NFG Season Two Final Broadcast & Epilogue
The final official IC posts of NFG Season Two.
NFG Season Two: The Final Broadcast (1/2)
"First off, we would like to congratulate our Season Two champion, Chevelle Beaumont, on her victory over Hawksley Moore at Maracana Stadium."
The man at the podium on screen - Professional Fighting Worldwide's Director of Public Affairs - smiles for the camera.
"Secondly, we would also like to congratulate Tanwen Cadwallader for taking first place in the Season Two Fighters' Division."
The man continues to smile as someone from the press pipes up.
"Mister Liang, do you have any comments to make about the cancellation of that match?"
The Director's smile hardens.
"As always, the professional combat entertainment industry is prone to these kinds of cancellations. I can't comment on the details of Mister Braendel's absence. Fortunately, we have been able to successfully refund attendees and sponsors thanks to our robust insurance plan. We would also like to apologise for the controversy surrounding the presentation of the trophy to Miss Beaumont in the finals. However, we will not be able to offer compensation to attendees."
Another voice from the press speaks up.
"Are you prepared to comment on the events of Zack Island and the arrest of Lou Harris?"
The Director's smile fades, his expression becoming somber.
"Yes. In fact, that is the purpose of this conference. Having concluded our joint investigation with Interpol and the Novus Orbis Librarium, Professional Fighting Worldwide is now prepared to make an official statement."
A hush falls over the press as the Director picks up a piece of paper to read from.
"The events that transpired on Zack Island were traumatic for all participants of the New Fighting Generation who were involved. Our deepest sympathies and most heartfelt condolences go out to those who were affected, and as part of our commitment to supporting the fighters that we employ, we will ensure that they receive any help that they need to recover from their ordeal."
The Director looks up before continuing.
"However, Professional Fighting Worldwide does not claim legal responsibility for what happened on Zack Island. That responsibility lies with one person: Lou Harris."
There's an audible murmur from the crowd in attendance.
(Continued in the next post!)
NFG Season Two: The Final Broadcast (2/2)
"Mister Harris has pleaded guilty to charges of criminal conspiracy in connection with the events on Zack Island. In his confession, Lou explained that he was approached by a party whose identity he did not know at the time after medical insurance failed to pay out for treatment of his granddaughter for a medical condition. This unknown party offered to pay for his granddaughter's treatment if he agreed to take the NFG fighters to Isla Zaca ahead of their scheduled arrival time. Mister Harris was not told the reason for doing so, but admitted that he was complicit in what happened as a result."
He pauses for a moment before continuing.
"It is the belief of our investigators that the figure who approached Lou was Doctor Atticus Blaine, President and Director of Operations for a rogue biotech research firm known as Primogen Labs. Doctor Blaine was using Zack Island as a base for bio-organic weapons research and intended to test the capabilities of the bioweapons produced by PrimoGen against the NFG fighters. Fortunately, the NFG fighters proved up to the challenge. Tragically, however, Doctor Blaine and all of the staff of PrimoGen Biotech appear to have perished during or before the volcanic event that destroyed their laboratories."
He takes a deep breath before adding:
"Professional Fighting Worldwide is also aware that former NFG competitor Daidoji Junko played a part in these events. Our understanding is that Junko was not complicit with PrimoGen, but had her own agenda against the competitors and was equally determined to trap them on the island for the purposes of testing their mettle. It is believed that Junko also tragically perished during the volcanic event. Mister Harris has stated that he was completely unaware that Junko would be on the island, and would have abandoned the conspiracy had he been aware, but that it was too late to do so as Junko had destroyed the boat and erected the wall of fire before he could change his mind. Mister Harris has also requested that we submit his apology to all of those involved for his actions."
Finally, the Director sets his shoulders and expression.
"And so, it is with a heavy heart that I must announce the discontinuation of the New Fighting Generation for the next season. Many of our competitors have already refused to renew their contracts, and expenses of this season went deeply over budget due to the cancellations and refunds of the Zack Island event and the Season Two Fighters' Final as well as the costs of our investigations and litigation. However, we will be allowing NFG: Rivals to continue as planned, and hope that fighting fans will tune in to this new spinoff."
(Continued in the next post!)
NFG Season Two: Epilogue
"Imogen, stop streaming."
The press conference stops playing on the central screen, leaving the man at the desk bathed in the monitor bank's cool glow.
<< Doctor Blaine, your two o'clock appointment has arrived and is waiting. >>
"Thanks, Imogen. Send him in, and engage Do Not Disturb mode."
"Of course, Imogen."
The African-American scientist turns his chair around as the door to the office slides open and a Latino security officer steps over the threshold.
"Domingo! I trust you're recovering well," the scientist greets the man warmly.
"Thanks to you, Doctor Blaine. That treatment's amazing. I feel like a brand new man," Domingo says, flexing his muscles.
"Of course. That's why I do what I do. Have you had a chance to confirm the status of the new site?"
"Yep. Everything's on track." The mercenary furrows his brow slightly. "You sure it's a good idea running a lab in the middle of a city like that? I mean, after what happened at the Isla Zaca site..."
"Absolutely." The scientist beams with a smile. "You have to understand, Domingo - Isla Zaca may have seemed like a worst case scenario, or 'FUBAR,' as you might call it," - he makes air quotes - "but everything there went according to plan. And trust me, this time, we have no reason to sabotage our own operation - so everything will be fine. We'll only have outside interference to worry about, which shouldn't be a problem - we're going to be keeping things very, very quiet for now."
"Makes sense," Domingo says, stroking his five o'clock shadow. He turns to leave, but then pauses, looking back at the scientist. "Hey, uh, I was wondering..."
"Wonder is the seed of discovery," the scientist says. "Go ahead."
"How come you never let the other you know?" Domingo asks.
"That he was a clone."
The scientist smirks broadly. "Come now, Domingo. You know my ego. Do you think that he would have ever stood for it if he'd known he was just a copy?"
Domingo pulls a face. "Hell, no." He smiles. "Makes sense." With that, he walks back out of the lab.
The scientist turns back around in his chair. "Imogen, cancel Do Not Disturb mode."
<< Cancelling. You have one new message from: Unknown Sender. >>
"Read it out for me, Imogen."
<< Subject: Confirmation. Proceed as requested. Payment has been transferred. No signature. >>
"Thanks, Imogen. Reply: thumbs-up emoji."
The scientist sits back in his chair with a contented sigh.
"It's so much simpler working with criminals than shareholders."
<< Shall I make a note of that, Doctor Blaine? >>
"I'd prefer you strike it from the record, actually, Imogen, along with the last five minutes of data."
<< Recording deleted. >>