NFG Stories: Chevy

Cutscenes and other relevant IC posts starring Chevy during her time in the NFG.


A video was posted to Chevy's FightTube shorts channel a little while ago, titled "Victorious." In contrast to the other videos, there are none of the usual social media hashtags like #NFGChevy or #Chevaliers. The video's filmed entirely via cellphone, with a brick wall in the background, sometime in late afternoon. Chevy appears wearing a well-worn Panic in the Disco t-shirt -- and she's holding the camera, so there's all kinds of amateur camera shake action going on as she talks. "Hey y'all. I just have somethin' to say real quick, y'all." Chevy smiles, looking off-camera as she talks, presumably down the street towards passing cars. "The en-eff-gee is the best thing that's ever happened to me. I've made friends here. I've made rivals too. But if there's one thing I've learned -- it's that we all make ourselves stronger. Together." She turns back to the camera, with a sappy smile on her face. "The internet community's great too, folks. Every time y'all say somethin' positive, somethin' -nice- to me, on FightTube or Hittit or wherever... trust me. I hear it. Y'all give me -life-, folks." Here, she grows a bit more serious, ditching her goofy, trademark smile. "But above it all, I don't want there to be any doubt: Miss Constance Coalbridge, from the bottom of my heart -- I want you to get well soon." "You're an inspiration to everyone in the NFG. Ain't no one who can keep me on my toes like you. And I can't wait to face you in the ring again. So you best get back to trainin', ASAP. You hear me?" She crosses her hand over her heart. "I mean it, from the bottom of my heart, Coco: Get well soon." The video fades to black, with a stock text overlay coming on the screen featuring the hashtags: #CocoVictorious #NFG4eva!