SNF 2012.05 - SNF: "Richter Wrecked"

Description: Now, this is just brilliant. Just. Brilliant. For centuries, wine has been made by pressing down grapes and relieving them of their sweet juices. For just as long, people have been throwing other people to the ground with amazing force. Why has it taken so long to combine the two?! These two combatants will be placed on a giant wooden circle, which itself is resting on a ton of fresh grapes waiting to be squeezed into wine.

Some people go to the south of France for their vacations. Some people find a nice beach to stretch out on and relax. Vice? Vice has never *had* to take a vacation before, because she's never really 'worked' so much as she has 'allowed herself to be directed in the course of her day to day life'.

But two weeks of hard, genuine, thinkin' work with paperwork and everything else, has driven her completely out of her mind. So, it is time to go on vacation! Does she go to a spa? Perhaps a nice secluded villa?

Nope. She signs up for VIOLENCE and kicks it off by using a fat man to squish grapes.

Just the plane journey has been fun. So many targets! It seems like this week is a really big week in the SNF, with a lot of top names! And she has made sure that every single one of them is pissed at her. Now that she's standing in the middle of this large wooden barrel, she just can't WAIT to get down to what all good holidays should be about; cutting loose and doing your level best to break another human being into their component pieces!

"Come on, come on!" She shouts, putting her hands on her hips, "I want to get started already, where is the blubberball?!"

Things are about to get really busy again in Metro. That is exactly why before Raiden gets too involved with helping out Geese and the boys he has decided to go get a nice workout. Even more so he was amused when Billy and even Geese himself had something of the same idea. Not to mention there was amusement in the fact those two were pitted against one another with Terry being involved as well. That one should be interesting as can be.

The flight for the fat man was pretty much something he doesn't remember much of. Despite all the chaos that Vice was causing he was pretty much dozing away and even as he had his chair kicked it wasn't enough to really wake him. It is a surprise he didn't wake up with dicks drawn all over his face or something because of the secretary. Now he is well rested and ready to cause some damage. This fight is not going to be pretty at all and he is more than fine with that. He just likes to toss people about much like his opponent and as long as he can do that he will be fine.

"I'm here, woman." comes the booming voice of the Aussie as he starts to heft himself over the edge of the barrel to climb inside. Just the impact of the near five hundred pounder landing sends that barrel down a bit already before the battle itself already begins. He adjusts the fingerless gloves he is wearing and cricks his neck. "How's your boss doing? I see that taking over a country thing worked out well for you all."

Vice has never been the most witty contender to the SNF circuit. Banter is pretty difficult when you are mostly focused on trying to rip off the face of your opponent. "Just try to keep up, fat boy!" She snarls, and... without waiting for so much as a 'Fighters, ready!' Vice is already charging across the wooden surface, her feet drumming out a staccato rhythm as she just pitches directly towards Raiden. As she gets closer, it is like running at a mountain made out of man. Vice really does love the big ones, though. They're much easier to get her hands on.

She hasn't fought Raiden before, though. She's curious! So rather than trying to toss the guy around, she starts by just charging forwards, intending to smash right into Raiden and see if his giant flabby form can withstand her Orochi-powered shoulder-barge.

Vice *looks* pretty scary, all understated menace and femme fatale danger. Very few people expect her to hit them harder than a truck, though - and that tends to really augment the fear. There aren't many women in fighting who can even approach the levels of raw power that Vice dishes out. What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?

COMBATSYS: Vice has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Vice             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Raiden has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Vice             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Raiden

COMBATSYS: Vice successfully hits Raiden with Aggressive Strike.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Vice             0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0           Raiden

Vice may look scary, but Raiden doesn't seem too intimidated. Given who he works for that should be no surprise. Geese wouldn't employ someone that would just shrink away from someone at the drop of the hat. He is here to cause some damage just like Vice and that begins right about now. Or more so sooner than he expected it would seem. He was getting ready to grapple before finding Vice to be very quick as she slams hard into him. While he is a big man with a bit of the gut, there is alot of muscle as well. It staggers him back a few steps, but that is about it as he grunts some. "Not bad. My turn now."

It looks like he is ready to get with the tossing about. He reaches to grasp for the woman and get his large, meaty hands right on her shoulders to push her forward and down. It is more an action so he can then get his arms around her waist so he can lift her up high into the air before he putting her up over his head and then violently attempting to toss her as hard as he can right into the ground. An impact that will probably send the barrel down several inches if it works.

COMBATSYS: Raiden successfully hits Vice with Powerbomb.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Vice             0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0           Raiden

Vice tries to dodge backwards, but Raiden is faster than his frame would leave you able to believe he could be. Far faster than a man that size has any right to be! And he hits HARD, too! The Orochi-blooded secretary is surprised by the sheer power that Raiden brings to the fore. Her head is ringing! That... is not supposed to happen. SHE is not supposed to be the one that gets hurt!

The barrel descends. First grape blood to Raiden.

To her credit, she does not stay down for long. Uncurling like some malevolent serpent, Vice twists around and up lightning fast, aiming to grab hold of Raiden by the back of the head. Her eyes are actually a little bloodshot, now, and if she has got a snug grip, he'll get to see that first hand.

"That ~hurt~. Good! I thought this might be too easy!"

And with that, she aims to drag Raiden down and across the floor of the barrel, grinding a trench into the wood with his face, before hurling him up and into the air over her shoulder, one-handed. Raiden's initial leap had squished a fair amount of grapes. Now he risks doing it again at terminal velocity!

COMBATSYS: Raiden Toughs Out Vice's Gore Fest!

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Vice             0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0           Raiden

There is a heh as he rubs at his chin with a hand. "Got up, didya? And here I thought this wasn't going to be fun. Nice to be pleasantly surprised!" He is also in for another surprise. He isn't too familiar with just how brutal Vice can be so when she reaches for him he isn't even attempting any sort of proper defense. He is just looking to clash with her. And clash they do. His teeth grit as he is slammed hard into the barrel facedown and dragged about.

Despite the pain he keeps his wits about him and he twists about in the air with a bit of a surprising agility given his size when he is thrown over her shoulder. There is a powerful impact onto the barrel, but he lands feet first and he goes into a low crouch before launching himself forward to try and grab Vice from behind with both arms before she even realizes he didn't land in a heap. This could get very bad very quick.

COMBATSYS: Vice blocks Raiden's Destruction Drop.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Vice             0/-------/-======|-------\-------\0           Raiden

Perhaps not the best of grips he can get or it may be more the fact she is alot more squirmy than anticipated. Even so Whatever he was attempted seems mostly stifled by the wiley secretary and when Raiden tries to lift her up he doesn't so much keep the grip he wants and she slips from his hands and goes up over his head. There is a general curse under his breath before he shrugs a bit. "Oh well."

Vice has a certain... boneless quality, when she wants to. Being bear-hugged by Raiden is definitely one of those times, and she does squirm free as she is lifted up. Even that was far more painful than most people can manage to inflict on the secretary, though. It has been a very long time since she fought someone who can match her in the art of throwing people around. It is almost fun.

Mostly it is enraging.

Something which Vice isn't good at hiding. There's a low growl in the back of her throat, which grows into a bark of cursing laughter. "You'll have to do better than that!" She shouts, as she uses Raiden's expansive back to vault across the wooden surface, coming to a skidding stop almost on the exact other side. One might think that this would slow things down.

But instead, she spins on the spot, and her arm lashes out with it. Coming down low and startling, she aims to snag Raiden's ankle, and then just hurl him as hard as she can up and over her head. Well. Those cameramen need to be made to WORK for their money, right?

COMBATSYS: Raiden auto-guards Vice's Deicide!

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Vice             0/-------/-======|-------\-------\0           Raiden

It is an actual strange pace of speed for this fight. One would think Raiden would be too slow and plodding to pull something like this off. Vice is just quick and agile while he is not. It should be something that really works against him. He has dealt with plenty of high fliers in his wrestling days and he deals with the fact save for maybe Hugo constantly dealing with people that are faster than him. it is all about timing in the case for a fighter like him and he is surprisingly good at it. It is something that is very dangerous when combined with a man of his size.

A good example is how vice comes in quickly to snag at his ankle. One would think he is destined to be flung up and away, but instead he manages to keep his balance rather well and when she goes to tug the leg to try and take it out from under him the Aussie a manages to stand firm and perhaps even get a surprise attack in if Vice was expecting him to be easily flung away. His massive hands reach to grip her by the head and lift her up. He looks to get a few headbutts in before roughly tossing her away once more.

COMBATSYS: Raiden successfully hits Vice with Head Crush.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Vice             1/-------/=======|=------\-------\0           Raiden

Well, that hurt.

Vice isn't exactly sure WHAT has gone wrong for her in this fight. Normally, she can power through pretty much anything, and even if she takes her licks, she can make her opponent feel it too. That just isn't working out against this guy, though. Somehow, Raiden seems to be not just putting her down... but taking her completely to pieces as he does it! He doesn't even budge an inch when she gets him. Screw. That.

Vice bounces hard with the impact on the floor, but she doesn't just bounce; she ricochets. Screaming like a demon from the bowels of hell itself, she comes tearing back at the man, a streak of black and crimson which aims to barrel into Raiden all over again... but this time, she's twisting to wrap her legs around the wrestler's neck...

COMBATSYS: Raiden just-defends Vice's Negative Gain!

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Vice             0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0           Raiden

Raiden may have been out of the spotlight since King of Fighters, but it looks like he hasn't been slacking off. The big man seems just as dangerous as ever and is here to remind people that he is still around and they should watch their backs. Even worse the people that need to watch their backs at the moment don't even realize that the big man is coming for them. Brett, Fuji and El Fuerte might be in for a world of pain. At least for now they are safe.....that is of course unless Raiden decides to visit one of them in Greece. All three are there afterall.

The large fighter is keeping his ground. He remains in his grappler stance with arms a raised and knees slightly bent. He is trying to keep a low center of gravity combined with his weight to help make it harder for him to be taken off his feet. He waits for Vice and he isn't disappointed since she decides to hurl herself at him once more. She manages to land on him with legs around his thick neck, but he also seems to have grabbed her sides with both hands as he tries to peel her off with sheer brute strength. While doing so he just releases with one hand and rears back as he looks to sling that mighty fist forward to nail her right in the stomach and send her sailing away.

COMBATSYS: Vice dodges Raiden's Giant Bomb.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Vice             0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0           Raiden

Vice isn't exactly a slouch herself. She's a killer, one of the most dangerous people in the world, and someone who can give even the most capable fighters pause for thought. Repeated, continual assault doesn't seem to be working on Raiden... but, for all her many advantages, Vice has one major flaw; she really can't stop. She goes forwards, and she attacks and attacks and attacks until she can't attack any more.

She manages to get away from Raiden before he can snare her again, flipping backwards with a grunt, but she doesn't slow down. She comes back in just as hard as before, this time aiming to put her back into it, grab him around the waist, and just fling him up and around onto his face with a scream of:

"JUST..." This content censored for our famil audience. "--DIE, ALREADY!"

COMBATSYS: Raiden blocks Vice's Power Throw.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Vice             0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0           Raiden

Sometimes just going nonstop works all too well against many fighters. Many just get too overwhelmed and in the end they are totally taken out of their game plan by such tactics. Then there those that often employ the same tactics. Raiden himself is one that goes all out when he feels like it, but he has been fighting long enough to know when to pace himself. Sometimes being able to do that can throw the one trying to go all out off their own game or make them wear themselves out. It doesn't seem like this is going to be the case with Vice. Despite the punishment she seems to be firing on all cylinders still.

Trying to get her arms around the waist of Raiden isn't an easy task either. She might be able to grip his tights to give him a lift, but to encircle that large waist is something not many fighters can do. He grunts as he starts to get picked up and he tries his best to keep the woman from doing what she wants. He struggles enough when he is tossed he doesn't really go too high or far. He lands a bit rough and the giant barrel wobbles a bit as it further pushes down on the grapes. "I think I will pass on that one." he says as he gets up then looks to lunge forward to drive his shoulder into Vice to throw her off balance before following up with a powerful punch aimed to slam onto the top of her head.

COMBATSYS: Vice fails to interrupt Combination Bodyblow from Raiden with Black End.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Vice             0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0           Raiden

'Firing on all cylinders' is very much a subjective term when it comes to Vice.

That aside, she certainly isn't slowing down, and as Raiden drives his shoulder into her, she tries to grab him... it... doesn't work, again, and instead her head whips downwards as she is ploughed into the barrel. For a moment, she doesn't move at all. Did... did he just kill her?

But, she does get up, and even though she's bleeding, she's *laughing*. A deep, throaty, wet laugh.

"Wasn't... an *offer*. I'm gonna, *KILL* you. Gonna make the piggy SQUEAL."

From the way she's swaying from side to side, and half her face is slick with blood, it might be difficult to take the threat all that seriously. Then again... it *is* still Vice.

That woman is one tough cookie. That makes Raiden laugh when she mentions killing him. Not because he finds it amusing that she thinks she can do it, but more the fact she still manages to move and talk after taking so much punishment. Raiden can rarely find men that can withstand so much. A woman that can take a beating like this is even more rare. "I really do like you. A shame you gotta work for someone so boring." Granted he honestly has never met Rugal to know if he is boring or not, but it is always a bit fun just to taunt his opponent. He is a man that spent years as a heel afterall.

Crouching low once more he looks ready to see if Vice will make her own move, but then he actually starts forward, a rumbling that shakes the barrel labout before he leaps upwards. He flings both legs forward as he uses his momentum to carry him forward to let those big boots attempt to slam into Vice and knock her down once more. "You might want to kill me, but I can't say the feeling is mutual. Think you will be too fun so I would keep ya around!"

COMBATSYS: Vice fails to interrupt Super Dropkick from Raiden with Large Random Weapon.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Raiden           0/-------/----===|

COMBATSYS: Vice can no longer fight.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Raiden           0/-------/----===|


Raising her hands above her head, Vice attempts to solve this problem - like all of them - with violence. Raiden is coming in fairly slow, and, rather than trying to smash *him* (as that hasn't been working), instead she attempts to smash the entire damn arena. NOBODY deserves to have a good time!

The axe-handle crashes into the lid of the arena, but... where she had been hoping the wood would splinter and come up to interrupt the heavy wrestler... what actually happens, though, is something that any sane person could see coming.

She DOES punch through the wood... but, rather than a large splinter coming up to impale her enemies, as it would in her fevered violence-dreams, both hands wind up lodged in the arena. Which, means that she's pretty much pinned in place when...


And that, seems to finally put an end to her offensive.

The big feet hit home and Raiden lands hard on the barrel sending it downwards once again as he starts to get back to his feet. He is panting abit as he rests his hands on his isdes and he leans back. There is abit of a hearty laugh as he shakes his head. Yes, this is a nice workout that he had needed. Now he is ready to go and do some dirty work. Something that could start very soon. He isn't sure if he is nice enough to at least let his soon to be victims enjoy their stay in Greece. Ruining their vacation and making them realize messing around in Metro is a bad idea? He can probably get bonus points for that.

Thinking about things the large wrestler looks down at his feet. He is still probably pretty high up and he really rather not climb out at the moment. Instead he gets a bright idea and the big man starts jumping up and down. It isn't long until all the grapes are finally crushed down and the barrel explodes outwards as Raiden bursts through one of the sides and lands on the ground. "Gaaaaaah! I am RAIDEN!" he shouts and holds arms in the air. "NOW GIVE ME MY WINE!"

Log created on 10:39:40 05/11/2012 by Raiden, and last modified on 09:18:05 05/14/2012.