Round 3 Matchups
Lyraelle, Lou, and Tom talk about the fights on the way for Round 3.
Fighting Festival Round 3 Matchups (1/2)
With the quarterfinals concluded, the semi-finals have been announced. The bracket appears on-screen as Tom, Lou and Princess Lyraelle prepare to comment.
TOM: "And here's our first Semi-Final match. All of the fighters remaining in the tournament are guaranteed a top-four placement."
LOU: "There's a big difference between first and fourth, though, Tom. Heck, there's a big difference between first and second."
LYRAELLE: "Heck, yeah. I would never have been happy with coming in second in the last season of Neo League."
TOM: "The stakes might seem lower to us, but doing well in this tournament also means looking good for the sponsors."
LOU: "Which one is looking good to you so far, Princess?"
LYRAELLE: "The one who's always taking their clothes off."
LOU: "Hawksley, then?"
LYRAELLE: "I appreciate the heat."
TOM: "Well, as far as actual fighting ability goes, I think it's impressive that Djamila has made it this far. I reckon she could take it all the way."
LYRAELLE: "So, one vote for Hawksley, one for Djamila. Lou?"
LOU: "I wanna see Djamila take it all the way, too."
LYRAELLE: "I bet you do."
LOU: "I mean..."
(Continued in next post!)
Fighting Festival Round 3 Matchups (2/2)
TOM: "And here we have our other semi-final matchup. An underhanded, inhuman female trickster against..."
LOU: "An underhanded, inhuman female trickster."
TOM: "It's hard not to put it like that once I started."
LYRAELLE: "As a formerly underhanded, inhuman female trickster myself, I'll be keen to judge performances here."
TOM: "Nixie and Tamaki certainly have very different fighting styles, when you get down to it, but they both seem to rely on misdirection."
LOU: "They're definitely a couple o' scamps. I'm still not over what Nixie did to Brian, though. It's a tragedy to see a ladies' man cut down in his prime like that."
TOM: "Actually, he'll be participating in the bonus round, Lou."
LOU: "Really? I thought he was bleeding all over from the eyes last time we saw him."
TOM: "Nope! It wasn't real blood."
LOU: "What was it, then?"
TOM: "Tabasco sauce. It wasn't his best plan."
LYRAELLE: "Well, I prefer the socially manipulative bake-danuki to the sneaky goblin engineer."
LOU: "Well, I've changed my mind. Nixie's got that New Jersey swagger, and I like to root for the little guy. Or gal, in this case."
TOM: "Well, I like Tamaki's style, and she managed to take out Genie, who was looking terrifying after the first round. I'd put my money down on her."
LYRAELLE: "So, looks like we're ready to announce the..."
(Continued in next post!)