FightFest 2025 - Momoko vs Sarah - "Let's Get This Party Started"
[Toggle Names]Description: What better way to kick off the party for Fightfest 2025 than with the NFG's own DJ Supernova hitting the mat? She'll be facing off against another capoeira prodigy - Gorin's own Momoko - to show who's got the best moves both on the dancefloor and in the ring! (Note that due to a logging error, the first part of this log was not auto-logged, so the combat display will not be accurate until later.)
Sarah has been on the fighting circuit for a while, best known as the barefoot disk jockey who can't resist busting a move on the floor when she's not demonstrating her Capoeira skills. Her signatures include her baseball cap, her boyish blonde hair, and the smile that's often seen on her face. Quite the optimist she is!
Sarah has heard about Momoko and has always wanted to meet her, but she's never had the chance. She's always eager to meet other practitioners of Capoeira. However, today it seems that things are going to change, because today's battle in the FightFest is between Momoko and DJ Supernova herself!
"Introducing first, from Manchester, United Kingdom, we have that swift fighter known as DJ Supernova, Sarah Kuzumi!" As the announcer calls out Sarah's name, the blonde-haired disk jockey runs towards the ring, waving to her fans as she does so. Upon arriving, Sarah does a backwards flip before waving again to her fans. "This is going to be a match to remember, I can feel it in me!" Sarah says to herself as she does some light stretching to loosen herself up before the fight. All the while, that smile remains on her face. [:Sarah:]
Momoko has been eager for this.
An actual match! She didn't qualify for Rivals - she had just a bit too much experience - but she was certainly going to support her co-students. And her not-co-students. She'd signed up for the Fighting Festival on a whim, and that whim was already paying off...
"Hi hi~"
Momoko bounds into the ring herself only a moment later. They're announcing her - attending Gorin High and all that - but she's not really paying attention to them, instead giving Sarah a good look over. "Hmm..." She seems to be considering.
Whatever she's considering eventually meets with her approval because she nods to herself. "Any match with me is worth remembering!" is her reply to that. "Heh heh. I didn't think they'd put me against someone older than me... I thought I'd have a student!" [:Momoko:]
If there's one thing Sarah's found to be true in the fighting world, it's that your opponents can be any age. They can be younger than you, they can be older than you... they might even be WAY older than you! You never know what it's going to be like until you encounter them.
As Momoko bounds into the ring, Sarah smiles even more, thinking it's quite cute how Momoko is getting into the ring like that. Of course, Sarah doesn't see her as a child, even though she is rather petite. In fact, she's only a couple inches shorter than Sarah, so it's not that big of a difference.
"Given that this is our first fight together, I'm sure we'll have a lot to remember, fellow Capoeirista!" With that, Sarah adjusts her baseball cap to make sure it's securely on her head before getting into the ginga as she waits for the signal to begin.
When the signal to begin is given, Sarah doesn't initially attack Momoko. Instead, she watches her to see what she's capable of. She may be small, but Sarah knows that big things come in small packages! [:Sarah:]
COMBATSYS: Sarah has started a fight here.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Momoko 0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0 Sarah
COMBATSYS: Momoko has joined the fight here.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Momoko 0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0 Sarah
If Momoko was called cute, she'd...
Well, she'd agree, honestly. She is cute! But she's also not a kid, and it's a good thing Sarah is taking her seriously, because Momoko is. Or, at least as seriously as she takes anything. She seems pretty casual.
Which may explain her response being a fistbump before she hops back into position - just as the bell to begin rings! In that moment, Momoko stops focusing on what she was focusing on (the crowd... they actually have one) and locks in on Sarah.
Momoko has actually never fought anyone else who uses capoeira before. She's used to being able to catch people by surprise and today she can't do that, or at least she can't do that the normal way. So she doesn't try; she starts it off easy, with something Sarah might have seen before.
With a rush forward, Momoko suddenly drops low! She plants one hand and swings her legs in an arc, sweeping with all the momentum of her forward motion, ending in a half-crouch that she springs upward from like she had infinite energy. [:Momoko:]
COMBATSYS: Sarah dodges Momoko's Troca e Piao.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Momoko 0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0 Sarah
A fistbump? Sarah won't refuse that! She cheerfully returns the fistbump to Momoko before returning to the ginga. She knows that Momoko probably has her own array of tricks up her sleeves just like she does. Sarah may not be caught off-guard by Momoko's method of fighting, but she's eager to see what Momoko is capable of!
When Momoko comes in with the familiar attack that Sarah has seen in some form before. When an attack comes her way, Sarah's first instinct is to dodge, and she does so by spinning to the side before returning to the ginga. Still, Sarah's not about to brag or anything like that.
"Good try," Sarah says with a smile as she retains the ginga. Once she's sure that Momoko is finished with her attack, Sarah attempts to deliver a sweeping kick that's sure to trip up Momoko if it connects. [:Sarah:]
COMBATSYS: Sarah successfully hits Momoko with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Momoko 0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0 Sarah
Momoko's stance isn't quite the normal ginga. She looks more like she's bouncing side to side than swaying, making the long sash she wears. Too much energy!
It seems to be working well enough for her though. Or it was, anyway; Sarah sweeps at her as she hops back up, and Momoko takes a crack across the leg. It seems likely to sweep her off her feet...
..which is why she flips backwards, landing on her hands, facing away from Sarah. "Hup!" Momoko certainly isn't giving up at the first hit - she's not even letting it slow her down as she kicks forward, striking with her heels from an inverted position as the back of her shirt slides up her upside-down body, levering herself forward to land on her feet again after a series of kicks.
And the whole way, her feet are trailing pink sparkles of energy. THAT part might be surprising even if the kick is not! [:Momoko:]
COMBATSYS: Sarah blocks Momoko's Bananeira Dois Golpes.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Momoko 0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0 Sarah
Sarah nods a little as Momoko lands on her hands, impressed with how well her opponent handles herself. She keeps her focus on her opponent, the battle already becoming quite memorable to Sarah since she's in her first true Capoeira match-up on the fighting circuit.
Indeed, Sarah's not expecting Momoko to come down with her feet like that. Or to use that energy as well. For some reason, Sarah doesn't try to avoid it, almost like she's mesmerized by the energy coming from Momoko's attack. Instead, she braces for impact, stumbling back a little as she shakes off the pain from the impact before getting back into the ginga.
"Impressive," Sarah says with a smile. "Already we've gone into memorable territory for this battle!" Sarah then attempts to perform a backflip, only she's bringing her bare feet upwards in a way so that one of them might hit Momoko if she's not carefully! [:Sarah:]
COMBATSYS: Momoko dodges Sarah's Flip It Good.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Momoko 0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0 Sarah
The backflip kick whistles past Momoko as she half-sways, half-hops to the side. She's still definitely full of energy and will not be slowed down by a kick!
"You spend too much time watching feet. I've got other weapons too!" Momoko takes a step back, swaying as she gets back into position, tenses her body -
And leaps forward, hip-first, at Sarah! Once, twice...
On the third backwards hop, she finishes the last twist and puts her whole body into the jump. It's not a hip impact but... well, her butt, hard enough to bowl Sarah over with her inertia if she's not careful. Momoko may not be that big, but apparently she knows how to use what she's got!
COMBATSYS: Momoko successfully hits Sarah with Peach Attack.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Momoko 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0 Sarah
That's a cute attack. At least in Sarah's opinion it is.
Of course, looks can definitely be deceiving!
Sarah's enjoying the fight a little bit too much, and seeing that cute looking attack catches her off-guard, meaning before she can dodge it, she's hit and sent staggering backwards...
Back into one of the ringposts that is! Not only does Sarah whack her head on the ringpost, but she also has her baseball cap fall off! Talk about adding insult to injury!
"Ungh... King's Cross Station is now open for business to all cricket players," Sarah sputters as she sees the stars spinning around for a moment. She shakes her head and returns to the present moment, realizing what just happened. "Wow, you caught me off-guard there with that..." She trails off as she feels the breeze in her hair. "My cap!" Realizing what happened, Sarah picks her cap up between her first two toes and tosses it upwards, catching it with one hand. "DJ Supernova without her cap on... how embarrassing!"
Once she's got her baseball cap tightly on again, Sarah returns to the ginga. "You caught me off-guard there, I admit that. But don't think you've won yet!" Sarah says as she throws forth a butterfly shaped blast of chi.
COMBATSYS: Momoko blocks Sarah's Flash Butterfly.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Momoko 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Sarah
"...Do you really need the cap that much?"
Momoko still has enough air to talk as she hops back around, expecting a counterattack from Sarah. Surely getting smacked into the post isn't enough to stop her...
...and it isn't! Momoko's twirling can't get her out of reach of the butterfly, so she brings up her arms, absorbing the impact of the chi butterfly as it bursts against her. It slides her back a little bit, but only for a moment - because a moment later and she's rushing forward again, tucking into a roll that extends out into a sweeping kick, complete with additional sparkles!
COMBATSYS: Sarah full-parries Momoko's Phoenix Arrow!!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Momoko 0/-------/=======|=======\===----\1 Sarah
Sarah would explain why she needs her cap during the fight, but that's for another place and another time. Right now, the biggest issue is dealing with the fight that's going on. Even though her projectile didn't fully hit, she did manage to land a blocked hit on Momoko, which did some good...
Until Momoko rolls on the ground towards Sarah. Almost immediately, the blonde-haired disk jockey is on high alert. She knows that a rolling attack on the ground has a variety of outcomes, and Sarah is watching and waiting for whatever might come her way.
When that leg comes out, Sarah effortlessly knocks it away, almost like she could read Momoko's mind. "Nice try, but you'll have to do better!" Sarah says as she attempts to catch Momoko off-guard and deliver a swift throw onto the canvas.
COMBATSYS: Sarah successfully hits Momoko with Quick Throw EX.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Momoko 1/-----==/=======|=======\====---\1 Sarah
Down as she is, Momoko is a relatively easy target for Sarah's grab!
The last thing Momoko was expecting was to be grabbed from her tumble and flung down. She hits the canvas so hard she bounces off it, arms flailing as she tries to catch herself. Which she does, connecting hands-first and going into a handstand, bringing herself up to the perfect vertical - just upside down!
While upside down, Momoko kicks out to both sides, effectively doing the splits as she tries to kick Sarah before she can evade, then handsprings up, tucking so that she rights herself and delivering a second kick, this one from the air! "You're pretty good, actually! I guess all that time in NFG isn't wasted... ah, I wish I'd gotten to participate!"
COMBATSYS: Momoko successfully hits Sarah with Fierce Kick.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Momoko 1/--=====/=======|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Sarah
"There's plenty of opportunities for you to fight and show off," Sarah comments as she gets back up. "NFG isn't the only one." Sarah would say more, but she gets hit by Momoko's kick, sending her stumbling into the ropes before nearly plummeting onto her face.
Fortunately, she stops when one knee touches the ground as she steadies herself with her hands. She pushes herself back up and then rubs her stomach, groaning a little. "I hate when that happens."
After catching her breath, Sarah looks at Momoko and nods. "You're quite skilled yourself, young lady! I have to say, it's been a while since I've had a good challenge like this! Not to mention, meeting a fellow Capoeira practitioner makes it even more enjoyable!" Despite being beaten, Sarah is still enjoying herself. It shows just how optimistic Sarah truly can be.
"Of course, I still have some tricks up my short sleeves too!" Sarah adds with a slight giggle at her joke about her sleeves. "Here's one of my favorites!" Sarah then drops down and plants her hand into the ground and then spins around several times, alternating between the higher and lower foot in an attempt to deliver a pair of sweeping kicks.
COMBATSYS: Momoko dodges Sarah's Tornado Warning.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Momoko 1/--=====/=======|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Sarah
"Yeah, but - I'm the right age!"
Technically true. Momoko attends Gorin (there's not that many dancers there... and definitely not that use capoeira!), but she's too experienced to actually qualify because she's done public matches before. A shame! She'll have to settle for imparting her wisdom on the next generation. Which may actually be older than she is.
Fighting generations are weird.
Sarah's series of sweeping kicks are actually pretty hard for Momoko to dodge. She can handle low. She can handle high (more easily than low because she can duck it... she's short!) But for something like this she has to thread the needle.
She does, moving with the direction of the spin, before she's suddenly lunged forward, inside Sarah's guard. "Hup!" she calls, as she tries to grab ahold of the other fighter.
Now, Momoko is small, and not actually all that strong, physically. So it may be a surprise when she literally flings Sarah into the air, or tries, as her Psycho Power grips her; she can literally throw her ten or fifteen feet up to let her land behind Momoko, as Momoko makes the V-sign next to her eye. "Since you're such a star, I'll let you touch the heavens~!"
COMBATSYS: Sarah dodges Momoko's Become a Star!.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Momoko 0/-------/---====|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Sarah
That would be quite an impressive throwing technique if it managed to catch Sarah properly. Of course, Sarah knows a thing or two about dodging, just like Momoko did a few moments ago. Sarah is able to get back onto her feet and jump back just in time to avoid being grabbed.
"Nice try, but not this time," Sarah says as she takes a deep breath to focus her chi. "You've got skills, I definitely like that. We will have to rematch sometime." Then Sarah attempts to deliver a cartwheel into Momoko, intending to stun her with her bare feet coming down. If she succeeds, Sarah will then deliver a sped-up version of her tornado style kick from earlier, followed by a rising uppercut with chi entering her fist!
COMBATSYS: Sarah successfully hits Momoko with My Favorite Remix.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Momoko 1/-----==/=======|>>>>---\-------\0 Sarah
"Oh no! The heavens remain untouched!"
Momoko handles the incoming cartwheel with grace and professional skill; she blocks it. But Sarah is bigger than she is (though really, who isn't? Bao, maybe?) and also has a follow-up in mind...
The first spinning kick, Momoko hops out of the way of. The second, though, catches her on the side of the head, causing her to stagger to one side, off-balance, and that's the end of that; the rest of the blows connect solidly, sending Momoko reeling backwards to eventually land with a thump flat on her back, spread-eagled. "Oww..." Her eyes are a little swirly.
But let it never be said Momoko gives up! It takes her a little longer to get up this time but she does manage it; she is a little less energetic now, but nothing stops her from continuing to fight. "Ha ha ha... It's going to take more than that if you want to stop me...!" She tries a hopping kick - hopping forward at first, but if she connects with Sarah she uses the impact to spring back, accelerating herself with Psycho Power to throw herself further away from the other fighter!
COMBATSYS: Momoko successfully hits Sarah with Evasive Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Momoko 1/---====/=======|>>>>>>>\-------\0 Sarah
Momoko truly never gives up... and unfortunately for Sarah, that means she's hitting a bit harder than Sarah anticipated would be possible! Sarah gets hit hard and goes stumbling back, doubling over and gasping for air in response to the hit. "Ungh... oooh..." Sarah slaps her face a couple of times before returning to the present moment.
"Not bad," Sarah says with a nod, albeit while still slightly doubled over. "I feel like I might have unintentionally underestimated you there. My mistake." Sarah does a forwards somersault into the air before attempting to come down with a flying kick of her own.
COMBATSYS: Momoko dodges Sarah's Diving Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Momoko 1/---====/=======|=======\-------\1 Sarah
"Never underestimate me!"
Momoko is slightly punch-drunk judging by how she jabs her finger up into the air for emphasis and sways a little. Or perhaps the swaying was intentional, because when Sarah jumps into her forwards somersault, Momoko deliberately cranks it up, swaying so far it looks like she's going to tip over and balancing on one foot.
Sarah flies past her, and Momoko turns her tilt into a spinning kick aimed directly at Sarah's back before she can recover! If that hits, she follows it up with a whole series of strikes: a couple kicks into a downward stomping low kick that she turns into a cartwheel, striking with an overhead foot as she continues the cartwheel, spinning through three complete revolutions! And the whole way, the glitter is back, the sparkle of Psycho Power swirling around her legs.
She counts off the blows: "Do... re... mi... fa... so... la... ti..."
And then at the end, she launches herself into the air, tucks in through a full flip, and comes down in an enormous two-footed stomp and explosion of sparkles! "Do~! The Momoko special!"
COMBATSYS: Sarah interrupts Momoko no Doremi Canto - Long Verse EX from Momoko with The Swarm Is Coming.
[ \\\\ <
Momoko 1/----===/=======|
COMBATSYS: Sarah can no longer fight.
[ \\\\ <
Momoko 1/----===/=======|
It seems that Momoko's got something up her sleeve. Something that hurts a lot.
At the same time, Sarah is launching a flurry of energy butterflies at Momoko, and while her attack lands, Momoko's also lands.
"Ungh..." Sarah says as she stumbles backwards. "Mum, I think there's laundry waiting in the cupboard with the lemurs," She sputters in a punch drunk voice. "Can I take that order to go please?" She gives a weak thumbs up to Momoko, who's probably going to pass out too, even though Sarah's barely able to stand as well...
Then Sarah tumbles onto the ground, out for the count. It was a close fight, just how Sarah likes them.
Momoko descends through a cloud of butterflies.
They burst, adding to the sparkly nature of her attack - but unfortunately this is not the kind of sparkle Momoko likes, and she was already a little dazed from her previous blows. She dives down through them, lands on her feet with the explosion of glitter...
...and then, some moments after Sarah, tips over backwards to land in exactly the position she was in before she got up. Ow.
She decides (or 'has it decided for her when her legs don't cooperate') to stay down this time.
COMBATSYS: Momoko takes no action.
COMBATSYS: Momoko can no longer fight.
Log created on 20:26:18 03/05/2025 by Momoko, and last modified on 05:14:45 03/18/2025.