Description: Ken and Terry celebrate the TRUE meaning of Christmas! Beating eachother up for the sake of children (Winner: Terry)
Ah, Christmas. A time rife with good cheer, snow, drinking... well, okay, Terry drinks a lot anyways. But he's not soused right now! Wouldn't do to be plastered in a fight 'for the kids'. The White Arena is packed, no matter how close to Christmas it is, and the roaring fans are for Ken, Terry, or both--and some are there for the presents and don't really care about the fight itself.
Terry waves to them all as he strides into the arena, bereft of his usual duffel bag but adorned with a floppy Santa hat in place of his usual cap--and a Santa beard kept on by elastic as well. "HO HO HO!" he shouts, in his best/worst Santa impression, and fortunately, despite his love of a good, thick, meaty... club sandwich, the hat and the beard are the only ways he emulates Kris Kringle. The volume goes up when he enters, almost impossibly, and he's just waving as he waits on the arena--waits for the owner of the place.
For Ken Masters.
Christmas time is once again here, and being almost a year later since that infamous bout against Soviet Russia's Santagief, Ken Masters is truly looking forward to this fight. It's not about commercialism, nor is it about making a heck of a lot of money, its about the kids, and ensuring that they receive everything they truly deserve.
Already the fanfare has started thanks to Terry's arrival. The lights are bright, and once again there is an obvious christmas theme going on in the White Arena. This time however, Ken isn't going to go with a lot of theatrics.
The blonde haired Ansatsuken master steps through into the arena, gently tugging on his gloves to ensure they're properly in place. A slight grin and thumbs up is given towards Terry.
"I hope you won't hold back on me Terry. These kids are counting on us." Ken of course isn't really going to waste any time with any more words. Its time to fight.
COMBATSYS: Ken has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Ken 0/-------/------=|
COMBATSYS: Terry has wandered into the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Terry 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Ken
"Heh. Y'know, everyone always tells me that, Masters. 'Don't hold back'. Guess they don't know me very well..." Ken gets his own cheering and man is it loud in here. But he does the same thing, tightening his gloves down, and he's ready. Doesn't take a lot for Terry, really, to be ready to fight; it was something that was trained into him.
So, he raises his hands, very much in the manner of a muay thai fighter, and then cranks them back into his Hakyokuseiken stance, leading a bit with his left side. There's only the most momentary of hushes before Terry explodes forward, shooting forward on long legs to hurl himself at Ken.
It looks very much like his opening move is the ever-famous Burn Knuckle, but he doesn't add that flare of chi to it--instead dropping his feet as he strikes and looking to convert the punch from a right straight to a hooking punch, which would allow him to follow up with a quick low kick in turn.
COMBATSYS: Ken blocks Terry's Medium Kick.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Terry 0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0 Ken
Ken grins slightly as Terry regales him with the tale of how everyone seems to say that to him, only for blonde vagabond to suddenly launch forward with a punch-kick combo. It doesn't take much to defend oneself from an attack like that, yet at someone like Terry's level, defending properly can either save you or put that final nail in your coffin.
Ken's arm's quickly move forward to absorb the impact of that first hit, allowing the timing of Terry's followup to fall short as the blond Ansatsuken master quickly moves back. For a moment, it looks like Ken is only going to retreat.
Ken stares at Terry, trying to spot any hole in his defense, only to quickly rush back toward the man, hoping to catch him by surprise with a heavy roundhouse to the skull.
COMBATSYS: Ken successfully hits Terry with Inazuma Kakato Wari.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Terry 0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0 Ken
The crowd roars as Ken's roundhouse kick finds Terry's skull--not the least of which for the extra round of presents suddenly showing up amongst the crowd! Terry, for his part--takes the impact and staggers, but if Ken was hoping for him to go down, well, he's to be disappointed in that respect, as the Legendary Wolf isn't to be felled by such a kick. He does lose the Santa hat, though, and the beard is now askew... so he tosses them away.
"Good kick, but then, you've always had good kicks, Masters..." With just a touch of a little grin, Terry backs up a couple of steps then launches himself forward again, as Ken must expect him to do. The forward lunge is part of the windup for another right straight, and this one -does- have the chi flare blazing about it, engulfing Terry's right arm from fist to elbow as he shouts, for the crowd, and routine, "BURN KNUCKLE!!"
COMBATSYS: Ken fails to interrupt Burn Knuckle from Terry with Jigoku-guruma.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Terry 0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0 Ken
Ken sees the attack coming, and his hands reach out to grab ahold of Terry as the vagabond gets closer only for them to be easly brushed aside as Terry's elbow collides slams into Ken, sending him hurtling backwards. The ground does say 'HELLO!' to the crimson clad man once again for the umptenth million time in his lifetime.
"And you've always been good at sending people flying, Bogard." Ken doesn't waste any time getting to his feet, knowing that his messup is going to cost him as Terry is most likely on the offensive still. This fight is not going as planned so far.
Terry's always subscribed to the best defense being a good offense, it's true. Feeling the impact, Terry comes to a halt and then takes off a moment later, just as Ken is getting to his feet. "'d say we're both good at that bit, Masters," grins the blonde Wolf. He takes a moment--a fraction of a second, really--to consider his next move, doing it on almost a subconscious level--he's moving forward even before he figures out what he's going to do.
And by the time he's really decided, he's already doing it--taking one last step on his long, left leg, then hurling himself forward into a slide kick, one aimed for Ken's ankles--but it isn't just a sliding kick, as Ken may find out, for on contact, Terry hits the ground with his hands and throws himself upward into a rising, high side kick that'd take Ken right in the chin and pop him up and into the air.
COMBATSYS: Ken just-defends Terry's Fire Kick!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Terry 0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0 Ken
Time seems to slow down to a bare crawl for Ken as Terry once again moves forward, this time with a powerful kick aimed right for his chin.
Expertly placed hands neatly catch the foot long before it meets its mark, allowing Ken to grin with fierce determination at the Legendary Wolf. "You're not getting old on me as well are you?" The foot is tossed away as Ken quickly steps backwards, allowing the chi to gather within his hands forming that brilliant blue-white ball that seems to be ever present whenever Ken or Ryu battle.
The ball is launched foward with quick movements, only with the lone cry of "HADOOUUUKEN!"
COMBATSYS: Terry blocks Ken's Hadouken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Terry 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 Ken
Terry's faced the Hadouken before. He's faced Ken's taunting before. He isn't concerned, overly, about either. The chi projectile hits Terry's crossed forearms and splashes around him, but aside from losing a step, Terry doesn't seem concerned. "Old? Me? Nah... I'm eternally young. You shouldn't let some luck make you cocky, Masters," rejoins Terry, good naturedly, as, despite the impact of the Hadouken driving him back a step...
He moves forward on Ken again, utilizing those long legs of his to close the gap, reaching out. His aim? To grab Ken by the lapels and utilize the grip to haul him up and over and slam him into the White Arena's flooring. He's shutting out the crowd, aware of them but focused on Ken--in this environment he can afford to focus solely on Ken. In others, he might have to watch his back...
COMBATSYS: Ken blocks Terry's Buster Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Terry 0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0 Ken
So far, neither man is really giving too many clean hits, making this fight rather difficult to rack up all the presents the two men can for the children. Ken seems to find this slightly disturbing, but its still early in the fight, and neither man is really willing to give an inch.
Ken's body tenses as he is flung, minimizing the impact of the ground once again, only to perform a slight roll and once again he is back on his feet. "Oh, I figured a little luck here and there isn't so bad. Then again.."
The blonde Ansatsuken master quickly rushes forth once more, this time seeking to hopefully leverage himself against Terry in a powerful hold, only to quickly slam the man backwards in a suplex like motion only for it to end with a knee to the chest if it all works as planned.
COMBATSYS: Terry interrupts Combo Grapple from Ken with Power Dunk.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Terry 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\0 Ken
Terry's movement is sudden, and violent, but not any less fluid or graceful for it--as he meets Ken's rush with one of his own. This one is grounded, Terry using his legs and feet to brace himself as he rams his shoulder forward--not only meeting Ken's charge, but overpowering it. From the first moment he makes contact he then pushes forward, driving into Ken's body with his left shoulder...
And then he switches, taking a step forward, and ducking low, coming upwards in a powerful leaping shoulder block, one that's angled to throw Ken upwards--and for Terry to leap just a moment afterwards, already reaching back with his left hand and bringing it smashing down into Ken's solar plexus, slamming the man back to the ground.
"BANG!!" shouts Terry, getting back into the swing of things, so to speak, as he lands, dusting his knees off. "Gotta make it a good show, right, Masters? Bring it on!!"
A slight groan escapes Ken's mouth as he is slammed once more into the ground. There is brief moment where he wonders if staying on the ground for this long is a wise idea or not. Slowly but surely the crimson clad man climbs to his feet, staring directly at Terry and shutting the screaming audience out entirely. "Man. I'm pretty sure that counted as a few more presents.."
A slight grin appears on Ken's face as he quickly starts to put some distance between himself and Terry. Right now he needs to get back up to speed, and his body is screaming against this fight already. He's been battered by some of the worst beings imaginable, and still he trying to continue to climb up. Terry isn't as bad as they come.
Ken's eyes close for a moment, slowly clearing his mind as he allows a brief mediative calm to wash over him. Its time to start turning up the volume on this fight.
COMBATSYS: Ken enters a meditative state.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Terry 0/-------/-======|=======\=------\1 Ken
"C'mon, Masters. You're just gonna sit there?" He actually sounds a little disappointed, though he knows that Ken isn't your run of the mill fighter. Well, if Masters won't come to him, then The Legendary Wolf is more than happy to come to him. And so he starts forward, once more, moving in a sort of broken-field movement, not quite a run, zigging and zagging a bit before coming in at Ken's position, hands raised... feint--with a pair of quick jabs, left-right, and then with a high front kick, aiming to strike Ken right in the forehead with the heel of his left foot. Gotta break that concentration somehow, hmm? And if there's one thing Terry has found true in his years of fighting--kicking someone in the forehead is a great way to break their concentration.
COMBATSYS: Ken dodges Terry's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Terry 0/-------/-======|=======\=------\1 Ken
Ken quickly moves backwards as Terry rushes forward once again. This time however, Ken is allowing his body to run purely on instinct. Every punch and kick that is thrown is nimbly dodged, allowing Ken time to hone his chi further. Terry is going to be in for a very wild ride soon enough..
After Terry's last blow is thrown, Ken is moving back in once more, this time ducking down low as his fist seemingly is primed for that ever famous move he is known for, only to launch upwards in a shortened uppercut motion. If this connects, it'll be followed up by a barrage of brutal kicks as chi continues to gather and explode to life upon Ken's right arm only for him to launch upwards once again towards Terry, this time in a full on brutal Shoryuken which will be led towards the heavens in a pillar of flames..
COMBATSYS: Terry blocks Ken's Shinryuu Ken+.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Terry 0/-------/=======|-------\-------\0 Ken
Ken's brutal, short uppercut slams into Terry's reinforced guard, and while the Masters scion might be going into a series of kicks, Terry isn't there to receive them--using the impact of the block to help propel himself out of the path of danger. "Well, looks like I earned the big stuff, huh, Ken?" Terry smiiles--he is genuinely happy to be making Ken pull out his best moves. He can only do the same, can't he? But not just yet. Not -just- yet...
But he can't give up attacking. Rushing in is more Andy's thing, but Terry's got to keep the pressure on--the more time he gives Ken, the more likely it is that the man will find a way to come back. He might be considered a flashy jerk, but Terry knows better. He jumps forward, going after Ken, looking to, quite simply, slam a right knuckle into Ken's temple, in mid-jump--attempting to jump past him, even.
COMBATSYS: Ken dodges Terry's Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Terry 0/-------/=======|-------\-------\0 Ken
Ken is rather surprised that Terry managed to save himself from that attack, only to grin even more as the Legendary Wolf rushes forward to punch him once again, while trying to leap past him as well. The blonde Ansatsuken master quickly moves to the side, allowing Terry to gain the ground he wanted. It doesn't seem that Ken is too worried about it just yet.
Ken's eyes follow Terry now, trying to watch his every move. The blonde vagabond is up to something, and Ken isn't going to be caught unaware this time by it. Ryu's already been doing that enough...
COMBATSYS: Ken focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Terry 0/-------/=======|-------\-------\0 Ken
Ken's a slippery little bastard. And Terry can tell that he's up to something... so when he comes to a skidding halt, he stops... and turns to face Ken. "So, s'like that, huh? Alright." He grins, and settles himself down a little. Regaining his stance, he looks, for a moment, as if he's going to rush in again... but he doesn't. He stops and he watches Ken, in turn. The non-action quiets the crowd--suddenly, this has the feel of a gunfight, the moments just before the draw...
But who'll flinch first? It's a fair question, but Terry bets he knows the answer as to who'll flinch first... but the trick will be -surviving- it...
COMBATSYS: Terry focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Terry 0/-------/=======|-------\-------\0 Ken
A slight grin appears on Ken's face as Terry starts watching him as well. The Legendary Wolf is trying to figure out just what the hell Ken is up to, and thats a good thing. There is a brief moment where it seems Ken is going to continue trying to stare down the Wolf, but that moment breaks once Ken quickly moves forward once again.
There's nothing special to his next attack as Ken's right fist suddenly surges forward in a fast yet dangerous punch.
COMBATSYS: Ken successfully hits Terry with Jab Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Terry 1/-------/=======|-------\-------\0 Ken
The fast punch doesn't even force Terry to stumble; the impact is there but he seems unfazed by the impact. "All that buildup, that's the best you got?" Terry's less amused now, and it's coming through in his attitude, and his blue eyes, darkening a little. "Didn't think you were the pussyfooting type, Masters."
Terry's movement is stronger, slower perhaps, but still imbued with intent, with purpose, as he aims to drive his left shoulder into Ken's chest--opening gambit for a way to grab Ken's right arm and apply torque and leverage to it to throw Ken across the floor. This is a much more intimate fight now, less flashy, perhaps, even if that isn't evident to the crowd--who are eating it up regardless.
COMBATSYS: Ken fails to interrupt Combo Grapple from Terry with Shoryuken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Terry 1/------=/=======|=====--\-------\0 Ken
Once Terry starts to move in closer, Ken quickly drops down in an attempt to unleash that most famed move of his. As he grows closer to his target, he finds that his timing is off, leaving him vulnerable to just what the Legendary Wolf has in store.
Pain visibly crosses his face as Terry wrenches his arm roughly, only to find himself being slammed face first into the floor of his own arena. If the objectives of this fight were to see how many times Ken can be slammed into the floor...
Then the kids would have every present in the world it seems.
Terry gives Ken a moment--after all, he's not about to attack a downed opponent (not named Geese or Kain), but he's not doing so idly. He's just confirmed, to himself at least, that keeping at Ken is the best way to take him down. He's got to be quick, fearless, and precise, to counter Ken's advantage of speed... and both fight instinctively, instinctually, to an extent.
"You're a tough one, Masters," remarks Terry, as he waits for the blond Ansatsuken fighter to rise. It's only after Ken's facing him that he swings in again, utilizing his long legs in throwing a skipping side-kick, aimed to plant his Converse high-tops right into Ken's breadbasket. To capitalize on Ken's failure--and to try to hold on to the momentum, to keep Ken off-balance.
The roar of the crowd ebbs and rises--though it doesn't ebb much--and Terry's riding on that wave now, letting the crowd sounds suffuse through him.
COMBATSYS: Ken blocks Terry's Medium Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Terry 1/-----==/=======|======-\-------\0 Ken
Ken turns to the side, allowing Terry's foot to hit a patch of well toughened muscles. It hurts, but not as bad as it could have been. Of course, Terry seems to be playing right into Ken's plan.
"Of course I'm a tough one. I mean, I did grow up with Ryu." There's a bit of a flaw to this plan. As long as he keeps Terry talking, that means theres more of a chance for the blond wanderer to start unleashing some nasty techniques. It's almost time for Ken to start truly trying to shut him down.
Once more Ken moves in, this time seeking to grab ahold of Terry in a simple hold, only to toss him in rapid succession if he manages to latch ahold of his slippery prey.
COMBATSYS: Ken successfully hits Terry with Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Terry 1/----===/=======|======-\-------\0 Ken
Terry isn't as slippery as Ken! And that is proved, as Ken gets a hold of Terry and throws him down, the Wolf practically bouncing--but using the momentum to pop right back up. There was the 'whoosh' and 'woulh!!' of forcibly-expelled breath in there as well, and so it's a heartbeat--enough for Terry to take a breath or two--before he acts.
"That's more like it, Masters. Show me what you learned, growing up with Ryu!" It is, perhaps, not the smartest challenge ever made, but Terry's never been accused of being all that cerebral, as he just proved. He is, however, a hell of a fighter and that the world can agree on. He stays in close, or rather, gets back in close, with a short hop, twisting his body away from Ken, up towards his right, only to bring himself back around with a hammering elbow strike aimed for Ken's shoulder.
COMBATSYS: Terry successfully hits Ken with Medium Punch.
- Power hit! -
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Terry 1/---====/=======|=======\-------\1 Ken
The blow is enough to send Ken reeling once again. This time however, he doesn't fall to the floor. He's been beaten, battered and bruised so far, yet Terry is almost in the same boat as him. The Legendary Wolf isn't an foe to scoff at, yet Geese manages to find himself at odds with the blonde vagabond a lot.
Ken quickly tries to put a bit of distance between himself and Terry, hoping to regain some of the lost footing of this battle by once more clearing his head and attempting to allow himself to run upon pure instinct once again. It's worked once already, might work again!
COMBATSYS: Ken enters a meditative state.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Terry 1/---====/=======|=======\======-\1 Ken
Terry admires toughness in a man--or a woman--and Ken's certainly living up to that. Ken's attempt to back off will not, however, find purchase--as Terry feels himself too close to the end to hold back now. "Oh no you don't, Masters, not this time!!" The surge of power that flows through Terry's body is too much for him to contain completely, and that energy ripples up his body--into his fist, as he's suddenly...
...hurtling at Ken, leading with his right fist. Should he hit? Then the crowd, and Ken, will be treated to a light show, as all that stored-up chi releases itself in a blast wave of power that will rake Ken's body, the blaze accompanied by Terry's second shout: "... WOLF!!!!" It's time to see about ending this fight, and this would, on instinct, seem to be the 'right' time to do so...
COMBATSYS: Terry successfully hits Ken with Buster Wolf EX+.
+ Epic Hit! +
+ Epic Hit! +
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > / ]
Terry 0/-------/------=|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Ken
There is a brief moment where Ken feels he could raise his defenses in time, yet Terry once more proves that he can overpower them, and with that impact of chi sends Ken flying backwards, this time slamming into the strong glass walls seperating the audience from the combatants. Slowly sliding down it and feeling his feet touch back down, Ken almost falls over, barely grasping at the very edges of consciousness.
Mustering the last of his strength, crimson chi suddenly surges to life along Ken's right leg as he rushes back towards the vagabond, this time seeking to draw the blonde man into one of his most potent attacks. Crimson flamed cartwheels seek out the Legendary Wolf, hoping to draw him into a flurry of brutal flaming kicks that scorch the very ground the come from, only for it to end in a violent tornado of chi-flame towards the heavens in a vicious Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku.
COMBATSYS: Ken can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Terry 0/-------/------=|
COMBATSYS: Ken successfully hits Terry with Guren Senpuukyaku.
[ \\\\\\\ <
Terry 0/-------/-======|
Ken is not to be denied. Despite that terrific impact, Ken comes back and--Terry finds himself caught in the crimson storm of kicks, and there's nothing for him to do. He tries to defend, but his defenses are just as battered... and the final impact sends him tumbling across the matting like a victim of a car crash, practically pinwheeling until he fetches up against something to stop him.
He's still long enough for the announcer to click on his microphone to declare a tie--and then Terry stirs... and stirs... and rises, bracing his back against the pillar where he ended up. "Heh... good fight, Masters. We'll have to do it again sometime..." Good fight, the kids are happy, the adults are happy... Christmas is saved once again.
COMBATSYS: Terry wanders on to find the next challenge.
Log created on 19:13:36 12/28/2011 by Ken, and last modified on 09:39:21 12/29/2011.