SNF 2011.09 - SNF: "You're In Trouble Now"

Description: Oh, so much anger! The animosity between the temporary principal and his temporary student runs high. The old man valiantly strives to administer his punishment, but Aranha proves to be too much for the...hypocrite? Is Kaiwei really that awful? :( (Winner: Aranha)

Another week, another match. Poor Kaiwei, father of sixteen, has been on a constant quest to just get home. Oh, he could WALK home from here; that's not the problem. However, he's got to pay for his selfishness, wanting to go out and return to the fighting scene instead of changing diapers. Serves him right!
Today, the strange geezer finds himself seated in Seijyun High's faculty area. The principal's, at that! snug in the large leather chair, sitting behind a massive oaken desk, surrounded by pictures and books and flags and tatami mats. He looks so small in comparison! From what he's seen of the school so far, it's an impressive place! A little stiff, but this must be what expensive schools are like.
For about an hour now, he's been seated in that giant throne, waiting for his show to start. He's nursing a heavily-bandaged hand, doubly-covered in gauze and wrappings to the point that only the last third of his fingers actually poke out of the ball anymore. Even so, he manages to make two of them walk across the desk, singing some sort of nonsensical rhyme to himself.

And then there's the supposed troublemaker who finally makes his appearance. There's a bit of a delay of him showing up due to his objection of both having to fight the elderly(Mainly due to his current track record against them. See Exhibits A and B: Gen and Tomoko respectively), he's also wondering if his being casted as the troubled youth was racially motivated. Since Ken Masters' company is based in the US, you'd best believe that he's going to try to get the NAACP involved.

That angry look on his face when he gets to the fighting area isn't exactly helping case since that only makes him look more the part. He lets out a sharp, short breath as he stares the elderly person down and puts both of his hands on his hips.

His voice makes no secret of the bitterness he's feeling as he says, "Alright. Let's get this over with."

As Aranha comes in, Kaiwei is still doing his fifth take of "The Itsy-Bitsy Spider" up the side of Raizo's giant chair. When he's called out, the song stops, bringing a slow turn of his head to the relatively-younger man. He stares blankly at him with a completely neutral expression on his face, and then asks...
"Who are you? What are you talking about?"
Ah, wonderful. Did they not even tell him that he's here to fight? Did he think that he was just going to get to sit in a big, plush office and do nothing all day? Because honestly, that would be really awesome, but seeing all the kids out the window has really made him start to miss his own children...

Aranha's mouth opens and then closes. There's a short pause. He then raises his finger as he opens his mouth but then it closes again. The shock finally wears off and he finally is able to speak. "What? You haven't heard the premise of this fight?" He grits his teeth as part of him wonders if he's dealing with an elderly, senile, and male Naerose. That thought kind of creeps him out.

The Dancing Spider finds himself massaging his own temples as he continues. "Unruly, troublemaking, hoodlum gets sent to the Principle's office. This fight is supposed to be my punishment. But if there's not gonna be a fight, I'll be on my way now."

With that, Aranha makes his way back to the door way.

If Kaiwei knew that he was being compared to Naerose, Aranha wouldn't be the only one creeped out! But no, as he's quick to explain:
"Wait, wait! Just...just wait one second." He crawls onto the table, standing upon the real principal's calendar. "That's what I'm here for! I've been waiting in this oversize place, waiting for some snotty kid to come by so I can finally go home. But you?" His eyes narrow, causing the ultra-long brows framing his face to twitch. His arms fold across his chest and then he resumes talking...but not to Aranha.
"He doesn't LOOK like a hoodlum. What should I do?" There's only the briefest of pauses before he continues talking. "I know, but he says he's supposed to be here. Should I?"

"Apparently you're the only one who doesn..." The pause happens when he realizes that Kaiwei is not only not talking to him but he's questioning whether or not Kaiwei talking to anyone else with a tangible physical form in the general area. He's silent as he blinks three times in utter disbelief.

Aranha finally says, "Well you're the only one around here who doesn't seem to think that I don't look like hoodlum. And yes, I am supposed to be here. I go by Aranha. So are we fighting or am I going home?"

He begins tapping his feet as dealing with what he deems as the batty, looney tunes types, tend to making him a lot less patient. It's a miracle that Aranha has gotten through having Naerose on his team, twice.

"That's what he says."
Kaiwei's eyes slide over toward an area just past his shoulder, while the both of them lift in a mild shrug. In the end, he apparently figures that this young man is good enough for what he needs, and that is to fight people for money! Still on the desk, he swings one foot forward, taking an easy, low stance that ends with his hands defensively before him. He's on his flat feet, and there's no bouncing or swaying at all.
"Let me tell you a secret," he says, his face bearing a wide, slightly impish smile! His bandaged hand comes up by his mouth and this time, when he speaks, it's breathy and low-key, like a very loud 'whisper' intended for Aranha himself. "I'm not really the school's principal! But if they don't figure out it, who's going to tell them?"

COMBATSYS: Kaiwei has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kaiwei           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Aranha has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Kaiwei           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Aranha

"Don't insult my intelligence."

"It was a Saturday Night Fight premise, which isn't always based in reality." He mentally adds to himself, 'Much like this guy's thinking processes, more than likely.' Which isn't to say that he underestimates him. The crazy ones are the least predictable. (See Exhibits C and D: Naerose and Himeko respectively)

"Besides, no self-respecting Principle would be prancing around on the desk especially in a school like Seijyun where etiquette and decorum is a part of the curriculum." Either way Aranha's going to pull the man back down to the ground by swinging a foot up onto the surface of the desk and hooking his foot around the back of Kaiwei's foot and either pulling the man down off the desk or pulling his foot from under him so he ends up with his back hitting the desk.

What would Capoeira call this? A modified Rasteira.

COMBATSYS: Kaiwei blocks Aranha's Quick Throw.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Kaiwei           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Aranha

The offense taken at Kaiwei's words astounds him! Either he does not yet realize how the Saturday Night Fight program truly works, or he really IS senile. His eyes narrow nonetheless, looking at Aranha with the most confounded expression. "I didn't mean to insult anything--aiiee!"
The hooked sweep does a fine job of taking out his front foot. It's pulled--along with his leg--and sends the light man flipping end over end. And yet, he must have some experience with falling. Of course he would; he's old! But it's not to the desk that he falls. Instead of resisting, he goes with the pull, falling end over and in the sort of flip one would normally see out of ancient kung-fu flicks. It would be very impressive if he could peg it properly. As he does that backflip, his head clips against the edge of the desk, ruining the roll and ending with him on his hands and knees. At first, there's a sharp cry of pain from his head...and then another as he suddenly sits up, nursing the wounded hand that he should NOT have been using to support himself!
"And to think that I thought you looked like a nice young man!" It's his turn to lash out, his left, fully-functional arm snaking out. His hand bends at the wrist, fingers all straight and tucked together as he tries to smash Aranha's knee from the side.

COMBATSYS: Aranha dodges Kaiwei's Stealing Tiger's Meal.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Kaiwei           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Aranha

Aranha had to give it to the old man. He's certainly unconventional. Too bad he doesn't exactly stick the landing. Meanwhile Aranha decides to keep an eye on the elderly man. The injury on his right hand doesn't seem like it's just for show but he's dealt with some damn good actors in his career both as a fighter and as a criminal.

The Dancing Spider watches as the old man takes a swipe at his leg and he draws it away as he tilts over in a cartwheel which pulls him away from both the attack and the desk. He then runs back towards the desk and leaps on it then jumps past Kaiwei towards the window aiming right for the window frame which in turn he kicks off of to direct a flying kick right for the old man.

COMBATSYS: Aranha successfully hits Kaiwei with Sky's the Limit.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Kaiwei           0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0           Aranha

Even though he misses, Kaiwei uses the momentum to spin fully around. As he does, his feet slip about, legs twisted and unfurling to help him rise to a standing position in the turn. He once again takes up that even stance, though his wounded hand holds back a bit further than the other; he obviously doesn't want to chance it actually having to DO anything.
And then Aranha just...did he? No!
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" His words are heavy with panic, both hands lifting up to the sides of his head. Sure, it's just a window frame, but it's someone ELSE'S window frame! So disturbed is he that he catches the kick square in the face, sending him toddling backwards with flailing arms in an attempt to stay standing. He only just barely remains so and is quick to cover his crunched nose. Now, when he talks, it's all muffled and barely understandable.
"They're going to make me pay for that too! Oh...oh my dear babies!" He sure is making a terrible fuss, for in his mind, the thing is already broken. It doesn't matter if there isn't even a smudge on it; he's going to have to shell out money for it. "You! You are terrible! A terrible, terrible, horrible boy!" As he screeches, he swings his left arm in wide motions, the fingers curled and stiff. With every 'slash', four streaks of brilliant orange energy are left in their wake! He's not really aiming; there's just a lot of swinging! And he's AWFULLY close to a number of paintings and documents...

COMBATSYS: Aranha interrupts Tiger Rake from Kaiwei with Dead Man's Hand.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Kaiwei           0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1           Aranha

Aranha is incredibly aware of his environment. There are multiple reasons this. For example, Aranha wants to know how he can use the environment to his best advantage to apply/maintain pressure, or to give himself an escape route as needed. The second reason is that he knows what things to avoid. In the roda it's avoiding other people. Everywhere else, it's avoiding having to shell out money because he broke something. When collateral damage happens in his fights, it's rare for him to cause it when he doesn't intend for it to happen.

Aranha didn't go too far back after delivering the kick because he wanted to maintain the pressure and because he was quite aware of those paintings behind him. Kaiwei then goes ballistic on the capoeirista complaining about he's going to have to pay for all the damages and then proceeds to swipe at him in wide motions sending oranges slashes both his and the paintings, way.

Aranha takes the hit from the first one intercepting the path of the slash before hauling off and delivering a blue chi-enhanced pimp slap from hell to the elderly man's face. Aranha doesn't usually talk in his fights tending to save them for after the fight unless he's delivering some unpleasant truth to them violently. This is one of those cases.


That utterance is quickly followed up with a spinning side kick directed right to the chest to send him just short of anything breakable. "Nothing was harmed by what I did except for you. And had I let you continue that attack, you... Not me, but /you/ were going to slash those paintings to ribbons with your energy. Take a good hard look at yourself before you start condemning me."

Shock. Utter, complete shock. The shouting is just insult added to the injury. Caught square in the chest, the old man is sent sailing back, landing upon his back with a rush of lost breath and the short skid of his clothing against the ground. For the time being, he remains right there, eyes glazed and vision blurry. Aranha's censure rattles around in his brain, bounding uselessly from synapse to synapse until something resembling proper consciousness returns to him.
His lips start to move. Again, it's in hushed, mumbling tones, words that can't possibly be made out from across the room. As he gets up, he does so with groans and creaks, sharp coughs ringing out as his lungs strain to return to proper functionality. "Angry, hurtful young--kof!--young man..." While he stands, he looks toward Aranha, but isn't quite looking AT him. He's looking spiky accoutrements, wild hair that may not exist. His dry lips curl into a most disapproving frown as he seems to be taking the guy in for the first time. "It couldn't hurt you to treat an old, sick man with a little pity."
His stance is most notably different now. He rests on the balls of his feet, the legs slightly bent. His arms are likely bent before him, his good hand curled up as it was earlier. The other, that ball of gauze, is now out in front. "Whatever *I* break, i should pay for, but I'm not about to pay for your damages as well! Now, it's high time I took my job seriously and teach one of my poor students some respect!"
But he doesn't move. His eyes remain fixed on Aranha's general area, occasionally snapping back into focus just when he starts to gaze too far aside.

COMBATSYS: Kaiwei focuses on his next action.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Kaiwei           0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1           Aranha

All of his anger flows out of him. "The moment you started going off me on damage that never happened and then proceeded to act recklessly, you lost any respect I had for you." Other than respect for the tendency of the stark raving mad to not do what is expected of them in combat.

"As for pitying you? I pity you as a person. If you're here fighting on Saturday Night Fights I assume you're healthy enough to handle whatever I dish out. Especially since I know there's and old man who would take exception at me taking it easy just because you're old."

The change in stance is noted and he preceeds to move in, dancing and swaying to music he can only hear in his head before swinging an outside crescent kick from his front leg towards the side of the old man's head. "Anyway... I'm done talking with you. There's no reasoning with the unreasonable."

COMBATSYS: Kaiwei interrupts Spin Kick from Aranha with Black Tiger Repels Intruder.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Kaiwei           0/-------/------=|=======\=====--\1           Aranha

The elder man's lips parts and let out a wistful sigh. His eyebrows droop along the sides of his face. There's so much anger! So much violence! Well, that's exactly what Saturday Night Fight is looking for. Surely, they sent another old man to just get under the guy's skin. But to Kaiwei, he's already too gone in the roleplay. He's rarely stable as it is, but being smashed like he did was enough to knock one of his loose gears into a semi-permanent track.
"I suppose there isn't," he answers back, quick and sharp. No amount of talking is going to clear anything up, nor make fast friends of anybody. So, he'll just have to do his job--no, his DUTY as pricinpal of Seijyun.
And that aparently involves getting kicked right in the head.
But no! The connection isn't QUITE solid. His head snaps around, momumtum carrying his shoulders, his torso, the full of his body as he spins with the hit. His own leg comes up disturbingly high, returning the favor with a most unsporstmanlike snap of his heel against the back of Aranha's head. Spinning once more, his center of gravity lowers, and when both feet find purchase upon the floor, he rushes forth, shoulder lowered for a quick smash. Ah, but it's not the bony joint that sends Kaiwei's "student" back; it's the short-lived burst of that same orange glow, expanding in a most violent burst.
If this were truly a movie, then a feline roar would most certainly be dubbed over right there.

Aranha's bell gets sincerely rung by that heel. He finds himself stumbling back and pretty much set up to be sent flying by the orange burst and sent into a roll. He instantly longs for fighting Gen once more. While fighting him was a physically agonizing experience, at least the old man wasn't completely out of his ever loving gourd.

He stands up slowly and comes back in even more aggressively swinging a glowing roundhouse right for the head then following it up with a jumping roundhouse to rotate his back to face towards Kaiwei for only an instant before he performs a glowing back flip kick to drive the old man to the ground.

COMBATSYS: Kaiwei fails to interrupt Aggressive Dance from Aranha with Pushing Hands.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Kaiwei           0/-------/----===|=======\=======\1           Aranha

Out of his gourd? Please! Kaiwei may be sick, but he's not...
Okay, so maybe the old man is a LITTLE bit crazy. What else can you expect by a man that fathered sixteen kids willingly?
With the exertion of chi, he draws in another deep breath and settles back, dropping his heels. With the solid center of gravity, he sits. And he waits. "Left side?" he murmurs to his imaginary cohort, and with the silent confirmation, he moves in to teach Aranha something about momentum! He leans forward, left hand extended to slip past the first kick...
To catch it square in the face? That's...that's not how it was supposed to go at all! So surprised is he that he's stunned where he stands, his guard literally nonexistant. Another foot screams across, snapping his head to turn in the other direction. It's the backflip that finally drops him, smashing against the floor with a resounding crash. Thankfully, it's thick enough to support Raizo's weight, so catching a falling old man is child's play. Splayed out in front of the desk, it doesn't look like he's getting up at first. Pained groans can barely be heard, but a meager attempt to pull his good hand under his chest and try to pick himself up shows that me may not /yet/ be out!

He has an imaginary cohort. That by itself at his age is enough for Aranha let alone anyone (possibly even Naerose) to legitimately question the man's sanity. Aranha's not going to say that. When he said he was done talking with him, he genuinely meant it.

One thing worth noting is that there's a difference between the way Aranha fights on televised fights like the SNF and the NL versus the way he would in fight halls, at the Seventh Circle, and in fights against random people who mean him permanent harm. In the latter he would be more than happy to kick them while they're down and put them out of their misery, in the former he would let them get to their feet unless it was clear they were going to fight dirty since it would severely hurt his marketability.

That's the only reason that Aranha stands there right now waiting to see if the old man gets up and planning what to do if he should get up. Though he might want to consider staying down since he may be in for a world of pain if he doesn't.

COMBATSYS: Aranha focuses on his next action.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Kaiwei           0/-------/----===|=======\=======\1           Aranha

If Kaiwei were to stay down, well...what fun would THAT be? With great effort, copious groaning, and a lot of puffing, he rises to his knees, still hunched over with his forehead against the ground. His back heaves with panting breaths, and he stays down long enough for one to wonder if someone is just going to fly into the window and declare the fight over!
The breathing slows, the break greatly appreciated. He says so, from his position on the floor. "I see..." He laughs, but it's a simple chuckle; a short thing that's marked with another pained groan. "You're not so awful after all." And it's an honest compliment! The question is, does it matter? WILL it matter as, in a sudden bout of energy, the elderly schizophrenic pushes off of the ground in a sort of suicide attempt to knock the
Basically, just slamming himself back-first into the other fighter, right into the wall!

COMBATSYS: Aranha dodges Kaiwei's Medium Throw.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Kaiwei           0/-------/----===|=======\=======\1           Aranha

Aranha is incredibly calm as the old man rises to his feet. The capoeirista raises an eyebrow at him giving that compliment which has gone completely against character of the rest of the fight. It's almost enough to make capoeirista feel bad about brutal he has been during this fight. 'Almost' being the operative word here.

The capoeirista calmly sidesteps the old man, letting him go towards the wall(which thankfully has nothing of value on it in that location) and then he tilts over into a handstand as he begins to move back towards the old man delivering a series of rapid snap kicks down on his already battered head.

COMBATSYS: Aranha successfully hits Kaiwei with Inverted Flurry.
- Power hit! -

[                          \\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Kaiwei           0/-------/--=====|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2           Aranha

Without the cushion of flesh to buffer his impact with the wall, Kaiwei just smashes right against it. But that's right; thankfully, there is nothing to break--nothing HAS been broken through the whole course of the fight, which in itself is a tiny miracle! Ah, but the damage to his body... Next week, it may not be just his hand that ends up bandaged up. Aranha is, apparently, seeing to that adamantly.
His movements are already sluggish as the elderly one pushes himself off of the wall. His eyes are open, but glassy, just barely able to see the other man...including all of the imagined spikes and hallucinations around him. It appears to him that he's fallen over somehow, which brings a sweet sigh of relief.
He doesn't even get to register the fact that he hasn't won.
With the first kick against his old head, everything goes white. There's no sight. There's no sound. There's no pain. It's the sweet absence of all senses that comes with unconsciousness. The flurry of kicks is hardly necessary, but ensures that, when Kaiwei falls this time, he stays down. Minutes may even pass, and he'll make no move to get up under his own power. Only the subconscious need to breath shows that he's still alive, but the old man has, finally, gone down for the last time this fight.
Wait! What about the student's "punishment"?? He has failed...again!

COMBATSYS: Kaiwei takes no action.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Aranha           2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|

COMBATSYS: Kaiwei can no longer fight.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Aranha           2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|

Aranha tilts back out of the handstand and lightly, almost silently back on to his feet. A part of him waits for that last burst of strength, that last attempt to attack him before the body completely gives out. And then when he sees it's not coming, Aranha breathes a sigh of relief. Of course the African-American ex-thief is still not happy even if he walked away with a victory.

In fact, the capoeirista doesn't say anything as he makes his way to the door and slams it as hard as he can which ends up causing the paintings on the wall to tilt but not fall.

Aranha has some calls to make.

COMBATSYS: Aranha has ended the fight here.

Log created on 19:18:20 10/02/2011 by Kaiwei, and last modified on 09:52:33 10/03/2011.