NFG Stories: Braun

Cutscenes and other relevant IC posts starring Braun during his time in the NFG.

Air Dashin' Podcast Excerpt

Clips from the popular FightTube Podcast 'Air Dashin'' have begun circulating featuring the burly clawed and furred brawler, Braun in the aftermath of the burning down of The Dead Squirrel. The bruiser has a few bandage wraps on his torso but doesn't quite look like he was at ground zero of an explosion and seems rather cheerful as he reacts to a few comments and questions. "...It seems like lately there's talk circulating about if the sponsors are doing enough to teach some of the NFG combatants about restraint during matches and sportsman like conduct that lines up with the goals of the tournament." begins the interviewer. "Yeah I know what you're getting at. And who. Listen, it's like this.." drawls Braun, "We're all here to better ourselves, right? And to give it our all. Nobody should be gettin' in there with intention on taking somebody out but you know the dangers when you step into that match and you own up to yer choice to be part of this. That's all fair. Folk complain' about Laurel for example but I'm over here like: Workin' as intended. The folk she fought - livin' on to fight another match cause at the end of the day they're fighters and that's all that matters. So what's the problem?" He then grins, "Meanwhile you got folk detonatin' in the middle of businesses like they some sorta livin' bomb and dropping bystanders and audiences to the ground and actin' like it's no big deal. Where are -those- sponsors at? I'm gettin' called one of a thousand terms for 'Darkstalker' like a slur and nobody bat's an eye , Laurel and Zarine get called out because they get wild and messy in a fight but sure. Blow a business to pieces and shower folk outside with hot glass. No problem!" He spreads his arms wide, "Seems kinda sus t'me... Maybe a little bias. Y'get me?" The podcast moves on towards more viewer questions, ending when he gives an annoyed look at someone wanting confirmation on if he's tsundere or not. "I'm not tsundere, idiot!"