WAR! - WAR! Week 4: Saudi Arabia & Australia vs. China

Description: aka The Totally Awesome Super Cool Girl Yuri Sakazaki vs. a bunch of meanies!! In fact, forget about the Australians working with Saudi rebels to free their nation from China's grasp in a desperate battle to pry loose Vega's influence from the local people, it's all bout the awesome cool martial arts girl! Stay frosty, everyone!

In the middle east, Saudi Arabia is one of several nations in the so-called crossroads of the world that is fighting desperately for their freedom from the clutches of Shadaloo forces (under the flag of China). Their rebels cannot stand on their own - Shadaloo has too many men on patrol.
Enter Australia!! They have moved with intent to help liberate nations conquered by Shadaloo. Despite their good cheer and intention, however, they too cannot quite overcome the entrenched defenses of Shadaloo on their own. Those holding the nation for their own ends know that they are losing territory left and right - they may be one of the last holdouts outside of China proper.
Also, they're a bunch of meanies.
"So long as we don't have some sort of... y'know, fighter show up," one Shadaloo soldier says to another, "we might hold out."
The commanding officer nods, as his men are returning fire to the combined Australian and Saudi rebel forces in a deadly stalemate - for the moment.
"We'll be making one last big push to keep hold of this!" Says the Shadaloo officer. "Vega will reward us handsomely! Others have failed... we will not! This will be our great foothold to spread out, once Vega is done crushing them within China!"
...Is this really how it's going to be?

COMBATSYS: Bunch of Meanies has started a fight here on the left meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Bunch of Meanies 0/-------/-------|

Despite being only sixteen years old, and having a childish personality, Yuri is still attempting to do her best to help out with the problems in the world right now. In fact, with some help from her friends, namely Robert Garcia who is quite the rich one and an old friend, Yuri has travelled to Saudi Arabia to try to help those in need. Yuri's primary goal is to help with distribution of supplies to refugees, but if trouble comes around, they better watch out, because Yuri isn't taking crap off anyone!

In fact, Yuri's out taking a quick walk, when she spies trouble on the horizon. Almost immediately, Yuri goes from cheerful to angry as she clenches her fists. She knows there's no running from this, because she can't let anything happen to the poor civilians. "You! You're trying to take what's not yours, and I'm not having it! You may think I'm tiny, but I pack a big punch! So if you wanna fight me, bring it on!" Yuri grins evilly as she gestures with both hands to bring it on!

COMBATSYS: Yuri has joined the fight here on the right meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Bunch of Meanies 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Yuri

Yuri has taken great strides towards being a grown-up and responsible adult, using her strength to fight the good fight and recklessly (...yet responsibly) use Robert Garcia's cash to fund goodwill projects! It's win-win! ...Unless her dad finds out. Let's hope he's stuck giving that guy in the headband and funny poofy pants another purple nurple in the Costco freezer section or something.
"Sir?" Asks a soldier.
"NOT NOW!" The commander shouts. "We're in the middle of a firefight, return fire immediately!"
The soldier tugs the commander's sleeve and points to the distance over to the screaming, angry young girl over there.
"What?!" Asks the Commander. "Is she a native?"
"That's... Yuri Sakazaki, sir," says the soldier, well-informed as always, "pretty sure that she's a..."
"Oh DON'T SAY IT," the Commander palms his face, he knows exactly where this is going.
"A fighte--"
"I ALREADY KNOW!" The Commander throws his hands up - and immediately takes them back down when a bullet nearly grazes his hand. "Well, what're you waiting for?"
"I... I'm not ready to be embarrassed by a small girl possessed of incredible power and stamina despite her lack of age and training, sir, I was just recently cleared out of therapy before joining the army," the soldier wistfully sighs.
"J-Just... shoot her, shoot her, okay, maybe she isn't," the commander isn't so sure, "if she isn't she'll just flop over and die!"
"Y-Yes sir!" The soldier signals to a bunch of others - there's about two dozen men here, all in all - as they all point rifles at Yuri.
"Hey! You!" Says one of the soldiers. "We're going to shoot! If you're not one of those fighter types, you're probably going to die." Definitely going to die. "If you are, uh, if you could pretend you are and just stay down while we do our work, it would be very, very appreciated."
"Especially while we shoot at the women and child--"
And so, they open fire upon Yuri with rifle fire. She's a tough girl - fighters are. She can take it!

COMBATSYS: Yuri dodges Bunch of Meanies' Bullet Spread.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Bunch of Meanies 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Yuri

Rifle fire comes out swiftly, ready to pierce into anyone that is unlucky to get in its path. But not Yuri, as she rolls out of the way in the nick of time. Not even her uniform is nicked. She lands in a crouched position and cracks her knuckles briefly before standing up again. Then she glares at the nearest grunt, narrowing her eyes angrily.

"You think you're so tough because you have all those weapons and you can try to invade countries just because you're so mean! But true strength is on the inside, not the outside!" Yuri then leaps at the grunt and extends her left foot.

COMBATSYS: Bunch of Meanies blocks Yuri's Light Kick.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Bunch of Meanies 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Yuri

Yuri comes in like a bat out of hell. The soldiers know what they're looking at here, /this is a fighter/. Most of them have the sense to back away immediately towards the bunker, but one of them attempts to stand his ground and hold up his rifle to parry the kick - he doesn't quite make it as she knocks him over. This gives her someone to put a foot upon while continuing to stand on her soapbox.
"Well, what's there to say that I don't have some sort of inner strength?!" Complains one of the soldiers. "I went through a lot of soul searching before deciding to join with the effort to conquer the world! I like making a difference!"
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU PEOPLE BLABBING ABOUT?!" Asks a commander who is too occupied with the other forces that are doing conventional warfare tactics like... shooting.
"N-Nothing, sir, we were just about to kill her," the soldier stammers.
"Aye aye! All right, ma'am, sorry you didn't get to live long," says one of the soldiers, "but that's war, right?" So he says as he and a bunch of his companions move forth towards Yuri with only a little hesitation. Their fighting stances aren't too bad - very aggressive, a good compact form, as they move to try and punch and kick the crap out of the Kyokugen Dynamo in a way that is not unrespectable but still no match for Yuri's own skill... aside from the numbers.
The only real complication in the picture is how many men can Yuri handle coming at her at once.

COMBATSYS: Yuri blocks Bunch of Meanies' CQC Training.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Bunch of Meanies 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0             Yuri

To Yuri, CQC is just armed forces taking martial arts and calling it their own style. In her opinion, it stinks big time. In fact, Yuri is able to keep the soldiers off of her with a little effort on her part. They do give her a good practice for her defensive skills, though.

"Hmmph, you call that fighting?" Yuri says, shaking her head. "I don't think so! That's just your military garbage trying to knock me down. Well, let me show you what real fighting is about!" Yuri rolls her arm back and then sends forth a small blast of energy while yelling out, "Ko'ou Ken!"

COMBATSYS: Bunch of Meanies dodges Yuri's Ko'ou Ken.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Bunch of Meanies 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0             Yuri

"Actually, ma'am, I was considered the top of my military academy," says one soldier as Yuri skillfully deflects him, "actually won a tournament onc--"
"LGIHTS!" Screams one soldier as she summons that burst of energy, and all of them - at once - immediately hit the deck like they were avoiding return fire or grenades or something of the sort. The Ko'ou Ken, unimpeded, proceeds to fly into an ammunition stockpile a ways into the bunker that explodes spectacularly. The commander flinches.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" The Commander shouts.
"But she's throwing lights around!" A soldier complains. "It's a fight--"
"WHO CARES THAT SHE CAN THROW LIGHTS? SHOOT HER! JUST! SHOOT! HER! Lord Vega, why did I have to be in charge of these people," the commander complains aloud as he gets back down to shooting.
"Well, yeah, we do have guns," a soldier says, signaling to the rest. There's a complicated series of hand signals developed as an anti-fighter tactic. All of them, from their kneeling position, shoot in turns instead of all at once to try and lead shots into wherever Yuri's moving (and to make sure they're not all caught trying to reload at once).

COMBATSYS: Yuri dodges Bunch of Meanies' Trick Shot.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Bunch of Meanies 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0             Yuri

Shoot all you want, but can you hit a moving target? Not when it's Yuri, who's leaping and rolling all over the place while taunting the soldiers. "Nyah-nyah, you missed me, you missed me! Now you gotta kiss me!" She says with a raspberry. "You try all you want, but you can't hit me! You've got to aim better!" Yuri then resumes her fighting stance, looking around at all the potential sparring partners she has to take on. "So, who wants to take a turn, huh?"

After a moment, with silently doing 'eenie meenie miney moe,' she spots a grunt who, oddly enough, seems only a little bit taller than her. "You, you're the lucky contestant!" The sound of Yuri's sneakers hitting the ground can be heard as she rushes in and attempts to deliver a backwards throw.

COMBATSYS: Bunch of Meanies endures Yuri's Quick Throw.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Bunch of Meanies 0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0             Yuri

The soldier actually doesn't want to take a turn! Tears might be coming out of his eyes when Yuri picks him up and manhandles him.
"No! I don't want to!" The soldier is frightened for his life, considering Yuri's seemingly supernatural speed (by their eyes), her ability to throw chi fireballs, and now just picking him up and tossing him.
"Before I die I want to say I always thought you were a coward and a loser, Paul!" The soldier weeps as he's about to be tossed, putting up only minimal resistance to Yuri's skill and ability.
"What'd you say?!" Another soldier says, losing it as he decides to angrily rush up (foolishly) to Yuri, drawing back a fist just as she gets done tossing a soldier (into two others) - she doesn't have a whole lot of time to react to what is probably the nastiest single punch any one of the gathered here can really muster.
"IS SHE DEAD YET?" The commander asks out of the blue as he chucks a grenade back over at the rebel contingent.

COMBATSYS: Bunch of Meanies successfully hit Yuri with Fierce Punch.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Bunch of Meanies 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0             Yuri


Yuri is hit right in the face by the punch, knocking her backwards and onto her rear. She is stunned briefly, but then uses a kippup to get back onto her feet. She has a black eye, but that's all there is to show for it. "Ooh, look, you gave me some makeup!" Yuri says sarcastically. "But I don't wear makeup!"

As the grenade is launched, Yuri ducks down, thinking it's aimed at her. But fortunately it goes right past her. Nevertheless, this is one time where Yuri seems a bit uneasy. "Trying to blow me up? That's just cheap!" Yuri says, glaring even more.

COMBATSYS: Yuri focuses on her next action.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Bunch of Meanies 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0             Yuri

"Bloody hell, what's that sheila doin'?" Asks an Australian soldier.
"Fighter." Nods a Saudi rebel leader. "She is fighter."
"Ah. So you sayin', mate, we just take a load off and let 'er do all the work?" The soldier seems hopeful.
"No." The Saudi man says as he returns fire back to the trenches. "We must still fight. For home. For peace."

"What's cheap?!" The soldier complains. "This is war! And you're some tiny girl who has not gone through our years of hardship and conditioning to get where we are! You're superhuman in like a month's time or something! That's not fair!"
"Relax, relax," says one of the soldiers as he steps up to Yuri, "well, all right, we can concede that you are physically superior to us in every way whatsoever, maybe we should surrender to you at once, pretend we never came here, and all that, but, we can't, okay, so just... please die, all righ--"
They all start shooting, causing the soldier to screech and go low.
"WHY ARE YOU SHOOTING AT ME?" The soldier yells.
"You got in arm's reach of her!" Yells another soldier as they all give cover fire. "You were probably already dead!"
"Yes you were!"
"Nuh uh!"
Never mind the arguing, Yuri's still being shot at.

COMBATSYS: Yuri dodges Bunch of Meanies' Cover Fire.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Bunch of Meanies 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0             Yuri

They've got guns, Yuri's got reflexes. Bullets go fast, but Yuri goes faster. She dodges those bullets faster than most people could, unless you're a superhero or something like that. Yuri's no superhero, but she does try when it comes to showing off her skills with Kyokugen Karate. Once she lands, she gives a big raspberry to the soldiers.

"You're doing OK, but I can do better than that!" She says with a wink and an evil grin. "I'm gonna show you just what I'm truly capable of when I've got the power and time!" Yuri then begins to focus her power and then sends forth a large flying blast of energy, looking like it could bowl over quite a few of those soldiers!

COMBATSYS: Yuri successfully hits Bunch of Meanies with Haoh Sho Ko Ken.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Bunch of Meanies 0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0             Yuri

They don't know if they should feel good that she is complimenting them, when they're not sure she actually follows the same rules and maneuvers they do for battle and war. They do know they don't feel good when Yuri sends such a huge wave of energy that many of them are swept right up off the ground (except for, amusingly enough, the one who they claimed was 'already dead').
When the Commander finds out there's a good number of bodies all collapsing right in front of him, that answers to him very solidly that, no, she's not already dead. His teeth clench tightly.
"Can't you see we are in the middle of a WAR?!" The commander shouts at Yuri and his men alike. "This is shameful! Stop that! Get back up and DESTROY HER!"
They're as good as seven men smaller than they were, but most of them (reluctantly) comply.
"Try the grenades!" Says the guy next to Yuri who is still on the ground. "Maybe it'll blow her up!"
So, naturally, they agree and all start throwing grenades at her - a lot of them. This includes the guy there, who suddenly freezes in fear as he realizes he might get caught in the blast too!

COMBATSYS: Bunch of Meanies successfully hit Yuri with Grenade Volley.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Bunch of Meanies 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1             Yuri

Explosives. Coming at Yuri. They come fast, and result in a kaboom! One of which knocks Yuri onto the ground. She rolls sideways, and then groans as she realizes she went down too hard. She sighs and tries to come back up, but one of her arms isn't cooperating. Nonetheless, with a few arm circles, her arm seems to be back in working order.

"That was strong, I'll give you that, but there's still plenty more I'm capable of!" Yuri rushes towards the soldiers, attempting to rush in fast enough to literally 'blend in,' before launching into a spinning uppercut, not unlike the Dragon Punch. Except this is made Yuri style!

COMBATSYS: Bunch of Meanies blocks Yuri's Yuri Chou Upper.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Bunch of Meanies 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\0             Yuri

When the dust clears, they see that Yuri is not in multiple pieces or a fine pink mist, and that is when they all begin to truly and seriously panic about the situation.
Every one of the soldiers start backing away nervously when Yuri so casually talks down to them for their attempts. They start running when she moves in, all right, but not all of them make it out of there when she launches to a great spinning uppercut that launches those caught in it (about three guys) so high into the air that it's kind of a curiosity as to whether or not they'll survive the fall when they collapse in the sand.
As for the guy who was caught in the grenade blast? He was behind Yuri! He is somehow okay. He does not understand how truly, truly, truly lucky he is now.
"THAT HAD BETTER HAVE BEEN THE SOUND OF HER BEING BLOWN TO BITS," the commander says as he moves away from his defensive position - risking letting the rebels and Australians close in, as he peeks out the side. No, she's still there. He'll fix her wagon! He shakes his fist and immediately ducks inside, a bullet barely missing his head by an alert Australian sniper.
"Grenades don't stop you! Gunfire doesn't stop you!" One of the soldiers complains aloud. "What will?! You'll... tell us, right?"
"No she won't!" Another soldier disagrees greatly as they move onto the serious retreat, further and further away from their bunker, trying to hose her down with gunfire.
"W-Wait for me!" Says another soldier as he tries to catch up to them.

COMBATSYS: Yuri reflects Medium Shot from Bunch of Meanies with Saiha.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Bunch of Meanies 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\1             Yuri

Hosing Yuri down with gunfire? Now that's something that would really hurt. But there's one little problem: You have to actually hit Yuri. She might block, or dodge... or even reflect it back at you!

Yes, that's right. Yuri brings up a shield of chi around her arms as she aims at the bullets coming at her. She stands firmly and sends the bullets right back at the soldiers. "Try a taste of your own medicine!" Yuri yells sarcastically.

COMBATSYS: Bunch of Meanies dodges Yuri's Reflected Medium Shot.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Bunch of Meanies 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\1             Yuri

"STOP SHOOTING!" A soldier says, and they actually all comply in a reasonable timeframe as the bullets are spilling all around them. A bright bulb, that one, to realize all of a sudden that she was capable of summoning light to /protect/ her and send bullets ricocheting everywhere. This just makes them all the more nervous as to how they can even really approach the girl, she's just... so... dangerous.
Make no mistake. They are trained men. They understand the dangers of war, that they might die in the name of Lord Vega - that Lord Vega sometimes seems all but willing to send people to their very deaths. They just did not anticipate potentially falling to someone like /Yuri/, of all people, who is frightening in her entirely innocuous appearance.
"I've had enough of this." The Commander says. "Take several steps back."
They all do so. Yuri might hear something whizzing by overhead - it's a mortar shell that the Commander fires alongside one of his soldiers, from the safety of his little bunker, in hopes that this one shell will take out Yuri and that they can get back to properly holding this nation and not dancing around with the eccentric and powerful people that are fighters - they're holding up just fine against the legitimate militaries and he'd like to get back to that advantageous position ASAP!

COMBATSYS: Yuri dodges Bunch of Meanies' Mortar Fire.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Bunch of Meanies 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\1             Yuri

The guns, the mortar, the explosives, it may seem destructive, but to Yuri it's getting boring. In fact, Yuri is getting more worn out from dodging all these attacks rather than the fighting in itself. "How is it you can attack a whole country but you can't take me on?" Yuri asks, giving an eyeball and a razz. "You call yourselves soldiers? Don't make me laugh!"

And then, Yuri remembers something. She steps over to a nearby wall and finds her water bottle. "Time to refuel!" Yuri says with a grin as she gulps her water.

COMBATSYS: Yuri gains composure.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Bunch of Meanies 0/-------/-----==|======-\-------\0             Yuri

The soldiers cower from being a little too close to the mortar shell as it blows up the ground where Yuri, in theory, should be - except when the smoke clears and they don't see a body (or blood, or anything) there, they are mystified. Did they get her, or---
She taunts them, and they all have sharp glances (and frightened eyes) as she makes sport of it.
"Is she dead?" The Commander asks over radio. "Please tell me she's dead, I'm about to be overrun here--"
"She... isn't, sir," says a soldier, "she's... relaxing against a wall, having herself a drin--"
The commander shouts something best not repeated, to the sound of gunfire. The soldiers look at one another and decide the best way to deal with Yuri is to have an impromptu rock-paper-scissors tournament, figuring she might actually be coy enough in her skills that she'll let them spare the time to decide who the next sacrificial lamb will be.

COMBATSYS: Bunch of Meanies calculates its next move.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Bunch of Meanies 0/-------/-----==|======-\-------\0             Yuri

"OK, drink time is over!" Yuri says as she returns into the fray. "This battle is gonna be all about Kyokugen Karate!" She looks around, eager to find her next target. "Someone's going to be the next lucky contestant on Yuri's Kicking Butt Show!" She bounces as she walks, a signature of her trademark stance. She looks around, not caring about what's happened to her previously.

Then she spots a soldier who looks rather big, but doesn't intimidate Yuri. "You, you look like a good punching bag! Take this!" Yuri says as she throws a swift straight punch at him.

COMBATSYS: Yuri successfully hits Bunch of Meanies with Medium Punch.
Glancing Blow

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Bunch of Meanies 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0             Yuri

Incidentally, it's the big guy who in fact 'wins' the honor of being the next one to be humiliated and/or killed by Yuri, who backs away with his rifle raised and head shaking vigorously as to say, no, no, please no, please no - thanks to his backwards movement, her amazing punch is partially soaked by his body armor as he crumples pathetically into a kneel, wheezing.
The other soldiers do not want to move in to help him - to do so is death, they have decided. Meanwhile, the one soldier separated from the bunch earlier looks to the distance, and sees she's basically occupied with the rest of them. He takes out his pistol, his grip shaky - can he hit her from here?! He has to trust in his aim. Lord Vega counted on this unit to help hold Saudi Arabia, and hold it they will, if they can just get her. Sure, she's young, but she's so strong and she really does seem serious about this. It's kind of sad--
No. He can do this, he resolves, as he steadies his aim for her head, and lets loose a shot that might turn everything around.

COMBATSYS: Yuri dodges Bunch of Meanies' Long Shot.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Bunch of Meanies 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0             Yuri

Aiming for the head is a surefire way to do big damage. But it only works if you hit them in the head. As it stands, Yuri simply ducks down and avoids the shot with the greatest of ease. "Ha! That was too easy!" Yuri says as she gets back up and dusts herself off. "Come on, I've had a better challenge with my sparring opponents in my dojo!"

A pause, then Yuri begins to close her eyes. "If you really want to fight with me, then I'll give you a bigger and better challenge!" Yuri's body begins to glow as she focuses on summoning her chi.

COMBATSYS: Yuri focuses on her next action.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Bunch of Meanies 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0             Yuri

The shot was a long shot - but the lone soldier there is really shocked that her awareness of her situation is so acute, so total! To be a fighter is to be the total package, they know this now.
"Where is your dojo?" asks the soldier. "When we're done with you, we should... pay a visit, maybe... raze it."
"But if they're /all/ like her we'd be dead," another soldier suggests.
"Zip lip!" Another one hushes them.
"What can we even really do?" A soldier asks.
"Uh, we have to kill you right now," says the soldier, though nervous when he sees the glow, "so..."
So they all suddenly leap and dogpile her in hopes that this sheer amount of volume and weight might be enough to keep her held down.

COMBATSYS: Yuri interrupts Strong Throw from Bunch of Meanies with Yuri Chou Upper.

[                          \\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Bunch of Meanies 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1             Yuri

A dogpile, huh? Yuri's not big on roughhousing with bigger men than her. In fact, she prefers not to roughhouse at all. She prefers sparring and things like that. So when the group of soldiers come at her, Yuri's ready with another Yuri Chou Upper, knocking them away, but getting hit a little herself. She falls to the ground and lands in a crumpled position.

After that, she regains her senses and starts to get up, dusting herself off while trying not to put too much weight on her leg. She slowly gets up, taking it carefully, then gets into her stance again and begins bouncing on her heels again. "Sorry, I'm not into that kind of stuff!"

All of them fly up like they were debris themselves to the Yuri Chou Upper. It is well named, her great uppercut tossing them like dried leaves in the wind as they scatter all about the landscape. Not all of them land in soft sand, but Yuri should not weep for whatever they suffer - they're awful people, all of them, albeit very frightened awful people who felt they were so close to finally accomplishing something in the great bid to take over the world.
Only one soldier remains now, the one who tried to shoot at Yuri a ways back as he slowly approaches her, frightened, with pistol still drawn.
"How did you... who are you... why are you?" He stammers.
A hand comes down on his shoulder. The commander, freshly retreating from his bunker, who scowls as both Yuri and the soldier alike. "Useless!" He says. "Young lady! My father, and his father, and his father were all warriors! SOldiers! We fought alongside men, we grew strong together, we conquered together! That is the way of my family!"
He draws a much heftier grenade launcher. "I will not have the military history of my family END... with just... ONE," click, "TINY," whirring noise, "GIRL!"
Then, grenades are launched, in a terrible torrent that is not really any more dangerous than anything else Yuri's already dealt with. "YOU! SHOOT HER!"
"Uh, y-yes sir," the remaining soldier alongside his commander says as he adds his own firepower - meager as it is - to this last ditch effort.

COMBATSYS: Yuri overcomes Grenade Volley from Bunch of Meanies with Haoh Sho Ko Ken.

[                           \\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Bunch of Meanies 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1             Yuri

Grenades are coming at Yuri, but she doesn't mind. Instead, she just sends forth another large blast of chi. She barely breaks a sweat as she does so, but those grenades are trivial now compared to how she's sending forth what could easily be the coup de grace!

COMBATSYS: Yuri successfully hits Bunch of Meanies with Haoh Sho Ko Ken.

[                                < >  ////////////////              ]
Bunch of Meanies 1/------=/=======|=======\=------\1             Yuri

The Haoh Sho Ko Ken does not care. It does not compromise, it does not falter. The girl is somehow able to summon a greater amount of chi in one place with a certain ease that exceeds even her bigger brother and his best friend - and she reflects it well when she trivially deflects the grenades and gunfire with them.
Both commander and soldier only have a moment to reflect upon this whole situation before they are blown back.
"Well holy moley!" Says an Australian soldier as he suddenly pulls down a Saudi rebel down to avoid a flying Haoh Sho Ko Ken carrying the last two hostile soldiers of this particular engagement off to sweet, sweet, sweet unconsciousness (followed by less sweet capture and whatever else might follow them). "Ya gone done and saved us all, me thinks!"
"We are very thankful," says the Saudi rebel with a bow to Yuri.
"Kinda didn't figure ya for the rough 'n tumble type," the Australian guy scratches his head as he signals to some of his fellows to go overtake the bunker now that they know it's empty, "at this rate we'll be kickin' 'em outta every country, no sweat!"
"Wait." The Saudi man says, as he looks to Yuri. "Tell me. What water is that? Does it make you strong?"
This could be the birth of some really terrible ideas.

COMBATSYS: Bunch of Meanies takes no action.

                                  >  ////////////////              ]
                                  |=======\=------\1             Yuri

COMBATSYS: Bunch of Meanies can no longer fight.

                                  >  ////////////////              ]
                                  |=======\=------\1             Yuri

"It's not what's in the water, it's what is inside you that counts." Yuri says as she turns to face the rebel. "You have to believe in yourself to succeed. No matter how hard it may seem, as long as you give it your best, you can achieve anything!" Her childish demeanor has disappeared slightly. "I was kidnapped once, but after that I learned that I had to stop being a damsel in distress. I learned to fight, and even if it was tough, I vowed to keep at it!"

Yuri then smiles. "For now, I'm glad that you're safe for now. Let me take a rest and then I'll help distributing supplies and whatnot."

COMBATSYS: Yuri has ended the fight here.

Log created on 18:54:18 03/04/2012 by Rust, and last modified on 09:07:02 03/05/2012.