SNF 2012.05 - SNF: "Learning To Walk"

Description: The Appalachian Mountains are a place for hiking, sightseeing... and fighting? Two rivals, Vyle the Luchador, and Momoko the Capoeira girl, both go at it in this unique scenic spot for the SNF. Who will come out as the king (or queen) of the mountain? (WINNER: Draw)

Ahhhhh, the Appalachians. The mountains and the hills, the trees and the grass, the birds and the bees....scratch that one, actually. That one is more appropriate for talking about someone's Grand Tetons, actually. Either way, the pristine nature, only interrupted by mountaintop removal and mining, is certainly peaceful....aside from the camera crews tromping about and getting ready for an SNF fight set in this part of the backwoods!

It's certainly not Vyle's fact, it seems like he's not even here! No ostentatious entrance, no pounding entrance music, no cursing and taunting, no nothing! In fact, one might assume he's not shown up to fight at all!....and one would assume wrong, in fact. For up in the trees, on a brance above the designated fight area, the luchador has perched himself, waiting and stalking, wearing perhaps the most ineffective camoflauge get-up known to man, set up in his usual purple and green, each color too bright and too unnatural to be useful as camo. But...well, maybe he's hoping Momoko doesn't look up.

The Applachians, definitely the best place if you want to go sight seeing or get some walking in. But for a fight? That's definitely not the typical place for something like that. Of course, for someone like Momoko, it's definitely a place where there's lots of people going around, more than likely, and that means more than likely plenty of new prospective students for Capoeira... or at least an audience for a demonstration. In fact, while Vyle is lying in wait for Momoko, the Capoeira girl is literally skipping along down the path, singing loudly a traditional Capoeira song.

Typical of Momoko, that she's so carefree and spunky, even if there aren't others there to watch her perform. It's just another day to be practicing Capoeira... of course, there's also the issue that there's an SNF about to happen, so Momoko's also looking for her opponent. "Helloo-o-o-o! Come out, come out, where ever you are! Momoko's here and ready to play!" She calls out in her spunky tone.

Waiting up in the branches, Vyle continues to watch and look down, waiting for his prey. When Momoko comes a-skipping along the trail set right where their designated fight area is, he can simply smile. Perfect. Unaware and distracted. The perfect time for the luchador to strike.

Dropping down from his chosen branch, he finds a lower one, about 12 feet above Momoko's head. And from there? He drops, legs splayed as he tries to catch the little capoeria fighter from the sky. "HIIIIAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!" he screeches, trying to catch her head between his legs on the drop, and use that gravity to swing about and pitch her over painfully with a picture-perfect headscissors takedown.

COMBATSYS: Vyle has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Vyle             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Momoko has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Vyle             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Momoko

COMBATSYS: Momoko parries Vyle's Strong Throw!

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Vyle             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Momoko

Way to give yourself away, Vyle! The instant Vyle yells, Momoko turns and sees him just in time for him to grab her head, but Momoko's got a surprise for him! She slips free swiftly, and rolls onto the ground, getting into her ginga without missing a beat. "Hey, were you trying to catch Momoko off guard? That was real cool! But Momoko got the best of you!"

And then, without missing a beat, Momoko leaps into the air and attempts to fly into Vyle with a spinning backsault style attack. Let's see him try and catch THIS!

COMBATSYS: Vyle blocks Momoko's Folha EX.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Vyle             0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0           Momoko

Well, that didn't go so well, apparently. His intentions were probably just a little too naked, and while he avoids splattering himself across the ground (or at least breaking a leg and a few ribs from a bad landing), he only ends up in a recovery roll as Momoko slips free of his headscissors deftly. "Gnhhh....for god's sake, use a damn pronoun!" he snaps, remembering that irritating tendency for her to refer to herself in the third person from the LAST SNF he had involving her.

Not that he can really mull over that right this moment. He's forced to drop into a defensive sprawl when she comes with the backsault, and reels back with arms crossed and leg lifted up when the full body strike comes. "Ghnnnn....that' it's gonna be, huh?" he growls, sneering as he drops his guard and runs...away? No, he's just running to the nearest tree, bounding off of it, and leaping toward the young fighter, a round kick aimed to clip the back of her head as he flies.

COMBATSYS: Momoko blocks Vyle's Light Kick.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Vyle             0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0           Momoko

Momoko steps back as Vyle comes at her, then brings her hands up to knock his foot away before spinning to face him. "Awww, don't get mad! This is supposed to be fun!" Momoko says with a big grin as she strides towards Vyle in her ginga stance. "Fighting is supposed to be fun! So don't take it so serious!"

Momoko then drops down into a crouch and spins around, demonstrating a dancing-style technique, before attempting to come up and deliver a spinning kick with her left leg aimed directly at Vyle.

COMBATSYS: Momoko successfully hits Vyle with Spin Kick.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Vyle             0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0           Momoko He HATES kids, he HATES kids, he HATES kids. And that's just in general. Fighting them is even more infuriating for the luchador, especially when they're apparently little prodigies like this one. The spinning kick catches the rudo as he's attempting to jolt off to his side, smacking him in the ribs and sending him stumbling in a falter. " little...." At least she's not referring herself in the third person again.

Still, he finds himself rather...irritated, even more so than usual, and that means...well, that means the nasty things come out. Nasty things like that ever recognizable gout of green mist that he spews forth toward Momoko, trying to spray it straight in her eyes. Sure, he's got some poison plants around to work with too...but those move slow, and his Venom...moves a wee bit quicker. Maybe not as itchy, but...

COMBATSYS: Vyle successfully hits Momoko with Venom Breath.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Vyle             0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0           Momoko

Momoko only refers to herself in the third person when she has a reason to. So Vyle should learn to realize that. But if he hates kids, well, that's another story. Still, Momoko doesn't like those plants and their poisons, and she really doesn't like Vyle's poisonous mist either! Momoko gets caught by it and gags, reeling back while coughing and rubbing at her eyes.

"Ahh! Momoko can't see!" The girl yells as she covers her eyes with one hand, coughing at the same time as her lungs struggle to get the bad stuff out of them. She steps back and slowly opens her eyes, letting the tears wash the nasty stuff out of her eyes.

COMBATSYS: Momoko focuses on her next action.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Vyle             0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0           Momoko

Ahhh, now that's what Vyle was hoping for. There's always a....satisfying part to seeing someone take that mist straight in the face and let it seep in slooowwwlly. And when Momoko starts reeling and rubbing at her eyes, there's a small smirk of satisfaction on the sick rudo'sf ace. "Awww...poor baby," he mutters before chuckling to himself.

And as Momoko keeps back and tries to use her own tears to wash out the poison from her eyes, Vyle gets to business. Thankful that he remembered to wear gloves to this match, he finds the largest batch of poison oak he can find, tearing it up and with a silent heave, tries to toss the whole back straight into the little capoerista! Something sure to remind her of the fight in the weeks to come if she doesn't get the hell out of the way.

COMBATSYS: Momoko dodges Vyle's Large Thrown Object.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Vyle             0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0           Momoko

"Momoko's no baby girl!" The girl says as she tries to blink back more tears, as the awful stuff leaves her eyes, finally allowing her to see better a little. "Momoko's a Capoeira queen!" Somehow, that smirk still remains on her face even after just having been blinded briefly by Vyle's attack. And to add insult to injury, Momoko effortlessly avoids that incoming poison oak being tossed at her, cartwheeling(!) out of the way and leaping towards Vyle at the same time. But in this case, she doesn't try to strike from the air.

Instead, she hits the ground and then rolls on the ground, attempting to directly roll into Vyle's legs, and finish it off with a long outstretched toe kick!

COMBATSYS: Momoko successfully hits Vyle with Phoenix Arrow.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Vyle             1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0           Momoko

And yet she's STILL talking in third person. That's the only thing Vyle can manage to think of when Momoko makes on that boast. It's enough to make him grit his teeth in annoyance. Even more annoyance than when she manages to cartwheel away from the poison oak being tossed at her. That was meant more as insult to injury than anything, sure. Of course, the real injury comes when she leaps toward him...and then suddenly pitches into a powered roll, the resulting energized kick sending him at least a few yards back in a bad looking roll of his own. "GNHHGNN!!!!!!"

Pushing himself up by a nearby tree, he grunts and narrows his eyes at the capoerista, sneering at her as he tries to get air back in his lungs.

COMBATSYS: Vyle gains composure.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Vyle             0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0           Momoko

Momoko watches as Vyle goes rolling, and she takes off after him, still grinning as she does so. This whole environment may be a new style of fighting environment for her, but it's working out in her favor rather well. "Hey, wait for Momoko!" Momoko calls playfully, her bare feet not fazed in the least by the rocks, dirt, and other things in the path. When she spies Vyle catching his breath, Momoko stops abruptly for a moment.

"Tired already? That won't do! Momoko's going to have to motivate you to keep going!" She says as she hops towards Vyle and then drops down and attempts to sweep Vyle off of his feet.

COMBATSYS: Vyle blocks Momoko's Light Kick.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Vyle             0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0           Momoko

Thankfully, as low as he already is, Vyle doesn't need to move too much to intercept the sweeping kick, hands coming in to stop her foot at the ankle before it can do any more danage. "I'm just getting warmed up, you little..." he mutters, before he leaps into the air. Not too far...just enough that he can catch hold of her head under one arm, and hopefully twist with her to drop into a nasty looking Tornado DDT.

COMBATSYS: Vyle successfully hits Momoko with Dead Spiral.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Vyle             1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1           Momoko

Momoko's arrogance and spunkiness apparently has gotten the best of her. Despite her best effort to get clear, she's caught by Vyle, and gets hurled into the ground in a rather harsh throw. She hits the ground hard, bones most likely racked as she does so, and slightly dazed too to boot. Yet, there's nothing that you can do to keep Momoko down when she's in the heat of a fight. She uses a kippup to get onto her feet.

"Owww... Momoko thinks that Momoko hurt a few bones," Momoko says as she slows down a little to catch her breath, but then resumes the tempo. "But Momoko won't lose as long as Momoko keeps tempo!" Isn't it funny how Momoko contrasts so much to Vyle? Then again, if they were alike, it wouldn't be as much fun.

Momoko jumps towards Vyle, then attempts a handstand while facing away before attempting a one-two heel kick combo aimed at Vyle, before dropping back onto her feet.

COMBATSYS: Momoko successfully hits Vyle with Bananeira Dois Golpes.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Vyle             1/-----==/=======|=======\=------\1           Momoko

This time, it might be Vyle's turn to have his arrogance turned aside on him. Kipping up to his feet himself ahead of Momoko, he ends up sauntering back, snorting and smirking as the dazed girl gets back up to her feet. "How you like that, you little....." He starts on, before he feels his eye twitch. She's doing it on purpose, he knows it. That third person think, she's doing it on purpose!!! "Oh, I'll give you a BEAT if you want, you stupid..." He trails off in a mutter, before he tries to sidle aside from the handstand heel kick. Unfortunately, just like before, he gets smacked mid-dodge before he can get too far. "GUhnnn..."

Sneering, he tries to keep himself stead on his feet, but the toll of those kicks is adding up for sure. He has to try and put her away for good. "I swear..." he growls, before he rushes for Momoko low, hoping to come in fast enough to grab her by the waist with both arms and drive her straight back into a tree trunk.

COMBATSYS: Momoko dodges Vyle's Medium Throw.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Vyle             1/-----==/=======|=======\=------\1           Momoko

"Hey, no name calling!" Momoko replies as she rolls away from Vyle, then jumps over him, making him look like he's grabbing at nothing but air. At the same time, Momoko twists herself around and attempts to use her trajectory to deliver a swift kick to the back of Vyle before she lands on the ground.

COMBATSYS: Vyle counters Change-Up Kick from Momoko with Relapse.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Vyle             1/-----==/=======|=======\====---\1           Momoko

Vyle grabbed nothing but air as he tried to ram Momoko into that tree...but he's not through, not by a longshot. When she twists about to try and kick into his back?...well, there's the opening he was fishing for all day long. Snapping his leg back, he snapped off a hard heel kick, cracking her in the jaw and sending her high up into the air.

Grinning, the rudo found himself running up the side of a tree, flipping off to catch her in mid air before dragging her down into a murderous looking brainbuster drop, piledriving her straight onto her head. "GAHHHHHH!!!" he shouts, catching his breath and remaining sitting there for a second before pushing himself up from that full on attack.

Momoko's finally gone too far over the line. She finds herself going to the ground harder than before, and literally splatters onto the ground. When she gets up, she shows that she's definitely getting a bit worn out, but no matter how difficult the odds may be, Momoko refuses to give up. In fact, she stares at Vyle with her eyes glowing, and then raises her hands in front of her.

"All right, now it's time for Momoko to show what truly happens when you push Momoko too far!" She then sends forth a large beam of energy aimed directly at Vyle.

COMBATSYS: Vyle blocks Momoko's Esper.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Vyle             0/-------/--=====|=------\-------\0           Momoko

Oh hell. This one Vyle remembered from last time. And this time, he's not in the best of states to avoid it, standing on level ground instead of higher ground. Scrambling away when he sees that glow and that stance, he tries to get as much distance as possible away from her. Not to get away...just enough so he can see it coming when it comes. And WHEN it comes, he's forced to cross his arms, and hunker down, lowering his profile enough that he's not hit dead on anywhere.

And when the smoke rises....Vyle is there, coughing and shuddering. He manages to survive it, but not without being worse for the wear or without leaving etches in the ground where he was pushed back. "What....w-was that it..." he groans, sneering toward the young capoerista. "I guess it's...too much to expect a little tart to give me a good run," he taunts, a weak laugh.

He doesn't move from where he stands, simply...beckoning her on. "Come on...give me more. Come on....." he sneers...of course, he's just buying time and hoping to goad something sloppy out of her...but hey, stalling tactics work sometimes.

COMBATSYS: Vyle focuses on his next action.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Vyle             0/-------/--=====|=------\-------\0           Momoko

Momoko watches as Vyle takes that attack in stride, and she smiles a little, but not much. She doesn't feel like stalling, though. Instead, Momoko carefully attempts to approach Vyle and, if successful, jump onto his shoulders, wrap her legs around him, and then twist his neck slightly before going down to the ground while using her fall to bring him down with her.

COMBATSYS: Vyle counters Iyan from Momoko with Antidote.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Vyle             0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0           Momoko

And that's what Vyle was hoping for, yet again. As provoking and as loud as he is, he knows when to be patient, and when to let the opponent come to him...and Momoko does just that, trying to give him an attempt at a frankensteiner. But...well, this is a technique the luchador's seen hundreds of times, used about as much...and there's always one good counter to it. One he's felt about a hundred times as well:

The Good ol' fashioned POWERBOMB. Sure, he doesn't have the force behind it as some might, simply falling into it and driving Momoko onto her back...but it's sure gonna sting when she lands, right? "Nnghhh! TRY AGAIN!"

Momoko would try again, but after two counters in a row, Momoko is feeling winded and like it's all over for her. She thinks that she's gotten way over her head... Except that's not how Momoko is supposed to think. She's supposed to think positive! As she stands back up, Momoko closes her eyes and repeats to herself, "Don't give up, Momoko! You can do it, Momoko!"

COMBATSYS: Momoko gains composure.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Vyle             0/-------/-======|==-----\-------\0           Momoko

Pushing himself back up, Vyle waits to see if Momoko is about to do the same...and when she does, he frowns. He's burning oil as well here, and may not be too much better off compared. "Oh, please..." he mutters to himself, sneering and quickly charging after the capoerista, hoping to catch her by the neck and yank her down into a neckbreaker drop, both hands wrapped around her head and pulling the back of it straight to the ground.

COMBATSYS: Vyle successfully hits Momoko with Improvised Throw.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Vyle             0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0           Momoko

Momoko's unable to react in time, and she finds herself caught by Vyle once again. Once she hits the ground, she struggles to get back up, and finds herself staring at Vyle once again, albeit weaker than she was before. "No, Momoko won't lose!" She groans as she attempts to drive the heel of her foot into Vyle.

COMBATSYS: Momoko successfully hits Vyle with Heel Kick.
Grazing Hit

[                        \\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Vyle             1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0           Momoko

The heel shot is slow, but apparently Vyle is just a bit slower too, unable to push himself up from the ground after throwing himself into the neckbreaker before the kick comes. "Hhhhhnnnn..." Stumbling out of his crouch and forced to scramble on hands and knees, he sneers toward the young fighter. He can't give up here, not yet. He HAS to win. Against this little tart, he HAS to win.

Charging again, he tries to come in low, except rather than go for her waist, he tries to hook at one of her ankles, hoping to grab it, hook it, and wrench it as hard as possible in hopes of getting her to simply give up. "TAAAAAAAAAAAPP!!"

COMBATSYS: Momoko interrupts Medium Throw from Vyle with Bananeira Dois Golpes.
- Power hit! -

[                           \\\  <
Vyle             1/------=/=======|

COMBATSYS: Momoko can no longer fight.

[                           \\\  <
Vyle             1/------=/=======|

As Vyle grabs Momoko, she goes into her handstand and attempts her one-two heel kick again, and while she does make contact, so does Vyle. She loses her balance and falls onto the ground. This time, she fails to get up. It looks like that last hit took the wind out of her.

....yeah, thinking back, considering her style, trying for an ankle lock was NOT the smartest of decisions. That'll be something for Vyle to think about in the day after. In the doesn't come to him until she handstands out of the hold and swings her heel up into his chin, smashing him backward and into a tree. "Guhnnn...little..." he groans...before faltering forward and onto his face from that tree. And tomorrow, when he wakes up...he'll find his hand itching like nothing else. That's what happens when you pass out and your hands land into poison ivy.

COMBATSYS: Vyle takes no action.

COMBATSYS: Vyle can no longer fight.

Log created on 16:55:42 05/27/2012 by Momoko, and last modified on 10:01:35 05/28/2012.