deal with a boss AND his minions! - created on 21:33:20 08/03/2013 by Duke and last modified on 18:29:57 09/22/2013. Cast: Duke, Krizalid, Varvara, and Katsuya.

Wild Ambition: An Otherwise Logical Negro Male - The chaos in Southtown gave Aranha the opening he needed to deal with his sister's kidnappers. After receiving a tip that his sister is being kept there, Aranha heads over there to collect his pounds of flesh. - created on 19:52:08 09/22/2013 by Aranha and last modified on 22:37:24 12/31/2013. Cast: Duke and Aranha.

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