SNF 2011.12 - SNF: "Like Minds"

Description: A treat for SNF! The Queen of England herself has organized an incredible gala, requesting the entertainment be some form of barbarism. Enter Reese and Gan! The two fighters are flown and driven to the palace in a show of excess, but there are still rules to follow! Gan will be expected to wear a suit and Reese must have some ridiculous hat. The two will battle on a raised dais, surrounded by frumpy, ugly inbr--ah, the upper crust of the political world. (WINNER: Gan)

It is easy to say the British are really weird. Maybe not so much the normal folk and all, but the royalty certain has a few screws loose. They also seem to be pretty ballsy in letting a fight happen in front of Buckingham Palace given what happened in China a few months ago. Of course the place is guarded heavily and they are checking EVERYONE from competitors to fans. They want things to go off without a hitch and it looks like they are pulling out all the stops.

At least they recognize that if they are going to have a fight here they need proper royalty to compete in it. Of course that is just what Gan is thinking at least. The King of Gedo, or so he claims to be ever since claiming the crown from the fallen thug he and Edge beat up not long ago, stands tall with arms folded over his massive chest. He did his best to even dress for the occasion. The suit was much too small in places and the sleeves have been torn off leaving his large arms bare. On top of his head is that strange, Nordic style crown on his head. He is also barefoot because dress shoes just weren't comfortable and not something he would want to try to fight in.

Being out of Southtown has been fun. He has been able to go cause trouble he may not usually be able to get into and there are no worries like that bitch Zaki ruining his fun. No one ever said he paid for the clothing he is wearing afterall. The officials actually had something set out for him, but given he showed up dressed like this it wasn't needed. He steps forward and raises both arms in the air as he turns about when announced. "Bring on the peasant I am going to beat on!" he boasts.

COMBATSYS: Gan has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Gan              0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Gan wears a sweet metal crown on his head. It menaces with spikes of silver. And malice.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Gan [E]          0/-------/-------|

Peasant? Pah! Reese is no peasant! At least not today, not with being flown to Great Britain first class, and arriving at Buckingham Palace in a limousine, sipping champagne and eating caviar, and one can really get used to this sort of thing.

All the way there in the limo, the Aussie has been fiddling with her ruby necklace and thinking about the Royal Collection.

//It wouldn't be hard to snag a few miniatures if they didn't have all that extra security. Some of the decorative art isn't awful to look at either. It would sell really well. You know you want these things.//

Maybe, when things are said and done, and the extra security has cleared, she can //tour// the Palace, scope out the collection, see how difficult it'd be to take a souvenir.

In fact, that sounds like a brilliant idea.

Stepping out of the limo, she adjusts the fascinator on her head. The hat is //huge// in comparison with her regular fedora. A big red flower-looking thing, with a half dozen or so white and red feathers drooping down from it. It's also got at least twenty-five black silk leaves on black wire dangling down and brushing against her cheeks every so often.

She really dislikes this hat. But when in Rome...

.... er... Great Britain...

Blowing a breath of air upward, to get the silk leaves off her face she steps toward Gan and nods.

COMBATSYS: Reese has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Gan [E]          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0        [E] Reese

COMBATSYS: Reese wears a silver pendant that gleams ominously.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Gan [E]          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0        [E] Reese

Gan could have all the same things Reese got minus the hat. He was too busy being a street thug and roaming the streets most of his stay up until the fight to realize how much he would be pampered. He would certainly be upset if he missed out on a meal fit for a king. That better come after he gets the win! Of course he would win, too. He is a king afterall and he is in Britain. It just seems all too natural that he would come away with all the spoils of victory and maybe more if he is lucky.

He looks down at the Aussie when she shows up and he looks at the hat she wears for a few moments and looks unsure of what to make it. "Huh, I expected someone.....bigger." he admits and his face twists some as he looks over the other fighter in a critical manner. At least Zaki he could take a bit more serious because of the chains and such. Reese? It is hard to take a woman wearing that hat seriously as a fighter. it looks like she will have to show him differently. "Whatever! Time to crush you!" he claims and grins as he stretches then hunkers down into a sumo stance, preparing to get into battle.

COMBATSYS: Gan focuses on his next action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Gan [E]          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0        [E] Reese

Reese can //hardly// take herself seriously wearing such a hat. It's foreign, and in her way. If she's lucky, as she uses her whip, she'll knock off silk leaves and feathers. //That// would make her feel infinitely better about herself.

"You've only got 'bout a foot on me, mate."

With a deft movement, the whip at her side is unfurled and snaps out once as the Aussie grins. Then she's shifting her position to be just offset from Gan before the leather lashes out several times in quick succession, aiming for his shins and feet in order to get him on the ground.

COMBATSYS: Gan endures Reese's Excavation.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Gan [E]          0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0        [E] Reese

Height maybe only a foot or so. Now start including sheer size and the sumo is easly twice the size in almost all aspects and alot meaner looking for sure. Of couse he will soon find out that he isn't exactly going to have an easy fight. The whip being introduced to the fight makes him frown mostly because it reminds him of Zaki and the chains she was using when fighing him last. In this case it hurts alot less to be smacked by the leather as the pants he wears are tattered a bit from the strikes.

The attempt to slow him down doesn't seem to have worked so well. He looks like he is going to be a tough one to topple and if anything the attack just makes the already angry young man look much angrier. "Not good enough!" he roars and he charges forward. He brings a foot up and slams it down hard to shake the ground and possibly throw Reese off balance. He follows it up with an open palm strike aimed right for her chest. A punishing blow made worse by the energy that forms along his hand as he strikes. "Graaaah!"

COMBATSYS: Reese counters Rough Wave Stomping from Gan with Artifact Snare.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Gan [E]          0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0        [E] Reese

The stomp //does// knock Reese a bit off balance but not enough so that she can't send the whip out again. This time she snaps it toward the oncoming hand, grasping Gan by the wrist. Giving the whip a tug to ensure that it's snared nice and tightly, she swings her arm upward in order to hoist him up off the ground and drop him back down onto his head.

Giving the whip another sharp tug, she unlatches it from him once he's down and sets it to her side again.

That's when she notices the crown.

//Now **that** would be a pretty trinket. You could almost actually **be** royalty with that. It's **far** nicer than this stupid feathery thing on your head **now**.//

The more she thinks about the crown, the more there seems to be a red energy that appears to cover her hands and arms a little.

Much like the chains of the ganger from Southtown the whip seems to give the much smaller fighter more leverage than they should be able to have. Something that allows Gan to be taken off his feet and he is dropped ontot he ground where he lays there for a moment. His hands clench into fists and he slams them hard into the ground before he starts to get up. The gem that is the centerpiece of the crownd seems to flash momentarily as he shakes his head to clear the spiderwebs from his head.

It is probably a good thing he doesn't know what Reese is thinking at the moment. Zaki was much more forward in claiming she wanted the item and things didn't turn out pretty after Gan heard such a thing. He lurches forward and he reaches for Reese once again then thinks better of it. Instead he just brings a large clenched fist upwards and aims to hammer downwards on top of Reese's head. If anything if she is lucky he might knock that hat off her head.

COMBATSYS: Reese blocks Gan's Quick Punch.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Gan [E]          0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0        [E] Reese

There's little point in being overtly forward about wanting an item. Reese has tried that //twice// in recent times, and twice left without the item. A different approach is obviously necessary, and thinking things through rather than forging forward... it's a good start at changing things.

When he oversized fist slams down toward her head, she slows it a little with both arms crossing together to form an X. Gan //does// manage to crush the hat just a little, which sends no less than three feathers into her face. Stepping backward, she swats at them and frowns.

"I know the bloody thing is ugly, but that doesn't mean you need to ruin it." Fascinators, ugly as most are, are worth a bloody fortune -- at least so far as hats are concerned.

Swinging herself toward him, she sends her foot out with a quick snap kick toward his jaw. Because maybe, just maybe if she's lucky she'll knock the crown off his head.

COMBATSYS: Reese successfully hits Gan with Light Kick.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Gan [E]          0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0        [E] Reese

It isn't really the hat he was wanting to crush, but the skull anyways. Even so he won't argue it is ugly. He just isn't saying anything aside from a growl as he starts to rear back to deliver another strike. He instead take a kick to his jaw and it tosses him off balance for a moment and he has to stagger back a few steps and steady himself. The crown remains firmly on the head of the sumo it would seem. It does look like something that was made to fit him perfectly. It isn't like he has a very small head afterall. Would it even fit on Reese? Then again she probably isn't worried about if it fits or not.

What she should worry about is the fact Gan is on the move again. He surges forward and large hands look to scoop Reese up off the ground as the sumo charges her. He will try to flip her about and drop the woman right on her head if he manages to get ahold of her. Maybe he really doesn't like that hat afterall.

COMBATSYS: Gan successfully hits Reese with Piledriver.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Gan [E]          0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0        [E] Reese

Gan must //really// hate the hat. Honestly, Reese can't blame him for it. It's not as though she chose an exuberantly pretty one, but who wears the finest, prettiest things to a //fight//? The Aussie gets scooped, flipped, and dropped, which leaves her dazed and her fascinator almost out of commission.

Standing up, she sets the mangled fascinator to her head, brushing feathers and silk leaves out of the way. Huffling a little, she sets her hands to her hips, fingers //just// brushing the handles of twin guns.

"Crikey! You must really hate the hat."

Then, despite the faint energy that can already be seen upon her arms, she takes a deep breath and builds even //more// up around her. This new energy is a silvery-blue and it seems to come up and focus on the guns in the holsters.

COMBATSYS: Reese gathers her will.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Gan [E]          0/-------/---====|=======\==-----\1        [E] Reese

"I want to crush you." is all he says in response when she mentions about him possibly hating the hat. Maybe he hates the hat enough he wants to destroy her with it? If so that isn't a good thing for the Aussie as the sumo has displayed despite his lumbering movements and rather slow pace he can put a hurt on a person if he gets ahold of them. "So stop moving so much and I will make this short." he grumps and he starts to notice what the young woman is doing. He doesn't like what he sees at all.

That is why he barrels forward rather quickly. He never was one that liked flashy fireball thingies and that is what exactly he thinks Reese might be attempting to do. That is why he has to make sure she isn't concious to be able to try such a thing. He rears back with a mighty fist and this time the hat isn't the one that is aimed at this time. That meaty appendage is just looking to slam right into the face of the Aussie. "Gyaaaaaah!"

COMBATSYS: Reese blocks Gan's Fierce Punch.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Gan [E]          0/-------/---====|=======\====---\1        [E] Reese

"I think I like moving a lot more than I like being crushed," Reese quips at him. The rearing back catches her by surprise, and she blinks a few times before she realizes the fist is coming in toward her face. Ducking her head down, she curls it behind her arms which take the brunt of the damage and send her back a few feet.

Arms red from the hit, the Aussie gives him a slightly dirty look.

Then she just //grins//.

The whip is swiftly swung outward as she angles it to loop about his throat. Then she gives it a good yank to see if it's latched on nicely, and you know, to perhaps choke him just a //little// bit before she attempts to use him as a human paddleball.

COMBATSYS: Reese successfully hits Gan with All About Me.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Gan [E]          0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0        [E] Reese

The sumo is really starting to get a dislike for women that use lengths of things as a weapon. Be it chains or whips they seem to cause the sumo quite a bit of problems. Case in point is he soon finds the whip wrapped around his throat and the woman tries to steal the breath from him. His size makes it hard to yank him about much as he grasps at the whip with a hand and yanks. He continues to yank and with a loud grunt he finally frees himself and he shakes his head.

The hand tries to keep the grip on the whip and he gives a yank to try and pull the woman right towards him. His free hand comes forward to grasp her by her top and get a firm grip and heft her up off her feet with ease. "That wasn't nice.....NOT NICE AT ALL!" he growls and he twists about and intends to throw the woman off into the crowd which does there best to get out of the way if the soon find themselves dealing with a flying fighter.

COMBATSYS: Gan successfully hits Reese with Quick Throw.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Gan [E]          0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0        [E] Reese

Sumo-wrestlers do not, apparently, make the best human paddle-balls, but at least she made the attempt rather than backing off. Reese starts to pull the whip back toward her when he yanks it toward him and sends her sprawling toward him. It's not difficult from there to get a grasp on her shirt, and fling her to the crowd. //Thankfully// she lands on the ground and not a spectator, but she's not down //too// long this time. Just long enough to smack her hand down on the hat to ensure it stays in place.

Then it's popping up to her feet,and glaring at him. There's a flash of something in her eyes and the reddish energy along her arms and hands flares a little. Rushing forward, she swings a punch at his stomach then tries her damnedest to hoist him up briefly and simply drop him down to the ground.

COMBATSYS: Gan interrupts Charged Combo from Reese with Giant Storm.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////                       ]
Gan [E]          0/-------/=======|=======\=------\1        [E] Reese

He looks winded from it all so the strangling part at least seemed to be very effective against him. He is having to take a few deep breaths to try and catch his breath. This does leave him looking to be a bit more open to attack. If anything at least he has been easy to hit. It is just the big man looks like he can take ALOT of punishment. It is all about wearing the sumo down and finally toppling him over. So far the Aussie seems to be doing an amiable job.

She should have just kept her distance in this case. She comes in close and delivers a punch that knocks the air out of Gan, but in turn she is also within reach and she soon finds a hand around her neck. It is Gan's turn to choke the woman out as he lifts her up and squeezes. "How rude. I will teach you some manners." he murmurs under his breath and then slams her down hard on the ground before releasing and straightening back up. "Bow to the king!"

There is a word Reese searches for as she's getting her throat squished and is then slammed to the ground in a very unflashy fashion. It eludes her at first, mostly because she's struggling to breathe and not really worrying about words. When she bounces off the ground the word bounces into her mind.


It takes a //lot// for the Aussie to spring back to her feet. Then, it's not so much a spring as it is pushing herself up and forcing herself to continue. A deep breath is taken, then another. It looks like she //may// actually be bowing down to the self-entitled King of Whatever.

Only, then she's not.

"As you are neither Elvis, the Queen's consort, or Prince William, I do think I'll //not// be bowing."

Running toward him as fast as she can muster, she slams her fist out at his jaw, trying once more to knock that silly crown from his head.

Speaking of crowns -- where on earth did that god awful fascinator get to?

COMBATSYS: Reese successfully hits Gan with Medium Punch.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Gan [E]          1/------=/=======|=======\=------\1        [E] Reese

If anything Gan can be thanked for hitting the woman hard enough to knock that damn hat off. Even so she is trying to likewise knock his crown off and he can't have that. He moves to get a big arm in the way of the punch, but the quicker fighter manages to nail him in the jaw again and rock him back a step. He still stands and the crown remains in place. His brain is finally starting to catch up on things too. Zaki was attempting to hit him in similar ways to dislodge the crown and upon the realization that Reese might be doing the same thing has him go wide eyed in rage.

"IT IS MINE!" he roars and she is soon met with a pair of hands reaching for her once more. He is going to attempt to grip her and take her for a BIG spin. He just continues to whirl about like he is a helicopter blade or such and it is a rather dizzying thing. The dizziness isn't so bad as finally being released to be slammed into a wall at high speed. Afterwards the sumo is staggering and trying to get his feet back up under him and regain his balance.

COMBATSYS: Gan successfully hits Reese with Helicopter Smash.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  /                             ]
Gan [E]          0/-------/-------|=======\======-\1        [E] Reese


Reese does manage to nail him in the jaw, but then he's grabbing for her again and starts to spin her around so much so that she's really wishing she didn't indulge in caviar and champagne! Thankfully nothing comes up, and she's fine when she's released. Right up until the point where she slams into a wall. It's almost comical, the Aussie sliding down the wall. One can //almost// picture teeny, tiny kangaroos bouncing around her head as she gives it a shake.

This time, she doesn't even //bother// trying to get up. She simply closes her eyes and focuses all of her remaining energy on drawing out the guns. Each one is leveled at Gan, and then she starts to fire off a barrage of super-charged silvery-blue bullets at him. Some aimed for his chest, some aimed for his head. Until the energy finally coalesces into something like a gigantic super bullet that's designed to explode should it impact with him.

COMBATSYS: Reese can no longer fight.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  <
Gan [E]          0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Gan blocks Reese's Number One With a Bang!.

[                         \\\\\  <
Gan [E]          0/-------/-----==|

He hopes to have finally taken the woman down. He is finding it hard to keep going without starting to pant heavily. he may hit hard, but he isn't exactly the master of pacing himself more often than not. He finally gets things to stop spinning just in time to realize Reese isn't fully down and out just yet. He also feels like his legs are rooted to the ground as he sees that blast coming his way. He hunkers down and covers his head with both arms as he gets hit head on in it and the force is enough to take him off his feet and he goes tumbling backwards and lands on his back staring up at the sky.

It almost looks like both fighters are downed, but Gan manages to find enough strength to start getting back up. He breathes heavily as he raises his arms in the air again and he looks around. "All hail the king of Gedo High!" he cries out loudly as he turns about and looks at the wide eyed fans who just witnessed a rather violent fight. Hopefully the royal family got what they want.

COMBATSYS: Gan has ended the fight here.

Log created on 15:00:54 12/04/2011 by Reese, and last modified on 20:13:44 12/04/2011.