WAR! - WAR!: Week 3 'R' vs Myanmar

Description: 'R' steps into the war against Vega, they desire to take Myanmar from Vega not to liberate it but to make it their own. On one side there is the Psycho tainted Chun-Li helping the Shadaloo forces defend it against all attackers. In 'R's roster you have only two fighters, two of the most vicious assassins in the world, making their blood splattered return to the world of fighting, Vice and Mature. Whose will and desire is greater? Whose servants are the baddest on the block? Chin or Eyepatch? Find out in 'R' vs Myanmar!!!

Naypyidaw: Burma. Possibly the most ridiculously named capital in the world (at least, in the opinion of Vice, and who else's opinion matters?)

The city is also largely under construction, though the construction work has slowed with the arrival of Shadaloo. The grand monuments and planned wonders of the People's Republic of Myanmar have had to be put on hold. The fighting has left much of the city in disarray. From above, it looks like the world's largest building works.

The sleek black limosine which has cruised through Burma is incongruous in these surroundings. It might look like a luxury car, but in truth the 'R' vehicle is one of the finest examples of armored elegance the world has ever seen. Capable of shrugging off bullet fire and rockets without so much as a hitch, it has penetrated the border and gunned it to the capital as swiftly as possible.

Inside the car, Vice is looking out of the tinted windows with obvious agitation. Her legs are crossed, the top one kicking idly against the interior car door, scuffing the leather with her restlessness. She's been like this the entire way, fidgeting anxiously with barely contained energy. She wants to *kill* something, and she's going to have the opportunity soon, but she's been waiting for hours and hours since the orders were given, and this torturous car journey has been HELL.

"Mature." She says, for easily the fiftieth time, her eyes swiveling to look at her blonde partner.

"Are we THERE yet?"

For her part, Mature could care less about the name of the capital. Once they were done here she was sure Rugal would be renaming it anyway.

The precisely dressed woman clicks button after button on her cell phone, confirming dates, shipments, and other odds and ends for 'R's business. Though the incessant childish questioning was making it rather difficult to focus as she would like thus she has repeatedly answered the question the same way each time the question was posed, "Soon." Before she would go back to the clicking of buttons with her nails.

The limosine a work of art in its style and effectiveness as a 'troop transport' slide into the Naypyidaw streets silently like a grim reaper after its prey. At which point the blond looks up and smirks slightly as Vice again voices the question, "We are there, Vice. Ready to work the kinks out from having to sit still for so long?" She'd been keenly aware of the other woman's fidgeting as it was both distracting and a sign that when they got there, those that would stand in their way would be murdered quite brutally. It would make for a wonderful show. A small smile dons her lips at that thought before vanishing back into her apathetic concentration on her phone.

With one final click of her nails against plastic, Mature slides her phone away and signals the driver to stop, they'd reached their target now it was time to get out and enjoy a walk...Vice needed to vent her rage on something besides the car door at the very least. With a smooth deceleration of breaks the locks pop undone and the duo can leave the confines of their luxurious vehicle.

Peering at her partner, Mature quirks her brow as a wicked smile spreads across her lips, "Enjoy yourself Vice."

Are we there?

That would depend on where precisely 'here' is, wouldn't it?

Up ahead lies one of the central barracks for the soldiers occupying Naypyidaw, a squat and horrifically ugly concrete bunker erected as quickly and cheaply as possible just off the central square. It looks truly appalling next to the spectacular ziggurat serving as the city's most prominent landmark, and quite ludicrous as the oppressed people are forced to mill around it - finely-dressed businessmen and idle teenagers in bright, tacky clothing all wandering their ways to whatever lives they lead, as jackbooted Chinese and Shadalooian soldiers march in and out on their various patrols.

Atop the bunker, a large pair of machine-gun and rocket emplacements swivel imposing barrels this way and that, watching the main concourses through the city for any sign of an incursion. Consistent 'beep-beeps' give away the additional presence of radars, undoubtedly configured to detect spiritual signatures - anyone using chi or Psycho Power within the central city limit should be quickly apprehended. But by whom? The soldiers under Vega's command have thus far shown little aptitude in keeping the warriors of the world at bay; though they've traipsed merrily through the many countries and states unguarded by such.

Also atop the bunker lies the answer. Chun-Li.

Vega's Shadow Lady is clad in black and scarlet, as has become trademark through his campaigns of the past two weeks. Her eyes are narrowed to slits as she makes her own sweep of the surroundings, blood-tipped ribbons billowing in the warm, cordite-scented breeze wafting through the occupied capital. She has an advantage that cutting-edge technological fightdars do not; her own fightdar is keen and practiced, and her vision is as ensorcelled as everything else about her - by a lifetime spent training and honing all the senses. And by the infusion of a certain measure of that psychic energy. It may have disrupted her mind...

But she is a sharpened sword. She's a weapon in every sense.

With no pesky Koreans to stop her here, the sky could be the limit.

"<Got them!>" She suddenly snaps in her native tongue, painted lips twisting into a vicious smile as the limo pulls to a halt some ways off. She can't quite see it-- but the "R" operatives are not as subtle as they might be. Vice's aura is not one so easily contained; it sparks a remembrance of battles past too, within the corrupted memory of the World's Strongest Woman. It's enough to serve as an alarm, even if she has yet to fully place it. Besides, they've been expecting resistance. Her placement in this war is no longer a secret - there must be many hunting her alone, and to take a city with she as its protector would be invaluable.

"<Open fire.>" Her command echoes over the square, penetrating to the bunker below even without the radio mic taped to the inside of her ebon dress. Within moments, the whir of gatling guns sends the citizens of Burma running for cover, and within a few more, the hail of speeding bullets fills the air toward the parked limousine. If Vice and Mature wish to approach, they have a gauntlet to run. If they don't... well, then rockets can follow, and they'll be flushed out or crushed in the devastation. Chun-Li's lips purse as she inhales, washing the chaos ensue with something akin to pleasure in her somewhat deadened eyes.

Let the war games begin.

COMBATSYS: Chun-Li has started a fight here on the left meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Chun-Li          0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: X-Ray Platoon has joined the fight here on the left meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
X-Ray Platoon    0/-------/-------|
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Chun-Li          0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Vice has joined the fight here on the right meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
X-Ray Platoon    0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Vice
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Chun-Li          0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Mature has joined the fight here on the right meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
X-Ray Platoon    0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Mature
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Chun-Li          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Vice

"Oooh, I *will*."

Vice so rarely gets told she can have fun. Normally it is all 'have fun but try to leave the building standing' or 'have fun but don't kill ALL of them'. Today it is just have fun. Fun. Fun fun fun fun fun!

Bullets bounce and ping off the parked limosine, and Vice's smile only grows. Unlike some fighters, she's not one to pick up on who is around her. Whilst Rugal himself could almost certainly sense the strange, disrupted energy seething inside Chun-Li, even at this distance, as far as Vice is concerned the only people around right now are stupid humans who think that guns and ammunition probably sold to them by 'R', can in any way threaten 'R' when it chooses to move against them.

The limosine jerks.

The entire fortified armored construction lurches from one side to the other as Vice's kicks to the door suddenly intensify. One. Two. Three. And there's a squeal of protesting armored plating as the door is wrenched from its hinges and collapses onto the concrete with a heavy thud.

Peeling herself from the interior, Vice stretches languidly, and one heeled shoe hooks underneath the twisted, heavy metal. She doesn't really care about the bullets ricocheting madly all around her. Instead, she grins, and her predatory gaze falls on the gattling gun.

In one smooth motion the door is flipped up into the air, Vice's fingers tightening around it, before she *HURLS* the heavy lump of black death like a discus. Suddenly, what seems like an act of wanton self-destructive fury is turned into a deadly, scything projectile.

Now THAT'S what Vice calls FUN!

As if to oppose Vice's own violent egress from the vehicle, Mature calmly and deliberately opens her door, steps out utterly ignoring the gun fire as if it were unimportant to her and looks her opposition over, or at the very least in the direction all the gunfire is coming from.

Scanning the area with crisp blue eyes, Mature notes the jerk to the limosine, and looks bemused for a moment before again focusing on the task at hand. Mature is nothing if not observant and sensitive to energies, her eyes focus on where the tainted Chun-li stands, and the woman lets out a snort, "How pathetic, corrupted by so little." She then shakes her head and languidly bends down as a bullet whizzes past where her head had been a moment before peers at her seat and smiles. Reaching out she picks up the small nail file she'd been using during part of their journey.

Mature notes the shadow of movement as a car door is flung like a discus at the Shadaloo troops. Standing up properly Mature finally steps out from behind her door and starts leisurely approaching the bunker now that she had her weapon. Her steps are calm and oddly collected despite the sheer level of ammunition being directed her way, slowly she lets her eyes flick from soldier to soldier firing at her.

Then she points at one of them as if at Random, though it seems he's one of the better shots, "You'll do, please enjoy my present. It comes from the heart." With that she reaches back and hurls her nail file towrds the man vith very measured force.

She pauses after hurling the item, "No, I'm sorry I meant it goes into the heart. I do apologize I'm a bit fatigued from the trip here." She winks at the assembled soldiers as they fire at her still regardless if her hit strikes home or not.

COMBATSYS: Vice successfully hits X-Ray Platoon with Large Thrown Object.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
X-Ray Platoon    0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0           Mature
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Chun-Li          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Vice

COMBATSYS: X-Ray Platoon fails to slow Small Thrown Object from Mature with Grenade Volley.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
X-Ray Platoon    0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0           Mature
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Chun-Li          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Vice

Bernstein's lovely lieutenants are the stuff of nightmares, their eerie carelessness in the face of heavy firepower creating shockwaves even before their pair of projectiles do much more literal damage; babbles in hurried Chinese raised as Mature calmly paces forth and Vice more rampantly rages, tearing metal as though it were paper. Around them, the panicked Burmese start to actually scream, in glorious tandem with the howling of the bulletproof door as it soars, hell's own discus making it to the emplacement with brutal efficiency.

It looks impressive enough, until it suddenly removes a head - wide eyes bugging from their sockets as throat rips and spinal column severs, the unfortunate soldier's bonce bouncing off the bunker before flopping in a bloody mess to the polished marble of the square below. This doesn't help the citizens remain calm.

Meanwhile, an ambitious young private sights down the line of Mature's incoming file, stepping up alongside the target - who's still boldly firing round after ineffective round to try and mow down the terrifying women - and pulling his pistol in one smooth motion, a grenade in the other hand. His first shot misses and he curses, shooting again; and once more, before realizing with a cold tremble that he's completely failed. Mature's file goes through an eyeball, and the operator drops to his knee with a piercing scream. The young private squts down next to him, trying to reassure him and simultaneously pull the file from his eye, grenade forgotten. They may be evil conquerors, but it's almost sad, really...

A fact Chun-Li certainly does not miss. Kohl-rimmed eyes flare along with her nostrils as she fumes to the edge of the bunker in hard, stomping steps. A few strays bullets rip through her dress, drawing crimson lines upon her muscular torso as they deflect like errant flies. She doesn't notice; nor care, having eyes only for the encroaching pair, quickly recognizing them once they stand in the open. "Well, well," she murmurs, rolling a shoulder and cricking her neck as the gatling fire begins to subside - the remaining gun running out of ammo, a team rushing to reload it to leave quite the opening. An opening she can exploit.

The Strongest Woman in the World flips and hits the ground running, powerful thighs absorbing the fifteen-foot fall without incident as she speeds to a black-and-crimson blur, her gaze finding Vice as she runs, slowing her onslaught just enough to make it damn well clear who she is. Letting that crazed mind remember what she can /do/. "It's been a while since we /played/!" She hisses as she closes range, knowing too well how much Rugal's psychopathic pet enjoys her violent pastimes. There's no more time spared, her body twisting to one side, weight sinking into one heel as the other leg rises and lashes into a screaming roundhouse, little flicker of tainted chi streaming through the material of her tights.

"Tag, you're it."

COMBATSYS: Vice dodges Chun-Li's Strong Kick.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
X-Ray Platoon    0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0           Mature
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Chun-Li          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Vice

Vice's blood is up. She exults in the death, the screaming, the fear and pain and panic of their arrival. It has been too long, really, since she and Mature last got to cause this. When was the last time Rugal let them slip their leash and demonstrate what they are capable of? Well. If the world expects them to feel a pang of guilt for the brutal massacre they are about to unleash, the world is going to be sorely disappointed.

Vice comes forward herself as Chun-Li rushes at her. It takes a moment for her to realize who the Strongest Woman in the World actually is in that new outfit, the strange makeup. "You think you can stop me, police woman?" Vice hisses, apparently not putting two and two together just yet; well, it seems likely that Chun-Li would be trying to stop Vice's murderous rampage even if she WASN'T currently evil. And there's no way Vice is going to let that happen.

Chun-Li lashes out with a violent kick, and Vice leaps into the air. It is surprising, but right now, murdering Chun-Li is only the *second* most enjoyable thing on the battlefield. "I'll kill you in a second, wait your turn!"

And all at once Vice is in the middle of the enemy troops. There's no subtly or finesse in her assault, as there is in Mature's. Instead, she just crashes into them and keeps moving, shoulder leading the way - unless the troops demonstrate a sudden skill sorely lacking in that initial salvo, soldiers will be flung into the air with wild abandon, bones crunching and blood flying all around.

Because although revenge is great, Vice doesn't want Mature to get all the kills before SHE can. She wants her part of the slaughter!

Mature continues her slow methodical advance towards the troops taking only the minimal needed effort to step out of the way of the now panicked Shadaloo troops. "Tsk, Tsk, Vega gets such shoddy help. Quality always trumps quantity." She sides steps an attempt to hit her with shot gun blast now that she's gotten so much closer.

While she realizes Chun-Li is a huge threat to their orders, Mature rather get the flies out of the way first despite the fact that the 'Strongest Woman in the World' was going after her partner. If there was anything Mature knew it was how resilient Vice could be, for the moment she lets her partner handle the corrupted cop on her own while she focuses on eliminating the pawns.

The troops pull back slightly to keep some distance between the 'R' assassin and themselves but it is now too later, Mature has closed the distance and the true killing will begin, "Shh, shh, shh." She shuses the soldiers, "It's time to dream the dream you'll never return from."

With that she reaches out with freakish speed to grab one of the soldiers by the face, haul him off his feet and use his terrified firing of his weapon while she whips him around this way and that before tossing him away like garbage. Well that is the plan unless they show some unexpected skill in stopping her from achieving this feat.

COMBATSYS: X-Ray Platoon endures Mature's Deicide.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
X-Ray Platoon    1/-------/=======|=------\-------\0           Mature
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Chun-Li          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Vice

COMBATSYS: X-Ray Platoon fails to interrupt Mayhem from Vice with Mortar Fire.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
X-Ray Platoon    0/-------/-======|=------\-------\0           Mature
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Chun-Li          0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0             Vice

Absolute slaughter. These men are not trained to stand against such a tandem of cool and hot-blooded wrath, "R"'s foremost duo quickly entering their midst despite the attempted distraction by their secret weapon, who whirls and immediately settles her stance with a disgusted 'hmph' as Vice opens the show with her first shuddering blow. It opens her for many more-- what follows is not pretty, made less so by Mature's more targeted assault, though her chosen victim at least seems to be together enough to hiss out an order as he's seized, sending his comrades into a frenzy of activity, closing upon the maelstrom of her partner...

His wild bullets catch more of them than his frantic words help, however. It's a disaster.

"<Kill them!>" Squeals a voice from below when the work is all but done - this coming from the commanding officer, staggering out of the bunker below and ditching his radio to simply point and scream at the rooftop, where his men are lying in various messes of blood and bone. One of them flops limply in response. The commander shouts louder, "<KILL THEM WITH FIIIIIRE!>"

One of the few still standing is immediately more alert, stammering out a poorly-memorized Buddhist prayer as he staggers through the carnage and fumbles for a long, heavy rocket, scooping it off the ground and seeking to load it into the adjacent launcher when Vice ends her assault with /him/. The rocket tumbles from his grip, twisting end over end before landing... rather mercifully softly, on the damaged remnants of his corpse, chest caved-in, as it hits the floor with a damp squelch that the Orochi-blooded woman no doubt enjoys.

It's a moment of triumph, though it's shorter than either of the operatives may desire...

"Ah." The single syllable carries far more weight than it should, curling from the painted lip of Chun-Li as she leaps nimbly onto the rooftop and walks with slow, graceful steps through the scene of the massacre. A delicate eyebrow curves as she steps around a broken limb, gently kicking aside a lolling head before looking up and across at Mature; who she's generally held to be the brains of this particular pairing. "Lord Vega will be most displeased. Perhaps it's time we levelled the playing field somewhat?" A hand rises, a finger tapping against her chin as she glances between the two women, "It seems I'm still 'it'..."

At least until she's a blur, instead, a dark streak whipping through the air...

A black boot suddenly outstretched as it comes around in a scything overhead kick, burning with blue-white fronds of simmering, devastating energy. Beneath them, the commander can be heard flicking off the safety of his own machine-gun - but let's be honest, he could fire a thousand shots and not do as much damage as Chun-Li can do with a single kick. Let alone THIS kick. Let Vice remember what she can do-- by seeing it exacted on her partner.

Vice laughs, a high pitched and crazed noise as she surveys her slaughter. HER slaughter. Oh yes, Vice's blood is very much up now. Her heart is pounding and her fury rising with every breath. The air tastes of blood and war, discharged weapons and the juicy tang of death. Most of the time, Vice actually makes an effort to control herself. It is a stressful and hateful existence, constantly resisting the urge to beat the idiots around her to death. It is so ... liberating, not to have to do that for once.

With a gentle hop, Vice comes down behind the pointing, screaming man, leaving a rooftop litered with the broken and the dying. Her intent is to simply grab him by the back of the head, and crush his skull against the wall of the building he had emerged from. She's running out of targets, now, and looking around the battlefield she locks on almost instantly to Mature. Perhaps one of a handful of people she cares about enough to... *feel* amongst all this slaughter.

There's no words from Vice, just a low, animal snarl and (if she's got hold of him still) a tightening of her grip on the commanding officer. The emotional response is twofold. Firstly, overpoweringly, a hatred of the police woman who has DARED to consider anyone a bigger threat than herself...

... and a half-remembered concern that Mature might actually be in danger ...

COMBATSYS: Mature blocks Chun-Li's Hazanshu.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
X-Ray Platoon    0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0           Mature
[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Chun-Li          0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0             Vice

"My, you did well to keep your head in such a situation sergeant! Congratulations, you get to die slowly now." Mature's words while harsh are spoken gently and respectfully despite the fact she's referring to him as sergeant no matter his rank.

Mature surveys the damage her attack dealt with an amused snort as the moans of the dying and the blood of the dead swam around her. She quite purposefully makes her way towards the downed man she just tossed away, slowly so very slowly, almost like she was trying to give him an opportunity to run and save himself, all the while she lets her hand hang loosely next to her with its blood red finger nails, "Let me reward you with oblivion, my dear sergeant." She rears back to deliver the death blow to the fear-paralyzed man...

Mature catches a flash of motion out of the corner of her eye and is already spinning and setting herself against the blow that is rocketing towards her, managing to turn aside both the physical blow while dissapaiting the tainted chi that was released by the attack. Her sleeves still sizzling from the disappaited chi, Mature smiles at the Strongest Woman, "Wanting to dance are we Miss? Soon, soon we shall but first let me finish my dance with your master's toy soldiers. Then I shall give you the attention you so very richly deserve." A simple bow is given before Mature makes use of her splendidly long shapely legs to dash around Chun-Li to give chase to the soldier she'd been ready to finish off.

Click...click....click....the sound of finger nails tapping against metal, concrete, and plastic. That is what the Shadaloo soldier hears as Mature closes on her prey. And as he rounds a corner there she is again ready for him, "I told you, you need to be rewarded." With that she drives her inhumanely sharp nails right for his face!

COMBATSYS: Vice successfully hits X-Ray Platoon with Aggressive Strike.

[                           \\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
X-Ray Platoon    1/------=/=======|===----\-------\0           Mature
[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Chun-Li          0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0             Vice

COMBATSYS: X-Ray Platoon fails to interrupt Strong Punch from Mature with Grenade Volley.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Chun-Li          0/-------/------=|====---\-------\0           Mature
                                  >  ////////////////////////////  ]
                                  |===----\-------\0             Vice

COMBATSYS: X-Ray Platoon can no longer fight.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Chun-Li          0/-------/------=|====---\-------\0           Mature
                                  >  ////////////////////////////  ]
                                  |===----\-------\0             Vice

Shadaloo's second to last man standing is subjected to a punishment perhaps worse than he just witnessed. That vice grip on his skull practically causes his brain to palpitate into a hideous goo through the sheer, overwhelming presence of Vice alone, the follow-up faceforth hurtle into concrete almost more insult than is required to end him; but cruelty is a wonderful thing, and he remains alive long enough to burble incoherently as Mature takes flight for the final soldier...

At least until his skull caves in, bone shards severing his frontal lobe in one horrific instant.

Chun-Li doesn't budge an inch, meanwhile, allowing Mature to skirt around her following her rebuking jibe. Her head does tip faintly to one side as nails sear through the air, eyes widening faintly as she listens to the man's dying scream - his face removed, soaking flesh slopping to the floor a moment before his body follows suit, grinding to a mulch the underlying muscle and sinew now forming the front of his head. War is full of horrors-- but Rugal's Beauty Pair make it all seem so academic. Just another day at the office.

The Strongest Woman in the World has never been impressed; and even now, even this level of brutality...

It's just dull.

Hard eyes close further the passage to her soul as she focuses entirely, taking a couple of steps back to close the distance to Mature without even looking, tracking her motions aurally and ready to spring the moment she'll stop crowing over her fallen opponent. It doesn't give her long, but when she suddenly and rapidly /moves/? It doesn't take long at all. The fallen heroine's motions are beyond swift, as she spins around that same corner totally blind, whipping one astonishingly powerful leg back and outward, a reverse roundhouse carrying that polished black boot once more for Mature's skull - her words carrying harsh on the air:

"Are you /done/ yet?"

Vice comes running.

"No guns this time, police woman?" She bellows as she charges. There's a fair amount of distance to cross, unfortunately. She can't get there before Mature will have dealt with the attack, one way or another. "No BROKEN GLASS? HUH?!"

Now that she's out of other people to kill, Vice's intention towards Chun-Li could not be more clear. Her fury is practically palpable, the Orochi blood in her stoked to furnace levels of intensity by the murder she has been allowed to cut loose with. For the first time in months Vice really is losing it; and it is because she wants to. Because she wants to teach this ignorant little police woman a thing or two about what it means to cross her partner.

Nobody ignores Vice.

"ALL OUT OF FRIENDS!" She cackles, and, as she gets closer, the body of the commanding officer is brought around, and HURLED forwards with stunning force. One large lump of meat she can use to, hopefully, break Chun-Li's resolve a little bit more before she falls on her and rips her apart like a beast.

Vice... really is not very observant, and even now could not care less about the apparent change in the woman's demeanor; she is just another person to brutalize. The fact that she was beaten by her in the past only adds to her desire to rip that pretty head clean from her shoulders!

COMBATSYS: Mature interrupts Medium Kick from Chun-Li with Death Blow.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Chun-Li          0/-------/----===|======-\-------\0           Mature
                                  >  ////////////////////////////  ]
                                  |===----\-------\0             Vice

Mature does not crow over the fallen, she instead flicks the blood from her nails as though they were tiny swords. Then she turns to head back towards the police woman or to be more correct the pawn of a non police woman she had become for the moment.

Again sensing the attack before it comes Mature is already using her speed to counter Chun-Li's, the leg comes flying at her and while it impacts with her ribs rather upleasantly, while they do not break they are severely stressed from the power of the hit, as she quite litterally rolls along Chun-Li's outstretched leg as though it were a pole, launching her hand at the Chinese woman's throat, those insanely sharp nails driven into flesh as she tears downwards with the momentum she built up with her spin. "Impatience, how unsightly for the /Strongest/." Mature snorts with derision as she springs backwards from the attack.

Sometimes it is nice to have a partner that is a lunatic as Vice more than allows Mature time to reset her stance after her attack on Chun-Li. She smiles seductively at 'Shadoloo-Li', "Come now surely you have more interesting things you can do than that. Or when your Master gifted you with that twisted power of his, did it make you that much more dull witted than normal?" She tilts her head, "Though you look less of a harlot than normal, so I have to say your taste in clothing has improved somewhat, Miss China."

COMBATSYS: Chun-Li dodges Vice's Large Thrown Object.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Chun-Li          0/-------/----===|======-\-------\0           Mature
                                  >  ////////////////////////////  ]
                                  |===----\-------\0             Vice


Her frame is powerful enough to barely shift at the application of Mature's weight - though the deadly secretary's grace likely has a lot to do with that too. But even the Shadow Lady must react when nails dig deep into her flesh, slicing near to the jugular, only the extraordinary resilience of a fighter saving her from facing a very grave wound; but as it is, a bunching of tightly wound neck muscles, a sidelong flick of the head, and the cut is only that. Blood flows in a coursing river down her alabaster skin as she enters a controlled spin, coming about to face the incoming corpse as Mature settles back into her stance.

There are no words in reply to the continued taunting of the latter, only a scathing sidelong glance forming Chun-Li's response as she sidesteps, throwing an arm up to catch the ragdolling body with an outstretched palm - it's somewhere between a clothesline and a derisive slap, that limp form sent into a violent conniption before it crashes to the ground, a lifeless sack. There's no compassion in the Psycho Driven woman's gaze as she steps again, back foot cutting over the fore and sending her into a second half-pirouette, her guard snapping up as she again looks between "R"'s deadly duo.

"I don't need friends," she states, clear but dull, as though this were so simple and natural a fact that it were unworthy of especial intonation. "I don't need guns, or broken glass..." Dangerously calm, she moves again, sweeping low over an extended leg, then completely a third semi-circular rotation of her athletic form, swooping up beneath Vice's guard to fix her from below with a flat, hard-eyed stare. "All I need--"

Her right arm unfolds with a *snap*, bearing an open-handed blow for the midsection.

"Is /me/!"

It comes out in a fierce hiss, violence swamping muted emotion, as she rises to follow up with a second strike, left arm extending as the other retracts, the ever-present spiked bracelet upon her wrist catching in the smog-wreathed light of the sun. Her wrist is open, palmheel taking the weight of a savage attack to the jaw - the true, unabandoned power of the blow concealed by the spherical grace of her motions.

"How about you," she murmurs in its wake, "Just the two? Or can I expect the man himself?"

COMBATSYS: Vice interrupts Strong Punch from Chun-Li with Black End.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Chun-Li          0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0           Mature
                                  >  ///////////////////////       ]
                                  |=====--\-------\0             Vice

Vice really could not be more different to Mature in this instant. Where Mature has shown herself to be fantastic on defense, seeing her opponent coming and reacting with fluid grace, Vice... does not care. Chun-Li comes at her, and the psychotic Orochi-tainted woman just stands there and takes it. The blow smashes into her jaw, and in the same instant that her head is forced to move around, her hand is grabbing Chun-Li by the back of her head.

The blow has actually managed to draw blood! Vice had almost forgotten how hard Chun-Li hits. But it doesn't put her off at all. With a furious snarl, she drives the Strongest Woman in the World's face down brutally hard into the concrete, and pauses for a moment to look at Mature.

"*I* don't like her outfit."

Because obviously this is the perfect moment to discuss the finer points of fashion.

"You always like purple and blue. /I/ think she'd look better in RED!"

And with that she flings Chun-Li into the air.

Mature is rebuffed and ignored as her partner lays into Chun-Li with not only a thrown body but as the ex-cop goes into a full on assault of Vice, her partner uses her face like a roadblock for the fist and then basically spikes Chun-Li face into the ground like an old used up football. Sometimes Vice's endurance of pain was truly insane, and the fact that even while taking a hit like that she kept up her assault. Her partner was quite litterally a berserker, not that Mature was afraid not much actually can put fear into her cold dead heart.

"Vice clear yourself up, you look a mess right now." Mature tosses her fellow 'R' agent a handkerchief to clean herself up with.

"Ugh you're so predictable Vice, red is your favorite color after all." She smirks, "Blood red, so maybe I can help you appreciate her attire a bit more."

With that she's gone, chasing after the flying Chun-li with all her unholy speed. She launches herself up into the air after the psycho driven agent of Vega. Appearing next to Chun-Li in the air, "This way, to the ground Miss." She rears back and launches her fist at the airborne woman if she connects it will be a rather painful landing.

COMBATSYS: Chun-Li interrupts Nocturnal Lights from Mature with Houyoku Sen.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Chun-Li          0/-------/-----==|======-\-------\0           Mature
                                  >  ///////////////////////       ]
                                  |=====--\-------\0             Vice

Chun-Li's not a small woman; there's lot of mass to her frame, at least, usually rendering grapples and throws to something attempted by the larger variety of male opponent. But Vice confounds a number of physical laws - reason and physics give way before her sneering, bloodthirsty savagery. It happens in an instant, the World's Strongest Woman torn from smooth empowered grace to a fleeting world of pain, her makeup smearing and pale flesh tearing as she's introduced to the concrete - which yields, exploding into shards.

A moment later she's airborne, the warm and fragrant breeze tearing at the silk material binding her, blowing the blood still dribbling from her neck in an arc as she twists over and over... coming around with a sudden widening of the eyes to see a thunderous punch slung her way, the beautiful features behind it belying a spirit little different from that she has left below. There's a reason these women are feared-- there's a reason her Lord's men were so thoroughly destroyed. Few could hope to stand. In this position, neither can she, so she takes another option; and lets the wind guide her.

Twisting at the waist, she rolls with the blow, spitting out a mouthful of blood and saliva as she swoops around in mid-air, falling into the buffeting gust enough to wind herself into a tight coil of momentum. It only takes a split-second, and she turns back before the punch can be fully retracted, before another strike can come in its place, spinning so fast that her leg is rising by itself-- it requires little effort to deliver the first kick, slamming into Mature's ribs with a solid crunch.

Chun-Li's teeth grit, and the instant of impact becomes the first of many, her extended limb blurring into a blazing assault, kick after kick after kick delivered against ribs, then stomach, then chin - snapping Mature back in the air, stunning her for long enough to allow the winds to twist the Chinese woman about. This time the opposite leg rises, another natural motion coupled with a second trio to the opposing locations on "R"'s blonde lieutenant. The blows come so fast they create a shockwave, windows on a nearby building shattering.

"You know my favourite colour?"

Her voice is calm, but carries with cold fury on the air, as Chun-Li bends like a reed, bracing herself with a small surge of buoyant, nearly-transparent chi to /thrust/ her leading leg upward, this time going clearly, breathtakingly vertical, the muscles from hip to shin rippling into the motion. Lending it power. Gifting it with the force needed to propel Mature yet higher, toward the sky. The question answers itself, really.


The Shadow Lady smiles, and starts to drop.

The howl of inhuman rage that tears from Vice's lips would surely send any soldiers nearby scattering, were there any to hear it. It is the crunch of her partner's ribs which rips it from her. A noise like she were the one struck herself; as though the pain and fury that she expresses is her own. The very air around Vice seems to bleed from the agony of that noise, red and leaking and utterly horrific in its own special way.


Vice is not fully human. Inside her flesh there is a demon, and it is this demon which answers her reverberating scream. The memory of how badly Chun-Li had beaten her is fresh in her mind, and now, in one horrible moment, she actually *fears* that she might lose Mature. The very thought of what that might mean is too awful to contemplate. Vice climbs the distance between herself and Chun-Li as though it were a physical thing, carving a bloody wound behind her as she goes.

There will be pain, now.

It all comes down to whether she can get her hands on the woman. Vice's name has never been more apt if she can; squeezing with as much force as she can, which *part* of Chun-Li she snares hardly matters, as this is merely an opening to crush the woman into the ground.

And if that impact is made, Chun will find one hand covering her face, sharp nails digging in, as she smashes the woman into the ground over, and over, and over. The world itself seems to be bright red and shining, burning, agonizing.

The rest of the world will see a huge column of bright red energy, which coalesces around the pair into the shape of a leering skull with intensely dark eyes, a terrible, sucking void from which light cannot escape.

Mature may have told Vice to clean up... but all that is forgotten so quickly in the moment of terrible violence. She's a ragged, bleeding, sweaty mess, no longer with even a veneer of control of herself; only focused on the utter annihilation of this woman who would DARE to hurt HER partner.

The fist landed solidly with all her cruel intent behind it as she exploded her fingers outward to slash her opponent with the first blow, then Chun-Li rolled away from her, Mature already correcting for it as she began to launch the next part of her attack...

The impact of Chun-Li's leg to her side was Mature's first clue things were decidely not going to plan. The woman did the only thing she could at this point lowered her arms to protect her ribs and curl up into as much of a ball as possible to minimize the incomming onslaught as much as possible. The blows come like rain though and there is not much she can do but ride out the pain.

There is a reason Chun-Li is known as the Strongest Woman in the World and these punishing blows remind her why that is so, powerful kick after powerful kick delivered to her body and then that almost neck snapping kick to the chin sent her backwards end over end as the powerful blows that follow shatter windows. Mature focuses for the moment getting herself ready for when the attacks end and she is launched skyward as blood erupts from her mouth due to the sheer amount of 'breaking' her innards took.

The world tumbled up and down, left and right as she 'falls' ever upward from the final blow. Mature's cold blue eyes look dazed before snapping back to clear reasoned life, using the same trick that Chun-Li had just used she falls slowly by catching the air using the time to recollect herself and her own powerful muscles to pop numerous ribs back into place, she's not as tough Vice, but she is coldly dispassionate towards pain when it gets in the way of her winning.

COMBATSYS: Mature gains composure.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Chun-Li          0/-------/-----==|=====--\-------\0           Mature
                                  >  //////////////////////        ]
                                  |==-----\-------\0             Vice

COMBATSYS: Vice successfully hits Chun-Li with Withering Atlas.
- Power hit! -

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Chun-Li          0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0           Mature
                                  >  ///////////////////////       ]
                                  |==-----\-------\0             Vice

Chun-Li's had her moment in the sun-- and introduced Mature rather forcibly to hers. This moment belongs to Vice, as do those that succeed it; the grapple is successful, further testament to the woman's wild strength and prowess, each crushing impact breaking bone and rending flesh like it were paper. By the time that dark energy forms, testament to the terrible creature that Bernstein's most trusted are beneath their respective veneers, the so-called 'Strongest Woman in the World' is a damaged and broken thing, her ebon silk tattered to reveal swathes of torn, bloody skin, strips of muscle separated from very visible bone...

The crater in which she lies come the end is pooled with thick globdules of blood, enough pouring free that what pumps from her body now is clear plasma, bubbling grotesquely as Chun-Li stirs, teeth gritting and breath searing from her lungs in sharp rejection of the taste of her own ichor. It stinks; and it HURTS, so much. Even through the brainwashing, through the psychic resonance warping her mind, she can barely stay conscious.

But she was stronger than this as she was; and some things have not ebbed.

With a violent kiai she surges upward, bathed in a torrent of her own life's fluid, glistening in the dim sun as she lashes out first with one leg, then the other, seeking to drive Vice back as much as damage her as she flies three feet up, out of the crater... and then seeks to plant both hands to its edge. "/Spinning/!" She spits the word, moving with a delirious rush to throw herself into the attack proper, swooping like a bird of prey resurrected, somehow clinging to life by the teeth she grates between words, between rushing rotations of her powerful legs, "/Bird/!" Again and again she strikes, until she spins to a crouch, breathing in bursts.

Flaming eyes lock onto Vice and defiantly, spitefully she finishes, "/KICK/."

COMBATSYS: Chun-Li successfully hits Vice with Spinning Bird Kick.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Chun-Li          1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0           Mature
                                  >  ///////////////               ]
                                  |======-\-------\0             Vice

Vice doesn't even try to defend herself, instead she walks into the kick, trying to get close to the spinning warrior. It doesn't quite work, and the predatory secretary is instead flung away, where she bounces off some shattered masonry...

And instantly is lunging forwards again.

Vice hasn't even tried to recover her footing, there is no grace or dignity in her assault, just raw speed and terrifying power. The woman is foaming at the mouth, heedless of the flaring pain which indicates her own internal injuries, nor the blood pouring from her broken and split lips. There is, instead, just one thing on her mind.


She can *feel* Chun-Li's pain. She knows that the broken woman is so close to being snapped in half, and she is going to do it. She is going to rip this woman limb from limb.

Her hands snare out to grip Chun-Li's own, and if she manages it, bring her up and around hard into the ground.

Once more she goes for the head, and begins to smash and crush Chun-Li's face into the concrete. Before had been painful, but this time, she's doing it over, nad over, and over.

"I'll KILL you!"


"I'LL kill you!"


"I'll kill YOU!"


When she finally judges her work done, Rugal's least stable minion (and doesn't that say a lot?) will just discard Chun-Li with a backhanded throw. If her appearance had disgusted Mature before, she looks practically nauseating by the end of her obscene display of violence.

Mature continues her descent to earth at break neck speed no longer slowing herself, falling towards her enraged partner and their Shadaloo brainwashed foe, blue eyes narrowed and focused on what she was about to do, if Vice did what she thinks she's about to do.

It turns out that she does indeed try exactly what Mature figured she would, so the falling blond instead changes her trajectory slightly to hit the top of the bunker. Powerful legs bending, broken ribs straining, muscles and joints screaming at the abuse as she redirects all her momentum from her fall as she then launches herself like an arrow at Chun-Li wherever she lands after Vice's attempted onslaught.

She then reaches out for Chun-Li's neck again in an attempt to firmly grip it and then using the inhuman strength she rarely shows of to lift her off the ground by her neck, squeeze ruthlessly, transfer the momentum with a massive spin of her torso and grind the Strongest Woman into the ground even more!!

"Dream of your blue in the next life." She spits out with a mixture of cold wrath and distant politeness.

COMBATSYS: Vice successfully hits Chun-Li with Withering Surface.
~ Cruel hit! ~

[                           \\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Chun-Li          1/----===/=======|=====--\-------\0           Mature
                                  >  ///////////////               ]
                                  |==-----\-------\0             Vice

COMBATSYS: Chun-Li parries Mature's Backlash!

[                           \\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Chun-Li          1/---====/=======|=====--\-------\0           Mature
                                  >  ///////////////               ]
                                  |==-----\-------\0             Vice

What Vice sets out to accomplish...


She just might do. Chun-Li's landing may have astonishing aptitude considering her state, but the inhuman operative is too fast - too brutal - and too driven to cause pain and misery wherever she treads. Shadaloo may be dreadful, spearheaded by a would-be dictator whose methods are truly, exlusively evil, but there's irony for those who will celebrate this victory today; in liberating this unsung Asian country, a foothold is gained by a group who may be just as bad. It's certainly hard to tell who the villain is here, as the Chinese woman's already-ravaged face is subjected to punishment beyond what most FIGHTERS could take.

By the time Mature reaches for her turn, the Strongest Woman in the World is anything but. A limp bundle of screaming nerves, she's easily taken at first, the only challenge in seizing and lifting her lying in the complete dead weight she has become. Dripping with gore and unconscious, she ragdolls through the air much like her fallen comrade, at least until the apex, when her eyes open and with a pained, horrifying gasp she comes to absolute, shining life. Mature's mocking words might be cut short as she /twists/, wrenching herself free with a snap of resisting tendons, more blood vomiting from between her lips as she liberates herself.

But she's acting on insinct alone now, an animal, savage thing much like the short-haired Orochi-blood, barely human at all. Spinning into a somersault so fast it's practically invisible, she swoops around through the air and then falls even more abruptly than ended; a surge of chi lighting her path, a swathe of searing blue introducing Mature to a redux of a familiar blow, black, dusty and bloodied boot carrying a vicious hammer blow from on high. Chun-Li lands with her legs split, pouring from a hundred wounds but so very ALIVE in spite of it.

"Why dream it," she spits - literally - crimson bubbles curving around her lips, "When you can /be/ it."

COMBATSYS: Chun-Li keeps on fighting!

[                         \\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Chun-Li          0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0           Mature
                                  >  ///////////////               ]
                                  |==-----\-------\0             Vice

Vice is a killer, not so much a fighter. She's a monster, a demon. Where other fighters, even other villainous ones, might hesitate to actually try to murder their opponents, it is more rare that Vice can stop herself from doing just that. She can see that Chun-Li is barely hanging on, and that just excites her more. She can feel the chinese warrior's struggle for survival, she can almost taste it, and there is nothing more delicious when that struggle fails, turns to despair, and is then extinguished.

Will Chun-Li be herself in her final moments, or will the programming hold even to the point of death?

Vice intends to find out. A deadly growl is on her lips as the predatory woman advances on the pride of China again, sliding in low and coming up with those vicious nails leading the way. She's hoping Mature will hang in there still, and thus she can do what she's wanted to do al fight; rend the woman apart.

COMBATSYS: Mature blocks Chun-Li's Hazanshu EX.

[                         \\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Chun-Li          0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0           Mature
                                  >  ///////////////               ]
                                  |==-----\-------\0             Vice

Mature's words are not cut short at all as the tainted chi kick flys at her face, the blond though sits there raises her arm and straining muscles protest loudly inside her as she grins viciously seductive at Chun-Li, the chi being knocked away this time as her sleeve bursts into flame and she rips it off herself to let it burn on the ground scorch marks running up and down her arm as the smell of burnt flesh wafts through the air, "No, I don't think I shall. I rather liked this uniform Miss. I hope you know you're going to pay for it in so very many ways."

With that she grabs Chunner's leg and vaults upwards off it to land behind the Chinese woman, "You should've gone done into sweet blissful oblivion, it'd have been less painful." Mature says as an identical voice rings out from in front of Chun-Li, "I offered you a dream, but if you prefer we can make it a nightmare." The first voice rings out again, "Suffer you worthless pawn."

At that the two launch simultaneous attacks, punches, kicks, each touch loaded with her dark Orochi-chi, each blow filling Chun-Li with its corrossive nature, burning her from the inside while the blows come faster and faster from both directions, then the claws start. Slashing, tearing. filleting the dark haired woman. Just like Mature was shown no mercy in the air the blond shows her no mercy on the ground, nails being sunk deep into flesh again and again.

Then it stops and the two turn away as one fades to nothingness, "Did you like it as much as I did?" She winks as she blows Chun-Li a kiss before the Orochi-chi inside the tainted ex-cop is released violently with a crack of thunder and a blast of Orochi-chi tainted lightly, flash frying the girl from the insides out!

COMBATSYS: Mature successfully hits Chun-Li with Ecstasy 816.
- Power hit! -

[                                < >  ///////////                   ]
Chun-Li          1/----===/=======|-------\-------\0           Mature
                                  >  ///////////////               ]
                                  |==-----\-------\0             Vice

COMBATSYS: Chun-Li fails to interrupt Aggressive Strike from Vice with Houyoku Sen EX.

                                  >  ///////////                   ]
                                  |-------\-------\0           Mature
                                  >  ///////////////               ]
                                  |===----\-------\0             Vice

COMBATSYS: Chun-Li can no longer fight.

                                  >  ///////////                   ]
                                  |-------\-------\0           Mature
                                  >  ///////////////               ]
                                  |===----\-------\0             Vice

It begins, as so many things, with a bang.

It may be Vice's nails that lead, but they dig so deep so quickly that her knuckles jar in the wound - guts spilling across her clawing fingertips and tumbling free as flesh all but melts at her deadly touch. The 'all but' is most pertinent, though; because it doesn't simply pour away, it's ripped like sandpaper, scratching torturously at ragged nerve endings. Chun-Li comes to within a whisker of screaming, but the sound if swallowed by the gurgle of blood, spewed from her lips in fresh gouts as she stumbles back.

She cannot stumble far, stopped on two flanks as Mature /apparates/. If she had her full faculties she'd gasp, narrow her eyes, or widen them; SOMETHING. But there's little left - even the animal is ebbing, whimpering into a corner of her soul as it's so thoroughly beaten back. Truth be told, she'd have fallen even without the added injury upon injury upon injury that the blonde wreaks. The Psycho energies within the Chinese woman scream in fury, billowing out in purplish-black swathes, the dark mirror of her own chi rising in desperate attempt to banish the pain, perhaps, but... no. /Forced out/. Orochi's taint is a strength of its own, and those clawing strikes and whipping kicks plant it deep, until Chun-Li's very soul roars.

What little she has left.

Her eyes are wide as the assault comes to a close, showing for the first time very real emotion-- dread, terror, and something akin to sadness as they latch onto Vice's across the diminishing, uncertain form of her partner. It's apt, that illusion: because reality is losing all meaning. "You..." The word comes frail and halting, as though Chun-Li were recognizing her old opponent for the first time, which she very well may be, as herself. But as all things begin, so must they end.


Her ruined body lands with a nauseating splatter.

Game over.

Log created on 02:49:42 03/01/2012 by Mature, and last modified on 10:07:48 03/01/2012.