KOF 2011 V.Absolution - [KOF V: Absolution] Water of the Northern Lakes

Description: upon an island south of Japan, the northern plains drown underneath an unrelenting rainstorm. The gathering bodies of water shimmer and flow to supernatural stimulus as it pools towards a fell abyss. Two righteous people wade through the murky waters and the awful storm, knowing the truth lies within. Staring back up to the world from the depths he has become, the enigmatic Vladimir invites them to drown within an inevitable sorrow that all are said to follow. What occurs cannot be prevented; what occurs is destiny.

You can feel it everywhere around the world. The start of something big... or maybe the coming end of everything as one knows it. That feeling of change over the horizon - discomforting for some, comforting for others... there is rarely a neutral feeling to the phenomena throughout the world. For those who know the underlying flow of energy of the Earth, or have been tracking the Cult of Gaia movements... it all ends up here.
To the north end of this place of great interest, a high tide violently crashes up against the low cliffs. It rains incessantly upon this part of the equally wondrous and worrying sight of this very island.
Rain has accumulated into puddles that have since accumulated enough rainfall to be legally considered streams or lakes upon their own, ensuring that no matter where one walks, one would always remain ankle deep in water - a water with a certain thick, murky feel. Pollution? Or something more sinister?
The only shelter in sight is an hold, flooded-out, partially collapsed stone temple that submerges the average person at waist height. Floating atop it is an inky black sweating sphere... and the sensation that someone may be around.
No, someone is around, a humanoid figure rising from the depths as though he were here to hold his breath in the dirty waters for his own amusement. It is extremely difficult to discern much in the way of personal features, as though the water itself painted him a single, solid color aside from jet black eyes that occasionally stare blankly into the distance - a strong physical resemblance in height and build to Vladimir, and yet, in some ways, entirely different. Something seems to be moving around him - or maybe inside of him? It gives the appearance, at a glance, of small streams of water running off of him.
Perhaps there was something, or someone, on this island that has personally changed him on a fundamental level - close proximity to the mythical Orochi that some informants were talking about?
There's not much time left to be asking questions. There is, however, plenty of time in which to demand answers, as the rain pours on hard against whatever parts of the roof remain intact. All there needs to be, are people of strength and conviction to ask them.
After all, Vladimir there looks like he could use the company.

Things have been such a difficult journey over the past few months for many a people. With the world seemingly going to hell there has been much suffering all around. One man has perhaps felt it more than most. The priest known as Elias has found himself enduring many trials that have tested his faith to no ends. Alice was kidnapped. People he trusted have betrayed him and in the end he feels there are very few people in this world that could be relied on.

His list of allies has grown thin. Both Amy and Ash have proven to be snakes in disguise. For now the only people he can even somewhat trust are Elisabeth and Rust. Even then he does not know the pair well enough to ask them to come along for help in his attempt to stop this cult. He feels he is on his own at least in theory. The lord is on his side and would not leave him. That strength should be enough to help him.

But even through all of this he never thought it would come to something like this. A strange energy that had drawn the priest to this island. was this where the attempt to doom the world was to happen? Was Satan himself to show his face? Elias knows not what awaits him, but he presses forward to confront whatever evil he may come across. This cult is nothing but trouble and it must be purged from this world. He would love to be a man of peace, but times like this asks for him to do otherwise.

Vladimir will soon find himself not alone for long. Could it be his power had drawn Elias towards him? Men of faith going down different paths apparently shall meet. That never changing gaze of Elias soon finds itself looking upon Vladimir as he trudges through the water. His hands remain clasped behind his back as the water remains about his waist. "The end of days it would seem. It seems some of us have faltered, while some of us retain our faith." he says in a rather monotone voice.

This is way, way out of Carmine's jurisdiction. However, Haggar had asked the Metro City Police Department -- and specifically his unit -- to keep tabs on the King of Fighters tournament and the myriad mysteries surrounding it, and as such, whether he's shaky on the jurisdictional issues or not, Carmine is nevertheless here.

There's something about this place that makes the hair on the back of Carmine's neck stick up -- though whether it's his sixth sense or just horse sense, who knows. Whatever the case, he glances at the temple... and then proceeds forward.

He's surprised to see not one but two figures here... and he doesn't know if either of them can be trusted. "I don't know about any end of days," Carmine says, "But I want some answers about this 'Orochi'!" Carmine is a little more forceful than he might otherwise be; the ambient environment nearly necessitates it.

As a formality -- one he knows is probably going to do him no good -- Carmine flashes his MCPD badge. It's a reflex, at this point -- and besides, it makes any subsequent actions feel more justified. (... so long as he files the necessary reports on them later.)

"An astute observation."
The voice does not come from the figure mucking about in the muck. No, instead, it vibrates through the water, through the walls - it is as though the very gathered water within this temple is speaking. That the whole consciousness of this speaker is spread throughout this specific locus of power.
"They ask for miracles... I provided," this water continues as the figure standing there turns to face Elias, man-to-man, shades-to-really-creepy-black-eyes, and slowly moves forward - though visually, very little suggests the movement of legs. Is he floating towards him? "We asked for sacrifice... they complied. To the ends of which they believed... at this en--"
Enter Haggar's last great hero, Carmine, whom has undertaken this most dangerous mission while his associates have their hands full with the mess in Metro City, a cop going well over his head as he goes up to his waist in the water, flashing his badge with demand... it is not the only thing to flash.
Lightning flashes in the distance, a brief spark of illumination through this temple that pierces through Vladimir's form. Though seen only for an instant, what is gleaned for that moment is truly a sight to see - the enigmatic Vladimir is not there.
It is the very water itself that has taken the shape of Vladimir, translucent save for the colorations and specks of mud, dust, and whatever other pollutants have rained down upon here.
"What answers are needed, officer?" The voice echoes through the temple as the Water-Vladimir approaches ever closer, arms slowly spread out - droplets of water escaping this form by gravity's influence, the form ebbing in effort to maintain defiance against such physics - seemingly in peace given the slow pace. "What do you believe in? Do you believe it to be the utmost truth, looking upon what's all around us now...?"

The arrival of someone else was not expected. In this case it seems that Elias isn't the only one seeking answers and looking to stop this attempt at the world's destruction. His gaze remains more fixated on the figure of Vladimir. "Do be careful, officer." he does warn Carmine. The sight of something that looks as if the creature that was once a man, but is now born of water is a bit unsettling. Even so the priest remains defiant and keeps his ground.

"You look to summon something not of this world. I have seen your circles and I have sealed a few of your portals. Now is not the time for the end of the world." he replies to Vladimir as he looks downwards towards the water. His own powers are a bit dulled by it, but if needs be he can summon his holy fire if need be. Of course there really is no thought about it at this point. This man is unnatural and should not exist in the world.

"I do not know what you did to yourself. Let me lay you to rest." he calmly says to Vladmir. Those shade covered eyes never venture elsewhere, but remain locked on the watery form of what was once a man. He steps forward as his hands unclasp. "I can only promise you will finally rest in peace once this is over."

The young policeman has no idea what to say to the water-Vladimir at first. He's almost struck dumb just by the sheer presence of a man made of water -- or perhaps a duplicate of a man, made of water. Energy manipulation? Such seems plausible, given his own psionic talents... but it's equally plausible that the man truly has become one with the elements, he thinks. It's a little nerve-wracking to think about fighting an opponent that can move like water.

For a while, Carmine just listens. You can learn a lot more by listening than by talking, if you have only a vague idea of what's being discussed. He reaches up, adjusting his Justice League tie. Batman approves of this course of action; the resultant adjustment leaves a small wrinkle that turns the Caped Crusader's normally flat expression into a smile.

When Elias and Vladimir stop talking, though -- /then/ it's his turn to speak, with a brief, respectful nod to the man who told him to be careful. "Sacrifices for the end of the world?" His gut starts to churn -- though like that foreboding feeling, he's not sure if it's something he's feeling from another or merely the machinations of his own gut. His expression becomes serious, and he says, "That's all the answers I need. I believe in justice -- and there's no justice in that." His hands shift as if to hold a nonexistent gun. It's go time.

Batman would totally approve. Batman does, in fact, approve. In a different time and place far from here, one Bruce polishes off an old Division 8-themed tie that Wally somehow snuck into the Batmobile one holiday season. He has a fancy party to attend and make an ass of himself out of.
"On the contrary... I am everything of this world." Vladimir's voice responds. "I have been bestowed upon me the destiny of the Black Turtle. Of one of the four who kept the various creatures humanity forcefully removed from their world for their own vanity and cowardice! To have cast off so many miracles so that they could have grown fat... and yet, they latched onto my own gift of healing..."
Is this regret? It is hard to tell, as the watery face of Vladimir - if that really can be considered /him/ at this point - draws ever nearer, at an increased pace to the sight of Elias' holy fire.
"Justice, you say, officer? There is no justice - only the continued cycle of lies and smoke screens. Ah, even I have seen it," those eyes flash a slightly brighter hue that still doesn't escape the jet black classification entirely as both the men before him have drawn their metaphorical blades. Elias' power, Carmine's mimicry of a gun with his hand...
The water shifts violently in their direction, a sudden strong tow that seems to want to compromise their balance as his left arm sweeps outward, losing the consistency and appearance of an arm and more of a high-pressure splash of water looking to backhand the both of them.
"Drown with your falsehoods, if it brings you peace... it is only through these fables and fabrications you will find your foundation!!"

"Genbu...." is all the priest says when the name of the Black Turtle is mentioned. He is a man of God, but he knows of various other religions and myths. He tries to be educated even in the end he calls many of those things false. So this man believes he is something of a diety himself? That only makes Elias steadily more angered by things. Even if so it is hard to tell given his expression never changes.

He is more wondering how to combat this sort of individual. It seems Vladimir is no more a man, but just a liquid representation of his old self. Is there much Elias can truely do to such a thing? He can only hope God can give him strength to see him through this. He cannot die just yet. Alice is still sick and he promised to cure her before he finally met his end. Even more so he worries for her due to the demon that calls himself Vega seems to have an interest in her.

That violent wave of water hits Elias and while it does not take him off his feet it does push him back several steps as he tries to regain his footing. The water around him is already growing warm and wisps of steam come off of it as he straightens back up. "It is not my time. I have not heard my lord call for me." he calmly says as he raises a hand as it ignites with flame around it. A growing flame that is released with he opens his hand and unleashes the ring of fire that is aimed to consume the watery monster before him. It isn't going to be easy, but if he has to evaporate everything around him he will.

Carmine Kolodzik is not a man who knows his mythology. His strength intellectually is math and physics, not history and literature; however, he knows he doesn't like what he's hearing. This may not be the best world, he thinks, but it's /theirs/ -- and they have every reason and every right to fight to keep it.

The turbulence of the water nearly knocks Carmine on his butt, but a hasty psychic shot at the ground gives him enough momentum in the opposite direction that he stays standing. He's getting more clever with his use of his abilities, at least, even if he's not necessarily getting stronger.

His close-quarters martial arts aren't going to avail him of any opportunities against a foe made of water. He'll need to stick to his psychic talents ... which is a little nervewracking, as he's always considered them a supplement to his offense rather than his offense in and of themselves.

Nevertheless, he makes a quick hop back in the water, raising the invisible 'gun' and firing a nearly-invisible 'bullet' of psychic force. It's the best he's got, for now -- he can get more creative later... /if/ such powers even work agains a monster such as this.

"Your lord... indeed, it is not your lord that is calling for you," Vladimir's voice hisses across the water with the implication of something even greater, the precursor to the latest of humanity's countless 'my god is better, nuh uh, uh huh, nuh uh, uh huh, HOLY WAR' bickering feuds, movement halted in brief as Carmine uses his abilities to overcome the flow of water and - sure enough - the invisible bullet seems to have a visible effect as a spray of water and muck spurts out the entrance and exit wound.
"Ahh... you!!" The voice suddenly picks up such intensity that the entire surface of the water violently stirs. "That power... I remember him now. Truly interesting... I had personally invited that one to come here. You are much like him, officer..."
"Unbound by the beauty and miracles of the world, free to express yourself as you wish." Is it envy in these brown waters? (On closer inspection, it may instead just be a really, really, really dark green.) Noticeably, where the wound was inflicted, water still gushes out, which should give the signal that, yes, for being made of water this being is indeed capable of injury.
It's like Vladimir decided to go from having his body be 66 percent water and take it all the way up to a good... 95 or so.
A ninety five that Elias works down with that direct blast of holy flame that further evaporates water into (still rather unpleasant and foul) steam as Vladimir raises both arms up. Rolling waves from the corners of this temple rush forth to try and knock the two of them over by far more mundane means of vulgar applications of watery force.
"As I was saying, fellow Father, it is my lord that calls for your final gifts...!"

Elias really doesn't want to hear what this once man has said. Once Vladimir gave up his humanity there really is no reason to believe anything he has to say or to let him try to prove whatever he is trying to do. That is why the flames conjured by the priest just burns all the more until the waves start to splash against him and pushes him under water for a few moments.

Is this really what people are going crazy for? They really want to follow something that leads to the creation of a creature such as Vladimir? It only reminds Elias that as a man of the cloth he has a long way to go to help show people the true way of harmony and understanding. As much as he hates to use violence in this case it is the only real answer.

He starts to rise out of the water again, his balance regained as the shades somehow weren't even moved a tiny bit from the waves and being underwater. "Well your lord can take them back. I will bestow gives of my own." he calmly says and he starts to press forward. Steam still swirls about him even as his flame isn't confured this time. It seems more the priest relies on his boxing abilities this time around as as mighty fist seems to be aimed right at the once man's chest.

"Just who did you invite to come here?!" Carmine wants to learn more about his psychic gifts -- and any lead on someone who can teach him more about those particular talents is a lead he wants to follow up on, even if it should come from someone like Vladimir.

Moving closer through the water, Carmine makes sure to keep himself as well-defended as he can; the rolling waves get the better of him, however, and this time he /does/ end up on his butt. A quick kip-up puts him back on the offensive, but only barely -- he's still got an awfully long way to go.

Glancing at Elias, he sees him going in close, and decides that he might as well follow suit; if they team up in close, they can keep the pressure on. Carmine attempts a quick grab-and-knee as an immediate followup to Elias's maneuver; even if the grab doesn't quite cotton -- he can't be sure -- he should at least be able to give him a nasty shot with the knee, just the same.

Elias' thoughts do bring a troubling question to mind. What has driven so many people towards these grisly ends? Most of the Cult of Gaia has been eradicated - more than a few by their own hand. Above all, is it true that humanity is merely seeking its own destructive end when given the impetus to finally let it happen? Is the base nature of humanity, as a whole, pure nihilism?
Both men push through the water, undeterred by whatever hampering the dangerous waters and partial submergence might do to their approaches and movements - for after all, it could be these two men right here that can prove Vladimir wrong on the most fundamental levels.
"There will be no take backs!" Vladimir reassures to Elias as he comes in swinging for the chest. For being mere liquid, whatever fell power Vladimir commands prevents it from going all the way through in a single impaling blow, rewarded with a visceral, gory splash that sprays everywhere as the watery form seems to contort and twist in its attempt to find a compromise between real world physics and his own will. "What you give unto me right now, he will receive as his bed and breakfast... in turn, oblivion. The ultimate con man, my Lord is!"
Carmine gets himself a nice hold of the watery form, which in turn provides its own strange sensations. Squeezing away at the body, the fingers don't go all the way through. It feels more like holding onto a hose, only the hose is intangible and yet the water still flows as Carmine's knee lifts up from the water and strikes head-on in the... breadbasket? Waterbasket?
The eyes of that being, somehow, manage to narrow despite completely translucent eyelids that would normally define the very act of eye narrowing as both arms lash out for the throats of the men gathered, to try and hold a vice grip of water pressure around them as Vladimir wills the rapid condensation of the moisture in the air directly to their lungs.
It is only at this time he feels he has the space to answer Carmine's question. "A truly intriguing fellow, accompanied by dolls and with a pumpkin for a head... ah, your people would call him a demon! I call him a true human being!! To be so free to act on his whims, to make his reality his own... hahaha. It is a shame he is not here..."
The water level feels like it is beginning to rise - the black orb a ways behind them is now basically blasting water everywhere like a malfunctioning spherical water sprinkler. The rainfall finds a way to pour down even harder, enough that another section of the temple roof gives away to the roaring rainfall.
"Perhaps it is a greater shame there were none more like him! To have the strength to cast his own destiny, however fell, however ruinous...! But for you two, yours are already well decided...!"
This close to the watery monster, and in such peril with time against them, is their fate sealed? Is it a grand metaphor for the future of humanity, regardless of where they draw their true strength...?
That is for Elias and Carmine to decide.

It did perhaps more damage than expected, but Elias would have to chide himself into thinking that punching water would be the best of options. "A con man indeed. To take away your humanity and give you nothing in return." is all the priest can say in reply. Were all the promises worth it? He really doesn't know in this case. Vladimir may have become more than human, but to what end? It isn't worth it. It is turning one's back on God and that alone makes it the worst decision that could be made.

Elias looks about as the water makes it hard to keep his stance. That is when his gaze falls upon the orb nearby. Is it perhaps the true enemy in this case? Vladimir may just be a pawn controlled by such a thing. "Buy me time." he simply says to Carmine. he isn't even sure if it will work, but at the moment he is running out of ideas on how to handle this monster.

He breaks into a run, or at least a dash that can be made under such circumstances. He churns the water as he closes in on the sphere. Both his hands reach out as he seeks to grab it. Both hands ignite in holy flame as he intends to use his trade secret of siphoning away the energy of his opponents. May it kill him in this instance? It may do exactly that, but he cannot allow an abomination like this to walk the earth. Even as he attempts to drain the power from the orb he murmurs under his breath a prayer to his lord. If he can't make it through this he prays for the protection for Alice and those that seek safety in his shelter.

Carmine is almost certain that Elias is the stronger of the two men -- so when he's told to buy the man time, as the room begins to fill with water, he's more than happy to do it. Closing in on Vladimir, he says, "Accompanied by dolls -- a demon?" Surely he must be speaking in metaphor... he'll have to talk to someone more experienced than himself in things of this nature, if he's to fid the truth behind these words.

If he can speak at all after that absolutely agonizing sudden burst of water in his lungs. Choking up fluid, Carmine nevertheless runs toward Vladimir, going for another grip; this time, however, he aims to judo-throw the water-formed Vladimir, then hurl him downward. If that takes, he follows up with a forceful stomp -- hopefully enough to hold him there long enough for Elias to do what he has to do... and for Carmine to finish hacking up all that liquid.

"Wh-what are you hoping to accomplish...?" A confused voice of Vladimir echoes throughout the collapsing temple as Elias rushes free of his grip through sheer strength of purpose to the very orb in the center. The pause is as much surprise as anything - mystified as to the hows and whys of Elias' movements.
It is this confusion that may have, inadvertedly, helped save Carmine from a drowning end as Vladimir is ripped clean from the water, at which point Carmine can see a truly gruesome sight - Vladimir does not appear to have legs! All that has formed is all that can be seen above water. Maybe he has kept what was visible of himself to impeccable scale of his human self, likely out of vanity as much as physical familiarity as the watery form seems to explosively splash back into the water. Carmine may feel like he's got a boot on... something. Something moving fast, something moving powerfully.
If this were an ordinary human being he were dealing with, this would be systematic drowning. Can you even drown someone like Vladimir?! The mind boggles.
"What you grasp..."
Vladimir does not need to say anything for Elias to feel it. He is grasping onto the very element of water itself. What he is holding, what he is touching, is the coalesced, combined element of water drawn from the world's leylines onto this point. Its vastness in scope well exceeds his formidable grasp of chi, and yet, he grips on anyway - by all appearances, the main thing he appears to succeed in doing in trying to draw from it is getting himself completely drenched on a physical level, like stuffing your face in front of a high pressure water hose. His sunglasses, if not shattered outright, will be impeccably clean.
"The will of one man... it inspires many, doesn't it? And yet, under it all, it cannot overcome the true tide the world is going..." Vladimir's voice murmurs.
On a more spiritual level - or, more pragmatically, that on the chi manipulation level - Elias may feel a losing tug of war, that it is now being collected within the very flow of whatever its eventual purpose is. To outright dispel it or absorb it is nigh-on impossible, and yet, there is a notable irregular beat in which the water sprays.
It's like having something stuck in your teeth you can't quite get out.
"If there is a hereafter, officer, perhaps you all shall join together and become acquainted - I profess in all honesty, I do not know what comes after the end," the water ripples violently before the sensation Carmine had - the physical idea of keeping the being of water down within the water, hard as it is to imagine - disappears.
Something far larger appears nearby Elias, rushing upwards with such force to expel him away from the black water-spraying orb. This something 'far larger' appears to be Vladimir's head, if it were perpetually melting into nothingness. "But know I have seen the end! This is the absolute truth, of which I bestow in polite courtesy!" Two large hands of water sprout out at either side, both glowing an eerie, dark blue color. "To die by my hand or to be eradicated when Orochi is allowed back unto this world... that are your only two choices!"
The two hands thrust forward rapid-fire, man-sized waves of water threatening to crush either of the two men with sheer force as much as try to pull them down to drown, the large watery head of Vladimir thrusting forward, large black eyes peering down upon them.
These men of character before him would no doubt find their own way.

Through it all Elias keeps his grip. The fact he is attempting to drain the orb from whatever power it holds may just be a bad idea. The force of how the water swirls about and hits him makes him close his eyes, though with the way those shades never seem to break or move it is to where no one else can see. "I cannot save this world myself, but if I can help just a little I feel it is worth it." he murmurs under his breath as his grip grows tighter.

And where he started to absorb the energy at first now he starts to unleash his own. The holy fire he can summon comes out as the water starts to bubble and almost boil from the heat from the energy that the priest is going off. "You have been fooled and I am sorry for what I must do. May God have mercy on your soul."

With that being said the priest's body ignites entirely with the holy fire as he remains hugged onto that orb. If he cannot absorb the energy from it he will do his damned best to destroy the sphere with the pure energy that he unleases. He glows brightly as the fire swirls about the unsubmerged parts of him and even then under the water the liquid does its best to purge the flames that attempt to ignite around Elias.

It's long enough to at least clear his throat and allow Elias the time to play around with the orb, and for Carmine, that's all that really matters. It means they might actually make it out of here alive -- or at the very least, save /this/ part of the world. For now.

The respite is however short lived, as Carmine finds himself under fire once again. This time, he's a little smarter about it -- it's more intense, but that just means he has to match its intensity. Throwing up his arms and defending himself with a thin shield of psychic pressure, the rookie does his best to keep himself up.

It's enough, barely. His footing holds -- that grounded stance serves him well... and allows him an opportunity to strike back. Vladimir's offense is immense, but it's that immenseness that is itself the problem -- it's /also/ likely not very well-defended.

As Elias focuses primarily on the orb with his fire, Carmine focuses on the form of Vladimir himself -- strong though he may be, he hasn't met a perp yet who didn't have problems dealing with raw psionic force. Deciding to try a slightly different version of his usual tricks, Carmine says, simply, "If we're going to die -- then we're going to die fighting! We didn't come this far just to lie down!" His own resolve feeds off Elias's, bolstering itself as he appears to shoulder a nonexistent rifle, aiming it dead center at Vladimir's enormous 'head.' Unlike his little, nearly-invisible psychic shots from before, this is very pinkish-purple, very visible, and very, very large, at least for someone so inexperienced as Carmine; the thick beam lances out, even as the water continues to rise.

Elias, man of faith, will not be deterred by such setbacks as the feeling of the world itself refusing to be silenced, even as just one man fighting a tide far too strong for him to individually stop - let alone, from appearances, swim against.
Vladimir's forward movement sees him threatening to engulf Elias, a large mouth opening wide above him - is he showing concern for what Elias is hoping to do? As Elias' spirit burns bright through the way he expresses the world's energy through himself, steam fills the collapsing temple - and Vladimir himself. Visibility goes to a dramatic low.
"/You/ would be sorry for what you are doing!" The waves roar, as Elias suddenly unleashes the utmost of his potential in chi manipulation, obscuring all from sight underneath a great cloud of steam.
Carmine, in turn, puts his mind's eye to work as he lines up the Hail Mary shot in which to try and stop what seems to be an unstoppable monster - the Black Tortoise, the elemental Guardian of Water. With his call of defiance, the invisible rifle feels very real - and the final, pinkish-purple psychic shot roars through the smokescreen, a rumbling yell. If Carmine squints hard enough, he can see the explosive spray of water flying back. It's not hard to listen to the sound of stone walls behind Vladimir completely crumble as water splatters against it with enough g-forces that the water suddenly rushes down south.
"Is that the belief which you shape into reality... officer?" The voice grows distant and weak, as though completely falling apart. For a brief moment, Elias will be able to feel it as the smoke screen clears away - the sensation of something drifting apart, or evaporating away. The orb he just handled...? It's out of sight, and yet, the water's intensity does not halt. Is it Vladimir he may be sensing the dissolution of?
"We of the Guardians," his voice is weak and increasingly distant, "have since... renounced our... protection of humanity. The flock... is not my concern, and... and yet... you would send this message... to Orochi himself...? Do you... honestly... believe..."
The voice fades away to nothing, the strength having left Vladimir - or whatever's left of himself. He's gone, returned to the elements, one may say. Yet, there is the sudden dread... can they escape? Will they escape...?
Suddenly, a wrecked Shadaloo helicopter splashes down against the unnatural tide. On impact with the water, the bottom suddenly dislodges to an expanded hovercraft air cushion. Two large trees manage to hold its weight to keep it from drifting further downstream to the south.
It's in sorry shape, but if its emergency hovercraft engines still work, the two just may have their ticket to safety - there is no doubting that the two of them have truly accomplished something, but... to what end?

The sphere starts to feel less solid and Elias can only hope that means he has done what he has hoped. To stop this fiend that both he and Carmine are facing. "I have no regrets. I seek to only make this place better for those I care for." the priest says as he finds himself soon hugging nothing. Even so the torrent of water continues to fill up the place and he is finding himself in a increasingly bad situation.

Then there is one of those moments where it does seem that God truely does help those in need. Even if it never happened Elias would never question his faith. It would simply be his time to go. This is not the case given the hovercraft that soon ends up near him. "Come, my friend. Let us go." he calls out to Carmine. Would it really kill the guy to sound somewhat excited about the good fortune instead of use that monotone voice?

Elias climbs onto the hovercraft then offers a hand to help pull Carmine up onto it as well if needed. They need to get out of here fast if they can help. Let us hope the priest knows how to steer these things.

"If that's what it takes... then absolutely. If you won't protect humanity... humanity will just have to protect itself," Carmine affirms to Vladimir, as he fades away. He joined the force to protect people and do right by them -- and it'd be pretty hard to say that that's not exactly what he's doing right now, by participating in this.

Breathing out a sigh of relief, Carmine only allows himself a second to feel that way -- he knows that he's got bigger fish to fry, like avoiding drowning, immediately. "... Good call," he affirms to the priest, as he joins Elias on the emergency hovercraft, accepting the hand up.

He can't help but feel suspicious of it -- lucky break, providence from some hidden benefactor, or just good old-fashioned act of God? Whatever the case, Carmine's happy for it, and as they get themselves situated on the hovercraft, he breathes a sigh of relief.

Log created on 10:40:41 08/06/2011 by Vladimir, and last modified on 18:03:21 08/09/2011.