SNF 2011.06 - Old vs. New - Saishu vs. Juri

Description: As the world burns around them, the public's insatiable desire for pay-per-view no holds bar fights has not dimmed! It's a battle between the aged patriarch of the Kusanagi clan, Saishu, and the cruel Taekwondoka assassin, Juri Han. Though all is as it seems. As the fight continues there is a strange ruckus in the crowd. A surprise guest appearance?! Also yet more reason why it's better to pay-per-view when the fists start flying in the stands. (Winner: Juri . . . Kinda)

Saturday Night Fight. Blah, blah, blah. With King of Fighters facing some difficulties in organization following a number of, shall we say, incidents, perhaps now is the time for the Masters Foundation to start taking a stake back in the ratings with their gloriously irrelevant Saturday Night Fights. So very far removed from the hustle and bustle and the chaos...
Or, if you are Saishu Kusanagi, sometimes even more removed from the rest of humanity itself, in some ways, standing in the blue corner of the ring of the Dragon Arena and otherwise picking away at his ear.
"She's the violent one, right," he asides to some guy with a towel over his shoulder, "they said it's the violent one."
"Uhhh... there's a lot of them that are kind--"
"/Is this the violent one./" He speaks up, eyes narrowed.
"Y-Yeah... this one's the... the violent one," the guy with the towel stammers.
"Ehn. She'd still want to play now, too?" Is he really one to talk? Saishu Kusanagi, the father of Kyo... the patriarch of a family that has received plenty of negative attention from the mysterious Cult of Gaia, to the point of his wife's garden being corrupted and twisted, even. One would think someone of his age and, presumably, sense of devotion and duty wou---
Still picking at his ear with only the vaguest notions of interest, the crowds seem oblivious to whatever it is Saishu is thinking or getting at. All they care about is the billing - Old vs. New. The father of Kyo, versus one of the newest and deadliest faces on the fighting circuit.
Could there be more to this arrangement than is being first let on...?
Nah, it's Saturday Night Fight, there's no chance of any sort of subtlety or depth to this arrangement at all. Ever. Nuh uh. No way.


/THE/ Violent One. It's not really surprising that Juri would come to be known as such. She has picked up quite a reputation from her time on the SNF circuit. Her fights are brutal, sometimes absurd, but always brutal.

It is her penchant for such brutality that the Masters Foundation has seen fit to provide some barriers for the audience ot be behind. Lest she end up 'accidentally' causing collateral damage that costs lives. Not to mention it's the reason that the front row tickets to this fight came with waivers to sign. You really are taking your life into your own hands when Juri Han steps into the ring.

She isn't in the ring right now, however. No, it won't be for a couple of minutes after the fight was supposed to begin that she finally shows up: The doors to the arena shoved open with a loud enough bang that a brief hush replaces the audience's dull murmurs. Standing in the doorway is the diminuitive figure of a Korean woman, smiling demurely at the ring. "Oooh, looks like this one's on time for a change."

Wasting no time, the Taekwondoka approaches and enters the ring. She takes a moment to warm up, stretching her legs behind her back and regarding the old man standing in the opposite corner with a cool expression. "Geeze. Where are they getting all of these second string guys." Lowering her leg to the ground, she shakes her head and sighs, "Really, do they expect an old coot like that to be able to keep up with me." Her lips split into a wicked grin as she speaks up so that Saishu can hear her clearly. Not that she was speaking so softly before that he couldn't, "I really hope they aren't expecting me to go easy on you just because you're old." She chuckles darkly, and licks her lips, "If they think it's going to boost their ratings watching me beat an old man on national TV though, who am I to disappoint?"


Juri Han. There really is nothing else you can append to that name, for the person that owns it.
Even the announcer, behind his doubly-protective plexiglass booth, speaks his name in hushed whispers.
Saishu is currently scratching his beard, looking in some other direction as names are read off while the Taekwondoka makes her entrance, with words holding a sting just about as venomous as any spider. Well, venomous spiders, anyway.
He gives Juri one good look-over, top to bottom (which goes rather easily considering-- uh, no, let's not finish this, Juri's here), looking back over his shoulder down to the now ever more so nervous guy with the towel because THEY ARE WITHIN FIFTY FEET OF JURI HAN and nobody wants to be within fifty feet of Juri Han.
"The violent one?" Saishu asks again.
"Y-Yes, that's the--"
"Get your eyes checked, boy. Or wait, no, your eyes're probably just fine. Get your ears checked."
"THE FIGHTERS ARE READY!" Cries the announcer, although to all appearances it looks like Saishu's interest in any and all of this has more or less evaporated on the spot, back well turned to Juri as he thinks to - no, he /is/ deciding to try and climb up and out of the ring via those really colorful ropes the Dragon Arena's got up.
Probably as good an invitation as any to yank him back in - or give him the hard boot to help him along, anyway.
The announcer is just pretending this isn't happening because, you know. TV and ratings.


All spiders are venomous. Only certain spiders are /lethal/.

And there is no doubt just what kind of variety Juri is: The brown recluse, the black widow, and spiders of the Amazon that catch birds in their webs and eat them. There is a predatory hunger in her eyes. And watching the old man seemingly lose interest in the fight and try to escape the ring. A sudden convulsion brought by a harsh laugh, and Juri speaks in a menacing purr, "Oh, had enough already? Well whatever, it's not like I whip senior citizens for fu..."

Juri's voice trails off as suddenly a readout comes through on the display of the Feng Shui Engine. It's analyzing Saishu's chi signature, and what's more, comparing it to another subject: One known by the name of Krizalid and another known by K'. You can almost see her drool now. Oh yes, yes, this is going to be very interesting indeed. Then with a flash of violet Juri's body disappears!

Specialized cameras at the edge of the ring hum loudly as they take slow-motion video of what unfolds. In the video, shown as an instant replay for the folks at home, Juri is shown running toward Saishu. Nothing unusual: Except that everyone in the audience and even Saishu himself seems to be moving at normal speed. In the real world, the Kusanagi patriach will be able to feel the sudden violent trembling of the matt beneath his feet.

Juri appears again, this time directly behind Saishu. One leg is reached up so that she might curl it around his neck and force him down into the matt with three mighty kicks to his spine. Either way she declares in an ecstatic voice, "Not. So. FAST!!!"

COMBATSYS: Juri has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Juri             0/-------/------=|

COMBATSYS: Saishu has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Saishu           0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0             Juri

COMBATSYS: Saishu dodges Juri's Assatsu Kick.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Saishu           0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0             Juri

Saishu is grumbling /something/ under his breath. There's no microphone out there capable of picking up what it is the Kusanagi elder is talking about - half the time this is the sort of guy who breaks out of his own house via some restroom ploy and then goes on all sorts of wacky adventures with his fellow aged men who, for all of a sudden, seems to be appearing - on the world stage - as in lacking in much interest or even fighting spirit against somone that should get a sort of excitement out of /anyone/.
Like, you know, fear.
"Earthquake?" He mutters out loud as he looks up, the trembling mat causing the ropes - tied a bit too tightly - to shake. He promptly loses footing on the final rope to his freedom, falling backwards - incredibly narrowly missing the leg that would otherwise have gotten his neck, and landing in a backwards roll past Juri, rising along up with all the expected martial skill that contrasts very strongly with his uninterested mood.
"Huh? Well, you're lively," he concedes that much, bringing his hand to his chin to regard the Korean lady of such violent temper, violet color, and...
His eyes narrow.
"Yeah, you're not them," he speaks ever so dimissively, lowering his stance with one arm low, legs spread a bit further apart, and one arm raised up in front of himself, "looks like we never get to pick and choose so easily these days, do we?"
Perhaps he has remembered the whole thing about being contractually obligated to play, inwardly a bit confused in trying to watch Juri's own eyes. It seems like, in some fashion, he's looking at two distinctly different things. Really weird, you know. Unsettling.
Yet, something suggests for being something so incredibly interesting, he's just ready to... look for something else. "I'd say I don't have time, but, here I am anyway!"

COMBATSYS: Saishu focuses on his next action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Saishu           0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0             Juri

"Like I'd care whether you have time or not!" Juri sneers. She was a bit disappointed to have missed her opportunity earlier. Instead she slammed her foot against the floor of the arena in order to express her frustration. However, it can never be as satisfying to her as delivering that same force upon a human being's yielding flesh and bone. She watches from her position as Saishu come out of his roll in a standing posture and watch her very carefully. An action that causes the Taekwondoka to frown slightly.

Though she doesn't have what you might call... a respect for the elderly? She knows well enough that many of the older fighters are skilled, if past their prime. She knows very well what that gaze Saishu is giving her means.

Another sudden burst of speed from Juri Han, but this time much less drastic. The loose cloth of her pants and the end of her belt flap freely in her wake right before she reaches strike range! She whips around with all the senuous grace of a viper, aiming to deliver a painful looking turn kick to Saishu's side.

COMBATSYS: Saishu blocks Juri's Medium Kick.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Saishu           0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0             Juri

That mat will yield far more than the flesh and bone of the mighty culmination of the Kusanagi clan... of the previous generation.
The old man turns himself horizontally, brushing elbow against a kick that threatens to bite deep past whatever protection those olive sleeves and a body hardened by a bloodline legacy and a lifetime of training, a small frown at the thought about just how little she cares.
"Aw, nobody cares about li'l old me any more," he tries to laugh it off. But there is no pause in any of this banter between a psychopath and an old fool, not when he leans in forward to try and drive the previously struck elbow past Juri's outstretched leg to try and plant a solid strike right to her abdomen with all the ferocity of himself.
"So why aren't you looking at me?" He asks the odd question alongside it.

COMBATSYS: Saishu successfully hits Juri with Aggressive Strike.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Saishu           0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0             Juri

Once again, the Spider of S.I.N. finds her attack deflected. Or at the very least it does not strike with the full force and fury she desires. Even worse, the old man uses it as an opportunity to knock her off balance before driving a fist toward her abdomen! She attempts a deflection of her own with one arm, but the blow slides past.

Wincing and stumbling backwards, it is all that the Korean woman can do to keep from falling flat on her hindquarters. It has not so much to do with the force of the strike as the awkwardness of her posture when it landed. Still, she rubs her stomach appreciatively while laughing softly.

"Oh, but I do care. At least in so much that I get to fight you." Her voice is still as sultry and malevolent as ever. Meanwhile she begins to pace around Saishu, taking a moment to slow her assault so that she can size up her opponent. She continues, softly, "I was worried when I first saw a man of such... advanced years in the ring." It may sound like kindness, the way she words it, but it's rather obvious she intentionally is accentuating Saishu's old age.

A cruel grin paints her lips, "And don't worry, if I'm not looking at you it probably is just because I'm about to hit you!"

Case in point, during the Senpusha attack Juri has to cartwheel two times in rapid succession. During these spins she is unable to actually see her opponent clearly. However the four kicks delivered with the accompanying flare of bright violet psycho energy should be enough for any attention-deprived individual.

COMBATSYS: Saishu endures Juri's Senpusha.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Saishu           0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0             Juri

He's not ready to count her out just because of one bad recovery on her part. No, the way she moves - the comfort in which she can just traverse about the ring is worthy of much further scrutiny even when he can't really grok what it is she's looking at, quiet and turning in place as she circles around him.
"Ehh, worried, shworried, you were gonna hit me anyway, weren't you," he seems almost too forgiving.
Oh yeah, she is about to hit him, too.
That nasty rapid cartwheel full of purple energy has a love-hate relationship with fans. It's pretty to look at. It's shiny. It always looks great on TV, and in some ways, even better on replays. Just the way she swirls and how it follows.
Anyone who has faced her almost certainly has more of a straight-on hate-hate relationship. If it's not the kicks themselves - perfectly executed - it's that awful feeling that goes through one's head beyond whatever sorts of dentist money-making damage she can inflict, and for Saishu as he is gently (this is being described rather loosely) pushed back between this series of four kicks and that stream of energy. Even as his head seems ready to just get disconnected clean off his neck, even as he's moments from losing his balance and hitting the mat regardless of perfectly theoretical decapitation...
"HEADBUTT!" He cries loudly and enthusiastically, throwing his upper body forward to counteract this loss of balance as he tries to smack Yuri's skull, straight up, with his scalp. "Ha ha!"
Everything is suddenly amusing within this one moment, even with blood trickling down one side of his lips.

COMBATSYS: Juri dodges Saishu's Fierce Punch EX.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Saishu           0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0             Juri

FINALLY a clean hit! Or at least, that's what it feels like to Juri. Each psycho powered strike is delivered with surgical precision against the old Kusanagi master, and the flashes of psychic energy accompany her strikes do as much if not more than the pure kinetic energy of her strikes. Not only that, but they deliver a ... certain insight into the mind of the woman that Saishu is fighting. The energy is filled with terrible emotions: Rage, despair, anguish... and a desire to inflict all upon those around her.

Not at all different to the sort of activities that many afflicted individuals around the globe are experiences.

When she lands from the attack she has but mere moments before Saishu telegraphs his next fearsome attack. 'HEADBUTT' he declares, and brings his upper body forward to deliver a fearsome strike against Juri's skull. Demonstrating a certain celerity she lacked earlier though, the Taekwondoka quickly falls back and propels herself between Saishu's legs in order to come out on the other side. She lays there for a moment, before her legs suddenly lance into the air and she drives both feet down into the mat below her! Then, without aid of her arms, she rises again. A scowl marks her face as she glances toward Saishu over her shoulder.

"Wrong, this is wrong. You're just fucking with me, aren't you? Where is it, old man? Where is your fire?!" All the mocking sultryness of Juri's tone is now replaced with out and out menace.

She leaps in the air, spins, and intends to deliver a painful looking heel kick aimed directly at Saishu's lower back! "Stop screwing around and fight me for real!!!"

COMBATSYS: Saishu interrupts Heel Kick from Juri with Oniyaki.
-* WILD HIT! *-

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Saishu           1/-------/=======|=======\===----\1             Juri

It really is a lot like that. Like the way he's heard those people with the funny eyes and weird flames and stuff did a number to his wife's precious garden. Yet, the way she moves away, there is a slow nod in his movements even as he staggers a step to get his balance back while turning to face that nasty funny-gazed (to his own oft humorous perception) girl.
"Isn't her," he mumbles out loud while Juri is scowling about this sudden silliness, the light-hearted smile fading into something... well, not grim. Maybe just acceptance. There is a code with those who headbutt.
That's what /he/ believes.
"Fire? Uh, I dunno, you want fire? I mean," oh, he knows like hell what she's asking, /why wouldn't he/. This equates to mocking Juri Han. Universally, a really bad idea no matter who you are. "Maybe you should look in my pockets, probably have so--"
That's why. She's right in the air, spinning and looking ready to plant that heel of hers deep. Somewhere fight-ending, even career-ending for so many strapping young folks. Especially ones set on fire, who typically have their careers end for entirely different reasons.
Flicking his right hand up, a flicker of orange light - something hot, something warm - forms in his gloved palm. It's a familiar gesture of absolutely no surprise or novelty to this man, other than perhaps the mere pause he has to take in thinking about the proper one-liner in this scenario.
Maybe it speaks further to his expertise when he's able to suddenly leap upwards, thrusting both fists up as a twin stream of flames surround him in his upward spin, threatening to envelop Juri in flame. It is slowed only with the collision of her ankle against one of these fists. It speaks to her own power that this is enough to actually stop his ascent and force him onto the mat with a crouch.
The flames, regardless, continue without him before dissipating into the aether, the famous Kusanagi fire setting the troublemaking Taekwondoka ablaze as Saishu rises, shaking out the hand she so very neatly deflected with her heel.
"Uh, did you see any fire?" He cracks the slightest, most wry of masterful old man smiles. "I wasn't paying much attention."


The strange power that Juri Han wields, the power of the human mind itself, is not inherently evil. Though being uprooted by Vega's hand and twisted by the young woman's own tormented and twisted mind, hers can be described as little else. It is often said that monsters are made, not born. Though psychologists and philosophers may argue the finer points of this saying, neither can deny that Juri is a monster molded by the hands of a monster.

Still, her power is purely her own and lacks any trace of taint that might be connected to the cult activity and unusual rage-inducing 'disease' afflicting people across the globe. No, Juri's rage is her own and it's as clear in her physical strikes as it is in her nebulous psychic flames. She intended to lash out with all her fury at Saishu's side, but instead finds her entire world lit aflame!

The man rose through the air wreathed in the legendary Kusanagi fire, and all at once Juri realized there was a difference. Krizalid and K' held something similar, something she recognized, but they were facsimiles: Manufactured by technology. Though she doesn't clearly recognize this difference as it is written here she still knows there /is/ a difference, and the thrill of this realization is only matched by the searing pain coursing through her body.

Her foot struck the elderly man's hand with proper force, but it was a poor trade in blows. It left Juri rising skyward yet further with her body wreathed in flame before collapsing on the floor of the arena with a dull thud. The flames extinguish themselves shortly after, leaving only faint trails of smoke to signal their passing.


Juri rises to her feet with a deliberate languor, like a corpse rising from its grave. A cruel grin twists her face while her left eye is aglow with mysterious violet energy. Her words continue, "I didn't see it... but oh, did I ever /feel/ it!" As if to accentuate the meaning behind her words she raises her right hand to her face and lets it drift sensuously down over her neck and chest, before dropping back down to her side. Seemingly with great weight, causing her body to tilt in the way it drops so that only her left eye can be seen clearly by Saishu, glowing dimly.

"Almost ready.." she murmurs as she turns on her left heel, spinning around to try and deliver her right foot against the right side of Saishu's head!

COMBATSYS: Saishu blocks Juri's Spin Kick.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Saishu           0/-------/=======|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2             Juri

There really is something wrong with that girl's eyes, and even Saishu - a man who has seen plenty (how much of it under the intoxication of something or another versus not, who knows), and yet he's been having trouble figuring out what it is. It's like she has two eyes.
...No, let's put it better. Two different eyes, like they don't belong with one another. It lends itself well to making her so very difficult to get a read on. You can tell a lot about a person by their eyes.
For example, you can tell one of Juri's glows in the dark because it's doing that /right now/.
With her rise and that grin, the man's somewhat silly passive regard to the bloodline's birthright thickens to something else, raising up an arm in front of him with one clenched a ways behind, as if realizing if she isn't... something or another, she /is/ something.
"I see where the mistake was made," he utters out loud with no real context, "guess I won't have to have that talking to with the Masters boys!"
Hunkering down against the speed in which her right foot comes at him, it's a catch that almost doesn't happen - a brief wince as the striking foot grazes and hooks against the raised arm, leaning his head back as though mistaking what /is/ a nearly bad block with some sort of ploy to yank his guard down!
Smoothly withdrawing the guarding hand, a brief flicker of orange - as if in response to the eerie violet moving with the violent girl, his other hand draws backwards with a loud kiai as the flicker of flame in his hand frees itself and dances forth across the mat. That it leaves behind burn marks in its wakes suggest that, for all the attention the arena has been getting since Alma's attempts to bring Sunshine City to the world stage, it's not really well-equipped for handling people firing off fireballs on the mat proper.
To be entirely fair, who could ever really handle the Kusanagi flame, especially when it is shooting across the ground looking to engulf one from the knee down?
"I'd really like to say 'feel the burn,'" he adds, "but my wife's been getting on my case about these cliches! Ha ha!"

COMBATSYS: Saishu successfully hits Juri with Yami Barai.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Saishu           1/------=/=======|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2             Juri

There is also something to be said for the saying 'asking for it', but rarely is it taken to its most literal, logical conclusion as asking for it. Juri wanted to see Saishu's fire, nay, she demanded it to his face. Or his back, rather, though she would have gotten around to his face eventually. Now after her latest kick has been blocked she's getting everything she wanted... plus interest!

While the Taekwondoka is indeed a masochist almost as much as she is a sadist, and as crazy as a bag full of bats ripped straight from Hell, she's not stupid. When that gout of Kusanagi flame comes roaring her direction she tries to move out of the way. Oh how she tries.

Instead she is consumed one more in the roaring heat. Though it is chi flame, which should NOT be confused with the real thing, that doesn't change the fact that she certainly feels like she's being roasted alive. She stumbles back alight in the venerable holy flame before it finally extinguishes itself, and for the first time this entire fight Juri is forced to drop to one knee while grimacing.

It does not last long.

"You really surprised me. I was expecting a pushover, and instead I got this." Her grimace changes swiftly into a wild grin right before she rolls toward Saishu and lands in a crouching posture. "But now... KILL KILL KILL!!!" Juri's left eye, the Feng Shui Engine, glows brightly with malevolent energy as it produces a high pitched whine. Meanwhile she begins a frenzied combination of kicks. One low followed by another to the midsection and finally one aimed toward the upper torso! She'll drop to perform a low sweep before finishing with a spinning high kick! Each of these blows is wreathed in chaotic purple energy, intending to overwhelm Saishu's defenses with psycho power and consume him as she had been consumed.

COMBATSYS: Juri successfully hits Saishu with Fuharenjin.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Saishu           1/--=====/=======|=======\-------\0             Juri

The rowdy and roasted rough-houser gives Saishu that little pause to bring a hand to his chin again, as if finding the act itself incredibly interesting for something so mundane. It's not like he /hasn't/ roasted so many other people with this amazing boon of his family, but, you know, principle of the matter.
Or there's something else to it. This passive observation disappears when Juri deigns to open her mouth, although there's the sound of something - glass breaking? Eh, whatever, probably not important.
"What, Saishu Kusanagi, a pushover?" Saishu grins. "Surely, you j-- oh, poop." Juri just goes from Zero to Murder in the snap of a finger, and those kicks come in so fast that he's brought down to a kneel by that first kick alone. It opens up to so many countless others in such rapid succession, from doubling him over further with that middle kick and one that, thanks to his posture, more or less catches him in the neck, staggering him up - sweeping his ass and juggling him with that spinning high kick that corkscrews Kyo's old man into those brightly colored ropes of the Dragon Arena.
It's amazing those ropes even hold him, given how much stress it takes just stopping him from being knocked clean out of the ring. The overwhelming sensation of hatred, that desire to hurt is enough to give the man significant mental pause as the bright lights turn into blurs - save for that brief, singular, strangely well-focused dot that is Juri's aberrant eye.
"Hoogh." Saishu steadies himself to lean back into the ring, deep bruises highly visible around his upper body where his olive gi does not hide them and one very loud gurgle followed by a swallow. Perhaps his pride is preventing him from willingly spitting up blood for this one.
"Well, I'd like to say it's been pleasant, ma'am," he largely lies as he brings his hands in front of himself, opening up as the flames gather in the space between his hands, stance lower and more solid.
It's hard to tell thanks to the lighting, but behind Saishu it seems like things are... being thrown? Is that a swear word? Maybe it's just a Juri fan getting into the spirit of Juri?
"'fraid I'll have to draw the line at the whole 'kill' thing! So why don't we just get this done and get on our way?" Behind the flicker of orange flame, the man's face takes a far more grim tone. More determined. More angry. More 'Kyo did you break the goddamn urn again,' but far less 'did you forget to remove the pickles from my juicy burger.' You never want to see this man's face when someone forgets to remove those pickles.
"AND IT'S COMING TO A CLIMAX, FOLKS!" The announcer says - of course it is, you got Saishu on the ropes and putting fire together, and Juri in full-on kill mode. Clearly, the most exciting part of the night.
The ground shakes a little. This is likely entirely unrelated to anything going on in the ring.

COMBATSYS: Saishu gathers his will.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Saishu           2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\-------\0             Juri

At this moment, what may or may not be happening outside of the ring is of little consequence to Juri. She is, at this moment, consumed in an unfathomable battle lust, bordering on out-and-out insanity. Murderous thoughts consume her mind, visions of the arena floor drenched in blood whilst Saishu's broken body struggles along the ground, wheezing his last clever quip before growing still. Wouldn't that please the folks at home? Isn't that what they wanted from the detestable and degenerate Juri Han?!

She really didn't know, she really didn't care.

Having watched the old man spin through the air while alight with her psychic fire certainly pleased Juri. The fact that he seems willing to get again makes her lick her lips, and give a quick burst of laughter as he attempts to draw the line at murder. "Oh? But really, without the risk of death we're two idiots knocking each other in the head for money. And why? So some overstuffed suit can use the revenue to buy himself a bigger yacht." The Korean's diminuitive frame shakes, convulses with another uncontrolled burst of laughter - this time tilting her head skyward to she can laugh at the heavens themself! Or at least, to the so-called overstuffed suits running this fight.

"You see... when you learn how to fight like I do..." She snaps her head toward Saishu so that he can look directly in her eyes once more. Though he might be distracted by the whisps of purple psycho energy rising up around her form. She finishes, in a cold menacing purr, "... you'll realize just how boring everything else is."

The purple energy produces a trail as Juri seems to half-run, half-glide toward Saishu's corner of the ring. One might be forgiven for thinking that the rumbling comes from the power unleashed by Juri as she arrives at her destination! The first strike is a sweep aimed to take out both of Saishu's legs.

Following that is something as incredible as it is beautiful as it is painful. Wreathed in her own psycho energy Juri will attempt to rise up into the air like a pinwheel from Hell. Hopefully she will be carrying her victim. Hopefully she'll make it this far... for her sake, anyway.

COMBATSYS: Saishu fails to interrupt Kaisen Dankairaku from Juri with Orochinagi+.

[                                < >  ////////////                  ]
Saishu           0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0             Juri

COMBATSYS: Saishu has reached second wind!

[                        \\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Saishu           0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0             Juri

Ah, we all know the song about who really profits most from fighting. Saishu's more playful state of mind has since faded, focusing the flame intently with Juri's little (very big) taunts and teases and facts of life.
"You want boring? Not gonna find it here, nope," he grunts out as he draws his hand back, the olive sleeve obscuring his form briefly as Juri moves for him. This is the moment cameras all flash nearly at once - probably the single most exciting clash to be seen this Saturday Night Fight! It may go down alone as one of the greats.
"THIS IS THE STRENGTH OF KUSANAGI!" He sweeps his arm outward, a tremendous wave of fire lighting up the stage--
Harmlessly over Juri, and giving her a really neat (if quickly dissipating) fiery backdrop to follow up that sweep, her low movement coming pretty much exactly at the right time to guarantee the man's about to fall right into her clutches, off his feet, into the air...
A body hits the ropes from outside, someone working security detail. Beneath them, another body gets flung /into/ the ring.
Nobody would be blamed for failing to notice in the heat (no pun intended) of the excitement.


Well, it's a bit hard to notice anything when you have firey chi exploding around you and waves of purple psychic energy swirling as a vortex heading ever skyward! It is within this vortex that Saishu will find himself regretfully, /painfully/ part of.

Juri talks big sure, but to be fair she can often afford her hubris. Getting hit by her is like taking a dump truck in the chin. Sure you can brag about it to your pals later, but you might want to get out of that body cast first. Sadly few people in the stands are likely in any condition to appreciate the subtle beauty of the Kaisen Dankairaku. How at the end of the swirling vortex of strikes, Juri rises above her victim like a fallen angel wreathed in energy. How she slowly brings her foot up above her head before sending it crashing down with incredible speed and strength!

The Kusanagi patriarch will be sent careening toward the ground with incredible speeds, and would simply crash were it not for Juri standing in his way. Yes, she has managed to reach the ground before her own victim by somehow propelling herself out of mid-air at breakneck speeds and landing, skidding across the ground. From there she will stand, spin on her heel and deliver an upward kick to catch Saishu by the small of his back!

There is a brief, tender moment as Juri holds the man of advanced years aloft, curling her spine back so that she can raise her head to gently brush is bearded chin. She speaks in that menacing yet seductive purr of hers, "So, how does it feel?" With that she spins on her heel again, this time delivering Saishu head-and-neck first with the matt below!

She stands now, triumphant over her victims. Wait... victims? Juri's eyes narrow as she suddenly looks at the body that got flung into the ring. A frown crosses her features, "What the Hell?" She mutters this to herself as she actually is shocked from her battle lust long enough to survey the arena around her. Juri's fights have done many things, caused many issues ... but never a riot.

Or perhaps a Riot?

COMBATSYS: Juri takes no action.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Saishu           0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0             Juri

"THINK A BUNCHA LITTLE MEN ARE GONNA STOP CARROL JAYNE?!" A strong voice yells, as the crowds start picking up on the fact that... where did those other guys come from?
"Stay calm, folks," the announcer urges, stammering. He's surprised too.
Saishu, freshly slammed into the mat so hard as to nearly break the ring outright, pathetically moans as he gets a hand on a rope.
It almost seems right out of those wrestling shows that used to be so popular. Someone of such a huge, powerful frame where the light dramatically shines behind them - this is an accident. Set security in their bright jackets come up to subdue the man, but Juri can see it cleanly - a flash of steel.
The steel of a sledgehammer head, as the figure in question swings it out wide and sends a bunch of guys flying into the protective covers surrounding the stands.
"Shoulda figgered they'd put the two of ya together," growls the man as he helps himself into the ring. Carrol Jayne, a guy who made a real blip on organized fighting by taking on Ken Masters with Brihan Bogale, making a scene. This has to be staged, right?
Did he really just fight his way past security just to interrupt the fight? A sneer on the large American man's face suggests no friendliness as he slams the sledgehammer down onto the mat so hard as to shake it in intimidation.
"Lady, I gots something to say real quick from somebody else but hell if I remember, because I DON'T FUCKIN' CARE FOR NO SMALL FRIES GETTING IN MY WAY."
Saishu, being Saishu, points a finger up into the air. "Hey, you're the violent one's friend."
"SHUT IT!" The angry giant says. "You just stay on your friggin' back, Kusanagi!"
Saishu seems to consider this for a moment, one hand still on the rope, looking up to Juri with a certain bizarre calm despite the horrific beating moments before (and look at him, he's a mess of bruises and bloodiness), and shrugs his shoulders while pulling himself up.

COMBATSYS: Saishu takes no action.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Saishu           0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0             Juri

COMBATSYS: Carrol has joined the fight here in the center.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Saishu           0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0             Juri
                 [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Carrol           0|-------|-------

Fortune, as it turns out, is a fickle beast. The kind of beast that likes to make the fools of great men or great men out of fools. Sometimes it likes to play smaller tricks, however. For example: It seems to enjoy putting Juri on a path that she may not have been destined for otherwise. Carrol Jayne was a name she had only heard several times before, and now it was being yelled over the din of the arena crowds. Juri regards the large American man with confusion at first... and then a slow realization dawns on her face.

At first she stays quiet. Instead listening to Carrol and Saishu bicker back and forth while Carrol displays his physical prowess by slamming the sledgehammer on the mat that it causes a mini-earthquake. What is Juri doing? Well for one she is checking a read-out from her Feng Shui Engine, both on her current condition and the condition of Carrol Jayne. You see that last burst of ultra violence did take a lot out of Juri, and her reserves are now nearly depleted. That means this situation will require a softer touch.

And oh, how Juri hated a softer touch.

With one hand placed upon a cocked hip, the diminuitive Korean woman just regards the mountain of a man seemingly with disinterest. Saishu is more or less forgotten... She has bigger fish to fry. When Carrol finishes yelling once more, Juri takes her time to speak:

"Oh? Fe fi fo thumb, I'm sure you've heard that one." Juri comments with a soft laugh, "Funny you found me here, Carrol. I was looking for you myself." Her hand absent mindedly brushes off one of her pants legs, "Don't worry about the old man over there. He's just about spent, or should be. Why don't you tell me what you got to say? If I like what I hear, we might just get out of each other's face faster."

All the while, tactical readouts feed through her left eye. She'll hope for the best, prepare for the worst after all.

COMBATSYS: Juri focuses on her next action.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Saishu           0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0             Juri
                 [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Carrol           0|-------|-------

Carrol comes out reading as being big. This should be of surprise to nobody - but there also seems to be... something else. It's not easy to put a finger (or artificial eyeball) on.
It's a bit harder when the bigger of the two is basically making a huge tirade out of things.
"Wha? Nah. That's the first," Carrol says quietly with a brief scratching of his head as he lifts back up his sledgehammer again, "huh, so ya were lookin' for me too? Okay. Makes it real nice 'n easy then." A most unfriendly grin creeps on his big, mean, work-hardened face. The sort of face that can only come from a man who has such issues with his face that it can only be resolved by punching other faces, or something. This is how psychology works, right? Face envy.
"I was kind of hoping to run into your friend, but... can't all have what we want, huh?" Saishu works up a sarcastic little smile as he pulls himself up, having found the strength - somehow - to get back up again, even though it is definitely clear he's no longer in great fighting shape.
"SHUT IT OLD MAN," Carrol roars, "I said ya stay down!"
"Ahh, got too much to do to lay down to you types. Hey, you." Saishu points to Juri. "Some other Saturday. Ha ha!" He decides to excuse himself out of the ring post-haste, to the inevitable detriment of Juri officially scoring a win (but there really is no ambiguity, at all, as to who was having the upper hand at this point).
"Ah fuck, you shoulda killed him harder," Carrol growls, "fuck talkin', outta my way--" A single-mindedness overwhelms what would have, otherwise, been a rare reasonable request from Juri. Just a simple friendly exchange between two lovers of violence.
There's some shouting going on outside the ring. Maybe they're getting the police involved at last, but Carrol has completely different ideas, suddenly running across the canvas to try and shove Juri right out of the way in hopes of catching the fleeing Saishu.
Carrol really could benefit from itemizing his to-do list better, one would think!

COMBATSYS: Saishu has left the fight here.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Juri             0/-------/-------|
                 [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Carrol           0|-------|-------

COMBATSYS: Carrol successfully hits Juri with Quick Throw.
- Power hit! -

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  <
Juri             0/-------/-------|
                 [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Carrol           0|-------|-------

In all honesty, Juri is a mite bit curious about Saishu and what is stake is in all of this. The fact that the old man seems to know more, a lot more, than his demeanor lets on doesn't quite sit well with the Taekwondoka. But he's still on his feet and leaving the ring, meanwhile Juri is facing down a mountain of muscle.

'I'M THE JUGGERNAUT, BITCH!' probably applies pretty well here, because Carrol actually manages to catch Juri off guard. Not only that but he simply flings her out of the way to slam back-first into a nearby turnstyle. A slight groan escapes her lips and for a moment she sees stars. However with a shake of her head they clear up quickly and gets a clear view of the large man's back as he continues to pursue Saishu.

Not that she ever intended to let him get far.

Juri leaps up on the turnstyle with all the grace of a cat. A cat that has been winded, mind, but is still well within fighting condition. "Trust me..." she murmurs to herself, "... I won't make the same mistake /twice/!" With that as a yell she leaps into the air just as Carrol is undoubtedly struggling with (or leaping over) the ropes leading out of the ring. She'll aim to deliver a mighty downward kick directly between the large man's shoulder blades, hopefully bringing him down and also knocking any ideas of running away from her straight out of his skull.

COMBATSYS: Juri successfully hits Carrol with Colossal Kick.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  <
Juri             0/-------/------=|
                 [        |||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Carrol           0|-------|-======

Old men always have their secrets. Especially when times are desperate and people are looking for help and guidance from these elders who have seen so much.
Saishu doesn't look all too ready to help as Carrol reaches out with a hand towards Saishu. "FUCKIN' GET BACK HERE." Is this man's personality defined entirely by profanity? So many are. It's kind of disheartening.
Equally disheartening - for Carrol - is how he reaches out and just gets his fingers right on Saishu's gi. He's moments away from tasting it. One good, hard tug back, and he can eliminate this man from the equation entirely. Juri can probably recognize this on this man - a man with the full intent not just to fight, but pretty much to outright kill. Could this man kill Saishu?
Juri's kick says 'no.'
The fighting ring cries 'mommy, mommy, will I ever walk again?'
More descriptively, Carrol's bulk gets pressed down against the ropes so hard that they all snap off the corners in unison, his body hitting the mat so hard as to splinter the frame and bring the ring down in his direction, and for his very chin to hit the floor so hard to cause a tiny little crater where Juri has driven him.
And so Saishu is spared, thinking only to turn around briefly as he leans up against the walls of the stands. Crowds are already thinking wisely to clear away.
"Well, before I go, I just gotta say, big guy, your friends' days are pretty much numbered!" He smiles all-knowingly, even with a bruised face and blood still trickling down the side of his mouth. "Have fun!" Whether he's encouraging Juri or being sarcastic to Carrol, who knows. He knows he's got some better things to do, and limps along out.
"Everyone, please, please calm down," the announcer has lost control of pretty much everything.
Camera crews are still recording despite some of the wishes of top brass. This is going to be a big one for the news.
Carrol growls as he has to do a push-up to even dislodge the lower half of his face out of the ground, sledgehammer rolling down the new incline of the destroyed mat and retrieved moments later as he pops up. It seems like he may have lost a tooth or two from that single kick alone.
"Pain in ASS crazy flat bitch--" his voice trails off into completely unintelligible throaty growling like the beginnings of some black metal verse as - rather than bring that sledgehammer up - he balls up his left fist and rises up with a textbook punch to Juri's nose as the whole new fight breaks out - one where Juri is already significantly injured and winded.
One might even find it in them among the crowds remaining to legitimately /cheer/ for her, somehow.

COMBATSYS: Juri dodges Carrol's Face Fisted.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  <
Juri             0/-------/-----==|
                 [         ||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Carrol           0|-------|--=====

The S.I.N. spider doesn't mind the profanity, indeed she is quite the connoisseur of terminology both crass and vulgar herself. Not only that but she rather admires his predilection toward displays of violence with that sledgehammer of his. Unfortunately there's no time to enjoy the vaguely flirtatious taunting she usually enjoys. The memories of her mind being used as a plaything by the Powers that Be burn hot in her memory. And it is this flash of anger that helps her send the massive mountain of muscle crashing to the ground but a scant few feet from the heavily injured Kusanagi patriarch. Unbeknownst to Juri, she may have just saved his life.

Best not to remind her of that later though. It'd probably turn her stomach.

Both Juri and Carrol crash through both the ropes and mat, the devastation of the three thrilling the Spider in ways nothing else quite could. It is from this position now, standing atop Carrol's fallen form and looking at Saishu's retreating one that the old man gets his parting shot. Juri, in turn, simply flips him off non-chalantly before the floor under her starts to heave and shift beneath her!

The floor, in this case, being Carrol of course. And the heaving and shifting is due to him trying to stand once more. A soft cackle escapes her lips as she watches him rise from the crater in the ground, "Oooh, not broken yet huh? Good. I like a man with stam..." She trails off. Why does she trail off? Well because he manages to hit one of the few things that Juri is actually FAINTLY sensitive about.

Her chest.

Her smile disappears and her eyes grow hard and cold, lacking any hint of warmth or even the passion she experiences from sadism. She quickly ducks out of the way of his punch, attempting to move past his guard. If successful she'll actually swing up on his extended arm, straddling it so that she can reach his face! Once there she'll extend her hands to grab either side of her face, digging her fingernails into his scalp as her fury-filled face stares into his own. "SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP!!!"

If all this is successful, Carrol's world will briefly be filled with a endless sea of violet colored energy as Juri gives her own unique twist on electro-consulsive therapy. There is very little 'therapy' on tap here, as instead she'll be pouring all her hatred for this man and /everything/ else directly into his mind. This does not feel pleasant. Indeed, the only reliable way to recreate this sensation would be to floss your ear canals with razor wire.

COMBATSYS: Juri successfully hits Carrol with Kasatushi.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  <
Juri             0/-------/----===|
                 [                    |||||||||| ]
                 Carrol           1|-======|=======

Carrol is a big man of muscle, but is there all there is to it? Juri makes it look like there's even /less/ to him than that with a loud shout and an f-bomb that actually gets him to pause.
Damn, she makes that word scary for a man who says it so much as to have it lose any and all meaning from its common use.
It's so stunning that he doesn't realize the fingernails digging into his (thick) scalp until the violet energy comes along and goes straight to his head. It's quite a picture - such a small lady proving so incredibly dominant over a much, much larger man. There's token resistance there - bringing one hand on his head as he growls quarter-formed obscenities as his entire world is violated violently in violet (never using this alliteration again).
He thrashes in her grasp as what feels like an eternity passes.
He may even be considering flossing his ear canals with razor wire to get the sensation out of his head as the big man crawls along the uneven, trashed fighting ring. "God. Damn. Hell he doesn't want this bitch /dead/ for, one of /them/," he manages to sputter out with surprising coherence with the sledgehammer in tow.
Police sirens are very loud now. This show may soon be truly over.
There is no real grace to be had in a man who is so out of it that he can't even fully get up, owing to poor balance and the fact he has just had his mind almost totally blown. The best he manages - and considering what it is, pretty damned impressive - is simply taking the handle of the sledgehammer and tossing it right into the small Korean girl as he coughs something unpleasant up.
"Even friggin' Kusanagi didn't slow 'er down," he mumbles, "shit, that's hot."

COMBATSYS: Juri overcomes Thrown Weapon from Carrol with EX Fuhajin.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  <
Juri             0/-------/----===|
                 [                    |||||||||| ]
                 Carrol           1|-======|=======

The sirens outside indicate that it's about time for someone else to butt in on Juri's plans. No doubt they won't leave Carrol to her for questioning, and by this point the Korean woman really /is/ feeling very winded. She has to get this big bastard down, and fast, so that she can ask him what she wants to ask. Then those dirty bastards in blue can taze him all they want for whatever the fuck she cares.

After her attack is finished she releases the large man's scalp. Vapor trails follow her fingers, indicating the amount of power she managed to push into the man's mind. She then rolls off of his arm and lands on the floor in a crouch. Her breathing at this point is rather labored, and she stares up at Carrol with a smirk. "It's too bad you and I had to meet under these circumstances."

She stands back fully upright, licking her lips and mumuring with a purr, "I'm sure we could have painted the town red together." Though with the way she says those words it's hard to tell whether she means go on a violence spree together, or if she'd literally rip him open and use his blood as paint.

The latter, more likely, for as he takes the handle of his sledgehammer and flings it in her direction she spins her body around! Once more a comparison to a viper is apt, and her leg could easily be envisioned as a serpentine strike were it not for the purple energy flowing through it!

The energy delivered by the kick becomes an arc-shaped projectile that overtakes the handle and sends it, along with a decent charge of that baleful energy, back to the sledgehammer's owner! Her vocalization accompanying this attack?

"Why don't you DIE already?!"

COMBATSYS: Juri successfully hits Carrol with EX Fuhajin.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  <
Juri             0/-------/---====|
                 [                           ||| ]
                 Carrol           2|<<<<<<<|<<<<<<<

There's not really much span of distance between Carrol and Juri when that sledgehammer is tossed. This means precious few seconds to really introspect on how things are looking between the two on Carrol's end. Literally, the very moment the sledgehammer leaves his hands seems to be the moment it's coming back all purple-y while he's all black and blue (on the inside, where it hurts most).
He thinks of a word. It starts with the letter 'F.' There's a whole range of possibilities as to what it is. C'mon. Guess. It shouldn't be hard.
(Spoilers: 'futile.' Haw haw, bet you didn't guess it.)
Sledgehammer strikes face, purple energy washes past where physical limitations hold host of said purple energy back and gives him one last, great migraine that forces him up to his feet as he dramatically stumbles along, head facing up towards the lights and one abandoned, dangling overhead camera.
"Camera, uh... shit," he growls as he slams a hand on the turntable, having trouble standing on the slanted mat - and at last, falling to a crouch with one hand on one of the corners.
"All right, all right, ya got me real good." His pride, it is so bruised. "You... you watch TV?" This non-sequitur of a question is asked as he finds the strength to reach out and pick up the traitorous sledgehammer. "You better. That guy normally... doesn't bother, but, he's doin' something on TV. Wanted me to tell ya, just tune in or somethin'... whichever one King of Fighters goes on."
King of Fighters, that tourney that has gone quiet in the wake of attacks on Kagura Enterprises.

COMBATSYS: Carrol takes no action.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  <
Juri             0/-------/---====|

COMBATSYS: Carrol can no longer fight.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  <
Juri             0/-------/---====|

Once the final blow slams into Carrol, as he stumbles back while trying to maintain balance, and once he finally gives into gravity to settle in a crouch ... Juri, for a change, stands over /him/. It has been a long night. A good night for her, really. Her entire body aches, screaming with the agony inflicted upon her by Saishu's chi flames and the fact that she and the Feng Shui Engine was pushing it to the very edge of limitation. Now her left eye finally powers down, the light dimming and the taijitu that closed over her iris and pupil snapping open. Now she looks like she just has two eyes, and one could scarcely tell the difference between them.

Those same two eyes regard Carrol cooly. She can hear the sirens outside, she knows she has only a couple of minutes before they barge in. Only this time they are not after her, which is a pretty shocking change of pace.

For now the Spider gives the man a chance to talk, to say his peace. Watch the King of Fighters channel for an announcement? What kind of announcement? Who cares really? Who is this 'person' he is talking about? A mysterious benefactor? Who cares really. All Juri really wants, all she truly desires, is revenge. Revenge against those who felt that they could treat her like a toy for their amusement.

With a scowl, Juri reaches forward to grab the man's tank top between within her gloved hand. She speaks angrily, "Listen, I don't give a shit about any of that. All I want to know, is if he's the one screwing with my memories. That's all." Her voice is fairly clear: If she doesn't get the answer she wants, the police may just come in to find a corpse instead of a badly beaten man.

COMBATSYS: Juri has ended the fight here.

Juri Han, for once in her miserable, hate-filled life, not completely on the wrong side of the law. Who woulda thunk?
It speaks to a scene of unimaginable power when Juri not only grabs the man's tank top, she actually has it in her to get him pulled forward - or maybe he's just letting himself lean forward a bit because he just likes it (some guys do) - as she spits out her mind in ways that don't involve empowering terrible, horrible blasts of aberrant energy that most people (well, most people with true fighting capabilities) cannot.
"You're gonna want to give a shit," he doesn't shit her there, a low wince as his eyes wander, although there is at least a little puzzlement at what she's saying. He doesn't remember her being a target for rioting, and hell, she seems to get on fine in terms of ultraviolence without it. "Gotta hazard a guess, uh, maybe! Maybe. It'll... make sense, all right? You saw me, I don't fuck 'round," he spits that much out as voices are heard outside. The police are about here, ready to get rid of the violent infiltrator of a perfectly legitimate match.
Even Saturday Night Fight ain't sacred any more.


Juri is strong.

Incredibly strong, some might say freakishly strong for a girl her size. It's almost certainly due to the effect of the Feng Shui Engine, allowing her to channel her own psychic power to bolster her already impressive muscles. However that doesn't change some very simple facts about physics.

For one, Carrol is very very heavy. For two, she is not NEARLY as heavy. The only real way she'd have of carrying him would be to heft his body on her shoulders, and even then she'd likely tilt over with the slightest breeze. Had she time or a cart of some sort she could do it. She could take him away to somewhere nice and private, somewhere nice, where the two of them could get nice and personal with each other.

Juri would learn such personal things as how many fingers she had to snap before he started bawling like a newly swaddled babe.

There is no time for this, and from the expression on her face it's clear that Carrol's answer does /not/ satisfy her. However she doesn't have time. She can hear the foot falls of the police officers approaching, and while she's not in the wrong here and indeed will have many people actually willing to vouch for her for a change, she has no desire to rub elbows with the boys and girls in blue. Her face twists into a sneer, and she brings her right fist, hard, against the side of Carrol's face! It's nothing like one of her kicks but make no mistake: It still stings like a bitch.

A few seconds later and Juri is gone, still having enough strength in her to spring away from the ruined stage and make for an open window. At least in this situation her tiny frame is quite the advantage, and it's easy for her to scramble through one right when the police burst onto the scene.

Some time later...

Juri is standing alone in a public restroom. Alone because no one was in the mood of staying inside with the wild eyed and battered woman. Cold water runs from the tap of the sink, which she is using to wash her face and arms. She pauses briefly from her task to look up at the bathroom mirror, and /stare/. Haunting images no one else can see flash before her eyes. With a feral growl, she cracks the mirror with her fist! Not the smartest move, as the newly formed shards of glass slice her fist open. As fresh blood oozes from the wounds she speaks to no one in particular. "OK fine, you son of a bitch. I'll keep playing by your rules..."

"... until I slip up and I catch you. Then, it's a whole new game."


Tiny fist against big man face, the rage is so very real. There is nothing exaggerated or staged in how the giant Carrol's upper body jerks underneath Juri's little parting gift punch, a spurt of blood and a low growl as he lies flat on his back.
The police are quick to surround the man. Some of them were probably watching the live broadcast and already have a pretty good idea that it's /him/, of all people.
"You're under arrest for armed assault, breaking and entering--"
"Pff, shove it," an emotionally emasculated Carrol somehow still finds some strength left in him to curse as he comes up to a kneel. Someone's already moved around to the side to cuff him.
That same someone is suddenly shoved back into the wall, guns immediately drawn out of fear. In the world of fighting, being unarmed or in any state of injury does not really lower one's threat level in the least. There has been so much pushing by law enforcement agencies around the globe to be allowed to draw guns on these people, and by golly, this is one of those situations they are so glad to have this right.
"Don't resist arrest," a police officer stammers, wondering if this seemingly defeated man is, in fact, at all subdued.
"Fuckin' small men, feelin' really big with those tiny-ass guns," Carrol sneers as he draws his free hand up into the air. It just might be the glint of light overhead, but there is a certain shine to his hand.
"Lower that hand right now!" Cries one officer. "Stop or we will shoot!"
"Not even gonna sully a friggin' curse word on you people," Carrol grumbles as he suddenly throws a fist down, shaking the entire arena as shining spikes of metal appear to envelop him. The gathered officers clear away, some already shooting. Bullets ricochet off this metal encasing with visible sparks, leaving others to dive for cover as at least one officer, slow on the uptake, just keeps shooting at it anyway.
"FEELIN' SMALL YET?!" Carrol screams from... somewhere within. "You friggin' better 'cause the days of you people being the big shots're long over now!"
The metal spikes suddenly expand, rust, and crumble into dust that will probably give severe infections to those who breathe any of that mess in.
More importantly, Carrol's gone... leaving so many to wonder the question. The question of the ages.
What the fuck?
Meanwhile, Saishu is off to grab a sandwich before heading home, heedless of the need for medical attention. He only gets a bite in before he realizes a horrible fact.
There's pickles.

Log created on 22:01:35 06/19/2011 by Juri, and last modified on 03:52:44 08/31/2011.