Intro to NFG: Rivals and Application Info
Information about the new season of NFG and special criteria for OCs for its third season!
Intro to NFG: Rivals (Reposted from 41/198)
Season 2 was a new approach to the NFG, with certain aspects from Season One deemphasized and new elements introduced, such as tag team content and non-match story events.
In the interest of changing things up, advancing the meta plot of the game, and applying some lessons learned, the next NFG event will not be quite the same format as the NFG seasons so far. NFG Season Three - or 'NFG: Rivals' - is going to be part of the larger plot cycle, with a pivotal part to play for those who choose to participate with new OCs, but allowing Feature Characters and existing OCs an equal opportunity to join in.
Original Characters participating in NFG: Rivals will be high school students at any of the Rival Schools institutions. As a refresher or quick intro for anyone interested in playing, those are as follows:
Taiyo High - The 'Mario' of the Rival Schools, not specialising in anything in particular. A typical idealistic Japanese (anime) high school. 'info Taiyo'
Gedo High - The 'punk' high school, where ne'er-do-wells go to be reformed so they can do well. 'info Gedo'
Pacific High - The 'international' school and Taiyo's main rival. Most of the students are well-to-do and come from abroad to study. 'info Pacific'
Justice High - A strict boarding school for the super-elite, aiming to establish a new class of future Japanese citizens. 'info Justice'
Seijyun High - A traditionalist and wealthy private all-girls boarding school. 'info Seijyun'
Gorin High - A school with a focus on athletic excellence. Most students from Gorin specialise in a particular sport or type of athletic competition, and many have Olympic or professional aspirations. An info file for Gorin High will be coming soon!
For those who want to participate as non-students, existing OCs or FCs, NFG: Rivals will be inclusive of such characters! Consider whether your character might be hired to help bolster one of the schools' reputations during the season as a coach, teacher, school staff, or guest at school events. They could also serve as senseis, mentors or sponsors. Existing Feature Character and OC students can also take advantage of the opportunity to play with the new student OCs.
This season will be based on monthly +signup events, so participation month to month will be optional and the turnaround should hopefully allow plenty of time for RP outside of official matches.
The competitive season will officially start on Wednesday April 2nd, roughly the start of the IC school year, but we'll have an International Fighting Festival event open to all participants (including new NFG:R OCs) in March. In the meanwhile, applications for new student OCs are open. See the next post for additional information to include on applications for these characters!
Application Information
Please include the following information for your NFG: Rivals OCs at the end of your application when applying!
School: (Taiyo, Pacific, Gedo, Gorin, Justice, or Seijyuun)
Grade: (First, second or third year high school)
Best subject:
Worst subject:
Favourite class:
Extracurricular activities: (if any)
Part-time job: (if any)
Dream career:
Reason for participating in NFG: Rivals: (in their own words)
NFG Rivals characters will start at Ratio 1.5 rather than the traditional 1.0 start of past NFG seasons.
- Pringer X