The Fall Of Thailand - Backup in Phu Ket

Description: When Guile and his men come to break the rest of the lines in the jungles near Phu Ket, they come across a few unpleasant surprises... and a remarkably dangerous young man.

Test emit thing

The thick Thai jungle, filled with oppressive heat and humidity with green nearly as far as the eye can see, the sun all but unvisible overhead due to the thick canopy. A small bit of movement, sets the undergrowth rustling, a few small jungle critters darting across the forest floor as they move away from a group of near unvisible figures. Numbering just over a dozen and decked in camoflauge they make their way carefully toward where the latest reports show the Shadaloo forces have set up, one figure in particular seeming to be in the lead, standing out far more than the rest of the group due to the fact that he goes without a helmet and his hair stands up in am impressive flattop.
Guile raises a hand to halt his commandos, some of the best the vigilantes have to offer, moving on ahead as he notices the break in the thick canopy, a dozen meters ahead the thick jungle breaks up into a wide clearing. The second-in-command of the vigilantes pulls out a small pair of binoculars and lifts them to his eyes, looking out to survey the area.

The Shadaloo forces are starting to get just the tiniest bit entrenched on this part of the line, having been forced out of their /other/ holding in Phu Ket not too long ago; what forces survived that have ended up over here, and as such, it's a pretty tough line to break. Even moreso now that Kurow Kirishima is here; having done some work guarding a prison earlier today, he's been called a little further south to help hold the line for a little while.

The youth instinctively senses /something/ out there in the jungle -- he's always had a god sense for danger, after all, and no group of commandos can move /completely/ silently. Gesturing to a few of the men, he starts to move across the clearing, closer to the more heavily forested part of the area; it's clear from even a casual observer's perspective that he knows how to move in this kind of situation. Whoever this guy is, he's /good/.

It looks like enemy forces are on the move, and even if he can't tell who this guy is, the fact that he's headed straight for the small team is bad news. Guile quickly turns back toward his commandos, pointing at a each three man team in turn and sending them off into different directions with nothing but a few silent motions of his fingers. The Vigilantes may be outnumbered, but they're some of the best of the best, and after years of working together they move like a deadly machine, swiftly moving through the underbrush while hardly making a noise, the untrained observer would easily assume it was wildlife.
While his men set themselves up to get ready to take on the men in the open area, Guile himself prepares for his own fight, slinking through the jungle with his eyes locked dead straight on the leader of this group of Shadaloo forces, tensed and ready to ambush.

The untrained observer would easily assume it's wildlife. Kirishima even gives the thought some serious consideration, but he can't just assume that something this close to part of the line is just a stray big cat. He likewise sends a few men off in each direction to engage what might be a big cat or a group of trained soldiers -- the latter is a security risk, and the former means a high-quality dinner! That's win-win!

Kirishima, however, keeps moving straight, pulling out those clawed gloves that are the signature of his combat style and tugging them onto his hands. "Come on out," he demands; if it doesn't listen, it's probably just a cat. After all, the people who keep intervening here would never pass up an opportunity to rush out at such a request!

The commandos sink into the thick undergrowth with expert precision as the Shadaloo soldiers start to slip out into the terrain, the strategy having already been laid out, knowing full well to wait until failure to act would put them in a dangerous position or their commander had already started things off. Guile himself knew better than to jump at the first opportunity that came his way, especially when it was already asking for him. Somehow he manages to blend in with the jungle, even the famous broomtop seemed to disappear against the backdrop. No, he'd wait for this one's guard to drop at least a little bit.

Guile proves himself very good at hiding -- and actually surprisingly intelligent, when it comes down to it. Kirishima keeps moving closer and closer, not dropping his guard but certainly not /raising/ it much either -- unlike the purely analytical Dolls and the often overconfident Vega, Kurow's primary strength is in knowing that not everything that's observed with the senses is all that's there. He's perhaps a little too careful.

What he /does/ do, however, is turn away a bit; he's careful, but he also can't just keep looking straight forward forever. He has to examine every part of the area... and that means, at least once, his eyes are completely /off/ of the special forces man.

And it's that very moment that his back is turned that the commando takes his opportunity, launching himself out of the undergrowth, nolonger concerned with noise, and tearing through the jungle before launching himself into the air halfway to Kurow, his hand cocked back behind his head and then being thrust forward with all the force of his fall and his muscles being thrown right toward his opponent's head.
The noise of the strike beginning is quickly recognized by his men, all of them following his lead and striking out at the nearest Shadaloo forces, those in close simply try to take them out with unarmed combat, but the rest quickly start to unleash volleys of submachine gun fire, tearing through the forest.

COMBATSYS: Guile has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Guile            0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Kurow has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Guile            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Kurow

COMBATSYS: Guile successfully hits Kurow with Strong Punch.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Guile            0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0            Kurow

Kurow tries to weave out of the path of the coming punch, but it's too fast for him and too unexpected -- he takes a nasty hit in the side of the head, but doesn't evenfall over. A few Shadaloo soldiers get nasty shots in the thigh, and one begins to bleed severely; Guile's men are /good/. "You're... Ch -- no, the other one. I understand you've been a thorn in Vega's side for quite some time," he says, narrowing his eyes. "But that's all about to end."

Lunging for Guile's legs, Kurow tries to get a good, solid hold on them with his claws, then -- if he can maintain that hold -- does something no more complex than giving Guile a good, hard fling at a tree. It's not a very complex toss, but it's got a lot of utility, which is what matters for the moment.

COMBATSYS: Guile blocks Kurow's Strong Throw.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Guile            0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0            Kurow

The first strike goes to the commandos, but there's no cheers, no war whoops, they simply do their best to press their advantage, one or two men on a team trying to pull the attention of the enemy while the rest circle around for a pincer, or those too heavily under fire simply pushing back with all they're worth. Finding his first rush a fair success, Guile is quick to pull himself back into ready position, letting his legs get pulled in by the grabbing claws, but then as they try to throw him he simply throws his weight enough to throw it off and the attack is only left with enough force to send him to the ground with a solid thump.
The vigilante is quick to his feet, though, lunging in at Kurow with arms splayed to either side, attempting to ensnare him between the two, spin him around and then send his head crashing into the forest floor with a powerful suplex.

COMBATSYS: Guile successfully hits Kurow with Dragon Suplex.
Glancing Blow

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Guile            0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0            Kurow

And press the advantage they do -- the Shadaloo soldiers are taking a bit of a thumping, though the element of surprise is definitely gone. Likewise, Kurow's own movements start to get a little faster; he /is/ ensnared, but before Guile can get too far along, Kurow wrenches himself back out of his grip, leaving himself with only some bruising for his trouble. He doesn't stay away, though -- at least, not for long. He doesn't want to let Guile out-aggress him, after all; in spite of his defensive posture, he works best when he has the offensive, like most ninjas.

Keeping the pressure on, Kurow leaps toward Guile, trying to seize him by the throat with those claws... and then kicks off the ground, sending himself whirling around Guile in a move that the special forces man might find a little familiar if he pays much attention to his group's erstwhile allies, the Ikari Warriors. After a few spins, he kicks off of /Guile/ and tries to send the soldier down to the ground.

COMBATSYS: Kurow successfully hits Guile with Circle Slash.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Guile            1/------=/=======|=======\-------\0            Kurow

And it would seem that with surprise lost, the vigilantes were in trouble, some of those engaged in close quarters find themselves sent to the ground hard, a few take some hits from gunfire, although for the moment they appear to still be able to fight, if somewhat reduced in capacity. And as for their leader, he seems to be completely taken by surprise, the claws tightening around his throat tight enough to draw small lines of blood before he finds himself sent flying toward the ground so hard that a crater actually forms around Guile's body.
But still the soldier manages to push himself back up to his feet, small cuts and bruises all over the exposed parts of his body, but his hair somehow manages to stand tall and proud. His eyes narrow on the Shadaloo commander, having severely underestimated him, this time he tries to change his tactics up to put in a little range. Darting back through the forest, his hands begin to sheath themselves in blue chi, the energy growing until he gets a clear line on Kurow, cocking them back "Sonic..." Then his arms fly forward, the chi stretching out into long slashes behind his fists as they fly forward, crossing in front of each other, the chi forms into a single spinning disc, flying straight towards his opponent at breakneck speeds, "BOOM!"

COMBATSYS: Guile successfully hits Kurow with Sonic Boom.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Guile            1/------=/=======|=======\=------\1            Kurow

The Sonic Boom washes over Kurow's body full-tilt, crashing into him and sending him down to the ground. He's hurting badly at this point, moreso than he usually expects from a battle with a 'meathead' like Guile. The Shadaloo forces are, likewise, barely matching Guile's commandos; they're more numerous, but not nearly as well-trained... and some of them have the dead, soulless eyes of men who don't know what they're fighting for.

Hanging back, Kirishima takes deep, even breaths, trying to steady himself and keep a good, solid focus on Guile, making absolutely sure that he knows every inch of the man. He knows he's only got one shot at what he's about to do... so he has to make it count, /has/ to. He needs to know Guile inside and out if he's to make this work.

COMBATSYS: Kurow focuses on his next action.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Guile            1/------=/=======|=======\=------\1            Kurow

The Vigilantes seem to have managed to recollect themselves better, able to work in teams far more effectively than the Shadaloo soldiers, but the numbers are still quite heavily stacked against them and it's all a question of who can get the upperhand first at this point.
As his opponent halts his assault, Guile seems quite willing to hold back his own, looking a bit overworked, but his breathing comes steady, his stance solid. His eyes narrow in focus as he holds back from his opponent, watching and waiting to see who would make the next move. With his men on the line, Guile seemed less willing to take quite as many chances.

COMBATSYS: Guile focuses on his next action.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Guile            1/------=/=======|=======\=------\1            Kurow

Guile plays the waiting game with Kurow. Fair enough, Kirishima thinks -- fair enough. After all, this is how he usually deals with other people playing as such with him... it's the ultimate in ways to respond to that kind of behavior. "At least you're not particularly chatty," he says; most of his opponents here in Thailand have given him death threats, declarations of vengeance, all sorts of things. This is a quiet fight... and he sort of likes that.

Looking Guile square-on, Kurow considers a change of plans -- originally, he'd been intending to take an enormous shot at Guile /right away/, something to inspire the Shadaloo men to victory... but he decides against it in the end, instead simply lashing out at the relatively stationary Guile with a quick, hard kick to the side.

COMBATSYS: Kurow successfully hits Guile with Light Kick.
- Power hit! -

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Guile            1/---====/=======|=======\=------\1            Kurow

The attack looks easy enough, almost pathetic to think he'd be bringing it out like this, but as it comes in, Guile realizes how badly he'd underestimated his opponent's strategy, the attack knocks the soldier back off his feet, tumbling across the jungle floor until he can pull himself back out of it, dropped into a low crouch.
It also seems that the Shadaloo forces weren't quite as uncoordinated as they seem, a number of their group managing to sneak around to the flank of the Vigilante's a few of the men take hits, one or two get knocked off their feet, but they still seem to pull themselves back together.
Their leader decides to start taking things seriously, quickly launching himself forward across the battleground toward his foe, dropping down toward the ground as he approaches and then launching himself into a somersault, his leg fully extended, boot sheathed in glowing blue chi, landing on the ground he launches into another quick flip just like the first, then a final one, this a slight pause before this one before he launches into the air, a long slash of blue chi flowing through the air as he launches himself a good fifteen feet in the air with this one before coming back down in a low crouch.

COMBATSYS: Guile successfully hits Kurow with Somersault Strike.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Guile            0/-------/------=|=======\=====--\1            Kurow

The immense assault from Guile goes exactly as planned -- Kurow had no trouble with something similar earlier today, but this time it's just too much. Guile's faster, and it pays off -- Kurow takes blow after blow from the warrior, each somersault kick catching him hard. The Shadaloo men begin to panic, and are summarily punished -- Guile's commandos take down a few of them handily, and the line looks like it just might break.

Kurow, however, has tricks of his own -- lots of them, in fact. One of his personal favorites lately is something Guile is about to get quite the taste of, in fact. The youth pulls himself back up, eyes meeting his opponent's... and rather than fully commit to the blow, he does it precisely the way he was taught -- clean, detached. Swinging a hand up with an off-handed motion, Kurow summons a pillar of bladed, tornado-like chi just in front of Guile, threatening to cut him to shreds with the immense power of his chi.

COMBATSYS: Kurow successfully hits Guile with Kirishima Shinkuu Yamiarashi.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Guile            0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0            Kurow

The soldier looks on as the tornado like force comes in at him, eyes momentarily going wide before he quickly pulls himself together, narrowing them as he puts every ounce of energy into holding off the furious whirlwind, but it would seem that even years of training and all the dedication he can muster aren't enough to hold it off and Guile gets pulled up into the deadly winds, cuts slashing all over his body until he finally gets free of the twister, dropping down to his knees and coughing up some blood.
In a massive error, a number of his troops allow themselves to be distracted by massive assault, and in their moment of distraction the remaining Shadaloo troops manage to hit them back in deadly force, almost none of the commandos manage to escape the retaliation unscathed, and a few don't even manage to get back up.
Guile simply does everything he can to pull himself back together, looking worn and weary, almost at the end of his rope and barely able to even hold himself up straight.

COMBATSYS: Guile gains composure.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Guile            0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0            Kurow

That error is precisely the opportunity Kurow needs -- he knows he can take Guile down now if he pulls it all together, keeps everything just right. He's only got the one shot, though, so he really needs to make it count... and he knows exactly how to make it do just that. He stays back from Guile, keeping himself in exactly the position he was in before he unleashed that bladed tornado, watching as the Shadaloo men narrowly recoup their losses, bandaging the wounded and swinging back with a hard counter-strike against Guile's men. Is he going to play the waiting game with the Special Forces man again as his men do the work? Is that his angle?

The glint in his eyes says no. In fact, it says no quite extensively, as he takes up the same posture as before, makes the same off-handed, quick sweep upward of his hand as before... and unleashes the same whirling cylinder of blades as before, likely giving the embattled Guile quite the problem to handle. This time, though, he speaks; his words are clear and even. "You shouldn't have stayed back."

COMBATSYS: Guile endures Kurow's Kirishima Shinkuu Yamiarashi.

[                         \\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Guile            1/----===/=======|==-----\-------\0            Kurow

Too tired to move, but still feeling the urge to press on, Guile stands his ground, letting the the whirlwind blast right over him, despite the numerous cuts torn into his flesh, drawing blood that splatters back across him with each pass of the twister, his eyes hold a determined look, his entire body doing its best to hold itself together for one last moment. And as the tornado starts to dissipate, dropping him back to the ground to his knees, a fiery look burns in his eyes. Now or never... He launches himself up from the position, once more his boot sheathed in chi as he flies end over end, another flip, the chi seeming to burn even brighter, and then finally he blasts off the ground, his boot glowing like a furious comet, a long trail of the blue energy lashing up behind it as he bounds into the air before coming crashing back to the ground.
The remaining commandos, likewise, launch themselves forward in a last ditch charge on the Shadaloo forces.

COMBATSYS: Guile can no longer fight.

[                      \\\\\\\\  <
Kurow            0/-------/-----==|

COMBATSYS: Kurow dodges Guile's Somersault Strike.

[                      \\\\\\\\  <
Kurow            0/-------/-----==|

Guile comes in with that same strike, just as before -- only this time, Kurow is ready for it. As Guile's boot flies up into the air, Kurow slides /under/ it, passing behind Guile and leaving that hard, committed-to series of strikes in the dust. "That's quite enough," Kirishima says, as he hears the last few Shadaloo men -- feeling defiant, thanks to their losses -- finally show their claws. Or, more accurately, their heavy artillery.

Kirishima looks down at Charlie's lieutenant, then looks to what's left of his men. "Leave him here -- tending to him is going to eat up more of their resources, and killing him will just double their resolve. If any of his men survived, bring them to the camp to the north." Orders given, the youth himself finally starts his staggering retreat from the hard-won battle.

Log created on 20:04:04 06/26/2007 by Kurow, and last modified on 23:32:06 06/26/2007.