Description: This is more of a backscene during the Metro City TP. While Jiro was tracking the nuke, he ran into Ralf, who was scouting for anything in the streets that was odd such as the Shank Squad. Given that Jiro is just a kid, the youth was given a very hard time. That resulted in a fight.
Rolento's last days were counting down. The obstinant little terrorist has been quite the thorn in many people's sides, a problem cancerous enough to spread its cancerous influence all across the country, and in some nations that still don't hate America, in print and on TV there, as well. It's been a hell of a mess, but sure as shit, with the work of far too many people than really should be necessary in Ralf's mind, the one-eyed shit is gonna get what's coming to him. Maybe, after this, he'll pay him a visit in jail. Wonder if people will look the other way while he smacks him around a little? ...Mm. It's nice to dream.
For a while, the Ikari have been around, but furtive. The plan was to stick low, do what they can to support the good guys and undermine the peace-hating dogs. Regrettably, Jones has stayed behind for this wave; Heidern knows him too well, and didn't want the bandana-clad man to go in with guns blazing, so to speak. He'd draw too much attention, heighten security, that kind of thing. Leading the troops under him, though? That, he can do. Sitting on the hood of a small jeep parked well outside of the city limits, up on a bit of a hill, Ralf peers through a thick set of binoculars at the city. Occasionally, a crackle of life sputters from the walkie talkie latched to his belt with all sorts of things; reports, intercommunication between squads, that sort of thing. Apparently, plans are going smoothly so far, but still, the big man heaves a bit of a sigh. It sounds like the guys are having a lot of fun down there.
It's been hell of a day for the Stray Dog, who has underwent a lot of things. After recovering from the hospital from being crucified, the Stray Dog had sent some of the strays to help him track down the nuke. No luck.
A young blond haired youth is walking along the streets, currently wearing a blue letterman jacket, black WWE t-shirt, and black hip-hop pants. Jiro Kasagi, the known resistance leader against Rolento is looking around towards each of the places with their own generators. "Damnit..." He grumbles, "We have to do something soon... This is getting out of hand." He growls.
Far behind him are currently Shank Squadders, lying on each other after a brutal beating from the Stray.
Needless to say, Jiro is quite pissed off with Shank Squad and nothing would please him more than putting Rolento through a Stone Cold Stunner. But until then... gotta find the nuke. Tightening the fingerless gloves, he continues until he passes by the jeep.
The crunching of shoes across grass is heard, causing Ralf to pulls his binoculars down as he reaches to his side, winding the volume knob on his walkie talkie down; not off, as he still has to listen, but low enough to keep the kid from hearing things too well. His jaw shifts around with the chewing of gum (god, the stuff here in the states is great, everything else tastes like dog shit, comparatively), the wet sounds of enamel pulling from the clingy resin-like material causing a squishy, lewd sound occasionally.
"Oi oi, squirt." Jiro definitely looks younger, so thusly, he's immediately labelled 'kid'. Don't try to change it either; you're stuck with it. "The hell're you doin' out here? It's fuckin' dangerous, get your ass back to one of the shelters." Or better yet, back home, but hey. Again, the binocs rise up to his eyes, so he can keep an eye out for anything important that his men might need to know. "No reason to be out here with all the crazies about."
Twitch twitch. Squirt? The Stray Dog narrows his eyes irritibly, then he immediately shifts his attention straight towards Ralf, who is telling him to go home and hide from all of this. Okay, who the hell is this guy? Whatever. The Stray Dog immediatey lifts a hand up into the air, throwing the man a middle finger. Then, Jiro turns around to walk away from the jeep, tucking his hands into his pockets.
"I'm busy."
Of course, at one of the rooftops, a Shank Squad Sniper is aiming to fire at Jiro. Of course, he does until Jiro catches the bullet, then returns it by throwing it at the guy's head.
It'll likely knock him out for a few numbers. "...Meh."
Yeah! Squirt! What of it? Ralf doesn't see the twitch, as he's busy staring down the city through magnified lenses. "Busy gettin' yourself killed, yeah?" he answers without even looking over. He's still got a job to do, right? Wouldn't he feel bad if one of his guys didn't see-- ...Didn't..see that guy falling from a roof, onto the pavement below. The man winces heavily, lowering the binocs again, sucking in a breath through clenched teeth. Tunnel vision helps to miss important details. Briefly, he picks up his walkie talkie and warns someone about..suicide jumpers or something. Craziness.
"Anyway, kid, don't be stupid. There's no reason to stick around and risk your neck, everything'll be over soon enough." With that, Jones spits out the wad of gum onto the grass, shifting about to pull a lighter from his side pocket. A pack of cigarettes comes from inside his vest, and after a sharp rap of the end against his palm, pulls one out and holds it between his lips, lighting it before replacing everything.
A grumble is given by the Stray Dog, who immediately turns his form to get a full attention towards Ralf, who is given an irritible look from the Stray Dog. "Eh, too late. Feel free to check out the latest rumors of examples he made of people who faught against him. Which I need to punk El Gado and Rolento for later." He shrugs. "Yeah, it'll all be over with soon." He grunts, "Now, if you could be useful, I could use help finding Rolento's nuke." He grumbles, "Otherwise, I'll be on my way to try to find where he put it myself."
"Woah, woah, woah!" Ralf slides off of the front of the jeep, speaking while moving his lips as little as possible, so he doesn't drop the fag he'd just lit. Clenching it between those lips, he breathes in a little before pulling it out, holding the filtered end tightly between the second knuckles on his index and middle fingers, with the lit end held out, as if pointing it at Jiro. "What the hell do you know about fighting him, huh?" he asks, a rush of grey smoke leaving his nose and mouth. "And don't worry, we're lookin' for the nuke." In all honestly, the Ikari have a decent idea of where it should be, since they originally had custody of it last, after lifting it from some crazy Koreans.
There's another deep breath, this one sans cigarette, before he asks, "Who the hell pissed in your Cheerios today anyway, kid?" So angry!
Folding his arms, Jiro blinks as he's questioned about fighting. "Hrmph, enough to survive in this war right now." Not enough to beat Rolento. Just enough to help beat him and survive. Jiro shuts his eyes, exhaling a sigh. Jiro is wondering why he is even talking with this guy.
r The young man peers over towards Ralf, grunting to himself, "Rolento and Brad Pitt. Assassination attempt and a beating at the hospital." He snorts, then his eyes become more quizzed, "...Hrm. You're familiar."
"Brad Pitt? What the fuck are you talking about?" So, there's one of Rolento's group that Ralf doesn't remember; he's thinking of the actor right now! The look of confusion on his face must be priceless, and not at all an uncommon one for the big man. His brows knit together as one edge of his mouth tugs down in a half-frown, something that lessens only slightly when he takes another draw off of his cancer stick. The smoke is exhaled solely through his nose now; two gouts of grey escaping his nostrils. "Eh, you probably remember me from a tournament somewhere," he says, not offering any names yet, but there's just this disgruntled look about him. "Or maybe heard about me regarding Rolento, I dunno. I about had his ass on the ropes before one of his towel-headed boys got a lucky knife in my back." Prick.
"Ah, I see you met El Gado too." Jiro snorts for a moment, then he says, "Stray Dog. Or Jiro Kasagi. I've been one of the resistance leaders and a major thorn on Rolento's side, so he decided to assassinate me."
The look on Jiro's face takes on amusement. "He failed. So I'm returning a favor by punking Rolento. My friends and I made it this far, and the last thing I could care for is to be told to go home."
Jiro shrugs, then he looks at Ralf, "Planning to stop me?"
The first thing drawn from Ralf is a snort of amusement. "What? C'mon, you're shitting me." His hand pulls up, fingers horizontal and covering his mouth. "Resistance leader? You?" Another deep breath, another puff of grey, this time, in an attempt to make ring-shaped puffs. It doesn't work, and the things look like some retarded ellipsoids with Downs Syndrome. He frowns at that, glancing back to Jiro himself. "..Hmmm."
Ralf walks around, rubbing his chin but careful not to burn himself, stuffing his other hand in a pocket. "I guess if I have to; what kind of peacebringer would I be if I let kids run around and get themselves killed, huh? You should leave this stuff to us pros, instead of throwing your life away on some half-assed vengeance."
"Sadly, I wish I was." The Stray Dog grunts, lifting his head up towards the man. "...Now I know you. Ralf Jones." It took a while for the Stray Dog to realize it, "Meh, no matter." He looks over towards the man as he is trying to dismiss him from dealing with Rolento. He shuts his eyes for a moment. "Let me think about it for a moment."
He steps his right foot forward, "No. Besides, I'm not done with the Shank Squad."
COMBATSYS: Jiro has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Jiro 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Ralf has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Ralf 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Jiro
"Hey, that's it." Ralf grins at the recognition, now leaving his cigarette clenched between his teeth. His hand drops to his side, that grin only growing even wider as the boy's foot moves. He's not, despite appearances, THAT stupid; he knows a guy starting to prep up for a swing when he sees it. He himself takes a step back with his own right foot, leaving his pocketed left hand to the front, with his right hand hanging by his other side with the fingers occasionally half-curling.
"Suit yourself, squirt. Last chance to change your mind, though." Not like Ralf is gonna follow Jiro and make sure he goes to a shelter or something, but at the same time, maybe he just needs a sharp rap against the head to make him think better of his actions. Or, maybe he just likes to beat up kids!
COMBATSYS: Ralf focuses on his next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Ralf 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Jiro
"Heh.... Always wanted to join with your team at some point, but eh." Jiro shrugs, looking at Ralf, "However, I have business to take care of right now.... Since I have to fight for it...? Sure, why not?" The Stray Dog takes the intiative to sprint towards Ralf.
Drawing both of his hands back, the hands erupt into purple flames, much like Kain's own type of flames. As they burn against the hands, they condense to form katars on each hand.
"Here's my answer." Jiro swings his right hand out, aiming to lash the bladed arm at Ralf's chest, then he draws another hand out to send the chi blade against his chest.
COMBATSYS: Jiro successfully hits Ralf with Odious Fang.
Glancing Blow
Glancing Blow
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Ralf 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Jiro
"...Oooooooh?" Ralf's lips purse into a small circle, which..well, looks weird with the cig still in there. The type of flame doesn't really mean much to Ralf; chi is chi, and the fact that the kid can command it is, nonetheless, impressive enough. He doesn't think he's see anyone SHAPE it, though. A quick step back is, he thinks, enough to clear him. He's almost right; the edge merely nicks the front of his chest, leaving a slightly-charred rip through his flak jacket and a thin line of red across his pecs, save for the depression between them, over his sternum. His left hand lifts up, cupping his mouth again as he sets the spark held from his mouth alight again with a deep breath, using his momentum to try and circle over to the kid's side. His left foot plants as his right snaps out for the back of Jiro's knee, simply trying to topple him back.
The guy's obviously not being too serious yet. He should know better, too, as it usually costs him.
COMBATSYS: Jiro endures Ralf's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Ralf 0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0 Jiro
After lashing out the arms against Ralf's chest, the young man is lunging forward to continue the onslaught. Unfortunately, the Stray Dog is immediately slammmed at the back knee with the right foot. It's a very nasty trip for the young man as he lands on his back.
He was prepared for it though, so he rolls back to where he can b ounce back up with a handstance, and then he launches himself forward by driving the right fist up towards Ralf's chin. He's drawing the body to a spin as he's launching the fist forward.
If successful, he plans to follow up by slamming the left fist downward at Ralf's chest in a dunking motion.
COMBATSYS: Ralf blocks Jiro's Heaven's Diminisher.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Ralf 0/-------/------=|====---\-------\0 Jiro
Ralf's right foot swings over, then back after knocking the poor boy down, pulling his hand from his face and the smokestick with it. Both foot are planted, flat-footed on the ground, and again, there's an attempt to puff a ring out. He doesn't get much time, however, as Jiro ends up being really quick to recover! Both of his brows rise, lifting his bandana ever so slightly as the fist comes in..and, with a loud smack of skin against skin, is stopped short of his chin, caught in his own, much larger hand. As punishment, a lungful of smoke is exhaled right in the student's face. The other fist is all but doged, keeping hold of the hand as he moves around, trying to put the kid in a chokehold with his own arm. "Gotta do better than this if you're gonna stop Rolento, kid." His voice isn't harsh or anything; he actually sounds a bit amused, and not mocking so much as to be scornful.
COMBATSYS: Jiro fails to counter Quick Throw from Ralf with Backlash.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Ralf 0/-------/------=|=======\-------\1 Jiro
While the arms capture the hands of the Stray Dog, Jiro doesn't look too happy with how everything is going. When the smoke blows against his face, Jiro starts coughing, then he is put onto the choke hold. Any attempt to try to use the body to throw Ralf on the ground has failed.
He remains under the stranglehold, growling under his breath. There's not much to say, except scowl.
Ralf's not a BAD man, though. He's not looking to harm the kid too much, but he doesn't know his own strength sometimes, apparently. Only a few seconds into the hold, Ralf lets go, pushing Jiro away a little. He doesn't pursue; he just drops his smoked-down butt, stepping on it and grinding it enough to make sure that it won't set the place on fire. "So," he starts, looking a little relaxed, shifting his heels a little to make sure he's got a good footing regardless. "What else've you got?" he asks, lifting both hands to apply pressure against his left thumb, until the joint pops. Mmmmm.. Much better, that.
COMBATSYS: Ralf takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Ralf 0/-------/------=|=======\-------\1 Jiro
After the strangle hold sets in, the young man is finally set down, but shoved away for just a moment. He takes a deep breath, eyeing Ralf while he keeps his stance settled. "Alright..." He girts his teeth. "...No wonder why you were able to save the president..." He grunts, then he tucks his head forward as he sprints towards Ralf, taking the more aggressive approach.
"But, I'm not going to let Shank Squad stop me from getting involved in punting them out..." He leaps into the air, lifting the right leg up. It releases a brief glow, but it soon starts coming down like a guillotine, "And I'm not letting you stop me."
COMBATSYS: Ralf dodges Jiro's Guillotine Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Ralf 0/-------/------=|=======\-------\1 Jiro
Maybe one day, Ralf'll show Jiro that medal he got regarding the presidential bit! He really loves the hell out of it, and polishes it every week. After all, how many mercenaries can claim to be nationally-recognized heroes? It's probably just as valuable to him as his life! .... Well, okay. Maybe not.
In any case, Jones tilts his head left and right, working out a kink or three as the other 'hero' starts up again. Literally, up. His eyes lift to watch, and once more, a quick push of one strong leg lets him hop just enough to the side to free him from harm's way, the actual kick leaving a waft of air in its wake that livens small wisps of his hair and the strips of cloth hanging from the knot in his bandana. As soon as he can, Ralf reaches his right arm out, attempting to hook the boy around the waist.
COMBATSYS: Jiro fails to counter Strong Throw from Ralf with Public Execution.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Ralf 0/-------/-----==|======-\-------\0 Jiro
There's a sharp turn as Ralf faces the nearest tree, slamming Jiro's back into the bark quite heavily, putting the bulk of his weight behind the slam. "You know.. You might be enough for some of the Squadders," he admits, pulling back to allow the guy to stand on his own, slump down to the ground, whatever he has the power to do. "But if you see Rolento, you better run, or he'll cut you up." At least he seems to have given up the 'go home, you suck' command in favor of 'be careful'.
As the young man starts coming down, the Stray Dog starts homing his way straight towards Ralf. And while the youth dives forward, the Older Kasagi is attempting to shift his weight around to where he can continue onward with a kick to strike against the man.
Until Jiro is grabbed by the waist, then he's slammed against the bark. He grunts angrily, coughing in pain. Okay, so this isn't a good position for Jiro.
He remains kneeling down, looking at the ground. "No." He looks at Ralf, "...I won't be alone when I deal with Rolento... My friends and I are going to find that nuke.... and we're going to get the damn thing away from him for good." He staggers up to his feet, shaping himself into his fighting stance once more.
Staying back still, Ralf allows that grin to creep its way onto his face. "Yeah? You know, if you fuck that up, you're taking out the whole city, and killing a whole shitload of people, right? Got any plans? How're you gonna get it out? You know how fucking BIG one of those things are?" Again, he doesn't move in to attack; instead, he allowed Jiro to get back to his feet, all that stuff, while the questions rattle around a bit. He used to be young and stupid, after all, and..well, seen a lot of kids run into stuff just to die. Idiots.
COMBATSYS: Ralf takes no action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Ralf 0/-------/-----==|======-\-------\0 Jiro
"...We're planning to track where the last location. The strays around here are able to keep an eye on things, with his rule about no vehicles being around, within the area...." He tightens his fist, then he starts to sprint towards Ralf, drawing his right fist backwards, "I have a friend who has a SWAT car, so I'm able to keep in touch so we can track it before he can set the damn thing off."
"He moved it out a while ago, it seems." The Stray Dog launches his fist forward towards Ralf's chest.
COMBATSYS: Ralf dodges Jiro's Strong Punch.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Ralf 0/-------/-----==|======-\-------\0 Jiro
Heh.. Friend with a SWAT car? Interesting. There's still not a whole lot to answer his questions suitably, but hey..having SWAT people involved means there's at least some manner of professional organization here. Again, Ralf shifts to the side, leaning back as his hand extends, deflecting the boy's fist away from him, hoping his momentum will carry him past. And then? His foot rises up for a..a sort of sideways kick to his ass with the inner side of his boot, to help him along. It's a schoolyard bully tactic, sure..but hey. He started it, right? Took first swing and everything! ..Even if it WAS his own mouth that got things moving.
COMBATSYS: Jiro endures Ralf's Light Kick.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > / ]
Ralf 0/-------/----===|=======\=------\1 Jiro
The Stray Dog grunts when he misses the swinging punch, and he lunges forward with the run awhile he's given a sideway kick against the rear end. His eyes widen in a brief shock.He grumbles under his breath, hissing in his brief pain, slowly on the verge of collapsing.
But, Jiro immediately turns around, looking very worn out from the fight. He starts sprinting towards Ralf, then he launches himself towards the man's direction. First off, Jiro's lifting his right hand upward at Ralf's chin. That hand becomes consumed by purple flames, aiming to send Ralf up. Then, the other hand comes out, preparing to drive Ralf to the ground with a dunking punch forward.
Hit or miss, Jiro will collapse on his knees.
COMBATSYS: Jiro can no longer fight.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Ralf 0/-------/----===|
COMBATSYS: Ralf dodges Jiro's Rebel Spike.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Ralf 0/-------/----===|
At this point, Ralf starts feeling kind of bad..but it's very fleeting. Thinking it better to put him down than let Rolento do what he did to Jones himself, or worse (trust me, having beetles eat into your stomach is NOT FUN), that kick It was a little harder than he expected, but the kid still seems to have some life in him! ..And indeed, here he comes again! If he had any relation to him, he would be proud here; instead of buckling under and falling, or being a cheap little whore and throwing things all day, he goes right back into the fight, throwing himself at him. Against Ralf, that's good; he's not gonna stab the kid like some people would. Jones, he's just..thick. And currently, lost in non-thought for a moment, snapping back to reality to see Jiro coming right at him again! "SHIT!" he yells out, losing his composure for the first time in this fight, all but leaping sideways in a face-down dive to the grass. Those're mercenary instincts, right there. He slides on the ground for but an inch before pulling himself back up, just in case...but all for naught, really.
"Phew.. 'Bout scared the piss out of my with that last one, squirt." The name sticks. Moving over, he plops a hand on his head first, then offers to help him lifting him by the arm. Strong guy, he is. "Good talent, but man, maybe..try lifting weights or something. Get some meat on those bones." Awfully cordial, isn't he? He knows Jiro's not skin and bones, but man, it's time for comraderie and poking fun. He shows no fear of being attacked here; he's pretty confident that if the really tired-looking kid tried anything, he'd just suplex him into the jeep or something. Speaking of which..that all done, Ralf turns the volume back up on his walkie-talkie, squatting a seat on the vehicle's hood to pull up the binoculars once more. "Got some Coke in a cooler on the passenger seat, if you want. Rest up."
COMBATSYS: Ralf has ended the fight here.
The Stray Dog collapses to his knees, "Heh." He smirks a bit, "Good fight...." The Stray Dog looks over towards the hand offering to help him up. Jiro takes it and he is hefted back up. He smirks, "The fight was fun. Needed a work out..." He looks over towards the man in the jeep. "Thanks..." He walks towards the passenger seat, reaching into the cooler to pull out a coke. "I came here to set a friend straight." He admits, "But... since I'm here, I may as well finish what I started since I helped the Resistance."
Not too long afterwards, a black cat is starting to cross the two fighter's path. While ordinary, black cats are rumored to bring bad luck to those who it crosses, but for the Stray Dog, the cat brings good fortune. "Meooowww..."
A blink is given by the young man, who shifts his attention towards the cat. He picks her up, drinking the coat. "Hey Sara, what can I do for you." It takes a couple of mewls from the cat to earn a nod from the Stray Dog. "Alright, thanks." He gives her a gentle pet, then he says, "Run along now..." He lets the cat go, running off.
Dr. Dolittle, Acacia refers to him as. Jiro says, "Looks like I have a lead on he location of the nuke, but I got to make a call to double check." He taps onto the phone, "Megumi? Yeah... Got a lead, I'll meet you there."
He smiles at Ralf, "I'm afraid I can't stay too long..." He takes a deep breath, "Good fight, I hope I'll catch you once this is all over."
"Ah, that's fine.." A brief look is given to the cat, then to Jiro as he talks to it. "..." Odd little boy. Actually, he wonders if he may've hit him a little too hard, but he never really hit him in the head..did he? Of course, there WAS that knock against the tree, Who the hell knows. Digging into his jacket for another smoke, the Ikari simply resumes his watch, occasionally, but very rarely, lifting up the receiver to feed notes to his guys down there. At least now, they're not the only ones having fun.
"Hey.." he says, reaching back with his free hand, "Give me one of the beers in there, would you?" There are lots of them, bright multi-colored cans.
Log created by Jiro, and last modified on 18:50:47 09/20/2005.