War in Korea - Catfight in Seoul

Description: Momoko is helping to clean up the Shadaloo trash in Seoul during Vega's last ditch effort to reclaim the city. But Momoko's nosing in Shadaloo's business attracts the attention of the Diesel. If Momoko's fate weren't bad enough at that, she just has to go and dig herself a deeper grave by harshing on Diesel's femininity! RAGE and comedy ensues! ~

It's a dark day for the South Korean city of Seoul. Just when everyone thought the North Korean occupation had been defeated and ousted, and the seat of power was ready to be transferred... Shadaloo shows up. Tonight, all aid work and preparation for government restoration has halted and all able hands are now helping with the new war effort.

Just thirty minutes prior, Shadaloo's elite against began to appear at strategic locations around the city to crush opposition to Vega's will. Twenty minutes later, and the major entryways were open again and in comes Shadaloo's personal military to take back what they believe to be rightfully theirs. They have a huge advantage too, being that not only was the majority of allied forces gone right now... but Shadaloo's technology is leagues beyond its would-be adversaries. This is... after all... the real reason North korea managed to win in the first place... and its plain for all to see.

Just yesterday, Momoko had met with Howard Rust and given him and his allies advice on how to deal with Vega. There had been talk about fighting him, talk about a situation Momoko did not expect to manifest so soon. She'd been too optimistic... and Howard Rust had been right. He would be back to crush them all swiftly... and swiftly doesn't even begin to describe the haste of this attack. It had only been half an hour, and Vega already has hands about the allied forces proverbial necks.

Standing in the middle of a main highway not far from Cheongwadea, the place where Vega was reported have appeared just moments ago, the small brown-haired capoerista girl finds herself surrounded by soldiers wearing Shadaloo uniform. Two of them advance upon her, and are swiftly sent to the ground by a barrage of high and low kicks that leave them broken and unconscious. The others start to fire upon her, and she just seems to make sport of them... gracefully dodging nearly every shot with a series of agile cartwheels and flips. A couple of moments later, and few more well executed combinations and they're all lying in the street unconscious.

...And the little girl is squatted over the face of one of them curiously, "...I can't understand people like you. Why work so hard for someone who doesn't care about you at all...?"

COMBATSYS: Momoko has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Momoko           0/-------/-------|

All through the war of occupation, allied forces have learned to be on their guard at all times. The reason for this is not because they are in a warzone, that one is a given, almost forgivable at this point, but as continued reports come Shadaloo's elite making appearances in strategic parts of the city and lay wast to entire platoons, the fighting men and women of the UN have learned to be doubly aware of their surroundings. They never know when an explosion is just a harmless artillery shell and when it's going to be...


"Beaten....by a little girl?" The Shadaloo soldier blubbers incoherently, too stunned to hear Momoko's question about his loyalty. He weakly reaches for his radio communicator, hesitates for a moment wondering if calling for /her/ help will only get him killed. Everyone is wary that asking for reinforcements from... /her/ is a double edged sword. She might have done short work of their enemies, but her recent activity has shown she's just as likely to turn on her own men if she runs out of targets too quickly. In the end, is pure spite that causes the Shadaloo agent to press his comm link and he closes his eyes, ignoring Momoko and waiting for that loud crash. A crash that heralds death.

A whistling noise of something very large descending from the sky at a great speed is heard, followed by a loud of explosion some meters away from where Momoko makes short work of the Shadaloo platoon. The large object that hit the concrete stays still for a moment, hidden behind a curtain of dust it picked up when it landed, until at last it stirs and from the smokes emerges...


The statuesque Diesel walks calmly towards where she sees the fallen bodies of the Shadaloo soldiers, and one little girls squatting next to them. Her burly figure belies the almost graceful way she moves, as she does not take the lumpy steps one would think of a giant, but instead she prowls forward, like a true bestial predator.

As the seven feet tall monster of woman arrives to the scene, she starts looking around with her golden gaze in the horizon /utterly/ ignoring Momoko. She's so small and tiny and cute, she can't possibly be her target! In fact, after searching fruitlessly around she decides to look down at Momoko and grunt at her.

"Little girl. Did you see who did this to my men?"

Looks like she's in for a surprise.

COMBATSYS: Diesel has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Momoko           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Diesel

Momoko sees the soldier reach for his comm link... and thinks to snatch it from him before he can do anything... but she hesitates one moment too long. And one moment is all it takes, apparently, as a LOUD explosion sounds in the background. It causes the sixteen year old, who doess not look her age /at all/, to tense up... even whilst clutching the soldier's hand midst attempt to snatch his radio.

Did a bomb go off...? She suddenly wonders, turning loose of the man and looking cautiously about like a little mouse looking for the cat it heard. After a bit of searching, her brown eyes find the plume of smoke and the crater it is arising from. She decides that looks less like a bomb, and mre like /something/ was shot out of a cannon. Were they aiming at her?? "Shadaloo sure does have bad aim..." She casts her gaze skyward, perhaps in an attempt to locate whatever must have taken a shot at her.

Then she hears that voice...

...And curious brown eyes slowly lower themselves again. They don't have to descend very far... before her eyes met the eyes of one of Shadaloo's warmachines. And one of the largest women she's ever seen. Most people wuld absolutely recoil in utter fear of such a fearsome beast...

Momoko is not most people.

"ACK!" She stands up and hops several steps backwards, looking the woman up and down. "What... what did they do to YOU?? You're not pretty at all!" Her faces takes on a look of horror momentarily at the violation of feminine beauty standards Diesel represents. ... Then she realizes she's being rude... "UH... I mean... you have nice eyes??" She then realizes she was asked a question... and looks back at the downed men... then back at Diesel. "It was me!" This is said with entirely inappropriate cheer, accompanied by a victorious fist pump. "Are you a bad guy too?? ... Okay! Im going to knock you out too! Here I come!"

And she isn't giving Diesel even a single moment to answer her question, darting toward her immediately and... trying to hit her... with her BUTT?? If this succeeds, she'l then hit Diesel twice more with her butt with absolutely abnormal strength for a little girl then attempt to cartwheel away...

COMBATSYS: Diesel blocks Momoko's Quick Throw.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Momoko           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Diesel

Diesel flinches!!

Was that some sort of psychic attack from part of the tiny girl? The giant looks like she's about to topple over from Momoko's devastating psychic wave! There wasn't any energy or anything felt in the moment when the little girl chirped up to talk to Diesel, but she clearly did /something/. Why would The Diesel look completely stupefied and..is she blushing??

"How dare you!!?" She shrieks in offended anger "I /am/ pretty! Yatefusa Fuji said so!!" Who?? The Amazon warrior woman is just plain raving mad at this point, whatever tentative hold she had on her sanity is utterly shattered by Momoko striking a nerve. Diesel is perfectly aware that her height and muscle mass are attributes that are better suited for a man, but..dang it, she's still a woman and likes to be called pretty. The reason why no one ever calls her out on this is because she's just as likely to pound them into a fine paste.

"You insolent....little....WHELP!!" The Shadaloo assassin just kind of 'forgets' she's on a mission right now. Whether Momoko beat the crap out her men seems to be /totally/ irrelevant right now. Judging by her irritated expression, Lord Vega could be getting god piled by Ryu, Terry, Sagat and Rust and she wouldn't even care, as long as gets to slap Momoko in her uppity little mouth.

When she further insults her by sailing towards her butt first, the Amazon warrior brings an arm up to let the Capoerista's rear collide against her scarred, rock solid forearm and swing an open palm strike at her to...


It looks like she's trying to spank her.

That's what you gotta do to naughty little, right?

COMBATSYS: Momoko blocks Diesel's Quick Punch.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Momoko           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Diesel


Momoko proves that she is not to be underestimated either. Despite the enormous 'apparent' difference in power, Momoko manages to whirl around and block Diesel's slap with her own forearm. Almost immediately after her first attempt at hitting Diesel with her non-existant rear-end fails. Despite successfuly blocking it, her arm clearly trembles beneath the force of Diesel's arms. "...So, you have it too..." She says more to herself than Diesel, and then immediately retreats momentarily with a well-timed backflip that has Diesel's released arm sailing under her.

She then touches down upon the concrete pavement a few feet away, reverting to her idle stance... a standard Capoeira Ginga. One foot back, both feet together, the other foot back... the diminuitive girl sways in time to some unseen rhythm as she prepares herself for what's to come. "...Psycho Power... I'd heard about Vega experimenting on people in the past. But I've never seen one up close..." She doesn't sound as cheery as she was earlier, perhaps deciding to take this woman a bit more seriously.

..And despite having apologized earlier, Momoko seems to continue right on with the prodding... "Ugh... but... all that muscule isn't pretty at all! No, no! Why would a woman even wanna look like that??" ... Whether Diesel will take the bait or not, Momoko is trying to keep her in a state of uncontrolled rage now that she's seen it. Sometimes psychological warefare was the best kind!

COMBATSYS: Momoko focuses on her next action.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Momoko           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Diesel

An open handed girlish slap is /not/ at all the type of attack that Diesel is known for. In fact, if someone had told her at some point that she would trying to hit someone with her palm she would have laughed at them..and then punched their teeth out. Diesel's fighting origins in caged matches and where further chiseled into the brutal fighting machine she is now by an ancient order of Monks. The psycho power? That's just the cherry on top, it's just what gives her technique the 'oomph'. So why debase herself like that? Why fall for Momoko's childish taunts and play her game?

Because she pisses her off! That's why!!

Diesel hears Momoko's comment about being powered by Psycho Energy, but she doesn't dwell on it, the Amazon thinks such a thing would be obvious when one faces a Shadaloo agent. In fact, she's a little too preoccupied getting angrier and angrier AND ANGRIER at Momoko. Who has time to feel sorry for themselves when they're boiling mad?

Is that a tea cup blowing steam? Oh no, that's just Diesel's head!

"You little........YOU LITTLE--" Oh yeah, she's way angry now. The Diesel falls for Momoko's prodding and takes dangerous steps towards her, a hand drawn back resting on her hip, loading it on her chamber and ready to fire. Somewhere along the lines she takes her own Kalaripayattu stance of putting her left arm up on a 90 degree angle in front of her face, but in comparison to her normal composed self its very sloppy.

"I am going to teach you some manners. LITTLE GIRL!!" Incoming! Diesel flies towards Momoko, almost gliding, her feet are touching the ground but she's not actively walking just something akin to skating. This is to better build momentum and deliver a massive piston like punch directly for Momoko's tummy, aiming to punch the wind out of her so she can't talk anymore!

COMBATSYS: Momoko blocks Diesel's Yudhisthira Khagga.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Momoko           0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0           Diesel

Momoko is utterly amused by Diesel's apparent rage, at least apparently. In the face all of that anger, and the threat of death that comes with it, the diminuitive little capoerista is all smiles and cheer that seems to grow with every outburst. She's blossoming like a sadistic little flower soaking in the sunshine of Diesel's fury, and whether it's all an act or not... it'd be hard to tell. "I am little... but I'm not a little girl..." She replies, as Diesel stammers out in fury and charges her suddenly with a punch drawn back like an arrow ready to fire.


Once more, the sound of flesh striking flesh comes and Momoko expertly blocks Diesel's sloppily executed attack. It took two hands to do it this time though, and it still nearly hit! Even whilst her arms tremble under the force of Diesel, and even while Diesel is but a few inches from her, Momoko continues to taunt her... "...I wouldn't want to learn manners from you! Anything I'd learn would be totally unladylike...!"

Then suddenly, she lets go of that punch and side steps it whilst boldly moving into Diesel's territory. She then inverts herself with a handstand, thrust a high heel kick toward her jaw!

COMBATSYS: Diesel counters Thrust Kick from Momoko with Sahadeva Krpura.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Momoko           0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0           Diesel

Getting Diesel mad is as a double edged sword for as it is for the opponent. For one part, it's true, when her brain washing inhibitors lose control of her and she flies into a Berserker Rage, she's a lot more sloppy and puts a lot of power to her attacks which are likely to miss. But then again, sometimes those attacks /do/ hit.

And may God help you if they do.

Another thing about Diesel is that, even if she's a Berserker by nature, she is forged to be a Martial Artist and is thus capable of executing legitimate techniques. Momoko's cherry attitude may drastically change when Diesel unleashes the power of Kalaripayattu, using the recoil of her piston like strike to pull her massive frame back in a blur to evade the upside kick sent at her by the smaller girl.

And catches her by the foot with one meaty gruff hand.

"I'm more of a lady than you'll ever be, girl!!!" Rages the Amazon, lifting the tiny Momoko up with one arm and spinning her around in the air like if she were not a rag doll.

"I am A DELICATE FLOWER!!!" Says Diesel as she SLAMS Momoko's face into the pavement using her as a club.

No, she is not realizing the irony of her statement.

If you want to tell her, then go right ahead.

Momoko goes wide-eyed suddenly as she feels, but cannot see, Diesel's powerful hand snaking around her ankle. She was already preparing herself mentally and physically for what doubtlessly comes next. But one can never be truly prepared for the kind of pain someone like Diesel brings. Indeed, psychological warfare had its downsides too..

*SMASH* Momoko's girlishly cute face eats concrete, the force of the blow is sufficient to shatter concrete and bust her lip wide open. The white hot pain, and the ringing in her ears, is what keeps her on the ground stunned for a few moments. Perhaps giving Diesel time to gain some modicum of satisfaction from smashing the girl's face into the pavement.

But then... she suddenly springs up from the ground and fipss everal times until she's made some distance between herself and the female monstrosity. "...OW!" She finally says, wiping fresh blood from her mouth. "...You're about as delicate as a bulldozer at a ballet recital!" T'would seem the pain were not quite enough to deter the taunting. Or perhaps she was just mad now herself.

Be that as it may, the brown-haired... brown eyed... capoerista girl whose size Diesel utterly dwarfs... charges back into her territory again. One flip, then another, then a cartwheel... and then she leaps into the air at Diesel as she lands beforre her... and throws a hard, roundhouse kick toward her head powered by Psycho Power... and an accompanyment of bluish white trailing stars!

COMBATSYS: Diesel endures Momoko's Aumada Materu EX.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Momoko           0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0           Diesel

There is one word and one word only that can describe Diesel's face right now.


Man, putting the smack down in uppity little girls. Diesel's rage flickers momentarily after hearing that oh so delicious sound of a loli girl getting slammed into pavement only to return to her normal seriously angry self when Momoko simply gets back up from the attack. "Tch!" Diesel smacks her lips at the continued insults and adopts a Kalaripayattu stance again, sliding her feet apart and keeping those muscled arms of her in an L shape. "I tire of trash coming out of your mouth."

Although Diesel once again goes to contradict herself when Momoko leaps at her with a serious of confusing somersaults. "Oh for fuck's sake..." Attacks of that nature always got the best of her, it was the one and only move she could never counter from Fuji. Diesel gets a puzzled look when Momoko flies at her while spinning in the air, her mind unable to process any defensive techniques that can work in that kind of situation, and the end she just does what she just best.

She holds still and takes the blow with teeth clenched!

"HMRRG!!" Diesel's head cranks to the side as she's struck, but with that same momentum the giant Amazon is coming back with a closed fist aiming to slug Momoko right in the side of the head with a right hook! "GRAAH!!"

COMBATSYS: Momoko dodges Diesel's Arjuna Naraca.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Momoko           0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0           Diesel

...And Momoko demonstrates her uncanny agility again, by grabbing hold of Diesel's punch in mid-air and using it as a base from which to do a handstand! It's not just a defensive maneuver, it's downright insulting! There are advantages to being a small girl... "The only thing lady-like on YOU is your boobs...!" She then flips herself right back off of Diesel's fist and down to the ground before she has time to try and catch her. Moves like a monkey this one does! Whilst squatting there on the ground beneath Diesel, the spritely little capoerista continues... "...And what a waste! I could put those things to better use than you!" ... and be every twisted Japanese man's wildest perverted fantasy too. A loli with disproportionate boobs. "...I..." She cartwheels a way again, starting off in a sing-song tone of voice... "~..am.. ~" ... the moment her feet touch the ground she's darting back toward Diesel and springing into the air again... "...so much prettier than yooouuu!~" She then fires off a rolling roundhouse kick aimed for Diesel's head, and if this connects it will be followed by an axe kick to her shoulder, and final heel kick aimed straight for her chest to add insult to injury!

Then she'll drop down into a tiny squat, if she manages to get that far, and chirp cutely... "...Girl Powaaaaa~!" ...And throw a final sweeping kick powered by Psycho Power and accompanying by sparkly blue stars!

COMBATSYS: Diesel endures Momoko's Momokonba.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Momoko           0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0           Diesel

Oh, Diesel is rather used to small fighters using her tree trunk like arms to balance themselves and avoid an attack. It's just about the only thing they can do in order to survive her. Get out of the way....or die, is the simple truth of fighting Diesel, it's not what one could consider a difficult to grasp philosophy.

What Diesel is /not/ used to however, is someone taunting her every step of the way. When Momoko surges for the counter attack, singing her contempt for Diesel, the Amazon woman can do naught but just /stare/ at her in disbelief as she unleashes her flurry of kicks.

The rolling roundhouse kick hits her square in the side of the face. And she just stares.

Then axe kick smashes into her broad shoulder. And she just stares.

The heel kick collides with her chest. And she just stares.

Finally, the song ends and Momoko finishes her off with a sweeping kick to her ankles, this too hits true except that she doesn't fall, she doesn't move, she doesn't say anything...

She just stares.

Boiling mad.

"Are you done?"

Is Momoko done?

Looks like she is.


Because now it's time to get pounded!!! "GRAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" Diesel cranks a fist back and swings it down with all her hatred towards Momoko, aiming to crash it right on her pretty little head and flatten her against the pavement again!

COMBATSYS: Diesel successfully hits Momoko with Medium Punch.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Momoko           1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0           Diesel


That's what appears over Momoko's head as she looks behind her at Diesel like a squirrel watching a big, scary, dog from far away. Except Diesel's right there... and the stunned silence Momoko got for her taunting probably isn't good. For Diesel... or anybody. She may have just broken something loose in her head. Momoko KNOWS those kicks certainly didn't do that to her! Kicking her is like kicking a concrete slab!

Then comes the question. Is she done? ... Before Momoko can offer a retort to that, however, Diesel's fist comes ROARING in and SMASHES her across the face sending another spray of the capoerista's blood splashing onto the pavement. The sheer force of that punch would have turned a normal person to paste. Momoko is deceptively hardy for her size. But...

Her head does meet the concrete again, producing yet another crater, and sending her head ringing! "OW! OW! OW!" She shouts immediately, clutching her head and sitting up out of the hole she'd be put in. "...You're mean! MEANY HEAD!" Let's just complete ignore the fact that Momoko's been acting like an utter hussy herself, okay??

"I don't like mean people!" She then leaps into the air suddenly, doing yet another handstand with her back to Diesel and throwing two heel kicks, one after another, over her backside aimed for wherever she can reach! There's yet another trail of sparkly blue stars with each heel strike, a telling sign for this girl that she is again using her Psycho Power!

COMBATSYS: Diesel blocks Momoko's Banaeira Dois Golpes EX.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Momoko           1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1           Diesel

Normally, an attack with that strange angle lacks the momentum necessary to deal any real damage to Diesel. The Amazon is built like freaking steel wall and she brings her arms up to take the double heel strikes on her scarred forearms to deflect the blows. However, her rage is not all consuming, she can't possibly keep her anger up to fuel her for a whole fight and it's clear she's starting to run just on fumes now. What's more, even if kicks from someone Momoko's size wouldn't normally hurt her, they do carry an extra 'omph' from them being charged with energy and what they lack on weight they make up in burning raw power which leave a burnt mark on Diesel's darkened forearms.

"Hmrgg..." Diesel takes a step back, Momoko really felt that last one but in so doing it she may have fallen prey to her own tactic. Now that Momoko is more focused and running on anger herself, her attacks are becoming a lot more real and visibly hurting the Shadaloo assassin. Nevertheless, Diesel gives a haughty smirk at Momoko's childish retort, resetting her Kalaripayattu stance. Diesel loathes attacking children, even if she's supposedly soulless killer, but with Momoko she is going to make a sweet exception.

"What's the matter? Are you going to cry now?" Seems that Diesel is not above taunting herself. "You better go run to your mom, girl, if you know what's good for you."

Diesel takes a moment to narrow her eyes, her devilish smirk vanishing to give way for a more composed side of herself. "Locking on to target." Whispers she as her mind control takes over again and she starts acting more like a true Shadaloo warrior.

COMBATSYS: Diesel locks onto her target.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Momoko           1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1           Diesel

The heel kicks are swiftly delivered, one after another, in quick succession. Kicking is a subjective term here though, thus far hitting the Diesel has been like trying to take down an armored tank with her feet. Maybe worse... because Momoko HAS managed to take down a tank before. She's not so confident about taking down Diesel these days though...

As Diesel backs off, Momoko flips off of her left hand curls up into a spinning ball in mid-air. ... And then lands squatted with her legs tucked and her arms around them as she returns her opponent's glare whilst all but her big brown eyes and her messy brown hair hide behind her knees. She /is/ admittedly a little afraid at this point. She recalls Athena mentioning how she felt when she fought Vega... Momoko has something of a similar feeling now fighting with one of his wretched experiments. The difference is... that's not going to stop the normally upbeat and optimistic girl from trying. "...I am NOT a kid!" She suddenly flails about with her arms from behind her knees in protest, looking almost as though she were drowning in something... "I am SIXTEEEEN!!!" ... And that's all it took really. Now the tables have turned... and its Momoko's turn to pitch a fit! She immediately charges Diesel again, sprinting at first... and then breaking into a series of agile flips. Then, in mid-air... she unleashes two heel kicks powered by her momentum toward Diesel'ss sternum again.. one after another like pistons firing!

COMBATSYS: Diesel counters Change-Up Kick from Momoko with Kali Mustu.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Momoko           1/-----==/=======|-------\-------\0           Diesel

Wrong move.

The difference here is that while Momoko is a master at making people mad, she doesn't seem to know how to capitalize on it and make the best of it. In the other hand, Diesel doesn't have that way with words that can make people flip a lid, her tactics are lot more about intimidation, but if she somehow manages to taunt them into attacking recklessly, she can read their mistakes.

And make them pay for swinging blindly at her.

"Kalimaaaa....." The fear Momoko and Athena feel when facing one possessed with Psycho Power is well merited, Diesel drops into her Kalaripayattu stance burning with purple energy that reeks of death. It is by no means as powerful as Lord Vega's might, but amongst the Shadaloo assassins, Diesel has shown to be somewhat of a prodigy in managing this power. It shouldn't be too hard to figure out why, the Psycho Power no doubt festers in all of Diesel's negative thoughts like a sickening disease, it has by now probably consumed the woman to the point of no return driving her mad.

Only a mad woman would do to a little girl what she's about to do to Momoko.

"FIST OF KALI!!!" When Momoko sails into the air a third time, her assault now becomes to predictable and Diesel is able to bait her into leaving herself open. Just as she's to bring those two heel kicks into midsection, The Diesel smacks the feet upwards and out of the way leaving the little girl's back exposed. Normally, the Fist of Kali technique is aimed to the heart, but since Momoko is upside down at the moment Diesel improvises and thrusts her extended psycho covered fingers right into Momoko's back.

Piercing her lungs.

It's a brutal attack that no one should ever be victim to, not Momoko and not Cody before her. Ultimately though, Diesel is what she is...a heartless bitch and she jams those fingers in tossing Momoko forward after the attack that threatened to make her lungs implode inside of her.

"Go home, little girl!" She says again, she may be heartless, but she is not without her honor and there is no honor in killing a mere child. "If you truly wish to die then at least do so after turning eighteen."

Momoko's eyes go wide suddenly as her kicks are deflected upwards and she is inverted upside down. The next attack comes almost too fast for her to even register pain, the jab at her backside is made and the warcry that proceeds it chills to the bone. Even before it hits, Momoko KNOWS she's in trouble... she can feel Diesel's intentions in that tainted energy that erupts from her body suddenly. It feels like death.

Suddenly the world is pain, and Momoko does not even realize it when she has hit the ground. Her lungs did not burst, no... perhaps only for her innate resistance to Psycho Power. The feeling of lungs filling with fluid causes her to cough instinctively... and what comes out... is blood. She did experience internal bleeding, at the very least.

For several moments, she just lies there... hacking up blood. ... But then... she slowly pushes herself up from the ground. "..Nngh.." Any sane person would probably take Diesel's advice now and flee. But Momoko knows... if she allows this woman even a moment alone she will kill more people. And Vega will win.

And that's just not right. "...That's not..." She slowely pushes herself up off of the ground, deespite her injuries... and turns a hateful glare toward Diesel. "That's not right." She probably would have shouted it loudlly, but her lungs just aren't capable. What she does do, however, is leap to her feet again... and channel a ton of Psycho Power from somewhere within her tiy frame. It's enough to set her glowing blue. "OHASHI...!!!!"

What comes next, provided Diesel doesn't manage to counter it again, will be a telekinetic throw complete with raised hands... strong enough even to send the Diesel skyward! "SAMANINACCHAE!!!"

COMBATSYS: Momoko successfully hits Diesel with Ohashi Samaninacchae.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Momoko           0/-------/-------|===----\-------\0           Diesel

Momoko has a few tricks of her own, that's for certain. Diesel might have missed it in the beginning, but if she hadn't been as enraged as she was at the beginning of the match she would have noticed that this little girl that rages against her was responsible of taking an entire Shadaloo platoon. She is not to be underestimated, more so because she somehow manages to survive the deadly fist of kali and get back on her feet, she, a tiny little girl bleeding half to death can stand up to someone like her! It's remarkable. It leaves Diesel stunned due to her tenacity.

And exposed.

"Uh oh.." Hell hath no fury like a little girl scorned, Diesel is fairly certain that she can survive this kind of attack but she would like to minimize the damage if at all possible anyway! She brings her arms up to defend herself, desperately trying to keep her ground stubbornly only to get lifted up in the air via sheer energy and tossed away! Diesel spins in the air a couple of times and lands painfully on her back away from Momoko grunting as she hits the ground.

"Tch..hehehe...HAHAHAHA!" And The Diesel gets up, not even having the courtesy of giving Momoko the slight hope that she might have hurt her bad by staying on the ground more than she needs to. Now, Diesel's Japanese is...limited...but she does think that roughly translates to 'Chopstick Toss'. "Girl, you are hopelessly outmatched here." Diesel gives a grunt as she gets back up, straightening to her colossal seven feet height while dusting herself. "You are not only smaller and weaker than I am. Your childish fighting style cannot possibly compare to the ancient deadly arts of Kalaripayattu." The woman walks towards Momoko with a haughty hand on her hip.

"I mean, truly? Chopstick toss? What kind of /AMATEUR/ names their attacks after food!?"

Meanwhile in Metro City.

"Achoo!!" El Fuerte sneezes to the side as he's cooking on his kitchen and brushes his nose with gloved hands. "Huh..that was weird."

Back in Korea

"You brought this upon yourself, little one." The Diesel swings a backhand at Momoko's face, not really planning on doing any more critical damage like she did earlier with her most devastating technique, she just wants to knock her out so that she isn't forced to kill the poor deluded girl.

COMBATSYS: Diesel successfully hits Momoko with Quick Punch.

[                            \\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Momoko           0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0           Diesel

Momoko watches, silently, as he violent outburst of Psycho Power sends Diesel skyward. ... And with Diesel, goes the very last of Momoko's ability to use her psionic energy. She'd exhausted herself utterly just trying to do decent damage to the monster infront of her so far. She doesn't need Diesel's laughter to inform that she is utterly screwed.

She doesn't even protest when the amateur comment comes either... honestly. Had she more energy she'd have been flailing like mad and shouting about how she isn't an amateur... rolling around on the floor like a six year old to boot jst to drive the point home that she IS in fact an amateur. A talented one perhaps... but she's like an unpolished stone compared to Diesel.

So, when that backhand comes.. she staggers.. her world fading due to injuries far too great and energy far too little. And soon... she'll be out like a light on the ground and waiting for paramedic to find her.

But... she never misses an opportunity to be spiteful... even when she's practically dying. What overgrown kid does?? ... With one final leap into the air, Momoko attempts to get her thighs... covered by baggy white capoeira pants around Diesel's head. "...IIIII.. ~" She says, lazily... If she can get her legs tightly around Diesel's head, then she'll twist her hips viciously... jerking Diesel's head into a position it really shouldn't go. An attack that would probably snap a normal person's neck... but probably not Diesel... "..YAN! ~" ... If she manages to get that far, then she'll jst fall right off... lost to the depths of unconsciousness...

COMBATSYS: Momoko can no longer fight.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Diesel           0/-------/----===|

COMBATSYS: Momoko successfully hits Diesel with Iyan~.
Glancing Blow

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Diesel           0/-------/---====|

There's a satisfying *SMACK* sound as Diesel pimp slaps Momoko and the monster of a woman dusts her hands when she sees the girl stagger about ready to collapse. Honestly, at this point in a fight, the Amazon Warrior would spend a lot more time gloating about her ultimate fighting style and singing praises to Shadaloo, but even if she's an evil bitch beating up a little girl doesn't feel right. Had the tiny capoerista not insulted her looks she was willing to just send her off with a warning after ruffling her hair. So she beat up a few Shadaloo goons? Big deal, they were just grunts.

Diesel shakes her head and places both hands on her hips watching Momoko stagger about as if she were in a daze, Diesel can sense there's no more fight within her and with the target neutralized there's no reason for her to stay and look at Momoko. However, morbid curiosity compels her to stay and look as it's mildly amusing.

And that comes to bite her in the ass.

"Aww isn't that cute-AACK!!!" Just when she thought Momoko was about to fall face flat on the ground, the girl finds some inner strength within her to fly to the Amazon's head and wrap her legs as tightly as she can around her neck. Diesel knows perfectly well what's coming, it's a technique that she herself uses, the Padmini Puspa....

Lotus Flower Neck Snap.

"Oh shi--GRRR!" Momoko twists hard and Diesel resists it, tucking her chin in and clenching her neck to absorb the blow. The Amazon snaps out of her surprise and manages to fling Momoko aside but that is only after the deed is done, there was no audible sound of a bone breaking, but Diesel definitely felt something pull there!

"Wretched child...she really did just try to break my neck! Heh....perhaps there is hope for her yet." A beeping noise makes Diesel bring her hand up to her ear to activate her radio and she speaks to through her ear piece. "Diesel reporting....what!? The main assault force is under attack!? I'm on my way!....Wh-What do you mean the attack is over!? Why was I not informed of this!?? No! I...I was fighting a little girl..." Diesel seethes with rage realizing how dumb that sounded, she's probably speaking to one of the other Dolls. "Look, it's a long story, just patch me with command I can still--DEFEATED!!? WHAT DO YOU MEAN DEFEATED!!!??" And now she gets the bad news.

Diesel completely forgets about Momoko and the Shadaloo platoon unconscious on the ground, she's got higher priorities at the moment as she takes off running. "This can't be happening!!"

"This can't be happening again!!!!!"

It sounds like someone just found out Shadaloo lost the war.

And she wasn't there to have a say in it.


Log created on 18:51:20 09/03/2012 by Momoko, and last modified on 02:14:56 09/04/2012.