The Fall Of Thailand - Jungle Rendezvous

Description: Deep in the jungles of Thailand, Vega is on the move. Close on his heels is the Ikari Commander Heidern, tracking the man in a solo mission. Perhaps bold, the soldier makes his approach, bringing the Shadaloo dictator some words of advice, and to gauge for himself just how truly fearsome Lord Vega truly is...

Bases compromised, radio transmissions gone out - was it on purpose, or was it simply a mistake that the Lord of Shadaloo let occur out of vanity? He doesn't seem to be too worried as he moves from the ruin of the base Alex found himself in. It's burned, torched and useless to all now - and a signal to those in the area that someone or something does not care what they see, that the master of this area is not afraid of what may occur or what may be done.

The force with him is light, a small jeep convoy and a platoon of Shadaloo soldiers. These ones are the smarter of his minions - knowing that, aside from his fits of rage, people in close proximity to Vega's side have a large chance of survival. Better, at least, than being near one of the crazy tank captains and their destructive ways...

A signal of warning to some.

But to others, it's a signal and sign. Vega may very well be out and about. And what better time than now to take hold of a particularly golden opportunity and track down the notorious Shadaloo dictator.

This is a mission Commander Heidern would ask of none of his Ikari soldiers to take on personally. While he invests considerable trust and faith into each and every one of his skilled soldiers, there are some missions he knows he's better off handling alone. This mission is clearly no exception.

For the most part, Vega's procession through the jungles of Thailand go unimpeded. The vehicles travel with relative ease along their designated paths, the soldiers within kept in line by the presence of Lord Vega himself. Like good dogs, they know well not to bite the hand that feeds them. Vega's wrath is likely a force to be reckoned with, and like a good, perhaps psychotic leader, means if you piss him off, you're going to pay.

With your life.

Unfortunately, this does not hold up for the opposition. Nestled along the path and shrouded in the cover of thick jungle foliage is a one-eyed man with a rifle propped up against his crooked knee. Through the scope he scouts this roving band, patiently moving it from jeep to jeep. His intent here is simple. He's going to be bold.

Without warning, thunder strikes. Only, to the trained ear, it's anything but. Furthermore, the skies overhead are endlessly blue. There's only one clear, convincing truth to the matter: someone is opening fire on the convoy, and when the driver of the lead jeep suddenly slumps sideways in the car and his head all but erupts in a spray of gore and crimson, it's crystal clear that there's a sniper in the bushes.

It's just a matter of where.

Good enough.

Vega hadn't /planned/ this happening, no. But being a strong psychic gives one insight to how minds work. The attack would have happened sooner or later - and the setting of fire to the base as a signal triggered it early. Vega himself isn't harmed by the veering off-course of the jeep, nor the sudden screeching squeal of brakes as the convoy stops short, uncertain and afraid. At least, everyone save for Vega.

Leaping over the side of his jeep, he lands on the ground. Over his shoulder, his voice echoes, authoritave and firm. "Defensive positions. This is /my/ fight." He starts to walk towards where he thought the sound was, seeking not with his eyes, but with his psychic powers - seeking the emotions he knows must be in the jungle. Dedication, drive - calm certainty. When he finds them, he will know where the sniper is - and then...

Then, then fun will begin.

COMBATSYS: Vega has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Vega             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Heidern has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Heidern          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Vega

Though Vega may remain composed and calm, a few of the subordinates are likely unnerved by this sudden turn of events. After all, they're not psychics. They're just soldiers - human soldiers, at that. Or are they even human?

No matter to the unseen soldier in the bushes. After the shot is fired, his single, good eye remains pressed against the sight atop his rifle, peering through to observe the potential chaos below. The afflicted jeep is sent crashing off to one side, causing a chain of events to follow. Jeeps pause, breaks digging ferociously against the dirt roads beneath their tires. Uncertainty seizes a good number of men.

But not Vega.

As expected, the Shadaloo dictator is here, searching with his mind's eye. But should he look for passionate emotions, he will likely find none, save for, perhaps, fearlessness and patience. Heidern is a composed soldier, after all; he's lived through numerous wars and experienced tragedy first hand. This, all of it, is nothing new to him. It's the same song and dance, but with a different partner.

The rifle is cast aside, set to the jungle floor. Rising slowly, the lanky Ikari Commander rises to full height and, without so much as a concern in the world, carves a sure path through the foliage ahead of him. His single, visible blue eye remains fixed on Vega as he paces forward without fear.

"Lord Vega," the man says, his voice calm and utterly composed.

"You will not get away with these crimes," he assures, lingering on the edge of the thick underbrush of the jungles. Likely, his subordinates would have a hard time finding him from this vantage point. But Vega?

Likely not.

COMBATSYS: Heidern focuses on his next action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Heidern          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Vega

The voice is enough to pinpoint the warrior for Vega - and as he starts to turn towards the person within the jungle, a rifle or two is raised towards their direction from the convoy. A barked order to them from the Shadaloo Lord causes them to stand down - after all, without the gun, this interloper is just a man. And men, well - Vega has dealt with them before. He is certain of his powers, and certain that his might /will/ make right in this humid warzone.

"This is no crime. This is destiny. Your broken body will just be another footnote, years from now. FACE ME!" Vega starts to speed up, the Shadaloo Monster moving with a suprisingly agile motion, seeming to blur with a dark purple afterimage. The Psychopower around his fingers flares up, and he brings the swing up and around - but then pulls it, using the twisting of his body to turn the attack into a brutal kick aimed at the other warriors' side.

COMBATSYS: Heidern endures Vega's Light Kick.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Heidern          0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0             Vega

"No, this is insanity, skewed by your mad and zealous beliefs," that disembodied voice calmly assures Lord Vega. "You're oppressing a nation and innocent people for your crazy ambitions. I assure you, however, that you will not succeed." He may not succeed, but there will be others to come and stop him.

If anything, this is but a trial for the Ikari Commander.

Then, rather abruptly, Vega takes to action. Moving through the jungles toward the Ikari Commander, he seems passionate about silencing the man. And yet, for all his swiftness, the man fails to move. Instead, that kick which comes to his side is taken, a hearty grunt bubbling up in his throat.

He fails to move for good reason. Quite suddenly and rather swiftly the Ikari Warrior's gloved hand reaches out and, with a blur of movement, he attempts to take to the air around the dictator. Why? So he can repeatedly rotate around his throat with claw-like fingers, cutting at tender flesh as he defies gravity and the natural order of things.

COMBATSYS: Heidern successfully hits Vega with Neck Rolling Slashes.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Heidern          0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0             Vega

"Only on the outside. On the inside, I'm more sane than any mortal ma*HURK*!" Vega's rant is cut short by the swing of Heidern's body, the clawed fingers scraping along his throat and carving nasty red gashes from it. How this is managed when his chin gets in the way is anyone's guess, but the Lord of Shadaloo steps back and staggers as he tries to regain control of the fight. His eyes narrow, the white orbs flaring around the edges with evil, hungry power. Coughing out a hint of blood, he approaches much slower, intent on keeping a little distance between himself and his opponent. "... You cannot stop me. Noone can, now - what I do will live forever." With that, he concentrates, a ball of pure psycic energy forming in his hand, dark purple and black. He opens his eyes wide, and throws it with both hands, hurling it towards the warrior facing him, intent on wiping the man off the face of the earth!

COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Heidern with Psycho Shot.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Heidern          1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0             Vega

"Lies," Heidern responds, his words as cold as ice. "You are simply mad."

Exercising himself in a particular 'odd' fashion, Heidern's assault leaves its mark quite well against the dictator's neck. Using this momentum, the soldier swings himself free of his neck and twists midair, landing in a crouch on the earth nearby before slowly rising up to his full height.

"I never said I alone could stop you, but your actions have now otherwise pitted the world against you." If anything, the man serves as a means to hinder his advancements from one ruined base. "But, you make one mistake in your logic." Hands thrust forward, awful violet Psycho Power erupting sailing right for the soldier. Try as he may to avoid it, he's slammed - hard, at that, sent reeling to one side, but otherwise holds his ground firm.

"You see," he replies, rather calmly. "nothing lasts forever."

He moves like the wind, swift in his pursuit toward Vega. Seeking to grab the man by his lapels, a foot will sweep toward his ankles to crash him into the ground, followed by a swift, rather painful stab of his long sharp fingers into his abdomen. Heidern will hold no punches.

COMBATSYS: Vega interrupts Lead Belcher from Heidern with Psycho Wave.
- Power hit! -

[                        \\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Heidern          1/--=====/=======|=====--\-------\0             Vega

"The world will come. /I/ am ready, man. Lord Vega does not fear those that will try and stop him. I accept, and eagerly await their destruction at my hands..." Vega moves faster still, each moment making him seem stronger, more crazed and angry. Flecks of froth are at his lips, almost as if he were rabid, and the aura that surrounds him seems to swell like a thing alive, billowing outwards and engulfing the area. He bides his time, and then .. lets Heidern sweep his legs.

He falls down towards the ground - helpless, ineffectual. At least, until Heidern tries to bring those hands down. At the last second, Vega's body seemingly /explodes/ with psychic energy, that aura purifying and distilling down to a brilliant purple corona around his form, then blazing outwards and knocking Heidern away. "... Forever is not long enough for my needs! But I will take /every/ second of it!"

"I see." Again, Heidern exercises a certain calm and utter coolness as he deals with a man as crazy as most. He has not necessarily come here for the man's head; hardly. If anything, he seeks to answer a few questions. The question is, will Vega provide them unknowingly?

Moving in with practice ease and timed grace, the man grabs hold of the dictator, taking his legs out from underneath his body. Slammed down, it would seem Heidern has this in the bag. Will Vega find himself feeling a guttural pain, or will he spare himself?

The latter, clearly. Unexpected and unaccounted for is the sudden burst of energy which explodes from the prone man's body, blasting the Ikari Commander a few yards away. It hurts and stings on a level unlike any other, but still - STILL - the man remains calm.

"Delusional and mad," he casually observes. "I've come with a warning."

Suddenly, Heidern is a blur, taking to the skies to seize Vega by the shoulders…

COMBATSYS: Heidern successfully hits Vega with Final Bringer.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Heidern          0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\0             Vega

Snaring the dictator, the man exercises a certain gentleness for the moment, simply utilizing the element of surprise to his favor. It's odd, because, for the moment, Heidern seems almost feather-light in that brief moment where he practically hand-stands on the man's shoulders. It does not last, however.

Swinging his legs down, Heidern stares the face of madness down without so much as flinching. Eye to pupil-less eye with Lord Vega, the Ikari Commander's weathered features remain stern.

"I will see to it that you and your regime fall. I am not a proud man, and I am not beneath offering and lending my aid to those who need it. Neither are my men. I have come here today to tell you that the Ikari Warriors will actively involve themselves in thwarting you and watching your empire crumble. That is my warning."

His form suddenly is afire with an odd, red haze. Long, dagger-like fingers suddenly JERK forward at blinding speeds and lodge deep into the man's gut. It could very well be the longest ten seconds of Vega's life, as blood pours from that vicious, arm's width wound in his gut.

Without warning, fingers twist inside before Heidern YANKS his arm free, a spray of red splashing against the soldier's fatigues and face as he takes three paces back and away.

"We are not afraid of you."

Well, that's new. Normally people don't jab their hands into Vega's stomach to the wrist. Much less grabbing and twisting. Were Vega a lesser man, a /mortal/ man, that kind of pain would be crippling, and possibly lethal. However, Vega is.. something more, now. Burning up from inside with dark power, the free flow of blood from his torso is just an annoyance, something that Senoh will attend to later. For now, he's just going to crush the man who speaks so strongly in front of him, who so defiantly offers his body up to the task of destroying Vega.

Starting to step forwards, Vega keeps his focus intense - one hand guarding up against his stomach to try to fend off more painful squishy gut attacks. The other, however, weaves in a quick display of speed, sliding left and right as he closes in on Heidern. His voice is thick with pain and anger, but he still stands upright, strong and full of life. "... You will be, little man. You will be." With that, he lashes out, attempting to imitate the man's attack, but with a giant hand incapable of tearing, it's merely going to be a punishing blow to Heidern's solar-plexus.

COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Heidern with Jab Punch.

[                           \\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Heidern          0/-------/---====|=======\-------\1             Vega

Heidern has left his mark. It's enough to show that, however human those who stand against him may be, they are no pushovers. While not the strongest man or the most imposing, Heidern is not a force to be reckoned with. If it's not enough, his hand rips free of Vega's gut, leaving a particularly nasty spray in his wake, but bothers him hardly. Instead, he simply thrusts his hand to one side, the pitter-patter of crimson staining the dirty jungle earth at his feet.

"Sorry," Heidern states. That coolness and composure has yet to escape his tone, even in the face of overwhelming opposition. "I'm afraid you are mistaken. I refuse to die." Not yet, at least. Vengeance is, after all, a terrifying motivator.

Vega makes his move, but Heidern has little time to avoid it. Struck - HARD - the Ikari Warrior goes sailing back into the underbrush from whence he came, rolling and tumbling. Winded now, the man shakily rises to his feet. But he refuses to let his body betray that tone.

"We'll meet again, Lord Vega," the man assures, lifting his arms up. "When we do, you will be on your knees in defeat in the ruins of your fallen empire." Then, swiftly albeit ragged in his motions, he cuts a swath of x-shaped blue energy through the air, sending it sailing right at the dictator. It's not meant to kill or impede the man whatsoever, but it should hopefully be enough to distract him and allow Heidern a swift retreat, deeper into the jungles of Thailand.

His work here is through.

COMBATSYS: Heidern can no longer fight.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Vega             1/-------/=======|

COMBATSYS: Vega overcomes Cross Cutter from Heidern with Psycho Shot.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  <
Vega             1/-------/=======|

"Coward! Return and face your defeat like a /warrior/!" Vega is not pleased that someone would take the easy way out, but is a bit too wounded to chase after Heidern as he rolls backwards. The giant 'x' of energy is formidable indeed, but Vega is not going to be dissuaded. Stepping /into/ the attack, he thrusts out his hand, and a wave of his psychic aura explodes forwards, blowing the energy back and aiming it towardsd where Heidern has retreated to. In the end - if he survives or not, Vega suddenly no longer cares. He simply wishes to be done with this - the fight has left a bad taste in his mouth. He returns down to the convoy, and starts it back into motion - he'll need medical treatment after all...

COMBATSYS: Vega has ended the fight here.

Log created on 20:26:06 06/10/2007 by Heidern, and last modified on 20:28:19 06/12/2007.