Communication Tools Changes

There have been updates to the in-game communications tools.

Communications Tools Changes

Hey MotM, We have instituted the two following changes to the communications tools available on MotM: PAGE/BLOCK It is now possible for you to block a character from being able to page you. This is accomplished by entering 'page/block <character>'. You can reverse this block by typing 'page/unblock <character>'. Note that you cannot page someone you have added to your block list. Also, please understand that this block is on an individual character basis. You will need to issue the block on each character you wish to have it, and issue it against each alt of the player you wish to avoid receiving pages from. It's also important to understand that deliberately circumventing a page block is considered harassment, and will be addressed with a likely removal of rights to play on MotM. For example, if you find that your page is blocked by another player, and then you switch to another alt and try paging them again, or send them an @mail, this will constitute harassment and if you are reported for it, you will likely be removed from the game. Note that communication from staff is not subject to these restrictions. SAY/POSE/@EMIT restrictions Our desire is for everyone to be able to get along in the Pointless Discussion room. However, there have been times where repeat behaviors on the part of individuals have resulted in a constant state of disruption in the room, making it uncomfortable or difficult for others to hang out there and participate in OOC social interactions. To address this problem, we have implemented a system where we can block an individual's ability to speak in the Pointless Discussion room. This action will be a tool staff can use at their discretion to deal with complaints concerning behavior in the Pointless Discussion room. While any individuals restricted in communicating in Pointless Discussion will be informed when it happens, staff will not publicly discuss cases where the restriction has been applied. Please get back to us with any questions on the above changes. Thanks, -GLaDOS