WAR! - WAR! Week 3: India vs China

Description: Chaos continues to rule surpreme through Asia. Shadaloo has taken control of a majority of it and those that resist seem to be crushed under Vega's boot. India has had a share of trouble and as much as the people fight back they could not seem to overcome the forces of Shadaloo and China combined. Enter Terry Bogard. Can he give India a fighting chance and give them back their freedom? AND WHERE THE HELL IS DHALSIM?! THAT SLACKER!

India was unfortunant. When China decided to take on the world Vega made sure to crush one of the larger nations in Asia to make sure they would offer no resistance. Many a fighters fell to him and his forces. Since then they have been able to maintain the territory despite the efforts of small groups of resistance fighters trying to take back the country. One of the groups that has become notorious is the Ares Division of the combined Chinese and Shadaloo forces. No one has been able to stand up to them yet.

That is exactly why India still remains under the control of Vega. When resistance groups pop up they are quickly dispatched by the large force of soldiers that are so well trained they mow down all opposition. Right now they march across the terrain onto their next target. The capital is being assaulted and they will attempt to quell that part of the rebellion. People will soon learn to understand they have a new lord and they should obey them.

COMBATSYS: Ares Division has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Ares Division    0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Terry has wandered into the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Terry            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0    Ares Division

Terry really isn't a -warrior-, per se. He doesn't fight for money; he doesn't fight to -fight-. For him, the martial arts--battle itself--is a way to seeking spiritual enlightenment. But, more than once, he's had to pit himself against power--to gain justice, not to say vengeance, against those who would use the skills they learned to dominate the weak and the unskilled. He doesn't like it... or so he says. But there's an undeniable pleasure, simple and pure, in kicking the ass of some righteously awful people.

Which isn't -why- he's in India. He's a wanderer--he goes everywhere, anywhere, and when he finds himself in situations like this, well, sometimes there's only one thing to do. And that is... to fight.

The opposition groups -are- getting smacked down by the large army, but then, they didn't have the advantage, so to speak, of having a man like Terry on their side. Discreet inquiries led him here, outside the capital... one man against... thousands. Well, perhaps not just one, but to the approaching army... that's what it'll look like, as Terry walks forward, first a shadow in the swirling dust and sand... and then the man himself, muscled but not bulky, with the lean, dangerous walk of someone to be feared. But will they fear the Legendary Wolf?

Maybe not thousands, but easily several dozen of armed and experience troops march forward. Not a look of emotion on their faces as they continue forward. They were trained to kill and they do that very well. They have yet to see a man that could handle their sheer might combined with training. They also have never run into a man like Terry Bogard yet. They would have never expected a man like that showing up in India to help the locals in trying to get their country back.

A rather old and rugged man seems to be in the lead. His hair is thinned out and silver. He doesn't look particularly strong compared to some of the other men in the unit, but he has a sense of regalness about him as he marches forward with the division he commands. He is a god of war and he has defeated all that have stood before him. Would this be another victory or a rude awakening for him and his troops?

He just furrows his brow a bit at seeing a single man standing in their way. What a fool. He might not even realize that it is Terry Bogard there and even so why should he care? They have numbers are firepower. He will fall. He points forward and his men begin to fire in the direction of Terry as they continue their forward march.

COMBATSYS: Terry blocks Ares Division's Lead Rain.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Terry            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0    Ares Division

The hail of bullets comes in, and yet Terry walks forward--leaning, twisting, shifting. A few of the projectiles graze his skin... leaving bloody streaks behind... but by and large, the man is unharmed. And now he's close enough to see. "You know," he says, almost conversationally, though his voice carries over the sounds of battle--the sounds of gunfire, really, "I've never liked -guns-..." Suddenly he lunges, applying chi, and technique, a roostertail of dust kicking up from his heels as he practically flies forward...

... his body twisting to his right, and then, as he closes in on the formation of the dozen, driving forward. "I prefer to fight with -fists-... like this... BURN... KNUCKLE!!!" Many fighters can stand up to this--can block it outright--but can these men? Trained, hard-bitten, but are they aware of the heights of power that exist within the human body? They might just be finding out...

COMBATSYS: Terry successfully hits Ares Division with Burn Knuckle.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Terry            0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0    Ares Division

Dealing with other soldiers is one thing. Dealing with someone so trained in the art of fighting they make disciplined units look like rookies is an entire different monster. Ares division are about to learn a very hard lesson in that by dealing with Terry. They do well at keeping a hardened and unemotional face at first as he twists and weaves through the hail of bullets, but a few start to look surprised and even a tad bit worried as he comes crashing down into a ground of the division with his fist ablaze with chi.

There are screams of pain and surprise as the impact sends men flying in various directions. The rest of the unit tries to recover as the elder commander tries to keep morale from breaking and to get the men to take care of the individual attacking them. Mandarin is shouted as he tells people to shift position and a few armed men with flamethrowers step forward to try and take care of Terry. They unleash flames to try and consume the Lone Wolf and take care of him once and for all. How foolish of them to think it would be that easy.

COMBATSYS: Ares Division successfully hit Terry with Flamethrower.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Terry            0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0    Ares Division

The flames sweep over Terry, caught in the middle of rushing their position... and for a moment, they might be allowed to think they've fried him to a crisp. Certainly, when he comes through the fire, his clothing is burned--his jacket with the red body and the white star burned away, black scars flaking to ash on his jeans... and his body? That's burned as well, skin reddened, blistered... but the fire in his eyes?

That burns even brighter. They're fighters... of a sort. Not -his- kind. But it'll be a challenge anyways and he'll remember that. It's a good lesson. The line between confident and cocky is a thin one indeed.

Driving forward, Terry dispenses with the flashy attacks and goes for pure striking power--coming in with a hook punch to one man, turned into a stepping roundhouse for another, grabbing for a third to throw into a fourth. It's the kind of exercise that a man like Terry lives for... if only it weren't under such terrible circumstances...

COMBATSYS: Ares Division blocks Terry's Combo Grapple.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Terry            0/-------/---====|=======\-------\1    Ares Division

Chaos is erupting through the ranks of the division, but the men do the best to keep themselves calm and collected. They are well trained fighters and not the typical rabble someone might run into. This is why India fell. Not just because of Vega, but because of divisions like this that have spent years training and preparing for a war like this. To be ready to crush everything in their path. Be it fighters, armies or even civilians they will kill everything they run into in order to serve their lord.

Terry tears through the group and while one or two are caught by his attacks and taken down the rest do well to keep themselves standing and manage to defend against the strikes aimed their way. They are doing their best not to let Terry keep them from their destination. They just try to overwhelm the fighter and keep marching forward. Why let a single man keep them from murdering many? Terry will not deny them from their bloodlust if they can help it.

COMBATSYS: Terry blocks Ares Division's Forward, March!.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Terry            0/-------/--=====|=======\=------\1    Ares Division

So, they'll just march on and ignore him?

No. No, they will not.

This is the folly of ignoring a man like Terry Bogard... he will -get- your attention... power flares through him, chi drawn up through the earth...

... and soon to be redirected through it. Both hands are tightened into fists, both glowing with golden energy, and when he slams them into the ground, it's like a bomb went off, golden energy spraying outwards in most of a circle around him, his defiant, angry shout nearly eclipsing it for force. "POWER... GEYSER!!!!!"

He has friends everywhere. China. India. Russia. _Everywhere_. And he will be -damned- if he lets anyone step on them as if they were a bug.

COMBATSYS: Terry successfully hits Ares Division with Power Geyser.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Terry            0/-------/-------|=======\=======\1    Ares Division

They continue their march and perhaps not ignore, but they wish to destroy Terry just by running him under their boots and tank treads as they advance. They don't believe a single man could halt the advance of such a well trained group despite a few being nervous at how he took down some of their forces. They can't show weakness. Weakness is death. Failure is death. This is why they will not allow themselves to fail and be defeated by Terry.

Of course Terry proves as to why he is such a powerful and respected fighter. Even as superior numbers look to take him down he finds the strength to continue to fight back and in turn destroy the Ares Division. This is not an opponent they were trained to fight. There are more cries of pain and bodies thrown about as the Lone Wolf strikes. The men remaining try to recover and charge forward. Bullets raind own on Terry as the group charges in and if they get too close to be able to unleash bullets they come in to attempt to drag him to the ground with the butts of their guns.

COMBATSYS: Terry dodges Ares Division's Overwhelming Assault EX.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Terry            0/-------/-------|=======\-------\0    Ares Division

Terry, still grounded--crouched--from unleashing the Power Geyser, would seem to be the perfect time to take him down. And, being disciplined soldiers, that is exactly what they do. It's the smart move... but they didn't reckon on Terry. From the crouch... he goes straight up, legs propelling him straight up. Bullets and gun butts smash where he was, but he isn't there to take the attack.

If they look, then they'll see him--because he's coming down hard, and fast... and just as he reaches head level, he torques his body around, lashing out in a circle with his right foot, left foot tucked underneath him to provide a balance point as he lands... still spinning. If they don't get taken by the head-level roundhouse, they might still get swept up by the low spin. But he can't take full credit for it--he saw it in a video game once.

COMBATSYS: Ares Division blocks Terry's Strong Kick.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Terry            0/-------/-------|=======\-------\1    Ares Division

Terry proves to be quite the difficulte opponent, but at the same time it seems like Ares Division are starting to get a bit smarter about handling him. Even if they can't manage to hit him with bullets their have shields raised up to protect themselves as he unleashes those kicks in an attempt to down more soldiers. Even if they try to keep organized it is easy to see they are starting to lose morale and the ranks are falling apart. The elder man commanding them does his best to keep them from outright running away.

Men spread out and try to get out of Terry's way to an extent. At the same time it is part of some last ditch efforts in the way of tactics. They are making room for the armored support they have. Sure Terry can take down legions of men with his fists and the explosive energy he controls, but how well will he be able to handle the group of tanks driving forward? Can they take him down and create a nice smear of Terry on the ground?

COMBATSYS: Terry blocks Ares Division's Run Your Ass Over.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Terry            0/-------/------=|=======\=------\1    Ares Division

It's almost like that old proverb. When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. When an army tries to drive a tank onto you... you -f'ing punch it-. Well, okay. In this case, he kicks it. But not to damage it... he kicks it to get some breathing room from it. Heh. Tank. Terry knows how to handle this one... landing from his jump, he clenches his right hand, and it glows, again, briefly, as he drops to one knee.

The Power Geyser was impressive, to be sure... this next attack perhaps isn't -quite- as impressive, but it's the effectiveness, in a situation like this. A naturally flashy fighter, Terry can't help but smirk as he slams the ground, unleashing his chi once more in a hissing wave that races for the tank--and anyone around it. "POWER WAVE!!!" is his defiant shout, seeming to push the wave onwards with it.

COMBATSYS: Ares Division overcomes Power Wave from Terry with Overwhelming Assault.
Glancing Hit

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Terry            0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0    Ares Division

The tanks move forward at full speed, but with the terrain and the fact Terry can actually be a quick bastard make it much harder to actually run the guy over. He gets to push off one of the tanks and create some space between him and the four armored vehicles that come his way. Even so they continue on their forward path of destruction. They aren't going to be slowed just because the guy kicked one and perhaps hurt their feelings.

Even more so it takes some quick thinking by the tanks when Terry attempts to take them out. Even as his fist erupts with chi it seems the gunners on all the tanks realize something bad is about to happen. It is this sort of thinking that makes Ares Division so tough. They seem to all have the same thoughts at once. Even as that energy is unleashed they are all firing a volley that manages to tear through the wave of chi that was intent on tearing the armored vehicles apart. Instead it is Terry who finds himself facing down a barrage of tank fire.

COMBATSYS: Terry fails to slow Overwhelming Assault from Ares Division with Power Wave.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Terry            0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0    Ares Division

The tank shells are a different beast from bullets. Before Terry can fling his left hand into the ground, it explodes for him--and sends him flying. "GUAAAAAAAAAAH--!!!" he cries, flipping over twice, lazily, before landing on his back. Those watching the battle--seeking inspiration, encouragement--gasp. Is this the end of the man? Is he no match for the army?

... but then someone shouts, <Look... LOOK!!>

And they point. And what they point at is Terry Bogard, rising from his crumpled state, bloodied, bruised, burned... and still fighting. That, more than anything, is the inspiration, that the man rises no matter what... and as he stalks forward, his aura is almost palpable--visible, a faint golden glow coming off his body...

And that is when the battle ends. Or at least that is what the members of Ares Division would like to think. They have never encountered the type of person that would be able to survive being assaulted by the sheer power of tank shells. Now they can finally move on and finish off the rebels that are giving them trouble. They can finally suppress the insurgents that are trying to overtake the capital. There is a sense of relief being felt until a few soldiers start to point out that there is a bit of a problem. Terry is not dead. In fact he is still standing.

Some eyes go wide and they aren't sure what to think of all of this. People don't get up from attacks like the last one, right? Now there really is panic settling in on the division and it is taking alot of work from the commander to try and keep everyone level headed and from just outright running away. At least he has his tanks. They don't seem to be failing him. That is why he is ordering them to keep moving forward. They will grind Terry into a pulp until he can't get up.

COMBATSYS: Terry fails to interrupt Tank Treads from Ares Division with Power Dunk.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Terry            0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0    Ares Division

Maybe a tank -is- better than a trained fighter. Terry's charge is aborted and he is, in fact, run over again... and the tank drivers get approximately a minute to feel as if they've finally won. Until...

... until he gets up again. /Again/. Even more bloodied now, his clothing torn to shreds largely (but those gloves of his surviving... and the hat...), he still rises. "I'm not -done- with you yet... and you'd better take me out if you want to take this place..." And he settles into his fighting stance once more, hands up, drawn into fists, his blue eyes clear and ready still, though the exertions are starting to take their toll on him.

The effectiveness of the big guns is starting to restore the faith of the rest of the unit. They have had some big casualties, but now they are starting to feel that they can win. They just have to stand back and let the tanks take care of Terry it would seem. The commander himself seems pleased by the results. That is what the division has to learn to do. Adapt and find a weakness and right now he feels he has found a weakness for the Lone Wolf. They will win this day and move on to show India that they should no longer try to resist their new lord and master.

Why ruin a good thing? He can keep his foot soldiers back and let the armored forces do all the work. It has been proven that they are superior than Terry at this point. The tanks will lead this force to victory! There are cheers from the foot soldiers as they start to get put into a frenzy by watching their armored squad take down Terry. One tank in general seems to be ahead of the pack too as the driver pushes it as hard as he can to try and be the unit that claims the victory and the extra glory. It will just slam into Terry and attempt to knock him aside so they can advance onwards past him.

COMBATSYS: Terry dodges Ares Division's Medium Throw.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Terry            0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0    Ares Division

Terry jumps back from the incoming tank. Taking them head-on didn't work so good the last time. He's got to think of something different. He has to... work with what he has. He's still in their path--but almost to the capital itself. He can't retreat much further or they'll be able to swarm past him. It's -showtime-, as one might say, and with that in mind, Terry's got to prepare.

He touches the chi of the earth again, drawing it up out of the ground and into him, again. But not for immediate release... this time the golden glow suffuses him and a swirling circle of wind surrounds his feet, visible energy, tinged yellow-gold, overlapping that swirling wind. He makes for a powerful symbol, but it'll all be for naught if he can't actually stop the Ares Division. Aptly named, they are--but being named after a god of War doesn't guarantee them the victory.

COMBATSYS: Terry gathers his will.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Terry            0/-------/=======|===----\-------\0    Ares Division

They may not have gotten their target this time, but Terry avoiding the lead tank doesn't keep the squad from slowing down. Does he have enough time to truely gather the energy he needs to come up with a proper defense or will he be overwhelmed by the forces that are continuing forward? Even so the enemies are pumping their fist and preparing their guns to provide suppressive fire to try and keep Terry grounded so the tanks can have an even easier time to run the hobo over.

The lead continues to rain on him and the tanks advance. Things are looking rather dire for the Lone Wolf at least in the eyes for the Ares Division. They can taste victory now and they will not settle for anything less. It turns into do or die time as Terry finds himself dealing with a full powered assault that looks to finally down him so they can move on to bigger....BADDER....things.

COMBATSYS: Terry blocks Ares Division's Shrapnel Burst.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Terry            1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0    Ares Division

The shrapnel burst doesn't even faze him--although he gains yet more new wounds in the process. However, the Ares Division might think they have a victory, as that unearthly light cuts off as if a switch were thrown, just after the burst. But Terry's still there. And he looks positively mad. Angry as hell. But also centered. His movements are balanced, smooth, as he takes another four steps back... and then focuses on the lead tank.

"Time to put you down for the count... -all- of you...!!" And he thrusts himself forward on his powerful legs. It must look absolutely silly--a lone, unarmored man, driving himself forward -into- the tank... but that glow hasn't left him yet... and if he makes contact, well, that -tank- is in for a surprise, as Terry'll thrust upwards with his legs, rocking that tank upwards and off its tracks... and when Terry comes down, -explosions- of chi, geysers like steam piles were being opened up under the ground, only placed to take out the formation of armor.

COMBATSYS: Ares Division blocks Terry's Overshoot Geyser.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////                         ]
Terry            0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0    Ares Division

Are the overconfident? Perhaps to an extent. Why shouldn't they have confidence at this point? Terry has been forced to try and keep his wits about him keep from being overwhelmed by the forces that look to just run him over and continue onwards. Even so he has the tenacity to keep going and buy the people of India more time. Even if he falls will it allow them to recapture the capital and set up a proper defense at this point? Even if they do will that be enough to stop such a sadistic and well trained Ares Division?

Their advance is slowed for sure when Terry shows he has plenty of fight still left in him. The tanks may not be destroyed, but the force of the blast is enough to cause them to be stopped in their tracks and even pushed back while soldiers behind them are blown back. Those that manage to keep their footing just begin fighting. They look to support their armored division given they were slowed at least momentarily.

COMBATSYS: Terry dodges Ares Division's Warning Shots.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////                          ]
Terry            0/-------/-------|=======\-------\0    Ares Division

It's true; Terry might be having the opposite effect. He is a legend, and this group of soldiers is certainly making him work for this. The difference in raw power is not that different, in truth. As much as fighters disdain technology, the fact is, overwhelming firepower -can- make up for a lack of training and skill. That's why countries -field- armies, why they don't conscript or enlist the various fighters of their various disciplines to fight for them. There is something to be said for sheer mass.

In an absolute sense, while Terry is easily the equal of any one--any two--even any three or four of these men, their combined might, plus their tanks, equals--perhaps even surpasses--his own.

And that is where heart and courage come in. Where dogged tenaciousness... where the intangibles can outweigh the tangibles. Terry moves again, avoiding the bullets, lashing out with precise strikes at the soldiers that dare to come closer to him.

The tanks. They are the key. If he can bring them down... his is the strength that brought down Geese Howard. That defeated the unstoppable Krauser. He is Terry Bogard, the Legendary Wolf. There is nothing he can't fight and defeat. And with that knowledge in his head, he reaches deep into his battered, exhausted frame, and taps his reserves... and brings both hands, clenched into a doubled fist, down on the ground. This Power Wave is different--it isn't as contained as the previous one. In fact, it roils, almost, as if it were an explosion waiting to be unleashed.

COMBATSYS: Terry successfully hits Ares Division with Power Wave.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >                                ]
Terry            0/-------/-----==|=======\=------\1    Ares Division

There is so much confidence at this point. Ares Division cannot be defeated by a single person afterall. They have taken over nations and eliminated any sort of resistence they have met since this war has began. Even beforehand they have been well trained and were top marks among Shadaloo soldiers. The man that currently leads this division has seen many of things, but he hasn't seen a force like Terry Bogard through all his years. At least not on a personal level. There is a difference between seeing the man on the television and the man in person.

That is why when Terry unleashes the powerful blast of energy it finally seems to overwhelm the forces of Ares division. The tanks survived the first blast, but this one stops them and tears up the armor and treads of the armored part of the division. The men themselves behind the tanks are taken out or they begin running to where they avoid the blast and just never look back. The commander in his final moments seems defiant as ever until his tank is hit and tipped over from the force. More than likely he was crushed.

As they flee it seems Terry is finally given a moment to rest and realize he managed to overtake perhaps one of the most dangerous units under the command of Shadaloo. One has to wonder just how many of those type of units are left and are there enough people to be able to stop such a destructive force.

COMBATSYS: Ares Division takes no action.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  <
Terry            0/-------/-----==|

COMBATSYS: Ares Division can no longer fight.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  <
Terry            0/-------/-----==|

Log created on 20:58:44 02/24/2012 by Sagat, and last modified on 09:21:50 02/28/2012.