The Fall of Thailand - Questions of Loyalty

Description: Sakura brings Shoma to speak with Vega. Shoma acts crazy.

Calm. Calm.

Vega is no longer good at this 'calm' thing. This week has been frustration after failure, after crushing defeat. Looking back, he could realize he's lost control, become more the raving, ranting maniac that they threaten the world with as a boogyman, the insane psychopath that would 'crush the world beneath his grip'. He's not that - honestly! He just needs to prove something to the world - something so special and so important that it is a message he can trust to no other.

That he is Vega.

That he will rule.

He knows Sakura will be returning. He knows his Doll is bringing a guest to hear about this secret. He knows he must package it well, and even then it will be impossible to sway their mind. After all, he's a psychic. He knows how this all ends. In the end, it ends with his ...

Pushing the thought away, he returns to the World Warrior tournament footage, studying it as if trying to find a flaw, an error - a glitch of some sort that would make this bad dream not true. Yes, he's busy. But he's still here for when she returns with her guest.

It wasn't very long ago that Sakura happened to encounter Shoma Sawamura in a fairly popular town in central Thailand. Not long ago at all, really! But it took a while to get back to the infamous Point 48106 -- several security precautions were undertaken and all that. By and large... the only way an outsider would be allowed into this facility without being unconscious would be if they arrived in total isolation. In the dark, with sound muffling.
Sakura's used to travelling this way, in a heavily-armored humvee. Shoma may not be.
But once here, it's all open again. Sakura's bringing Shoma here as a guest, after all -- no handcuffs, no restraints. He's even allowed to carry his baseball bat. There's nothing to be afraid of, after all -- not with Sakura standing right beside the boy as they walk side-by-side through the halls of the underground fortress.
"He's really looking forward to meeting you, Shoma!" chirps the schoolgirl, still impersonating her former self's voice. "There was a bit of an incident not too long ago, though, so... he might be a bit distracted." She laughs nervously -- though that laughter is throttled as soon as the door slides open to the briefing chamber.
Heels click together as she snaps a salute to her Lord Vega, cheery expression supplanted by robot-like subservience. "Lord Vega, may I present to you Shoma Sawamura of Taiyo High."

Shoma spent most of the trip here simply staring out the window of the humvee. It /was/ his first time in such a vehicle, but the circumsatnces surrounding the trip did a great deal to dampen his mood.

The last second phone call to one Roberto Miura, and the subsequent (not to mention intentional) smashing of his cell phone did not help matters either. Shoma follows his classmate in a certain sullen silence; not like the burning youth she knows at all.

It's been said that it is the office of a friend to stand by you when you are wrong; anyone will stand by you when you're right. So Shoma's place, as Sakura's friend, is here.

The youth looks up at Vega without even the smallest fraction of respect that Sakura's greeting has, and simply says "Yo."

Distracted. Yes.

Vega is only distracted so much, though. As Sakura enters, he rises back to his feet, pushing his cape behind him, and running fingers through short dark hair. His trademarked cap is on the table, and the evidence of much hair-mussing is there. Blank white eyes turn to stare at the pair, and he takes a breath. Sakura wouldn't bring him if she expected him to just start throwing punches. Even if he does, well - Vega can handle him.

But he doesn't want to. He just wants to make people/understand/.

"Welcome back, Sakura. We've .. met once, already." There's a almost-chuckle there as he ponders how to phrase this - curious for how to introduce himself 'the right way', when things may already have been damaged beyond repair. "He attempted to sneak into Thailand without warning us ahead of time. I see you've come in with the proper approvals this time - and I'm pleased to meet you under better circumstances. What is it you seek from m.. from Shadaloo?" See? Magnaminous! Pleaseant! Not crazy!

"My apologies." Sakura's not psychic -- yet -- how was she to know? She glances over to Shoma. He =has= been quiet the whole trip, huh? But Sakura, in her current state, simply interpreted his... silence as morbid curiosity. A need to find out what this is all about. And in a way... she's curious to see how this unfolds.
As long as he doesn't flip out again, like he had with that cellphone.
Favoring Shoma with a glance, her voice gets warmer, by a degree: "Shoma, go right ahead?"

A tightening of the features is Shoma's response to Vega's 'we've met' statement. He reaches up and adjusts his cap, as he looks Vega square in the eye.

"I was worried about my friends, so I came to find them. You jumped us." He glances at Sakura, "Rose and me, I mean." He turns back to glare at the would-be ruler again, "You nearly killed us. "

A beat passes, before Shoma actually answers the question, "I want this war over, so we can all go home."

"Hmn. And so, you've found your friend. Fighting by my side."

It's said without rancor, Vega meeting Shoma's intense look with one of his own, still watching the youth as he glances between the dictator and the doll. It's pretty plain to see where his true interests lie. The honesty in his voice at his final answer, though - now /that/ is interesting. Just so they can all go home, indeed. That's something Vega can understand - though he knows how important it is to finish things properly.

"In the last month, I have been attacked countless times by people crawling out of bushes and pretending to come close to my units, just so they can crush them down. I .. may have overreacted in your case, and I apologize." Smoothly said, but not laid down too thick. If Rose hadn't been there, Shoma's reception may have been warmer. At least, just a little bit. But still, to distract him better, he needs more than his own words. Turning his head towards Sakura, he asks quietly, but where Shoma can hear. "What do you think, Sakura? Is it time to just give up, to let those that had control in Thailand before return and bring 'everything back as it was'? Is that the ending you see in your heart?"

Or whatever her heart was replaced with, at least...

Sakura listens closely to her friend. She can hear plenty of concern in his voice. He's not... rude. Openly so, anyway. He's reasoned, and disciplined. Kasugano, in the back of her mind, wonders what the heck is wrong with her friend, but his =sentiments=, those sound like good ol' Shoma.

So they "can all go home." So the war can stop. It's a pleasant thought.

But her answer is contrary to that, and delivered quickly. Her reply is mechanical, clipped. "I do not believe so. The people of this country will not allow time to pass freely. An armed insurrection took place just less than one year ago, replacing this government with a junta in one sudden, bloody move. The country does not know peace, for it was never established with peace in mind."

Sakura turns slowly over to Shoma as she speaks, shaking her head. "No, this country needs a strong leader to unify them. A strong leader... who can light the fires of the hearts of men and women. Inspire them."

She turns back to Vega, bowing her head. "A strong leader like yourself, Lord Vega."

Shoma's kind of irritated, and admittedly in over his head. Vega should be able to pick up on the uncertainty of the young man.

He simply looks at Sakura, takes in his friend's response. He's...stunned might be a good word for it. On one hand, Shoma /knows/ (sort of) what he did to Sakura. On the other, she sounds like she honestly believes what she is saying.

They call it brainwashing for a reason.

Shoma looks at Vega for a moment before speaking again, "Light the fires, eh..." He scowls again, trying to reconcile what he's seen and heard with what's being said here. You'll have to forgive him if he's not bouncing off of the walls, here.

Vega watches the response from Sakura - and there's pride in his eyes. After all, she's answering just how he'd hoped, not that she had much choice. Brainwashing, after all, leaves little to the imagination. The piece she added at the last, though - that's special. Good to hear, and it would warm his heart - if he still had one. Still, Shoma doesn't seem to buy it - and this is as good a tme as any to test both her dedication to the cause, /and/ see what buttons he could find to work with on the boy.

"But there's been death and pain since we began our work, Sakura. They've stated it on the news, they've shown what could be Shadaloo as just terrorists, scrabbling for money and drugs. Is that what we are?" He glances towards Shoma, waiting for the girl's answer - and his shoulders slump, just a hint - enough to give a display of weakness, of tiredness. Maybe he /is/ considering setting it all aside. Maybe...

Kasugano glances back at Shoma. It's hard to miss his reaction to this. But really and truly... Sakura is completely powerless. She can't take his side even if she'd tried, without some sort of... external stimuli.

And in a way... Vega is demonstrating to Shoma just how futile an effort to resist Vega would be.

"Money and drugs are bountiful without overt conflict. Money and drugs can buy power... but not wisdom, or leadership. The news media quickly forgets last year's coup. They forget that it took a =year= for the current leadership to gain enough of a foothold in politics for their military coup d'etat to survive."
Shaking her head, she continues, looking more directly at Shoma. Is she speaking from the heart, or simply parroting what she's been told? It's tricky to tell from her cold monotone. "History often repeats itself, but Lord Vega is... different. He breaks the mold. No one can bind together a nation, or a world, as strongly. Only he has the grace, and the wisdom, to bring forth such unity. And, in doing, end =all= war."

Shoma frowns. He looks back and forth between Sakura and Vega, and thrusts his hands in his poockets; it's the only way he can be sure he won't start throwing punches. That would be a bad thing as he can't take either of these two solo. The frown deepens as Sakura speaks. This...this isn't the Kasugano he knows. Not at all.

"So where were you a year ago? When the coup was getting started?" He doesn't know the coup was a bloodless one, "Seems to me like you could have saved yourself a lot of trouble."

"In the shadows, Shoma. It takes time to plan the change of a regime, and time to gather the force to keep things from crumbling." It's true, too - it was years in makng the hookups with 'R' and NESTS, delicate alliances that were all too easy to crumble. To gather the weapons, to build the war machines that would run roughshod over the current administration.

"Had we attempted to step in then, there would have been no good end. Now, well - until the rest of the world interferes, we may be able to make a difference. This country, in the end - it will be safe. I believe this, no... I /know/ this." He straightens up, that dark aura surrounding him involuntarily. He's speaking the truth, though it's a little warped, from his view. ".. I will not allow interlopers to harm those that come here and attempt to stop what needs to be done for the betterment of the land here." That it benefits him..

Wll, that's icing on the cake.

Nodding slowly in assent, Kasugano takes a step back. See, Shoma? Lord Vega's a really cool guy. ... So why are you so nervous?

Sensing Shoma's discomfiture doesn't take psychic abilities, really. Noting his expression, Sakura closes her eyes for a moment. A long breath is drawn in, and then just as slowly exhaled.

at which point Sakura opens her eyes again, a half-smile creeping onto her face. "What's the matter, Shoma? You got all nervous all of a sudden. We're just talkin', here! It's... this big war, right? Kids like you an' me ain't ever gonna make sense of it. It's better if we just let the smart guys handle that, right?"

You can /hear/ the glove leather creaking through the track suit. He's trying to reign in the fires of his heart, trying hard not to give into the sheer rage that burns within him. He doesn't like this. He doesn't like Vega, or what he has done to Sakura, or what he is doing in this country as these three speak.

"This /big war/ has pulled a lot of /us/," it's pretty apparent 'us' means Taiyo students, "into it. Roberto's here too. He's not going to leave untill it's /done/. It's a miracle Hinata and Natsu didn't come." Shoma's shoulders tremble as he tries to keep it /in/, keep it /under control/.

The alternative could get him killed. Heck, Vega is likely having a /feast/ off of the young man /right now/.

"We can't just let it 'get handled,' Sakura. It has to /stop/."

And then, well - he pounces.

"Then help us stop it, Shoma. You know they won't quit until it's stopped - help us finish this. We can start slow, save Thailand. Protect its borders, guard it from outside threats, and /stop/ the fighting. I know it can be done, if people will stop meddling, interfering, fanning the flames of war. They don't want to stop the fighting, you know that. Everyone who comes to this area did so because they wanted /more/ fighting."

Vega turns just a bit, bringing up picture after picture. Shadaloo bases being attacked by outside forces, by warriors from the outside world. Interlopers, interference. It's one-sided, but it's true in it's own way. If people would stop, Vega might hold back for a year or two. Maybe even three. He paces a bit closer to the boy, watching the play of emotions. It's true, he can sense what Shoma is feeling to some extent. He can feel that fire. Maybe if he can just turn it, /just/ a little bit...

"You're exactly right... it =has= to stop," affirms Sakura, taking Vega's side yet again. "The people of Thailand know nothing but war, nothing but excesses... thinking only of =themselves=. Listen to yourself, Shoma... you think about 'us', like... Taiyo. Friends of yours. Everyone does, they think about their home, their own friends and family. You gotta look past that, Shoma. Look to your neighbors -- what about them? What about =their= neighbors? Thailand... it's all about fighting. They don't know any better."

She closes her eyes, drawing in another breath. "It's a battle of the heart, Shoma. We gotta get people to think about it. Think about what'd happen if they just, y'know, =stopped= fighting."

The fire burns, Shoma's uncertainty the fuel as he watches the scenes. He listens patiently to Vega, then Sakura. She's the one who gets his glare.

"And you do get them to to stop and think about /not/ fighting...with tanks and guns? That's backwards and you /know/ it, Kasugano-san," he all but yells, pointing in the girl's face, "You don't get people to stop fighting by scaring them with some 'Angel of Death' or by rolling over them with armor." He stops short, and then repockets the hand, "/People/ are stubborn, Sakura. It's not just you or me that is. You push on them hard enough, long enough, they are going to push back." He points at the monitors, "That's what's going on now. You," meaning Shadoloo, "Are pushing, and not everyone else is pushing back. Something will have to give, and soon. What happens then? When the United States, or China decides to step in? What then?"

That he'd let it go on so long should prove that Vega has patience. He's willing to try to coax obedience out of Shoma, to see if the boy will attempt to focus on what must be. But instead, he just offers more frustration, more anger directed at Vega's doll. Vega's own answer comes before Sakura's, more than likely.

"So who stops pushing first, Shoma? Do we just stand down, because someone stronger, bigger, says 'We have decided what you're doing is not in our interests?' Trust a schoolboy to know about the words of a bully." He leans forwards, eyes blazing bright. He's genuinely curious now, and certain to show it. "When a bully tells you 'I'm going to hit you because I can', what do /you/ do?"

So Shoma's getting angry? This is when Sakura might usually start shouting right back in his face.

... It doesn't happen. She sits there and takes what he dishes out, even deigning to smile faintly back at him in reply -- even throughout Vega's question.

Thus, proving her whole point. "When you pushed me, just now, did I push back? Did something give?" The schoolgirl folds her gauntleted hands behind her back, smiling faintly. "The only way to stop a war is to make it not worth fighting. You can do that if everyone is happy."

Shoma looks a bit taken aback as Vega gets in his personal space. So much for awakening Sakura's own inner fires. He frowns for a moment before looking back at Vega. His hands are out of his pockets now. He leans in close, so close. It looks a lot like one of those loading screens, where the fighters are looking each other in the eyes ready to fight.

Shoma looks ready. "You want to what I would do?" There's a downright feral grin on his face. Shoma's faced bullies before. He tracked down a few of them for what they did to Shuuichi six years ago. They are /still/ regretting it. One of them will never walk quite right again, much to Shoma's shame.

"If it involves fighting me here and now, no. The door is behind you, Sakura will take you to safety. I am /not/ interested in another /pointless/ battle. If you will not take my offer, leave this country now." Vega moves, his cape all asway as he turns away from Shoma, leaving his back completely unguarded. Sure, Shoma can hit a person from behind. Who hasn't punched him. (Lately) Who hasn't done more than offered up a solution and an answer to Thailand's problem. But that's Shoma's thing to deal with. Vega's got more important things to do. He's losing interest, and quickly. What he's offered isn't worth the outcome anymore.

So Shoma's leaning towards Vega. This makes Sakura giggle for some reason -- primarily because he's short, and he made himself even shorter in doing so -- and Vega so =isn't= short.

But that's not really the point. Vega's putting an end to this conversation -- that's the point.

Which is why Sakura reserves further comment, boots clicking together as she snaps a quick salute to him, standing... more or less out of the way.
Maybe that's just Vega's way of asking, more finally, what Shoma plans to do.

Shoma growls slightly, and then speaks up.

"I think you misunderstood me, Vega-san," Shoma calls out as he puts his fists on his hips, with a slightly defiant look on his face. "I'm not leaving without Sakura," he jerks a thumb her way, "I promised Natsu and Roberto I'd bring her back." He grins as he tilts his head slightly to the side, looking downright /boyish/, "I figure you'll be done with her once you're done in Thailand, right?"

"'Done with her?'"

There's a glance towards Sakura then, a slight look towards Shoma as if he were upset. And really, he is. The suggestion that he would /give up/ Sakura just because Thailand was safe? That he'd /ever/ let her out of his clutches /ever/ again? Oh no, no no. This girl is his for a long, long time. At least, if his devious, deviant mind can find a way to scrabble and hold to that control he currently has. He has so many plans that now involve Sakura - he's come to depend on her almost as much as Sagat.

"She's here because she chose to be - and she can leave when /she/ is ready. Are you suggesting that I would throw her aside, just because I'd stopped the fighting here? I will need her skill, her strength /and/ her heart for as long as she is willing to give it to our cause. I ... pity your insinuation." He walks over, and places a large hand on the girl's shoulder - possessively, perhaps. But still, there's real need there as well. "If you truly will not leave until she does, you are ... welcome to be Shadaloo's guest." Whether in a cell, or not - that's going to be his choice, eventually.

To the suggestion that she'd be discarded after the capture of Thailand was complete... Sakura was downright =panicked= as she stared back at Vega. He wouldn't just drop her, would he? Perhaps her emotional emulation was a bit =too= good, if she couldn't unplug herself for that one moment.

But... Vega sticks up for his Doll, swooping in to plant an arm on her shoulder. A comforting, reassuring arm.

... An arm which Sakura leans in towards, however slightly. "I'll stay here as long as it takes to get the job done. Then I'll move on to wherever Lord Vega needs me." She smiles... a bit bittersweet, but a smile nonetheless. "I'll be sure to visit Southtown whenever I can though!"

Shoma frowns once more; this is not going how he had hoped that it would, even if he had NO IDEA how he was going to make it happen. He has no idea what to do now. He's /said/ he's not leaving without Sakura, and he means it.

But if she does not want to leave...what does the Slugger of Taiyo do then? Brute force is not going to make this happen, and that's one of the three things he's good at. He doubts baseball will get it done either. He closes his eyes, and heaves a long sigh as he shakes his head.

"Where do I sign up?"


Vega was not expecting this. He was expecting bluster, an attack. Something, /anyting/ other than 'sign me up'. So there's a pause, one where Shoma gets to see something that few others do - the Shadaloo Lord flat-footed, jaw agape. Sure, he recovers fast, but it proves that he never truly believed Shoma would /listen/. And now, well.. Where's his damn pen? His hand tightens on Sakura's shoulder just a bit, then lets go, the dictator chuckling.

"Here and now - I accept your word, Shoma. Sakura trusts you, or she wouldn't have brought you here. You wouldn't want to dissapoint her." Admittedly, he probably wants to steal her away, so Vega will be sure to find a way to get Shoma away and brainwashed pretty damn soon. Subtle is the word, though - for now, he's honest enough - he wants to save Thailand from the battles that threaten to tear it up. by conquering it, of course.. but that's what the teen fighters with their intensity is for!

Sakura's programming kicks in here, preventing her from acting =too= surprised -- she'd witnessed his behavior from before, so her analytical mind had assumed =something= like this might happen. So instead, she just smiles at Shoma. "Awesome!"

And then Vega increases the pressure on her shoulder, causing her legs to buckle slightly. Wincing just a bit, she nonetheless nods back to Shoma. "It's great to have you onboard!" She looks to Vega... after he lets go, and asks, "Should I see about getting him a room, Lord Vega?"

Shoma doesn't smile, keeping his face even as he nods to Vega. He doesn't salute, or anything like that; he's not military. He does, in the back of his mind, entertain the idea of smuggling Sakura out in a dufflesack or something. He /keeps/ it back there, too; it's like throwing a medium-paced ball right down the middle and not expecting the batter to send it out of the park.

What he /plans/ to do, however, is be a lighthouse for his friend. Hopefully, he'll bring Sakura back to the light.


"Treat him as a guest. He'll have a chance to show Shadaloo what he's willing to do later. For now, we welcome his strength and his skill."

Vega pats the girl's opposite shoulder, a light touch to make up for the painful grasp before. He's quiet as he speaks, and then he turns away with a nod to Shoma. There's suddenly a lot more to think about, and in the end, this may be a decision he will regret. However, he's certain that the grip he has on Sakura is much more than any mere schoolboy can break. But even so, there is something that he will have to plan for.

Log created on 18:41:08 06/28/2007 by Vega, and last modified on 23:43:40 07/07/2007.