SNF 2015.01 - SNF: Who Sits On The Iron Throne?

Description: In a custom arena built out in the middle of nowhere on the cold, arid steppes of Nepal, SNF staff have drug an iron throne out onto the battlefield, built of thick bands of metal and timber. Today, they have brought MAKOTO KATO and ALICE NAKATA, the best and brightest of the new generation of fighters to face the cruel and mysterious fighter URIEN, who is no stranger to fighting in bizarre corners of the world. Can the two girls evict the prince from his seat, or will they just end up as one more sacrifice for the reign of the master?

The frozen world seems to expand in all directions; only the makeshift arena, only able to be seen through the well-dressed camera crew, allow this particular event to be seen. Within the center of a ring of massive stones of about fifty feet diameter sits a grand iron throne, pounded and welded together into a makeshift and crude seat with reinforcing timber.
And sitting atop it is a huge and well-muscled figure in a suit. Each exhale sends out far too much steam, as if his breath is somehow heated. Every flake of snow that lands on him instantly melts, Urien sloughed to the side and resting his elbow upon the throne's arm. When the two sacrifices are brought over to him, he grins in a wicked fashion.
"You again... heh. This might be fun, now that you've got some help... ah... I don't know you. ...And I don't care. Entertain me, and I'll give you two the time of day...!"
Suddenly a great pillar of energy erupts, encompassing the throne. It rises multiple meters into the air, only a hazy outline of the seated Urien within. His clothing is disintegrated nearly instantly, a huge wave of heat melting the snow and frozen ground instantly all the way to the marking stones around the ring. One of the closer cameras has the lense warped, cameraman rapidly working to replace it.
When it cuts off, Urien's body is deep bronze, hair having changed to a stark white. A gemstone is within his forehead, seeming to glow with otherworldly energy. But he's yet to make a move to stand... simply beckoning to the pair to come at him as lightning crackles across his dense form.
"Let's start with you actually making me get out of my seat...?!"

COMBATSYS: Urien has started a fight here as a boss!

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COMBATSYS: Urien slouches lazily in his iron throne, muffling a yawn.

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Despite the utterly frigid temperatures of this place, Makoto is dressed much the same as she always is. Her bland off-white karate gi hangs loosely around her slender frame it's two halves fluttering openly in the wind about her chest as if the chill in the air is something that does not bother her in the least. The long yellow hachimaki wound about her throat billows out behind her dramatically as she marches through the snow, her expression stony and serious as she takes in the arena that has been laid out for them.

The stone ring is an impressive construct, composed of unsmoothed giant boulders simply laid atop each other like a firepit in macro scale. It must have taken some serious labor to get all of that into place in such a short time. The rustic design compliments the frozen wasteland as well, casting the combtants back into a time when might was the only law and the strong the only survivors. A fitting place for a battle between those that still embrace the old ways.

When Makoto reaches the area before the throne she halts to turn her gaze upon the towering man of bronze. She's met him before in a battle that showed her exactly the kind of power that he wielded. He wasn't invincible like he thought, she'd proved that much atleast, but his power put him in a class above her own. That thought sours in her mind and she frowns as if the taste were something palpable.

"This fight won't go like it did last time, old man!"

Makoto jams a finger into the air, pointing at Urien. Her hands are wrapped in a thin layer of protective cloth, like a boxer, and upon closer inspection her feet turn out to be similarly swathed; her only protection against the biting cold. Just because she can ignore it doesn't mean it doesn't affect her and losing some toes to frostbite would just be foolish.

Urien's display of power is as impressive as before but this time the young karateka is prepared for his tricks and she merely glares at him stoicly while her hair flutters in the swirling tempest of energy.

"Ofcourse I'm going to knock you out of that chair," she states, matter-of-factly. Makoto lowers her hand as it balls up into a fist, her body turning to the side as she drops into her trademark combat stance. Her stern scowl turns into a fierce grin suddenly and she takes off at a dead run through the snow, utterly ignoring her partner to bee-line for the iron throne and the man sitting atop it.

"How else am I going to kick your ass?!"

The small brawler leaps into the air to clear the last couple of feet between herself and Urien. One foot snaps out as she comes crashing in like a cannonball, aiming to drive her heel square into his smug face!

COMBATSYS: Makoto has joined the fight here.

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Makoto           0/-------/-------|

This is one of Alice's first well-known events. She's done matches before, of course, but some of them were done when she was younger, and they don't count, and most of the others weren't nearly this public.

Well, for certain values of 'public'. There are cameras and people, but being sent into the ass end of nowhere was not her idea of a good time. It's cold out here in the big stone arena; it's crudely made, and crude means no heating. It may evoke the past, but Alice prefers to live in the present.

Being cold doesn't change her outfit any, though. About the only concession is that she's put a shirt on over her bikini top: a white shirt with a big black star over the chest and stomach. It hangs a little low, as it's starting to slip off her shoulders while she walks right in.

"Well you're a big guy," she says, squinting up at Urien from the far side of the ring. She doesn't know Urien personally, but is at least slightly impressed, if only because there's a two on one booked against him. Still, she tries not to show it.

Alice starts to stride closer, but is repelled by the sudden surge of heat; it only makes her take one step back but it does make her take that one, raising one hand to cover her eyes and forehead from the blast. Other than that she holds her ground, not wanting to let her impromptu partner show her up.

The light clears, revealing Urien. Again. And hey, the stone is warm now! Alice laughs when she sees what it's done to Urien's suit. "What, is it naked time?" she asks - before simply yanking off her shirt in one smooth motion. Under it is her usual fighting gear... which is a red bikini with a white star on it. (Don't judge.) "Then it's only fair I give the guys a show to match the girls!"

Makoto rushes in first. Alice doesn't; she jumps up and forward. A ball of energy forms in her right hand, and she 'punches' downward as if she was going to do a diving punch - but instead she launches the ball at Urien, down and forward at an angle. "Three-point score!" she calls, touching down about fifteen feet away from the throne.

COMBATSYS: Alice Nakata has joined the fight here.

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Makoto           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0     Alice Nakata

COMBATSYS: Urien blocks Makoto's Medium Kick.

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Makoto           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0     Alice Nakata

COMBATSYS: Urien overcomes Power Shoot from Alice Nakata with Charged Metallic Sphere.

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Makoto           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0     Alice Nakata

"Old...? I'm almost 23. That isn't old." Urien states blandly, looking Makoto over. "But to someone your age, that must seem ancient, indeed! Hah." Although after his vivid transformation, the onslaught from Makoto brings a grin, glint showing in his eye. "Good. It has to be like that... or this won't be any fun!!" The sudden kick is met by him bringing forward his open palm, catching it dead. His arm stiffens and is forced back a few inches, but he almost casually shoves the girl away thereafter. "NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!"
"And you... another runt... useless to me!!" Bringing up his palm, there's a great surge of energy, a ball of energy forming from naught before a vortex merges the power of wind and earth. A magnetic eruption sends it flying forward. The 'shoot' ricochets off the top, bouncing into the heavens as the remainder intends to impact her dead center, right as she lands!
"Fools... the cold cannot bother me. I am an Emperor. It is only natural I sit here... looking down upon you both...!!"

COMBATSYS: Urien successfully hits Alice Nakata with Charged Metallic Sphere.

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Makoto           0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0     Alice Nakata

"T-twenty three?!"

Makoto hits the blocking palm hard but not hard enough to faze the man of bronze. She recoils from the blow with practiced skill, pushing down against his hand to throw herself backwards a few feet incase he decided to take a swipe at her in retaliation.

The formation of the familiar unpleasant energy makes her guess right on the money - except instead of her the ball of magnetic power explodes at her partner, brushing aside Alice's attack as easily as Urien had done with her own. The karateka grits her teeth as she lands in the snow once more. She knew this wouldn't be easy.

However, a new subject has suddenly been broached that detracts from her concentration on the fight. She expected Urien's brazen disrobing; he seemed to like showing off his body as much as his power, but now her busty companion was joining in. That left just Makoto alone with her full body garment.

This leaves her in an unsual position. She could ignore the both of them and simply get on with the fight while maintaining what most people would consider her dignity. Or she could join in. A proper lady would take the first option without even thinking. A /proper/ Japanese woman would be discreet and demure.

If Makoto was ever the fitting image of a 'proper' woman, no one ever told her about it.

"You two wanna play it that way, huh? Fine!"

With a single quick pull of her wrists, the karateka unties the belt at her waist and casts it aside, allowing the long black strip to flutter to the snow; the top half of her gi follows it a moment later. Makoto casually rolls her shoulders in an overt display that shows off her well-built and darkly tanned upper body. While she isn't nearly the hulking showboat that Urien is, the young girl is clearly toned and fit beyond what any normal girl her age would aspire to. Her arms bulge slightly with visible muscle and the surface of her stomach is rippled with faint but noticable lines that divide it up into several quadrants of rock-hard abs.

"Alright, where were we?!"

COMBATSYS: Makoto focuses on her next action.

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Makoto           0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0     Alice Nakata

Alice Nakata draws herself up to her full height (five foot two; she is actually pretty short). "Who're you calling a runt?" she demands. "I'll have you know I'm exactly the right height! And - aw, crap."

Alice was not expecting to have her shot thrown to who knows where, and she has few defenses against flying masses of twisted energy. The magnetic ball hits her solidly in the gut, picking her up and literally throwing her several yards.

She hits the stone floor with a heavy thump and rolls, clearly dazed. She misses Makoto taking off her gi, so when she rises up, still dizzy, she is caught off guard by the change in outfits. "That top does /not/ work for you," Alice opines, rubbing the side of her head. "And I am seeing /way/ too much in your arm and abs to be real cute there on a girl. Seriously, you don't need to work your bulk up!"

Her eyes shift to Urien, "You, on the other hand, are just fine. Though, Emperor? Someone's got an ego problem~" she singsongs.

Apparently she's less dizzy now, because while Makoto hangs back, Alice rushes in. The throne is raised up slightly, so Alice takes the steps up to it all at once, going for a rather stomping kick at Urien's midsection, a thrust kick modified for the angle and to pound him into the throne a little more. Admittedly, he's so much bigger than she is that he's probably hard to move, but Alice tries.

COMBATSYS: Urien dodges Alice Nakata's Thrust Kick.

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Makoto           0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0     Alice Nakata

"...Bahahaha!" Urien starts laughing immediately, when the pair opt to partially strip anew. He grasps his face, body shuddering as he tries and fails to repress it. "Interesting... you girls are INTERESTING. Fine..." He then slams his palms down and pushes back to his feet, stepping down from the throne opposite the pair with his brutal stance assumed, forearms held at roughly head level and weight upon his back foot. "I'll play with you properly!!"
Twisting around to avoid Alice's lunging kick, Urien then reaches past her... either hand grasping the /massive throne./ With a roar, his muscles surge and ripple, suddenly HEFTING it up and over his head. It must weigh a couple tons at least, but he's somehow managing to keep it, dirt and ice cascading down from the base. "Come on... LET'S HAVE SOME FUN!!"
Twisting around, he stamps his foot down upon the frozen soil, an explosion of dirt going in all directions... before he swings it overhead, attempting to impact Makoto dead-center and bury her beneath it with every ounce of force he can muster!!

COMBATSYS: Makoto interrupts Huge Random Weapon from Urien with Fukiage EX.

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Makoto           1/------=/=======|======-\-------\0     Alice Nakata

Alice's commentary actually causes the karate girl to stumble in her confident posture. Her cheeks turn a faint color of red as she whips her head around to yell at the American, still holding her combat posture. "Who asked you?!"

She doesn't get her answer immediately, if indeed the other girl chooses to respond to the obviously rhetorical question, as Alice instead renews her assault on their opponent. Urien proves to be much quicker than she gave him credit for - he'd spent the entirity of their fight simply standing there and blocking - and avoids the flying kick.

Makoto frowns but turns her attention back to the fight, focusing on the Illuminati boss once again - just in time to see a multi-ton pile of iron get hoisted up into the air. Her expression melts from one of annoyance to that of genuine surprise, a rare occurance for the brutish tomboy.

"Oh fu-"

She doesn't even get the chance to finish the salty expression. Urien brings the humongous pile of metal and wood down on her like a hammer and she reacts on blind instinct as the small space around her darkens under the shadow of the throne.

What is Makoto's first reaction to anything that surprises her?

Hit it. Really hard.

Shifting her curse into a harsh kiai, the karateka glares up at the towering monolith and shouts her defiance as she takes a single step /into/ the oncoming mountain. Her fist balls up into a tiny wrecking ball and the two objects meet midway as she thrusts upwards into the air with all of her speed and might.

A horrendous sound fills the air as flesh meets metal, two forces clashing in a brief instant of brutal impact; impossibly, it is the former that emerges victorious in the end. Makoto's yell intensifies as her hand drives into the construct and the entire throne simply /explodes/ around the devastating punch. Shards of metal and wood fill the air like the shrapnel from a grenade going off as larger pieces of debris rain down around them with dull thumps in the snow.

The path of the girl's punch does not cease there, however. Bleeding and scraped, Makoto drives her uppercut home through the ruined wreckage of the still vaporizing throne into Urien's bare chiseled abdomen.


"I asked myself as fashion consultant!" Alice yells right back. "The look works for me. You can't quite pull it off right now - but I'll give you tips later!" Alice usually fights in a bikini and short skirt. She was only wearing the shirt because it was cold. She has no control over what Makoto does.

Makoto is weird. Even at Taiyo she's heard rumours of her.

Either way, Urien is up now. That's good! But he's picking up the throne - the actual, literal iron-bound throne. "Oh shit," Alice says, followed by (because she has to keep up her cool), "Now you're just showing off!" She can get away with it because it wasn't being swung at her, you see. If it was her, she'd be screwed and she knows it.

Fortunately, Makoto is on the case. Alice is actually impressed by Makoto's maneuvers... but she's not going to admit it. Chunks of wood and sawdust cover her maneuver, at least for a few seconds, and that alone might be a useful benefit.

Alice gave Urien the room he needs to swing without accidentally hitting her, but she's right back in immediately thereafter. She's not going to let him act without being harassed, and so she presses him, leaping toward Urien and flipping forward. She sticks her right foot straight vertical as she ends up momentarily upside down, whipping her entire body into a crescent kick that follows her leg from straight vertical to - well, her landing. It's vaguely familiar... especially if you follow Terry Bogard. Her aim is to kick Urien in the back of his shoulders and spring off, bounding away to safely. If she misses - well, she'll probably just end up behind him, and hopefully safe. Hopefully.

"THUNDERCRACK KICK!" Alice yells, mid-forward flip. Because of course she does.

COMBATSYS: Urien blocks Alice Nakata's Thundercrack Kick.

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Makoto           1/------=/=======|======-\-------\0     Alice Nakata

"I like it." Urien states towards Makoto, in the midst of hefting up the huge throne. "Simple and functional...! Hahaha!" Then again, he has nothing but his minimalist battle-thong, so that's probably not surprising. But color Urien a bright shade of shocked when he feels the integrity of the throne give way, only for a fist to SLAM into his stomach. It was luckily shoddily constructed and patched together, not a cohesive piece; otherwise that would have been even MORE suicidal. He actually staggers back a full meter, hit without tensing his body or reinforcing his flesh. He... still felt like iron, but apparently iron can be bent, given the imprint of knuckles upon his skin.
"Hee... I'd like you..." A forearm raises to intercept Alice's downwards strike, catching it upon his forearm. "If you weren't so WEAK!!" He then snatches out his free hand, aiming to catch her by the ankle before she descends -- to whirl the girl around and then send her hurtling towards the jagged pile of twisted metal that used to be the throne. It would probably hurt to impact, to say the least.
"Weak, weak, WEAK... ...but... not unfun. C'mon... take your chance!! Make me regret not taking you SERIOUSLY until it's too late!!"

COMBATSYS: Alice Nakata dodges Urien's Power Throw.

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Makoto           1/------=/=======|======-\-------\0     Alice Nakata

It's a good thing that her blow staggered Urien because the karateka falls back herself nursing her left hand. "Ow ow ow OW!" She's punched a lot of stupid things in her life - trees, boulders, concrete blocks - none of them withstood the might of Rindou-kan's powers and the throne, now sitting in a thousand pieces on the ground around her, is no different.

But damn did that smart!

Makoto takes a moment to pluck several splinters out of her flesh, wincing through gritted teeth. Taking her shirt off may have proven to be a rather unwise move in the long run. Her entire upper body is in a similar condition, peppered with tiny lacerations from bits of metal and wood. Once she's got her hand clear though the tomboy turns back to the fight, raring to go yet again.

"Weak?! That better have been directed at Thundertits over there!"

Makoto launches into a rapid forward dash that carries her across the snow in a handful of heartbeats. She doesn't bother to weave around and strike him from behind, instead opting for a frontal assault like the crazy person she is. Having a strict sense of honor sucks sometimes. Her hand raises up as she takes to the air, performing a short hop to add momentum to her strike. The flat edge of her hand comes down at Urien like an axe, karate chopping down into his torso with enough force to shatter stone - and maybe bronze.

Urien very nearly manages to grab ahold of Alice's leg, but she's a slippery little devil; there's the almost gentle push of her other foot against his wrist, and she pulls her leg up, out of his grasp. It makes her descent more awkward, and she doesn't land nearly as well. She ends up hopping on one foot for a moment until she can regain her balance.

"Nice try," she says, with a bit of a crooked grin. "I normally don't let guys put their hands all over me the first time I meet them, though. Sorry! Anyway, if you keep calling me weak, I'll think you're negging me, and that's no way to go - oh! That hurt, I felt that from here." She puts her hand over her heart, momentarily, as Makoto insults (?) her.

Alice knows when she's outclassed, but that doesn't mean she's going to admit it if she can help it. When Makoto rushes in, Alice joins her from the other direction; she starts advancing on Urien. There's not really enough distance for her to get to a full run, but she gets to a hustle at least, diving and sliding across the ground like she was trying out for a baseball team. She comes in feet-first, driving them at Urien's ankles in a sliding kick - and her feet blaze with blue-flame chi!

On impact, she pushes herself up and does a backwards flip to land on her feet again, her blazing chi leaving a crescent in the air as she kicks upward from ground to head-height, lingering for a few seconds before it fades. Alice herself touches down again moments later; apparently she really likes this whole jumping around thing, and it takes enough attention she doesn't want to yell anything more for an instant.

Plus, she's pretty sure she just rasped the side of her leg raw from sliding on raw stone. Ow!

COMBATSYS: Urien endures Makoto's Oroshi.
-@- Dazing Hit! -@-

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Makoto           1/----===/=======|======-\-------\0     Alice Nakata

COMBATSYS: Urien interrupts Burn Charge from Alice Nakata with Aegis Reflector.

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Makoto           1/----===/=======|=======\=====--\1     Alice Nakata

Well, in their last epic battle, Makoto confirmed there's not a soft spot on Urien's body, in terms of comfortable places to hit. In a way it might be difficult to assess whether the iron or his bronze form hurt more to slug! But she's rushing forward, and right now he simply twists, arms crossing before his chest. Ignoring her!! How brazen.
"Don't take offense... EVERYONE IS WEAK TO Mbwagh!" The blow hits hard, and Urien feels a sharp twang of pain. This is surprising... he's disoriented, off-balance, but he can see that Alice is rushing towards him all the same. "You're too young for me!! If you can't drink, I don't want you!! AEGIS..."
And then a great wall of energy erupts, bisecting Alice as she slams into his shins. This causes a wince of pain once more, but then she's caught being horribly shocked and singed by the flickering aura that's captured her.
"REFLECTOR!!" Eventually, her smoking form would be spat out as it dissipates, likely the worse for wear. "Grrr...!!" It seems he's now been forced to get serious!

Again Makoto is spared the wrath of the terrible energy techniques wielded by their opponent. Perhaps by fighting him before she's earned her merit badge for being torn apart by gravimetric forces and its Alice's turn. Or maybe the blonde just makes a more appealing target than a miniature freight train.

Whatever the case, the karateka's blow snaps Urien's attention towards her companion who ends up eating an attack that is rather familiar. Makoto frowns in sympathy but she's got no time to worry about the other girl right now; she knew what she was signing up for - or she did if she was smart about it. This isn't a schoolyard to play around in!

Urien's temporary disorientation and unleashing of one of his more potent techniques is her chance to make a power play. He'll be winded after that, atleast for a few moments. The karate girl takes a deep breath and gathers her fighting spirit, concentrating it into her fist briefly, then lays into him again. Her powerful strike swings in hard and fast at the large man's torso aiming for his abdomen to try and further stagger him and maybe give herself or Alice a chance to line up something that'll rock even his egotistical world.

"I'm almost eighteen! You're like five years older than me! Plus, do I /look/ like a child?" Alice has only a couple comments coming in. She can't have more, because there's Urien, on the assault!

This time, Alice doesn't manage to get away. A flickering aura catches her, and Alice can't get out of it no matter how hard she tries; it conceals her while it's shocking her, which is probably all for the best.

She doesn't really go flying out of it. Alice kind of drops straight down as the thing starts to fade. Her hair looks badly frizzled, and she herself is looking a little toasty too; maybe she /shouldn't/ have fought in as little as she is. She groans, staying there for a moment.

Eventually Alice starts to pick herself up. She does not immediately go on the offensive, though; she spends a moment dusting herself off, and another longer moment staring at Urien as if she expected his secrets to be revealed to her. The /real/ reason may be to shake off lingering dizziness, but it has valuable secondary functions too!

COMBATSYS: Alice Nakata focuses on her next action.

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Makoto           0/-------/---====|=======\=====--\1     Alice Nakata

COMBATSYS: Urien interrupts Fierce Punch from Makoto with Metallic Headbutt.

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[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Makoto           1/---====/=======|=======\=====--\1     Alice Nakata

"Tch... you make it sound like you're upset!! Come back to me in a few years." Well. Makoto's reprieve is officially over now that Alice has taken some time to herself. When she comes in for the punch, Urien twists towards her and suddenly launches forward, kicking upwards in a billow of force. His forehead, surging with electrical energy, impacts Makoto right in the face. Her blow glances off as a result, but she'd be sent likely flying with her body jolting and sizzling as the storm chi within his hardened frame surges. "I almost felt that..." he states in admiration, before opening his arms. "Now come...!! Unleash your strongest attacks on me. If you fail... then you have no chance!! I'll crush you whelps in a moment, so I wouldn't delay a second longer...!"


Makoto is very familiar with the headbutt. It is one of her favorite attacks. Most people don't expect an opponent to use their face as a weapon because hitting something with your face is generally unpleasant for both of you. Then there are people like these two; tough, skilled, and crazy enough to that common sense no longer applies.

The impact catches Makoto off-guard and she staggers backwards several steps but the karateka manages to recover from the blow with admirable speed despite the overwhelming force behind it. Electricity surges into her muscles sending spiderweb crackles of energy over her tanned body. She spasms a few times but quickly clenches her jaw and her fist, riding out the short but painful jolts until they exhaust themselves.

"That..." She growls at Urien, hair standing up in places (which isn't a big change from her usual ), glaring at him through a still tensed up scowl. A thin trickle of blood suddenly trails down the front of her lip from her disheveled nose and she instinctively wipes it away, spitting a faint spray of red onto the snow. "T-that all you got?!"

Her terribly witty retort delivered, Makoto goes back on the offensive without so much as a moment's hesistation. No matter how powerful or deadly her opponent may be, no matter how much stronger he is than her, she's not someone to give in to intimidation. She rushes forward in a blinding bolt of sudden speed and within a few heartbeats she is threatening Urien's personal space once again.

This time, however, her attack is aimed a little lower. Just as in their last match, Makoto goes for the one weakspot that no human she has ever met has been able to fully rid themselves of. It is a low and dirty technique by most accounts but in the grand scheme of honorable combat - if it works, it's fair.

The gruff girl lets out a bellowing kiai as she drives her fist into the one piece of clothing Urien had retained with the attack that made him balk in their last fight. She doesn't stop there either. Should she connect, her fists hammer away at his chest, using his ribcage to thump out a short drum beat before she delivers a final vertical blow at the base of his jaw, her fist exploding upwards as if fired out of a cannon.

Alice recovers pretty quickly -

Well, no. She recovers as much as she's going to pretty quickly. Alice is still pretty wiped out, though; she doesn't have a whole lot left in her. But she's going to give what she has to try to take down Urien; no way is she going to let her very first public event end in a loss if there's anything she can do to stop it!

Alice tilts her head left, then snaps it sharply right. It doesn't pop, but she's definitely loosened up now, and there's her opening - when Urien is (momentarily) busy with Makoto, she might have an in! Plus, he is, as it turns out, literally asking for it.

Alice slides in low again - but this time she bundles her entire body up, balancing on her hands, and springs upward to deliver a double-booted kick at Urien's chin while spinning like a drill. "GET DRILLED," she yells, as she lifts up into the air!

But that's not all. If she manages it, she does a forward flip - and somehow ends up on top of Urien at the apex of their jump. This time she rides him down, stomping hard on impact when she puts her entire body weight into the two-footed landing, followed by a series of repeated kicks that take her away from him.

Of course, if she misses, she's going to end up flying in the air all on her own. At least Makoto's likely to pick up the slack with that massive hit of hers?

COMBATSYS: Alice Nakata successfully hit Urien with Buster Drill.
- Power hit! -

  [                         ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Makoto           0/-------/---<<<<|=====--\-------\0     Alice Nakata

COMBATSYS: Makoto successfully hits Urien with Seichuusen Godanzuki.

  [                        |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Makoto           0/-------/---<<<<|=====--\-------\0     Alice Nakata

"Come to me... COME!!" Urien demands, before seeming to laugh uproariously. He tries to defend the best way he can; chi suddenly surges within his body, hardening him incredibly. But he's unable to absorb the force of both girls at once, at least not entirely. Especially given where Makoto attacked!! Nailed directly in the mini-Urien, there's a spasm of his eyes outwards and a hunch forward. That was an oversight, really. Multiple fists strike into his chest, before Alice's heels slam right into his chin, blood speckling upwards. As Alice flips into the air, he's uppercutted straight up -- and then is impacted in the back, slamming down into the ground with a great, earth-trembling slam.
There's no hesitation. Absolutely none. Urien gets back to his feet, heavily dented all across his body, but he seems unhurt. Until he attempts to talk, and blood spurts from his mouth. "IS THAT IT?!" he hisses out. Getting back to his feet, he suddenly lunges forward, aiming to kick Alice in the midsection with a sudden lunge. Trying to fold her over his naked heel, and send her flying backwards towards one of the stones.
He's trembling, entire body clenched as crackling energy roars over him, suppressing the pain and agony going through him. Sizzling hisses rush out from the countless impacts, but it seems he's somehow suppressing it. "Come... weak.... this... ISN'T ENOUGH....!!"

COMBATSYS: Urien successfully hits Alice Nakata with Stab Kick.

  [                               ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////                          ]
Makoto           0/-------/---<<<<|=======\==-----\1     Alice Nakata

"Seichuusen Godanzuki!!"

Makoto's voice rings out through the stone theatre, loud and clear as a trumpet when the final blow rockets the stalwart god of bronze into the air. Her ultimate technique, which has failed her only once, drives home the point very clearly that every man has a weak point, no matter how hard they get.

Unfortunately, whatever technique or sorcery allows Urien to withstand such punishment sees him quickly back into the fray. There's little time to celebrate or even take a breather despite the high octane speed at which the battle has been conducted so far. The Illuminati general's struggle to contain his injuries is apparent, however, which gives Makoto the glint of hope she needs. All it will take is a little bit more.

Alice, unfortunately, ends up on the wrong end of Urien's wrath but even as the American suffers a terrible blow, the karateka uses that chance to unleash another assault on their waivering opponent.

Makoto comes in hard, emboldened by her success. Both of her slender hands reach out for Urien even as she leaps into the air, attempting to wrap her legs around his waist so as to give herself the leverage necessary to choke him out. Despite her size, Makoto has a grip like an steel vice, and if she manages to get a good hold she's going to squeeze the ever-loving hell out of his throat.

"Just... go... down!"

Alice Nakata pretty much dances back after her powerful attack, feet dancing across the stone floor and the broken remnants of throne.

"Maybe it's not it, but I'm not sure you can take much more at once," Alice says. "Aren't you already trying to keep up with both of us? I wouldn't want you to strain something!"

But, honestly, she should probably not have been so cocky. Urien lunges forward, and Alice isn't fast enough to spring back. On uncertain footing for a moment because she's just stepped on an arm-long piece of wood debris, she doesn't go far at all... until Urien plants a foot right in her bare midsection.

All the air whooshes out of Alice at once as Urien gets what she wants; she pretty much folds up around the impact, launched back. In midair, she bundles up another ball of chi and flings it wildly at Urien. It doesn't hit him, but lands on the ground in front of him, falling 'through' it and leaving a ripple behind.

A couple seconds later, it explodes into a veritable geyser of chi, a short-lived but large burst that billows upwards, blasting toward the sky. It fades before too long, and so does Alice; she groans, having landed on her back, and seems unable to right herself or rise despite occasional twitches.

COMBATSYS: Alice Nakata can no longer fight.

  [                               ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Makoto           0/-------/---====|

COMBATSYS: Urien blocks Alice Nakata's Buster Shoot.

  [                                 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Makoto           0/-------/---====|

COMBATSYS: Makoto dazes Urien with Karakusa!

  [                                   ||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Makoto           0/-------/--=====|

Urien ignores the huge burst of energy that washes over himself, supercharging his back as he blocks Makoto from the onslaught inadvertantly. However, this non-traditional form of defense left him open from the front. He's grasped by the throat, strangled with a gack before he reaches up with both hands to grasp the back of her sports bra for leverage and attempting to haul her off and throw her down into the ground, another heavy cough sending out a spurt of blood. "Hahah... that was your last shot, girl... now... I'm going to break you...!" His eyes are wild and manic now, as he begins to swell up with energy. Some manner of final attack...?! His arms shift to cross -- the very assault he's used twice before her. She can attack him again before he uses it, but--!!

COMBATSYS: Makoto endures Urien's Quick Throw.

  [                                        |||||||||||||||||||| ]

[                     \\\\\\\\\  <
Makoto           1/-------/=======|

Makoto's attack is not the sort of thing that lends itself to allowing herself to defend properly afterwards. With her body supported by both legs around Urien's waist and both hands gripped tightly on his throat she has little left with which to ward off his attempts to toss her free except her brutish grip.

The two of them clash in a terrible struggle for several seconds, Makoto hanging on for all she's worth while Urien pulls at the most readily available surface in an attempt to dislodge the crazy girl. Makoto's grip is strong, forged in the fires of discipline and years of constant training; her training bra's is... not.

With a long tearing rip the fabric about her chest shears in half under the strain of attempting to remain affixed to the girl's body in defiance of the powerful forces working against it. Red cotton explodes into two halfs that easily part away from her tanned skin as the elastic gives way leaving a now topless Makoto still clinging firmly to Urien's upper body.

For a long stunned second the teenager stares into her opponent's eyes, unwilling to believe the combination of that sound and the sudden breeze could mean what she thinks it does; but a quick glance down confirms the truth. Makoto's jaw clenches immediately as a fierce burst of red flares up in her cheeks. Unlike a blush, however, the dark stain continues to quickly spread throughout the rest of her face and then down through her body until every inch of visible skin is a bright lobster red.

Makoto bellows in wordless fury literally shaking with outrage. Rather than cover herself, however, she renews her assault, intensifying her grip on Urien's windpipe even as she brings her head back to wind up for a headbutt! At this range and with her this mad escape might be... problematic.

COMBATSYS: Makoto successfully hits Urien with Tacchuu EX.

  [                                        |||||||||||||||||||| ]

[                      \\\\\\\\  <
Makoto           1/------=/=======|

That wasn't expected. Yanking that off had to /hurt/, although she wasn't spiked into the ground as desired. Urien's eyes momentarily drift down to the clinging girl, before just meeting her gaze with a smirk. "...You SURE you aren't a boy?" he comments, through his bleeding mouth. Arms remain tightly crossed, as she slams her face within his unrelenting nose. "...Gh.... gahahaha... DIE!!" It was a fake-out. When he opens his arms, instead there's a massive BLAST of energy, a wild magnetic ripple in all directions. A ten foot sphere violently explodes outwards, before hurtling like a rocket to shoot opposite, trying to carry Makoto along with it to explode against the stone, the very same one he launched Alice into. Only to double over, grasping his chest as he feels all the built-up damage struggling within. His everything is clenched, and the moment he relaxes, he's going to collapse unconscious in a pool of his own blood. But... he's not so simple a willpower as that. "TOO... WEAK...!" he gurgles out!!

COMBATSYS: Urien successfully hits Makoto with Temporal Thunder.

  [                                                |||||||||||| ]

[                                <
Makoto           2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|

Makoto has absolutely no chance of defending herself this time. The expanding sphere of raw magnetic power explodes around her like a tsunami and she is carried away on a wave of agony and fire. Every part of her body feels stretched and bent until it is about to break, twisted and pulled like taffy within the orb of impossible physics, even as it carries her across the arena to detonate against the cold stone.

When the energy and debris settles down, the girl is crouched in a small field of bare rock, the snow blasted away by the kinetic force of Urien's attack. Only a few tattered shreds of cloth still cling to her legs, the destroyed remnants of her uniform pants hanging around her ankles like bracelets. Her panties are a bright red like that of her bra but though they sport some obvious tearing her dignity remains protected against further abuse.

The brilliant red sheen to her skin remains strong, nearly matching that of the undergarment. Hot wisps of white smoke vent into the frigid air from her open mouth as she gasps for breath, struggling to remain conscious despite the horrible beating she has suffered.

She gasps, falling to one knee. A fist meets the ground before the other leg can buckle, however, and she props herself up on it, lifting her head after a moment to glare back at him.


Makoto rises to her feet. Her stance is shaky but she remains upright long enough to choke out another word as her fists ball up in defiance.


Against all common reason or sense, the karateka finds the strength inside of her to take off at a run towards the struggling man. Her body screams in protest with every step, hot fire shooting through her veins like magma, but she ignores it, pushing herself just a little bit more.

Rather than launch a direct assault on Urien, Makoto surprisingly leaps away at the last second, angling herself towards a large slab of debris that still rests in the snow nearby - the remains of the iron throne. She hits the surface with a grunt, pausing only long enough to turn her gaze towards the arrogant bastard and fling one final deparate attack at him, her foot snapping out into flying kick.


COMBATSYS: Makoto can no longer fight.

  [                                                |||||||||||| ]

COMBATSYS: Urien dodges Makoto's Abare Tosanami Kudaki.

  [                                                |||||||||||| ]

COMBATSYS: Urien has ended the fight here.

Hahaha... yes... come..." Urien states, taking a step forward. He suddenly slips, landing hard on his ass. Makoto goes flying overhead, grazing the side of his cheek with her foot and causing a red line. "...!!" If his drunken haze hadn't been sufficient that he could no longer remain on his feet, he'd have been knocked clean unconscious by that attack. Slowly, tenderly, Urien pushes himself upright. He stands, stance spread, fists clenched. Every perfect muscle trembles, blood burbling from his bit lip. It runs down his nose, as his wild eyes find the fight official.
"I WON." A huge fountain of crimson spurts out when he says this, staining his chest. "SAY IT...!"
Looking at the defeated pair and the still-standing Urien, he hesitatingly begins to lift his arm. "SAY IT!!"
And then Urien explodes into a geyser of crimson. Every wound struck on him in the last ten seconds bruises, kinetic force trapped within ravaging his insides and organs. His eyes turn white, and there's a great explosion of fire and energy that whirls in all directions. When it fades away, he is once more a mere mortal of attractive tan and blonde skin. Thumping to his knees, he then collapses face first into a growing pool of blood.
The medics begin to rush to everyone presence, as the announcer looks uncertain. "Umm... URIEN RETAINS THE WIN!!" he offers to those watching. "He remained conscious long enough to be announced!!" And what a battle it was; although in a very real way, there sure as hell were NO winners. Especially not in the field of attractive females with clothing damage...

Makoto hits the ground hard. Her feet struggle to keep up with the new need for balance as she slips in the snow but after pushing herself so hard she has nothing left to give. The mostly nude karateka goes down in a tangle of limbs, skidding on her face for a few feet until she comes to a rest near the center of the ring.

Barely conscious, she rolls over onto her back and mutters deliriously, "Not... weak...", before her eyes roll up and she succumbs to the exertion she has forced on her body.

Log created on 13:26:44 01/26/2015 by Alice Nakata, and last modified on 19:37:26 01/26/2015.