After a controversial, yet successful first season, the New Fighting Generation returns for round two! This time, new challengers will team up with previous prospects to compete in events around the world! Is this a new dawn for the NFG, or will the spectre of chaos return to haunt the competition...?
Hype announcements for the new challengers of NFG Season Two!
NFG Season Two: Setting the Stage
An announcement regarding the leadup to the kickoff of NFG Season Two!
NFG 2.0: Official Launch & Odyssey Reveal
An introduction to the official launch of the NFG, the Mermaid, and the first Season 2 event: Odyssey!
NFG 2.0: Pre-Season Interviews
Fighter interviews held prior to the start of Season 2 of the NFG!
Odyssey Round 1
Matches for Round 1 of NFG's Odyssey event, themed around Ancient Greece!
Odyssey: Round 2 (& Round 1 Rundown)
The second round of NFG's three-part Odyssey series continues the carnage in the Mediterranean!
Odyssey: Round 3 (& Round 2 Rundown)
The final act of our 3-round epic shall be played out across the central sea!
NFG World Tour: Odyssey Round 3 Results
Tom and Lou present a rundown of the third and final round of Odyssey!
NFG World Tour: Team-Ups! (OOC Information)
Information regarding the upcoming round of the New Fighting Generation, a tag team event!
NFG World Tour: Return To...
The location of the NFG's first Tag Team Tournament is revealed, along with the participating teams!
RTZI Prologue: Found Footage
Scenes from the introduction to Zack Island, summarizing the events of landfall, the disastrous extension, of a three-hour tour, and the decision to move forward with the planned tournament as if nothing had happened. Includes a bonus cutscene!
Return to Zack Island Round 1
A recap of the situation, what's coming up for round 1, the rules for tag team tournament matches, and additional information about the plot, last chance to join, and scene deadlines.
Return to Zack Island Round 2
A rundown of what happened in Round 1 with Tom & Lou, foreboding footage from Round 2, and scene assignments for Round 2, along with the first stockpile update and additional OOC information.
Round 2 Rundown & Round 3 (?) Update
Tom and Lou continue their stalwart duty of providing rundowns of the latest action on Zack Island, and a special guest extends a special invitation to the NFG participants.
Return to Zack Island Round 3
The Return to Zack Island tournament moves into the semi-finals. In the meanwhile, Tom and Lou recap Zack's message from the Emergency Dance Party and lay out a plan of sexy action for the NFG fighters as they try to survive - and escape - the perils of Isla Zaca.
Post-Party Stockpile Update & Morale Info
An update on the Zack-in-the-Box prize stockpile and further info on the RTZI Morale mechanic.
RTZI Round 4 Intro
The narrative intro to Round 4 of Return to Zack Island.
RTZI Round 4 Matches, Status & OOC Information
The matches, morale and loot status update and OOC information for Return to Zack Island Round 4.
NFG Stories: Season 2
Cutscenes from the cast of NFG Season Two.
RTZI Final Round
The narrative introduction to the Boss Battles and match details for the final round of Return to Zack Island.
Return to Zack Island - Finale & Epilogue
The culmination of the events on Isla Zaca.
Post-RTZI Standings & Season 2 Finals Information
The NFG Point standings at the end of the Return to Zack Island plot and OOC information regarding the upcoming Season 2 Finals.
Post-RTZI Interviews
Transcripts and recordings of interviews following the Return to Zack Island plot provided to the public by the joint PFW, NOL and Interpol investigative team.
NFG S2 Championships - Round 1
An introduction to the Season 2 Championship tournament, including the brackets for S1 and S2 fighters and additional OOC information.
NFG S2 Championships - Round 2
Round 2 of the NFG Season Two Championships, including a rundown of Round 1 and announcements for the Quarterfinals for Season 1 fighters and Semifinals for Season 2 fighters!
NFG S2 Championships - Round 3
Round 3 of the NFG Season Two Championships, including a poetry slam by Tom and Lou and announcements for the First Generation Semifinals and Second Generation Final and Third Place matches!
NFG S2 Championship - Round 4
Round 4 of the NFG Season Two Championships, including a rundown of the previous round, a look ahead to the finals, and a word from one of our sponsors!
NFG Season Two Final Broadcast & Epilogue
The final official IC posts of NFG Season Two.
NFG Season 2 Outro & Season 3 Intro
A look ahead at what's coming for NFG: Rivals and the 2025 season.