
While it is no longer explicitly required by law, you can, at any time, send an e-mail to the staff e-mail box to send a brief (150-200) word pitch about your concept concerning your adaptation, homage, plot or OC design to get a brief preliminary review as to whether it will be allowable.

Typically, original character and homage pitches have to do with getting a concept approved at a high level, including some marquee abilities and mechanics combinations if applicable. Feature character adaptation pitches concern themselves more with a character's thematic integration into the game. You may also create a plot pitch, if you have an involved plot you'd like to have reviewed before you flesh it out.

When including stat ideas for review, please keep in mind that stats are secondary to the application process and by natural extension, secondary to the pitch process. So while it's great if you have an idea for a cool combination of abilities, giving information on your character concept itself needs to be the focus of any effective and acceptable pitch.

Pitching a concept is highly recommended for characters that have advanced or uncommon abilities, or when applying into a series that has a Challenges file associated with it, and is a great way to avoid wasting time on a concept that will require lengthy rewriting before it can be approved. To submit an official pitch, send an e-mail to motmadmin@gmail.com with the subject 'Pitch - < Character or Plot Name > ' and admin will get back to you as soon as possible.