NFG Season Two - RTZI Round 3 - Blazing A Trail

[Toggle Names]

Description: Coco and Roxana have been chosen to delve into the jungle to make sure that the path to the volcano is clear for the upcoming confrontation with Junko. Unfortunately, it appears that something in the jungle takes exception to Constance Coalbridge claiming the title of 'Queen Cobra...'

Roxana Page isn't exactly thrilled about the prospect of venturing into the jungle. It's not that she's got anything against lush greenery or wild creatures but she'd seen the state that Hawksley Moore had come back from his trip there in and it wasn't pretty. Still, she's been raised to be a team player, so there's no chance of her backing down from the assignment that she and her tag partner, Coco have been given.

She's dressed in her usual uniform of a white bikini and diamante sandals, given that she's yet to acquire a change of clothing beyond a bathrobe. Her hip-length black hair is woven into a striking scorpion-style braid and swings and sways as she starts making her way along the path that will lead the two lasses to their destination.

"Is Morgie okay after his adventure?" She casually converses with Coco. "Did you find out where he got his crown from?"

As she moves along in the heat, she feels a slight pain in her head. Following Zacks's speech last night at his emergency dance party, she'd indulged in considerably more cocktails than she would normally allow herself. As someone who likes to remain in control wherever possible, she's not entirely comfortable about the fact that some of her memories are a little fuzzy. She does recall dancing around at some point and perhaps singing but if this was alone or with others, Rox can't remember.

She stops to take a swig from a water bottle, savouring the way the cool liquid slips down her throat. "Do you think there's any chance we will run into Junko herself? Or whatever her name is now." Her tone as she asks this is calm and curious but she knows that for Coco such an encounter would likely be more complicated, given the history between she and the fiery foe.

For her part, Coco is dressed in the velvet-textured purple bikini and silver Piferi Maggio flat sandals that she arrived on the island with, though the purple polish that she initially sported on her fingernails and toenails has faded significantly between sun exposure and the water of the pool. She's at least had the chance to wash her swimsuit, having procured a strawberries-and-cream-coloured alternative courtesy of Zack-in-the-Box (tm). Warding off the worst of the hangover she's currently experiencing after the previous night's open bar are the pair of designer diamond-studded sunglasses that she (and her binturong) showed up in.

Speaking of which, her binturong is walking along between the two, now wearing a pith helmet as he joins the Toxique expedition into the Isla Zaca jungle.

"God, I wish I'd brought some proper walking shoes," Coco groans as another of the rocks in the rough dirt road pushes up against her feet through her flats. "Morgie is good. It seems as though the meerkats thought he was some sort of meerkat messiah. I've tried to tell him meerkats aren't that clever, but he's not having it. Apparently the meerkats stole Zack's crown. They're little looters, the lot of them. I dread to think about what will happen when they sus out how to ride mopeds. None of our phones will be safe."

Coco looks down at her own phone, which she's brought along in the vain hope that somewhere along the trail, she'll be able to get signal. Predictably, she's having no such luck.

"I still don't see why we have to be the ones doing this bit. I mean, I know I spent like six months in Thailand and I totally won a staring contest with a cobra while I was there, but couldn't they have sent... I don't know, Braun or Ayala on this gig?"

"I hear you." Roxana sighs, sparing a glance down at her own feet. "Our sandals are built for posing not hiking through dense foliage. I'm not sure how I've escaped getting blisters so far."

Despite her honey-coloured skin, Rox has lathered herself in coconut scented sun cream, not wanting to suffer the effects of either burning or premature ageing. Although she's not even sure the latter is possible for her. Something that Cleo had once said suggested that when they were fully formed, there would be no further need for changes, so they would simply not occur.

Such thinking is likely best kept for simpler circumstances however. Toxique have enough on their plates for today, even if food on the island has been scarce in supply.

"Moped riding meerkats sounds like some combination of cute and terrifying." The gear girl decides. She hasn't given much thought to her own phone of late, other than for the purpose of taking photographs. Anyone who got their hands on it would find the device severely lacking in other content, including contacts and installed apps. A single screen is enough to show everything that Roxana makes use of and only the gallery and music streaming service reveal regular activity, even when she's not stranded on an island.

"I think they sent Ayala and Braun to search for some helicopter." Rox muses. "That might have been an even rougher gig, given that they may find dead bodies in the wreckage. Are you worrying about what happened to Hawksley when he came to the jungle?"

The Irishman had returned to his fellow fighters with only one working eye, a series of cuts and bruises and blood splattered shorts. He'd been strangely silent about who had caused these injuries until blurting out a question to Zack at the party. Not that he'd received a clear response.

"I understand if that's the case. It'd only be common sense. Did you have an amazing time in Thailand? I'd love to go there." Perhaps distraction is the best option at this point for her purple-haired partner in adventure.

"Getting that pedi the day before the tour was definitely a mistake," Coco comments as she takes a moment to plant her backside on a large rock at the side of the road, giving her soles a break. "And if a moped-riding meerkat snatched my phone, I would definitely be eating meerkat stew for supper, vegan or not. It's such a pain in the arse having your mobile nicked."

She cringes at the mention of the crashed helicopter and possible dead bodies. "Fine. I'd definitely rather stick to the road than go hacking my way through the treeline with those... whatever they were that Lucky ran afoul of. God, you know, he said they were practically invisible. Could you imagine? There might be some lurking in the canopy above us right now."

She looks up at the sky above. Fortunately, there doesn't seem to be anything moving above the pair at the moment. In fact, the jungle is growing weirdly quiet.

"Oh, have I not shown you the photos from my Thai trip? Here, let me find them," she says as she starts scrolling through thousands of photographs in her gallery, mostly of herself and her bearcat.

A few moments later, Morgie perks up as he hears something, then scrambles up the trunk of a nearby tree.

"Morgie? What are you playing at? Come back down here, mister! We've got work to do! I know you're not familiar with the concept, but -"

Suddenly, Coco herself goes still at the sound of wood crackling nearby, along with a loud hissing noise.

"What the -"

Suddenly, a massive reptilian head bursts out of the treeline, sending splinters showering everywhere as it bares enormous, glistening fangs in the sunlight!

"Oh, shit!" Coco squeals as she hops off of the boulder and whirls around to face the thing while backpedalling away!

COMBATSYS: Ouroboros has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Ouroboros        0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Coco has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Coco             0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0        Ouroboros

COMBATSYS: Ouroboros has joined the fight here on the top side.

                 [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Ouroboros        0|-------|-------
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Coco             0/-------/------=|

"It was pretty whilst it lasted." Rox comforts Coco regarding the pedicure. "Sometimes things are worth it, even if only fleetingly."

Contemplating the exotic cuisine, the Nebraskan nods her head. "I'd join you in meerkat stew, but then I'm a big fan of meat. I really don't feel like I've been getting enough protein here. I'd blame my performance against Albert on that but then it's likely he hasn't had enough either."

The idea of the invisible jungle creatures has Rox looking upwards too. That's probably the most chilling thing about them. Poison spitting doesn't really phase someone who can shoot toxins from her tail.

Her attention is drawn downwards again by the Englishwoman's offer to share holiday snaps. As Coco speedily scrolls through them, Rox struggles to see more than passing blurs, but she makes appreciative noises now and then out of politeness.

Perhaps Morgie is shy of having himself seen in photographs though, because he's soon scampering off, ascending a nearby tree with ease. "I'm sure he'll come down when he's..."

Whatever words of wisdom the scorpion-woman was about to say to Coco are lost as Roxana witnesses the sight of the snake monster.

Opening her mouth, the black-haired beauty lets out a silent scream but then quickly regains her composure, chastising herself for almost losing her cool. Her bikini-clad body starts to transform before the Brit's eyes, as black chitinous armour appears over the top of her head, upper face, shoulders, arms and legs and she develops claws, pincers and a tail. It appears that whatever they are about to face, Roxana is ready for battle.

COMBATSYS: Roxana has joined the fight here.

                 [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Ouroboros        0|-------|-------
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Coco             0/-------/------=|======-\-------\0           Roxana

COMBATSYS: Ouroboros focuses on its next action.

                 [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Ouroboros        0|-------|-------
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Coco             0/-------/------=|======-\-------\0           Roxana

The serpentine creature lunges forward across the path, revealing more of its massive, scaly body as it slithers around the base of another tree, rapidly encircling the enormous trunk as it ascends toward the chittering binturong above it. As it squeezes tighter and snaps out at its mammalian quarry, the tree starts to sunder with a tremendous *CRACK*, splitting into pieces as Morgie leaps to the nearest surviving branch of the canopy, clinging on for dear life.

As the titanic snake-creature collapses back down to earth, its enormous, slitted yellow eyes gaze unblinking at the two Toxique members on either side of it, matching the height of their own gazes with its jaw resting on the dusty road. Then, it lets out a hiss as it rears up, leering down at the two teens as it tries to decide whether it fancies the Full English or Persian platter for breakfast!

"Oh my God," Coco says as she stares up at the snake. "Wait! Maybe I can convince it not to attack us! Trust me, I've done this before!"

As she makes her claim, she bounces up and down, waving her arms in a successful bid to draw the colossal snake's attention. "Hey, over here! Look me in the eyes!"

She stares up at the serpent, silver eyes going large as she locks its gaze with her own. As she does, she slowly starts to tremble uncontrollably - an effect finally broken with a squeal as the serpent lets out a ferocious hiss.

"Okay, so, last time I tried that, I was really, really high!" she shouts at Rox, before simply swinging a kick at the snake's scaly center - or whatever section the nearest part happens to be. It's hard to tell how deep the thing's tail is trailing in the jungle.

The gigantic serpent is an imposing sight. Roxana's black eyes bore into it as she struggles to steady her pounding pulse.

When it lunges forwards, she stiffens, shouting out to Morgie to "Look out!" As his refuge is cruelly crushed by the coiled creature.

Making it out just in time, the bearcat clings on with his little claws, causing Rox to shoot a concerned look towards Coco.

It seems that the senior of the two female fighters has a cunning plan to play out. Roxana watches cautiously as her mentor tries to capture the focus of their fearsome opponent. It's having none of it though and seems more annoyed than entranced by her actions.

"It was worth a try." The scorpion-girl sympathises. "I've never actually been high. You'll have to tell me what it's like some time."

With that she's stepping closer to the snake from the other side, positioning herself to target it with her perilous poison.

COMBATSYS: Roxana focuses on her next action.

                 [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Ouroboros        0|-------|-------
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Coco             0/-------/------=|======-\-------\0           Roxana

COMBATSYS: Ouroboros fails to interrupt Medium Kick from Coco with Lashing Tail.

                 [     ||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Ouroboros        0|-------|-----==
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Coco             0/-------/-----==|======-\-------\0           Roxana

Morgie continues to clamber away from the carnage as the megasnake whips its body about. The other end of the creature makes itself imminently visible as its tail end sweeps through the treeline, mowing down the flora like a tsunami of scales. It seems about to smash its tail into Coco, but the kick to its spine interrupts its slithering and causes the serpent to hiss once again in pain and fury.

"Don't just stand there, Rox! We've got to run! Or, like, beat it up?! I'm not sure!" Coco shouts at her teammate with rising panic in her tone as she vaults over the thrashing tail and starts to run along the road. As she does, the serpentine behemoth slithers after her, and Coco leaps up with a squeal as it lunges at her again. She attempts to land on the back of the serpent's neck, then, with a twist and heave of her hips, release it to go rolling off the road and buy some time for herself and Roxana to run!

"Relax." Roxana responds to Coco. "I'm planning to poison it, in the hope it will slow it down. Then we can run."

It seems that the serpent has no intention of letting them escape with ease however, as it pursues the posh party girl. It's time for the scorpion-fighter to strike. Angling her frame forwards, her tail curls over her head, aiming towards the snake to target it with its toxic gift.

After releasing her sinister spray, Rox will try and take the opportunity to retreat as advised by her mentor. Hopefully the binturong will be quick enough to join them!

COMBATSYS: Coco successfully hits Ouroboros with Singapore Sling.

                 [         ||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Ouroboros        0|-------|---====
[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Coco             0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0           Roxana

COMBATSYS: Ouroboros blocks Roxana's Scorpion Spray.

                 [          |||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Ouroboros        0|-------|--=====
[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Coco             0/-------/---====|=======\-------\0           Roxana

COMBATSYS: Coco blocks Ouroboros' Slithering Strike.

                 [           ||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Ouroboros        0|-------|-======
[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Coco             0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0           Roxana

Coco does manage to side-sling the snake - if not for a particularly great distance - before rolling away across the road toward the other side. She lets out a grimace, rubbing a hand along her reddening inner thighs as she props herself up with her other hand.

"Okay, as fun as it sounds, I do /not/ recommend straddling a giant snake while wearing a swimsuit," she informs Roxana as she scrambles back up to her feet. "Watch out!"

As the snake rights itself, it comes plowing back across the path, aiming to slam its head into both of the bikini-clad babes in turn! Coco is knocked to the side, bracing herself against the blow and rolling back to her feet only slightly scathed. "Bloody hell! Why couldn't it have been /Chevy/ who got put on the giant snake patrol?!" she shouts, before winding up and launching a right-handed haymaker toward the serpent's side.

COMBATSYS: Roxana blocks Ouroboros' Slithering Strike.

                 [           ||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Ouroboros        0|-------|=======
[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Coco             0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0           Roxana

"Noted." Rox nods, happy to heed the top tip provided by her purple-locked mentor. "No riding big snakes dressed in skimpy swimwear."

Coco's warning call saves the scorpion gear from getting hammered by the head of the snake harder. Leaning even lower, her tail take the brunt of the bashing, causing her to bite the side of her mouth to push through the pain.

"It would be very cruel of Tom and Lou to give Chevy snake duty." Roxana responds. "She's afraid of them, but then you know that." There's a slight smirk on her pretty face as she gives a sideways look to the party girl.

As the Brit throws a punch out, Rox drops down into a bridge position, facing the monster with fierce determination. From here, she pushes upwards, rising above their enemy and attempting an overhead attack with each of her claws in turn. If successful, she will slash the snake vertically before launching into a backflip and landing gracefully back on her feet.

COMBATSYS: Coco successfully hits Ouroboros with Fierce Punch.
- Power hit! -

                 [                |||||||||||||| ]
                 Ouroboros        1|-----==|=======
[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Coco             0/-------/-======|=======\-------\0           Roxana

COMBATSYS: Roxana successfully hits Ouroboros with Spinning Scorpion.

                 [                  |||||||||||| ]
                 Ouroboros        1|----===|=======
[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Coco             0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1           Roxana

COMBATSYS: Ouroboros lays down on the ground for a break.

                 [               ||||||||||||||| ]
                 Ouroboros        1|-----==|=======
[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Coco             0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1           Roxana

The Queen Cobra's fist slams into the giant serpent, resulting in a surprisingly solid report as scales crumple under the weight of the blow. At the same time, the spinning scorpion sends scales flying as her claws tear into the snake's skin like a buzzsaw. The creature slumps down, letting loose a gust of displaced air that sends clouds of dust into the atmosphere and loose hair and garments fluttering all around. The serpent simply lies there for the moment.

"Is it... dead? Or just taking a nap?" Coco questions, frowning, before she decides to test its vital signs with a probing, noncommital kick to the creature's tail.

Roxana's acrobatic display compliments Coco's ferocity to deal a decent amount of damage to the snake. Still, the scorpion-girl remains wary as she stalks towards the serpent,

"I suspect it's not dead." Roxana murmurs cautiously, as her braid blows in the breeze and dust settles on the crisp white of her bikini.

She decides to join Coco in testing this theory by lashing out at the collapsed creature with both claws combined!

COMBATSYS: Ouroboros blocks Roxana's Fierce Strike.

                 [                |||||||||||||| ]
                 Ouroboros        1|----===|=======
[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Coco             0/-------/-======|=======\==-----\1           Roxana

COMBATSYS: Ouroboros endures Coco's Light Kick.

                 [                  |||||||||||| ]
                 Ouroboros        1|---====|=======
[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Coco             0/-------/-======|=======\==-----\1           Roxana

COMBATSYS: Coco blocks Ouroboros' Toppling Trees.

                 [                   ||||||||||| ]
                 Ouroboros        1|--=====|=======
[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Coco             1/-------/=======|=======\==-----\1           Roxana

The snake reels as the rich Brit's sandal smacks against its scales, letting out a snarl and rearing its head back. As it repositions, the scorpion girl's claws scrape against its skin, getting a grip on the gigantic creature made more difficult by the motion. As it snaps its neck and tail back and forth, more trees topple over - threatening to crash down on both of the teenagers!

Coco lets out a squeak as a palm plummets perilously toward her purple crown, throwing up her arms to protect herself. She manages to catch the tree, her heels digging trenches in the dirt as the weight bears down on her, and nearly manages to escape unharmed - until a coconut drops from above to land on her head.

"Ow! Stupid flipping snake!" she blurts out as the coconut bounces away, pushing the tree aside with one hand while rubbing her head with the other. She narrows her eyes before surging forward toward the serpent, firing off a series of rapid left-handed jabs before finishing off with a right cross, a left hook, and finally a right-handed uppercut!

COMBATSYS: Roxana blocks Ouroboros' Toppling Trees.

                 [                   ||||||||||| ]
                 Ouroboros        1|-======|=======
[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Coco             1/-------/=======|=======\==-----\1           Roxana

"Told you it wasn't dead." Roxana simply states when the reptile rears up.

As the expensive sandal smacks into it, the snake seems seriously pissed off. The scraping of Rox's claws don't help its mood improve any.

Trees start to tremble with its furious tantrum, coming dangerously close to flattening the female fighters. As for Morgie, goodness knows his fate!

Coco is fast, reacting quickly to prevent the palm tree from crushing her curvaceous frame. She can't escape the follow up from the coconut though, causing Rox to wince. She's determined to look on the bright side though. "Remember to pick that up afterwards. It will be useful for both our stomachs and skin."

Roxana's not too busy chattering to try and get the hell out of the way though. She soon realises however, that there's no time to do so. Instead she uses her whole hundred and five pounds of weight against the tree's trunk, groaning with the effort and feeling her muscles protest with the punishing pain. She eventually manages to push it away, freeing her up to leap forwards to lash out at the snake before dropping backwards into the bridge position.

COMBATSYS: Roxana successfully hits Ouroboros with Evasive Strike.
- Power hit! -

                 [                      |||||||| ]
                 Ouroboros        2|<<<<<<<|<<<<<<<
[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Coco             1/-------/=======|=======\===----\1           Roxana

COMBATSYS: Ouroboros dodges Coco's Screwdriver.

                 [                      |||||||| ]
                 Ouroboros        2|<<<<<<<|<<<<<<<
[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Coco             1/-------/=======|=======\===----\1           Roxana

COMBATSYS: Ouroboros knocks away Coco with Swallow Whole.

                 [                    |||||||||| ]
                 Ouroboros        0|-------|---<<<<
[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Coco             1/----===/=======|=======\===----\1           Roxana

The enormous snake is struck another telling blow by the teenage scorpion's strike even as it winds its way out of the path of the punches from the posh purple-haired pugilist. The ravaged reptile's tongue flickers in the air as it gazes down at the two girls - then, abruptly, it lunges lightning-fast toward the wealthier of the two targets, jaw unhinging as it opens its mouth wide!

"Oh, fu-"

Coco puts her arms up to try and keep the cavernous maw from closing down on her, but she can't stop it. The bikini-clad Brit disappears, reduced to a Coco-shaped bulge in the creature's gullet as it swallows her. Muffled noises come from inside as the scaly underbelly of the snake visibly stretches as its prey thrashes inside it. Then, the snake seems to gag, a horrible retching sound audible, the bulge surging back up toward the snake's mouth before being expectorated with enough force to smack wetly against a tree before dropping to the ground.

"Oh... my... /God/," a battered and bloodied Coco splutters and gasps as she wipes the reptilian bile she's coated in away from her eyes and grimaces. "Did I seriously just get eaten by a giant snake?"

Brushing her slick bangs aside with a sickened expression, she turns a sneer up toward the giant snake's face, trying to capture its eyes with her own.

"Well, let's see if /you/ like it," Constance F. Coalbridge mutters under her breath as she seeks to share the experience through her empathic gaze... only this time in reverse.

As she does, she lowers her body, coiling like a serpent herself as she prepares to unwind with a singularly devastating overhead scythe kick to the snake's neck if she can get it right where she wants it...

Roxana can only watch in horror as the stomach-churning sight unfolds. "Coco! No!" She calls out to her as the snake swallows her partner whole. The Nebraskan knows this is how these creatures devour their prey. Is this the end of the provocative purple-haired pinup?

No, not quite but it really does suck to be the Brit right now. As she emerges from the mouth of the monster, covered in spittle and some other substance, the gear-girl has to stop herself from gagging.

"You did, yes, but the good news is you lived to tell the tale." Rox responds to Coco. "I bet that doesn't happen often."

Whilst Coco tries to captivate their reptilian rival, Rox rushes towards it in a reverse run. Facing away from the creature, she bends over backwards and starts slashing the serpent with both her scorpion claws, before dropping into a bridge. From here she bends forwards, swinging her claws up at her sides to slash her opponent again from below. It seems her flexibility is formidable!

COMBATSYS: Coco successfully hits Ouroboros with #Cobra's Fang#.

                 [                            || ]
                 Ouroboros        1|-------|<<<<<<<
[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Coco             0/-------/------<|=======\==-----\1           Roxana

COMBATSYS: Ouroboros attempts to interrupt Double Scorpion Slash from Roxana with Tunnel Snake's Rule.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Coco             0/-------/------<|=======\==-----\1           Roxana

COMBATSYS: Ouroboros can no longer fight.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Coco             0/-------/------<|=======\==-----\1           Roxana

COMBATSYS: Roxana reverses Tunnel Snake's Rule from Ouroboros with Deadly Scorpion.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Coco             0/-------/------<|=======\-------\1           Roxana

Somehow, the snake seems to fall prey to the psychic stare of the upper-crust empath, invisibly subjected to the sensation of being swallowed whole itself. At the same time, the scorpion's scissor-like claws slash at the serpent's side. It tries to escape both foes through the most direct and yet most impossible path - directly into the earth, tunneling headfirst through the dirt.

"Damn it - wait, watch out!" Coco yells as her gaze is broken, having realised the disappearing monster's intent.

A moment later, the road under Roxana starts to rumble and quake before erupting as the serpent's head bursts up from directly beneath her!

In the same moment, though, the still-crouching Coco comes directly eye to eye with the snake, causing it to freeze as the tunnel it's emerging from suddenly becomes to the creature's mind a massive gullet - and then, whipping around, Coco delivers a spine-crushing kick directly to the snake-titan's neck.

Coco's got the snake in her gaze as Roxana's claws carve at the creature from all directions. In a desperate bid it starts to dig down, deep enough to escape Team Toxique's combined talents.

When Coco expresses her warning, Roxana feels herself rocked, as the earth moves under her. The supersized snake bursts up, intent on injuring the braided beauty, or worse, but Coco comes to the rescue, subjecting the snake to a taste of its own medicine, albeit purely in its mind.

Taking advantage of her mentor's move, Rox seeks revenge on the serpent, using her pincers to hold its body still and apply pressure, whilst her tail whips into it repeatedly.

The menacing monster becomes still beneath the girls, showing no further signs of movement. "Maybe this time it is dead." Rox murmurs, though she's keeping her eyes on it just in case.

In the wake of the destruction wrought by the snake - akin to a localized hurricane, with trees flattened and debris strewn hither, thither and yonder - the quiet that descends as the serpent goes lifelessly still is uncanny.

Coco, still dripping wet, simply stares in shock for a few moments, the sound of her panting piercing the silence as her chest heaves and her body gasps for air. Then, when she's sure that the snake is dead as dead can be, she turns to face Roxana and straightens her posture slightly.

"Look, I know that this isn't going to sound very appealing," she says as her makeup runs down her face in rivulets courtesy of a combination of sweat and snake juice, "but I could, like, really use a hug right now. Seriously, it's an emergency. I'd be FaceTiming my therapist already if we weren't -"

She holds out her arms toward Rox, taking a step forward before stopping as something thuds on the ground next to her. She bends down to pick the phone up from where it's fallen, brushing off the case and checking the screen. "Oh, thank God! It's still working! So glad I sprang for this phone case. It's Stella McCartney. Hey! You know that hug thing? I'll let you off the hook if you take a selfie with me and the giant snake. Here, take my phone!"

Roxana enjoys the calm after the snake storm. She can feel her heartbeat returning to its usual steady pace, and once she's totally sure that the serpent is done for, she returns to her human form, tail, claws, pincers and black armour retreating just as rapidly as they appeared.

She looks over the scene and then at her purple-haired partner, her black eyes full of sympathy. "A hug?" Roxana is not the most touchy-feely person at the best of the times and having close contact with Coco right now is a pretty unappealing option. But, she is a team player and if she's needed then there's no way the Nebraskan is going to turn the unfortunate posh girl down.

Opening her mouth and indeed her arms, Rox starts to approach the other woman with a fixed smile on her face. But then the phone saves the day! Letting out a sigh of relief and this time a genuine smile, Rox nods with enthusiasm. "Sure! I can take a selfie for you, although technically it will just be a photo won't it? If I'm taking it I mean. Unless..."

Getting into position, she joins Coco and the defeated monster, adjusting her swimsuit so its once again positioned perfectly on her pert posterior. Holding the phone up at an angle that's flattering for both the babes and is able to fit them and the creature in the frame, she suggests. "Say Venom!" Before holding the button down to capture several shots. It's good to have options!

Log created on 08:58:40 08/14/2024 by Roxana, and last modified on 12:10:37 08/15/2024.