Lee's Beachtime Bonanza - Lee's Beachtime Bonaza! - Round 1, Mai vs B.Jenet

Description: A civilized contest between two good friends, to which both arrive promptly and appropriately-attired and absolutely nothing untoward, lewd or improper occurs. Rated :) for all ages, temperaments and belief systems. Nothing to see here.

It's a beautiful day on Sound Beach. The ocean's edge laps in a burbling murmur at the perfect shore, the sun's rays setting vibrant, glittering fire to the greater depths that lie beyond - toward the horizon. Southtown itself is buzzing in the coming throes of a tourist season; the influx of awkward, brightly-dressed and loud-mouthed Americans apparently not dissuaded in the least by the apparent terrors haunting the streets.

By contrast, the beach itself is a haven of peace. The joyful cacophony of the Dream Amusement Park can be heard in the near distance, but it does little to disturb the old folk (who are probably fighting legends in their own right but let's not ruin the picture, or invoke Todoh's wrath by breaching his 'disguise') from their afternoon amble. Nor does it bother the younger people walking their pets, the happy four-pawed beasts pattering through the surf in search of sticks and balls. It's a lovely portrait, overall; just what you'd want on a postcard.

Which makes it all the more jarring when there's a fearsome roar of inrushing water, and a vast, bulky phallus rises like the leviathan of myth, approximately half a mile from the shore.

Because there has to be at least one, a child's cry goes up almost immediately, the heretofore-unusually-quiet little tyke staring wide-eyed before abruptly bursting into tears for no particular reason save the demands of an appropriate narrative. Cuddled close by a concerned mother, his plight is nonetheless soon reflected in the rising panic in other beach-goers. Is this it? Is this where the US finally comes back to finish what it began? Are they are at war again? It could even be...

Nobody speaks the name, but they're all thinking it: and yet it was Tuesday *yesterday* - how could this be? What manner of terror faces them, so recently risen from the incalculable ocean?

The thud of a torpedo emptying just below the surface heralds the production of a few dozen cellphones, as the old timers merely look on in a mixture of gentle, carefree amusement - they're practically dead anyway, right? - or in a few cases, the tightening of belts and the removal of sandals in preparation to deliver a proper, oldschool Southtown-style asskicking to this dreadful invader. All set for a proper welcome to the City of Fighters, the submarine appears unperturbed. The approaching ripple accelerates more and more rapidly, until it's a blur, then - at the moment it should surface upon the beach...

It's gone. A few bubbles float in the milling surf, the foamy trail behind gradually fading...

And then something else rises, something scandalously shapely, sleekly-clad and salaciously, irresistibly sexy as it slinks up to full, deceptively-majestic height before the stunned onlookers. Water cascades from a drenched mane of long, blonde hair, a pair of athletically-muscled arms rising to push the last of the clinging ocean away before bright blue eyes open with a mischievous twinkle, eyeing the nearest person as a dark pink tongue runs across salt-rimmed lips. A few remember Dr. No, others remember they're only wearing a pair of tight shorts that do very little to disguise their reaction from the others--

Back on the submarine, somebody remembers what was *really* said on a certain phonecall and then - very suddenly afterward - what they told Cap'n Jenet about the location of her fight.

On the beach, the raunchy piratess lowers her arms with a dumb blink, realizing she's schmoozing seductively at a small cocker spaniel. A hand strays to the front of her wetsuit, fingering the zipper uncertainly as she glances about the gathered throng. None of whom have cameras - oh, no, that one guy *does*, fantastic. But more importantly, none of whom are Mai Shiranui.

All her grace and composure scattered to the seven seas, Jenet considers her situation for a moment longer, reaches up to scratch her head and then says the only thing that comes to mind.


It's about this exact time that a cellphone rings.

Her hand darting down once again and pulling the zipper on her wetsuit just enough to allow access to the upper curve of her sumptuous cleavage, Jenet pulls her phone from its cunning hiding place and clamps it to her ear. A brief conversation ensues, with much fury on the piratess' own end, and then she's tucking the phone back away, zipping up and favouring the crowd with a wide, pleasant smile as she starts to step toward the south end of the beach. You know, toward where the fight's actually taking place.

"Ah, thanks for coming everybody, you were all fantastique! Magnifique! Tres bonne, really! I'll see you all soon, okay? Ah, what's that over there!"

As several of the stunned look in the direction of her pointing finger, the Pirate Queen takes off at a sprint, throwing up sand and surf in her wake as she sprints toward the Dream Amusement Park, the wetsuit doing... rather interesting things to the shape of the body beneath it. Several young boys abruptly become men, and several divorces are due to be filed this very evening.

None of which makes Bonne Jenet anything but very, very late to her fight.

In contrast, Mai... is not at the beach. Though she's certainly dressed like she -could- be there. After all, it _is_ summer and Mai always likes to dress appropriately for the season. Or... borderline inapprpriately, as the case may be. That prospect isn't getting many complaints though, as Mai strolls the streets of the Park, dressed in a brief bikini top, in her trademarked red and white, and over that, one of Joe's innumerable terribly loud Hawaiian shirts (thoroughly washed). On her hips? A split-sided miniskirt which shows off those famous legs... and of course a nice set of thong sandals to protect her delicate tootsies. Slung over her right shoulder is a traditional Japanese-style umbrella.

As she's walking towards where *she* was told the fight was going to be, she's getting plenty of wolf-whistles and stares, but she just giggles musically and shades her eyes as she stands, cocking her hips to the right a touch. "Ah... there it is. Well...! I bet Jenet's gonna be -late- so maybe I have time for..." Mai's just turned towards one of the many vendors, intent on buying herself a nice, ice-cold soda, when an official runs up, somehow contrived into wearing a dark suit in the summer sun. At least he has sunglasses.

"Miss Shiranui! The fight's on in five minutes!!" He is somehow able to ignore Mai's abundant charms, and the brown-haired ninja heaves a little sigh.

"Alright, alright.. go on, I'll be there in a few minutes. Sheesh... girl can't even relax just a little bit can she?" As the man turns to leave, Mai finishes paying for her drink, tilts the bottle back and drains it halfway, lets out a great big gasp of pleasure at the coolness.... then finishes it off.

"Right... guess it's time to get this show on the road then!" And with that, she takes off, abandoning her casual stroll for a typical ninja's run. When she gets to where the fight is scheduled, with the makeshift ring and all, she leaps into the air, coming down out of the sky with a nicely gratuitous lens flare, and, of course, just a bit of *boing*.

"Shiranui Mai is here!" she exclaims, waving to all her fans... with a fan.

"What? No! I'm fighting! I'm..."

Whilst the crowd is roaring their appreciation of Mai's assets, the Dread Pirate Genette finds herself stuck at the entrance turnstiles with a pasty-faced, pastry-bellied security guard who'd probably be called Bob or Tom if he wasn't Japanese. As it is, he in fact is named Bobbu. His nametag says so.

Jenet, the sleek material of her wetsuit still beaded with seawater despite the rather vigourous sprint, lifts her bare foot and brings it down in a frustrated little stomp that spiderwebs the sand-specked concrete and sends several ice creams tumbling to the floor as a rush of wind chi follows in its wake. More children begin crying, which just attracts more attention. Giving a sidelong twitch of her own hip, the Pirate Queen straightens up and steps rather daintily forward, not suppressing a sigh.

A moment later, Bobbu is kicking at the air and trying to get out the same line he's been repeating for the past three minutes through a crushed windpipe. Jenet ungrits her teeth and raises a perfectly groomed eyebrow, waiting patiently until he stops.

And then dropping him unceremoniously on his rather large behind.

"I'll be taking *this*," utters Bonne briskly, reaching down to pull the security pass from his sweaty front pocket and pinning it... well, sort of plastering it... onto the front of her wetsuit. This does some more interesting things to her anatomy, and the crying children are now universally staring and wondering when *they* get to be in Bobbu's position. In ten years, the Dream Amusement Park receives a record number of applications for a security staff posting. Management is never sure why.

Flicking out her long, now fashionably wet-look blonde hair, Jenet makes a show of adjusting her garb before hopping the turnstile and sashaying through the rest of the park as if she owns it. Once she reaches the Designated Fight Area (tm), Mai is just done making her flamboyant introduction. There's a moment of uncertainty - during which everybody is looking about for the opponent - and then the Bristolian clears her throat.

When the crowd - and more importantly, the cameras - pan about, she's stood there still somehow dripping head to toe (it's possible she also picked up a drink from one of the concession stands, but nobody will ever know), hip cocked with a hand planted invitingly to the other side. Her free arm is raised, looping around her slightly upturned head, her lips parted as she lets the last of the 'sea water' flow from her cheeks, drip-dripping down onto the bounty of her restrained bosom.

An eye cracks open, baby blue glinting merrily, the other joining it only so the Pirate Queen can toss a chummy wink the way of her opponent. It's possible only Mai has the chops to catch that, because almost immediately Jenet is spinning around into a high-arcing leap that deposits her neatly into the ring heel-first, a small burst of wind chi ensuring the crowd are appropriately taken aback - and have the mussed hairdo's to sell this fact.

"Yo," says Jenet, pushing herself to her feet, arms both going high now to present herself chestfirst to the living legend that is Mai Shiranui. As she finishes 'stretching' and allows her arms to fall down to her waist, she begins to shift in what amounts to a 'fighting stance' but resembles more the buildup to a stripper's crowning setpiece, all lazily-swinging curves. And she finishes with a quirky little grin, "Ho, ho."

The effect is somewhat spoiled as something hits the ring with a damp *slap*.

...did anybody really buy her as a security guard anyway?

COMBATSYS: B.Jenet has started a fight here.

COMBATSYS: Mai has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
B.Jenet          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0              Mai

Frankly, Eagle didn't know how he got the worst jobs.

It was bad enough he couldn't strip Rick down to his skivvies in his own fight. But he was expected to work at a few of the other tournament fights? It was a plumb insult. Still, Lee paid well; and even if he didn't win, he was going to get out of this thing with a fat wad of cash.

He might even get himself a new set of golf clubs!

Standing outside the ring, but in front of the crowd, Eagle stands a decent distance away from the other background cameos. Dressed in his white button-down dress shirt, a pair of black slacks, and held up by suspenders, the blond haired, mustached man was on the job. What kind of job?

Bouncer and security duty, of course.

Armed with his two sticks, the man flips the weapons over and over, whirling them around his hands in single, short bursts. It was fortunate for Jenet that Eagle was not authorized a walkie-talkie, nor was expected to man elsewhere. If she had run into Eagle, she might have gotten spanked like the rude little blonde she was, and sent rght back on her sub without any supper. Though as he waits for the big arrive, Eagle just sighs. It was a big turnout now, especially with the promise of swimsuits, Mai, and B.Jenet. The front row was filled with the 13-35 year old men demographic, with the second rough representing the 35-Onwards demographic. All these men, all out to see two women go at it.

Frankly, Eagle found it kind of disgusting.

But unfortunately for Eagle, B.Jenet takes the center stage. Normally, he would all right for the wet-suit draped women to be pouring herself into her fight. He can't bounce if there isn't a fight to bounce! "Aaaagh, Spite and Damnation!" The Brit groans as the entire crowd goes WILD. And when dealing with the likes of both Mai and B.Jenet, the entire crowd was already thronging the center arena. The whirling sticks are turned upon the crowd as Eagle, diligent as always, begins to pound back the swarming young men. "Hold on! Get back you rapscallions!"

He would be the guy who'd have to beat off a bunch of men just to keep the women happy.

Mai catches the wink; her lips, already smiling, take just a little change, a moment of wry 'oh that Jenet' in her eyes and her lips. She expected nothing less from the Lilien Knights' leader. They might not always agree on what constitutes proper behavior--piracy is not always the proper thing to do, though Mai isn't exactly the world's most lawful citizen at times--but she always appreciates the blonde's style. The crowd's roaring--appreciation of the spectacle of two scantily-clad, beautiful women, some even roaring in appreciation of the fight they're about to see--but for Mai, her attention is on Jenet.

"Had to try and show me up, huh?" she says, teasingly; with a gesture, the big umbrella disappears and a fan appears in her hand instead, a closed fan that she waggles at Jenet in a mock-chiding manner. "Guess the guys are enjoying the show. I know this won't mean much, but, y'know... I'm not gonna hold back!"

With a wink, she snaps the fan to point it at Jenet, causing more than a little bit of that charismatic jiggle, and she calls for the crowd to hear, "I'll show you... that Japan is number one!" *boing boing boing* Eagle's here to control the crowd--but these two girls might get them *too* riled up for that. Eagle will have to be on his guard... and so will Jenet, because Mai's gonna get this fight goin'!

She doesn't waste any time at all--she knows Jenet's ready. That fan of hers? It snaps open to full extension, and a moment later, it's hissing through the air, slashing its way towards Jenet's torso!

COMBATSYS: B.Jenet overcomes Kachou Sen from Mai with Buffrass.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
B.Jenet          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0              Mai

That attention is reciprocated; for all the spectacle she's willing, able and all-too-eager to provide, the Pirate Queen knows her business - and well, as she'll have to admit for the males in the audience in a later interview, it's rather hard to do anything *but* stare at this particular opponent. It takes all of her focus and resolve as a warrior not to be hypnotized by the pendulous to-and-fro beneath Higashi's borrowed shirt, but manage she does; and a little more, the grin tugging wider as she lifts a finger and wags it in a suspiciously similar rhythm to that employed by Mai.

"Japan *was* number one, mes Charentais orientale," she begins despite having absolutely no time to do so, that fan spinning in mid-air between them as she takes a wide backstep, turning it into a bold pirouette that sends wet strands slapping against the teasing material of her wetsuit. Can she possibly be wearing anything underneath that, really? "But," continues the piratess, uncaring of this critical question as the fan somehow keeps hovering before her, "The winds of change are blowing!"

Suddenly her sweeping arm answers the question many of the crowd are now directly asking of one another. A flicker of telltale energy around the projectile is the first tell, the second a pronounced quickening of the summer's breeze, and the third an explosive barrage of inrushing wind chi unleashed from the snap of Jenet's arm in lieu of anything resembling a skirt.

This one doesn't hang around; it whistles forward, gaining size and momentum as it does, a miniature horizontal tornado seeking to consume the Shiranui ninja. Or at least her clothing - she might happen to note, before it's upon her, that the prodigious piratess' usual tricks have been amplified with just a liiiiittle tweak, adding a... cutting edge to proceedings.

"Brace the mainsail! Batten down the hatches!"

They get more money if they lose more clothing, right? Right?

"And hold on to your shirt, cheri! There's a *storm* on the horizon!"

COMBATSYS: Mai blocks B.Jenet's Buffrass.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
B.Jenet          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0              Mai

A spectacular response from her would-be teammate, the fan flying off--and yet somehow disappearing before it can endanger the crowd, but not just falling to the floor. Mysterious ninja tricks... But Mai can't have that fan back in her hand already, can she? Quick observers will note of course that Mai already -had- another fan out, while the first was still flying. "Nice one!" she exclaims, and then she has to throw her arms up, the tails of the borrowed shirt billowing up as the unnatural storm washes over her. forcing her back a step or two.

Lowering her arms, she grins. "Not good enough, though!" she cries. Heedless of the distance, she charges forward--though her steps are feather-light and swift as she closes in on her colleague, half-feinting a high strike with her fan before aiming for something just a little simpler, a swift kick to the ankles. The roar of the crowd, dull in Mai's ears, still crests and falls like the waves of the ocean, but that just adds to the atmosphere.

No reason they can't fight and talk business right? "Haven't talked to King yet... but I wanna get a team together. Women's team. You interested in joinin' up?" Of course Jenet could have her own sideline, but...

COMBATSYS: Mai successfully hits B.Jenet with Light Kick.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
B.Jenet          0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0              Mai

"Ah, non," pouts the piratess as her slapped-out tornado scatters itself to the summer's breeze to bob ineffectually over the heads of the watching crowd. Her bottom lip soon flattens out as baby blues meet the incoming ninja's playfully-predatory gaze, Jenet shifting her stance in preparation for the telegraphed strike from that ever-elusive fan. Her arm rises, wetsuit creaking just faintly as it stretches forward and a palm opens.

The feint smacks it, eliciting a small murmur of reaction from the more savvy of the audience and a wickedly-chagrined smile from Jenet, who attempts a swift adjustment of her feet only to find the kunoichi all the quicker-- her first ankle gives way, opening to the second, which she surrenders to drop into a backward roll, a pronounced 'ouf!' punctuating a temporarily awkward landing. She rebounds neatly into a crouch, though, just inside of striking distance, grinning up at Mai.

"Then I shall just have to give it to you," comes her murmur, artfully pitched just-so for the microphone picking up action in the ring, "A little bit harder." So saying, Bonne slings herself into action, her formerly-parrying hand striking the canvas with a hard smack as she throws her lower body into a return strike. She's not wearing those deadly heels today, but makes do by spinning up into a bare, hooking heel kick to the gut; a hint of capoeira in the unpredictable woman's motion, perhaps...

She whips straight through too, ending up back on her feet with body arched, again just-so, to spread every curve against slick material. Hit or miss, she's still smiling.

"I was about to ask you a similar thing, mes Charentais. Got a little work, requires more than my usual level of..." does she clear her throat here, or is it imagined? "Muscle..."

It's not quite a yes, but well. Would she really say no?

COMBATSYS: Mai dodges B.Jenet's Aggressive Strike.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
B.Jenet          0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0              Mai

Heels or no, Jenet's legs are deadly weapons. Mai knows this. So when the return strike comes, Mai is prepared--she fades back, one step, and throws herself--well, it's rather spectacular, to say the least, as she essentially limbos right under that hooking heel kick, showing an -impressive- display of flexibility in doing so.

She's practically horizontal, but only for a moment; her right hand touches down, palm-first, and she uses it like a spring to push herself back up, maintaining that close distance. Her reply is just as sotto voce, but Jenet will hear no matter what. "Guess we'll talk more after this. Maybe we can raid King's bar after this!" If it's over fast enough. Mai sinks back onto her back leg, but that's just to gather a little power--she pushes, she starts to rotate, and even if she doesn't have the big 'tail' of her usual ninja getup, she can still set the world ablaze, as she does right now.

Her shout is echoed by some of her fans, recognizing the move, as the swath of chi fire sweeps out towards Jenet. "RYUU ENBU!!!"

COMBATSYS: B.Jenet endures Mai's Ryuu Enbu.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
B.Jenet          0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0              Mai

"Raiding," begins Bonne Jenet, Terror of the Seas, as Mai enters that singularly fast and deceptively powerful spin. Really, there's not a great deal most people could do to get away from it; one moment she's right beside her partner-in-boozey-crime, and the next she's an explosion of motion and unleashing a fire that would be legendary if not for a certain relentlessly-pubescent brat who could *really* do with lightening up and--

Where were we? Ah, yes. Foom.

"Is what pirates do best!"

The merry tone of the English Rose comes bubbling from behind the oncoming swathe of ninja burnination, the licking, spitting flame consuming her in much the manner she intended for Mai with her own, opening gambit. Seawater, and the diet soda used by way of handy simulacrum, sizzles and pops in wetsuit and hair alike, and yet nobody emerges from the conflagration; Bonne isn't flung backward, she's just not really there at all. When it begins to clear, there's a flash of motion, and she emerges, smoking, in a deft and catlike spring back toward her opponent.

She's grinning like a Cheshire cat, and for a glorious split-second she appears to be absolutely, completely buck naked as the burned tatters of her wetsuit fall away, bearing first tattooed shoulders and a lithe, astonishingly beautiful back - soon appearing on a hundred social networking profiles near you - and then... then the true heinousness of her crimes is revealed.

The tips of her bountiful, yet surprisingly perky breasts, are covered only by twin crosses of dark tape. At the centre of each 'x', marking the spot so to speak, is the rictus-bearing visage of a bleached white skull. Each one is smouldering slightly.

Utterly shameless in her own moment of revelation, Jenet kicks her way quite literally back into the fight, soaring on a spark of instinctively-summoned chi as she lashes out first with one snapping roundhouse, and then the other, seeking to drive Mai rapidly backward as the wetsuit continues to peel away.

"Ya, ha, ha-HAAAA~!"

It's at the apex of her impossibly-rising assault that she reveals all, a third attack opening with a vigorous pinpoint knee to the chin, before her long, shapely leg snaps out with a dry tear - the wetsuit's final vestiges tumbling away to reveal the piratess butt naked but for a pair of scandalously-revealing, sheer purple boyshorts. You know. Swimwear.

Maybe 'raiding' is what pirates do *second* best.

COMBATSYS: Mai dodges B.Jenet's Harrier Bee.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
B.Jenet          0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0              Mai

It would be utterly hypocritical of Mai to 'tch' at Jenet's clothing choices. The ninja probably wears just as little as Jenet would--but the crowd so far won't get to see just yet! The scything kicks are pretty amazing, but Mai avoids them neatly--and, for a bit of flash, she doesn't even just clear out and let those legs work on empty air--she stays *right* in there, ducking and dodging, bobbing and weaving, and making it a good show.

She doesn't even take advantage of Jenet being in the air like that, though she probably -should-, and waits for Jenet to land before she addresses the blonde pirate, with a wink.

"Gotta give them what they want, right?" is what she says, as she draws -two- fans, from nowhere, and attacks with a flurry of closed-fan strikes, aiming a bit high and a bit low.

Jenet's already fulfilled the swimsuit cheesecake portion of the tournament, though Mai's prepared to do so too if she has to, of course. She -did- agree to the conditions, after all. But she'll make Jenet work for it! She has to. No free shows, after all! "C'mon, girl," she says, still grinning, "I know you're better than this!"

COMBATSYS: B.Jenet blocks Mai's Random Strike.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
B.Jenet          0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0              Mai

"Mais oui," is the pirate's slightly breathless reply as she lands, swiftly intaking that needed breath directly afterward and spinning neatly to face her fellow exponent of 'fanservice'. A concept she's had explained at length by one of the more unfortunately geeky of her crewmembers - just as well, she thinks, he's a pirate now and utterly awesome by way of direct result. "After all," she continues coolly, "If you don't--"

Ducking a whirring fan, Jenet takes a sliding step backward, her tensed posterior coming within whipping distance of the slightly sagging (subtext? What subtext?!) ringropes as she crooks an elbow inward to catch and divert a lower blow. A third comes in and barely skims her brow as she drops, weathering the blow with a hearty 'ngh!' and a wild grin once she's past.

"They take it anyway!"

The last is flung as she continues her momentum, thrusting off an extended right leg into yet another pirouette, this one gaining added momentum at the halfway point when she briskly raises one shapely leg and whips it around in a roundhouse kick that only partway mimics those coming Mai's way a few seconds before; this one's heavier, and rather slower to account for it. She's playing in the high risk district, go hard or go home. Her way of pleasing the crowd just a little more... as they get to do both things, the buoyant jiggle of her outrageously-uncovered breasts driving home both the harshness of the kick and the *hard* part of that equation. As for Eagle, well, at least he gets paid.

"Rogues after my own heart," chimes the piratess sweetly, turning through her kick - and hopefully, through an off-guard kunoichi in the process - and clapping her foot down to strike another pose, arms extending and lithely stretching toward the front row of gawping boys and man-boys. Doing things to her chest that are no less interesting than the effects of that divested wetsuit.

COMBATSYS: B.Jenet successfully hits Mai with Medium Kick.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
B.Jenet          0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0              Mai

The kick impacts with a solid sound, and it sends Mai reeling as it does so; she staggers, a fan falling from her hand and clattering to the ground, though it disappears mere moments later, again as if by magic. Well. She -did- just challenge Jenet to up the ante, and the pirate responded beautifully. She can't really blame anyone but herself for that one, that's for sure.

The ninja is quick to recover--it was a good hit, but Mai isn't made out of paper, just a little fragile--and she grins. Hell, that might actually make this -more- fun. Upping the ante, as they say. She turns the the stagger into a backflip backwards...

And the backflip turns into a back jump, the ninja flying high in the air as if soaring on her own cloud--only for her momentum to change moments later. A lot of people--forum boards, fanboys and girls, claim that Mai attacks *with her chest* when she's doing this move. She isn't. Why would she? That would be like bringing a pillow (a set of pillows) to a knife fight. No...

When Mai does her Flying Squirrel Dance, she's really attacking with her fans. It just might *look* like she's attacking with her, ahem, pillows. In any case, the ninja is now diving upon the pirate!

COMBATSYS: Mai successfully hits B.Jenet with Musasabi no Mai EX.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
B.Jenet          0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1              Mai

The light at the end of the tunnel...

Isn't beaming from two perfectly-targeted nipples, but for the sake of argument and the gawking fans trying not to sit too close to one another lest their excitement somehow render them homoerotic, Jenet pretends that it is. Her baby blues cant sidelong, her profile presented to the onrushing ninja princess, arms falling away until one hand wards the fore and the other hangs against one bare, creamy thigh. Though 'wards' may be rather generous to the former case; in fact, what she's quite literally doing is crooking her index finger and *beckoning*.

Until the very moment that her arm snaps out, driving a palm forth to intercept the assault at its key point. It's a shame and misfortune for the world of professional fighting and amateur, pubescent pornography that she doesn't make it - but at least this way, the denizens of the Dream Amusement Park can forever attest that they saw Cap'n Bonne Jenet go for an honest-to-goodness grope on the chest of Mai "Effin'" Shiranui.

What follows is a stagger on the pirate's part, her body - and breasts - swaying away from Mai's resounding impact in a way that's dangerous only to herself, fire-scorched blonde hair still just a tiny bit damp, enough that it slaps at her back and shoulders as she turns in apparent disarray. She even coughs faintly, a sign of her own mortality - usually so well disguised behind sheer moxy and charismatic pluck n' swagger.

It's a testament to the kunoichi that the unpredictable piratess has *almost* looked predictable thus far, and certainly failed to produce anything outrageous enough to shock her opponent for more than a moment. Familiarity? Maybe. Though it's certainly not... usual to see the Pirate Queen looking in such a bad way. She spins, she staggers, she hits the ropes...

And then it all becomes a spinning lunge, as if she was never struck to begin with, eyes blazing brightly and a merry piratical cry on her lips as she lunges toward Mai. A few of the less-absorbed audience members, mostly because they're under ten years old, join in as she sings out her defiance and her refusal to accept defeat even from so skilled and seductive a foe.

"HEY HO~!"

Her final approach is marked by a swaying, giddy sidestep and a further pirouette that's every bit as tight and rapid as Mai's own Ryuu Enbu. It carries her own flagrant burst of energy, wind chi tearing a swathe from the sweep of her hand and the snap of her... skimpy boyshorts. Again accompanied by a sizzling, ripping after-taste that isn't so often present, Jenet aims as much to tear the shirt from her back as flay the skin and send her pounding away. It's Mai's turn to give up her prized assets.

One thing's for sure, Cap'n Jenet can never have enough booty.

COMBATSYS: B.Jenet successfully hits Mai with Crazy Ivan.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
B.Jenet          0/-------/=======|=======\==-----\1              Mai

Hey, that's--! Well, okay. It's not like Mai didn't know that Jenet had copied the Ryuu Enbu, so to speak. But getting caught in it, that's something else. She yelps--that wind isn't gentle at all--and in addition to the painful strike, that wind chi is -damn- good at doing something else...

... it shreds clothing. That Hawaiian shirt? Sorry Joe, not gettin' that back, not by a long shot; what little is left, Mai will end up tearing away, leaving her in just that bikini top--which is lookin' none too sturdy anymore, though it does remain on. The skirt she was wearing? Same deal--it's shredded, barely worth anything at all anymore, showing gaps and plenty of skin.

Mai looks down at herself, and drops the shreds of that Hawaiian shirt. "Smelled like Spam anyways," she mutters, half to Jenet, half to herself. "Alright then, Jenet," says the ninja, clearly not disturbed by the skin that's showing now--she's grinning all the more--"Now we've got their attention... time to see who's gonna move on, no?"

Producing another fan, she sweeps it open and around--it really does cut the air, audibly--before snapping it closed again. She doesn't want to -injure- the pirate, after all, just to hurt her, as she goes for a one-two combo, striking with the fan at head level, aiming for the temple, a stunning blow that would let Mai get a leg behind Jenet's and trip her to the ground.

COMBATSYS: B.Jenet fails to interrupt Armed Combo from Mai with Bye-bye Boo.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
B.Jenet          0/-------/=======|=======\===----\1              Mai

All's fair in love, war, and near-nude beachside brawls.

"Spam? Sacre bleu, you know the worst men, mes Charentais," as she oozes the nickname a third time, Jenet's making absolutely no attempt to hide that she's appraising the other woman's substantial - substantialler than her own, even - chest, arching a perfectly groomed eyebrow and then flicking a mischievous glint of baby blues to the nearest audience member, who happens to be blushing and crossing his legs at this precise moment. "Fortunate, non, that you also know--"

Thwap. She's momentarily silenced by a fan smacking into her face, her showboating setting her back not for the first time, but she goes with it, rolling one shoulder back and presenting the other to block what she presumes is the follow-up blow. She's prepared to pivot too, ready to lash out with a return strike that's equally teasing and equally less-gentle-than-it-appears. Because a basically-topless chick slapping another basically-topless chick in the face is what they came to see, naturalement!

"Pfah!" Jenet spits, even as she's falling heavily to the canvas, her impact - which probably mostly consists of the lithe blonde's tape-clad breasts - setting the makeshift ring to shuddering. She's cringing in pain now, but she hides it as well as ever, rolling aside and leaping to her feet in a manner that carries her well across the ring to the other side, where she lands in a deft, spinning crouch, turning to face Mai with a pant.

Somehow, her boyshorts remain on, though a group of young men beginning their friend's stag night are now presented with two pert buttcheeks straining the sheer material.

"Some of the very best, non? You should invite them, later. It's been a long time..." Suddenly she moves, a blur of glittering motes summoned quite instinctively by the prodigious piratess as she covers the distance halfway and springs into another short, catlike leap. "Since I danced with a sexy blond!"

As she utters the last, a shapely leg swings overhead in an imitation of one of the Bogard's very own, more of that sparkling energy coalescing around her leg in a rush of more typical, accompanying winds. It's the energy that actually leads, her foot crashing into the top of Mai's head a moment later - if allowed.

The move some of her dissenters have labelled the 'Crackwhore Shoot'.

She's sure showing them.

"Joe's just a little rough around the edges." Like 10-grit sandpaper. Or something. But... whatever. Why's Mai even -defending- him?

"I mean, y'know... he can -afford- better but he likes to sample the local delicacies when he can and they're not gross, or they go well with the cheap whiskey he likes." She fades back a half-step, waiting, and when Jenet swings that leg down in her imitation of the Crack Shoot, Mai's ready--not even there, really, as Jenet, were she wearing her regular heels, would put a hole in the canvas with a kick like that. "You c'n have Terry maybe. If Mary doesn't fuss. But she probably will, no matter what she likes to say. Andy's mine."

Mai has a smug grin on her face as she turns her evasion into a double backflip--slow-motion replays will inevitably focus on the jiggle created by such a manuever--and, just as easily, -reverses- her momentum.

She goes from a backflip to a forward cartwheel in less time than it takes to blink, and from there?

From there she's flying forward with a reinforced elbow, and she's locked on target. And that target is Jenet's chest, an admittedly ample target.

COMBATSYS: Mai successfully hits B.Jenet with Hissatsu Shinobi Bachi EX.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
B.Jenet          1/-----==/=======|=======\====---\1              Mai

Jenet's expecting the evasion, really; they're in banter-mode, and Mai is too damn good to *be there* without any sneaksome piratey tricks forcing her to be. So the Pirate Queen lands with an outbreath, bracing herself rapidly with a hand before straightening up, one arm hooking behind her head as the other lifts from her side to beckon once more. She's heard the Andy bit before, and it's what's curling her lips to a teasing grin.

As if to say, 'of course he is'. It's Terry she's after anyway.

Why, she'd trade... okay, some booty, but certainly not all of it, for a single night of passion with the Hungry Wolf, whose less-than-tender ministrations on his myriad opponents awakened her youthful libido in much the way that she and Mai now perform a less-subtle service for those in attendance today.

Part of the service isn't watching Cap'n Bonne taking an elbow to the sternum that all but caves her chest in with an audible *crunch*, bones coming juuust shy of shattering as the fearsome impact comes with too much speed for the merry blonde to defend. It doesn't seem like she even *tries* though, but that's another quirk of her frankly bizarre style the world will never see.

What they do see is Jenet recoil, gasping, baby blues burning bright with a vigour that's both familiar and telling; it hurts like hell, but she's not down yet, not by the glaring red mark on her chesty-chest-chest. She does stagger back, but for a second time she rebounds off the ropes, spins around and then launches herself into a leap that's less a catlike pounce and more an attempt to simply get her legs into the air. Thighs flex and pump, parted so to briefly treat those *really* paying attention to an answer to the age-old question: shaven or strip?

Several things explode at once in the front row, and then she's rotating, rapidly. When it comes to the state of Bonne's anatomy... 'interesting' abruptly stops covering it.

As for the epic and flamboyant Mai Shiranui, she's treated to a quite different explosion, as the piratess summons up a potent display of the unusual chi manifestations that have given her a bizarre breed of legitimate infamy on the professional fighting circuit. She may not be the fastest, the sturdiest or the most obviously martially skilled - let's face it, she's basically an unusually-gifted exotic dancer - but the cavalcade of tiny torpedoes that explode into life, assaulting the kunoichi at the bare heels of furiously pumping feet, at least prove...

She's got somethin'. She's got many somethings, many many somethings resembling the likeminded "petit torpiller" standing to attention on all sides of the makeshift ring.

Somewhere along the way, a tiny grinning skull flies off and smacks Eagle upside the head.

COMBATSYS: Mai dodges B.Jenet's Many Many Torpedoes.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
B.Jenet          0/-------/------=|=======\-------\0              Mai

They couldn't leave well enough alone.

Eagle was knee-deep in the unconscious and the moist, the blackened and the blue piled in ramparts at the edge of the fight. The -other- Brit has been working around the whole circle, meeting against the hoards of hormones that the pair of birds were letting flow force from the male audience. Eagle did what he could; coming into faces, beating off aroused men, and forcing them to the ground whenever they dive in to sniff pieces of tore clothing, or keep it in their memento cupboards. Eagle was content to not even pay attention to the fight. But B.Jenet had to mess that up, when the breasty skull slaps Eagle in the back of the head. Oh, it hurt a bit.

But Eagle is more annoyed than entertained.

Pivoting around, Eagle has a pimply-faced teenager caught in a head lock, just short of being smashed in. "Oy!" Comes the call out to the ring. "Keep it in there the arena, missies!" As he spies B.Jenet, he narrows his eyes furiously. Oh, this was turning into one of those exotic shows, now was it? As he smashes the teenager's face in with a wallop of his baton, he roars out at Jenet. "And cover yourself, blondie! Have you no decency or shame?!"

"We have children in the audience!"

Mai disappears into the cloud of torpedoes and Jenet's legs. It's... to say it's an unusual attack doesn't really quite -encompass- it.. Mai has seen some master chi shapers in her time, but few are able to do anything quite so quirky. The crowd gasps, wondering--did the ninja just get *exploded* by literal chi torpedoes??? The answer is--

--no. Because she appears a moment later on one of the turnbuckles, laughing an almost-demented laugh, certainly a laugh that would set a serious opponent on edge, and displaying a fan to cover the lower half of her face. "That's very good, Jenet dear, but you have to be a bit faster to catch me~ But I think it's time to end this, don't you?" With that...

She leaps off the turnbuckle, flying at Jenet, almost balled up. When she reaches the pirate? She's going to attempt a rather complex manuever. Part one: Lock her ankles around Jenet's neck.

Part two: Plant her hands on the canvas platform.

Part three: Use her hands as the fulcrum point to whip Jenet around and onto the canvas.

Part four: ???

Part five: Profit!

COMBATSYS: Mai successfully hits B.Jenet with Shiranui Gourin.

[                          \\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
B.Jenet          0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\0              Mai

"Woo~..." Jenet releases a copious outbreath as she lands, sucking in a breath right after that sees her chest fall then rise in an oceanic swell that by all rights should dispose of the other skull, tenuously clinging to its perch with a gurn and a-- wait, did it just wink? The native glimmer of residual chi filling one eye slips away, but the illusion is there for an instant, the twist of her torso by some merry coincidence turned directly upon the yelling, burly form of Eagle. She'd follow suit herself, but there's the small matter and two large matters...

...of Mai Shiranui, neatly eluding her ministrations once more.

"Tch," playfully tuts the piratess, battered and sluggish as she seems to be by comparison to the peppy kunoichi, rising to her feet in a motion that's all smooth grace in spite of these facts. A hand lifts to scratch at the back of her head, mussing through damp hair as though she'd just stepped out from underneath a waterfall in the raunchiest shampoo commercial *ever*.

"Speed may get you into my arms, mes Charentais, but I rather think--" She rather *thinks* it's time to do something about those incoming legs, but the thought occurs a little late to actually move. Shiranui-style ninjutsu isn't ancient and much-vaunted for nothin'. Inexplicably, as Jenet's hauled overhead, she keeps talking - but to be fair, she did at least get a hand between one shapely leg and her neck. "You'd be disappointed...!!"

She's stopped from this feat by her collision with the canvas, not for the first time, the makeshift ring once more rattling. She finally leaves the second skull behind, the grinning visage bouncing end over end until it rolls beneath the seats of the gaping front row. Nobody grabs it. Busy watchin'. Arr-tar!

"If I blew my load in a few seconds, non?" That's barely gritted out from her position beneath Mai, before she's wriggling and bucking, doing-- well, at this point did we even need to reference her anatomical configurations? Regardless, it's a martial motion that eventually carries her off the ground, whether released or forcing the kunoichi to come with her - so to speak. Spinning upward on a rampant torrent of wind chi, the usual motions of her skirt now carried on a lashing of her arm and the rotation of her statuesque body alone, turning end over end as each lick of energy accompanies her ascent. "One needs speed, strength, stamina..." She punctuates each blow with a word, the last ringing ironic as she abruptly tires...

It appears she's reached her limit. Baby blues roll back into her head, and her last rotation scatters her awkwardly sidelong - she's due to crash down into the audience, avoiding any children present but landing with grim predictability approximately one point seven feet from a certain British gentleman.

Not yet, however, not before she twist-turns one last time and focuses bleary eyes on the ninja - airborne or not. It doesn't matter, in this case, because what she does---

It doesn't *hurt*, per se, despite being somehow impactful.

She blows a kiss. A tiny heart, as perfectly-formed as each bountiful breast, popping into life with the pucker of her lips and floating on the final, wild outward motion of her arm until it impacts the brunette's cheek with a cartoonish *smack*.

"And plenty," murmurs Jenet, before briefly passing out in mid-air, "Of kisses."

COMBATSYS: B.Jenet can no longer fight.

COMBATSYS: Mai dodges B.Jenet's The Hind.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Mai              1/-------/=======|

Mai tried to be gentle. After all, this wasn't a -serious- fight, even if Mai wasn't holding back. She could have gone for a much more damaging attack--bounced Jenet off her head, or cut her with a fan, or... something else. So the Shiranui ninja leaves the blonde pirate an opening, and she rises with the pirate--deftly parrying each strike. Of course, she could have just gotten out of the way and let Jenet fall.

But that's not the kind of person she is. She went up with Jenet because the ninja always intended to -catch- her--and that's what she does. Mai lands, with her briefly unconscious burden, in a crouch; she lays Jenet on the canvas rather more gently than she did just seconds ago, and checks her briefly for damage.

Good. Unharmed--just a little concussed, maybe. Satisfied, Mai jumps up, spinning around in midair and pulling at her clothes--which, rather inexplicably, create a -blur- around her, impossible to see through--and when she lands, a mere matter of three seconds or less, she's dressed--in her ninja outfit.

And now, it's time for that famous victory pose. Point fan. Wink. Boingjiggleboing. "NIPPON ICHI~!" she shouts, and, well, either the crowd agrees, they're just staring and appreciating her assets, or they're nosebleeding and passing out. Hard to tell at a distance.

COMBATSYS: Mai has ended the fight here.

Well this was ending right proper, wasn't it.

As he drops the teenager, he continues to beat back the men. Eagle was having enough trouble dividing his attention between B. Jenet and the hoard. Of course, it is this split attention that lets him catch what Mai and Jenet pull. As the unconscious form of B. Jenet hurtles to the air near Eagle, his attention shifts. Unfortunately for him, a second wind of resolve overtakes the remaining audience. As Jenet comes to Eagle, every man comes for Jenet. Eagle swallows hard as he raises his stick, bracing for the stampede roaring towards his position...

But she was gone.

With a flash like a ninja, Eagle looks around, the woman suddenly disappeared. The roaring hoard comes to a stop, circling around Eagle. Glancing at the disappointed faces around him, he crosses his arms, gripping the sticks tightly. "If you are all done making apes of yourselves, kindly step back behind the line! There is nothing more to see here-" Eagle is cut short as something steadily flaps through the air, drifting down right at the bouncer's feet. And there lies B. Jenet's boyshorts, glistening in the sun. Every man around Eagle glances at the pair of sweaty shorts, tongues lolling out. The blonde man just sighs, uncrossing his arms.
%"Oh, bollocks."

It was like tossing a ribeye steak into a pit of lions. The howling men surge upon Eagle's position, as the Englishman becomes a tempest of whirling sticks. Smashing apart the drooling hounds, beads of sweat were pouring down his brow. He had no reason to protect that woman's dignity, to claim the shorts for himself instead of these hooligans. Men fall at his fight as Eagle fights, the man doing whatever he could to defend Bonne Jenet's honor.

Which, of course more than she has ever done.

Pantyless and defeated, Jenet is introduced to the ground rather more softly than she would have reckoned a half-heartbeat before her baby blues slipped shut. When they open again, she's in a bit of a dream state, the roars of the crowd and their scuffle over the tattered shred of her mysteriously-discarded boyshorts a dim echo at the back of a preoccupied mind...

"Ah, that's it," she mumbles, looking up as a pronounced swish and what she - and many others present - would later testify as a resonant 'boioioioioioing' sounds from above, "Un petit higher, mon loup grignotant... ah! Uh... um..."

Was Terry Bogard always that high-pitched? And Japanese? She sees red, that certainly fits, but then-- oh, then it all comes rushing back, and she becomes aware of a brisk, chilling breeze in her nether regions that's not wholly in her own head. Though given what she was 'wearing' before? Well, it mostly is.

She doesn't move much, glancing askance and then back upward before deciding she'll play dead a while longer. She shuts out the cries of her more stalwart fanclub - those, i.e. miraculously not distracted by Mai's buoyant celebrations - and the hard grunts and thrusts of the rigid, unbending Eagle with a gentle murmur of, "I really need that drink..."

But anyone who cares to check won't help but notice she's definitely smiling. Most days aren't bad days to be Bonne Jenet, but today's been a little more interesting than some. And just think of the booty she can make off the merchandise sales!

Log created on 19:11:16 06/12/2013 by B.Jenet, and last modified on 05:12:38 06/13/2013.