WAR! - WAR! Week 3: Thailand vs China

Description: Thailand was lost and needless to say Vega was not a happy camper. Despite his best efforts to retake Thailand it would seem that not enough forces were devoted to a place where the God of Muay Thai still stands. Sagat manages to help push back Vega's forces once again, but for how long can he hold up?

Rust drops PRC Battalion.

It is easy to enrage Vega. Sagat was part of Shadaloo long enough to know that the dictator does not like it when things don't go his way. The liberation of Thailand came quick and unexpected. It is exactly how Sagat planned it and now he is starting to show that he can fight a war perhaps just as good as his former boss. 'He will lower his defenses and leave places open to be retaken because he is too proud to admit defeat elsewhere.' He told both Rust and Quon after they won. Soon after he sent the pair to go after Russia to help with the efforts there. It will be a tough, but if they can take back Russia from Shadaloo Vega will be dealt a powerful blow.

He has his forces spread too thin and with other countries finally fighting back this will be the best time to attack. Sagat can only hope that there will be victories in the middle east or retaking Russia might be a total loss. All he knows is one thing. For Vega to retake Thailand he will have to come and take it himself once again. The forces of Shadaloo and China have been kept at bay by the Thai army and helping lead them is the one eyed God of Muay Thai.

He has started to recover from the injuries from the previous battles, but the large warrior is still heavily bandaged in places. The constant moving and fighting has also meant he has turned out to be a rather scruffy looking sight. A good amount of hair covers his head and face, a light fuzz that has turned into an ample beard and head of red hair. He can worry about shaving once the world is saved. There is too much at stake and too much moving for him to care about it now. That is why he is with a unit of Thai troops waiting for what is supposed to be a rather destructive force that has made its way through the borders and looks to cause trouble internally.

Thousands have been sent to try and keep their hold of Thailand to make a point of things. It is many lives to spend to make a point - Sagat has demonstrated amply before that if not for the direct presence of Lord Vega himself, he will stand heads and shoulders above any invader that dare comes and dislodge him. Even for a cause many would call just, the Emperor of Muay Thai is a most frightening, most terrible, most dangerous enemy.
This fact is not lost upon those who have managed to move past the initial line of warfare. Over a thousand men and women under the PRC banner march, but there is reluctance among the ranks. Their commanding officer - a very overt Shadaloo plant - is more than comfortable to talk down the dangers of Sagat from the relative comfort of the briefing room all the way to the very back of the ranks in one of the thickest, best-equipped tanks of the entire army.
The various squads within have carefully drilled over every possibility, every little thing they might be able to do. They fear they are already being sent as sacrificial lambs for when so many other war fronts could use their might.
Sagat has fear. In this respect, Sagat may have already won.
The troops all march forth through the hills and mountains, all the same, with the exact same overwhelming force by numbers to cut down whatever defensive encampments or structures the Thai forces have been able to erect in the interim between the last offensive and now. To their credit, they do not all come as one neatly lined-up mass of soldiers - they make it a point to try and keep them apart enough that Sagat won't be able to run down entire numbers in just one of his mighty crouching fierce punches.
"SAGAT!" Arrogantly calls a voice, somehow able to be heard above the thunderous cascade of gunfire and engines. "You will not stand forever. Sooner or later, you must fall. You know this, do you not?!"
Is it someone telling a fact, or someone desperately grasping for some reason to avoid coming to grips with certain death?

COMBATSYS: PRC Battalion has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
PRC Battalion    0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Sagat has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Sagat            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0    PRC Battalion

Will he fall one day? That is a certainty, but Sagat hasn't felt so invigorated in a long time. Despite the injuries and the dire consequences of the battles he fighters Sagat cannot help but feel this is just the sort of preparation he would need if he were to ever face Ryu again. He can only wonder what his rival is doing at this time. Being in Thailand constantly fighting and defending has made it hard to keep track of much else. He hears of neighboring countries at times, but no rumors if the hobo in a white gi has shown his face anywhere. If he hasn't Ryu sure is taking his sweet time in trying to help with the effort.

His men remain well hidden and ready to strike, but Sagat himself makes no attempt to hide. A man of his stature should never do so nor would he try in a case like this. He is a perfect distraction. A large man that can easily draw the attention away from the rest of the forces that have accompied him to this battle.

Slowly he stalks forward as that single eye remains focused on the forces in front of him. He shows no fear and despite being so outnumbered it is hard not to be intimidated by the scarred warrior. "Someone feels like they can kill a god?" he asks, his voice raised so many of the ranks can hear him. "Many have tried. Come and realize you are all fools just like the rest of them."

The challenge is heard crystal clear, and Sagat can very clearly see with his one eye that those who are closest to the front are afraid. To be caught in a situation like this, to be little more than pawns for those who have somehow gained the strength to /be/. This whole campaign is to be their answer to this - to clear away such obstacles, no matter how many it takes.
The only man who believes himself to be sure they can win is the commander way in the back, believing sheer scale will win the day. It sure almost has before - reports are saying that a few of his allies of similar ability (if not in sheer scope) are no longer there. It is just Sagat and whatever riffraff he's brought to try and stand tall against a numerically superior enemy.
"Don't just stand there," the commander sneers as he fires off the command to one of the artillery units, "melt him down at once!!"
It should be noted that there are a number of soldiers here who have indeed personally seen what Sagat could withstand. Even as the napalm cannons fire volley after volley to carpet the battlefield ahead in flame, they know what would burn and melt so many men may not do anything other than give Sagat a nasty itch or two - and yet, they do it anyway, for this may be the only time they can ever get in such a shot against him before he wades in and tears through the ranks like he has already demonstrated no more than a week before.

COMBATSYS: Sagat blocks PRC Battalion's Napalm Cannon.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Sagat            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0    PRC Battalion

He stands tall even as they look to attack him and attempt to overwhelm th elder fighter. "Very well. Your loss." he comments quietly to himself and he motions for the forces hidden open up fire as well since he is the one drawing all the fire from the legion of soldiers and machines coming after him. He stands his ground and he manages to avoid most of the volley and he actually moves through the napalm that does look to burn him. His skin reddens and bubbles in places as he continues onwards and the soldiers at the front have a very scary sight coming right for them.

It isn't long until the large fighter is upon the enemy and he seems not to care being caught up in the fire between the Thai forces that have opened fire combined with whatever fire being unleashed by the combined Chinese/Shadaloo forces. He more cares about wading into the army of men and women as he begins to deliver swift and powerful kicks in an attempt to break the ranks and perhaps the moral of the attacking forces.

COMBATSYS: Sagat successfully hits PRC Battalion with Light Kick.
- Power hit! -

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Sagat            0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0    PRC Battalion

The advancing army has arranged itself to try and avoid immediate destruction by Sagat kicks through splitting themselves up - something they knew they were going to have to put to the test if Sagat survived the napa--
No, /when/ Sagat survived the napalm. It was complete arrogance to believe that alone would stop the man, as his advancing series of kicks is enough to knock aside a hundred men clean. It doesn't even need to be direct contact with Sagat's legs. They are so strong that even the displaced air tends to carry his strength, to say nothing of how bodies become impromptu projectiles.
The commander, arrogant as ever, simply believes these men and women are worthless and that China has enough among them to simply replace them. "Don't stand around slack-jawed," he sneers, "shoot him! Shoot him! Shoot him!"
Gunfire is probably even less of a concern for Sagat than the napalm, but those closer by sure do so out of fear and fear alone. To not, would be treason. To do so, invites Sagat's wrath.
It is a pitiful situation.

COMBATSYS: Sagat endures PRC Battalion's Lead Curtain.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Sagat            0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0    PRC Battalion

And that is the scary thing about men like Sagat. They are really an army until themselves. Even worse when they have support. In the end the soldiers with him are more for cover fire than anything. It is Sagat that is the one looking to be the destructive force that will sweep through the army that looks to try and take his land. They had it for a few days once and that is all he will allow as long as he breathes. Vega made a mistake for leaving him alive and now his forces are left having to deal with it all. At the same time perhaps Vega is smart about this. If Sagat is busy defending his land it will keep him from causing problems elsewhere afterall.

Sagat knows that is probably part of the plans of Shadaloo's leader and that is why Rust and Quon were dispatched elsewhere. He just hopes they will be fine and can handle the assignment he gave them both. He finds himself fired upon and he wades through the curtain of hot lead that looks to more him down. For being so large most bullets just seem to graze him and do little more as his hands ignite with orange energy before he steps forward and thrusts both fists forward to unleash a powerful blast of chi. "TIIIIIGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" he shouts loudly as he looks to mow down even more soldiers.

COMBATSYS: Sagat successfully hits PRC Battalion with Tiger Shot EX.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Sagat            0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\0    PRC Battalion

The Tiger Shot tears all the way through another whole crowd of soldiers with very little sign of slowing down - it even manages to punch through and nail one of the ones carrying volatile equipment, causing a dramatic explosion that sees the collective Shadaloo/Chinese forces scatter out wide.
If Sagat so much as sneezed he'd take out ten men, is the prevailing thought of those up front who aren't unconscious or... worse. Some squad leaders shout to come back and fight, lest they shoot them for cowardice - even as they themselves are trying to fall back and away, to split up and surround Sagat.
The commander's frustration grows under the thoughts that, yes, in just the snap of the Emperor of Muay Thai's fingers, he has already defeated well over three-hundred men right here and now - not counting whatever comparatively meagre contributions the Thai army themselves are throwing in helping cover Sagat to the extent the man really needs it.
"Why aren't you showering him with explosives?" He cries out. "I have seen him after one such salvo. He can bleed. He will bleed. He will die! Fire! Fire! Fire!"
They do make a show of launching shaped charges that detonate soon after, each explosive charge earth-shatteringly loud as small craters of dirt and concrete form after every explosion around Sagat.
Can they even really realistically expect to slow him down?

COMBATSYS: Sagat blocks PRC Battalion's Demolitionist's Light Show.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Sagat            0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\1    PRC Battalion

He can and will bleed. He has certainly done plenty of that through the war so far. Tanks have taken out parts of him and he has been riddled with bullets. His endurance and toughness is just something beyond human it would seem. Perhaps he honestly is serious when he claims himself to be a god. The explosions that erupt around him throw him off balance momentarily and he does his best to protect himself for the most part. Pieces of shrapnel have torn open parts of his arms and legs where he has tried to protect his torso and head.

With a growl he lets his gaze sweep over the gathering of soldiers that are left. "You all should have run while you can." he tells them while he rears back with a mighty fist then he lunges forward to drive it into the face of a nearby soldier before erupting into a leaping forward kick looking to take out another dozen or so men. The commander best start sweating some more because with each passing moment the one eyed warrior seems to be getting closer and closer.

COMBATSYS: Sagat successfully hits PRC Battalion with Tiger Blow.
Glancing Blow

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Sagat            0/-------/---====|=======\==-----\1    PRC Battalion

They run like hell. Morale is broken the moment those up front see what's next, many of them throwing down their guns and running - this may be the only reason the damage is minimized to a number that still exceeds far more than what a simple series of a punch into leaping forward kick should take out. It seems far less that Sagat is fighting men.
It is as though he were brushing aside ants trying to visit his picnic, and they are swept aside and crushed thusly.
The commander breaks a small sweat as he realizes that he is running out of options for throwing his weight around upon Sagat - curses, he was assured that he'd be softened up in time for the next volley, that they would be able to overcome him and those other two that are no longer with him! Where could they have gone...?
"Run him over!" He shouts to the transport drivers of another military unit entirely. "I do not care! To defy what I say is to defy the will of Lord Vega himself!"
The giant truck transport driver eyes Sagat already going to town, already beating aside so many soldiers as others run away... then bows his head and floors it, having not heard of what happened when Sagat himself stepped in front of another transport of the exact same size, going at the exact same speed, no more than a week ago.

COMBATSYS: Sagat interrupts Vehicular Manslaughter from PRC Battalion with Tiger Uppercut.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Sagat            0/-------/-======|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2    PRC Battalion

Perhaps Shadaloo was better off using its forces to attack elsewhere if Vega himself wasn't there to help them. Or at least someone like Bison or Balrog at least to support. Did Vega really underestimate what Sagat could do to an army? Maybe just some time to recover has given Sagat the extra strength, and anger, to really lay into the enemies that are standing before him. "You are alot of talk. What happens when I get to you?" he calls out to the commander. He has gotten close enough he can hear the shouting now.

He is also soon facing down a transport truck. Events from several days ago start to play in his head when he managed to get in the way of Rust and throw aside the one truck that attempted to run him over. This time there is no one to protect himself and he is more than fine with just meeting it headon. Much like a tank from several days ago this truck meets a fate similar. It isn't grabbed and tossed. It instead meets a powerful fist of Sagat slamming into it and actually flipping it upwards as he launches himself upwards into the air. "NOT GOOD ENOUGH!" he calls out and then lands. He is breathing a bit heavily and blood still leaks from various open wounds. "Is this all Vega sent? Run back to him and tell him I want more!"

The transport and its subsequent uppercutting could be seen as a signal to everyone the truest sign of imminent and total, unmitigated defeat. It is not just the explosive force in which the engine is ruptured that sets the cruelly twisted wreckage on fire, the squeal of metal giving way to Sagat's fist sickly echoing through the battlefield enough to send a chill running down everyone's spines - friend and foe alike.
To say nothing of those that are crushed and otherwise disabled by the destroyed truck vehicle-turned-projectile-weapon! Those who haven't just fled entirely under the deluded hopes they can just slip into another unit and pretend they were sent there instead are as good as removed from the mortal coil.
"We still have a little under three hundred men," says an aide to the commander, "if we regroup, we may be able to assist in repelling a reported Australian assault upo--"
"NO!" Shouts the commander. "Charge him. Charge him! With all you've got!"
"Sir?" The aide's face grows pale. "If you do tha--"
"NOW!" He pushes forward, and the command filters down to the surviving squads and platoons still with them. They start with guns, emptying them to their very clips and then simply tossing them aside in favor of just throwing themselves upon the giant man with the very best their standard training gives them in hand-to-hand - which is to say, perfectly respectable and competent kicks, punches, and laughable attempts at holds.
Competent is never enough to stop someone like Sagat, but with superior numbers, it's the only chance they have as the commander finds he's about to be staring at Sagat face to face.

COMBATSYS: Sagat endures PRC Battalion's Superior Numbers EX.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Sagat            1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0    PRC Battalion

Oh they have the numbers. Even with so many forces decimated by the former emporer there are still plenty of men and machines in the way of Sagat. How long they can keep fighting before morale fully breaks is an entirely different point. Even as they look to overwhelm Sagat the one eyed warrior's face is twisted into a sadistic grin. Even as he feels the pain of the bullets tearing through him and soldiers sacrificing themselves just by leaping onto Sagat in an attempt to drag him down.

That is when his hands ignite with energy once more. He tries to trudge forward and swing those that jump on him away. The commander himself is probably a good distance away still, but he can see Sagat's grin clearly. He can soon also see the beam of energy released when the God of Muay Thai thrusts his fists forward. It is nothing like the last one. All that built up energy combined with the rage of the cyclops is channeled into that blast as it aims itself right for the commander. The landscape itself is torn up by the large blast that Sagat sets free from his fists. Not man, machine or even nature itself is spared if it is caught in the cannon. "TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"

COMBATSYS: Sagat successfully hits PRC Battalion with Tiger Cannon.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >                                ]
Sagat            0/-------/----===|=======\====---\1    PRC Battalion

No matter who ultimately wins the war, there is no denying that a mark is being permanently left on every battlefield between every explosive volley, between every manifestation of energy, between every aggressive action of humankind. Fires still burn where the napalm was laid down earlier, and spreads further yet.
It seems the damage it can do pales in comparison to how the Tiger Cannon tears its way through the ranks. The impact to an individual person is much too gruesome to truly put to words, but there is nothing putting the results of such into question.
The poor soldiers here turn themselves into little more than, in the long run, mere statistics. Those that still have the strength by proximity to run have already done so in the wake of Sagat's great power.
Even the commander now stares at the business end of an incoming fireball, and wonders... if Vega did not send him here with the full implicit trust and expectations to conquer. Was he sent here to face Sagat personally (to the extent 'personally' can be applied when you hide behind numerous soldiers) as a means of punishment for failing him for some slight? He will never get the chance to ask, as his fate becomes incredibly certain in the blink of an eye.
China sent many soldiers to Thailand again, but as a whole, the most they can hope for is a deadlock by the still-standing Thai army and whatever remains of the invading forces plus those who have decided to quickly assimilate themselves into a different Chinese unit on the fly. A deadlock that will hold up until Sagat decides to amble forth and continue assisting to crush them, if he so chooses.
His presence alone, after that display of sheer brute force, may be enough to contribute further even if he just decides to break out a lawnchair - if he were of the mind.

COMBATSYS: PRC Battalion takes no action.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Sagat            0/-------/----===|

COMBATSYS: PRC Battalion can no longer fight.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Sagat            0/-------/----===|

If anything at least it is a quick death for those caught in the blast. By far nothing near as bad that Vega might have dealt out to the men if they returned as failures. OF course soldiers not caught in the blast have a chance to scatter and attempt to get away. Some will probably even be captured and might even suffer a fate where they won't die depending on their cooperation. Sagat himself may be helping the Thai army, but beyond that he shall stay out of whatever the government decides to do with those captured once things are fully restored and the nation can operate once more without fear of impending invasion.

Who knows how long that may be. It has only been a few weeks, but for Sagat it already is starting to feel like months. All this constant fighting will make him stronger, but he more worries about the people around him. Those that can't stand against armies like the one he just helped dismantle. He slumps forward some and starts to catch his breath. At this rate something must be done. He will march into China himself soon if he has to and try to take Vega down. He can't keep fighting like this forever afterall. Soon he will have to go to the source of this destruction and put an end to it.

COMBATSYS: Sagat has ended the fight here.

Log created on 20:33:01 02/27/2012 by Sagat, and last modified on 09:27:49 02/28/2012.