KOF 2011 V.Absolution - [KOF V: Absolution] Metal of the Western Hills

Description: Upon an island south of Japan, the very metals and ores - prized secrets of the western underground - rupture the surface in uninviting, deadly patterns. Its sheen reflects the power this place has gathered, as if by a magnet. Three champions converge upon this place not for seeking of riches, but for a far greater reason. Overcome by the very power he governs and the proximity of Orochi, Carrol Jayne intends to bury them as humanity's final monument. What occurs cannot be prevented; what occurs is destiny.

They come at all sides. From the north, the west, the south, and the east, to those who have managed to converge into the very center of it all... this island is where all those who are strong enough to come take their front seats to the end of the world are gathering.
To the west, large, dangerous structures of metal ore have been brought to the very surface. Geologists recorded an extremely strange magnetic pattern throughout the volcanic rim... and beyond. From here, to a trained eye, there is nothing short of a miracle in what sorts of displaced elements of Earth have gathered.
They would be sad to find what horrid quality they were all in. To the swirling, foul air surrounding this entire place underneath this sickly sky, they have all rusted - their formations jagged, as if inviting those who have come to stab themselves and commit suicide by eventual tetanus infection. Displaced jewels have since lost their luster, dull and caked with dust and grime. Like a treasure horde utterly spoiled by erosion and especially advanced decay, the footing around the western end of the island onward is especially precarious.
Eventually, it all leads to a rounded, clean metallic circular arena of sorts - a shrine? One already since ruined and crumbled into dust, the only untouched part of the decor being a sphere of absolutely perfection. It clearly reflects all around it, free of nicks or scratches... until it pulsates every so often, as though it has somehow suddenly developed horrid veins. It somehow violates the idea of being a singular, solid structure in its pulsating - in its illness, those sensitive to chi may say.
The large statue is not a statue. It is a man - or maybe it is safe to say, it was once a man, shambling unevenly with only much of the upper torso, his head, and left arm resembling a human being - somehow, his jacket still clings onto him. The rest of him makes the lines between organic and inorganic blur. What's left cannot really be called arms or legs, but rather outright pillars and stacks of metal, all having fused to him.
This is Carrol Jayne. He was huge before at 7'2''. Now, he easily tops ten or even eleven feet, and even if his one remaining 'human' limb seems tiny in comparison, this transformation has not made it appear any less intimidating as he stomps about the perimeter of the remains of this shrine, yelling obscenities in a deep, hoarse voice as if a verse from the Cult of Gaia's prayers stuffed through the filter of a truly angry man, his eyes having turned white without pupils to match his hair color.
Being this close to Orochi while drawing so much power from the natural world is clearly intoxicating. It also must really be infuriating, as he makes no hesitation to just smash that big, giant arm wherever he sees fit to mark his territory.
It is coming towards the very end - the great, dark, bleak ending humanity has so sought in a form worthy of a black metal album, and one supposes on the spiritual level, Carrol over there is playing the drums, his giant arm the stick, the rest of the world his drumset.
It's not hard to find him. It's even easier to hear him. The question is, is there anyone hard enough to stand up to the behemoth he has become?

It hasn't exactly been a long recovery time from his fight with Kyo, but after a few hours rest on the hard ground of the island Sagat finally woke up to find himself alone. It seems the punk had already gotten up and moved on himself. Hopefully the boy is actually doing something right and didn't just go home to do nothing. Upon waking up Sagat has also realized something very wrong is going on. There was an uneasy feeling that could be felt in the air earlier, but it almost overwhelming at this point. The air is just so thick with energy right now even a man like Sagat has never felt anything like it.

Things must be happening and here he is standing alone unsure where to go. Had the battle already taken place? Has Vega perhaps already been defeated in his attempt to take on whatever force this is? His mind is full of questions that have no answers at the moment as he starts to march forward. The sound of what might be a battle is what draws the attention of the cyclops as he turns about and starts to head in that direction while being unsure of what he may find.

What he finds is the rarity of a man being larger than him standing not far away swinging an arm about. At least it used to be a man. It would be hard to call Carrol that now. Whatever energy this island seems to be generating it has deformed him into some sort of monster. Is this one of the creatures that intends on destroying this world? If so then Carrol is about to meet the welcome wagon. Sagat steps forward and that single eye narrows. "And here I was having a nap. You make too much noise." the Muay Thai warrior says while his lips curl into a smirk.

He still doesn't feel fully recovered from the fight with Kyo, but that is a small matter now. There is no rest to be had, especially now given he has given his position away.

"SPEAK UP LOUDER IT'S THE END OF THE--" the arm pounds down the ground ever nearby to Sagat, as if to try and intimidate the once Emperor of Muay Thai with but a mere shaking of the very ground he stands on, "--NG BLACKEST NIGHT YOU GONNA BLEED YOU GONNA SACRIFICE YOU GONNA CRY YOU GONNA PRAY YOU GONNA DIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEE---"
Is he just quoting some song, or is he even really addressing Sagat proper? The presence of eye contact, empty white eyes to that single eye, suggests there being at least some level of human communication to be made. Monster-to-human, in any case, as the large pillars of rock and ore that make up his legs stomp about to better face the man who may yet take back the glory he lost in anger - if maybe all for the sake of young men who just can't seem to stop trying to get themselves totally ruined.
Like that will all matter, if this guy has his way.
As he ends that last, deep-throated scream, he deigns to even hunch over onto all threes, the remainder of his upper body dangling down as he looks to Sagat with a sick grin - a man who is now missing a fair number of teeth, or much in the remaining trace of humanity beyond the capacity to speak.

Sagat simply just keeps his single eye fixated on Carrol and what the monster may try to do. The words he speaks make no real sense to the former emporer and even then he really could care less. What was once a man had been driven further insane by whatever force that is intent on twisting him more and more into some strange monster that should not be allowed to exist. There is a small sigh let out by Sagat and he shakes his head. It is almost pitiful in a way how this poor soul has turned out. It will be a mercy killing if he has his way.

"Time to send you back to where you belong. If it is my time to finally go to hell...." he lets his smirk turn into a rather twisted grin. "Then let me take you with me. Otherwise it would be a lonely ride." He isn't even sure if the once man can understand what he said, but the fact Sagat is slipping into a fighting stance should translate easily enough that he is ready to tangle with Carrol.

This only makes him wonder who else might be lurking about. He highly doubts this creature is the one in charge. He also has to wonder if Kyo has run into one of these people as well. Vega and Juri should be about as well. Not that he cares what happens to those two, but curiousity is getting the best of him when he wonders what they might be doing at the moment.

"AIN'T NO RIDE, JUST THE FALL, LONG WAY DOWN AND FREEFALL FACE FOWN SPLATTER ON THE DINNER TABLE, THE KIDS GONNA EAT IT UP," Either he is trying to freestyle off of Sagat's commentary or this is his idea of making a philosophical counterpoint as he rises up again.
The island /itself/ is overwhelming to any fighter's senses. Pretty much anyone can feel the power of the world flowing through here... no, /gushing/, towards a single point. There is no denying that the monster right over there may have something to do with it as he rears back, face contorting in... agony? What's left of his human body throbs on occasion, veins bulging... no, like snakes. Something that wants to just rush along out of him, and yet is just barely contained.
It's all the Rage, of which he has had himself quite the taste of from proximity.
"NO FUCKIN' BUZZKILLS," he breaks from rapid-firing guttural yelling to at least confirm, on some level, he has at least a modicum of awareness as he rears up his massive, mutated - or perhaps it's better to say, rebuilt - arm so high that it blots out what little light there is to be seen in the island aside from the basic outlines of light around it.
Something like a solar eclipse?
There's no time to really let the mind wander as the arm comes down upon - or if he's fast enough, instead very near to - Sagat, the impact cratering so hard that chi shockwaves ring out from the epicenter, cracking and shuddering even his own legs.

Sagat has never been the fastest of people. His sheer size alone is reason for that, but there are times when even he knows he better move quick and keep from being hit by something. One of those times is now. Downwards comes that heavy arm and the Muay Thai warrior leaps backwards out of range and lands on both feet. The impact causes him to lose balance for a moment, but he manages to recover. How quaint. It seems like he has found someone that might even give Krauser a run for his money as far as strength goes. Looks like the cyclops has his work cut out for him.

He tchs lightly and takes a deep breath, calculating where to strike the monster. When he thinks he sees an opening that is when he strikes. A few large strides to close the distance before leaping forward and bringing a large knee up. He isn't sure how much damage he can do when slamming into the more metallic looking parts of Carrol's body, but he is about to find out as he puts all his weight into the strike. "Enough talk. Time to get serious." he barks out hoping to impact against the behemoth he faces.

Slamming a knee into metal yields - surprisingly - no significantly different results from whatever happens when Sagat normally strikes metal.
Which is to say, it whines, contorts its shape into that of whatever limb Sagat just struck it with, and flies right off to bounce along the cold, uneven metal landscape with loud metallic echoes dotting what should be a clear sign of how much punch Sagat can bring to bear even /against/ a much larger, much more solid... thing.
The rest of Carrol even seems to move a little with the impact. Sagat is no pushover. He is one of the world's greatest fighters, even after the events that have disgraced him so and sent him down a path he has grown to regret. A path he has shown the strong desire to turn from...
But is this desire strong enough to turn the latest obstruction to Sagat's redemption beyond a mere flinch? A sudden unsteadiness in one leg sees the monster fall back down to a three-point stance, veering ever heavily to the left.
"SERIOUS AIN'T NO LONGER SERIOUS ENOUGH," Carrol barks effectively in Sagat's face as the remaining human parts of him seem, by angle, ready to fall off the body. Not quite what you'd call a position of power and authority, and yet...
The ground shudders again as Carrol's hole-ridden toothy grin sees him picking up another bit of momentum. "YOU FUCKIN' KNOW IT TOO, YOU GOT DONE WITH THOSE LITTLE PEOPLE, STOP THINKIN' IT AIN'T, YOU DON'T GIVE A SHIT NO MORE," he barks off as he takes his still-human arm and, as if to make an insulting point, thrusts it straight into Sagat's face with the intent to straight-up floor him in a simple face fisting. Just how he always liked it, really, but perhaps the most menacing thing isn't in a simple punch.
It's how he starts to rise up again shortly after, dust erupting from the ground where another piece of ore-rich rock has replaced what Sagat has knocked away. He's not just facing a monster - he's facing, perhaps, the very embodiment of the Chinese element of metal itself.
And maybe also the musical term, just perhaps.

Brihan and Carrol underestimated their little project. Even in their wildest dreams, no one could have ever expected how big of a monster they'd create when they selected Ken Masters for the 'party' as Carrol put it. Of course, the exploits in Metro City can make anyone understand the nightmare they've unleashed.

A loud gutteral roar eminates from atop the rim volcano, echoing out across the island. It seems that those who have gathered here to defeat the cult have accidently summoned another of their own creations. A few moments pass before once more the roar is echoing out within the woods surrounding them.

It seems that something wicked this way comes.

It seems to have done more than Sagat had expected. Then again perhaps not. The single eye of the cyclops narrows as Carrol gets in his face and screams. He is already getting very tired of how this monster speaks and he is doing his best to stay in control. Letting himself get controlled by his anger could be perhaps the worst thing he could let happen right now. Maybe even worse than getting hit by this monster. Then there is the strange, inhuman roar that is heard in the distance. Something that causes Sagat to start to look away at the wrong time.

He tries to quickly bring up an arm to block the incoming strike from Carrol, but the fist plants firmly into the face of the Muay Thai master and sends him staggering back several steps before Sagat manages to regain his balance. He still has confidence that he can defeat this monster somehow, but things might start to get problematic. It sounds like something else is heading this way and in his current state Sagat isn't sure he can handle two people like Carrol.

"Things just keep getting more interesting." he murmurs as he straightens back out. His hands then begin to glow a yellowish-orange color as he takes a deep breath. Perhaps he should see what he can do from a distance. He doesn't want to take too many hits from that behemoth if he can help it. With a mighty roar he throws both fists forward and releases a wave of enery aimed right for Carrol. "TIGER!"

"YEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAH," Carrol roars an accompaniment to those animalistic screams over yonder - maybe a bit to the southeast, somewhere between the domains of fire and wood? He'd throws up the horns as he pulls his arm back, "HE'S BREATHIN' IT BATHIN' IN IT LIVIN' IT ALL COVERED IN BLACK."
Sagat is right - things are about to get a whooooole lot more interesting, if this guy has /followers/ still with him. The Cult of Gaia devotees are few in number now, as many have sacrificed themselves for this very moment in time. Those few that remain are truly the hardest of the hardcore.
But it may be far more than just a mere Cult of Gaia member over yonder...
In Sagat's corner, he calls upon the double-fisted fireball that has served him so well as it flies towards the mammoth-sized metal monster, whom has decided to hurtle himself forward head-on against the wave of chi - even headbutting it, his torso violently sinking further inward the metal body. Blood leaks from where metal and flesh becomes nearly indistinguishable - but it is not the color of human blood. No, it is more like a liquefied metallic substance, almost certainly highly toxic to people who are /human/.
And he's still rampaging ever closer to Sagat, each strike of the malformed metal limbs threatening to tear the very earth asunder before he throws himself back, large arm spread - no, swung outward, his very body twisting and struggling to keep balance with this gesture as the body creaks and rocks violently, assuredly crushing bone and organs within Carrol under sheer leverage and crushing g-forces as he whirls it behind up to wind up just enough to try and swing that large-ass arm, straight up, for Sagat.
The one-eyed cyclops is the tee ball. Carrol is the blindfolded, badly-coordinated toddler with the plastic bat.

Now that isn't good at all. He might be doing damage, but the monstrosity certainly doesn't seem to care about what happens to himself. So much he just barrels right through Sagat's attack and continues forward in an awkward charge. One that he should get out of the way of. One he can more likely get out of the way of. Instead the rather proud warrior starts his ground. He starts to bring an arm back as he bends some at the knees.

That is when the swing comes and Sagat's other arm comes upwards to use his own power to try to hit it and redirect the blow while also causing his arm to make a few cracking noises as the bones in his arm try to resist from snapping from the shear force of impact. That is when the tiger uncoils and he brings his fist upwards. His whole body leaving the ground as a powerful uppercut is delivered to the still somewhat human face of Carrol.

He lands on both feet and he wobbles a bit to regain his balance. He shouldn't be bringing out the big guns so early, but he really has no choice. He still feels some fatigue from the fight with Kyo so taking this monster down quickly is his best chance of survival.

Once more a loud roar resonates within the fiery inferno that is ever spreading from the south-east. Carrol isn't the only one who has been feeding upon the ever present Rage on the island. It's close, and the feeling of another monster making its way towards Sagat is almost overwhelming.

Of course, as Sagat unleashes his Tiger Uppercut upon the monster Carrol, a large trunk of wood is finding its way as a missile towards the beast.

Ken Masters has arrived, and only one word can be discearned from him before the loud roar of anger escapes his mouth once again.


It's tiger versus tiger on a mythological level when Tiger Uppercut strikes against a massive, outswung arm that just manages to squeak by. It is physically impossible to make any narrower or later a swing. The impact between the two strikes hard enough that a shockwave of power resonates through the entire ground, rupturing structures of steel and rock.
Fighters both meek and mighty have come together to fight the final fight... but there are few mightier than these two, even in Sagat's state of injury, as the giant golem of all that glitters and gleams is forced to stand straight up to work out the sheer inertia, a single step back as his neck jerks up so straight, so high that his head should really not be further connected to his neck.
The especially large tree trunk that follows strikes into the massive arm to force another staggering step as the oddly-colored blood pours freely from Carrol's maw, a throaty sigh - a jarring mix of raw, rumbling strength and the passive, yet audible breathing, as his voice turns its dial down just a bit from 'nearly incomprehensible metal' to 'loud, boisterous, obnoxious.'
"That all ya got... Sagat?" He doesn't wipe his mouth - it's better to say he's decided to smear whatever he's bleeding all over his own face for effect. Maybe he likes the taste? "You don't know how small you look. Tryin' to walk big now... but you're a friggin' small man in that big-ass body, strong enough to not have to follow some fuckin' pea-sized wannabe kings. My boys know who you're tryin' to reach to, god damn shame it's a waste!"
There's Ken, over there, roaring his name. "See that guy? That's all they're all gonna amount to, they like it, they want it, it's all it's fuckin' good for, they wish they had it, he got it. Even in the end, check him out! Fuckin' solid piece of work."
"KEN!" He roars over to him with his still-human arm. "GOT A LI'L SNACK FOR YA, GO GET 'EM, FUCKIN' BLACKEST MIDNIGHT SNACK OF THE LAST DAY!"
Sagat, even in physical weakness, may yet find the reserves within him to help put Carrol down - but does he have it in him to also fight through another fraught with the same anger and weakness that has plagued so many lesser - and, as rumors are saying, at least one far greater - for the hopes and dreams of people who may yet still spit on him, consider him a no-good washed-up husk of a man who allowed himself to fall as far as he has?
Perhaps now, above all else, could be the time of truth. Can Sagat stand alone against Carrol and this new arrival?
Maybe... this question is too soon to ask.

Even in a weakened state a blow like the one from Sagat usually can send most fighters flying away. The impact this time instead results him barely moving that metallic monster. Then things really start to get interesting. As he takes a step back he sees the trunk slam into Carrol and his gaze shifts over to see Ken standing there. Or what looks like Ken. There is certainly something off about him and the feeling that eminates from the fighter makes Sagat realize that what he thought was another monster like Carrol was instead that of Ken Masters.

"So even mighty fighters have given in." he says while closing his eye momentarily. The appearance of Ken only makes him wonder if that means Ryu could be on this island fighting as well. The man he still must one day have another match with. The man he must defeat. He cannot die until he finally achieves that victory.

There is a low chuckle from Sagat as that single eye reopens. "So be it...." he says. While he is worn down there is a building energy forming around the former emporer as he too tries to draw from the power that blankets the island. "I hear alot of talk, but I want more action. If I have to take you both on so be it!" The grin that forms is a bit of a sadistic one as he lets out a low laugh and settles back down in his fighting stance. "It is time for you to realize that there is a reason as to why I am the God of Muay Thai. Come at me!"

Meanwhile, Maki has entered the area, and at first she's in awe at what she's seeing, but then she shakes her head and gets into her fighting stance...

As Carrol starts to demand that Ken beat on Sagat, all of the time that he has spent relenting has paid off. A last moment attempt at defying the control of Orochi, and using the 'gift' for himself. His body blurs as the air around him distorts violently, once more using the increased power to force his body beyond what it should be capable of.

"I will /DESTROY/ you for doing this to me!" The rage seems to have finally set in, but this time he's in control and if it means the end of whom he is right now, then so be it. If one were to blink, they possibly would miss just him moving to infront of Carrol and Sagat, easily ducking down, and springing upwards with an Orochi-Fueled "SHORYUKEN!"

Sagat so goes there. The God of Muay Thai, ready to face what's ahead of him with grim determination. Carrol's face contorts into vague irritation at the whole use of 'God,' after receiving countless heaps of abuse from Brihan over his love of the more nihilistic view of there being 'no God' when they are in fact accepting the way of some truly powerful entity likely worthy of that name.
Well, Brihan's not here, she's down south probably turning some other losers into ash, and then burning those ashes, because that's her deal.
"NO GOD NOWHERE NOBODY GONNA PULL YOU UP YOU FALL DOWN SCREAMING BLEEDING CRYING ALL THE WAY TO HEEEEEEEELL," Carrol whips himself back up to that comfortable familiarity of spewing out verbal diarrhea in a guttural, nearly incomprehensible voice as he roars out, human hand on the opposite arm as he lifts it straight up into the skies. The precursor to some great, powerful attack, assuredly--

Maki shows up in her usual understated way. He lowers the arm briefly, and outstretches his hand to flick his fingers against her. A mere finger flick from the arm of his that's still human is still strong enough to send someone flying well off the island. Perhaps the others present will agree with this course of action being taken on some deep fundamental level.

Then the arm raises again as though there weren't any distractions or pause, "NOT GONNA REPEAT WHAT I JUST SAID BECAUSE I'M FUCKIN' SICK OF IT ALREADY," and there we go again. The precursor to some great, powerful attack, assuredly--
Here comes Ken, who has come to Carrol's side... to claim a couple friggin' teeth. That's not spittle, that's a good three or more teeth that fly out of this monstrosity's mouth as this next blow that does what might be the very most unthinkable -
Carrol topples, the great metal monster falling down onto the ground with such weight that the entire battlefield shifts. Yet... it goes well beyond a mere shaking of the ground.
The earth under their feet shifts and breaks apart, a sensation of something breaking through - veins of ore and metal shoot out the very ground around them, each piece threatening to slice the lot of them to bits as they all fly towards Carrol's seemingly fallen form...
No, it's reconstructing, from something vaguely humanoid into a mountain-like mound of magnetically attracted materials, the upper torso shifting about this construct with an ear-shattering deep yell of pain, white eyes a bright glow as Carrol lifts himself back up in a most unconventional way.
"YOU CAN'T STOP THE METAL!" Carrol taunts as he grabs with his hand deeply into his side, the veins in his arms throbbing as he withdraws a hammer-shaped structure from deep within. It's sort of like trying to rip out one of your ribs to make use as a weapon...
No, it's his original sledgehammer. It may seem like downgrading from a nuclear missile for a BB gun when considering he is now about 33% of a full human body inside a mound of metal as he takes it in his hand, raising it upon high.
Reaching out, he strikes that odd metallic sphere with the hammer. The metal 'ching' is soft.
What isn't is the entire world shaking and a feeling of being strongly pulled towards this mass, as if to be absorbed, to be crushed, as he rears the hammer back.
"THE BLACK FIRE UPON US!" He yells this final verse as he hurls the hammer hard into where the lot of them wil be collected if they can't resist the pull, a final, great, grand shockwave tearing across the entire battlefield - and further out towards the east.
While they may all be drawn towards certain death, this may be their one, last great shot.

It would seem Sagat is in for a bit of surprise. Two would be the arrival of Maki and the second would be the fact it is not Sagat that Ken has come to claim the head of, but Carrol. For now at least. It seems like Ken might be in a mental battle of his life right now as his normal self tries to purge whatever it is these monsters have done to him. It only reminds Sagat of his own struggles even if his are much more subdued, but over a much much longer period of time. "It seems things are going to be tougher than you think." he tells Carrol.

Then all hell seems to break loose. The earth itself seems to be wanting to come apart and Carrol soon starts to further deform and lose what little human features he has left. The sphere is hit then as much as he resists Sagat feels his feet dragging on the ground as he is pulled forward. So the monster looks to just smash him all at once? If that is to be his fate Sagat will leave one reminder that will remain with Carrol if the monster manages to survive.

With a loud yell the mighty Muay Thai warrior launches himself forward. A powerful knee to strike against Carrol's form once more. He is soon unleashed as the large fighter begins to kick and punch with all his might. Skin breaking and blood coming from the wounds as he connects with force that are causing a few of his own fingers to break. The tiger couls and crouches low to unleash another powerful uppercut like the one before only to land in a crouch again and launch himself with a second uppercut. His hand delivering the blow ignites with the yellowish orange color of his chi as he delivers another blow with all his might.

Afterwards he lands and falls to both knees. He breathes heavily and he tries to start pulling himself to his feet. "I will not be crushed like some bug." he says before coughing a few times and reaching up to wipe blood from the edge of his mouth. "You will die here tonight." Though he wonders if he has much left. Striking that metallic body has worn him out almost as much as actually being hit by the monster.

Maki finds herself getting flicked away, and it does hurt. But one ability Maki has is the ability to reset herself in mid-air and, instead of going off the island, she skids to the ground and takes a moment to catch her breath. "Dammit, that thing is beyond words!" Maki mutters as she rushes at the statue, pushing off of a nearby rock and flying at it with a swift flying kick. "HASSOU KYAKU!"

The tainted chi slowly starts to surround Ken's hands and feet as he watches the beast that is Carrol grow into a metal monster. "You /won't/ survive..." Once more his body groans loudly as he pushes it beyond what it was meant for, dodging the metal shards that fly towards him as if time itself were slowing down. A slight trickle of blood starts to appear out of the corner of his mouth, obviously showing that this is NOT a good thing at all for him.

The tainted Blonde Ansatsuken master rushes back towards the monster, leaping high into the air as his fists start flying towards the solid metal body. The chi that has been surging forth from his body starts to burst out in full force now, only to drop back down to the ground, blood now freely flowing from his body as his nervous system feels like he's on fire. "Shin..."

From a crouching position, the fire that now surrounds them from the burning forest starts to make its way towards Ken as if it were drawn to him like moth staring into a bug-zapper. "RYU..."

Rocketing upwards, the flames of the forest trailing after him to envelop the monstrosity that is Carrol, his fist on a collision course with the metal-man's giant jaw of a target."


Together, they all unite. It is not just because of a magnetic pull. No, all of them at least have some understanding that it is time to put an end to Carrol, who has sang - or really, uttered in a really low and hard to understand voice - his last in this final, great push.
Sagat, the former Emperor of Muay Thai, may still yet be it in spirit as he thrusts himself into what would be the gates to sheer oblivion. Every kick, every punch, carries with it the weight of a true fighter. Each bit of metal gives way even as Sagat fights against the crushing force that should weigh this man down to a harmless kneel - but it does not. The mountain shakes as it comes apart, piece by piece.
"CRAWLING THE BLOODY HILL," Carrol sneers as he awaits the inevitable. The back of his head gets tapped by Maki's flying kick, which he finds really aggravating but nonetheless resigns this comeback to what he assumes to be the inevitable conclusion of a swift death.
Ken's flames empower him to rise up high through the ruin Sagat opens, metal growing and expanding around him as he raises upwards like a man dragging himself out of the hell inflicted upon him in order to make his way to paradise, this single blow looking to be his redemption as he climbs so high enough to sock Carrol right in the jaw.
"THE DARK LORD," he wheezes through clenched teeth and a slight slur as his entire face shatters, "RiiiiiSsSSEeeeeSssss...!!!"
The fruits of their collective labor coalesce as the mountain expands in mass, coated in thick rust. The erosion is rapid, the power having since fallen out of Carrol's control from injury, a single last, blood-curdling yell as his single arm raises up to the dark skies.
The mountain collapses unto itself as the rusted mass crumbles to dust, and Carrol - once enjoying the idea of looking down upon the bugs waiting to be crushed - finds himself sinking lower and lower, to the point that those gathered could now look down upon him. Perhaps out of pity, perhaps out of spite, he becomes very, very small as the rust starts enveloping his human form and one last truly terrified look upon all of them.
His head expands into a rusty, filth-encrused shell before it, too, crumbles into dust. Be very careful not to inhale it.
Their victory reprieve will prove short, as the rumbling has not stopped. The very ground has become less and less of a ground and more of a field of death traps. Jagged spikes fill the ground as far as the eyes can see, shooting up at dangerous speeds as if uncaring of - maybe even intending to take advantage of - the possibility that the three of them will be impaled.
The entire western section of the island erupts into these jagged, deadly structures - it's time to get off the island.

It seems like combined the attacks were enough to finally due in the creature that was once a man. Sagat just stares at Carrol as he begins to erode and fall apart. He feels a bit of pity for the misguided fool, but in the end the man was doomed to begin with the moment Sagat found him. The down side to this is the fact if there is more trouble on this island he is in no shape to continue. His body is screaming for a break, but that is the last thing he can do at the moment. The ground is still shaking and falling apart. His legs take alot of will to get him to start moving, but he finally does as he starts to turn about.

Only a slight nod is given to the others as he starts on his way. "I finally did it....hmm...." he mumbles to himself as he wanders away. Perhaps all too slow really to avoid the earth falling apart very easily. "So this is what it is like to be a hero....kind of nice." There is a soft chuckle and there he starts to fall forward as the jagged protrusions start shooting up around him and shields him from the sight of those around and leaving the fate of the former emporer unknown for now.

Meanwhile, Maki rebounds off of the man, and finds herself landing on one leg, since the foot she hit him with is in a bit of pain. Which causes Maki to grab it and hop up and down a few times, yelling obscenities about how she might have just broken her foot. But after a few hops she realizes, at worst, it's just sprained. Now is time to be getting out of here. In fact, Maki forgets about her foot as she takes off running away, not wanting to look back...

The taint that is there in his body is raging around inside Ken now, his body alredy starting to give out fully as it has finally taken its toll upon him. Muscles are stretched, bones are broken, and his internal organs are already bruised and possibly bleeding themselves.

A low gasp escapes his lips as he slowly starts to limp his way towards the beach of the island, knowing full well he may infact die here if he doesn't escape the burning inferno..

Log created on 18:12:44 08/05/2011 by Carrol, and last modified on 18:02:42 08/09/2011.