SNF 2011.09 - SNF: "Roadblock"

Description: Something is not right! Chun-Li hurries to thwart Shadaloo's efforts SOMETHING terrible, something that's going to put the lives of thousands of people in danger. It MUST be Shadaloo, because none other than Vega himself comes to stall her before she can interfere with his plans. Good very nearly overcomes evil, but in the end, not even a sedan can keep the Psycho Master from getting what he wants. (Winner: Vega)

What a mad time the world has had of late. Not only did it have to suffer the near-annihilation by a long-imprisoned diety, it doesn't even have the chance to sit back and enjoy the peace that it didn't even realize it had earned. The King of Fighters tournament may be over, but that's no reason for driven men to rest upon their laurels. No, no. There are things to do, people to influence, wealth to spread. Not once has Vega ever been accused of being lazy. His opportunistic nature is all too familiar to the Xiang family; whenever there is something worth taking advantage of, the Shadaloo dictator will waste no time in doing just that.
It should be no surprise, then, to hear of the organization's movements. What's odd is that he's come out /personally/ to stop the audacious young woman. Recently, he'd been more content to send one of his underlings out to take care of things. Is it because he views Chun-Li as a reasonable threat...or is he just out to enjoy being in her way?
Regardless, there's only one route to the Beijing Stadium for most people, and it is beyond packed. Hundreds of people are packed as tightly as sardines to even get near the building, leaving only a small number of back roads to be her only hope. Wherever she was, it's surely a most unwelcome thing to see the crimson-adorned Psycho Master suddenly shimmering into existence but a few yards before her, his feet dangling as he hovers a mere foot upon the ground. His arms are folded tightly across his thick chest, cloak all but lifeless with the way that the tight buildings make for poor cross-breezes. He says not a word; his posture and mad expression are all he needs to convey the question: Where do you think YOU'RE going?
There are a few people about; mostly older folk who hadn't run off to try to get into the stadium for the main fight. They are, however, thoroughly surprised by the way Vega just...appears out of nothing! What on earth is going on?

Chun-li throws the the small silver sedan into a hard turn and stamps on the brakes, the car skids to a stop with a screech and faint but pungent aroma of burning rubber. The engine keeps ticking over while the car sits idling but the woman behind the wheel is fixated on a spot slightly above the surface of the road a roadblock in the worst conceivable of ways. The daughter of a long deceased Police officer in her heart cries out for her to seek vengeance but the Interpol officer she has since become has a job to do, and with the appearance of this monster a cold dread as to the high stakes for this little encounter.

Hand delicately settling on the gear stick she noses the car back around to face the apparition that has haunted her since she was a child hood "Today, I don't have time for you." The wheels of the car scream and smoke as the pedal is slammed to the floor and breaks released. A tiny and flimsy silver bullet barrelling down on a modern day monster and literally intending to go through or past him.

COMBATSYS: Chun-Li has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Chun-Li          0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Vega has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Vega             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Chun-Li

Chun-Li is willing to be the insurance wont cover this

COMBATSYS: Vega interrupts Huge Random Weapon from Chun-Li with Psycho Torpedo.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Vega             0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0          Chun-Li

She can NOT be serious.
Hovering ahead is the very embodiment of power; all but a god compared to mortal men.
And Chun-Li wants to run him down with her car.
Were the idea not so insane and ridiculous, Vega would be downright insulted. Now? Now, he's actually amused. "It's not your time to SPEND!" He hunches up even as he floats backward, his entire form quickly encased in a thin coating of violent purple flame. As the sedan bears down on him, he winds himself further, tightening that spring...and when that tension is released, ah! It's a beautiful, wonderful sight. The onlookers give out sounds of mixed surprise, panic, and awe as two forces collide. Vega himself shoots outward like a bullet, propelled by apparently nothing. His arms are extended, his body straight, the whole figure spinning as he launches himself fist-first into that oncoming hunk of metal and glass. He tears through the thinner parts of the body like paper, leaving jagged metal strips bent up in his wake. The engine spits out oil and coolants, but by that time, both its undoer and its driver are nowhere near it. The pool Interpol agent finds a massive hand clenching her throat, smashing her through the back of her own car. The skin that meets his is alight with terrible pain, like his very touch threatens to corrode her flesh right off.
As the spinning comes to an end, the large man holds aloft the thorn in his side. Both of his boots are planted firmly on the ground, while his arm lifts Chun-Li up overhead. "Now, I suggest you turn around and let the people have their show..." Is it an empty command? He knows from experience that the woman is too stubborn to comply...but he delights in his position of power. To give her the chance to turn her back on the innocent people to spare herself? Well, it's just a temptation too sweet for him to resist offering.

White ribbons, torn and uneven dance in a lively fashion in the faint cross breeze, the woman wearing them finds herself straining just to breath and body largely hanging limp, Concious thought resumes and she begins to strain teeth bared and feet dangling inches from the ground. Whatever happened to the car or the last few moments of time is now irrelevant Her screams alongside the tearing of metal her mind is quickly catching up to the current situation, the manically grinning face from that moment still fills her vision as her eyes snap open and her brows draw down, instinct takes over and her entire body coils up around his arm, thighs wrapping around his bicep and upper arm as she throws her entire bodyweight into into an inelegant throw. The move seems and feels familiar but it would not surprise her later to recall she had only ever seen such a thing done by Ken masters in similar situations. She hurt but wastes little time in getting back on her feet, she isn't done yet by any means.

COMBATSYS: Chun-Li successfully hits Vega with Medium Throw.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Vega             1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0          Chun-Li

It would appear that Vega's hubris has, as always, screwed him over.
So sure is he of Chun-Li's relative weakness that he simply stands in the middle of the road, the woman held aloft. He has utterly no guard at all, nor does he even seem to care about the people around him! The poor car had come to a screeching halt in the side of some poor bastard's house. A handful of people, unphased by the quick destruction, are compelled to sit and watch the otherworldly event. Surely, this is the sort of thing that's supposed to be happening at the stadium, isn't it? As if choreographed, a dozen cell phones flip open and no fewer shutter sounds rip through tinny, tiny speakers. All it takes is the one angry homeowner to dare to come close for him to look away from the Agent and give the ballsy old cuss a simple frown. That's all that's needed for the man to back away, turn, and run.
It's also all that's needed for Chun-Li to flip up around his arm like some sort of body pillow and flip him end over end.
So much for being 'god'; his earlier powers of levitation have apparently failed him! Landing heavily on his back, Vega needs a moment to reflect on what happened. He needs but a moment more to be rather pissed off about it. A hand lifts and slams into the pavement beneath him, cracking the blacktop before he pushes himself up to his feet. All the while, he scowls at the beribboned woman, his pale eyes narrowed and face unnaturally overshadowed by the rim of his cap. "Your entire family is suicidal, aren't they?" he says with a snarled lip, not once taking his eyes off of her. He remains slightly hunched, but once again, his outline is defined by a fuzzy rim of blurred power...

COMBATSYS: Vega focuses on his next action.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Vega             1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0          Chun-Li

Hand to her throat and breathing hard Chun-li gags on her wish to tell the onlookers to run, she would never understand the hold a camera had over a person and its assumed ability to make them feel they were not in grave peril because there was a lens between them and danger. Ribbons trailing in her wake she is up and moving again trying to give Vega as little time as possible to rest or recover, mouth open as she charges, a kiai shout the builds form a low feminine cry to a shout "Huaaah" she throws herself into a forward roll turning her upside down and her hands weave a fast and complex dance pattern across the ground quickly converting her body and momentum into a spinning rotor with scything legs and a cry of "Spinning Bird Kick!" She has a purpose that drives her still and she doesn't have a moment to waste, perhaps some people even see it that way like Vegas cruel jab about her father, but she cannot stop long enough to take it in and let it affect her. To do that would be to lose anyway, this is a race against the clock, literally.

COMBATSYS: Vega blocks Chun-Li's Spinning Bird Kick EX.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Vega             1/------=/=======|======-\-------\0          Chun-Li

As Ms. Xiang comes up, Vega's posture improves. He right himself, head tilting left until one of the supporting vertebrae cracks with a flood of relief. His stance spreads and his boots dig firmly against the ground; quite the change, given his usual tendancy to float about and teleport everywhere. The woman has a strength that he build belies...thighs excluded, of course. Just being thrown to the ground like he was hurt more than he'd like to admit. He's sure that there's no chance she could make it past him; he's bested her time and time again, whenever she dares rise up against him...
But there's just too much at stake tonight to play it safe.
The Psycho Master's arms both rise up, crossing at the thick steel vambraces, one offering support for the other from behind. Those insane kicks smash against the protective bands, ringing with vibrations that carry deep into the very bones beneath. He stands his ground, though. No; given the first opportunity, he launches himself forward! Personal safety be damned, he lunges doward and down, flipping end over end between the whirling blades of thunderous legs. His heels come down fast, seeking to smash the woman right out of the air, the boots encased in that damnable energy that FEELS like it hurts far more than any damage it may inflict! Over and again, he threatens to crush her into the pavement beneath his feet, to snuff the very life out of the woman!

COMBATSYS: Vega knocks away Chun-Li with Knee Press Nightmare.
- Power hit! -

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Vega             0/-------/------=|=======\======-\1          Chun-Li

Colliding with Vegas upraised arms and the force she is able to exert isn't enough to penetrate the Shadowloo Master's guard. All of that initial momentum spent Chun-li drops her body to her back and the last of spins her body into single knee crouch. Still on the offensive she has to press the attack and to end this as quickly as- And Vega disappears form her line of sight for just a moment, confusion reigns as we wonders whether he had vanished or teleported away before the first kick descends upon her. Catapulted back through the air she has yet to fathom what hit her as the second kick adds even more momentum and pain to the injured woman who cries out and flinches away form the blow, the slide launches her team rocket style into a horizontal flight propelling her down the road until she slows and crashes to a stop with a few bone jarring bounces. Face down on the road Chun-li lies still and unmoving until a twitch form her fingers signals a return of cognisance or resolve that just wont let her quit despite injury. Chun-li pushes herself up off the surface of the road and wobbles only slightly as she stands. The fights almost over, she can feel it in her bones but a low simmering anger has begun to build, she wipes at her brow and her body almost succumbs and allows her to fall but she can't just yet. Putting one foot beside the other she calms her mind and steadies her body, just one more chance to turn things around. A warm blue light forms moulding to her palms, throwing her upper torso forward with palms aimed at Vega she releases the "Kikouken!"

COMBATSYS: Vega reflects Kikouken from Chun-Li with Psycho Vanish.
~ Cruel hit! ~

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Vega             0/-------/-----==|=======\====---\1          Chun-Li

Ah, what a wonderful feeling it is to crush someone beneath one's boot! The collision of bone and flesh and leather is exquisite, a pain that would leave lesser women outright cold, if not sobbing uncontrollably. It's a shame that he gets no tears for his wrath. Seeing the woman slammed down the street and laid out, however, is an acceptable second best.
"Do you see?!" Vega lifts his hand, the fingers curled and balled into a tight fist. "Nothing--NOTHING on this earth or beyond has the power to stand against my will!" The grin is back in full force, yet he still has that shroud of malevolence. Just being near him brings chills, which is why the camera-laden onlookers give him an extremely wide berth. His steps are slow, the clank of metal shinguards tapping against themselves only outdone by the grinding of asphalt beneath his boots. "I don't yet know HOW you know about my device in the stadium..." Ah, but he will. At the very least, he will find someone to suffer for it, even if it's not who it's supposed to be. Somebody will die. Messily.
"But it doesn't matter, because you're never going to make it in time." Ah, she's starting to show signs of life. Good! He'd hate to have his words wasted. Seeing her start to rise up thrills him in the most perverse way; it just means that he can knock her down again. "TONIGHT! Tonight, the world will start to see the glory of my rule, starting with this corrupted, twisted nation! Their grand army is powerless to stop what I've put in motion!" He's but mere feet away from the woman now, coming to a stop as she takes her stance. The calming glow is familiar to him, and in fact, it draws a callous, full-chested fit of laughter! "Have you not already seen the futility? Did I not, ALREADY, strike down the champion of your precious--"
Ah, interrupted before he can finish! The whorl of chi closes the distance in earnest. It takes but an instant for Vega's visage to switch from maniacal glee to apparent rage. A hand strikes out, fingers bent as though a claw, encased in a massive, effervescent roiling of Psycho Power. At the moment of contact, the violet battles with blue for dominance, opposing forces raging against one another...until the whole thing is enguled in the dark purple hue, a ball that seems to suck in light instead of radiate it. Thus imbued, Chun-Li's own assault comes careening back toward her, its churning threatening with horrible, mind-clawing agony.

COMBATSYS: Chun-Li dodges Vega's Reflected Kikouken.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Vega             0/-------/-----==|=======\====---\1          Chun-Li

Already moving Chun-li draws down on Vega even as the massive release of his power consumes her Kikouken. Arms and ribbons alike drag behind her, the only thing going for her is the time it is taking him to crush her attack. Fearlessly she rushes in though her injuries clearly hampering her abilities some. As the final slivers of power she had imbued her kikouken with is overwhelmed and the attack launched back against her perhaps out of sheer malice or for the irony she skids to a stop and draws back into ready stance right in the attacks path with a "Just Kidding!" she drops into a low stance just as the now ball of psycho energy is returned to her. Swining one leg up up in a kick she marches forward a step and the other leg swings up to multiple blows just as hard The whole time she positively burning all of the chi she can gather for one big explosion of power and that faint little hope in her heart that it is enough. She doesn't have time to listen to a monologuing madman when lives are at stake.

COMBATSYS: Chun-Li successfully hits Vega with Housenka EX.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Vega             0/-------/-======|=------\-------\0          Chun-Li

Hubris? Yes, there's a bit of that. Having so thoroughly displayed the might of his prized power, perhaps Chun-Li would turn tail and run like the frightened little tramp he thinks she should be. So sure is he in his victory that he fails to notice her reaction until it's too late. Those slim, glowing eyes widen as she effortlessly hunches beneath the deadly ball. He leans back and his arms rise in an effort to halt the first kick, but it's too little, too late! The boot flies cleanly between his lifted forearms, a resounding smash right in his prodigious chin. His head snaps back with a harsh groan of pain and spittle, which it to say nothing of what he's forced to endure following. His form is thick, dense, and sturdy, but the rapid assault of powerful kicks is more than enough to send him flying upward. He makes a tight arc before crashing back down to earth head-first, his hat crumpled easily while he flops face-first onto the street.
All about the two, people just don't know what to think of what's going on. Is this for real? Is this some sort of honest to god villain-versus-hero showdown or some kind of scripted event? Did the one guy say something about control? About China? What about their country?!
Unfortunately for Chun-Li, her frenzied assault is not QUITE enough to keep her father's murderer down. One hand clenches onto the pavement so firmly that his fingertips crack the road beneath. Lifting himself up, there is no more laughter, no more words. The man is FURIOUS, and it shows when he finally lifts his head. Never has a man worn a frown so deep, has he looked upon anyone and radiated a malice so palpable that members of the weakling crowd feel the pits of their stomachs dropping. That fine haze of Psycho Power encasing him swells even further, lapping at the air like short-lived flames. Kneeling, hunched over, he scowls at Chun-Li with a look that could take years off of one's life...and then he's gone, once again, disappearing in a shimmer of that familiar purple light. People look left, look right, wondering just where he might have gone. Chun-Li's only real warning is a random "Up there!" yelled out from the sidelines. Attentions turn to the would-be godling screaming down from heaven itself, his right arm already mid-swing and aiming for a most unsportsmanlike, psycho-powered donkey punch. To hell with playing fair.

COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Chun-Li with Somersault Skull Diver.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  ////                          ]
Vega             0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0          Chun-Li

Chun-li lets her shoulder droop as Vega falls, She did it was it over now? No such luck as the monster of a man stirs and begins to rise. Her heart sinks yet further at the scowl as he stands once again, she doesn't have much further she can push herself yet there isn't time to entertain these thought nor to give up before she has given it her all. Lurching forward with steady paces she starts walking toward Vega. Just one more 'and the one after that' her mind cynically reminds her 'and the one after that, you're fooling yourself.' Vega vanishes again right before her eyes, the hesitation and loss of her opponent is apparent to the onlookers who try to help by calling out to Her but its just a little too late. Neck and head alike are jarred and shaken and the scream or pain is something else, the way the imbued flame tears at her compounds the pain of the injury. Falling to the ground her body involuntarily curls in on itself she cant go any further, her body doesn't want to let her 'Can you leave it like this?' eyes screwed shut against the pain flicker open. Whether it be her pride or her duty shes getting back up, again even though there's nothing left in the tank to fuel her except the desire to push through. Standing is an effort, but she still raises one leg form the ground, knee bent and forming an iconic pose despite her injury. "Hyakuretu-" Muscles bunch and tighten in preparation for the Kiai "KYAKU!" Kick after kick she launches trying to smash through his defence and just banish the monster, send it away to whatever hell it naturally inhabited.

COMBATSYS: Chun-Li prepares to take her last stand against Vega!

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  /////                         ]
Vega             0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0          Chun-Li

COMBATSYS: Vega blocks Chun-Li's Hyakuretsu Kyaku.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  /////                         ]
Vega             0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0          Chun-Li

Taking Vega's delectable brand of Psycho Energy to the head is not unlike having a blender turned on in one's mind. Thoughts and memories and senses give way to the man's overpowering will, shoving all else aside to make room for simple, raw, unmitigated agony. It just FEELS like he's rummaging around in there, which makes the moment that it all subsides that much more exhilirating. Chun-Li is a tough woman, there's no doubt about that. She should stay down, to succumb to the abuse and curl up in a pathetic little ball. But no. She gets back up, forcing herself to hold him from what it is HE wants to do. The impertinance does nothing but sour his already-foul mood. When he's finally in command of all that he surveys, the very first thing to be done is teach people like HER their place.
Like a wall of steel, Vega maintains his exact position even as the bun-haired girl comes in, extending a hand to catch that first kick, the would-be launcher that could, in some remote possibility, finally do him in. His hands hurt enough from tearing through steel, concrete, AND Chun-Li, and his muscles ache with the effort to keep himself from flying skyward. He attempts to pull her by the foot, drawing her close enough for a single, simple fist--coated in that WONDERFUL violet malice--to the face. "Stay down." Is his only command, given in the tone of one assured of not only victory, but enduring superiority.

COMBATSYS: Chun-Li blocks Vega's Jab Punch.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  ///                           ]
Vega             0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0          Chun-Li

Falling away Chun-li drops toward the surface of the road which is beginning to look incredibly inviting, a fluffy mattress at the end of the tunnel vision eroding the edges of her consciousness. But instead of dropping limply she begins to roll back in mid-air as she falls, landing on her feet and knees in a jarring crash that sets her teeth on edge. Muscles tighten under her, as she slowly raises her chin, eyes starting to go dull but eyes that have defied him time and again, father to daughter. Her protesting muscles launch her body into the air, "Tenshou" Its funny how the numbness at a point makes her feel so light she should be able to soar "Kyaku". Spinning on her axis she throws kick after kick as her head and stomach both protest mightily to the further abuse suffered at her own hands. People on the sidelines cry for her to stop, the state she must seem, but its all she can do and the price is much too high for her to stop.

COMBATSYS: Chun-Li can no longer fight.

[                        \\\\\\  <
Vega             0/-------/=======|

COMBATSYS: Vega dodges Chun-Li's Tenshou Kyaku.

[                        \\\\\\  <
Vega             0/-------/=======|

Chun-Li isn't the only one that's feeling spent. Despite his boasts of power and otherworldly might, he has really had the hurt put on him. This body, despite being crafted from some of the world's finest minds, is still nowhere near capable of supporting him. So much power remains untapped, but the flesh is injured, it is weak. It's all he can do to maintain his posture and feign health. Even the violet rim about his silhouette has disappeared, energy sunken back into the flesh in an effort to stay upright.
And Chun-Li, she doesn't even have his benefit. She's pushing on through pure will alone, but it's a farce. Anyone can see how worn out she is, how desperately she's pushing on. Had he more energy, Vega would spend no small amount of time taunting her over her powerlessness... Instead, he gives his body up to the power, forcing the flesh to give way to pure energy as he simply...afterimages through the woman's assault, coming to reform and rest some distance behind her as she comes down.
"Enough! I've wasted enough time with you." With a sweep of his arm, he tugs his cloak around him. The charcoal fabric encases completely around him, hiding all but face and boots. "Rest assured, even if you HAD managed to stop the device, it wouldn't even make the slightest difference."
And with that puzzling confession, he once again fades away, taking with him the terrible, queasy presence that had incapacitated so much of the lingering crowd. After a few quiet moments, when it seems that Vega isn't coming back...there's suddenly life again! People are talking, comparing pictures. There's even one guy that got a whole video of the fight on his smartphone, quickly drawing a crowd of people eager to watch the whole thing over again.

COMBATSYS: Vega has ended the fight here.

Chun-li sags to the ground rather than landing after the attack, her head spinning and frustration building as she cannot muster the strength to continue. Shadowloo's Master taunts her 'even if you HAD managed to stop the device' confusion reigns, had it already happened? How many people were hurt? In a sweeping of cloak he vanishes and Kneeling on the road torn up a little by their battle, the still burning car. Chun-li kneels , hands tightly screwed up and clutching the fabric of her Quipao and tears leak down her cheeks.

It takes a minute to collect herself but she scrubs at her cheeks to banish the tears and climbs back to her feet, the crowd silent at seeing a national icon shed a tear. Limping her way towards the assembled crowd she stands and faces them all, her car crackles with fire and a plume of ascending smoke that may or may not be mirroring events elsewhere "I could use a lift." Vega may have gotten in her way, may have even achieved his goals and she was hurting greatly at this point, but he has not stopped her. She wasn't stopped and she would never stop hunting and thwarting Shadowloo, not so long as she lives.

Log created on 17:30:57 09/17/2011 by Vega, and last modified on 23:01:25 09/17/2011.