The Fall Of Thailand - Hostile Hotel Takeover

Description: Roberto finds himself in need of new accomodations and happens to find someone he doesn't particularly like at a hotel that he plans on taking over as a new headquarters. Can Yurika hold him and his crew off? Does Roberto change her opinion of him? Does his opinion change about her?

After receiving a message from Shoma, Roberto had made preparations to find another place for Rose's crew and Alex's crew to hole up seeing that presumably the hotel they were staying at was no longer safe. As a result Roberto carrying a twine and rags soccer ball in one hand and a soccer ball sized object formed out of shrapnel in the other.

With him are three men from the Thailand Resistance forces helping him sneak behind enemy lines to find a place for the fighters in both groups to stay. After the time spent moving quietly for this insertion they finally arrive in a small city. There are a few close calls and then they finally arrive at a hotel. One of the resistance fighters informed him the manager would willingly house the fighters if it wasn't for the fact that Shadaloo was around. The mission became simple. Get rid of their presence and then they'll finally have a new place to reside.

It doesn't seem like anyone is having an easy time while staying in Thailand; though at the moment Yurika Kirishima doesn't feel like she has a friend in the world. Between having her brother reveal his plans to side with Shadaloo, and her best friend having been brainswashed and then dragged back to Japan on top of other orders she'd been given, she's quite honestly been rather miserable and unstable.
But right now she resides in the hotel that Roberto and his 'teammates' have recently made their way into; she's sitting at the cafe across from the check out counter, dressed out of her school uniform and in a nice, light blue frilled dress, with spaghetti strap shoulders and a matching color scarf, her hair done up in its usual manner.
At one of the tables sipping a cup of tea, she seems mildly suprised to see the soccer star she had tormented a few months ago. She didn't know he was over here!
At the counter, of course there are very very few employees who'd be more than happy to follow up on the 'deal'.

It looks like Yurika's time in Thailand is about to get worse. He shouts out with a sharp voice as his allies begin quickly start flowing into the lobby and begin fannning out as the shots are fired, "Kirishima!"

The manager quickly starts diving down below the cover as a combination of relief and fear shows up on his face. Of course having to fix this up would probably be a pain. That might be something Roberto may have to talk with Chizuru when he gets back... If he gets back.

The soccer star meanwhile drops both balls and stares at the Seijyun student. "What are you doing here?" Of course based on the fact that there are Shadaloo soldiers there and the fact that she's not handcuffed or anything the answer is fairly obvious and as a result he's already getting ready to go for her.

COMBATSYS: Roberto has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Roberto          0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Yurika has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Roberto          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Yurika

Yurika takes a calm sip from her tea. She most certainly isn't handcuffed or being watched by guards or anything so it is likely for some suspicion to be raised. But for her time to be worse? Well, no matter how she's feeling, she can always lift her lips into her mysterious little smile, not shaken at all as the shots start to ring, and then the shadaloo forces in turn start shooting back like it's some sort of mob movie.
"Oh, good afternoon, Mister Miura," Yurika replies, slipping from her seat, her teacup in one hand and saucer in the other, "I do believe I'm about as suprised as you are. Your lengths to getting a match is impressive." By her feet, of course, is her violin case.

COMBATSYS: Yurika takes no action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Roberto          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Yurika

His begin to curl into a smile as he begins to stare down the girl. "Actually I would've tried to arrange a Neo League fight if I wanted to jump through hoops to beat you down. And yes I know about you being in the Neo League. You being here happened to be quite convenient for more than one reason." He temporarily abandons the metal sphere as he dribbles the makeshift soccer ball towards her.

His approach becomes faster and faster. "Because," he continues his previous thought as he practically charges at her like a frenzied bull. "Every since that day, I was hoping you'd give me a reason to do this!!!"

There are no more words as his glowing foot flies past the ball and upwards trying to catch the violinist in her stomach and lift it high into the air to knock her upwards as well.

COMBATSYS: Yurika blocks Roberto's Thrust Kick.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Roberto          0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0           Yurika

Yurika's mysterious little smile for only the briefest of moments. The young woman doen't seem too phased overall, she sets her cup and saucer down, then kicks her violin case up to her hand, holding it by the handle. "I confess, you've picked a very inopportune time to come and fight me."
Roberto's shining kick slams hard into the case, cracking the casing that makes it actually easier for her to open it up and raise the violin to her shoulder, the slender bow held within the other. The case flies over her shoulder and clatters to the ground, and she points her bow like a sword toward Roberto.
"I will play for now, but I'm waiting for someone very important, Mister Miura. I'm not your babysitter after all." Yurika raises the bow to her instrument, and plays a melodios tune, suprisingly serene, but the ring of musical-note shaped energy is anything but. She leaps backward as the energy races forward to slam hard into the goalies chest.

COMBATSYS: Roberto reflects Tragic Serenade from Yurika with Shining Clutch.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Roberto          0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0           Yurika

The soccer star steps back after his foot meets nothing but case. It gives Yurika time to play her tune and but it also gives the soccer star time to respond to it. His foot moves off the soccer ball as his hands glowing with chi as he moves right in front of the note shaped energy capturing it in his hands with a smile.

He takes one hand off the note and wags a single finger at her before side-arming the sonic energy right back at her. "You don't need to worry about me. I can take care of myself."

COMBATSYS: Roberto successfully hits Yurika with Reflected Tragic Serenade.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Roberto          0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0           Yurika

".. Somehow, I'm not so sure about that, Mr. Miura, but perhaps you'll prove me wrong. I certainly hope so.." Yurika's dark eyes narrow slightly, expecting to see her attack slam into Roberto.
Much to her suprise, he handles it suprisingly well and in an unexpected manner. "Hmnn."
The notes zooming back toward her, she slips back lightly onto the toes of her feet and with a slight crouch attempts to slide away from the ring, only to end up getting hit quite hard by it anyway. Her teeth grit lightly, taking a couple of steps back from the force and for the time being, is forced to stay on the defensive for a moment. She takes a calm breath, and slowly taps her foot, creating a steady rhythm.

COMBATSYS: Yurika focuses on her next action.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Roberto          0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0           Yurika

Roberto has a tendency to be a defensive fighter and so when put in a situation where he's forced to be offensive it's an unusual situation for him. Still he has to admit that he wants to continue riding the momentum that he currently has. So instead of backing off as well he presses the attack. He hops forwards as he tries back her into a corner pushing her back until she has nowhere to go and then just go to town. Each journey starts with a step and this one has a snap jab to go with it.

COMBATSYS: Yurika dodges Roberto's Quick Punch.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Roberto          0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0           Yurika

Yurika doesn't have any info on Roberto. Yurika has been trying to work on gauging her opponents, gathering intel before fighting them. Now she'll have to remain working while staying on her toes.
The goalie presses the offensive, and this time when the elegant musician moves, it's for the better! Cornering her isn't going to go as planned as he closes in, but she pirouettes on one foot, and is standing behind him after he twirl, a dangerous glint in her eye, "What will you do if you lose, Roberto?" she murmur, attempting to raise the horsestrings of her violinbow to his throat and hold it there for a brief moment, and then sharply jerks it back, as if slicing his throat. If she's successful, Roberto will feel as if he'd had wind forced from his throat, and temporarily weak at the knees.

COMBATSYS: Roberto blocks Yurika's Melancholy Pavane.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Roberto          0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0           Yurika

But it's not to be since as she moves behind him Roberto is just as quick to turn to keep up with her movements and as she moves the bow to his throat a hand instantly moves to catch the it. While he has the bow trapped in his goalie glove clad hand his free hand will move to mildly unbalance her while he performs a quick step forward to deliver a headbutt. It would be odd for him to fight a lady like this but quite frankly this is the type of treatment he gives to people he doesn't like.

COMBATSYS: Yurika interrupts Strong Punch from Roberto with Fatal Requiem.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Roberto          0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0           Yurika

Oops, her bow still stuck? Yurika furrows her brows slightly as for a moment the two are in a very brief tug-of-war. This war is cut short by two things, one an incoming headbutt.
The other is her own assault, while the visor-boy comes rushing in with that dangerous headbutt, she's leaning back and snapping her knee up to slam into his stomach, both blows striking at the same time.
Managing to wrench her weapon free at this point, she then slams her bow atop the young goalies head, "Hah!" What follows is then a diagonal slash in an 'x' motion across his chest. She twirls around, slapping the weapon across his face and then thrusts forward into his gut, "Un!" another strike at the side of his neck, "Deux!" and then finalized with a final twirl and a low strike to the knees to sweep him right off of his feet, "Trois!"

Roberto's eyes simply bulge right open as he tries to figure out what was going on. He definitely didn't plan for that. Probably a result of him not doing much research on Yurika either and so he's smacked twice and then sent to the ground. After the shock wears off he smiles for just a moment not very long. Then he's back up on his feet again.

He moves in carefully watching the violinist for any movement and then he moves in. With a burst of speed the soccer player tries to wrap his hands around her waist and then drop her down on her back. If he's successful with that he'll slam his foot right into her butt while she's downed.

COMBATSYS: Yurika dodges Roberto's Mundane Save.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Roberto          0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0           Yurika

So both fighters are watching one another very closely. Both are respectable tacticians in their own right, and the musician is even finding a measure of respect for her opponent. She never doubted Roberto's ability, but she didn't expect him to keep her pressured like this either, "You're good."
Of course despite having no problems flinging insults, she's not keen on any sort of disrespecting herself, nor is she very fond of being touched inappropriatly. The moment those gloved hands come toward her with grabby intent, she looks visably repulsed and expends possibly a little more energy than necesssary to slip away by dipping so low and sweeping low to stand behind the goalie once more. She settles the bow of her violin onto her weapon, "I'd appreciate you not trying that again," she notes, sweeping her bow forward in an attempt to catch Roberto by the collar with it, then twist sharply at the hips to hoist and slam him onto the cafe table, "Hyah!"

COMBATSYS: Yurika successfully hits Roberto with Medium Throw.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Roberto          1/-------/=======|===----\-------\0           Yurika

Before, he was rewarded for an aggressive strategy keep the pressure up and the rest will follow. The moment he strayed from that by taking a more conservative approach, he got punished by getting flung into the cafe table. He slowly gets up from what remains of the table and looks around at the action.

The Resistance fighters were able to push the Shadaloo soldiers within the hotel back at first but with the damage to morale from the soccer star getting flung like that the two armies seem to be at a stalemate.

As for what Roberto will do, he take a moment to re-examine the current situation. "You're not bad either, Kirishima."

COMBATSYS: Roberto focuses on his next action.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Roberto          1/-------/=======|===----\-------\0           Yurika

Yurika hasn't been paying attention to her side of the ordeal, her concern after all isn't with the Shadaloo soldiers, despite her seeming to be the part of their morale. She seems to be aiding in keeping a more straight-headed nature though, which is something at least.
Yurika doesn't press the offensive at first, her pseudo-fencing sword held at the ready, and looks a little suprised this time- Her cheeks pinken just a bit as she shakes her head. "Flattery? I didn't think you had it in you. However don't think I'll hold back because of it." Though she is somewhat lacking a plan at the moment, because Roberto's quite strong, and she won't be able to evade his techniques much longer. Her only choice then is to just grin and bear it, she doing the unusual and plays her violin, another serene and astonishingly beautiful piece, the notes coming to life and dances about her form. Eyes draw shut for a moment as she does so.

COMBATSYS: Yurika gathers her will.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Roberto          1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0           Yurika

"Just because I don't like you doesn't mean I can't acknowledge your skill." While Yurika plays however, Roberto moves to and steps onto the twine and rags ball and rolls up allowing him to quickly flip it up into his hands as a his lips curl up into a smile. It looks like the soccer star has a plan.

He breaks into a run his feet making light sounds before he leaps forward and performs an acrobatic soccer ball spring. The flipping move then allows him to gain enough momentum to drive the soccer ball HARD into her head if it connects.

COMBATSYS: Yurika blocks Roberto's Random Weapon.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Roberto          1/-------/=======|=======\===----\1           Yurika

"Well said, mister Miura.. Though on the other hand, I do believe I'm growing a bit fond of you, even if you do have grabby-hands." Yurika replies, that mysterious little smile still on her lips. Though of course it wasn't a like to the extent of her closest friends, so she had no problem being on opposing sides with Roberto. She doesn't seem to have any idea at first what Roberto is up to when he comes toward her with the soccer ball, but she figures it out eventually, lucky enough. Her bow whips upward and the ball clashes with it, Yurika is forced to bend a little at the knees then leaps backward once more before the momentum practically crushes her.
Holding the pseudo-sword to her nose, her eyes narrow in brief concentration, and then she bursts forward once more with another combination of fencing-like strikes, "Hyah! Hah!" swinging to the neck and shoulders, another x-motion which once more is finalized with the jab, slash, and sweep.

COMBATSYS: Yurika successfully hits Roberto with Fatal Requiem.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Roberto          1/----===/=======|===----\-------\0           Yurika

The agonizing series of strikes once again, each strike of hers pushing him backwards and causing him to grunt as he desperately tries to maintain his ground but he's incapable of doing so. It is the impact onto the ground though that hurts him the most.

Picking himself off the ground he hobbles slightly over towards the shrapnel ball and he begins to test it for a bit, rolling it around and then he sends it flying towards the violinist and it looks like it's about to go past her when all of sudden it curves right into her.

COMBATSYS: Roberto successfully hits Yurika with Long Shot.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Roberto          1/---====/=======|=====--\-------\0           Yurika

She gives a light chuckle.. Though she actually isn't all that amused, just doing the best to mask the usual mix of feelings she has to deal with lately. However if Roberto was setting up some sort of feint- Her confidence raises and the ball comes whipping toward her, her upperhalf sways slightly to the side. That was quite easy to re- OW!!
It slamming into her head and neck, she lets out a yelp of suprise, and crashes into another table, knocking it and herself over in the process. Not ever elegant, no. But soon she's to her feet, hair slightly displaced and seems mildly agitated. But she doesn't press forward, she hooks her bow into one of the chairs, and with a light grunt flings it at her opponent. Again, not the most gracious of attacks, but the girl needs a moment.

COMBATSYS: Yurika successfully hits Roberto with Thrown Object.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Roberto          1/-======/=======|=====--\-------\0           Yurika

Yelling and throwing things I just want to... Oh wait. This isn't fight isn't to Neyo's 'When You're Mad' though the image of Roberto just getting brutally clocked by a flying chair like he was Geraldo Rivera would just be so perfect for a fighting highlights video done to that song. His jaw drops wide open as he tries to get over the shock.

When he gets over the shock, nothing remains but intensity. With a rapid sprint, faster than what would probably be good for him, he runs to the violinist and tries to kick her HARD. If that initial kick succeeds, he will kick her around like she was a human soccer ball as he works the give and go with the lobby's walls.

COMBATSYS: Yurika dodges Roberto's Pass and Shoot.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Roberto          0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0           Yurika

Yurika simply has no idea what could possibly be going on in Roberto's mind. He's an odd young man, and they're from two nearly completely different worlds. No matter how you look at it though, the goalies reaction is just.. Well, it's almost amusing. Still, the girl remains standing at the ready, her brows furrowed in concentration as she waits for her opponents next move. He shouldn't be suprised that despite looking a bit worn, she's still incredibly light on her feet, "Ah, I see.."
And she does. The kick can almost be seen coming a mile away, really yet still she takes that extra step and makes sure she is quite clear from the kick. It looks to be going straight to her gut, but then she leaps upward, tucks in her knees and flips right over the young star, landing lightly on her feet and just barely manages to keep out of the second kicks range in the process. Swiftly twirling in another circle, she conteplates her next action carefully; one wrong step could get her in big trouble, but too much hesitance could be just as costly. Roberto finds himself having to deal with Yurika's bow yet again threatening to catch and then drag swiftly across his throat- The result would be the same if it struck this time, stealing his breath and sending him collapsing to the floor.

COMBATSYS: Roberto interrupts Melancholy Pavane from Yurika with Bicycle Kick.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  ////                          ]
Roberto          0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\1           Yurika

It steals his breath indeed but not as much as the violinist would've hoped. He sets his body to be ready for her to come in and then he shifts himself just slightly to the side, catching the just enough that it doesn't affect his breathing too much. Just enough to make him slightly uncomfortable. He whispers just enough that he can be heard in spite of the shots ringing out around them in the hotel. "Touche..."

He doesn't fall to the floor either, instead he turns around and flips backwards slamming his foot down upon Yurika quite hard. After that he's quick to go back to his feet, watching to see if this is truly the end.

Oooooh.. Very clever comeback for Mr. Miura. It's like one of those movies where the good guy returns the phrase and throws the bad-guy off a tower. Luckily for Yurika there's no tower. The bad news is he doesn't need one. His backflipping kick slams down upon the musician and grounds her completely, a heavy 'thump' following when she hits the floor.
Unfortunatly this means that the Shadaloo soldiers may very well have to bail out, because this is also when the Thailand forces are starting to burst in with near kamikaze force! ".. This can't be.. How could I be losing?" Yurika grumbles to herself, feeling her own fighting spirit starting to die. But she'll certainly give a last ditch effort to take Roberto with her, and intends to do this by raising her bow to her violin and plays. She spins like a top and then suddenly rockets upward, a ribbon of musical strings following her and stopping just short of hitting the ceiling; and then falls back to the ground, hitting another cafe table back-first and collapses completely. Provided Roberto doesn't slip out of the way and gets in contact with the ribbon of sound, he'll get caught up in the little tornado and assaulted by it, of course!

COMBATSYS: Yurika can no longer fight.

[                       \\\\\\\  <
Roberto          0/-------/--=====|

COMBATSYS: Yurika successfully hits Roberto with Fatal Rondo.

[                             \  <
Roberto          1/-------/=======|

Last ditch indeed. The star striker sees this final gasp coming from a mile away. He waits for it... waaaaaaits for it... and then he tries to sidestep. Oops. Looks like Roberto waited too long and gets caught in a whirlwind of energy and his body gets lifted and then slammed to the ground.

With a pained groan he motions a few quick orders and then the resistance fighters pull back. Meanwhile Roberto picks up those two balls he came in with and limps out. Unfortunately today in this location, the two groups are at an impasse.

Wow. Talk about being blessed by the higher power? Even Yurika isn't exactly certain how she pulled that off, but the important thing was she -had-. Naturally it is all too easy for the resistance to pull back, the advantage Shadaloo had is minimal at best.
Yurika sits up slowly, holding her side as she cringes and watches her opponents for now make a drawback. And it'll take some time for her side to regroup as well it would seem, ".. Hmph.. I was wrong about you Mr. Miura.." she murmurs to herself.
However she feels her heart twist up again, and gradually falls into another state of depression. Now would be a good time for her to go and take nap.
Cheer up, emo girl.

Log created on 19:25:37 06/28/2007 by Roberto, and last modified on 23:45:24 07/07/2007.