SNF 2012.01 - SNF: "Fulminant Fisticuffs"

Description: We have here three hard-hitting men ready to crack bone and bend steel in this special cage match! Have no fear, viewers; this specially-made cage of interlinked steel wires is there for the audience's protection. The blows flying tonight will be so fierce that flying bodies is a very real danger! So real, in fact, that a Completely Legitimate seismologist is on deck with a customized seismograph to measure the force behind each hit. Viewers at home will enjoy a real-time graph in the corner of their screen, comparing each fighter's strength to actual earthquakes...if not -exactly- accurate. But hey, would Completely Legitimate scientists lie? (Winner: Kim)

Most of the day has been a busy one for the SNF officials. Slam Masters arena has been slowly filling up as people arrive early and get to watch things be set up. Around the usual ring a cage is set up towering almost twenty feet high with only two ways to get in. A single door on one side or by climbing the contraption and getting in that way. Outside being hooked up is the seismograph that had been designed to measure just how much force tonight's fighters really pack behind their punch.....or kick.

What ends up being announced is the fact there were problems on the flight that was booked for Mr. Jones and he could not make it this evening. The announcement is met with a round of boos. Even more are followed when a replacement isn't found. People should not fret too much in this case. For there are still two fighters to enter that cage and create destruction for their entertainment.

As the time nears there is a ping of light from one of the entrances and people cheer when the well known Korean fighter emerges with his large grin and both arms raised in the air as he waves his hands. It is a rare occurance Kim even does any of these fights and it has actually been a few years since he has even shown his face on SNF. He gets a bit of a running start and then jumps up onto the cage to start climbing it. That way he can pose at the top and smile to the fans as there is another ping when he flashes that smile of his. "Is everyone ready for a good fight!?" he cries out.

As the fans cheer he does a backflip and lands inside the cage with ease and goes into a few stretches. It is time to see if the old man still has a motor that doesn't stop.

COMBATSYS: Kim has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kim              0/-------/-------|

Zach Glen does not even try to top Kim Kaphwan's enthusiastic enterance. At least, not immediately. The psion calmly makes his way into the cage, using the door of all things. The door slams closed as Zach throws a few warm-up jabs. Small bursts of yellow and purple fireworks punctuate each jab.

Zach throws a couple of sharp hooks, adding red and oranges sparks to the make-shift barrage even as he sprinkles in a few more of the jabs. The display culminates in an uppercut that seems to bring about a display like one might see at a baseballs game. Flowers of brilliant color spring forth from the upraised fist for a good thirty seconds before Zach brings his fists to a ready position. The display cost him little, the display surprisingly efficient for its appearance.

Zach extends his left hand, the leading hand in his stance, and waves Kim onward. The bell rings, and the crowd roars in anticipation of a thunderously violent clash of heroes!

COMBATSYS: Zach has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Kim              0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Zach

The Tae Kwon Do master is perhaps a bit less flashy. It is more him loosening up then anything. His own display will be when the fight itself begins. That and well he isn't one that can do anything with flashy energy like his opponent tonight. The man knows kicks and he knows them well. It has been enough to garner quite a bit of fame that has perhaps waned in his years away from the spotlight. Raising family, teaching students and still trying to reform criminals just make it very hard to get out too much. Now with his sons old enough to handle themselves as well as take care of some training at the dojo he has started to have more time to go out and have fun.

He turns about and watches Zach and nods in approval. "Let us go all out! Show me your best!" he says and gives a rather cheesey grin and a thumbs up before he hops a few times on his bare feet then falls into his own fighting stance. Once the bell is sounded the crowd erupts with cheers. They have been anticipating the brawl for quite some time it would seem and the seismograph actually picks up the noise being created by it. Combine that with the fact Kim is quick to jump into the action and it looks this fight is on like Donkey Kong.

It isn't long until Zach soon has Kim close up, the Tae Kwon Do master leaping upwards and sailing through the air as he twists about and delivers a quick roundhouse kick in the hopes to catch the other fighter off guard with his speed. "Hwaaaah!"

COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits Zach with Snap Kick.
- Power hit! -

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Kim              0/-------/-------|===----\-------\0             Zach

Zach brings an elbow down to try and slow Kim's blazing kick. However, Kim has been kicking for a very long time, and Zach has only been learning to block kicks for a few years. The experience difference shows, and Kim's kick catches the boxer square in the torso, launching Zach into the cage! The cage shudders with the impact, and the crowd roars in anticipation of a beatdown!

Zach lands lightly on his feet, shaking the cobwebs loose as he regards Kim warily. Man, forget the in-fight for a moment, he thinks. Zach gages the distance, and throws a sharp hook that comes nowhere near striking the Korean Hero. However, three razon-thin sheets of Soul Power whisper into existance and slash at Kim Kaphwan with surprising speed. Zach's modification of the Todoh Ryuu signature attack will hopefully serve him in good stead!

COMBATSYS: Zach successfully hits Kim with Pile Smash.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Kim              0/-------/-----==|=====--\-------\0             Zach

The quick is perhaps not powerful, but it is quick and effective. The monitoring doesn't really show much on the impact and the officials look a bit nervous hoping that things will improve. Kim himself lands rather gracefully after the assault and is quick to ready himself when he notices the energy being unleashed. Feet move quickly, but not quickly enough as the Tae Kwon Do master finds himself still caught in the path of the sheets of energy that take him off his feet and cause him to fall into a backwards roll to try and keep himself somewhat on the move despite being off balance.

He manages to come out of that roll near the cage and he pushes off of it to run right back towards Zach. There is a quick kick unleashed, but it ends up being a feint as Kim instead goes for a grab with both hands. An attempt to grasph Zach by his leg and a shoulder before hefting the smaller fighter up and then fling him across the cage. Now it looks like business is starting to pick up.

COMBATSYS: Zach dodges Kim's Sakkyaku Nage.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Kim              0/-------/-----==|=====--\-------\0             Zach

Zach throws himself clear of Kim's grasp, lightly skipping away with a faint grin of anticipation on his face. He lets out a quick sigh of relief as he takes note of the distance between the two fighters once more, and plants his feet firmly.

Zach takes a step in even as he throws his right hand forward a picture perfect straight punch. Once more, it falls far short of striking Kim physically. That should be more than enough of a tip-off for Kaphwan. That and the fireworks display.

What follows a much more... visual attack than the Pile Smash, a large sphere that races towards Kim that disorts slightly from the onward movement. When it strikes, whatever it strikes, the sphere detonates into a violent display of fireworks, spraying motes of yellow and violet light across the arena. The seismograph pulls a 2.5 reading from just the detonation.

COMBATSYS: Kim blocks Zach's Blast Punch.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Kim              0/-------/----===|======-\-------\0             Zach

Hands grasp and fail to really get a grip on anything. It makes him have to quickly go on the defensive as Zach manages to avoid him and do his best not to leave much of an opening. There is little he can do other than to try and stop whatever attack comes his way given the lack of time to try and get out of the way. It really pays off in the end because even if that punch falls short he still has his arms raised to block it only instead to the energy wash over him and push him back with the force of the blast.

He turns about and starts running in the opposite direction and then leaps up and catches himself on the cage with both feet. "Not bad, but let us see if you are more than just sparkling lights!" He leaps from the cage and twists about, aiming to come downward towards Zach. Both legs soon start kicking and he delivers several less powerful, but still punishing kicks in an attempt to break through any of Zach's defenses and drive him to the mat.

COMBATSYS: Zach fails to interrupt Hishou Kyaku from Kim with Gazelle Punch EX.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Kim              0/-------/----===|=======\-------\1             Zach

Zach makes his first critical, avoidable error of the night, allowing Kim to goad him off of his strategy. He resets his stance with a loud planting of his back leg, tracking Kim's skyward movement with steady eyes as he tries to time his first, most critical step carefully. tAs Kim comes down, before the first of those dozens of kicks come crashing down, Zach steps in to interercept, the step racking up a 1 on the seismograph.

The step is well executed, as is the rising, lunging uppercut towards Kim's less-than-guarded flank. However, Zach's lack of reach once again rises to bite him. Kicks crash into Zach's upper body, slamming the psion to the mat with ground-shaking force. Kim gets a 4 for his efforts as Zach lies there gasping for air.

No time to stay down, however, as Zach immediately throws himself into evasive rolls to regain his feet.

With the final kick Kim uses it to push off and flip backwards to land. Does he know he dangerously came close to eating his own words? It is hard to tell. He is still all smiles and even with the younger fighter giving him a good run for his money he doesn't seem to be looking worried. To him this sort of fight is all about fun anyways. There are no dire consequences if he wins or loses. This is not good versus evil. This is just Kim perhaps hoping to instill some knowledge as a veteran to a younger fighter who still has plenty more good years ahead of him.

"Keep it up! I know you aren't done yet." he encourages Zach and even gives just a few brief moments for Zach to get back to his feet before the Tae Kwon Do master is upon him once again. He swings a leg upwards and attempts to deliver two quick kicks. The first to the stomach before the second aims for the chin. "Hup, haaaah!"

COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits Zach with Medium Kick.
- Power hit! -

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Kim              0/-------/---====|=======\====---\1             Zach

Kim's kicks slip expertly between Zach's hurried guard, sending the psion crashing towards the cage once more. Zach slumps to the ground as the crowd eats this up with spoons. Glen wobbles to his feet, the words the master has spoken get through to him. Zach gazes levelly at Kim, not sure whether the guy is mocking him or earnest in his encouragement. Zach's expression shifts from a frown, to a grin as he realizes that his response would be pretty much the same either way.

"Try to dodge," Zach warns. "The first two were little firecrackers." Zach leaps upward, thrusting his right hand above his head as if grasping for something. Golden energy, as bright as the sun rushes to gather above the palm of that outstretched hand. The sphere grows rapidly, from the intial baseball that started, to a basketball, to a beachball, before growing to some kind of almost monsterous boulder of psychic-kinetic energy that swirls in a perfect sphere.

"TAKE THIS!" Zach roars in excitement. "FULL TILT!" Zach slams the sphere at Kim, though he hardly needs to aim the blast. There's not much room for a person to escape to. The ring rumbles with force under the strain of holding together under the sudden burst, the seismometer screaming towards 8 without much sign of stopping!

COMBATSYS: Kim blocks Zach's Full Tilt.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Kim              0/-------/--=====|=------\-------\0             Zach

Is it perhaps a challenge? Telling Kim to dodge sort of makes the elder fighter wonder if Zach thinks he couldn't handle whatever is about to be thrown his way. It leaves Kim wonder if he should dodge or just see what kind of tabasco this kid really has. He might even be taking too much time to think it over because soon his thought process is interrupted by the shout of 'TAKE THIS!' and he soon finds himself staring down the large burst of energy. It comes in quick and the best Kim can do is try to weather the storm. He feels the blast slam into him as he does his best to cover up and he is pushed back up against the cage from the force of it.

Even so he manages to keep his footing and he is breathing a bit heavily as he steps forward and manages a smile. "You got alot of power. I almost wish I could do such things. I suppose all I can do is...." he trails off and that smile doesn't leave his face as the air about him seems to kick up. It is a strange thing as he raises a foot and takes a deep breath. "KYAAAAAH!" he shouts and slams the foot down hard on the mat. It is strange because it doesn't register high, but the fact is the man slams his foot hard enough to create a blast of air that actually knocks officials over outside of the cage and perhaps even Zach too if he is caught off guard by such an odd attack.

COMBATSYS: Zach overcomes Haki Kyaku from Kim with Homing Shots.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Kim              0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0             Zach

Zach hasn't even landed yet as the blast of air comes roaring towards him. His eyes go wide, and he recalls for what feels like the millionth time, Frei's advice: To cancel the ki behind the attack with his own well-spring of power. However, Zach is already gasping for air from his previous outburst. Zach tries a different tactic and throws a flurry of jabs, each accented with a burst of Soul Power that nudges at the wave of air a little bit.

By the time the psion lands, he has already pushed through the air wave, and sends a short burst of energy flying at the Korean. "Don't...," Zach pants, "Sell yourself short. Wish I could hit that hard sometimes." He is still grinning through his apparent exhaustion.

COMBATSYS: Zach successfully hits Kim with Homing Shots.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Kim              0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0             Zach

It seems that the force of the kick took quite a bit out of Kim and he is left a bit off guard for when Zach manages to get a blast through the large gust created. He attempts to sidestep quickly, but still gets clipped which sends him staggering for a few moments and he manages to keep on his feet. He actually lets out a bit of a laugh as he straightens back up and gets back in his fighting stance. "It is all about what you want out of yourself. I never could control my energy so I just made myself stronger in every other aspect." he replies.

He doesn't seem to be rushing in just yet either. He seems more intent on taking a moment to think things over and watch the movements of Zach. The kid has done well at finding openings and dealing with him from a distance has started to become problematic. He will have to look for a slip up and exploit things if he can help it.

COMBATSYS: Kim focuses on his next action.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Kim              0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0             Zach

Zach uses the moment Kim grants him with a bit of care, taking in air, allowing his breathing to normalize, and his own energies to work through him. His pain eases slightly, and his stance regains its form. "I had to control my energy," Zach replies. "More of a need than a want. Now, though," Zach says as he picks up a short weave, bobbing from left to right to left again with his upper body. "I'm trying to figure out where I should go from here."

It might not be a good idea to let Zach get his wind back, if the previous displays are any indicator...

COMBATSYS: Zach gains composure.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Kim              0/-------/--=====|=------\-------\0             Zach

It is a bit of a stalement at least for a moment and the fans seem to be getting rather annoyed by it. They start to boo and jeer at the fighters to try and get one of them to fight instead of talk. "Something will happen and lead you down a path you might have not expected." he says and gives a grin. "Just don't let it be the wrong one." Okay so maybe he isn't the best of the fighting masters to ask for certain advice. He does well in some teachings, but he is still not settling down enough to be an old sage and give cryptic and helpful advice to the younger fighters just yet.

He decides the time for talking is done for now. Could it be he saw an opening of some sort? It is hard to tell, but he is on the move once more. He rushes forward and as he closes in he flips forward, a foot aiming to slam his heel into Zach's jaw and launch him upwards with the force. He somersaults and delivers another upwards kick like that before a second somersault would carry him away where he attempts to land and prepare himself in case Zach is either able to avoid his strike or is still standing after the powerful assault that seems to register the highest yet for Kim. It still hasn't come close to the blast that was recorded from Zach just yet, though.

COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits Zach with Hien Zan EX.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////                         ]
Kim              0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0             Zach

Zach catches all of the kicks... with his head. The psion crashes to the mat, gasping for air as he regards Kim through narrowed and bleary eyes. It seems like it is all the younger man can do to regain his footing in the face of the torrent of abuse Kim has dished out tonight. But still he stands. The stance is wobbly, tenuous at best. But Zach still stands.

Zach brings his right fist back, pretty much announcing what is about to come, to an extent. The psion lunges towards Kim with what speed he can muster, scraping at his taxed reserves to try and bring that thunderously explosive right straight directly at Kim's chest. There is a forward detonation of force at the end of the strike, regardless of whether or not it connects with anything. It is probably clear to Kim that Zach is grasping at straws at this point, driven on by pure determination.

COMBATSYS: Zach knocks away Kim with Dynamite Punch EX.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////                         ]
Kim              1/------=/=======|==-----\-------\0             Zach

The Tae Kwon Do master seems rather impressed by the fact that Zach manages to get up after such attack. It isn't exactly his most powerful of techniques, but it has felled many opponents. It might also be just what Zach needs in order to find an opening against Kim. As he comes forward the elder fighter seems to be ready to try and avoid the strike, though his timing is off and he ends up not being quick enough. That fist connects and the following release of energy knocks Kim off his feet and he is send hard into the cage to the point parts of it buckle and he leaves a dent in it as he falls off and hits the ground.

Rolling onto his back the elder fighter kips upwards afterwards and he seems to try his best to laugh it off. "Very good!" He seems be having something of a hard time staying on his feet, but he manages to even get the energy to break into a run. He almost becomes a blur at the speed he comes in. He leaps forward with a powerful kick to throw Zach off balance if it connects before landing and delivering a series of others before once again ending up with a single somersault kick in an attempt to take down Zach once more.

COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits Zach with Hou'ou Tenbu Kyaku.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >                                ]
Kim              0/-------/-------|=======\-------\0             Zach

Zach jerks around like a ragdoll under the storm of kicks, getting knocked from kick to kick to kick before being sent into a high arc. Something is not right; Zach is making no move to right his fall, or even roll with the impact. The kicks knocked the psion out on his feet.

Zach crashes to the mat with a grunt of forced exhalation, and does not get back up. The bell rings once more, signalling the end of the match.

COMBATSYS: Zach takes no action.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kim              0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Zach can no longer fight.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kim              0/-------/-------|

The landing for Kim is a bit less on the graceful side than normal. He seems to be feeling a bit winded, but in the end it seems his experience helps him out. The kicks hit their mark and it finally seems Zach can't come back after the latest flurry of them all. When the bell rings the fans cheer as Kim rests one arm around his waist and he raises the other to wave, his smile returning as that strange ping noise is heard once again.

Well he certainly won't regret signing up this time around. It was fun and it made him feel like he was young again. Not to say he is an real old man per se, but to be able to fight people much younger and have fun is very invigorating. A shame that Mr. Jones wasn't able to make it this time around. Maybe he will off the man a friendly match to make up for it. Who wouldn't want to meet a Tae Kwon Do master afterall!?

COMBATSYS: Kim has ended the fight here.

Log created on 18:43:10 01/30/2012 by Zach, and last modified on 09:22:22 01/31/2012.