SNF 2012.06 - SNF: "Poison Funk"

Description: It's a well documented fact that MrJones is the worlds funkiest dude. Of course, there have been rumors that certain wrestlers believes Disco is dead, and needs to stay that way. So what better way is there for the man who is the living breathing soul of Funk and all that is right with Afros in the world then by going to Vyle's old home at the CWA Wrestling Arena and challenging him to a throwdown to prove to the wrestling world (and their fans) that Disco is life. Disco ain't dead. (Winner: MrJones)

It's time!
It's Time!
IT'S....time to get FUUUUUUNKAAAAAY!! That's right, tonight, CWA Riot gets FUNKY for the special exhibition match this episode hosts. Complete with the mirror ball above the ring and the flashing spots sweeping the stage. "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, welcome to.....C-W-A RRRRRRRRRRRRRRIOOOOOOOOOOOT!!" the announcer shouts, eliciting a roar from the crowd. "And tonight, we have another special exhibition match, courtesy of Saturday Night Fights. This fight will have NO time limits, NO holds barred, and will only end in submission or knock out! Introdu-" Suddenly, a burst of static hits the PA, cutting the announcer short before the lights go out and...

o/` EVERYBODY (Come on!) IF YOU WITH IT (Come on!) IF YOU READY (Come on!) IF YOU WANT IT (Come on!) BRING IT ON (COme on!) COME ALONG (Come on!) ESS-TEE-WHY L-E-S BEYOND (yond yond yond yond yond...).... IT'S LIKE... o/`

That sure as hell wasn't funk. But theme aside, on stage is...well, it's a rather blatant mockery of Tha Funk, as the Sickness himself, Vyle, stands there, iconic John Travolta finger pose, wearing purple bell bottoms and green suit jacket, along with the gaudiest Green Afro in the history of ever (not that there's much competition in Green Afros to begin with). Grinning, the loud, vile rudo slowly swaggers down the ramp, soaking in the boos as he approaches the ring. Rather than slide in, he simply hops up to the apron, then hops over the ropes, a hand to the afro wig to keep it in place. No words are needed...just some fake disco dancing showing 1) no respect for his opponent, and 2) no rhythm whatsoever. Then again, he'd be lying if he said he was trying.

If Vyle is the sickness, Mister Jones is the cure.

The loud obnoxious themesong comes to an abrupt end as the lights flicker off, they are instead replaced by unmistakable Disco lights that brighten the catwalk where the unmistakable sight of Action Star and Super Hero is seen.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. Give it up for The Funky Fighter, The Groove Master himself! The one, the only;


Snapping fingers of the crowd follow the rhythm of the music as Johnny waltz his way down into the ring, swaying back and forth with the beat of the music, flashing winning smiles and signing autographs in a flash, never skipping a beat as he makes way towards the ring. This cat can match Vyle's flair when it comes to entrances too, since rather than simply going under the ropes or sliding in, he somersaults his way into the arena landing gracefully on his feet, one hand on his hip and the other raised to the sky!

Jones arches an eyebrow and lowers his shades to get a good look at Vyle's haircut for the night. It looks like he left a lasting impression on the rudo luachador since the last time they fought.

"Heeey dude." Grins the Groove Master. "Love the do!" It's so much better than a mohawk.

Vyle leans back as his theme cuts off, and switches to an unmistakably 70s cool jam. Rolling his eyes, the rudo falls into the ropes, arms draped across the top, only occasionally turning to the crowd and pointing a finger down his throat as if gagging. The crowd may not notice it, for all his crude and rude expressions and gestures, but Vyle is watching Jones carefully, eyes betraying a focus and a worry that might be lost on the crowd. He already knows how dangerous the eccentric flashback fighter is. He isn't about to make the same mistake as last time.

And at the same time, he has to be his character. He has to BE Vyle. Once Jones somersaults into the ring, the luchador leans over to grab a mic, snatching it up and eying the disco fighter as it's raised up to mouth level.

"I don't know if anyone told you, but let me make a few things clear. 1) The 70s are THAT way...." He thumbs over his shoulder, as he speaks, before his hand curls back into a counting form. "2) Your movies sucked." He uncurls a second finger, pausing and looking up at the crowd as the heat starts raining down. "3) Disco is DEAD!" Without warning, he pulls off the afro wig, stomping over it amidst even louder boos as he grinds his heel into the puffy fake hair. "And 4) I'm the one that's gonna kill it once it for all tonight." Tossing the mic away, and brushing over his real, mohakwed hair, he lurches down into a wrestling stance, eyes pinpointed on the funky fighter.

All he needs is that initial opening...

Mister Jones' grin slowly, slooowly, begins to curl down into a neutral look, then goes further down and turns into a big o' scowl, showing his teeth behind his lips. He should have known better to think that Vyle was gonna keep his antics down after last time, and to be honest, Johnny Jones isn't the type that flies into a frenzy when he gets taunted, sure, he has his funky pride, but the law of the Groove demands him to always be in one hundred percent control of his body lest he misses a beat of the fighting rhythm. Previous events with Johnny failing people however, does in fact give Vyle an opening to strike, though in a spiritual level rather than physical. Mister Jones sighs when the rudo luchador tirades about how everything he believes in is dead, an insult that he would normally just scoff off, but after disastrous run ins with Jezebel and Yuri, he's starting to think if all his old school ideals are really worth fighting for. Should he really just give up now? It's clear no one is listening to him....



Mister Jones turns that frown upside down! He flashes a ferocious grin at Vyle, letting his shades flash in wild determination and simply pops his knuckles. His retort is simple and to the point, much like his own fighting style.


He eases into his signature Jeet Kune Do stance, taking all the power off his shoulders leaning almost completely on his back leg, his arms relaxes and close to his torso, always at the ready but never tense.

" LIFE!"

The crowd cheers!

"And looks like tonite, Imma hafta to beat tha' funk into ya, son!"
Ooh yes, he ain't done yet baby, no way, he's just getting started.

COMBATSYS: MrJones has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
MrJones          0/-------/------=|

COMBATSYS: MrJones focuses on his next action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
MrJones          0/-------/------=|

There was a frown there, Vyle knows it. He saw it, as brief as it was, but he saw it. So there IS an opening there. But damned if Vyle will have to figure out how to make it grow from a paper cut into a flesh wound, and from there to a fatal wound. "Well, I guess I'll just have to beat the funk OUT of you and put you back in the grave with the other relics, you Soul Train reject. Oh, I forgot, that's dead too, isn't it?"

The war of words is fierce, but Vyle is certainly wary bringing it to a physical level. After last time, after all, he has to fight smart. Recognizing the weight mostly on that back leg, Vyle tries to shoot in low toward it...or rather, FEINTS in low in hopes of provoking a reaction before he tries to grab in for a simple wrist lock. Like a boxer testing the field with his jab first.

COMBATSYS: Vyle has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Vyle             0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0          MrJones

COMBATSYS: MrJones just-defends Vyle's Fast Throw!

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Vyle             0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0          MrJones

Shooting for the legs again?? Mister Jones recognizes the technique for exactly what Vyle did that last time, he went in low, tried to put Mister Jones on his back and pummel him no doubt. The Disco Fighter may have quite a bit of contempt for the rudo, but he doubts he is stupid enough to go for the same strategy again, it didn't work last time and it shouldn't work again. It's this suspension of disbelief that saves Johnny on the last second, he was planning on simply beating Vyle to the punch and slug him before he went for his legs, however, as soon as he realizes that it's just a fake out, the Groove Master stays in place, eyebrows going up in alertness to see what is it that the tricky luchador is going to try and realizes that he was trying to draw him in for an attack to catch his arm.

Johnny doesn't fall for the feint, he holds his position and when Vyle overextends himself by attempting to grab his arm, the Groove Master twists his wrist and slides his hand out of Vyle's grasp by pulling it free between his index and thumb where the grip is at it's weakest.

As soon as Jones' arm is free, he flicks his right fist out going to whack Vyle across the face with a back hand. He /should/ try to impose some kind of counter argument to the luchador, but he can't on account he's busy hitting him in the face. "ATA!!"

COMBATSYS: MrJones successfully hits Vyle with Jab Punch.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Vyle             0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0          MrJones

Vyle learns from his mistakes, sure, but that doesn't mean he successfully applies what he learns. When his wrist lock attempt is twisted away from, the rudo finds himself cursing, forced to pull back after he tried hard for that grab. Unfortunately, he's not able to pull back fast enough to stop the jab that comes straight for his face. Sure, he tries, but the hands are too slow, Jones' fist too fast, and the luchador's nose too inviting a target.

Reeling back from the punch, the brightly dressed wrestler hangs back, gritting his teeth as he realizes he needs to figure out a gameplan. Rushing in and shooting low won't work...perhaps its time to stop thinking 'wrestler' and start thinking 'luchadore'.

Turning around, Vyle runs for one of the corners, a leg vaulting up on the second turnbuckle, then stepping up to the third, before he backflips off it. "IIIYAAAAAAH!!" comes the shrill cry as he twists in air, trying to bring his heels toward Jones' face, then shoulders, in several rapid stomps. No attacking the afro THIS time...oh no, he got burnt by that before.

COMBATSYS: Vyle successfully hits MrJones with Riot Stampede.
- Power hit! -

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Vyle             0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0          MrJones

With the flow of pressure turned, Johnny Jones starts to slide his way in an attempt to enter Vyle's circle of defense and begin raining down punches on him. He has studied his every move by now, he only needs to fight a person once to know what sort of style they got. It's what saved him from getting wrist locked before after all, why should he not trust his funky instincts?

Turns out though that second guessing a person too much can be a double edged sword. Johnny is ready to start following Vyle and parry his every move and return them with double the force. But as the rudo swiftly turns around to run away, it leaves the Groove Master quite puzzled!! That's not something Vyle did before!

"Oh shi--!" Mister Jones doesn't expect the rebound dive and can only put his arms up for an overhead block in an attempt to cover himself. Unfortunately for him, Vyle doesn't aim to stomp his fluffy afro like last time and instead begins to pound on his shoulders and collarbone injuring the Action Star quite a bit. "Woo!!" He doesn't stay on Vyle's killzone for long though, he takes the hint after a few kicks and slides back to let Vyle fall down then returns with a vengeance, propelling himself with his back foot to slam a straight haymaker right on Vyle's already injured face! "WASHOOO!!"

COMBATSYS: Vyle blocks MrJones' Retro Knuckle.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Vyle             0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0          MrJones

Lucha is a very tricky style, after all. And even if Vyle fights like a Rudo, he has the chops to fight like a tecnico. That vaulting series of kicks should prove that much. After pounding his heels into the action star's face and collar bone, the Sickness backflips off his foe, landing on his feet and hunkering down for a response. A good thing too, when Jones shoots himself forward and plows a straight toward Vyle's face. It's a hard blow to stop, heavy as it is, but the rudo manages to get his arms in the way, and stop it from breaking his nose.

Slithering back after that defense, the Rudo ends up backing off to another corner, slinking low to the mat and almost on all fours. From this low, he Waits. GLOWERS. As if daring Jones to come at him silently. It's all more mind games of course...but there's a reason people play them: sometimes, they WORK.

COMBATSYS: Vyle focuses on his next action.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Vyle             0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0          MrJones

Mister Jones doesn't bounce as he usually does when his knuckles collide against a resounding guard. Instead, he stays in and follows Vyle some more, sliding with quick dance steps to match Vyle's slithering own. It appears that Vyle wants him to go into the offensive and Johnny Jones is only too glad to comply as it is where he is at his most natural. His is a dance of full aggression after all.

Of course, whereas someone would simply charge in headlong into Vyle's defense, falling prey to his animalistic stance. Johnny plays a game of his own and makes as if he's going to go in with another reckless haymaker. Only it seems he only threw his head in first and didn't followed it up with anything. Nothing came from the top, his hands remain frozen next to his face.

Because the attack is coming from below, in the form of swift piston kick right under Vyle's chin!

COMBATSYS: MrJones successfully hits Vyle with Slide Double.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Vyle             0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0          MrJones

Vyle says, "Oof..."

Unfortunately, just because one is flat on the ground doesn't mean it's that much harder to strike them. One just has to get low themselves and meet them head on. Or in Jones's case, meet them head to foot. The sliding kick crashes directly into Vyle's chin as he attempts to lurch out of the way from it. Sure, he tried to roll on the side, but the foot simply comes in too fast, crashing him on the side and sending his head spinning as he falls to the ground. "GURhhkkk..."

Forced to kip back up to his feet, Vyle is forced to try for other methods again. Going to the well of good ol' Lucha again, he runs to the ropes, leaping up to the top, and using the elasticity of the rope to bound off it. Turning in mid air, he tries to hook his legs around that big ol' afro of Jones' and hopefully spin himself around into a headscissor takedown that would make even El Santo proud.

COMBATSYS: MrJones fails to interrupt Medium Throw from Vyle with Slide Double.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Vyle             0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0          MrJones

Darn it! Hold still!! Johnny isn't able to celebrate for long when his kick connects with the luchador's chin. As soon as he slams that funky powered kick into his opponent's face he takes off running again for the ropes. Grumbling, Jones decides that he will chase him down this time and attempts to kick him on his back before he can reach the ropes. "OOoOoOoo--oh wait.." But as he reaches Vyle's position, he realizes that jumping off a wall and jumping off a rope isn't the same thing. There's nothing that he can really do to slam Vyle against.

"Crap!" As he reaches the ropes with a leg extended, his leg slides between the ropes getting him stuck there and his head is promptly caught on a leg scissor that flips him around sending him tumbling down on the ground. "Ow, I'm okay!" Such is the way of the Groove Master after all, gotta roll with the punches.

Johnny kicks himself back to his feet and shakes his head, ready to give it another go.

A wrestling ring is a unique creature that way. So many ways to fly around one, without that one issue of being stuck in between a rock and a hard place...or rather, a wall and a hard fist. And Vyle proves that he's definitely at home in this ring, as he manages to bound off and catch Jones off guard with that headscissors.

This is not the way Vyle likes to fight, mind...but if this is the way it has to go? So be it. Running back to a turnbuckle, Vyle waits atop it, crouched down. He watches, biding his time until the Disco Fighter is back to his feet, before pouncing. "IYAAAHHHH!!" Screeching once more, he dives, thsi time trying to wrap an arm straight around his head. If he can, that momentum would twist the two around almost 270 degrees before Vyle would finally plant JOnes face first into the ground with one hell of a spinning DDT. If not....well....

COMBATSYS: MrJones blocks Vyle's Dead Spiral.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Vyle             1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0          MrJones

Mister Jones will admit that he's not in his element. Back in the good ol' days, he and Kang used to take on err'body in the wrestling glory, but that didn't mean he was ever comfortable in it, the cheers of the crowd was a nice addition, but all the uneven ropes and turnbuckles made it difficult to catch people that really knew how to maneuver around it. Jones is used to either fight toe to toe with someone or dance circles around them in large open spaces. Chasing people down? He's fast on his strikes, not so much on his running.

This is why he waits this time. Shade covered eyes staring at Vyle whilst he is perched on the turnbuckle and braces himself when he makes a jump at him! Vyle catches the Groove Master well enough and spins him about as he intended. However, instead of falling forward, Mister Jones forces them both to go backwards, placing his foot right on Vyle's stomach in the process to flip him over with a Judo toss! "HUAA!"

COMBATSYS: Vyle fails to counter Aggressive Strike from MrJones with Antidote.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Vyle             1/----===/=======|======-\-------\0          MrJones

Unfortunately, even with the advantage of familiarity, Vyle is still on an uphill battle, and despite doing his best to turn the tide with that big spinning DDT, it's not enough. Not when Jones is able to stall the momentum and prevent the rudo from pulling him down. And when Vyle tries to meet the attempted kick to his stomach with another grab? goes about as well as one can expect, this arms wide open to catch the foot, and getting caught before he can grab it. Instead, the rudo is launched upward from that driving foot, flung back into the turnbuckle upside down and crashing into it in a painful heap. "UGHhnnnnnnnnnnnhh..." he groans, straining to pull himself back up and upright. This is going about as well as the last fight did.

It's cool though, Mister Jones is great at adapting, otherwise he wouldn't have agreed with Kang on fighting people at the wrestling ring. The Groove always finds a way after all, be it in the dance floor, in the streets or in the arena. Johnny Jones winces slightly when he hears a *KLANG* noise of flesh meeting steel and looks up while laying down. Looks like he accidentally sent Vyle careening towards the turnbuckle instead of the mat..woopsie daisy! He hadn't meant to fling him where he could get seriously hurt, but eh, maybe he shouldn't have dissed the Funk before!

Jones sits up straight, but rather than jump back to his feet he sliiides on his back towards where Vyle is getting back up and does a spinaroonee. Legs straight out spinning like a helicopter, he aims to whack the rudo on the side of the face repeatedly while he uses that same momentum to get back up! "SHOO!"

COMBATSYS: Vyle dodges MrJones' Arc Fliegan.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Vyle             1/----===/=======|=====--\-------\0          MrJones

Despite the tangled pile of man in the turnbuckles, it'd be a mistake to believe that Vyle was down for the count completely. Despite his pained state there, he's still a hard cockroach to kill. To wit, when Jones comes spinning out with his legs like that to try and smash him in the face, the rudo is able to untangle himself from the corner and slide himself underneath the flying Funky Fighter. It takes more than a little flexibility and desperation to do so, but damned if he manages.

Rolling back up to his feet, the rudo is forced to hang back, leaning against the ropes for support. He rushed in badly before...he has to pick his shots again this time, or else he's getting killed all over again...

COMBATSYS: Vyle focuses on his next action.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Vyle             1/----===/=======|=====--\-------\0          MrJones

Wellp, Jones got back to his feet and that's mostly what he wanted. He pushes himself with his hands and lands on his feet despite the fact that Vyle skittered away from his attack as if he were indeed a cockroach. It seems that he's scared of Jones now, an amusing concept for the Groove Master and a fairly new one too. He still remembers the his early days where he was still considered a joke, so it's a novelty to him to see so many people sacred of him now. Jones' ego would inflate if it weren't for the fact that he's just too darn groovy to take it seriously.

When Vyle decides to be more cautious on his attacks. Jones just flashes him a big grin and wiggles his finger at him teasingly before resetting his Jeet Kune Do stance. He may be a really kick ass fighter, but he's an actor at heart and likes to build up drama.

COMBATSYS: MrJones gains composure.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Vyle             1/----===/=======|====---\-------\0          MrJones

Unfortunately for Vyle, Jones is just way too calm, way too cool, way to collected to simply leave him something hanging out there for him to regret later. It's really one of the luchador's biggest weaknesses, and it's telling that the fight is going the way it is now. When the Funky Fighter hangs back, and he tauts the rudo with taht finger waggle, the rudo simply glowers.

Gritting his teeth, he drives in hard and fast, trying to simply out-speed the Groove Master and pick him up into a hard drive toward the turnbucke, back-first.

COMBATSYS: MrJones interrupts Strong Throw from Vyle with Slide Double.

[                            \\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Vyle             1/=======/=======|=====--\-------\0          MrJones

You just can't rush these type of things brudda! Few are those that can truly unnerve Mister Jones' funky groove. It takes that gnashing your teeth or soiling Disco's to truly draw a rise from him. Johnny Jones tunes everything out and only listens to the funky music. Swaying with the rhythm, looking like he just don't care, Jonesy meets Vyle's desperate charge with a grin and gets tackled right into the unforgiving turnbuckle!

But as he's slammed, the Funky Fighter grabs the rudo by his neck and reverses the grapple, turning him around to slam him on the turnbuckle with on hand and makes a big show with the other as he it raises high up.

"Here it comes!"

And slugs Vyle with a right hook right in the face.

Well...that's disappointing.

That's an understatement, really. Considering that this has been less than a fight and more of a total steamrolling, 'disappointing' is definitely too light of a word. Not that Vyle can really show how much of an understatement it is, ragdolled into the corner and slugged into near unconsciousness as he is. The rocking blow to the jaw turns the rudo's head completely around, nearly causing him to collapse in the corner completely.

Rather than collapse again though, he goes for broke. He was never the one to die with a whimper after all. But trying another tackle might not be the best of ideas, but...who knows?

COMBATSYS: Vyle can no longer fight.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
MrJones          0/-------/--=====|

COMBATSYS: Vyle successfully hits MrJones with Outbreaker.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
MrJones          0/-------/=======|

With that tackle complete, Vyle turns the disco fighter around on the mat, pulling his legs back in a hard wrenching Boston Crab. Back, back, back...far back enough that Jones starts to slip off the map and up as the rudo tosses him into the air....and collapses. NOrmally, this is where Vyle would meet him in mid air and guide him back down into a brainbuster. But...yeah, it's not to be this time. He's just too beaten up to finish it.

Honestly, yeah, that is pretty much when Jonesy's opponents collapse into a crumpled heap and don't get back up no mo'. Johnny slugs the rudo right on the jaw and slides back to simply let him fall flat on the mat. However he is taken off guard when Vyle surges forward fueled with hatred, tackling down on the ground as he intended to do before, twisting him about to start stretching his legs and sent up into the air!


As he falls, he lands not on his head though, but face first with a belly flop right on top of Vyle! And you know what that means!!

"Ouch..." Johnny grumbles as he begins to get back up


"Wa?..." He freezes as he hears the crowd counting.


"Oh, oh right." And then holds his position on top of Vyle as the count finishes.



Looks like Funky justice is served once again.

Log created on 15:00:22 06/10/2012 by MrJones, and last modified on 09:08:45 06/11/2012.