SNF 2011.08 - Holy Moly - Elias vs. Eagle

Description: So a priest and an Englishman walk into a bar... Okay, it's not actually a bar, it's a world famous cathedral. And they don't actually walk into it... but they will be fighting each other! SNF couldn't get permission to actually hold the fight inside the cathedral, but it should certainly serve as a nice backdrop. A hometown fight for Eagle, and not /too/ far off for Elias, chances are they'll draw a pretty big local crowd, as well. (Winner: Elias)

Although he's been out of the international spotlight for a bit, that doesn't mean Eagle hasn't been busy. The UK may not have any international fighting hotspots, but there's still a fair deal of local activity. Plenty to keep the bouncer busy and in shape. And sometimes there's just things you need to be home for a while to take care of. When opportunity comes knocking, though, you don't turn it away.

And that's why Eagle is standing in front of Westminster Cathedral today, flipping one of his batons about in his hand, while he uses the other to smile and wave to the considerable crowd that has showed up. He doesn't know much about Elias, but at least enough to know that he should probably be a good challenge. And something about doing lots of charity work, which is always admirable.

Long months of hard work and several beatings both given and recieved would make most believe that Elias would be taking a break from things now that there is some peace. He played his part of being a hero, but in the end he tried to keep behind the scenes as much as he could so many people don't even know the sort of role he played in the defeat of Orochi's minions. He much prefers it stays that way. He was just doing the work of God and he does not wish for the fame.

Of course all his travels coupled with the expenses of running his shelters has left him perhaps a bit lower than he likes when it comes to money. That is why he has decided to compete for SNF at least this week to help gain back some funds he had to spend. Afterall even the losing side of the purse is a decent payment. Not to mention to see Westminster Cathedral for the first time in many years is always something he enjoys.

And while Eagle doesn't know much about Elias it can be guessed the man knows his way around a fight the way he is built. There aren't many priests that look more like a bodybuilder than a man of the cloth. "A pleasure to meet you." Elias says in his rather deep and monotone voice as he steps forward and offers a small bow. His movements are slow and he keeps his hands clasped behind his back. His facial features stuck in a stern look and even when wearing shades that gaze can be felt by Eagle. "Apologies if you were waiting awhile. I wanted to go and pay respects inside first."

Eagle flicks off a lazy salute with one of his sticks as he turns to face Elias. "No problem at all. Just enjoying the view and trying to entertain the fans a bit. A little anticipation should just make them all the hungrier for the show to follow." Then he lowers both arms, not quite taking up a fighting stance, but in a position to shift to one quickly. "That being said, I suppose it's about time we got started."

A faint nod is given and the priest unclasps his hands as he shifts his stance with one foot more in front of the other and hands clenched in fists. It isn't quite like how a boxer's stance given the he keeps his arms lower, but it is close enough that one can surmise he has some training in that style. Of course Eagle will soon find out just how much training Elias has had since the large priest breaks into a run. "Indeed. We do not want to keep the crowd waiting." he comments as he closes the distance.

The first strike of his isn't anything flashy, but more something to test out his opponents skill. A quick jab he delivers with his right hand aimed at the chest of the other fighter. Even so there is a considerable amoung of oomph behind the blow that shows that the muscle isn't just for show and the priest is more than willing to put his strength to good use.

COMBATSYS: Elias has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Elias            0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Eagle has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Eagle            0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0            Elias

COMBATSYS: Eagle blocks Elias' Quick Punch.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Eagle            0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0            Elias

Eagle catches the fist with one of his sticks, managing to deflect the blow. The punch still glances off his arm, but is much less effective than it otherwise might have been. "Looking for openings?" Eagle grins. "Well, if I'm doing it right you're going to have to try a bit harder than that." And then the bouncer takes a half step back, opening a bit more distance between himself and Elias.

It's not a retreat, though; Eagle just needs enough room to spread his arms. He begins quickly spinning, holding out his sticks high enough that it'll be highly unpleasant to get hit by them, especially when they're rotating about at high speed, and liable to connect multiple times in a short period.

COMBATSYS: Eagle successfully hits Elias with Manchester Black.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Eagle            0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0            Elias

No frustration seems to be found when looking at Elias. Then again it isn't exactly like it is easy to tell what sort of emotions the man is feeling given the never changing look on the priest's mug. "Always worth feeling out the opponent and wha they can do." he responds and he does seem to press forward to make it harder for Eagle to really get much space. Even so he does manage to start spinning, but instead of attempting to avoid it Elias raises an arm to try and absorb most of the punishment from the strikes of the stick so he can get in close for another strike.

The force of the impact is more than expected and he ends up being knocked back several steps after a few blows and he has to rethink his strategy. It seems he waits until Eagle starts to slow down from his spinning before lunging forward again. This time he aims to give a quick punch to the chest followed up by a quick left cross. The latter actually sparks a blue color that leaves a colorful arc as he delivers the blow.

COMBATSYS: Eagle fails to counter Sinful from Elias with Canterbury Blue.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Eagle            0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0            Elias

After a few moments Eagle stops spinning and settles back into a combat stance, facing Elias. And now, having warmed up a bit, perhaps it's time to show off for the audience. He twirls one of his sticks in his hand, waiting for Elias to make his move. When he does, Eagle lashes out at almost the same moment, attempting to slip in a blow to the priest's chest before he can connect.
Unfortunately, 'almost the same moment' isn't quite 'the same moment', and Elias' punch lands first. That doesn't shake Eagle too much, but it interrupts his attack enough for Elias' following left cross to easily smash past Eagle's extended arm, then strike home with a flash of blue and send Eagle staggering back.

Slowly the priest is starting to realize he is going to have to be much more careful. If not for the fact it seemed he was a mere second or two faster than Eagle just then things could have gone very bad for him. The man is fast and very skilled. Maybe all the fighting from the past few months is just taking its toll on the priest as well. He certainly will enjoy a nice break from it after this little bout. Things should be fine and he can go back to just making sure Alice remains well and that his shelters are not attacked again.

Of course with Eagle caught by that attack it might just make for a good time to continue with his assault. Another few steps forward to get in close again and Elias comes foward with another strong right aimed at the chest of his opponent. This one seems to pack more power to it than the initial blow he attempted at the start. Looks like he aims to just use his power to try and break through the defenses of Eagle.

COMBATSYS: Eagle dodges Elias' Strong Punch.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Eagle            0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0            Elias

Eagle manages to recover his footing fairly quickly, and he watches Elias coming in for the attack just long enough to figure out what the man is going for. When the punch comes in Eagle swiftly ducks under it, sweeping his arms theatrically to make it into more of a bow. Then he glances up with a grin, shifting his grip on one of the sticks.

The bouncer surges back up to his feet, swinging his arm in a long upward sweep as he does so. If all goes as planned, the end of one of the sticks will smash into Elias' chin getting power from both Eagle's arms and legs.

COMBATSYS: Elias interrupts Fierce Strike from Eagle with Magnus.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Eagle            1/-------/=======|======-\-------\0            Elias

The miss leaves Elias slightly off balance as well given the amount of force he had put behind the swing. It also leaves him quite open from the looks of it as Eagle comes in rather quickly to retaliate. The priest has little time to get his footing back properly and he is still not fully ready by the time that the other fighter comes in to strike. He takes the blow to the chin just as he is swinging his arm upwards as if trying to hit with an uppercut.

The uppercut itself actually misses, but what Eagle will end up finding out that might not be the part he was worried about. The ground beneath the bouncer grows warm and then an eruption of fire bursts from it to hit Eagle before it dies down. It hurts, but it also leaves no scorch marks on the ground or on Eagle himself once the flames dissipate.

Right, fire. Eagle has been fighting too much lately against opponents who rely on fists and feet. The blast launches him off the ground, sending him flying back a short distance before hitting the road once again. He rolls with the impact, though, grimacing for a moment before the flames fade away. He manages to tuck and roll into landing in a crouch, then slowly stands back up, keeping an eye on Elias.

The bouncer twirls one of his batons again, watching Elias carefully. "Got a few tricks up your sleeve, do you? Well, that just makes things more interesting." He doesn't seem like he's about to rush right back into the fight, instead opting to take a more thoughtful approach.

COMBATSYS: Eagle focuses on his next action.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Eagle            1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0            Elias

There is just a slight nod in response from the priest at the question. "Never show off all you can do at the start." It makes one wonder just what other tricks the priest has up his sleeve beyond his like of punching and the ability of creating fire. He does seem less inclined to charge in mostly the distance gives a fighter with Eagle's experience plenty of time to formulate a good plan of attack. Elias instead seems more intent on closing the distance slowly while keeping his own guard up.

Of course it is also giving his body some time to heal. Even small bruises that started to form from the powerful strikes seem to be fading away and the cut along his chin from the last blow has already stopped bleeding. "How about you show me what else you can do." he says while he remains a few feet away to give himself time to ready for any strike Eagle may attempt.

COMBATSYS: Elias gains composure.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Eagle            1/-------/=======|===----\-------\0            Elias

Eagle has taken a few moments to ensure the blast didn't cause any particularly serious harm, and now he's about ready to bring the fight back to Elias. "Sure, why not. The people didn't come to see us just standing around, did they?" He grins, then begins walking toward Elias. Just for a few paces, though, before he breaks into a charge.

As he draws closer, Eagle brings up both of his batons, then unleashes a flurry of jabbing strikes, his arms moving so quickly that most of the audience just sees a blur of sticks being stabbed toward Elias at a variety of heights and angles.

COMBATSYS: Elias Toughs Out Eagle's Oxford Red!

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Eagle            1/-----==/=======|======-\-------\0            Elias

The priest ends up standing his ground when Eagle starts to come at him. He is focused on the incoming fighter and he seems to make no attempt to get out of the way. He takes a deep breath and steps forward as he prepares for whatever attack is about to be unleashed. Or in this case a flurry of attacks that start to slam against his body. The force of the blows are pushing the priest back, but not taking him off his feet like Eagle probably had hoped. Is this man just some sort of monster disguised as a man of the cloth?

Elias' breathing seems to be getting a bit heavier, but that experession remains unchanged. His movements also don't seem to be slowed too much as he reaches to grab Eagle now that the man is close by. Even worse is Elias' hands are glowing with the red flame he summoned earlier as he attempts to grasp the other fighter and lift him. The flame doesn't burn, but in an odd way Eagle would feel some of his stamina draining away from him if he gets grabbed. A urge to take a nap or the like grows even once the priest would toss the other man away.

COMBATSYS: Elias successfully hits Eagle with Hell or Heaven EX.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Eagle            1/---====/=======|=======\=------\1            Elias

Eagle attempts to knock Elias' hand away with an arm, but ends up failing to avoid getting grabbed. He struggles as he starts to get lifted off his feet, but then the flame hits him and his eyes go wide. He's too stunned to resist for a moment, then rolls awkwardly as he hits the ground. He comes to a stop on one knee, shaking his head in an attempt to clear it. What on Earth was that?!

He's not feeling great, but feeling ill isn't going to stop Eagle from putting on a show. He gets back to his feet, thrusting both arms down and out to his sides. His muscles bunch up as he tightens his grip on the batons, then he takes a leaping step toward Elias. He lands into a spin, his sticks blurring once again as he tries to repeatedly strike the priest. But this time it goes on for longer, and then he ends it with a heavy strike aimed to launch Elias up into the air, so that he can come down right onto a baton jabbed up into his torso.

COMBATSYS: Eagle successfully hits Elias with Manchester Gold.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Eagle            0/-------/---====|=======\====---\1            Elias

If anything hopefully this will slow Eagle down enough for Elias to be able to handle him a bit better or even cause the other man to leave more gaps in his defenses that the priest can exploit to his advantage. Even with the energy drain the bouncer proves to still be quite strong, though. Elias tries to use his footwork along with his raised arms to absorb most of the punishment, but the initial strike throws him off balance enough that Eagle finds an opening that soon allows him to get the priest off his feet for the first time this fight.

It looks like there is still plenty of fight in Eagle so Elias shall have to be careful it would seem. He starts to get back to his feet and he reaches up to adjust his shades just slightly and then smoothes out his modified priestly garb. It leaves him open momentarily, but the sudden building of fire around him might be enough to keep Eagle a safe distance for a moment. Elias raises a hand that is closed tightly in a fist. THe flames start to gather around his arm and he rears back before punching forward, the large amount of holy fire erupting from his arm and barreling right towards Eagle.

COMBATSYS: Eagle fails to reflect Maximum Holy Flare from Elias with St. Andrew Green.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Eagle            1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0            Elias

COMBATSYS: Eagle can no longer fight.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Elias            0/-------/---====|

Eagle still has a fair bit of fight in him, but apparently not enough. He sees the fiery blast racing toward him, and just turns his body slightly. He puts both of his batons together and draws his arms back, preparing a swing and just waiting for the blaze to get close enough. Timing is everything, but Eagle's quite good at it, and at just the right moment he swings...

But the bouncer wasn't counting on just how much Elias' earlier attack got to him. He can still feel the burning, and his muscles just aren't responding the way they should. A twinge runs through his arm, and it's enough that the blast strikes him full on, completely unprepared for taking a hit. The sticks fly from Eagle's hands as he's sent backwards, falling flat on his back with his shirt smoking slightly. He hits the ground hard, too, and it doesn't look like he's about to get back up.

Elias lowers his hand and clasps both behind his back again while officials go to check on Eagle. It was a tough fight, but for the first time in a long while Elias had fun with what he was doing. Eagle was a skilled opponent and a good man. Now Elias can finally take a bit of a break from things and return to Sunshine City for a short break. Afterall Orochi and his minions may be defeated there are many other evils he still must combat. He just needs to take time to heal his wounds and maintain good health.

He gives another small bow to those gathered when he is announced as the winner and the priest turns about. "Make sure the purse is split evenly. He did well." he tells the official as he passes by. The winner's share is more than enough for what he needed so there is no reason not to reward his fellow fighter in this case as well. With that being said the large man steps away and back into the cathedral.

Log created on 13:10:40 08/20/2011 by Elias, and last modified on 03:44:24 08/31/2011.