War in Korea - Theft at TransSine Technologies

Description: A covert paramilitary team attacks TransSine Technologies, a biotech firm, in Yokohama, Japan. They disable the alarm systems, and power, and kills everyone inside and then proceed to try and steal the firms research! Good thing Julia Chang just happened to be visiting that day... or maybe not depending on how you look at it.

It's late in the evening in Yokohama, Japan... and the shining face of the sun is soon fated to disappear over the horizon across the sea. Soon this vast urban sprawl by the sea will be plunged into darkness, and from the darkness the myriad lights of this japanese metropolis will break through.

But the night is young, and many are just being let off from the modern day slavery they subject themselves to in order that they might survive. Soon people will flood into the streets, and into the nearest railway stations, on their quest to find food, fun, and... stolen property?

Yessssss, stolen property! That is exactly what /some/ people are here for.

As the evening comes to a close, an unmarked black van with tinted windows is slowly driving along an overpass. Slowly, it makes its way through traffic... taking its turnoff, and making its way down a winding stretch of road on its way to Yokohama's business district.

Inside this van are two rows of tightly packed paramilitary personnel and their drivers. The highly trained men and women in midnight black BDU and balaclavas, wearing an abundance of combat equipment, are seated upon a leather bench with their guns secured into vertical racks beside them. Aside from the occasional swaying or bump imposed upon them by the motion of their transportation, they are almost motionless.

One of them, a woman seated nearest the backside doors, does speak however. Her voice muffled by her facial covering. "We have an insider in this place, but disabling the alarm system was not possible due to increased security after that last screw-up. The first objective is to knockout the power to the building and disable the security system. Once inside, Bravo Team will head upstairs and deal with security and then obtain the rseaecrh documentation. Alpha Team will stay downstairs and see obtain samples, as well as deal with anyone who tries to enter from the outside." Another bump occurs, and the van goes quiet for a few moments... then, "The police shouldn't arrive for a good while. We've got that taken care of, as long as we get this done quickly we shouldn't even have to engage in much if in altercation. If anyone gets in your way, however, shoot first and ask questions later."

Shortly afterwards, the unmarked van pulls into the parking lot of TransSine Technologies and the doors to the van fly open. Boots hit the ground soon after, and the paramilitary squad begins to make its way toward a locked door at the rear of the building.

*SLAM* ... *SLAM*... *CRASH*

The sound of heavy boots smashing into a door can be heard from inside the building's basement, followed by the clatter of the door being rent from its hinges and kicked to the ground. Then the building alarms start going off. "Get in there and disable the power!"

A place like this would seem like a strange place to be encountering Julia Chang, but the truth is she does actually have a legitimate reason to be here. She'd heard that there were some researchers who had information about technologies that could possibly be used for her project about attempting to bring the forests back to her Native American homeland. Of course, she wasn't entirely thinking in terms of what could possibly happen while she was there, at least not in terms of an attack on the place. It turns out to be a lesson that Julia needs to be taught the hard way.

Julia, however, wasn't entirely unprepared. She had gotten off the subway and was heading to the building when she spotted the strange goings on, and immediately ducked into a nearby alleyway, trying to keep an eye on what's going on without making herself visible. At first, she doesn't know who the people are. She'd never encountered them before, but she she doesn't like them one bit. She pauses for a moment as she ponders what to do, then realizes that the authorities would most likely be useless here. She closes her eyes and clasps her pendant while silently praying for strength from the spirits. Then she opens her eyes again and sets herself resolutely, preparing to make her presence known when she feels there's an advantageous moment.

The paramilitary units begin to pour into the building one by one until they simply cannot be seen from outside the building any longer. Shortly after the last unit passes through the doorway, the alarm ceases its shrill crying into the chilly night time air and all of the building's lights go off suddenly. The first stage of the plan had gone without a hitch, but would the others go as well?

Whatever is left of TransSine Technologies personnel consists mostly of security guards and perhaps a handful of late working researchers burning the 'midnight oil'. Which is a fortunate thing, for this paramilitary unit, because the group of ebony clad men and women swiftly make their way up the basement stairs and into the first floor lobby without being taken notice of.

The two groups, Alpha Team and Bravo Team, then go their separate ways... with Alpha Team maing its way toward the laboratory at the back of the lobby and Bravo Team making their way swiftly up the stairs toward the second floor.

In response to the building alarms going off, a rather hefty middle-aged securit guard cracks the doorway to the security office upstairs. He stands there for several moments, peering into hall with a bit of apprehension... "I dunno Mike, I don't think it was a glitch." From somewhere witin the office comes the voice of another man, possibly also security, "Quit being a sissy Jonathan and go out there and check to see if something's wrong. I'll be down in a few minutes."

Jonathan makes his way into the hall, shutting the door to the office behind him and slowly makes his way toward the stairs. His right hand goes for the flashlight attached to his belt as mumbles to himself, "He calls me sissy but he won't do it himself..."

No sooner does Jonathan fetch his light, and manage to turn it on, and a member of Bravo Team appears from outside of his peripheral vision... sending both Jonathan and is flashlight to the ground...

A Gunshot can be heard from upstairs soon after, provoing a dark chuckle from a female Alpha Team member who is presently picking the lock to the Laboratory.. "Sounds like they found security.."

Julia rushes towards the building, not caring about anything but the safety of those inside. Although, based on the gunfire and what not in there that most likely went on in addition, the odds of survivors are low. Nevertheless, Julia doesn't care, she wants to stop this.

Rushing towards the front entrance, since the goons went through the back, Julia attempts to make her way inside, hoping that nobody is watching that part. Of course, if someone is watching, then Julia's not afraid to utilize her martial arts prowess to prove her ability to protect herself in a situation like this.

Julia would find that, for the few moments she is sneaking in at least, no one is watching her. If she is careful about her entrance, there would be no warning for the operatives who've snuck into the building either due to the security alarms being without power. The female Alpha Team leader is squatted low, with her back to the lobby doorway, trying to jimmy the lock with something looking akin to a hairpin... and the other Alpha Team members have dispersed down separate hallways to check for security and stray TransSine personnel. This would, of course, make a nice opening for an attack... were one so inclined.

Upstairs, two more gunshots could be heard... one coming on the tail end of some quiet muffled screaming. Poor Jonathan is lying dead in the hall in a pool of his own blood outside the securrity office, his corpse illluminated by the light spililng out from the open doorway. His eyes are eerily open, jaw slack, with a hole going directly through the center of his skull.

Bravo Team members flanking the doorway stand idly, staring at him, as their leader walks out of the office. "That's it for security up here, I think... let's head down to the archive room and se what we can find." Soon Bravo Team members begin making their way down the hall once more, passing by the dead security on their way to their next objective. "Ten minutes." comes the deep voice of the leader again, thick with russian accent.

COMBATSYS: WolfPack has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
WolfPack         0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Julia has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
WolfPack         0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Julia

Even though she's wearing boots, they still don't make any noise on the floor as Julia makes her way into the lobby. She keeps glancing from side to side, checking to avoid being ambushed from a blind side by any one of those goons who might be ready to strike when she's least expecting it. It's then that she spots the female team leader trying to open the door, and that's when Julia realizes that she has the upper hand. Her mother told her never to deliberately harm other people, but in a situation like this, fighting would definitely be justified.

Still walking slowly to avoid being caught, Julia attempts to creep up on the Alpha Leader without drawing attention to herself. In fact, she's not even planning to make a sound when she attacks, unlike some martial artists who might let out a kiai or something similar. Instead, she attempts to grab the woman by the neck and use the technique to take her down to the ground.

COMBATSYS: Julia successfully hits WolfPack with Combo Grapple.
- Power hit! -

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
WolfPack         0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0            Julia

Alpha Team's leader has, in the time it took for Bravo Team to dispatch the upstairs security, managed to tumble the lock. Standing to her full height again, she proceeds to reach for the doorknob and make her way inside... and then she notices the reflection of Julia's hands on the knob as they slip past her shoulders.

Instinctually, she attempts to elbow the woman closing in on her but because of their proximity she misses entirely and has her neck grabbed by Julia's powerful hands. It'ss all downhill from there as the woman is jerked off of her feet and slammed to the ground on her backside, the breath being knocked out of her.

Fortunately for Julia, there are not yet any other units nearby to engage her... so the only person she'd have to dispatch right now is this woman. "...Damn bitch." The woman curses under her breath, before rolling away and leveling a service pistol at the native american fighter. She would use her rifle, but she'd left it by the door nearest where Julia is now standing and getting to it would be damn near impossible.

Two shots are fired at Julia by the team leader, a thing which is bound to draw the attention of the others eventually.

Bravo Team, meanwhile, has busied themselves in the archives upstairs. So when the shots are fired, several members stop and immediately cast their gaze into the hallway.

"Ignore it." comes the voice of the ruussian commander again, who has busied himself with a nearby file cabinet. "It's their problem, not ours. We need documents."

COMBATSYS: WolfPack successfully hits Julia with Quick Shot.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
WolfPack         0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0            Julia

Julia has been shot at before, but usually has been good at avoiding it for the most part, either taking cover or just avoiding it entirely. There have been times where she's been hit, and it's not a pleasant feeling. Especially in this situation, when the first shot hits her in the side of her abdomen, just missing her kidney by inches. The other shot hits her in the side of the stomach, which results in her reeling back as she crouches down, holding onto the injured spots with her hands. Her eyes close as she grits her teeth in pain, feeling the blood oozing onto her hand from both wounds. But even though she's been shot twice, Julia is not the average type of person that the woman might think she is.

"You picked the wrong place to mess with at the wrong time," Julia comments sarcastically as she recovers from her injuries. "You just happened to come here as I was getting here, and I don't take kindly to people like you wrecking places like this. Namely since this place has technology that could be useful to me. But since you want to try to ruin this place, I'm gonna have to stop you!" Julia finishes with a swift jab aimed at the leader's face.

COMBATSYS: Julia successfully hits WolfPack with Jab Punch.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
WolfPack         0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0            Julia

The service pistol is lowered somewhat after the first two shots are fired, the Alpha Team leader scowling beneath her face cover as it fails to do little more than injure the girl. Great, a /real/ fighter. This particular unit of operatives was trained to deal with some of the small time fighters, but they were not trained well enough to deal with those who bordered on the super human. "Who's wrecking this place?" The woman replies, her voice filled with anger, "We're here to take what is..." she was about to say 'ours', but before she can manage to, the native american woman's fist collides with her face and sends her sprawling back against the hallway wall, knocking a painting off it in the process and sending it to the ground with a loud shattering of glass.

Soon the rest of Alpha Team emerges from the hallway, a stocky male running in from behind Jula and leveling a kick at her backside... hoping to kick her to the ground where he can shoot at her while's she's prone. "Get down on your knees bitch and die!"

COMBATSYS: Julia just-defends WolfPack's Pincer Movement!

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
WolfPack         0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0            Julia

More fighters? More fun for Julia! The woman isn't a threat anymore, but now there are more people coming to take her on. Including one guy who looks a bit overweight and doesn't quite know how to kick too well. Namely because Julia is able to turn around fast while jumping away at the exact same moment. "Get down on my knees? This isn't the time or place to be praying!" Julia says with a slight smirk, her sarcasm quite noticeable as she speaks.

"On the other hand, you, my friend, are a bit too overweight for fighting. Did you ever consider changing your name to Gomer Pyle?" She asks. "Actually, Gomer Pyle was more of a threat than you ever will be!" Julia then spins towards Mr. Stocky before attempting to strike him with a high aimed kick.

COMBATSYS: WolfPack blocks Julia's Hunting Tomahawk.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
WolfPack         0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0            Julia

The well-built paramilitary man, roughly five feet eight inches in height and weighing close to 230 pounds of muscle, growls ferociously as the agile fighter avoid his kick and insults him practically at the same time. "Fat?? Are you blind or something?"

As that kick is thrown, however, his right hand snaps out and stops it with all the powerful force those ape-like arms can muster. It still stings like a bitch though! "Rrrrghh..." He attempts to grab onto that kicking leg.

COMBATSYS: Julia interrupts Strong Throw from WolfPack with Palm Explosion.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
WolfPack         1/------=/=======|====---\-------\0            Julia

"I'm not blind, you're just a bit of a chump to be working with goons like this," Julia replies, still being a bit sarcastic. "And do you mind keeping those hands to yourself?" Julia adds as she pulls her leg away while going in with a strong palm strike aimed right at her opponent's stomach. The palm strike makes contact, which gives her a little more breathing room.

"Thanks, I needed the space," Julia comments while cracking her knuckles. "Anyone else up for the challenge? I've only just broken a sweat, you know."

"Unf...!" The muscular man clad in black military gear staggers backwards as the girl intercepts his maneuver with a skillful and surprisingly forceful palm strike. "Damn it." He swears, a hand over his abdomen... eyeing the woman across the way. "What business is it of yours who I work for?" He replies, and then casst his gaze toward the only other conscious member standing by.. "Either attack her or get the damn samples, don't stand around looking stupid!"

Upstairs Bravo Team has, in these few minutes, managed to turn the archives upside down and started on some nearby offices too. As the chatter from downstairs comes through his microphone, the russian leader chuckles darkly to himself as he shuffles some papers around on a desk which are presently being illuminated by the beam of a very focused flashlight. "Sounds like the girls downstairs are having fun.."

The female Alpha Team member who was standing idly by has now drawn a service pistol, and leveled it at Julia again whilst the muscular man charges back in and throws a booted kick toward Julia's midsection. Whether the boot makes contact or not, the female unit will then proceed to open fire on the native american woman in an attempt to put her down or at least drive her back.

COMBATSYS: WolfPack successfully hits Julia with Suppressive Fire.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
WolfPack         1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\0            Julia

"Who you work for is irrelevant," Julia snaps. "All that matters is that you're not here for benevolent purposes, and I don't want you in here either!" Julia is about to strike again, when she hears the gun clicking, and then the gunshot hits her. Just as the boot hits her. The combined impact causes her to drop to one knee briefly, catching her breath, before cursing under her breath for being so careless. In frustration, Julia spots a nearby reception desk which she dives for cover behind, taking a moment to catch her breath again.

"I got myself into this mess, and I'm going to get myself out!" Julia thinks to herself out loud as she peers out from behind the desk, watching her enemies carefully. They've already shot her twice, and they won't hesitate again, so it's time to be more careful.

COMBATSYS: Julia focuses on her next action.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
WolfPack         1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\0            Julia

The shots sound loudly as they start to burst from the gun's chamber, almost exactly as the boot connects, and Julia is successfully forced backwards and to the ground. But not in the state they'd have hoped. Dead, of course.

The male agent begins to plod forward slowly... heavy boots audibly thudding against the marble floor of the lobby. The other agent, however, patiently waits by the reception counter... gun trained on the desk Julia disappeared behind in case she decides to pop out again suddenly.

"I don't have time for these games..." The larger man speaks in a threating tone, as he slowly makes his way toward the desk... "Why don't you just come out from behind there and leave, and we'll forget all about this..." It's a lie, however, as the right hand moving slowly for his sidearm illustrates. "..If you don't, I'm going to start shootingn at that desk." He isn't waiting though, because by the time he's finished his sentence, the red laser sight of the pistol is already trained on the mahogany desk she's behind... and shortly after he's blasting rounds into it one after another hoping to hit her somewhere good and maybe kill her for real this time!

COMBATSYS: Julia slows Power Shot from WolfPack with Thrown Object.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
WolfPack         1/----===/=======|=======\=------\1            Julia

"I'm not about to die," Julia exclaims as she tries to pinpoint the sound of the yelling. In desperation, she grabs a nearby paperweight and attempts to heave it over the desk in an attempt to give herself a little time to escape. And it does work... barely.

Right after she hurls the weight, she tries to jump out from behind the desk, but ends up getting shot in the leg, causing her to roll on the ground while yelping in pain. In her boot, she can feel some blood under the sole of her foot. "You hit me again, but you haven't won. I suggest you just leave now."

The last shot richochets off the thrown paperweight audibly, righ before the paperweight veers off course do to the bulets force and clatters to the ground somewhere nearby. The man stares at the object for a moment, and then snarls a bit as he realizes that he had - fortunately for her - hit thick metal siding.... preventing at least two of his otherwise well-placed shots from landing. "Tch..." Then he immediately puts the sidearm away, and snaps off a grenade from his ammo harness. "Alright bitch, I'm done playing... you and this whole damn lobby can go to hell..." The safety trigger is pressed in with his thumb, and and then the pin is pulled and tossed to the ground nearby. Immediately afterward, he gives the grenade a toss in her general direction without even looking where he threw the damnt hing and then both he and his partner start to sprint away from the expansive lobby as fast as their legs will carry them.

COMBATSYS: WolfPack successfully hits Julia with Scorched Earth.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
WolfPack         0/-------/-----==|=======\======-\1            Julia

Julia tries to take off after the enemies, but the grenade explodes before she can. She goes flying across the lobby, slamming into a nearby wall and landing in a semi-prone position. Julia has never been in this much pain before, and she feels like she's going to pass out. Tears start to stream from her eyes as she thinks about the possibility of letting everyone down. But then something inside her tells her not to think negatively.

"You're right... Spirits, you can still help me!" Julia whispers to herself as she clutches her pendant again and closes her eyes. "Spirits, help me get out of this situation."

COMBATSYS: Julia gains composure.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
WolfPack         0/-------/-----==|=======\====---\1            Julia

The grenade blast goes off and various pieces of what used to be a very beautiful lobby go flying through the air in all directions. The windows of the first floor building explodes in a shower of glass, and a car alarm begins going off noisily outside... having been triggered by debris smashing through its wind shield. Its at this point, police sirens can FINALLY be heard faintly in the background... indicating that very soon there Julia wouldn't be forced to fight this difficult battle alone. Or at least, she'd have an ambulance here soon to help deliver her to the hospital so that she does not in fact die.

Alpha Team, who has darted down a hallway at the back of the building... dives into an empt room before the blast goes off and slams the door.

A thing which proves futile for, despite the fact that it did succeed in deading the deafening roar of the grenade blast, the door to the room is then blown off its hinges and across the room against the wall.

Hearing the grande go off, and the faint wailing of sirens... Bravo Team begins to collect up the documents they'd found to be useful so they can hastily make their exit from the building.

Alpha Team's members, shortly after the chaos dies down.. both emerge from the room andd look down the hallway at the mess they'd made. The sight of the indian woman bleeding in the hall way, covered in debris, provokes a hearty laugh from the man... "A-..Are you still alive? Hahahaha!" He is not, apparently, paying the sirens any mind just yet. "Ah... go get the samples. If this bitch gets back up, I'll put her down permanently." This is said to the female partner flanking him, who then turns and starts to walk toward a locked door nearby.

COMBATSYS: WolfPack takes no action.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
WolfPack         0/-------/-----==|=======\====---\1            Julia

Julia wants to go after her opponents, but with the sirens coming and the fact she's badly injured, she decides now is the best time to escape. She doesn't say anything or try to take one last strike. Instead, she limps towards the nearest exit, trying to keep a steady pace as the blood loss has made her weak as it is. But her belief in the spirits keeps her going. She doesn't stop untill she's fully outside, and even then she doesn't try to rest there.

Julia goes to try to take cover behind a nearby object, a stationary garbage receptacle, before collapsing to the ground and beginning to catch her breath. At the same time, she realizes that her effort was thwarted, and her hatred has grown all the same. "Next time I encounter any one of you, I will bring you to justice, one way or another!"

COMBATSYS: Julia has left the fight here.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
WolfPack         0/-------/-----==|

The arrogant paramilitary man watches the native american woman leave, as his partner enters the room where some of the samples are contained. The samples in the room the leader had been working on earlier had, due to this man's stupidity, been crushed beneath that in-blown doorway. Oh well, not like he gave a shit. He was just here for the money, and nobody'd have to know.

Eventually, just shortly before the Yokohama police arrive, the paramilitary agents make their way back out of the building from the backside and board their unmarked van once again with an unconscious member and some of their objectives in tow. It had been a good day, and they would be paid handsomely for their work when they got back home. For now, however, they and their van haul ass out of the TransSine Technologies parking lot... crashing through a perimeter gate and barreling down a side street to get as far away from the crime scene as possible.

Log created on 19:31:07 07/28/2012 by Vega, and last modified on 04:20:09 07/30/2012.