NFG Stories: Kenzo

Cutscenes and other relevant IC posts starring Kenzo during his time in the NFG.

Film Review

While at the airport waiting for the flight for Sunshine City to take off, the shinobi engineer breaks off from his team, both mentors and team mates alike, and he turns on his tablet. On it are a list of files that each have NFG in the filenames. He touches one of filenames on the list. A video starts with a recording of the fight with Genie though it is a split screen where on the left is a view of the fight from an external view while the right is a first person view recorded from his combat specs. Both edited to be in sync with each other. He splits the screen in half so has the video on one screen and note taking app in the other. As the video starts playing, Kenzo would occasionally pause, type some notes, rewind, and play the video some more. Eventually Kenzo gets to end of the video before he opens the next. This next video is of Kenzo's team up against the unfortunate Nissan March. This time, there's less rewinding and pausing. There is some note taking throughout. He goes to the final file. The final file with his triple threat match against Coco and Ichika has the tech ninja doing more pausing, note taking, and rewinding than the previous two videos combined. After a while, the video gets to the end. Even then he leaves some final notes. - Don't wait for opportunities. Create them. - Be ready to increase your ferocity when it is needed. - Process the info you receive and use it to make adjustments sooner. - Improvise, Adapt, Overcome.

Preparations for Frost

Now that the match up against Blaze is completed the tech ninja had only one more team to face and /he/ was on that team. While he was motivated before, there was something about knowing someone who you detest would be on the other side. There was also the fact that another one of their members took him down embarrassingly quickly in a one sided match up. Team Metal, sponsors, teammates, and entourage alike would notice that Kenzo had been logging in more workout time in the gym, more workout time on the mat, more time in the film room. While he wanted the win against Hawksley, he wanted this one way more. He even worked on strategies for each member of Frost. Sarah was the one that he hadn't much interaction with and so there wasn't much judgment or much motivation beyond wanting to win. With Ayala, there was a bit more motivation there. This was due to being on surprisingly good terms with each other considering their backgrounds. He was familiar with a bit of what she could do because they destroyed the Nissan March and he was curious to see how much growth the both have gone through. With Genie, it was more of a matter of pride. He spent so much time training and refining his art and how to fight with both of his weapons as well as strategy only to get destroyed by someone who didn't even know how to throw a decent kick or punch. He found it galling that it was such a one sided fight not in his favor. Should he come up against her it would be about redemption for him. As for Buford, it was personal. He attempted to be civil at first but then Buford decided to be disrespectful to his fighting style, to his technology, and to him personally in the interview and in person. Kenzo, as far as he was concerned, didn't start the grudge but he wanted to finish it. While he had prepared strategies for each of the Frost members, Buford was the one he wanted to crush both on a combative level as well as a psychological/emotional level. As soon as Kenzo finishes taking notes in the memo app on his tablet, he smiles to himself and goes to sleep.

E.V.O.L.V.E. Experience - Day 1

As the nin-gineer rode the elevator to the 80th floor, he was a bundle of nerves. While he was already familiar with a majority of the sponsors, there was a new sponsor to meet. He had been on a team with Djamila and JD but still had yet to get to know Sarah and Iris.      The elevator arrived and Kenzo glances down at his Ultratech Lifeband and sighs as he thinks about how he had to modify his bracers to account for the wristwatch. He then rolls his suitcases towards his room. It was Spartan but he didn't need for it to be individualized beyond having a work space for his gadgets.        Wanting to train right away, Kenzo changes into his combat suit then puts on the combat specs and heads down to the 78th floor where the gymnasium is located and boots up his AR overlay. He sees his own readings that come via its connection to the suit. But readings of external information like the thermal imaging camera and the like just stopped working. His reaction was not good nor was it silent.      "OOOOH NOOOOOOO!"