NFG Season Two: Setting the Stage
An announcement regarding the leadup to the kickoff of NFG Season Two!
NFG Season Two: Setting the Stage
Invitations have been sent out to both new and returning faces (with one notable exception) from the New Fighting Generation in its upcoming second season and tour. Players may now feel free to begin playing their Season 2 characters. They will know that they've been invited to the second season, but contracts have not officially been signed as of yet, and what exactly the second season of NFG will entail is still murky beyond the general promises that have already been made, such as a broader scope of travel, new environs (some speculate they haven't been invited back to Sunshine and Metro), a 'looser' format, teamups, and brushing shoulders with those beyond the bounds of the NFG. Remember to submit scenes for bonus NFG AP!
And for an additional opportunity for bonus AP, NFG participants may submit their own home stage for a one-time AP bonus. What would your NFG OC's stage in a fighting game be? When creating your home stage, be sure to include NFG in the list of tags, and submit the stage on your NFG alt. The home stage can be an existing real-life landmark or locale if appropriate and if the landmark doesn't already exist as a stage. The reward for eligible stage submissions will be 0.5 AP (+0.5 bonus AP). Both new and returning NFG characters are eligible.
- Pringer X