SNF 2012.04 - SNF: "Tomboy Heaven"

Description: Akihabara is a place where fans go. Fans of anything. Fans of fighting go there to see two of the more popular women fighters throw down in a titanic battle. (Winner: Leona)

Akihabara district, Tokyo, Japan. A wretched hive of scum and villainy--and otaku. Lots of otaku. Of all stripes. Anime, video games, electronics, military... Akiba, as it's fondly known by some, is a bustling place, full of young men and women who have a devotion to things that is considered by some to be harmful.

Are there fight otaku? You bet. Tons of 'em. So the street that's been marked off for the fight--lined with portable, impromptu bleachers, the natural(sort of) neon of Akiba lighting the place even without the klieg lights shining down on the prepared street. The street is -surrounded-, even at the ends that are blocked off by the police, by hundreds, thousands of fans, all with their cellphone-cameras and digital handicams out.

And at one end is Leona. She made a flashy entrance, although it wasn't by choice; she simply wasn't going to get to the fight on time any other way. Still, there's a large cheer and whoops of appreciation as, a few moments ago, the *whompwhompwhomp* of a helicopter's blades filled the air, and a Night Hawk chopper, painted midnight blue, slid into place just long enough for Leona to do a linedrop insertion, spiraling down a thin cord and landing on her feet. The second she's down, the heli lifts away, and the blue-haired Ikari is left there, doing her best to ignore the fans--feeling them crowding her with their very presence--as she ties her hair back, and kneels to check her boots. King. She knows the woman, casually--doesn't hate her. Doesn't really hate many.. but she knows her. Muay Thai... wasn't her last SNF against a Muay Thai stylist? At least King won't be a walking penis, like Adon. She hopes. Things could change.

Akihabara was a pretty neat place, truth be told. For King, being blonde made her stand out like something fierce. It didn't detract from the fact that amidst the fight blockade that had been set up, There was still plenty of ways to make an entrance, and seeing the choppers swinging overhead a crowded district, King knew it. Ikari was not far from here. The Blonde woman was clearly outdone. She was not actually standing and waiting for Leona-- she was on a surfboard, being pushed atop the crowd. A new form of crowdsurfing.

At the end of the crowd to the taped off barricades, King leapt off, a forward somersault into the pit. She pulled her gloves tight-- then turned, and autographed the board she was riding. She wasn't incredibly famous-- she was no Terry Bogard, but she was still known enough that some otaku would pay a pretty penny just to see how her name was written without blood being beside it. She turned then, and faced Leona. She was wearing sunglasses. She walked forward slowly, pulling the sunglasses from her face, and whipping them casually behind her for someone else to catch. A knowing smile.

"Leona Heidern." King said amidst the cheering crowd. "I see you're still as graceful as I remember." She stepped forward, extending her arm for a handshake. "Pity that me must always meet in battle alone. You should come for a drink sometime."

Cameras are going off. It's like a dark forest full of red eyes as 'recording' lights spring up, flashes going off. The number of people grate on Leona's nerves--one of the few things that really -can-... she's more solitary, by nature. Doesn't like having all these people around. At least they're not reaching for her.

The blue-haired military woman gives King a long, long look. Impassive. Calculating. She's not breaking character, not even bending it. Not that she's playing at it. Finally, she nods, almost imperceptibly. "I'll bring Ralf and Clark." To your -classy bar-, King. Where they will get piss-all, stinking drunk, and probably end up exposing themselves to everyone. But those are the risks of inviting the Ikari anywhere.

"Now then," she says, tightening her own gloves, and nodding to King. "Everyone is waiting..." She takes two steps forward, taking up her starting position, and raises her hand. The announcer, cued in, calls out through a megaphone, "ARE YOU READY?!? THE FIGHT OF THE CENTURY!!! LEONA HEIDERN VS. KIIIIIIIIING!!!! FIIIIIIIGHT!!" The words serve as a cue for Leona--but on the start of the fight? She doesn't do anything. She just...

... she just stands there. Her gaze still impassive, but searching, calculating, analyzing. "Come ahead," she says, to the kickboxer, beckoning with her leading hand's fingers.

COMBATSYS: Leona has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Leona            0/-------/------=|

COMBATSYS: King has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
King             0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0            Leona

COMBATSYS: Leona focuses on her next action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
King             0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0            Leona

From what King remembered, Leona was the type of person who preyed on people getting into her range-- but when it came to King, she had something that Leona didn't have-- aside from a more formal attire; her long, lovely, and incredibly lethal legs (Thank you for the compliment, Benimaru). The blonde woman shifted. The mere thought of Ralf touching her bar made her wince. The dude could always pay off his tab, but the last time he was there he got all loaded and thought everyone would be interested in the new age Dancing Bear (They weren't). Seeing Leona throw up her arms, King shifted in her stance. and took a partial step back-- her lead foot lifting to leave just the toe on the the ground. The woman's fists lifted, balled tightly.

The crowd lit up, and King was already preparing to attack. She wouldn't need to harm Leona much. Just enough to sate the crowd. At those fingertips raising, King also stood there for a second, but the taunt? Well. Okay. If she wants it. A half step forward, and King threw her leg out, jumping slightly. She threw her leg into the air kick, which generated chi. She would not be outdone by Leona today. She DOES, after all, have a bar to gain favour for.

COMBATSYS: Leona dodges King's Venom Strike.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
King             0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0            Leona

Leona watches--watches... and then flows. She is graceful, which may make her brutal, direct attacks all the worse. She's running forward, and her run? It's a -low- run. Low enough that she passes underneath the projectile, where it splashes into the chest-high barriers that protect the crowd from such things--spalling it a little in the process.

Leona's taunt had the desired effect, but she still has to follow it up. Her low charge takes her into range, and as she puts the brakes on--digging her feet in, curling her body--her right hand is cocking up and back, behind her ear... and she chops outwards. The edge of her attacking hand flares with electric blue energy, leaving an arcing trail behind it as she aims to basically slam the hand into King's middle.

She can feel that they're relatively evenly matched--so the outcome of the fight is not decided, not by any means. There's a long way to go yet, before a winner will be declared... she will have to work hard. And she likes that.

COMBATSYS: King blocks Leona's Grand Sabre.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
King             0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0            Leona

Just what the hell is it with people and aiming for her torso with energy? For the last 10 odd years it's been like everyone's just trying to figure if King is still a woman or not, or if things have changed. Having fought Leona before, King knew the best action-- she crossed her arms to deflect the blast. She knew quite well that Leona was just as, if not more graceful than her. Her ultimate plan saw her forearms get seared by the blue light, but they'd heal-- That attack always seemed to bypass her clothing anyways.

Lifting her head, King's face wasn't lit with pain-- she was smiling. Usually when it came to fighting anyone, King was ultimately serious. Akihabara was a place of some of the finest merchandise-- and especially drinks and food. She was looking forward to doing research just as much as she was beating on Leona. King's heels dug in, pushing off that blow quite quickly, returning the attack with an introduction to King's foot to Leona's stomach. Just to see what it took to take the wind out of Leona's sails.

COMBATSYS: Leona blocks King's Light Kick.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
King             0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0            Leona

Kicks, right. Kicks. Kickboxer. Leona remains low, and with the way Grand Sabre ends, she's easily capable of blocking the incoming kick. It slams against her forearms, and Leona has to dig her own heels in to avoid getting unbalanced--but she misses a chance to throw King off-balance. No matter. The fans at King's end of the street are getting their show now, it seems, as Leona gets to her standing stance, bouncing lightly.

Her movements are smooth, easy, as the Ikari Warrior grabs for King's leading arm. This technique was learned from wrestling, but it has its applications in the real world too--if she gets the grip she wants, she'll turn to her left and plant her right, and hurl King into a forward-facing trip manuever. It isn't an express attack on the legs, though Leona considers it--an option to try and disable her major weapons...

COMBATSYS: Leona successfully hits King with Quick Throw.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
King             0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0            Leona

The blonde woman was tripped almost immediately, the arm of Leona carried her down-- boldly, King managed to push the arm away enough so that she'd be able to kick up almost instantaneously after she hit the grubby street. Crap. Now she needs to clean her shirt. This is dryclean only! Regardless, King knew that clothing getting dirty during a fight was about as true as her hatred for this grubby fat guy she used to know.

King turned then, to face Leona. Truth be told, she was pretty impressed. Ralf told her about Leona once-- it cost her nearly 100 bucks worth of booze to do it, but still. She was kinda fascinated with her impassive, but otherwise cold demeanor. If she wasn't enjoying herself so much she'd probably be taking the whole ordeal so seriously...! King stepped forward then, and did a spinning heel kick. She jumped a little with it, to follow up a second kick.

"...Here I come...! Tornado Kick...!"

COMBATSYS: Leona blocks King's Tornado Kick.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
King             0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0            Leona

That flying kick is quite the impressive manuever. Leona's seen it before--but it's been a while since she experienced it. It's as powerful as she thinks, even as she catches the impacts on her forearms--bruises will be had. But better bruises on the arms than on the stomach. Were she in a taunting mood, she might offer King the advice that she ought not to announce the attack... but it's so common amongst fighters that it's too easy to mock.

And she's not that type anyways. She prefers to unsettle her opponents through glacial attitude and utter calm... and direct, power attacks. She's shoved back from the flying attack, backpedaling to maintain a certain distance from King... and just as the blonde is landing...

...Leona strikes--jumping forward in a low, quick arc. She doesn't have enough time to extend her legs in a full on kick, so she instead goes for a quick chopping attack for King's shoulder--and then dropping down, looking to quickly sweep King's legs from underneath her. She'll just dump that bartender on her rear end if she can.

COMBATSYS: King dodges Leona's Combo Attack.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
King             0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0            Leona

The Brown eyes of the woman was spotting her landing when she realized Leona was setting up for another trip. King already had a a dirty spot on her blouse from hitting the tarmac once already. She shifted, turning mid air to avoid Leona's chop all together. The trip actually connected-- or it seemed like it, for King had already landed, but the momentum from her turn meant she'd still be able to keep going.

She never would be a fool to underestimate Leona. She had the commendable grace that she admired, but still, she had a match to fight. She couldn't just stand here admiring Leona all the fight, either. The heel from Leona probably sped King up if anything, as she almost instantaneously did a backflip with a half twist. King would land-- but not before she'd try to step down on Leona's back before rolling out of the way.

COMBATSYS: King successfully hits Leona with Heavy Kick.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
King             0/-------/-----==|======-\-------\0            Leona

It's Leona's turn to eat dirt--and painfully. The backflip and stomp leave her no room to avoid--and she has to force herself into a roll to be able to get up without risking further attack. She inclines her head to King, acknowledgement of a fellow fighter. Something few enough get from her. Well, then.

She takes a moment--less than a second--to decide her course of action, and decides it quickly enough. She goes from standing to moving in a quick jolt, with no appreciable transition from still to movement--and then she's there in front of King. Muay Thai, is it?

Then King will recognize this--a low feinting kick from the left foot, transitioning quickly and smoothly to the real attack--a high kick aimed to put her boot's toe right into King's temple.

COMBATSYS: King blocks Leona's Light Kick.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
King             0/-------/----===|======-\-------\0            Leona

Fluidity. Even after a painful kick to the back, Leona was able to quickly recover. Such a steely resolve. The woman shifted, standing almost immediately. She saw that inclination of Leona's head. While her smile has dropped from her face to concentrate on Leona, her eyes were telling a story of enjoyment. Few seasoned battlers were able to draw this kind of enthusiasm-- not even most of the scrubs from her bar.

She recognized that feign-- She watched replays of her doing the same thing. Could you blame this woman for trying to metagame against a woman of incredible talent...?

Both arms shot up to block the kick from Leona-- catching the attack with her left and pushing the boot with her right. King's head looked to the side, as if to distract Leona enough, her body sank low, the golden sash about her waist nearly touching the ground as both legs shot out, in an effort to grab a powerful leg of Leona's and force her to the ground with a grapple! ...As much as she hated to admit it, she learned this from watching a strip-- I mean, watching Angel.

COMBATSYS: Leona blocks King's Combo Attack.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
King             0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\0            Leona

The impact is pretty tremendous--but Leona manages to defend against the leg takedown. Her fall is calculated, and she impacts with a minimum of force. The fans have not lessened in volume at all--far from it--but Leona's into the fight enough that they're barely registering. Not an active threat. King--King is the active threat. Focusing in, she comes back to her feet and remains about five yards away.

There's a surge of chi, quick and flaring, and then Leona is spreading her arms apart, yelling a wordless yell--and causing a big sphere of sparking, blue-white energy to appear--either right on King or just in front of her, moving forwards towards the blonde.

It's flashy--and looks pretty ominous, to boot, sizzling and crackling, a promise of pain should it touch.

COMBATSYS: Leona successfully hits King with Baltic Launcher.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
King             0/-------/---====|=======\=------\1            Leona

The blonde woman should have seen this coming. Leona only ever was NOT in your face if she was launching something AT your face. Truth be told, it hit King in the face. And holy hell on a stick did it ever hurt. The sparkling blast of Chi hit King almost clean off her feet, as she was propelled back towards the crowd. She ended up doing a flip because of this, digging her heels enough to stop, but not without blowing through a stanchion and being stopped by a small group of women dressed as gothic lolitas-- which really, in essence, made her wonder if Sally and Elizabeth would dress up for themed nights at the bar.

Getting Pushed up, King stepped forward, cracking her head to the side. "Nice." She said. That really, really hurt. But she wouldn't say anything to Leona. She knew Leona had an issue with the sight of blood-- so She'd avoid bleeding-- for now. King stepped forward, then, and stepped forward. 1, 2, 3... and King was in a full sprint, running right at Leona. She stopped short, jumping high in the air for a mid air Gaynor (Forwards Backflip) and trying to boot Leona in the chest...!

COMBATSYS: Leona interrupts Surprise Rose from King with Moon Slasher.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
King             1/-------/=======|=======\===----\1            Leona

Leona knows what to do with someone jumping at her. It was one of the first things taught to her by Heidern. Someone--one of these otaku--gets a -great- shot of Leona, a head shot... and she has a private little smile. It's there only for a moment, and then she's out of frame--crouching briefly, dropping her arms low... and then, waiting. Wait just a moment--just a moment. The timing is -just- right...

... wait... wait... -now-.

Just as King's foot contacts her chest... Leona bursts into action. Even as she's reeling from that kick, her arms are sweeping around in a vertical near-three-sixty--one that leaves that blue energy slashing out, even as she almost literally chops King out of the air, with a sound like metal scraping against metal, a sharp, piercing, slashing sound.

She reels back, however, stumbling, before she collects herself, her lips quirked again, into a slightly predatory smile. It was a good risk to take.

Just as her foot connected, the slash from Leona also connected, hitting King's leg. It again sent King Flying, she tumbling back. She landed on her feet, and tumbled backwards, righting herself. She felt a touch looser, then, and looked down. Her legs were both cut. It wasn't bleeding, but her perfectly pressed pants now had gouges in them! King wouldn't be upset about the whole ordeal-- she had another pair in her briefcase-- she just did not want to spent her budget for her bar buying clothes! The blonde sighed then, and looked up at Leona.

That predatory smile.

Needless to say, it bothered King. Not because she wanted it to, but because she knew what was behind those eyes. Something far deeper, far more sinister. Something beyond Leona's control. She remembered this, and still, she admired how Leona came about. She may act cold-- but she knew that Leona was like her; serious, yet caring.

She needed to KEEP Leona at range-- or else she was going to be hurting quite a bit down the road. and all she wanted to do was shop and look good doing it. She stepped forward, and did a jump kick. Twice. At Range. This only meant one thing--

"Double Strike...!"

COMBATSYS: King successfully hits Leona with Double Strike.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
King             1/-----==/=======|=======\=======\1            Leona

It isn't as easy to avoid, this time--Leona takes both barrels of the Double Strike to the chest--and they hit hard. Hard enough to fling her back against the barrier at her end of the street, which has just enough give to fling her forward. She hits on her shoulder, rolls, and rises, panting, steam rolling off her as the residual energies vaporize her sweat. Now she -is- at distance from King...

But she'll try to close anyways. She goes into that low, loping run, panting harder as she pushes her bruised, almost abused body. She doesn't go for anything flashy--she simply seeks to close the range. As she does, she attacks--quickly, lashing out with a pair of chopping right hands--actually, she uses a stiff-fingered ridgehand/knifehand combo, aiming for King's neck.

COMBATSYS: King blocks Leona's Quick Punch.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
King             1/----===/=======|=======\======-\1            Leona

It was weird-- as their battle carried on, it almost appeared as if King was getting faster as the battle went on. She shot her arm up, blocking the quick chop by contacting her forearm with her own, the blonde could see the tiredness, but the intensity in her eyes. King's head tilted with the impact, the woman doing a back handspring to get away from Leona enough to gather her will. She's been beaten by Leona before, but there was so many people here.

The blonde woman righted herself, fanning her arms off. She was smiling at the woman with the massive bullet belt. It was a cool belt to have for sure. She'd want one just to hang it from her bar, along with all the other collectibles she most surely does.

COMBATSYS: King gains composure.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
King             1/------=/=======|=======\======-\1            Leona

Leona doesn't let up. She isn't about to let King just -step away-. Not with her blood up, as much as she lets it. She's got to maintain control--got to ride that edge, that razor's edge. There's almost a slient explosion--not emotion, not chi, but a little of both, and Leona is gesturing... left hand glowing, flaring with orange-red energy. It's utterly different from her usual blue--it looks... angrier, darker. Sinister.

As she draws her left hand along her right, the energy transfers--and extends well past her right hand. As if her right arm had become a blade of wrathful energy. The more observant may notice--her hair isn't blue anymore--it's red-purple, the color of dried blood.

There's only a moment to notice that before she's rushing at King, looking to bury that blade to its hilt--her hand--in the woman's chest. All that energy, if she hits, would, quite simply, explode, burst like a mortar shell, a deafening explosion that would definitely knock some of the spectators around.

COMBATSYS: Leona successfully hits King with Leona Blade.
- Power hit! -

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
King             1/-======/=======|===----\-------\0            Leona

About that topic about people exploding King's clothing...

This was no exception. This.. this was something different. King could sense that something was weird. She knew that Leona was a constant threat-- This attack would have killed anyone not expecting this, but King could sense the attack coming. Leona was losing control...?


She was IN control.

King's attempt at blocking was for naught. She threw up her arms in an attempt to block the explosion from hitting her fully, but the concussive force blew King back, covered from head to toe in soot and dirt as she rolled over and over and over again. She laid out, staring at the sky for a minute.


She slowly clammored to her feet again, and looked down. Both her gloves, arms, and stomach had all been burnt off in the explosion, leaving King in a burnt, soot covered, sleeveless shirt with the left shoulder still on fire.

*Pat pat* Okay. Fire's out.

The blonde lifted her head. She had to put Leona out. That was her good bowtie. Her hair was covered. And King was pissed, but not mad at Leona. She would still take her for drinks regardless of how she did, but for now, she had a dispensing of pain to deliver. She was a good distance, and King did what she could only do-- She stepped forward, and with a heavy, heavy kick, unleashed a venom strike-- but wait-- why was it a lot bigger than the other times...?

COMBATSYS: Leona blocks King's Phantom Strike.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
King             0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0            Leona

It's a crushing blow--Leona absorbs the attack, gritting her teeth against it. Her bootsoles scrape against the pavement as she's pushed back to the barrier again--but, at least, not getting slammed into it, stopping her backwards slide with a boot back against the barrier. Once again, her arms smoke... but she doesn't back down. Not in her nature. Using that boot, she pushes off, propels herself...

Into a long, low flip, speeding towards King's position, her arms crossed at her shoulders. She flips through a quick tumble, and, as she comes down on King's position... she's lashing out with that blue energy again. Her repertoire must seem limited, but it works for her, stylistically. It is, in many ways, a 'last gasp'--she doesn't have much left in the tank... but she can't give up. That isn't in her genetic makeup.

COMBATSYS: Leona successfully hits King with X-Caliber Strike.

[                           \\\  < >  ////////                      ]
King             0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0            Leona

King wouldn't know how to explain it. In a sudden flash, Leona had turned the battle into her favor. King was sore, and getting tired, but just when she saw Leona dig her heels in, a sudden flash of light caught her eye. She winced, glinting from the bright ominous flash of light, but when she looked back, Leona just may have seen the look of shock from King, who was hit fully by the blast. She remained standing, but her stance was faltering. She was going down for sure.

...But not before she tried to punch that woman in the stomach. Don't laugh. You deserved it.

COMBATSYS: King can no longer fight.

[                      \\\\\\\\  <
Leona            0/-------/---====|

COMBATSYS: King successfully hits Leona with Quick Punch.
> Determined Hit! <

[                         \\\\\  <
Leona            0/-------/-======|

Leona is on her last legs--and giving that last strike was almost enough to put her down, herself. When King's fist slams into her stomach, she gave way under it, folding over double. But... she remains standing. She trembles once, twice, and then... straightens. Hide the pain, even for those who would be your friends. Maybe someday she'll let herself be vulnerable.

She turns to gesture the medics in, gesturing to King... and then she goes to lean against the wall. She just needs a moment...

COMBATSYS: Leona has ended the fight here.

King's head lifted. She was still fine, as it seemed. She had no further desire to fight, but she had no shame in losing to someone she at least considered a friendly acquaintance. The blonde woman's eyes lifted, she taking a knee in front of Leona. She didn't see Leona's gesture. It could have been anything from a middle finger to being mooned and she wouldn't have cared. She picked herself off the ground-- okay, okay. The gothic group from BEFORE picked her up. It took a scant few minutes for King to regain her own strength before she composed herself enough to walk under her own guise. Slowly, she stepped towards Leona. Her head was drooped, and her arms were down. King was done fighting. But she still had a smile. bruised as it was.

She lifted her hand. Her hair was blown back a little from an explosive hit earlier. With the right clothes and a smaller chest, she'd almost pass for Benimaru. She tried to pat Leona on the back. "Good hit." She mused, panting softly as she tried to catch her breath. She looked more like Vanessa with half of her top missing than she did when she arrived. "You hurt like hell.... You know that, right...?"

Log created on 19:12:43 04/15/2012 by Leona, and last modified on 12:43:40 04/16/2012.