Rival Schools: Casting Call
An update on the Gorin High info file and an invitation to players to consider joining the schools for the Rivals season!
Rival Schools: Casting Call
A new info file for Gorin High is now available at 'info Gorin'!
Additionally, the following posts will list available FCs associated with the various Rival Schools, who might have a natural tie-in to the Rivals plot. As mentioned before, other FCs or OCs could also join in with one of the schools - if you would like to establish your FC or OC either as a student or staff member (or otherwise affiliate them) with one of the schools, feel free to post on this board to facilitate interaction! If you'd like to officially join the relevant faction, feel free to @mail me with the request!
If you'd like to temp an FC and they don't have a build available, please send an email to the staff inbox with a build request.
- Pringer X
Feature Character Cast: Gedo
Daigo (Student) - Tries to serve as a good example and moral compass to his fellow students. He seeks to clean up Gedo's tarnished reputation.
Edge (Student) - Viewed as unruly and violent, he's more street-smart than book-smart. He fights with knives that he conceals in his clothing.
Gan (Student) - A big guy from a farming family. He's a member of the school's Sumo club.
Feature Character Cast: Gorin
Momo (Student) - A tennis player whose cutesy appearance masks a scheming and selfish nature.
Nagare (Teacher) - Former student and swimming coach, admired for his wisdom and generosity.
Natsu (Student) - The star of the volleyball team. She has an outspoken nature and is seen as a 'Big Sister' by the younger students.
Roberto (Student) - The best soccer player at the school. The half-Brazilian is not just brilliant at sport, he's also a genius, despite what his grades show.
Shoma (Student) - Loud-mouthed and a sore loser. This baseball player is often caught up in school fights.
Feature Character Cast: Justice
Hideo (Teacher) - A karate expert dubbed the 'Machine Professor' by his students.
Hyo (Student) - The son of a former head of a ninja clan. He excels both at schoolwork and with a sword.
Kurow (Student) - Charismatic and witty, he possesses an ancient bronze flute which he uses to manipulate the minds of his fellow students.
Kyoko (Teacher) - The school's resident physician, as well as teaching health and chemistry. She's very popular with the students.
Raizo (Teacher) - The principal of the school. He aims to revive the spirit of Japan by educating the next generation.
Feature Character Cast: Pacific
Boman (Student) - An American exchange student who aspires to become a priest or minister.
Roy (Student) - An American transfer student from a rich family. He's a quarterback and straight-A-student.
Tiffany (Student) - A party-loving cheerleader with a talent for dancing and a reputation as an airhead.
Feature Character Cast: Seijyun
Akira (Student) - A shy, quiet young woman who practices Tai Chi and rides a motorcycle. Strong ties with Gedo (can flex to that school if desired).
Zaki (Student) - A skilled fighter with a chain weapon. She rebels against authority, something that causes her to stand out at the school.
Yurika (Student) - A musical prodigy. She can pick up any instrument and play it perfectly.
Feature Character Cast: Taiyo
Batsu (Student) - Fierce and strong-willed. His quick-temper means he's had plenty of practice at getting into fights.
Hayato (Teacher) - A phys-ed teacher with a fiery temperament.
Hinata (Student) - Full of energy and zeal. She practices her own spin on Saikyo martial arts.
Iincyo (Student) - Chairperson of the student body. She believes discipline and routine are the gateways to success.
Kyosuke (Student) - Brainy and analytical, he serves on the school's morals committee.
Ran (Student) - Always with a camera. She'll do anything to snap a photo or get the latest story for the school newspaper.