WAR! - WAR! Week 4: China vs South Korea

Description: May Lee and Kim Kaphwan, two stalwart souls firm in their beliefs, stand against the tide of evil that is Shadaloo. South Korea has seen much warfare, but with defenders as committed to the truths of Justice and Unity, do the corrupted minions of Vega who try to turn these ideals around stand a chance? And what of the strange man who has trekked across the border from North Korea? What news does HE bring?

Rust drops Unity Company.

Rust drops Justice Company.

It has been decreed that the war is not over yet. Even with massive losses, Vega has declared that they will take the world in his image. To this end... Korea, at last, will be unified as a whole. To be unified under the Chinese banner in international terms, but those in the know, know full well that at this rate it is nothing better than a puppet state for Vega's aims. That he is able to convert such a powerful nation under his sway... it's truly frightening.
Even more frightening are the people that truly believe in him, at this point, as South Korea receives the lion's share of the invasion forces with far higher expectations of resistance. North Korea is a hellhole - the international community may as well outright /welcome/ a total political upheaval, regardless of who or where it comes from.
The sirens are off near the Korean Demilitarized Zone. There is little actual saber-rattling to be had between North and South now... now that they are simply being overrun by the Chinese.
The Justice Company is headed up by a true zealot, of those who have fallen under belief that the world itself has become guilty of so much and deserves punishment. They are the merciless, the remorseless, willingly using damage that can salt the earth as a reminder of the price of defiance - they are willing to wreck the entire Korean Peninsula (and much of society beyond either side of the line) if left entirely unchecked.
The Unity Company is formed of those of high spirits of the dominated countries that fully agree with the indoctrination, believing they are ultimately doing great good by unifying the entire world under one banner. They do not all speak the same language or hold much of the same ideas, but believe that under Vega they will be together as one.
Needless to say... there are those with opposing views ready to stand up for them, even now, as the South Korean military (along with those of other nations assigned here) fights their hardest to try and stop both these two outstanding units and so many more spilling into South Korean soil.
It may be the single hardest, greatest battle South Korea has ever faced for its continued independence. Can its national heroes rise at least one more time...?

COMBATSYS: Unity Company has started a fight here on the left meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Unity Company    0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Justice Company has joined the fight here on the right meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Unity Company    0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0  Justice Company

COMBATSYS: Justice Company has joined the fight here on the left meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Justice Company  0/-------/-------|
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Unity Company    0/-------/-------|

May Lee has fought hard and long for what she believes in. Even now, there are North Korean troops recovering in South Korean beds, saved by her efforts. She doesn't know how they will be treated, but she has spoken passionately on their behalf. She has spoken passionately to everyone who will listen. She's done everything she can, and she still pushes on. Exhaustion is a distant memory; May Lee no longer has *time* to be exhausted. They might be making gains, but Korea has been at the forefront of this war from almost the beginning, and she will not let her home fall for even a day if she can stop it.

Which is why May Lee is here. Waiting. Ready.

She actually smiles when the alarm is raised, and she closes her eyes. "Ah, you'd think they'd learn, wouldn't you?" She asks, as she peels herself from her chair and hops easily up to a good viewpoint to look. She's always smiling; she has to keep cheerful, or the morale of the others would take a terrible blow.

"How many people has Vega *got*." She murmurs, wonderingly. No matter how you look at these things, this is impressive.

So much for thinking that South Korea might have finally found some peace after fending off both Shadaloo and the forces of North Korea back to back. It seems instead they are just faced down with another assault involving the combined Chinese/Shadaloo forces that are really pushing forward with all they got to just take down both North and South to unite both countries under the rule of lord Vega. You think they would have learned their lesson last time. Maybe they thought certain people were still out of the country causing trouble.

Kim hadn't been heard from since his appearance in Vietnam where he had helped the country liberate itself from the forces of evil. Justice helped that day and then just seemed to disappear. Where was he? No one had heard from him, but were hoping no news is good news in this case. Was Kim just caught up in a bad spot and hasn't been able to get out a message to his friends and family or has actually been captured!? Could he have perhaps met the same fate as Chun-Li?

In this case both Justice and Unity company will soon find out that isn't the case. There is a faint shout in the distance that is growing louder. It can easily not be heard over the marching of feet and the sound of tanks moving forward, but soon it is a rather loud bellow as Kim Kaphwan as he lands on the ground about a hundred yards away from the advancing soldiers. Where the helld id he come from!? "All of you should turn around and go home now!" he shouts loudly as he grins wide despite being horribly outnumbered at the moment. "You learned the first time and I will be more than willing to teach you a second time that Justice cannot be defeated!"

COMBATSYS: Kim has joined the fight here on the right meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Justice Company  0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0              Kim
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Unity Company    0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: MayLee has joined the fight here on the right meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Justice Company  0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           MayLee
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Unity Company    0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0              Kim

'Outnumbered' seems to be an increasingly vague and possibly obsolete term in today's war, in which single individuals turn entire tides of battles with varying degrees of apparent effort. Sometimes it seems they come out of conflict unscathed, ready to take whatever comes their way - take note of Kaphwan's invincible, superhuman dental care.
"No." Says one of the lead figures of the Justice Company, who despite a smaller height and build, is willing to speak for all of them. "You have committed a grave crime, Kim Kaphwan. You would destabilize the order we bring to these people. We give them purpose, you take it away... you are an anarchist and a fool. To this, we will pass judgment."
There is a gesture and snap of one's fingers, and the Justice Company all primes their weapons against Kim. They know a bullet can't kill a fighter. Many of them, however, can - they dare Kim Kaphwan to take the first move.
Meanwhile, the other half of the main threat equation, stands a ways to the other side to face May Lee. It is amazing how well this group moves in complete unison. She can look at them and see that, in some places, paradoxically, their uniforms do not match. Yet they move as one, act as one, are willing to fight as one.
"We stand together!" They all cry together, as though there really is no central figure to them. There is no apparent leader aside from being able to more clearly see the movements of people up front. "We welcome you all!" They yell this several time across different languages. "Join us! Join the future!"
One is primed, one is psyched. Morale is not an issue, even with the war efforts tugging away at anyone and everyone involved - or perhaps they hide their stresses well.

COMBATSYS: Justice Company calculates its next move.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Justice Company  0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           MayLee
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Unity Company    0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0              Kim

COMBATSYS: Unity Company gathers its will.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Justice Company  0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           MayLee
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Unity Company    0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0              Kim

May Lee dislikes solving these problems with violence; genuinely, she does! It isn't as though Kim trained her to mercilessly assault her enemies and bring them low. Nor is she the sort to enjoy fighting even when it is turned to this sort of purpose. It is genuinely wearying; but on the other hand, she can't stand by when she can stand up.

When she hears Kim's shout, the young woman's smile becomes a genuine one. "KIM!" She shouts, "I knew you'd be okay! Now lets make sure these people understand the meaning of JUSTICE!"

Because Justice isn't about Order.

Because Unity isn't about Conformity.

Because a better tomorrow does not need to built on war.

With a loud shout of WAH-HOO! May Lee throws herself from the battlements. Perhaps for others this might be a suicidal thing, but for May Lee it doesn't even break her stride. She's done so much to try and bring the two countries together *peacefully*, the idea that they might do it through crushing violence is just too much to bear!

Sweeping around, the girl is practically a blur as she comes down, aiming to crash into the top of the crowd beneath her, carry on through the first person, roll, and lunge up kicking again.

While Kim expected a no in response from the men he was staring down he didn't expect the explanation why? What sort of world are they from!? Do they not know that Kim is Justice in human form!? To call him an anarchist makes him actually look a bit confused as he tries to figure out why anyone would think such a thing. It is the shouting of May Lee that snaps him out of his thoughts. "May Lee! You have all done well! I am glad to see things are still well!" he calls back out and then he turns his attention back to the Justice Company where he gives a big grin.

"I don't know what you are thinking, but very well! I will show you what Justice is really about and maybe you will realize the error of your ways!" he tells htem and he gives them all a big thumbs up before crouching down and almost looking like he is about to get ready for a track and field race. That is when he himself becomes something of a blur much like May Lee. Where she comes crashing down on Unity it seems that Justice is the victim of the TKD master as he surges forward and then takes to the air. He flips about and swings a leg outwards, twirling about and looking to just clothesline several people with that extended leg before landing among the soldiers and ready to keep fighting if he manages to break t hrough the front line like he had hoped.

COMBATSYS: MayLee successfully hits Unity Company with Lightning Needle.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Justice Company  0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           MayLee
[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Unity Company    0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0              Kim

COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits Justice Company with Spin Kick.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Justice Company  0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0           MayLee
[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Unity Company    0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0              Kim

As May Lee bowls through the Unity Company (eerily, those affected seem to all fall the exact same way, down to the exact same muscle flexes and everything, it's really uncanny), they all share the exact same response of disapproval, those still standing all drawing their guns - exactly at the same time - and pointing down low towards her - all exactly at the same time. They don't all really fire at the same time, though they are all within about a second of one another.
"Unite with us, or unite in the grave! We stand for unity!" They seem pretty okay with the idea of a young girl finding unity with those who refused it, as some form of /other/ togetherness. To think these many people, from so many different walks of life, would all come to the unanimous agreement that what they're doing is the best for everyone...!
Meanwhile, Kim Kaphwan does not play chicken. The Justice Company is the one that loses their nerves first, looking to break formation and move to surround Kim. The thing is, Kim surrounds /them/ with unflappable charm and incredibly sincere spinkick that sends more than a few people flying off. Teeth are removed. (If Kim casts a glance, they weren't taking good care of said teeth, so their loss was inevitable.) It's something of a domino effect, at this point.
"Charge!" Says one other soldier of the Justice Company. "To try and fight the truth is a crime, Kim Kaphwan! You will prolong the suffering further... can you live with yourself doing that?!" This is assuming, of course, that the people trying to grab him and gag him with chloroform don't succeed in immediately helping stom Kim from living, so he can regret.

COMBATSYS: MayLee endures Unity Company's Pot Shots.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Justice Company  0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0           MayLee
[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Unity Company    0/-------/=======|-------\-------\0              Kim

May Lee is shot.

How many times has she experienced that recently? Far too many, for certain. The girl has that same smile on her face as the United open fire on her, and she weathers the storm. "Unitity doesn't mean slavery!" She declares, and there's just a little flash of anger in her voice. She, after all, had called on everyone to work together. That this same impulse could be turned to such dark purposes...

"Our differences make us stronger! I won't let you wipe them out!"

Try as she might, she is undoubtedly slowed by the discharged weapons. The girl is still sticking to her relatively standard Tae Kwon Do, too; inspired by Kim's presence, by the moment of unity she herself had shared with the troops of North Korea.

"Please, help us work together to build a *better* world, not *Vega's* world!"

This last is given as she finally finishes her approach to the team of soldiers, kicking out to try and take guns away, to disarm rather than kill. This just feels... so sad, to her. What is Vega *doing* to these people?

COMBATSYS: Kim just-defends Justice Company's Silent Takedown!

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Justice Company  0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0           MayLee
[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Unity Company    0/-------/=======|-------\-------\0              Kim

It might be a grave mistake to talk about Justice and make it into a lecture for someone like Kim. This is a man that has been preaching such things for a better part of his life afterall. It is hard to fine a man with a much cleaner reputation than Kim Kaphwan. Yet here he finds himself among a group that think they know what Justice in what seems like such a sudden matter. On top of that they look to pile on the Korean fighter and try to knock him out.

"You want an answer if I can live with myself doing what I am doing?" he asks and the soldiers looking to grab him find it very hard to get any sort of hold on the TKD master. "Of course I can!" How blinding it is when he smiles like that and he actually goes to grab one of the would be grabbers. "I fight for more than Justice in this war. I fight for my people, my friends and my family!" That is when he attempts to heft up the person he was grabbing for and starts to swing them about to try and scatter the numbers that attempt to overwhelm him before releasing the poor soldier and letting them fly away. "If you believe in true Justice you would realize you cannot win this battle! If you were true Justice you wouldn't find the need to have this battle!"

COMBATSYS: MayLee successfully hits Unity Company with Light Kick.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Justice Company  0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0           MayLee
[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Unity Company    1/-------/=======|-------\-------\0              Kim

COMBATSYS: Justice Company interrupts Sakkyaku Nage from Kim with Pistol-whip.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Justice Company  0/-------/-======|==-----\-------\0           MayLee
[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Unity Company    1/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0              Kim

May Lee's flashy trick disarm kicks, for the most part, work really well. They're leaning back (yes, somehow, the exact same distance and movements between those that do) to avoid taking kicks to the face. This much, they succeed in. They don't succeed in moving their /arms/ back, each hand being soundly shattered to every well-placed kick that sends pistols flying up dangerously before clattering on the ground (not in unison with each other). One of them does discharge on impact, but it's not pointed at anyone - it may still be very startling for the young Tae Kwan Do girl, though.
"Vega's world has no bickering!" Says a few of them at once.
"Vega's world needs no borders!" Says a few of the others.
"A world with Vega is a world that is truly together!" Is their ultimate response to May Lee as they move in to try and grab and detain her. Maybe she can still see their way, yet, with her strength.
/Meanwhile/, Justice Company has itself a rough time with just how deftly he manages to avoid his potential captors and assaulters, a few of them even standing around in awe with just that... smile. That bright, all-encompassing smile, like there is not a speck of dust to be had on that man's mouth. It's intoxicating.
Also, entirely infuriating, as Kim starts swinging one of them about. One of the few, more intrepid members of the squad steps up to just club him in the back of the head with their gun a few times for added emphasis.
"Be silent," the Justice soldier seethes, "those words are empty as the void behind those shiny teeth! You swallow disorder and ferment it into chaos! We will not stand for it." It'd probably be better if he spent more time clubbing Kim while they have him and less lecturing, but, what can you do?

COMBATSYS: MayLee counters Medium Throw from Unity Company with Blazing Intercept.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Justice Company  0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0           MayLee
[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Unity Company    1/-----==/=======|==-----\-------\0              Kim

May Lee is not easily startled by the discharge of firearms. Maybe she would have been a couple of months ago (she'd never even HEARD a gun go off, then), but, now, that is just what noise soldiers tend to make when she kicks them.

May is not easily caught, either. Her experience fighting large groups of people is paying off admirably, and she dives, dodging and weaving amongst them as they close on her such that their own united attempts to grab her fumble and get in the way of one another. Unity is strength, but not mindless unity! You have to fight to compliment one another!

As the group come in, May suddenly comes blazing up out of the middle of them, one powerful kick flinging her into the air and bringing her down behind the group, where she smiles, and knocks her chin with the back of her hand in a teasing gesture.

"You'll have to do better than that, Shadalosers." She says, grinning. "Vega's world will never become reality. You're just way too slow to keep up with JUSTICE! I'm moving at the speed of light, and you're still stuck fumbling around in darkness!"

So far it seems like the butt of a gun has been the best arguement that Justice Company has been able to put forward when bickering about what Justice truely means. The impact is enough that it makes him drop the soldier he was wielding instead of being able to toss him away and he staggers forward a step and taken off balance. Instead of continuing the assault for some reason they decide to talk some more and give Kim a bit of time to recover. Someone like him doesn't need alot and the soldier in question that had just taken the gun to his head is about to find out.

Kim just twirls about and he points to the soldier in question. "Justice doesn't need to attack from behind! You just made your whole arguement invalid!" It seems he is forgetting a bit how serious this situation is. "I guess that means only one thing left for me to do." He nods and then crouches before exploding forward and upwards, a somersault kick being delivered as he looks to cut through the ranks again and further thow things into disarray. "That is to finish dispensing Justice and capture you all to help reform you!"

COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits Justice Company with Hien Zan EX.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Justice Company  1/----===/=======|===----\-------\0           MayLee
[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Unity Company    1/-----==/=======|===----\-------\0              Kim

May Lee shoots out of the grip like a rocket and... unflinchingly, their weight and movements all shift the same way in flight, all coming down upon the ground at the exact same time, sprawled the exact same way. Even though one of them actually manages to crack their head on a raised bit of sidewalk, he nonetheless falls about the same way despite the deviation this would enforce. They rise together and fall together, no doubt.
"We are not losers!" Cries several on one side.
"We are Shadaloo!" Says another.
"We are united in Shadaloo together as winners!" They all say in unison, marching forward into her in straight lines after those still conscious and capable of fighting join together, marching forth into her as if to trample her over. "We walk together!" They cry all the same. "Everywhere we walk is the same!" Which is to say, they expect to simply walk right over her through sheer good cheer and gumption, which is... uh. Questionable.
Meanwhile, Kim somersaults. The mighty Hien Zan, his famed technique, clears away all chins that are there. Sometimes kensous, too. With capital letters. The streak of white is the last thing a goodly number of soldiers see before they fall into unconsciousness, either from direct exposure to Kim's lightning-fast feet or because the launched soldiers have fallen upon them. It's cumulative - he's cutting through his crowd with frightening efficiency, that those that he just missed have all decided to draw knives and tasers, to try and catch him on the down low.
"Justice is not a straight line," says one of the Justice soldiers as he walks up towards Kim, smirking with his arms behind his back, "no matter where you stand, something will come from whatever direction it will to take those like you down a peg."
He makes sure to turn on his taser with a smile and jam it into Kim alongside the rest soon after.

COMBATSYS: Unity Company successfully hit MayLee with Questionable Tactics EX.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Justice Company  0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0           MayLee
[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Unity Company    0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0              Kim

The tactics may be questionable, but there's no denying their effectiveness! May Lee attempts to prepare herself, bracing and crossing her arms across her chest, but in the end, being trampled by a united crowd is one of the few things these people could do that she is not prepared for.

But then, they really are close together...


Springing back up, the Champion of Justice lunges forwards; no more trying to talk to these people, just trying to bring them down.


Her fist leads the way, and she aims for the middle of the line. If she connects, the burst of crackling electricity from the contact will, hopefully, shock along the entire lot! KAPOW!

COMBATSYS: Kim blocks Justice Company's Threat Assessment.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Justice Company  0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0           MayLee
[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Unity Company    0/-------/-----==|=====--\-------\0              Kim

Gracefully the TKD master lands among the crowd of soldiers once again. There is becoming less and less of a crowd around him. It has become quite apparent that getting near him has lead to bad things to one's health so far for Justice Company. "It is true! Justice is always full of surprises!" He has proven that quite a bit and it seems like the soldiers are trying to pull some surprises too by attacking him from all sides with knives and tasers. That taser is jammed into his gut and Kim finds himself spasming from the impact, but he manages to pull himself away from it and he does his best to try and avoid all sorts of things being poked at him right now. Given how much they crowd is is not an easy task.

With so much pressure on him all he can do is try to push everyone back. A foot raises as he takes a deep breath. He brings that foot down and causes the ground to shake and a powerful gust of wind to pick up and perhaps bowl over those that get caught by the surprise that a single stomp could create such force. "Enough! I do not want to hear any other words from you! You aren't even making sense now!" Then again it isn't like he makes sense to most people that ever listen to him.

COMBATSYS: Unity Company fails to counter May Lee- Lightning Blow! from MayLee with Opportune Distraction.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Justice Company  0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0           MayLee
[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Unity Company    0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0              Kim

COMBATSYS: Justice Company blocks Kim's Haki Kyaku.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Justice Company  0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0           MayLee
[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Unity Company    0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0              Kim

They walk all over May Lee, but she will not be tread over easily. There is a second, well-hidden quality to this seemingly silly march - the sudden call (by all of them, at once, as if they all had the same idea) to stomp heels and salute, a secondary method in which to forcefully keep whatever they're walking over down, with extra emphasis given to those who are surrounding those who know they are in the company of those they walk over.
Considering that the click of the heels is quickly replaced by an erupting wave of flying bodies and people being moved - at last - out of unified step with this sudden, surprised reversal, it should come as no surprise that they all look individually appalled at this. How can one girl, standing so lonely, overcome such perfect unity of purpose and unity of personhood...?! No one says a word, but it's all over their faces. Varied are their expressions among the spectrum of surprise, but she can see it in their eyes now.
Meanwhile, the justice guys are seemingly getting their act together - fewer in number as they are now - as many of them properly back off to minimize the number that lose their balance.
"It is as though we are speaking two different languages," says one soldier in a disapproving stare. "It shows you cannot understand the scope of what your actions are bringing. This world is not yours to decide the course of any longer, Kaphwan. You made your government roll over for you in hand-picking people to make your pupils... even dangerous sorts."
Oh, he's going there. He's dissing Chang and Choi, all right, and all the efforts Kim put into them.
"We'll take them off your hands," the soldier says as he snaps his fingers. Justice Company has rocket launchers. Why didn't they think of doing this before? "We'll make them into real citizens of Vega's world. Law-abiding, docile, compliant... or else."
As he says this pointed commentary, those bearing weapons made more for fighting /tanks/ kneel and fire for Kim as the others near him rapidly back away.

May Lee is still smiling, though she's still a little bit taken aback by the sheer unity of purpose of these people. In other circumstances, it would be admirable. The problem is, with what she knows of what happen to Chun-Li, this unity takes on a very sinister turn. Is this what Vega would have for her? One tiny cog turning in motion with all these others, not an original thought in her head? It is a corruption of teamwork, a travesty of Justice, and it sends a shiver down her spine.

"I'm sorry about what has been done to you." And there really is, genuine sadness in May Lee's voice.

"But... all I can do is promise that we'll help you, we'll save you, because, for your captivity..."

There's a sudden *burst* from the girl. Anyone with any ability to sense energy can feel it. Her presence is magnified so many times over, as she just pours it all out of her. Mastery of chi is far from May's strongest point, but this one move had even forced the Tyrant of Shadaloo to one knee... now, she calls upon it for a different feat.

Sweeping around, May seems almost to flicker out of existence, her feet lunging into the tallest member of the group, and aiming to smash him upwards.

"This is..."

And suddenly she's on the ground again, just as blurred, both hands raised upwards towards the sky, before the entire area she had taken off in, EXPLODES violently! The bright flames visible throughout the battlefield, the whole place shaking with her power.


COMBATSYS: Kim dodges Justice Company's Rocket Shower.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Justice Company  0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0           MayLee
[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Unity Company    0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0              Kim

Chang and Choi are problematic, but they have started to do better over the years Kim has been able to train them and begin reforming them into law abiding citizens. Of course it has turned into a family effort because the likes of Jae Hoon often have to help with that. Chae and May Lee have been helpful in that regard as well even if Kim prefers those two to stay well away from Choi until his whole panty problem is taken care of once and for all. "You want to take away....Chang and Choi?" Quite a few people would actually be happy to hear such a thing. Kim on the other hand actually gets a rather serious look on his face.

"Over my dead body!" he yells and he leaps upwards as those rockets are fired at him. It seems they are intent trying to kill Kim and do just that. He actually lands on a rocket and pushes off of it. It redirects it to go flying off to one side harmlessly as Kim flips around and starts to decend towards his enemies once again. "They aren't perfect, but they try! I won't let you harm them!" Even if that pair are more than capable at taking care of themselves it must be touching to know Kim feels this way...right? Feet start pumping and legs turn into a bit of a blur as Kim comes downwards and he looks to plow right through more soldiers.

COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits Justice Company with Hishou Kyaku EX.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Justice Company  0/-------/=======|-------\-------\0           MayLee
[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Unity Company    0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0              Kim

COMBATSYS: MayLee successfully hits Unity Company with May Lee- The End!.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Justice Company  0/-------/=======|-------\-------\0           MayLee
[                        \\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Unity Company    1/---====/=======|=====--\-------\0              Kim

Those of the Unity Squad had a creed. March together, fight together, fall together, all under the same banner that would be spread across the world upon Vega's victory. These ideals managed to, somehow, touch the hearts of hardened men, to give them something to look forward to despite every reason to think otherwise.
As May Lee surges to life, she takes not only the one who seemingly seems tallest, but pretty much everyone else around him as they are all forcefully separated in formation, but would soon find themselves - ultimately - together in defeat, where perhaps their resolve in this matter would be truly tested as the bright flames wash over those who were carried by May Lee's declaration of the end.
The Unity Company is thusly completely broken to pieces.
Where May Lee rises, Kim descends upon the Justice Company to take on the mantle proper, with the renewed resolve that his way is the right way - for not only those who live righteously, but for those who falter (...a lot). Where the Unity Company walked all over May Lee, it seems Kim returns the favor tenfold as he kicks down more and more soldiers. Not too many stand at the end of that barrage, maybe a good... seven or eight of them, total.
"The way you protect those who would only cause trouble outside of a watchful eye," the most talkative of the bunch - somehow, having managed to avoid physical punihsment so far, sees to either side how few are left as he pulls out his pistol, "I cannot back down! Our cause is... just!" He falters, as they all start to open fire for what may be the very last time they have before they're taken down by the legendary Kim Kaphwan.
Or... perhaps... someone else?

COMBATSYS: Unity Company takes no action.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Justice Company  0/-------/=======|-------\-------\0           MayLee
                                  >  ////////////////////////      ]
                                  |=====--\-------\0              Kim

COMBATSYS: Unity Company can no longer fight.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Justice Company  0/-------/=======|-------\-------\0           MayLee
                                  >  ////////////////////////      ]
                                  |=====--\-------\0              Kim

May Lee looks around her at the scattered Unity Company. It is far from an ideal solution, but hey... at least it is over. She's convinced these poor souls have had some manner of brainwashing inflicted upon them; that seems to be the fate of those who fall to Vega's clutches. She has to believe it can be undone. That with time, they will be rehabilitated and understand the wrongness of their authoritarian confirmity.

Looking around the battlefield, May soon sees Kim, and his pitched battle with Justice company. Well. There's only one thing she can think to do.

Breaking into a sprint, she leaps over the fallen and dodges amongst the other scattered firefights. "Master Kim!" She cheers, good-naturedly. "Master Kim! Do you need a hand with these guys?" She's waving, cheerful and happy. Kim doesn't look too beat up, although he ... does look a little frighteningly serious given his usual good cheer. Still, it *feels* like the tide is turning. Just being near Kim makes her feel this way.

COMBATSYS: MayLee takes no action.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Justice Company  0/-------/=======|-------\-------\0           MayLee
                                  >  ////////////////////////      ]
                                  |=====--\-------\0              Kim

COMBATSYS: Kim parries Justice Company's Strong Shot!

[                        \\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Justice Company  0/-------/=======|-------\-------\0           MayLee
                                  >  ////////////////////////      ]
                                  |======-\-------\0              Kim

It isn't often when Kim looks serious. This war has brought that side out more than ever of course. Too much violence and death have happened and he knows how grave the situation really is. He can't let himself lose because he knows he can't protect anyone if he is captured or even killed by those that look to overtake his home. In fact making such threats maybe what really sealed the fate of Justice Company. Anyone who really believed in justice would ever make comments like that. Kim knows now more than ever that he can not allow Vega to win this war. It would be a world without justice for certain.

That shot is fired and Kim almost turns into a blur again as he steps out of the way and actually extends a foot to kick the bullet away and causes it to hit one of the few soldiers standing left. "May Lee! Stand back! I must do this on my own!" he calls to her when she asks if he would need help. That loudmouth seems to be the one Kim is focusing on and he rears back. "If you survive perhaps I can show you true justice! For now I will end this battle!" he calls out and he leaps forward and upwards once again as he flips about and looks to bring a heel down on t he top of the head of the soldier doing all of the talking as he lands on the ground in a split position. "JUSTICE!"

COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits Justice Company with Hangetsu Zan EX.

[                             \  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Justice Company  1/-----==/=======|-------\-------\0           MayLee
                                  >  ////////////////////////      ]
                                  |=======\-------\0              Kim

Justice has been served, in... both... interpretations of the term, as Kim deftly kicks aside a bullet in ways that go beyond mere mortal understanding. His mastery of Tae Kwan Do knows few limits, as the soldier in question is incapacitated with a shot to the shoulder.
He's the one who gets off light as the loudmouth (and his other compatriots) get caught up in the final diving kick to end the Justice Company's bid for justice, under the unity of the efforts of May Lee and Kaphwan alike. It basically begs for a footsie high five, in the wake of the many broken and bloodied bodies of those who would have dared stand against their collective might.
There is no parting shots of dialogue, for Kim's mighty kicks of JUSTICE get, righteously, the last word, sentencing those soldiers to being as good as prisoners of war in the wake of the latest - and, hopefully - last offensive against South Korea by Vega.
The South Korean soldiers rally in cheers around May Lee and Kim immediately as they drive off their own share of the invasion force. They did it! They really did it! A show of unity for a just cause, they really did it!
But, is that really the end? What of their, er, eccentric fellows up North?
"Excuse me," speaks up a South Korean soldier to the two of them, "we just found someone up from the North." There's a certain uncertainty in his voice, as if to say that the guys at the border aren't quite sure as to what to make of the entire situation.

COMBATSYS: Justice Company takes no action.

                                  >  ///////////////////           ]
                                  |-------\-------\0           MayLee
                                  >  ////////////////////////      ]
                                  |=======\-------\0              Kim

COMBATSYS: Justice Company can no longer fight.

                                  >  ///////////////////           ]
                                  |-------\-------\0           MayLee
                                  >  ////////////////////////      ]
                                  |=======\-------\0              Kim

May Lee doesn't hesitate for a moment. With the last of Kim's opponents downed, the young woman runs over to her mentor. Certainly, there is more work to be done; injured to be taken to the hospital, help to be given to the stubborn pockets of resistance, but right now, she does not care. It is not a footsie high five... but May does run up, and give Kim a huge hug.

"Its so good to see you." The girl enthuses, now that the work is done. "I was worried we'd lost you. I've held down the fort here, though. I..."

And then they are being interrupted, and she looks a little confused. "Someone from the North?" She says, and then adds, hurriedly, "Don't shoot them!"

Kim is quick to pop back up to his feet and he looks down at the incapacitated loudmouth that is on the ground in front of him. "That will be the first lesson for you!" he says and he gives a bit grin and then finds himself turning about to look towards May Lee. "You did well! I wish I could have watched, but I was rather busy." he explains and motions to the own pile of bodies that surround the area he had been fighting in. He is glad to see his student and it makes him hope that everyone else is all right.

He begins to say something as well, but pauses when he is told someone was found from their neighbors up north. "A commander? someone looking for help?" he asks and looks to the soldier that approaches them. He is curious about it all. They were enemies just a few days ago, but right now they both have a more pressing matter attacking their borders. "Take us to him!"

It's a short trek over to Joint Security Area - a place where South and North Korea stand face to face. It is tense, although undermanned on both sides for reasons that should be immediately obvious. Indeed, there's some activity going on - both Kim and May Lee are ushered into one of the blue buildings where there seems to be a--
Oh my god what is that on that guy's head? ...Well, more importantly, there's a few South Korean soldiers before a table. An entire toolbelt, some busted-up length of pipe that has accumulated significant amounts of rust, two well-worn work gloves (one scorched around the palm area that is also soaked in blood, the other not so much), two worn work boots, and a very very familiar scarf that's a bit singed are all placed there as if a precaution for anything weird being stowed away.
A middle-aged man of very strong build, seemingly of American descent, sits with a bandage around his midsection, as some South Korean officers seem to be asking him some very, very pointed questions while he only has an English-Korean dictionary book to really guide him.
He should look familiar!
"Uhh, pretty sure I just... said," he mumbles. He looks every bit tired and battered as pretty much anyone else around here, maybe... moreso. Like someone might have put him in an oven or something.

May Lee feels like the weight of the world is lifting from her shoulders. She'd done a good job. Its funny, but until Kim said it, she hadn't really dared to believe it herself. It felt like she'd been running in place for ages, struggling to keep her head above water. Now, it really feels like things are turning around. She follows along with the other two, fully expecting some unfortunate North Korean refugee...

What she sees, is her scarf.

Picking it up, in all its burned and scorched glory, May wraps it slowly around her neck. The girl smiles, closing her eyes, and exhales slowly. It just feels... so... right.

And then she realizes what it means.


COMBATSYS: MayLee equips her scarf for +10 Justice!

                                  >  //////////////////            ]
                                  |==-----\-------\0           MayLee
                                  >  ////////////////////////      ]
                                  |=======\-------\0              Kim

Kim is unsure of what he would find as well as they are lead to where the person in question is being detained. Where May Lee first sees the scarf Kim instead sees that weird purple mass sitting over more by itself and trying to figure out of a Tribble is truely a real thing and they found one in North Korea. His ponderings are interrupted by the shout of May Lee and he looks away towards her where she is playing with the singed scarf. "Howard Rust?"

He has heard of the name. He is pretty sure May Lee mentioned it to him in passing a few times saying she ran into the man right around the time the war had started. How in the world did he of all people end up caught up in North Korea? "Oh! He is a friend of May Lee! You can let him go because she would never befriend a bad person!" he says as if something like that would be enough explanation to just up and let the American go. Then again this is South Korea and it is Kim Kaphwan speaking here. They probably will actually listen to the guy.

Howard winces at the sudden screaming of his name, and the soldiers shoot a glance (especially at having an article taken right off the table like that). They are immediately calmed by Kim's apparent insistence - after all, if the man says he's going to rehabilitate people out of prison, people who had been looking at many, many years in it...
They're going to listen concerning an odd out-of-place man having come from North Korea. Some of them exchange glances, say something sharp and pointed to the older man in Korean, and back away to let him stand up.
He's looking a bit shaky, and it's clear enough why when he manages to stand up - he was bleeding a fair bit from his stomach area not too long ago. The bandages seem pretty fresh, in fact, as he looks out to the two of them.
"Uh... thanks, I, uh," he clears his throat as the other South Korean military types are still carefully looking him over to make sure there's no sudden moves, "after Russia, I, I dunno if you heard... I went with, with a friend and... well, together, he did it, he... he really did. Chased 'em out of, out of Russia."
He sees May Lee's already got her scarf back, at which point he bows his head. "Sorry that, uh, that I got it scuffed, kind of... uh, got... blasted in the North," he murmurs out - he knows that scarf actually means a lot to her and feels legitimately guilty that, well, he couldn't bring it back a hundred percent intact.

May Lee nods enthusiastically to Rust, and to Kim. She would never befriend a bad person, and if there is one man who embodies good (whilst his hairpiece embodies ~the pure essence of evil itself~) it is Howard Rust. She is concerned to see how bandaged the man looks, but, then... none of them have precisely come through this unscathed. Her poor scarf will bear these injuries for months!

"I have heard rumors, but... it is hard to get a clear picture. Its been really hard to be sure of who is doing what, but... you really saved Russia? That's fantastic news!"

May's bright smile is coupled with another, somewhat ginger and careful, hug given to Rust. "I tried to call out Vega. I was, sort of hoping I could trick him into coming here where we could all blast him, but... he must have seen through it. Then we had North Korea being ridiculous, and now the Chinese are back for round two..."

Her hands come up to touch her scarf, already feeling as though things are starting, slowly, to move back towards normality.

"I'm touched you brought it with you. I... thought I'd lost it forever, and I haven't been able to go home to get another..."

Kim for the most part just smiles as he nods to the guards. At least they should feel safe with him around. If Rust is going to cause trouble they have someone like the TKD master around to put a stop to it. He leans back against the wall and lets May Lee and Rust catch up on things and the mention that the fact Rust was one of the people that helped with saving Russia makes him raise a brow. This man certainly has been all over the place from the sounds of it. Wasn't he in Nepal too now that he thinks about it?

"If it is okay can you release him into our care? I can take him home. My wife will tend to his wounds and we can get him healed and help him on the way to wherever he is going." Of course there might be concern if that purple mass has to be released with Rust. Can Kim trust it? It feel so....wrong. In fact he is eyeing it rather dubiously right now as if ready to dispense some justice onto the possibly living hair mass. He's on to you, Tribble.

"R-Really, more in the end... it's, it's Quon who pulled through." Quon's a name they may or may not know - of a young man who was intimidated by Vega and made certain sacrifices to prevent bad things from happening. A young man who lost everything as a result of this, including - Rust fears - his own dreams and hopes. The way he was willing to just march into danger remains a touch unsettling (even for a man who survived a large bomb mostly unscathed). The way Quon had to face someone that had caused so much problems for him... intentional or otherwise.
"Well, I'm... glad that, uh, that I could bring that back." He really did forget to get back in touch with her before being ushered to India.
The soldiers look to one another and whisper something to one another. There's a few turned heads, then a few nods, and the mention (in Korean, of course) that he is theirs.
As Rust moves to pick up his things, Kim might see the hairpiece slump juuuuust a little. The fact that it was the only thing that wasn't on the table speaks volumes about what the South Korean military types here were and weren't willing to touch and inspect.
"I'd, uh... thanks, I'd, i'd appreciate it," Howard stammers a bit. He's a very, very tired man, make no mistake, a man who just went through hell (again) to get here, "I'm, I'm on my way to... Myanmar," he murmurs out as he puts back on his toolbelt first and foremost, "Russians were gonna... gonna ship out south, but... but we got forced to dock in North Korea," he continues, as be pulls Ol' Rusty off the table to put into its proper toolbelt pocket - the one with the bottom ripped out, of course, "ran into... y'know, Shadaloo there."
He clears his throat once again with a bit of a cough. "'scuse me, well... I think I, uh, I drove 'em off, then... well... kind of, uh, jumped the line." This is a huge no-no in these parts, but, he sure did it, all right. He's here in the hands of the South now, isn't he?
"I just know that... that Chun-Li's caught there, in, in Myanmar," he murmurs out, "can't leave here... there." Chun-Li, the one who caused so much problems here - does he really mean her?!

May Lee's features blanch at the mention of Chun-Li. Up until then, she'd been listening with a casual air; cheerful, even. But... Chun-Li. She'd promised that she'd save Chun-Li, but, the whole world...

"If Korea is clear, then... we've got a shot." She murmurs. And it is true; she has a shot. She has no idea what she could even do to Vega if she took it. The Korean Peninsula, for the first time since the war began, might genuinely be free of obstacles...

"But, Chun-Li..."

The dark-eyed woman had caused untold horror here. Especially to May Lee. The girl's good nature has evaporated like the morning mist, and her fingers curl into fists by her side. All of a sudden, with just a few words, she is rendered, ultimately, powerless.

The South Korean soldiers actually look unnerved. May Lee's good cheer has remained constant no matter how bleak things looked. Why, then, does she look so pale and upset now?

That was a name that Kim did not expect to hear uttered. It is enough to pull his attention away from the horrible mass of hair that Rust has and instead look to May Lee. He rests a hand on her shoulder as if trying to calm her. "She is in Myanmar? How do you know for sure?" It isn't like he has exactly had time to watch television or listen to announcements during his travels. He doesn't even realize the current state of Myanmar and who runs it. Last he knew it was under Shadaloo control so if Chun-Li is captured there does that mean she is back to herself?

"May Lee, it is okay. Remember my promise!" he tells her in an attempt to cheer her up or at least calm her a bit. If Chun-Li honestly has broken free of Shadaloo control that might be a good thing. It just means he has to perhaps look into rescuing her as well. Of course once he realizes what the truth is things will start to seem much more tricky to him.

Even Howard there, occasionally oblivious to cues, seems a little unnerved by the sudden change in air as he considers his gloves. One of them's all bloodied now, he's... not sure he should be wearing that one any more. Maybe he'll need to grab a new pair while he's here - if anyone looks closely enough, they can see some serious burn scars on his right palm, pretty grisly-looking stuff.
Kim's hand on May Lee's shoulder stops him from asking any questions about what she's worked up about, as he takes a look at those boots. Should he put them on...? Nah, forget them, those laces have been giving him hell. Maybe he should get some new laces here too, if he can.
"Two women made, uh, made a hell of a TV show 'bout it," he says, "caught a, a glimpse of it on TV in Russia, and... well."
How does he explain this to them? He rolls one of his shoulders to work out a kink, which gets a popping noise. A popping noise that startles the South Korean soldiers so much they're already pointing guns.
"Whoa! Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. 's just my... shoulder," he explains with his left hand outstretched. This explanation may not fully satisfy them as he looks back to Kim and May Lee. "Chun-Li... I, I fought aside her in India, with another."
It's a very frightening thing to recall. "I... we ran into... Vega." His hand moves to the back of his head to rub it, as though there's a sudden kink in his neck as a memoir from when he stepped on it - not that he really clearly remembers this fine detail. "She... I, I have every... reason, to believe she... she sent me and the other away to, to save us from him."
His head bows down a bit lower. "If, if that's here, and... and she's there, I can't just... uh, y'know, leave her there."

"Chun-Li almost killed me, and Master Kim, and ... everyone else. She did kill some people."

May Lee sounds a lot more distant. Her exact memories of that time are, fuzzy. Mercifully, most of her memories surrounding most of the worst of the fighting are fuzzy; she's generally hit so hard shortly after it that she only has impressions to go on afterwards. Kicking a jet plane. Being crushed underfoot by Vega. Chun-li's leg going *through* somebody.

She does smile, though it is more hesitant than normal, and she looks up at Kim, nodding. She's just glad for his presence here. If she had run across Rust on her own and he's explained that... she'd probably have been sick.

"Vega, must have done something to her, Mister Rust." She says, tightening her scarf around her neck. There's a steely determination in her voice.

"So you go get her back, and I'll make Vega tell us how to undo everything!"

There's a sudden breeze which whips through the tent, making May's scarf flutter behind her as she brings one clenched fist up high. *How* is she going to do that? Well, she'll worry about that when she gets there!

Two women? Well it looks like Kim has missed alot while running about helping the people of Vietnam before returning here to help once again drive back the forces of Shadaloo. Looks like Shadaloo isn't the only group out causing trouble right now. "I want to hear more. Why don't you come with us and tell us everything. We will get you wounds cleaned up and everything!" Kim says while giving a big grin that might almost blind the poor American since he is not used to dealing with the TKD master and doesn't know when to look away.

He then gives May Lee a bit of a stern look. "And you will not go until we have some sort of a plan." he tells her. While he trusts in her abilities fighting someone like Vega is a whole other matter. He does not want to be the one that has to bury May Lee. She has alot more time left on this earth and more Justice to spread. Even so he agrees Vega is possibly at his most vulnerable right now.

COMBATSYS: Kim has left the fight here.

                                  >  //////////////////            ]
                                  |==-----\-------\0           MayLee

Log created on 14:01:36 03/03/2012 by MayLee, and last modified on 09:09:49 03/05/2012.