NFG S2 Championships - Round 3
Round 3 of the NFG Season Two Championships, including a poetry slam by Tom and Lou and announcements for the First Generation Semifinals and Second Generation Final and Third Place matches!
NFG S2 Championships - Round 3 Intro
The broadcast begins with the NFG logo and theme song, which soon disappear to be replaced by the figures of Lou and Tom now dressed in what appears to be 'mall Santa' and 'little helper' outfits, respectively. The screen behind the pair shows a generic Christmas scene.
TOM: "Ola a todos! The NFG returns for some fresh holiday action right here in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil!"
LOU: "Which is great, 'cause nothing makes me go 'ho ho ho' in Rio like a platter of pao de queijo."
TOM: "Cheesy, fluffy, and full of hot air. Truly an excellent combination."
LOU: "You like them, too, huh?"
TOM: "I was just thinking of how much they remind me of our partnership, Lou."
LOU: "Heh. I would've said we were more like milk and cookies."
TOM: "Great when they're fresh, but put 'em together for too long and you just end up with a soggy, texturally indistinct mess?"
LOU: "Exactly. So, for those who missed the matches live, let's have a rundown of what happened in the quarterfinals of our First Gen fighters and the semifinals for our Season Two Crew.
TOM: "Ooh! Can I take a shot at this one, Santa?"
LOU: "What, like -"
TOM: "Just go with it."
LOU: "Okay...?"
"It was the Season Two Championship and on Cabo San Juan
I took a walk to the beach to see what was going on.
There was quite a crowd and I spied as I passed
Chevelle and Ayala about to give it their [CENSORED]
I thought to myself, 'Hey, a drink would be good'
But when I asked for a snowball, Chevy misunderstood.
Both fighters on the sand, the judge thought 'DKO'
But then up sat Chevy, saying 'I must fight my beau!'"
LOU: "But won't she and Buck only fight if they meet in the final?"
TOM: "But with Chevy the winner, to Juan Valdez they did go."
LOU: "Perfect. ...Don't tell me you did this for every match."
(Match link:
(Continued in the next post!)
NFG S2 Championships - Round 2 Rundown (1/4)
"The fighters continued to give it their rear.
When suddenly in the ring an Iris did appear.
Lightning bolt, emerald wind, ice, frost and snow,
At Hawksley everything Iris did throw.
An arsenal of weapons, Iris used every trick
And as for Hawksley, all he threw was a stick.
Technically, also, if you so desire,
You could say he threw punches, his fists wreathed with fire.
The elements clashed, Hawksley covered with frost,
But when fire met chin, Iris Osterlund had lost."
LOU: "Beautiful. Especially the part where you made a declarative statement in one line and immediately contradicted yourself in the next."
TOM: "I did that to avoid getting atted on Hitter, obviously."
(Match link:
LOU: "Okay. Let's hear Buck versus Kenzo."
"The next match was ready, it was Buck vee Kenzo
Or as we call it in Cabo, 'El Classico.'
Buck called the odds even; Kenzo agreed
Even though Buck was only sixth seed.
They were off with a bang, and the ninja was dunking
Not since he fought Genie had I seen such a punking.
Buck took a deep breath, and then like a bear
The shifter kept fighting, his lungs full of air.
Buck summoned five snake heads, Kenzo's defense to crack
But then with a fan, Kenzo laid down the smack.
Kenzo was the winner, so I could have sworn
But that was when Buck went and gave him the horns.
Once again, the script ordered 'Knockouts for Two'
But in the end, victory went to the Zoo."
LOU: "I'm starting to feel like Wyclef Jean right now."
(Match link:
(Continued in the next post!)
NFG S2 Championships - Round 2 Rundown (2/4)
TOM: "Do you want to try taking the lead on the next one?"
LOU: "Uh, okay. Let's see...
Much ass was given, but amongst the cohort
None gave more than Coco in her white cutoff shorts."
"That's all from the Loverboy, to avoid cancellation
Of both yourself and the New Fighting Generation."
"May I remind you that we're in Brazil at the moment,
And they say 'When in Rome, you should do as the Romans.'"
TOM: "Touche; I suppose that I'll let you continue."
"In that case, let's look at what's next on the menu.
As Braun himself put it, Beauty versus the Beast.
A dish never tasted; a visual feast.
The beach was set; it was time to party.
One fighter was burly, the other was..."
TOM: "Tarty?"
"You said it, not me, so let's just move on.
We started off with a nasty kick from Braun.
His offense was fierce; his defense was strong.
It seemed that he held the high ground before long.
He mostly resisted her powers hypnotic,
But that's when Coco said 'Let's get erotic.'"
TOM: "I think the word was 'sexy.'"
"It seemed Constance Coalbridge was sick of being mauled,
So Braun found himself Marduked by a British Barbie doll.
Braun took out his claws; Coco called him a kitten,
And then by her wiles, it seemed Braun was smitten.
Coco took her chance, and Braun took a knee,
And that is why Coco moves on to Round Three."
(Match link:
(Continued in the next post!)
NFG S2 Championships - Round 2 Rundown (3/4)
TOM: "I never thought we'd be rap-battling to the rhythm of 'Twas The Night Before Christmas' on live broadcast."
LOU: "Is that what we're doing? I thought we were going for 'Hamilton.'"
"Twas the Season Two Semis, in another arena
At the Plaza de Todos within Cartagena."
"For those who bought tickets, it was well worth the trip
To catch up on our latest NFG 'ship."
"A wager was placed; a new prize for the winner:
The chance to pay for that evening's dinner.
The challenge was made; the date was implied.
Could it be that the Texan might soon be a bride?"
"Let's not be too hasty, there's no need to rush
For all we know, it might just be a crush.
Next thing we saw, Arisa went for her fella
And tried to spear him with a paper umbrella."
"That sounds like a typical NFG shipping."
"The heat in the Plaza de Todos was dripping.
And things in the ring, they could only get hotter
When Arisa pulled out her burning holy water.
Albert took the whole bottle, leaving no dregs
And that's when Arisa went between Albert's legs.
Albert shouted out with all of his guts
And lifted his sword in defense of his -"
TOM: "Cut!"
"On victory, the wagered date was riding
And next, for Arisa's legs, Albert was sliding.
If you ask me, I think they were both getting impatient.
TOM: "If I ask you, we'll both be on early vacation."
"I suppose heeding your words just might make me wiser.
Confronted by clones, Sir Albert shouted 'Scheisse!'
But Arisa herself had already gone down
And had Siri planning their night on the town."
(Match link:
(Continued in next post!)
NFG S2 Championships - Round 2 Rundown (4/4)
TOM: "Do you think we should do all the rundowns like this from now on?"
LOU: "Never again, Tom."
TOM: "Fair enough."
LOU: "So, who's going next?"
TOM: "I will. Ahem...
'Twas Season Two Semifinals, and next in the ring
To appear was not Tanwen or Rox, but some bling.
My cynical comrade thought mischief was afoot
But it turned out it was just a nice pair of gold boots.
The red dragon's avarice was quite mollified
In fact, she was so moved that young Tanwen cried."
LOU: "She's forty-seven in human years, Tanwen would say."
"The meter needed one more beat, if that's okay.
A hint from her guardian made Tanwen think twice
Before saying to Roxana, "That's not very nice."
A social faux pas, based on misunderstanding
But one that Rox thought called for a reprimanding.
Tanwen found Rox to be rather tricksy."
LOU: "It's a good thing that she never had to fight Nixie."
"Dragons can be tricksy too, Tan contested.
And soon, it seemed Roxana might have been bested.
Again and again, Rox's poor head was smushed.
Right to the ropes, it seemed Rox had been pushed.
The dragon was dreaming of scorpion soup
And came in to finish with a swoop-da-whoop."
"But lo! So brilliantly her swoop was reversed
That even we two thought it had been rehearsed."
"Suddenly it seemed Roxana would go forward
Until Tanwen bonked her once more with her sword.
She next threw her shield, then she bonked her again
And Rox hit the ground, and Tanwen took the win."
(Match link:
(Continued in the next post!)
NFG S2 Championships - Round 3 Matches (1/2)
TOM: "Well, that was fun, wasn't it?"
LOU: "I'm sure it was fun for somebody, Tom, but I'm not sure who."
TOM: "Anyway, let's move on to the next round's matches. First up, we have the semifinals for the Season One fighters, or as you and I like to call it, the double date at the tango club."
LOU: "Indeed, Tom. Of course, there were rumours about both Coco and Buck and Chevy and Hawksley last season, but in this second season they all seemed settled in their respective romantic pairs of Hawco and Chuck."
TOM: "Personally, the ones I was holding out for were Choco and Huck. Both couples will be facing off in the gents' and ladies' sides of the bracket. Shall we start with Hawksley and Buck?"
LOU: "Yup. You know, our two first-gen firebreathers have always seemed to get along pretty well compared to their distaff counterparts."
TOM: "I agree, Lou, but I'm not sure that things will be so lighthearted this time, considering that Hawksley not only keyed Buck's Chevelle last time they fought, but broke Buck's present to her in the process."
LOU: "Oof. So many nasty things happened on Zack Island, I almost forgot about that part of their tournament match."
TOM: "To be fair, we've been contractually obligated to forget most of what happened on Zack Island, Lou. Tell me, though: do you think that our usually unflappable animal man will have taken that in stride? And if he hasn't, whose favour do you think that will play into?"
LOU: "That's a tough one, Tom. See, like any strong emotion, anger can actually push the human body to exceed its limits. It can give someone the focus and drive to take every advantage they can before and during a fight. But it can also make you reckless. And we've already seen how reckless these two are even on a good day."
TOM: "So, you're saying that if anything, this could be the biggest slugfest we've seen yet from these two?"
LOU: "That's what I'd predict - but if they're going to let bygones be bygones, we're still probably looking at a straight-up brawl."
TOM: "And on the other side, we have Coco and Chevy. These two have been rivals ever since their fateful encounter in Sunshine City. In fact, they've probably been our biggest rivals outside of Kenzo and Buford. It began with two young ladies fighting it out over a certain Irishman, and it probably peaked outside the ring when Coco accused Chevy of coercing her now-redacted teammate into permanently scarring her face."
LOU: "Well, semi-permanently. We all remember Shortcakegate, but fortunately, Coco got better, thanks to cutting-edge medical intervention from an unnamed biotech entity."
TOM: "But that seems to all be water under the bridge now, and if you count the Rumble, Coco's two and one against Chevy, but she's won every singles match so far."
LOU: "Indeed. And it seems that Coco has Chevy's number on some level, given that she's adopted the 'Queen Cobra' aesthetic, and Chevy, it turns out, is afraid of snakes."
TOM: "Whereas, being British, Coco has very little fear of being unexpectedly drenched in water."
LOU: "But I'm willing to go ahead and say that I think Chevy's got all the tools she needs to take down Coco one-on-one. She's faced things a lot scarier than Constance Coalbridge, and I think she'll show it this round."
TOM: "Wow. So, are you saying that you've secretly been a Chevy Beaumont fan all along?"
LOU: "I'll just say that I'd rather have my granddaughter grow up to be a Chevy than a Coco. So you can count me on Team Chevy this time."
To emphasize the point, Lou pulls open his santa suit jacket to reveal that he's wearing a Team Chevy t-shirt underneath.
TOM: "That almost seems harsh on Coco. Well, in that case, I'll admit that while I appreciate Chevy's ethical standards, I've always thought Coco was the better dressed between the two."
Tom also pulls off his elf costume, revealing that he's wearing a sleek black bodysuit with side panel cutouts and a pair of tight cutoff shorts underneath.
(Continued in the next post!)
NFG S2 Championships - Round 3 Matches (2/2)
LOU: "Well, if NFG gets cancelled after this season, at least we can say that we left with our dignity intact."
TOM: "Indeed. And that leaves us with our final two matches for our Season Two fighters. Our evening of entertainment will be kicking off with the third place match between Roxana and Arisa and then moving on to the main event - our final between Tanwen and Albert. Something interesting is that in both matches, they are a repeat of the opening ones of the season. Tanwen and Roxana took the wins there, but can our monstrous misses repeat those performances?"
LOU: "Good question, Tom. It all seemed very friendly between Roxana and Arisa when they last encountered each other, with compliments exchanged. The two haven't had many interactions since, so it will be interesting to see if the good vibes continue."
TOM: "You know, I expected Roxana to be a lot less pleasant than she's seemed this season. She is a scorpion of sorts, after all, but she seems to save her sting in the tail for during her fights."
LOU: "Maybe nobody's done anything to bother her yet. We should probably be careful what we say."
TOM: "Arisa has come on leaps and bounds since these two last met. Roxana secured a win comfortably last time, but now Arisa has pushed past the top seed in the Season Two tournament to secure her chance at third place."
LOU: "With their respective chaotic styles, a lot of it's gonna come down to who's got a better read on the other one at this point."
TOM: "And in our final, it's the classic Knight and Dragon encounter, back for round two. Has the German got enough guts to slay the beast and take top place in the tournament?"
LOU: "As Santa Claus, I'm the only one here who has the mandate to 'sleigh,' Tom."
TOM: "Oh, yes. I was speaking strictly in metaphor, obviously. These two fighters put on strong showings on Zack Island, with Albert dominating Roxana in the tournament and Tanwen [REDACTED]ing [REDACTED] into a [REDACTED]."
LOU: "It might come down to who has one more cream soda in their potion belt this time, Tom. As for me, I find it hard to bet against a dragon. Especially a dragon than can [REDACTED] a [REDACTED] like Tanwen."
TOM: "On the other hand, finding true love might be just the tonic Albert needs to finish his quest and conquer that dragon, so the knight has my nod."
LOU: "Winner has to pay for dinner?"
TOM: "I'm not sure why the winner has to be the one to pay, exactly."
LOU: "Are you saying that gloating over your victory for an hour isn't worth twenty bucks?"
TOM: "Fair enough, Lou. I look forward to buying you some pao de queijo next week. And to everyone else, be sure to tune in to our upcoming matches, then stay tuned for our final just before Christmas!"
LOU: "And a happy ho-ho-holidays from me!"
(Additional information in the next post!)
NFG S2 Championships - Round 3 OOC Info
Greeting, doodz!
Tournament time resumes! For the purpose of storyline this round's matches will be continuing after the previous round's, without the break we've had OOC. To help with timeline, the two semi-finals for the Season 1 Participants are taking place IC on Saturday December 14th and the third place match and final for the Season 2 participants are both taking place on Sunday December 15th.
Both semi-final matches are happening at a tango club in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The stage can be accessed with the following: stage/use Argentina - Buenos Aires - La Catedral Club
Both the third place match and final match are happening at a stadium in Rio de Janeiro. The stage for this can be accessed here: stage/use Brazil - Rio de Janeiro - The Maracana Stadium
All matches need to be completed and submitted by end of day SUNDAY, JANUARY 26TH. Please get in touch with your scene partner ASAP. If you haven't started or scheduled your match by SUNDAY, JANUARY 12TH, then let me know by @mail or on Discord.
The tournament will be using the same rules as previous rounds. In the case of DKOs, the player with the higher final health total will be considered the winner.
Good Luck, Have Fun!
- Pringer X