The Fall Of Thailand - Meetings of Fate

Description: Roberto makes a wager with Shoma to try and recover the Taiyo Slugger. The battle is fierce, and in the end, one person walks away.

Dear Shoma,

Make sure you stay in good health. I want to talk with you in private. Meet me at these coordinates that I wrote on the back of this note. Tell no one I mean no one about this note.

Your friend, Roberto Miura

Roberto had quickly written that note at the prison after he made sure all of the prisoners were escorted out. One might wonder if Roberto had intended for Shoma to get away the entire time.

It has been awhile since the prison break. Everyday has waited at those coordinates in the hope that Shoma may actually show up. He didn't see him before but this time he might be lucky. Maybe?

Shoma had some things keeping him from making this appointment. That fight with Hayato, for starters. Then he had to sneak out of the Taiyo Nurse's Office. That wasn't so hard; he's had lots of practice at it, after all. Then the tricky part; getting back to Thailand. That took some work. Then the talk with Kurow, then a day or two thinking about Roberto's missive. The chance it might be a trap, or some scheme, or...or...

...or what? Despite the...change of allegiance, Roberto was still his /friend/. He still did not really care much about Thailand; he never did. He was here for his friend, and that was all there was to it.

It was child's play for Kurow to take that and twist it around.

So finally, Shoma had gotten the nerve up to see what this was about. He makes no attempt to mask his approach, or even hide. That's not his way, after all. He simply shows up and waits, knowing that Roberto would be here.

If it was a trap, Roberto had no idea. He had been keeping this a secret but people still could have followed him. Roberto finally looks up from his makeshift, rags and twine soccer ball and watches as Shoma makes his approach. The look on his face is fairly grim and focused as he watches.

Some time passes by in silence before Roberto finally speaks with a tone filled with a mix of elation that his friend finally came and the sadness at the situation of Shoma being aligned with Vega, "Shoma, I came alone. To speak with you as a friend, appeal to your honor, and issue you a challenge." He takes a deep breath as he goes into a speech that he must've mentally rehearsed about a thousand times, "As a friend I must tell you that I completely disagree with where your allegiances lie but I'm wanted to let you know that it won't change the fact that you're my friend. As for the appeal to your honor and the issuing of the challenge, it's this." He takes amoment to adjust his visor as he tries to figure out how he wants to phrase this and then upon deciding he continues, "Because deep inside I know you're an honorable person I wish to challenge you to a one on one fight. If I win, we head back to Southtown together and we'll have a conversation with either Rose or Kyosuke. If you win I'll go back to Southtown by myself and I'll give Hinata and Natsu your regards."

Shoma tips back the brim of his cap, and eyes Roberto with a slight frown. The other hand is reaching for his bat.

"Well. It's about damn time." Shoma has not been put on any particularly evil tasks since he started his work at Shadoloo, likely because Kurow and Vega knew that it would not take much of that kind of thing to snap the programming. They opted to give him the simple tasks; guard this, train with these guys, that kind of thing. He bat is pulled free of the rig and levelled at Roberto.

"Fine. I'll even pay for your ticket out of here."

The bat does not waver at all as Shoma waits for what comes next.

COMBATSYS: Shoma has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Shoma            0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Shoma focuses on his next action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Shoma            0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Roberto has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Shoma            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Roberto

Roberto starts out with himself poised to stop a penalty shot but then all of a sudden he begins to bounce around on his toes as he begins to circle Shoma slipping into a boxer's stance as he watches and waits. He takes a deep breath as he begins to fight quite possibly the most important fight of his life(up to now).

He begins tightening the circle around the baseball player until all of a sudden, he lashes out with a jab which while it isn't much, it will allow him to get a feel for whether or not there have been any real changes to Shoma's style since the change of sides.

COMBATSYS: Shoma blocks Roberto's Quick Punch.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Shoma            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Roberto

Shoma's style has not changed /too/ much if the reaction is an indicator; he simply puts that black and silver-taped metal bat in the way of Roberto's punch, taking a half step back with a slight wince. That...was a lot heavier than it looked.

Unfortunately for Roberto, that slide was just what Shoma needed to put the Blazing Striker into just the right spot for Shoma's trademark attack. The bat is chambered over Shoma's right shoulder, and comes in at the level of his sternum...a lot like he's hitting a fastball out of the ballpark...

COMBATSYS: Roberto just-defends Shoma's Grand Slam Smash!

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Shoma            0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0          Roberto

Roberto begins to shift around continuing the circle around the homerun hitter just barely staying ahead of the bat. When Shoma finally nears the end of his swing, that is when Roberto raises a hand to stop the bat, looking no worse for wear. He then moves in quickly hoping to catch Shoma before he recoils completely and reaching out to grab him and throw him down to the ground, a kick to the ribs to follow if he's successful.

COMBATSYS: Shoma endures Roberto's Mundane Save.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Shoma            0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0          Roberto

Shoma goes along for the ride, exhaling sharply as Roberto buries a toe or four into Shoma's midsection.

It'd be here that he might surprise Roberto; he lashes out with both legs. Shoma attempts to scissor-lock the Goalie's neck, and smash his friend into the ground before kipupping to his feet, a frown on his face.

COMBATSYS: Shoma successfully hits Roberto with Strong Throw.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Shoma            0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0          Roberto

Surprised would be a major understatement.meters2

Surprised would be a major understatement. Roberto was just not prepared for the scissor lock or the hard slam to the ground. The look on his face would be a good approximation of what a deer caught in headlights would look like right before hitting the ground.

After a few moments, he gets back up to his feet and rubs his neck a few moments before going into a running start to slide right for Shoma's legs in what the soccer commuinty would call a slide tackle. "Urrragh!!!"

COMBATSYS: Shoma dodges Roberto's Sliding Kick.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Shoma            0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0          Roberto

Shoma hops the slide tackle by a hair. It's not that the move was not predictable; it's a testament to the teamwork between these two young men that Shoma has a move very much /like/ it. Roberto is just very very fast, is all.

However, the jump takes Shoma pretty high into the air. This is not the troubling thing of the event.

That would be the red-gold glow around the combat boots that engulfs Shoma's legs as he drops on Roberto's ribcage like a stack of bricks with a kiai, HI-YAAAAAAA!!!"

COMBATSYS: Roberto blocks Shoma's Base Stomp.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Shoma            0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0          Roberto

Yes Roberto's Sliding Kick is indeed fast but it's also problematic in that he has a bit of trouble in recovering from it. It's part of the reason that he opts to lie down on the ground and stop the impact in his hands instead of attempting to roll out of the way.

Had his own attack not put him in such a compromising position, he might've even thought to make sure his hands were glowing before he tried to stop the attack. But he doesn't and he rolls from under Shoma's foot but while he's low to the ground, he attempts to swing his foot for Shoma's leg which while it will hurt if it lands it won't endanger Shoma's baseball career. "I wish we were doing this under better circumstances."

COMBATSYS: Roberto successfully hits Shoma with Heavy Kick.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Shoma            0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0          Roberto

Shoma's kicked to the turf with a grunt. He lays there for a moment, staring at the sky. This doesn't last, however, as he quickly rolls and comes up on his feet. He winces as he puts weight on the injured leg; he'll be feeling that one in the morning.

He doesn't answer Roberto's question; thinking is too much right now, too painful. Instead, he simply raises his bat, and tries to smash it against Roberto's torso.

COMBATSYS: Roberto dodges Shoma's Random Weapon.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Shoma            0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0          Roberto

After Roberto landed the kick, he spun back up to his feet going into a boxer's stance again. Heavy D! is still a major influence in his fighting and he begins dance around while Shoma gets back to his feet. It's then at this point Shoma swings the bat around Roberto manages to bob and weave himself out of danger. Attempting to follow up dodge he steps in and then brings his fist up riding along Shoma's torso and then whipping it upwards in a upper cut that the leader of the International Sports Team would be probably proud of.

COMBATSYS: Shoma interrupts Strong Punch from Roberto with Fast Ball.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Shoma            0/-------/---====|=======\-------\1          Roberto

Shoma does something utterly stupid. Maybe it is the frustration at Roberto's speed, maybe it's the red haze that his Kurow-induced mental state is encouraging, but Shoma pulls out a baseball.

And gets smacked to the turf before he can even start the pitch. Shoma's jaw is showing the start of a nice bruise now.

Even if Shoma didn't get the pitch off before hitting the ground, he still managed to nail the soccer player in the face with it and the beginnings of a nice bruise on his chin can be seen. To see both boys hit the ground made a possible contender for 'World's Funniest Fight Videos' if someone were to have filmed it. As a result, it will be a moment only known to them.

Roberto is the first to get back to his feet and he quickly begins his movement towards one of his makeshift soccer balls and slams his foot into it to send it towards the baseball player. Of course, even as he kicks the ball he doesn't stop moving.

COMBATSYS: Shoma reflects Long Shot from Roberto with Return Swing.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Shoma            0/-------/---====|=======\-------\1          Roberto

Shoma's on his feet pretty quickly as well. He sees the ball coming in as he shoulders the bat. A swing...

...and Roberto's on the receiving end of his own attack! "Looks could go...All. The. Way..." Shoma comments.

COMBATSYS: Roberto endures Shoma's Reflected Long Shot.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Shoma            0/-------/-======|=======\==-----\1          Roberto

Does something that most would consider insane. Most people see their attack flying right back at them their first instinct is either send another projectile attack right through it, knock it back if they have that capability, or get the hell out of the way.

Or atleast it would seem insane if you didn't also consider the fact that Roberto was also a striker.Roberto moves right in front of the ball and chest traps it down to the ground before going into a full sprint right at Shoma dribbling the ball right past him as he makes shoulder to shoulder contact with him.

COMBATSYS: Shoma blocks Roberto's Strong Punch.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Shoma            0/-------/=======|=======\==-----\1          Roberto

Shoma throws the bat in Roberto's way, blunting some of the impact. He skids back, and bumps into a wall with an angry look on his face.

He pushes away from the way, and points the bat at Roberto. "You're not going to win. You /have/ to know that."

The Slugger makes no offensive moves, but it is apparent he's winded by the fight. The breaths are long and heavy as Shoma tries to pull himself back together.

COMBATSYS: Shoma gains composure.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Shoma            0/-------/-======|=======\==-----\1          Roberto

Roberto has always known that he was always a bit better than Shoma at pacing himself in fights. Another factor is that in soccer, if you're a field player you'll spend a lot of time on the field running so pacing yourself was a necessity. Roberto knew when he issued the challenge that if he was to have a chance at winning, he was going to have to make this fight a war of attrition if he was to have a chance of bringing Shoma home.

Shoma offered no pursuit and so he would have to force Shoma to make a decision. He kicked the soccer ball at Shoma knowing full well that there was a distinct possibility that it would get returned to him again but even if that did happen, it seemed to be a win win situation.

COMBATSYS: Shoma dodges Roberto's Long Shot.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Shoma            0/-------/-======|=======\==-----\1          Roberto

Shoma is good at figuring out where spheres are going to fly. He's studied, up close and personal, things like baseballs, volleyballs, and (the important one here) soccer balls. So when Roberto launches this one at him, he knows where it is going.

A quick twist of the torso send the ball flying past, with no harm done. He grins a bit at Roberto as he continues to catch his breath. He knows he is outright /stronger/ than the soccer player; pitching and batting require arm strength. He just has to /tag/ the goalie, and to do that, he needs to have sweet sweet oxygen...

COMBATSYS: Shoma gains composure.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Shoma            0/-------/---====|=======\==-----\1          Roberto

Roberto has no soccer ball again but even his missed attempt has provided for some opportunities. After sending the sphere forward he charges in right after it attempting to follow the distance attack with an upclose attack. He knows that at this point, he can't have Taiyo's home hero resting up anymore.

He practically charges in to give a fast kick before performing a side-step in an attempt to circle himself around between Shoma and his makeshift soccer ball he's been carrying about Thailand.

COMBATSYS: Shoma interrupts Light Kick from Roberto with Fishing Swing.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////                       ]
Shoma            0/-------/-======|=======\=====--\1          Roberto

Shoma sees an opening of his own as Roberto charges in. He pulls the bat free, and jams it into the Goalie's midsection as the kick slams into his elbow. He hefts Rob into the end on the end of his bat and sets on his back leg before spinning once, spinning twice, and then a third time to launch his classmate into a wall.

Moments later, he slams the end of the bat into the ground, leaning on it a bit heavily.

Roberto's on the ground, groaning in agony after the intensely painful attack ends. It takes a bit of time but he slowly gets back up to his feet. He's a bit wobbily but after a few moments of being upright he's sort of ready to go.

"I might not be able to win but I wouldn't be a good friend if I didn't atleast try." He takes a step towards his soccer ball then another and another slowly picking up speed until what started as a slow walk picks up into a fast run until a moment right before slamming his foot into it as the ball becomes engulfed in flames as it heads right for Shoma and should this ball of fire hit, it'll explode into nothingness.

COMBATSYS: Shoma fails to reflect Blazing Strikers from Roberto with Return Swing.

[                         \\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
Shoma            1/---====/=======|==-----\-------\0          Roberto

Shoma's eyes go wide as the ball races in. He sets in the batters stance again, and gets ready to swing. It's fast. /Very/ fast.

In the end, it is too fast for Shoma to send back. He takes the blazing ball in the face, and slams into a wall. He slides down to the ground in a sitting position, and simply stays there...

Roberto's in a dangerous position right now. Both fighters are fatigued and nearly at the end of their rope. He's somewhat wobbily as he watches the baseball player. Panting almost as hard as Shoma did earlier but the fact that Roberto was able to hold out until this point speaks volumes about his energy management.

Roberto doesn't even attempt to gulp more air desperately like Shoma needed to he's going to focus his energy on planning on how he will deal with his opponent. "The game's gonna end soon let's see what happens." The final move is about to be made.

COMBATSYS: Roberto focuses on his next action.

[                         \\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
Shoma            1/---====/=======|==-----\-------\0          Roberto

Shoma's in no hurry to continue the fight. All he does is stand. From the looks of him, that's all he CAN stand. He is breathing heavily. Roberto might spot the blood trail going down to wall from where Shoma slid.

It defies reason that he is on his feet at all, but there he is, gasping for air, his arms limp at his sides. The bat, however, is still gripped tightly...

COMBATSYS: Shoma gains composure.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
Shoma            1/-----==/=======|==-----\-------\0          Roberto

"Here goes nothing." At this point, if he loses he'd have done all he could and he'll leave the fight to someone else. The man with the Shining Clutch makes one final charge driven by a combination of guts and intelligence. After taking a running start, he takes a diving leap at the baseball player with a pair of glowing hands.

Normally it's performed higher in the air but he had to modify the move to fit the situation.

COMBATSYS: Shoma reflects Shining Save from Roberto with Return Swing EX.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  /                             ]
Shoma            0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0          Roberto

Shoma's eyes go wide; Roberto, true to form, will not back down. It makes Shoma smile as he brings the bat up once more to take a critical glance at the attack.

He steps in, and swings the red-gold covered bat at the incoming attack. After clearing Roberto away, he slams the bat into the ground once more, gasping for air.

"You know... Even if I were to attempt one more strike... And even if it were to land and knock you out, I still wouldn't be fulfilling conditions required to satisfy the conditions of our bet." His body wobbles for a bit as he slowly gets up to his feet only standing by sheer will alone.

"So Shoma, how will we handle this? Should wager something on the outcome of this final attack or should I let things go here. I'll put this in your hands."

Shoma is silent for a moment. He was honestly expecting Roberto to fight tooth and nail; that last attack all but proved it to him. He's stunned. In the back of his mind, Shoma's true self is screaming at Roberto to keep at it, to not give up.

It's the part that Kurow has worked on that pulls the strings right now. The part that causes him to turn his back on the Blazing Striker as he returns the bat to his rig.

"Just..." Roberto can't possibly miss the catch in his voice, "...go back to SouthTown, Roberto. It's...better that way." He reaches into his pocket, and tosses a wad of money to Roberto, "I said I'd pay for your trip back. That should cover it."

Roberto catches the money in his hand and then looks downward, "I already said no matter the outcome I'd head back to Southtown, This fight was just to determine whether you'd be heading back with me. If my attack were to land it would make both of our wagers null and void. You wouldn't have won and neither would I."

Roberto slowly hobbles towards Shoma, taking a deep breath. "So we have to have some type of agreement if there's a draw. If my last attack hits and drops you... You'll atleast promise to call Natsu occasionally to let her know how you're doing?"

Shoma looks over his shoulder at Roberto, unwilling to meet the goalie's eyes. The cap hides the moisture gathering there. When he speaks, it's in a cold, throaty tone of voice, "I don't think I should talk to her. It..." He pauses; this is hard for the slugger to do, "It would only hurt her." He turns to face Roberto, "However, if you insist on finishing this game, we should simply finish it." He pulls the bat free, and holds it in a sort of kendo stance in front of him.

COMBATSYS: Shoma gains composure.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  /                             ]
Shoma            0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0          Roberto

"In that case, I guess we should agree on the terms of what happens on draws if it happens." Roberto pretty much has nothing left in the tank at this point. His usual movements which are usuallly fast are now sluggish in nature and his last attack smacks of desperation. But at this point it's all he has. When he gets into range, he swings a glowing foot right for Shoma's chin, right where he landed the uppercut before finally falling on his back.

COMBATSYS: Roberto can no longer fight.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  <
Shoma            0/-------/---====|

COMBATSYS: Roberto successfully hits Shoma with Thrust Kick.

[                         \\\\\  <
Shoma            0/-------/=======|

Shoma takes the kick full-on. He doesn't move, part of him stops him from moving. That part that Kurow worked on seems almost determined to take this one in the teeth, to show Roberto his sincerety. His head jerks back with the blow, before returning to normal.

He simply turns and walks away, "Go home, Roberto. I'll be back when I am done here."

With that, he simply turns and leaves.

COMBATSYS: Shoma has ended the fight here.

Log created on 12:46:11 07/06/2007 by Shoma, and last modified on 00:11:11 07/08/2007.