World Warrior 2023: Round 2

Matches for Round 2 of the tournament!

World Warrior Round 2

OOC: Quick post to get these out. Forgive my slowness. Given my delay, due date to get these done is Friday October 6th at 11:59 PM Central. IC post coming tomorrow. Kasumi vs Nagi Seishirou vs Baiken Zangief vs Leroy Kongou vs Liu Kang Ky Kiske vs Bezique Frei vs Honoka Es vs Maki Sagat vs Athena Shina vs Billy Ahmya vs Lee Ken vs Sub Zero Maxima vs Ryu Hayabusa Tairyu vs Daniel Fei Long vs Leo

WW Round 2

OOC: Hey folks. I see a lot of stuff still in progress, so I'm giving another week to get these done. Hard finish date of October 13, or I'm gonna get Creative! Now beat each other up for my amusement!.