SNF 2010.11 - Storm Warnings - Krizalid/Reiji VS Rock/Elias

Description: Two forces collide amidst a storm generated within Kyoto's football sized Meteorological Research Center. Rock Howard seeks to settle a grudge with Krizalid for his inhumane crimes, their charged emotions threatening to be more violent than the weather conditions. To contrast, Elias and Reiji serve as the eye of the storm, two older fighters simply seeking to shake off the rust. Everyone can tell something strange is going on with Krizalid, but will they realize the truth in time to save the real victim? (WINNERS: Rock and Elias)

(Note: Reiji's player was a doofus and stole Rock's turn in the pose order twice. He shall be shunned forever.)

COMBATSYS: Krizalid has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Krizalid         0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Reiji has joined the fight here on the left meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Reiji            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0         Krizalid

COMBATSYS: Rock has joined the fight here on the left meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Reiji            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0         Krizalid
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Rock             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Reiji has joined the fight here on the right meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Rock             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Reiji
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Krizalid         0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Elias has joined the fight here on the left meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Elias            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Reiji
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Rock             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0         Krizalid

He breathes hard.

The winds cut through the research center's cavernous testing chamber with biting force. All the factors of a perfect storm are simulated right down to the hail pelting off of his coat. He blinks hard against the wind, stifling reflexive tears as biological processes engineered into his body force his body temperatue higher to compensate forthe biting cold. Steam trails from his claws..

He pants, his heart beating too fast for his tastes.

He appears as a slow, methodical scarecrow, a dark shadow of rippling fabric less walking through the sheets of water and wind and more dragging his body into the fray. The flashes above are mirrored in the ground as the metal bands around his arms react to the biting winds, shooting off arcs of electricity into the ground around him in long arcing flashes. He doesn't say anything, instead staring at information appearing in his optical display with wide, hauntingly cold eyes.

[#] Establishing conflict resolution.

[#] Establishing remote link to regional server.

[#] Server connected at 6500 kB/s. Beginning multithread feed.

/!\ Cancellation override disabled.. Resolving conflict.

[#] Scanning for targets..

There is nothing pleasant about these conditions at all. It is cold and wet and most normal people would be pissing themselves right about now. That is why everyone picked is known to be someone that isn't easily shaken by such things. It certainly seems to be an interesting way to debute for SNF now that the priest thinks about it. Rock is really the only person Elias is too familiar with in this bout and even then all he really knows of that fighter is some videos some of the older teens have shown him at the shelter.

Despite the cold and rain the priest wears his usual vestments that leave arms and most of his back bare as he stalks forward into the artificial storm. His eyes squint behind the glasses he wears as he has to peer through the hard rain. He seems to not be bothered too much by the weather, though. He seems to be in total control of keeping himself warm by some means as he doesn't even seem to shiver while he stands there with hands clasped behind his back and he calmly waits for things to start. He has been through some harsh conditions through the years and his training has left him with tougher skin than most.

Joining the Einherjar Initiative has been beneficial in more than one way, for one Rock Howard. There are the tangibles--materiel, personnel, transportation, logistics. Then there are the intangibles--knowing that he's got good people at his back--Adelheid, Alma, Frei. And then, there's the information.

<<Four hours ago>>

"Krizalid. Member of NESTS." Adelheid's voice is dry, business-like, as he identifies the man on the screen.

Rock nods. "I've met him. In Brazil." The red eyes of the Howard scion tighten. "He slaughtered a lot of good people... to get at me. But I beat him. It'll happen again." He sounds quietly, utterly confident.


Now he's walking into the weather simulator, his steps swift, resolute, as he catches up with Elias; he can feel the energy in the air, but he simply nods to the priest who is his partner. His mind is on Krizalid. The victory was a victory by the narrowest of margins and, in some very real ways, the NESTS agent came away with the upper hand on Rock. But Howard's never believed in the odds, and he's not about to start now.

"Sir," he says, finally, nodding again to Elias, deciding to greet the man properly. No matter what the circumstances, it doesn't hurt to be civil.

If one thing was evident from Reiji'ss recent experience with Iori Yagami, it's that Reiji is too soft for the disaster looming on the horizon. Having to raise a daughter on his own for these past eight years has taken its toll on his training regiment during one of the most important periods for a fighter's personal development. He's not weak, but he can do better. And what better way to catch up on your training *while* snagging some nice photographing opportunities than to sign himself up for the one and only Saturday Night Fight? Brilliance!

That was the idea, anyway.

Reiji's digital camera is warm, dry and toasty. It is also sitting on the bedstand of his hotel room a few miles away from here, since it's decidedly of little use. Elias finds that he isn't the only one who has decided to brave the elements in his usual attire. Reiji's garment does absolutely nothing to contain heat, baring what is under normal circumstances a fatal amount of chest to the open air for this climate. The priest seems to be doing a better job of keeping his poker face however, as Reiji's teeth are locked and exposed in a visible grimace of discomfort, the occasional breath of vapor huffing out between them.

%TRock Howard he recognizes. The other two he doesn't, only knowing his team member from the fact that they both exited into the arena from the same preparation area. Something nags his subconsciousness about this though. This guy is definitely no one he knows, yet he can't help but shake the feeling that he's also familiar in one way. He'd probably be spending more time trying to analyze the reason for this, but right now there are more pressing matters. Such as:

"Let's get some blood PUMPING!", he yells over the force winds, beckoning to both opponents with a grin. ...It's more than just a good natured show. Standing still in this weather is a waste of everyone's time!

There is recognition in Krizalid's eyes as well; though it's of a different sort. Each in turn, as the others appear in the far distance as ghostly green reticules orienting on heartbeats in his battlesuit's HUD, his eyes focus on them. As they approach, they might notice several things about the tall man wearing the trenchcoat.

One is that he's not moving.

Two is that he's breathing really fast.

The fact that it's detectable in the middle of a massive, roaring windstorm is indicative of exactly how well this effect carries. A third detail, noticeable only to Rock Howard, as someone who's actually met Krizalid before, is that the clone's eyes are glowing faintly in the inky shadows formed by the fact his head slowly tilts forward. A crimson, blood red streak is shot right through the Kusanagi clone's hair, another detail.

/!\ Alert! Primary conflict target detected. Calculating attack.

"You shouldn't have come here..."

His voice is less heard over the din as it is felt. Is he talking to Reiji? He speaks in an impossibly dark monotone that fails to carry as much more than a chilling murmur over the blasting winds. It's not even really specific as to who he's even talking to. His words, as hard to make out as they are, are punctuated with gunshots of limiter bands snapping loose from Krizalid's legs and falling to the ground. There's an audible hiss of decompression as Krizalid's suit ejects steam into the air, twisting around his body in the wind.

Louder, now. "Why did you even come here..."

His eyes flash red.

The power bands at his arm begin to gather crackling power into his hands.

"Come here.. JUST TO DIE!?"

And that's when Krizalid flips out.

Energy discharged from his suit in massive quantities, Krizalid lets twisting erratic blasts fo force and light loose, curved talons slinging crackling globules of force out towards the opposite side of the field. The energy leaves the scent of burnt air in its wake, his electric blasts trailing hissing vapor as his power cracks the wind, white hot and seething. It's hard to make out his real target from the haphazard way he's kind of throwing bolts around, but from the frequency that you might have to dodge it, it seems like he might in fact be aiming for Rock's jugular, as if he wants to tear his head right off first thing.

The priest tilts his head to look towards Rock and he gives the younger fighter a nod. "Greetings, Mr. Howard. I have some children that wish for an autograph when this is done if that is not a problem." Despite the weather he has a rather calm and even tone when he speaks. He at least seems to be on the polite side. His gaze shifts more towards the opponents soon after. And in this case it is more towards Krizalid who seems to be showing himself to be an unstable individual. Elias only furrows his brow a slight bit as he unclasps his hands and he brings up his hands in preparation for whatever the clone might be doing.

It seems he is not the target in this case. It would seem Rock and this monster seem to have a history that the latter seems rather livid about. He seems curious about the whole thing, but he steps back a bit to give room between himself and Rock. His attention seems split between Reiji and Krizalid for a moment as he sizes both up and attempts to decide his course of action right now.

COMBATSYS: Elias focuses on his next action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Elias            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Reiji
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Rock             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0         Krizalid

COMBATSYS: Rock blocks Krizalid's Negative Anguish.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Elias            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Reiji
[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Rock             0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0         Krizalid

It would be impossible, or nearly so, to avoid an attack like that. But Rock doesn't -have- to. With Elias doing his thing--being patient, and asking for autographs... Rock has just enough time to reply, "Sure, if I can walk after this, they can have autographs--" when Krizalid is upon him. Or rather, his anger and mania given immaterial, impermanent form. But just because it's immaterial and impermanent doesn't mean it can't -hurt-.

Krizalid's power lashes over the young Howard, ahd he merely grits his teeth and pushes it away as best as he can; the storm is brief, but when it ends, Rock finds himself a good ten yards farther back.

That doesn't dissuade him, however--as he runs forward, picking up speed, he quips, dryly, to Elias, "It won't hurt my honor if you decide to lend a hand with this guy. He's crazy." It's rather deadpan, said with a half a grin, and then his legs are powering him forward and into a lunging thrust--Rock driving against the wind and the distance to attempt to plant a two-strike combination on Krizalid--a left elbow thrust to right straight punch, a variation on his ever-famous 'Hard Edge'.

As he runs, he finally replies to the Irishman. "Didn't kill me before--don't think you're gonna be any more successful /now/!!" Now he's just got to back up those words.

Reiji has watched his share of TV. It's one of the few things that you can multitask while changing diapers, after all. The rivalries of SNF are nothing new to him. Neither is the fact that individuals with very disturbing personalities and/or agendas make their way into them. But,'s an entirely different matter to actually *be there* in the flesh. With your own teammate rapidly demonstrating signs of being the token whacked contestant.

Reiji determines three things.
1: His team member is beginning to exude crazy.
T2) The crazy is largely being exuded in the direction of Rock Howard.
3) Being between Rock and the crazy isn't the safest of prospects, especially since Rock is challenging it.

Rock charges toward Krizalid; Reiji charges right past him.

"He may be a *little* distracted," Reiji cheerfully comments as his feet leave the ground, taking off in a seemingly reckless flying kick toward the studious Elias. Though...on second glance, a second Reiji seems to be standing exactly where he was before he left the ground. The hell


COMBATSYS: Krizalid blocks Rock's Fierce Punch.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Elias            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Reiji
[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Rock             0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0         Krizalid

As Krizalid drains out all of his fury into Rock's guard, the boy rushes up into his guard with a variant of a move he blinks at--it even feels as if he's seen it before. Even as Rock impacts into the man in the black coat, he only finds the steel of the bands on Krizalid's guard as he cuts into Krizalid's raised arm with his elbow. The energy snaps and pops, tendrils of electricity enough to cause the fine hairs to stand on end.

Everyone else? They make room.

This close, Howard can tell, Krizalid's breath is ragged, and his voice has an off-tonal tint to it, as if forced through some kind of processing before he speaks. "Terror... they want you to feel terror..." he promises.. "Misery, that's all defying them will bring you--"

[ 'We're sick of your weakness,' he said to him.. ]

[ 'You've failed me. It will be the last time.' ]

it hurts

There's an audible crack inbetween Rock Howard and Krizalid. "Should've stayed, should've stayed home," the clone pants. "Now, I can't help you..." he slaps aside Rock's elbow, as an extension of his block. His leg twists--and then Krizalid shoots straight up into the cutting winds with a kick that sends him straight up into the air. He's trying to spear Rock in the throat with his boot--but the winds are powerful enough that the sheer force Krizalid set off into the motion carries his frame up into the air with the effort. In a feat of flexibility in close quarters, he's trying to catch Rock unawares. Strangle him underneath the sole of his boot. And then pin the blonde's neck to the ground underneath it.

COMBATSYS: Elias Toughs Out Reiji's Rouga Shippu Ken!

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Elias            0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0            Reiji
[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Rock             0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0         Krizalid

It is true that Elias is paying a bit of attention towards the clash of Krizalid and Rock, but he isn't going to forget about Reiji. He turns his attention even as the other fighter approaches him and he steps forward to where that kick slams solidly into his chest and the priest seems unphased by the blow delivered to him. "Pardon me, sir. I was distracted." he admits and gives a nod to Reiji. This man seems like he might be a bit on the interesting side. Definantly the opposite of his partner. Then again Elias isn't exactly like Rock either.

"Let us keep an eye on those two. I know this is all for the people, but I am unsure if I like your partner." He is very blunt about it and he also is looking to swing one mighty fist forward towards Reiji's chest then follows up with a right cross. The second hand ignites with a small burst of flame that arches from the priest's knuckles to add some burn to the physical force of that second punch. "But until we are needed let us test ourselves. I hope I am not too rusty."

COMBATSYS: Reiji endures Elias' Sinful.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Elias            0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0            Reiji
[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Rock             0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0         Krizalid

COMBATSYS: Rock counters Lethal Impact from Krizalid with Gedan Crack Counter.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Elias            0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0            Reiji
[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Rock             0/-------/------=|====---\-------\0         Krizalid

Rock grunts, feeling that impact against the tempered steel of Krizalid's arms. Yes, he -has- seen an attack like that before--from Rock. But just because it's familiar doesn't mean Krizalid's battle armor knows how to deal with -everything- Rock does. Rock, despite his lack of ubar-tech battlesuit, is in the same boat--he has to rely on training and instinct.

"Don't want your -help-, Krizalid," he grunts, as he takes a half-step back; as Krizalid's leg shoots up, Rock instinctively drops his arms--and then pumps them up and to the side, trapping that thrusting leg in his forearms--and he uses it as the fulcrum, whipping himself up and around, inverting his body and slamming his booted heel right into Krizalid's forehead.

Disengaging, Rock dances back a couple of steps, buoyed by sudden winds, and he raises his voice to be heard over the howling. "I won't forget what you did in Brazil, you murderer! For that, you'll -never- be able to pay enough!!" The anger is showing through--Rock's eyes don't -really- glow, but the anger in them sure makes them -seem- like they're on fire.

The second Reiji, the one left behind? It vanishes shortly after Reiji's initial blow lands, leaving most of the television viewers to wonder what the point was to begin with. Elias doesn't seen much the worse for the wear, evidenced by how he doesn't even attempt to evade the maneuver. Reiji doesn't seem too shocked or alarmed by this, even going as far as to dig in his heels upon landing so that he can absorb the return attack in turn...though the slight quirk to his smirk suggests that he may have come up on the shorter end of that exchange.

"Yeah, I know how these things sometimes end up. Long time viewer, first time participant." At the mention of the 'rust', his visage visually brightens. As much as one can tell through the sheets of rain blowing through the space between them. "Hey, you're not the only one in that boat. Let's have some fun while we keep these youngsters from hurting themselves."

...And no sooner does Reiji finish speaking these words, than his form wavers. A second Reiji comes barreling through the illusion, a mighty karate chop held aloft as he attempts to swing downward and catch the priest with a mighty blow to the side of his neck.

Whipping his head away from the impact at the last moment, Krizalid's left eye momentarily explodes into a cascade of static as Rock plants his heel across his temple. His head swims with pain as he briefly experiences a vertiginous sensation, listlessly pulling away from Rock, pelted by the rain. Even as he steps back from Rock, his form low and staggering, there is the distinct feeling that Krizalid didn't really.. feel anything at all from the impact, though blood freely courses from the side of his head. His claws twitch as he sways to keep his balance.

"I don't owe anything to you," the clone persists.

"Stop telling me who I am...."

[ 'You're nothing but the worst part of us.' ]

The gale winds whip around Krizalid, the clone slowly arcing his back and gripping his temples as NESTS technology takes the moment to dutifully remind him he's sustained damage, and that aggression should and will continue until the target is destroyed. It's followed by a battlefield evalutation ringing in his own skull, notices that Reiji seems to have split up into seperate entities briefly, and a brief kinetic estimate from Elias' combination attack. It all floods into Krizalid's skull, and the clone's head tilts back, shaking with tension.

"Shut up. _Shut up._ _SHUT UP!!_"

He only seems to be half-talking to Rock.

As Krizalid shrieks aloud while holding his head, the clone's coat whips around furiously as he is suddenly the center of a standing cyclone. It's much different than the gales that they're all surrounded in.. This is different. This.. this is angry. Through pure rage, he controls a force of wind that whips around him in wide scything arcs, seeking out Rock Howard and--luckily nobody else is insane enough to be too close to the clone, because Krizalid isn't paying much attention right now to who his wind rips right in half.

COMBATSYS: Elias interrupts Jin Rougeki from Reiji with Magnus.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Elias            0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0            Reiji
[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Rock             0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0         Krizalid

So Reiji too is a fighter who has taken time away from the spotlight. Then again Elias never truely has been in the spotlight. His life has been taken up with too many problems to ever let him do something like he is now when he was younger. His past with his family, the time in prison, all those years of traveling and getting the homeless shelter started and running. It even surpasses the many years Reiji has taken in raising a child. He almost wishes he was in a less problematic fighting environment like this one and have a chance to fight this man one on one.

He can hear Krizalid carrying on and Rock shouting at the man and calling him a murderer. For now the kid seems to be holding his own so Elias will refrain from letting his attention shift away from the other older fighter. He just keeps his ground as he seems to be fine with keeping track of Reiji and his use of illusion. The priest gives a powerful uppercut, but the problem is when he makes that swing Reiji isn't even near him. It isn't until Reiji's hand is slamming into the neck when flames erupt out of the ground right out from under the fighter and catching him a blast as Elias takes a few steps back. "Your movements are interesting." he admits. The fact that the rain isn't helping with his view makes him feel lucky he got the timing right on catching Reiji in his attack.

Reiji thiiiiiinks he's being clever, but the older man's focus seems to be prevailing through both the elements and his usage of Yata illusion arts. He manages to land the blow with a sufficient amount of force before being knocked away, but the timing is still close enough to make him rue having tried to slip a fast one by the priest. The double has already faded by the time Reiji is sent flying backward, landing roughly on his ass several feet away. To his credit, the man laughs as he hauls himself back to his feet.

"Yeah, thanks. I haven't gotten to try them out in the competitive scene too often." ... "Not that they're stopping me from having a soggy backside, mind you." No, really. If the chill wasn't already beginning to seep in, that landing pretty much clinched it. "Be right with you." Clenching his fists and taking a measured stance, he concentrates on the chaotic forces of nature around him as well as his own inner energies, seeking to bring a balance between the two. Rather than fight the cold...he seeks to liken his nature to it, giving him some amount of renewed vigor. Heat is just a matter of relative perception, after all.

"Alright, that's better. Ready when you are." He extends a hand toward Elias, waving him onward.

COMBATSYS: Reiji gathers his will.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Elias            0/-------/--=====|=======\===----\1            Reiji
[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Rock             0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0         Krizalid

COMBATSYS: Rock blocks Krizalid's Typhon's Rage "S".

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Elias            0/-------/--=====|=======\===----\1            Reiji
[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Rock             0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0         Krizalid

The raging winds. Rock is familiar with them; he recalls being taken for a ride by this, the last time he fought Krizalid. The last time... yeah. Rock hunkers down, almost going to one knee--his stance widens, his knees bend, and he crosses his arms over his face and chest to help withstand the assault. The tornado pushes Rock back yet again. His boots would squeak against the floor, but the winds scour the noise from the air.

The air is charged up, the storm filling the air with power. In this sort of environment, it's almost impossible not to -connect- to power. So when Krizalid's rage is briefly expended, Rock decides on a change of pace--for his part, at least. He knows that Krizalid will, poor soul, probably come at him again--battlesuit or crazed rage or whatever driving him on--but he's hoping to be able to hold him back again.

Fights are such a touchy thing, moment to moment--one must seize opportunities where they come, and so, Rock's body starts to glow with a purple-edged, white-cored energy, licking up off his body like the corona of a star.

COMBATSYS: Rock gathers his will.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Elias            0/-------/--=====|=======\===----\1            Reiji
[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Rock             1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0         Krizalid

[ 'In the end, it's going to be you who is just the copy. We have a greater destiny than you're capable of comprehending. --Don't speak. Don't even say a word. Your tongue isn't even fit for my name.' ]


Krizalid can taste the energy on the air. The acrid scent of Elias' burning flames in the torrential downpour wind their way into his sharp sense of smell, as bright to him as it is unquenchable. Light splits the air above, and Krizalid is almost blinded, shutting his eyes against the sensory overload, as no less than a hundred items of interest flit across his view even with his eyes held tightly shut.

He sucks in one shaking breath.

"No--I understand now. Even if it's impossible. I--" he tries to calm his nerves.

Blood spatters into the pools of rain on the ground at his feet.

"_maybe,_" Krizalid seethes, "they'll think differently when I bring them your /head/."

Let's hope he's not talking to any of you.

Slowly, his arms lower. Limned in the pouring rain, Krizalid's leathers aren't yet waterlogged, but it drips away the pain of his injuries. His eyes trail a distinct glowing red vapor as he forces his vision to refocus. He centers on Rock, as if seeing him again for the first time in equal parts shock, dismay, and anger. "Why ... aren't.. you.. dead?!"

In the next instant, Krizalid tries to sink his claws into Rock's shoulders, trying to rip the siphoning energy out of him in a flying leap that anchors the NESTS experiment to Rock and drives his knee right into the boy's nose.

Elias keeps an eye on the movements of Reiji, but he doesn't make any attempt to close the distance between the two and he actually gives the man a moment to do whatever her wishes. It also allows the priest a moment to let his get a small rest and already he is allowing the energy he wields to flow through his body to help fight off the chill as well as reduce the soreness he is feeling from the two strikes that Reiji has hit him with. It is more another moment for his attention to shift to Krizalid and Rock. It seems he is not liking how things are going over there.

He keeps from moving in just yet. Rock is probably a proud fighter and might resent having Elias come and help when he feels like he is capable of handling things. He is just making sure the young fighter doesn't get totally overwhelmed in this case. At least Reiji seems to be the type that might be understanding if the priest must break away. After a moment longer of watching he turns his attention back to Reiji. "Apologies. I just want to make sure Mr. Howard isn't in over his head." Of course the fight is still young so it is hard to judge. "Let us continue?"

COMBATSYS: Elias gains composure.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Elias            0/-------/---====|=======\===----\1            Reiji
[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Rock             1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0         Krizalid

COMBATSYS: Rock blocks Krizalid's Combo Attack.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Elias            0/-------/---====|=======\===----\1            Reiji
[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Rock             1/------=/=======|====---\-------\0         Krizalid

Rock's connection with the earth is, pardon the expression, Rock-solid--and that's what helps him avoid eating the flooring. The claws sink in, but Rock remains rooted--and a violent twist pulls Krizalid's claws free early; a controlled reaction lets him cross his arms to block that knee as well. And then the time for passivity is past.

"Why am I not dead?" growls Rock, rhetorically, as he shoves Krizalid back and up, aided by the gusting winds--and that shove lets him bend forward and then plant his hands and then push off, powered by his chi, by the swirling winds and rain, by his arms.

"Men like you don't get to determine who lives and who dies!! You're nothing but a /tool/!!" Powered into a technique learned from Terry Bogard--a whirling series of kicks and lariats with Rock upside down, a technique that Terry, and Rock, both call--


COMBATSYS: Krizalid has left the fight here.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Elias            0/-------/---====|=======\===----\1            Reiji

COMBATSYS: Elias has left the fight here.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Reiji            1/----===/=======|

COMBATSYS: Reiji has ended the fight here.

If anything, it might be mildly odd how Reiji seems to be taking the antics of his stride. "Quite understandable." While one can take it at face value that he really has been an avid watcher of SNF, the simple reality is that a fight with Iori leaves you somewhat jaded on the crazy meter. It's just another symptom of the world's greater disease. This is what fighting has been reduced to.

The priest continues to take a measured approach to his strategy, forcing Reiji to muse on just how he's going to deal with this guy. He's proven very resourceful in not being fooled by his illusions. ...Maybe that can be used against him?

Letting out an even breath, apparently coming to some sort of conclusion with himself, he extends his arms to either side and makes another charge toward Elias. Halfway there...he splits in two. One Reiji runs to the left, the other runs toward the right. Having split his attention thus, both of them then converge on their priestly target.

With the illusion having this much duration, Elias may be able to figure out which is which - after all, the gusts of wind aren't rippling its clothing as it runs, and the rain and sleet are simply passing right through it both entities rush forward with perfectly mirrored haymakers.

That's actually what Reiji is hedging his bets on. For it isn't the physical Reiji that poses the true threat, as the illusion itself will be landing a surprisingly tangible impact against the priest's head if he isn't careful.

COMBATSYS: Rock successfully hits Krizalid with Rising Tackle.
- Power hit! -

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Elias            0/-------/---====|=======\===----\1            Reiji
[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Rock             1/------=/=======|=======\-------\1         Krizalid

The blonde impacts hard into Krizalid's midsection, a whirling mass of kicks impacting the clone's chest hard and bringing him up into the air, ripping dark feathers from his mantle to twist away, sucked into the air by the galing winds. The blow admittedly throws the experiment's body farther into the air than would be expected, an effect bolstered by the lift the winds generate, causing the lanky man to twist in odd angles as he smashes into the ground a little ways away liek a ragdoll, to a cacophony of warnings visible and audible only to him.

"men ... like me ..." the clone chokes on the ground, his white, bloodstained hair caked with mud already dripping away in loose, wet clumps.

"that's what I am..."

[ you're less than .. ]

"I AM!!"

It's hard to tell exactly how Krizalid gets to his feet in the curtains of water ripping through the air. There is the vague indication of the man whipping out a boot and stretching to a length that seems to be impossibly long, his body briefly a weird streak of leather as he's suddenly right in front of Rock, standing at his full height, his pupils contracted to pinpoints of lethal focus. You can /hear/ his ragged breath somewhere deep inside that coat.

"Don't tell me... what... I ... am..."

His arms raise slowly, with deadly method. And then Krizalid attempts to just physically overpower and strangle Rock with both steel talons, and doesn't seem much obliged to stop, even if and when the boy's blood starts to drain from around his hands.

COMBATSYS: Elias Toughs Out Reiji's Maboroshi!

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Elias            0/-------/=======|=======\====---\1            Reiji
[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Rock             1/------=/=======|=======\=====--\1         Krizalid

Reiji seems to have the priest's full attention right now and it is a good thing Elias is at least taking time to avoid looking towards Rock and Krizalid and concentrate on the other older fighter in this match. He almost wishes he was teamed with Reiji instead just to see what the two rusty fights could do against more youthful ones. Then again he highly doubts Krizalid and Rock would ever work together even if placed on the same team. Perhaps he will have to ask the young Howard about this Krizalid person. If he truely is a murderer then there might be in need of a good smiting that the priest may have to help deliver in the near future.

His eyes narrow a bit behind his shades and Elias is left looking between the two copies of Reiji. It seems that he does seem to realize one's movements aren't quite as they should be so it is no surprise he turns to face the true fighter instead of the copy. What Reiji might not count on is the fact Elias tenses up and actually is prepared for some sort of impact and despite taking a kick to the back of the head he just uses it as momentum as he leans forward and extends a hand outwards quickly to slam a palm strike right into Reiji's chest. "The illusions can cause pain too. Interesting."

There is a light chortle that comes from the priest and if he manages to smack his meaty palm against Reiji he attempts to grab the other fighter be it by jacket or neck as his hand erupts with flame again. Unlike the one that hit Reiji earlier this one does not burn and it also doesn't seem to be bothered by the cold rain, but contact makes the other fighter start to feel more drained than he was moments ago and as if his body just wants to relax. After holding him there a for a few minutes the priest will toss him away and let the flame surrounding his hand be snuffed out.

COMBATSYS: Rock endures Krizalid's Quick Throw.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Elias            0/-------/=======|=======\====---\1            Reiji
[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Rock             1/---====/=======|=======\======-\1         Krizalid

Krizalid is on him, in a flash--the crash of thunder and lightning might just be in his head, or there might be an actual storm brewing in the confines of the observatory. Either way, Krizalid will get the satisfaction he wants--clawed fingers digging into Rock's throat, even as the young man is being bent backwards. It seems as though Krizalid's intention--to grind Rock into the dirt--is going to happen, even as Rock forces his throat muscles tense--resisting the crushing power of Krizalid's grip.

Then Rock gets his feet underneath him; sheer force of will straightens his back, even as Krizalid's trying to continue the flex of his spine in a way it wasn't meant to go. Rock's still in touch with the earth, and he uses that to his advantage, growling hoarsely through his damaged throat, until he surges, driving his right foot back behind him and using it as a post, driving his arms up between Krizalid's and then explosively pushing out, breaking his grip.

In a single smooth motion he drives forward, driving his shoulder for Krizalid's torso, a short-ranged running tackle that may lead into a practiced, orchestrated, instinctive symphony of pure violence--for if Rock makes contact with that shoulder, he'll follow it up--driving his right knee up, into Krizalid's stomach, knocking him back with a left jab to the chin, following with a right hook, spinning that around into a left backfist, turning that into a high roundhouse right kick, coming back around with a -left- knee, driving a pistoning right smash punch--and finishing off with a double-fisted swing of his arms that would unleash a brief, bright, lancing start of pure white power right through Krizalid.

Hoarsely, he still makes himself heard over the weather. "I'll... -tell you-... what you are...!! A FOOL! *cough* A puppet driven by ambitions that aren't your own...!! You're just... a TOY!!!" Rock ignores the blood streaming from the punctures in his neck--can't feel it anyways, with the weather the way it is.

COMBATSYS: Elias successfully hits Reiji with Hell or Heaven EX.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Elias            1/------=/=======|=======\======-\1            Reiji
[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Rock             0/-------/------=|=======\======-\1         Krizalid

The chi ghost fades shortly after the blow lands, its last expression one of puzzlement that mirrors the one on Reiji's face as the real one is yanked into the air. The problem with these flames? While they're certainly a nice, relaxing change of pace compared to Yagami Flambe, combined with the climate that he's ensuring, the proposition offered by the leeching flames is a very tempting one. Reiji does manage to land on his feet, one hand drifting to his forehead as he staggers a few steps back. He seems to be back where he was a short time ago, fighting to reach an internal equilibrium...but this time without the trick card of being able to seek one-ness with his surroundings.

Slapping his cheeks to try and snap out of it, the man simply decides to launch himself...right back at Elias. Clearly no amount of overthinking is going to do him well in this situation, and he's learned the disadvantage of betraying one of his two trump card early against this opponent.

There is no trickery this time. Reiji comes sailing at Elias with a punch...which swiftly flows into a series of follow up attacks. Kicks, punches, a good elbow or two. It's a Karate chain attack similar to the well-known Ranbu of Kyokugen, but with one important twist. At times Reiji seems to have more arms or legs at his disposal than a human has any right to claim. No surprise, that, considering that these are illusory attacks extending from his torso, some packing actual stopping power, others merely feints that lack substance to throw off the priest's guard.

When it's all said and done, Reiji finishes the chain with a single headbutt, meant to send Elias reeling if he's unable to put up a solid defense.

COMBATSYS: Krizalid blocks Rock's Deadly Rave Neo.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Elias            1/------=/=======|=======\-------\0            Reiji
[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Rock             0/-------/------=|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2         Krizalid


In an instant, Krizalid almost achieves Nirvana with his hands somewhere inside Rock's throat. Corded muscles tense, shifting and causing the pooling water in the folds of his leather coat to pour free onto the grounds, tinted red with Rock's blood as Krizalid attempts to just strangle the life from Rock with his bare hands. It's like he won't stop until he feels the boy's spine in his hands. Until he feels it break. The clone's bloodshot eyes are as wide as dinner plates as he mutters something deep in an intense language not understandable by anyone, really, but him.

It's what he was made for.. it was the only thing he's intended to be...


Rock slowly overtakes his strength, bending his spine against the onerous experiment's will, herocially forcing his body up to provide challenge to his enmity. You can almost hear the twist of muscles as they tense. Howard fights him. Oh, how that man fights the animal. As Reiji and Elias stage what seems to be a dance in the background, there is nothing elegant or beautiful about the way Rock rails at Krizalid, shoulder-checking him, beating him, kicking him, kneeing him, trying to harm him immeasurably.

In some ways, Rock succeeds.

The clone's talons are at some point dislodged from Rock's throat.

His blows certainly find purchase on Krizalid.

But there's something wrong.

Each blow didn't quite seem to find full home on his body. It's as if the clone moved just slightly away from his hits at the time of their impact. A devastating series of blows that should have knocked the clone down for the count find nothing but a slightly violenced man standing in front of Rock, head slung low as if nothing even mattered anymore, arms limp at his sides. He suppresses a cough--only to fail--

Crimson spatters on the ground in front of Krizalid.

Something is _wrong._

[ 'This seems to be your only use.' ]

/!\ Critical damage sustained.

%b%b%b%bActivating automated tiered resolution protocol.

"H..._help me.._"

In the next instant Krizalid looks up, his eyes glowing that fierce scarlet. But there is no indicator of movement. There is not even a single step taken that can be seen. But when he looks up, he has already closed the distance. The sound of his movement occurs to the ears only another second later--

--As Krizalid snaps a leg straight up into the air, carving a whirling cyclone of grinding, eviscerating force into the air, twirling rain in its wake. And then Krizalid steps halfway into it, the scything winds bloodily ripping his coat open. Arms extend in dread pose as he tries to grab Rock and drag him into the cyclone with him, as if not satisfied until they're both halves of meat on the floor.


COMBATSYS: Reiji successfully hits Elias with Rouga Rakan Geki.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Elias            1/---====/=======|=======\-------\0            Reiji
[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Rock             0/-------/------=|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2         Krizalid

Despite the weather and despite the worry that Elias has of what may happen between the other two there is a bit of him that is managing to have fun. Even if that face remains mostly emotionless there is a certain crook to his lips that make it look like he at least has a slight smirk as he nods to Reiji in appreciation for the determination the other man is showing. He then tries to steady himself as he waits for Reiji to come in and strike only to be caught of guard for perhaps the first time this entire fight. Despite keeping his concentration from wandering towards Krizalid and Rock he is staggered by that first hit and he never really recovers from the assault. That headbutt lands solidly and there is a bit of blood coming out of Elias' nose as he staggers back and goes down onto a knee for a few moments.

He takes a moment and straightens back up fully as he regains his equilibrium and lets the fuzzyness of being rocked by those strikes fade. Another moment and that nosebleed already seems to be stopped as the priest lurches forward and closes what distance between himself and Reiji. There is nothing fancy this time around about his strike. He just clenches a big fist and swings it forward in a harsh straight right aimed to return the favor of a busted noise right back to to Reiji if he manages to connect with it.

COMBATSYS: Rock just-defends Krizalid's Typhon's Rage "R"!

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Elias            1/---====/=======|=======\-------\0            Reiji
[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Rock             0/-------/------=|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2         Krizalid

Rock felt, immediately, that Krizalid was defending. The training a fighter receives imparts that basic knowledge--when you're hitting successfully and when you're being blocked--when the impacts aren't quite right. But he perseveres--because few are the people who could absorb such blows without -any- damage to their body whatsoever. Rock is betting on Krizalid not being that man.

But the assault ends, as all assaults must end, leaving Rock in a disadvantageous position--to say the least. In front of an implacable foe, an Irishman driven by the insanity fomented by a man who wants to be called a god, a clone at once whole and utterly, immeasurably broken...

A war machine, bred and built to take apart whatever stands in his way, without mercy. Rock is a scary young man, to fighters who know--he's inherited a pedigree that would make them shudder, has trained under a man who other fighters utterly revere. But his scariness is nothing at all like Krizalid's scariness. They don't even compare--it's the mundane thought that someone's following you versus hearing the sound of the switchblade from the impenetrable darkness.

But Rock is not a man easily cowed--in this he is frighteningly like his opponent. Krizalid's leg snaps upwards, unnaturally, taking the joint through a motion that shouldn't be possible--much less that screaming whirlwind that forms. Yet Rock quails not. In fact his defense may be divinely inspired, as he steps forward, turns again, swings his clasped arms, still glowing bright blue-white with power--

--swings them -into- the cyclone--

--and *shatters* it like a pane of glass. Still riding the currents of the earth, using them to shatter, absorb, redirect... he feels the surge building in his legs and he darts forward, again, roaring. Krizalid's seen it before--this is the real deal, though, as he leads with his left elbow once again, seeking to drive it into the point where Krizalid's sternum is most vulnerable--and then to slam the clone away with his right palm, that power changing from the blue-white of pure power to that darkly-tinged purple, flowing off the hand, streaking back along the arm...

COMBATSYS: Reiji dodges Elias' Strong Punch.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Elias            1/---====/=======|=======\-------\0            Reiji
[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Rock             0/-------/------=|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2         Krizalid

While it's satisfying to finally land some solid blows on his opponent, the exhiliration is tempered by a sensation of...something else. A foreboding...wrongness? His intuition told him that something was wrong with his partner when he first got into this fight, but now that he can almost taste it on the air. It's on the tip of his tongue, but for the life of him he can't quite place what it is.

When Elias closes distance and seeks to slug Reiji in the nose, slug he does - and the fist goes right through the guy, splitting an illusion's head in two, which quickly dissipates. It seems the solidness is selective.

"Hang on a sec." The real Reiji is standing back a good ten paces at this point, studying the progression of the fight between Rock and his partner. "I'm not sure what the deal is, but something strange is going on over there." He studies them for a good moment with the time he's bought himself, but even with the slew of things he's trained to look for that most fighters aren't...he's still drawing a blank. Why, then, does he feel this sensation of dread? "...Man, I don't have time for this." He's probably just being paranoid due to all of the other things he's dealing with lately, and it's certainly not an Orochi threat, so he can afford to pay a blind eye to it just this once. Stopping the fight isn't going to help him prepare himself any further for the upcoming threat. With that he charges back toward Elias once more. He begins to slow midway, leaving a secondary copy of him continuing to close the distance, diving forward with a full rotation of the torso to drive a fist into the priest's stomach. Unlike the last time Reiji attempted the maneuver, the attacking image is quick to disappear whether the strike lands or misses.

COMBATSYS: Rock successfully hits Krizalid with Hard Edge.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Elias            1/---====/=======|=======\-------\1            Reiji
[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////                          ]
Rock             0/-------/-----==|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2         Krizalid

There _is_ something measuredly different about Krizalid.

Even his 'partner' seems to notice. Before, there was something predatory about the man, something that watched your every movement calmly, as if wanting to do little more than to imagine how best you might be killed by him. In previous battles, there was nothing that was doubted by him, nothing that showed any kind of weakness to people he perceived as beneath them. Now, it's different--this crimson-streaked man before Rock regards him less as prey and more as a cage.

A cage he needs to escape.

As Rock breaks through his attack, the man in the black coat bends in odd fashions, his spine twisting as the remnants of his scything winds tear great rivulets in the ground around him, causing his heavy boots to scrabble for purchase in the mud. There is a certain aspect to the way he moves. He does not move his limbs, and moreover his limbs seem to move themselves. "It--" Krizalid seethes, "--it hurts--"

Rock slams into him like a train--his elbow knocking the wind out of him as he twists--his leg hooking up and around with the same agonizing, spine-cracking motion. Krizalid, moving erratically as a ragdoll might, attempts to whirl around Rock and knock him to the ground underneath his boot. The movement is precise. Almost too precise. Trying to crush Rock underneath his heel, Krizalid's arms sway limply at his sides. He breathes, wheezing from the impact Rock just dealt him. He doesn't seem to be paying much attention.


COMBATSYS: Elias endures Reiji's Maboroshi.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Elias            1/-======/=======|=======\=------\1            Reiji
[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////                         ]
Rock             0/-------/-----==|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2         Krizalid

That uneasiness is something that is running pretty much through the priest as well. Maybe he and Reiji are just being too paranoid about it all, but Elias could sense something odd the moment he saw Krizalid. Not just in appearance that is. The man does look odd for sure, but also the vibes he gets off. "I understand." he tells Reiji when the other fighter takes a few moments to watch. "You can tell as well? There is something odd about him and his soul." Almost as if it wasn't there or perhaps fake? He doesn't know if the latter would even be possible in all honesty. "All I know is Mr. Howard knows him and I intend to find out as much as I can about such an abomination."

And as much as he wants to try and keep himself from paying attention Elias knows he is letting himself be distracted. Rock has done well enough on his own, but the nagging feeling that Krizalid shouldn't just be left unchecked is bothering him. It is a great enough distraction that Reiji's attack almost catches him off guard again. Enough that he can't really get out of the way at least. Instead he just grits his teeth once more and he takes a deep breath to ready himself for the impact of the strike. His body is having a hard time repairing so much punishment at once at this point as well. The effects of the weather obviously mean that he is trying to protect himself from the damp and cold as well as try to heal the soreness his body is feeling from being pummeled. There is at least a minor fix for the first.

There is the smell of fire being hit by rain as the priest extends his hand. A single flame appears at the palm and begins to expand. It grows larger and splits off into several other flames that start to surround the priest and shield him from the incoming rain at least momentarily. "Let us continue, but be prepared in case this goes sour." he tells Reiji even as the flames continue to expand into a large circular inferno that surrounds Elias at the moment. He then clenches the hand into a fist and punches forward, the large blaze hurtling away for him and heading straight for Reiji.

COMBATSYS: Krizalid successfully hits Rock with Medium Throw.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Elias            0/-------/------=|=======\=------\1            Reiji
[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////                         ]
Rock             0/-------/--=====|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2         Krizalid

That unnatural movement. It's so hard to follow, to understand; without that conformity, prediction is iffy, and reactions take a moment. For a fighter that goes with the flow as Rock does, it's a serious disadvantage. And that disadvantages shows itself--Rock is just spinning around, trying to follow Krizalid's movements. He doesn't realize until the last second that the clone is already attacking.

He slams to the ground, grunting, releasing his breath in a pained grunt/gasp; Krizalid gets some good grinding in, before Rock can twist his body, using the slickness of the ground to get out from underneath the boot. He rolls a good ten paces before pushing up to his feet; feeling that burning in his chest, pain radiating out from the point of impact, that odd scent of fire and water hissing around him, drawn out by the rain...

"You're getting worse, Krizalid... I think you're really broken. I'd like to help you but..." Power flares once more, burning this time, something slightly different about the purple flame-wind as it lashes from his hands, building stronger and stronger.

"... only thing I know how to do here is... PUT YOU OUT OF YOUR MISERY!!" And then he half-lunges forward, raising his hands high, then slamming them into the ground, releasing that power--the sweet lack of pain once it leaves him is almost worth it all of its own--and then, then it'll /erupt/ out of the floor, a flaring blaze of that purple power, Rock's answer to the storm lashing them from above--a storm from below, concentrated and explosive.

Rock's call is far more strident, urgent, powerful, as he shouts above it all. "RAGING.... -STOOOOOOOOOOOORM!!!!!!-"

COMBATSYS: Reiji endures Elias' Maximum Holy Flare EX.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////                          ]
Elias            0/-------/------=|=======\=====--\1            Reiji
[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////                         ]
Rock             0/-------/------=|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2         Krizalid

As the flames encircle Elias, a grin splits Reiji's face again. There we go, *that's* a nice blast furnace. Exactly the sort of thing Reiji got into this battle for. "Heh heh. More ready than you know...let's see if we can finish this before then!"

With that, Reiji spreads his arms to the embrace of the storm...and the powerful flames that seek to evaporate it in turn.

When the flames have burned themselves out, Reiji is still standing, fists balled tightly. Eyes closed, his vistage looks pained, yet...satisifed? Is he some sort of masochist? "Very nice sir. Now allow me to show you..." Those fists clench tighter, the muscles of his arms spasming with some unknown force. Abruptly, his fingers release, a ball of flame in each. "...the flames...OF..."

Reiji drops his stance low again, his expression one of solemn concentration. Slapping his palms together, the inferno expands to encompass his entire body...only to abruptly vanish. His knees tense.

Abruptly, Reiji is gone. Not so much a teleport as...a nearly instantaneous jump straight into the air, for a very alarming distance.

The wait is very brief. At the apex of his backflip, his legs ignite in a tongue of flame that illuminates the area. The man himself is a comet incarnate as he spirals back down to the earth...and the mighty priest who is his rival.


COMBATSYS: Reiji can no longer fight.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////                         ]
Elias            0/-------/------=|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2         Krizalid
[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  <
Rock             0/-------/------=|

COMBATSYS: Rock successfully hits Krizalid with Raging Storm+.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >                                ]
Elias            0/-------/------=|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2         Krizalid
[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  <
Rock             0/-------/------=|

It's the power of technology far beyond the grasp of normal society. The ability to 'create life.' Normally the domain explicitly of a mysterious and unknowable process of God, there are men who yet aspire to be God. The problem with men whom aspire to be God, is that life becomes a mutable thing. Only a toy to be used--

[ You aren't fit to be my fake. But you'll do for now. ]

--His boot slams into the ground, the clone going low. Exhaling and coughing, the blood drips from the edges of his high collar, threatening to pool in his coat and drown him were it not for him sinking low, almost to the ground. The red glow of his eyes bathes everything in his collar, bleaching everything and making it difficult to determine just how much of what's streaming from his face and eyes is even blood at all. The coils around his arms crackle with power again, this time one of the rings flashing and popping as it overloads.

/!\ Critical damage warning.

Systems override in effect. Resolution will continue.

"Help.. help--gwrgh--"

Rock's words fall on deaf ears--the blast of force instead is the only thing Krizalid even registers, the power of that storm enveloping and ripping Krizalid's coat to tatters, to cinders, leaving only the steel fittings around his arms free, only choice shreds of leather to cling to his body, leaving him a ragged and bloody thing. It is not with the breath of peace that Krizalid breathes his last. No, the clone is not that placid. He goes down kicking, screaming. And above all, shrieking. Even having to hear it as he burns, the ear-splitting piteous an altogether insectoid shriek of a roach stepped upon, even having to hear that... it's inhuman.

A clone burns, and he does not thank Rock for it.

[ The clone, a duplicate, kneels before Krizalid, beaten and bloodied only hours earlier, is shown, without a doubt, who is the strongest. "You'll live and die by my whim, and mine alone," Krizalid assures him coldly. "Do not think for a second that you are the ultimate life. You only exist to be my words." ]

/!\ Lifespan limitations reached. Initiating self-annihilation protocols.

"No.." the clone chokes on his own throat, "not--not like--CAN'T, WON'T--AGH--"

In the end, it's not Rock Howard's attack that actually kills the duplicate, but it's own fires. It doesn't so much explode as become the victim of a massive scything conflagration from the inside out, the sacred fires of the Kusanagi blooming only and exactly once in him. Only once--to consume everything that ever existed about this copy, turning his stomach to cinders before he even is aware that he is dead. Torn apart by his own fire while still alive enough to notice. The last thing Rock sees of the clone with the red streak in his hair is his eyes, shocked, and terrified as life leaves them.

And then the clone sprouts wings of fire.

The conflagration spreads rapidly, sending steel and flesh into every corner of the research facility, the fire curtaining the upper limits of the cavernous mass and causing massive damage to the wind fans and rain pumps above, sparks raining from above in lieu of the pounding downpour. Most horrendous of all is the blood..

It's everywhere. If anyone really survives this, they can see the message the clone was intended to leave, clear as day. Though the dragon-winged conflagration vaporized most of the clone's body instantly, it's almost like a shaped charge went off, the rending scythes of flame so unerringly precise that they left bloody kanji on the floor in front of him, smouldering and burning legible words into the mud at the scorched puddle that was once the nameless clones feet:


COMBATSYS: Krizalid can no longer fight.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Elias            0/-------/------=|
[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  <
Rock             0/-------/------=|

COMBATSYS: Elias blocks Reiji's Shippu Rou'ou Ken.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Elias            0/-------/-----==|
[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  <
Rock             0/-------/------=|

For a man like Reiji to not even attempt to avoid the inferno that is sent his way actually comes to a bit of a surprise to the priest. Perhaps much like Elias he too just wants to see how much his body can endure still. "It seems we both haven't lost too much of a step." he comments and he gives a firm nod towards Reiji right before losing sight of him for a moment. The keen eyes of Elias soon look up and given him enough time to realize what is coming right at him. he takes a step forward and both arms come upwards to feel the burn of the fire slam against them and there is the hiss of steam erupting around both he and Reiji from where they collide. The force is enough to push Elias across the ground a few feet, but he doesn't waver or fall.

He is about to say something, but that is when he hears teh commotion going on over where both Rock and Krizalid have been doing battle. He isn't sure what to think of what is all going on as the one fighter burns out and seems to disintigrate into just a puddle. This only reaffirms that Elias must find out more about this. That was not something natural and whoever would do such a thing is someone that needs to be brought down. He extends a hand to offer to help Reiji to his feet, but his gaze never leaves the sight of what is going on ahead of him. "It seems I might have some work ahead of me." he murmurs under his breath.

COMBATSYS: Elias takes no action.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Elias            0/-------/-----==|
[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  <
Rock             0/-------/------=|

COMBATSYS: Krizalid successfully hits Rock with End of Eden.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Elias            0/-------/-----==|
[                                <
Rock             0/-------/-======|

It's a message Rock will see--later. Left entirely exhausted, feeling something of a runner's high from all the energy that's been flowing--internally and externally--his reactions are slowed, and that proves--if not fatal, then injurious. The young man -screams-... he can't help it--as he's almost consumed by fire--only the power of his own lifeforce sustains him--

--though, as the fire sweeps past, his jacket, his shirt, the legs of his pants, blacken and crumble to dust. For a moment it looks like Rock himself is burnt to a sooty crisp--then he falls to his knees, and then to his face, surrounded by still-burning, guttering flames. It's only the falling rain that reveals the skin underneath--the young man so hot that the rain that strikes him wisps off in curls of steam.

<<Wasn't... him.>> That's the impression Rock has, strongly, his last impression--that wasn't Krizalid. But it was. Something to discuss with Adelheid... when he wakes up. For now, however, to his chagrin...

He does return to sleep, as Krizalid seems to have intended. It isn't a restful sleep, and Rock will be returning to the Sky Noah as soon as he can. But that's... not now.

For now, his body shuts down consciousness, to begin that process of repair. Hopefully the maintenance people can do the same for the now-ruined observatory. But don't blame Elias and Reiji. Blame Krizalid and Rock for being utterly wasteful in their attempts to destroy each other.

COMBATSYS: Rock takes no action.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Elias            0/-------/-----==|
[                        \\\\\\  <
Rock             0/-------/=======|

COMBATSYS: Rock prepares to take his last stand against Krizalid!

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Elias            0/-------/-----==|
[                        \\\\\\  <
Rock             0/-------/=======|

COMBATSYS: Rock has left the fight here.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Elias            0/-------/-----==|

COMBATSYS: Elias has ended the fight here.

Whew. It's like he's been whittling away at a slab of granite for this entire match, and even Reiji's got to call it quits at some point. He gladly accepts the gracious hand up by Elias, just in time for...his partner to ignite in a seemingly random conflagaration. But while most of the spectators will be stunned with the sudden immolation of a contestant on live TV (if it ever makes it there now), he finds himself scowling at something that will have escaped the attention of most. Those flames weren't just any flames. They were bloodline flames. *Kusagani* flames.

Reiji's mind drifts back a few weeks to his conversation with Kyo. 'My flames, Yagami's temper, dresses like a gimp?' Somehow Reiji doesn't believe this was the 'Kay-Dash' that the Kusanagi heir spoke of, even if he could see the smug teen making the same generalizations about the man who just burnt himself out. Something else about that conversation though. Cloning. NESTs. These elements fit too neatly together to be dismissed as mere coincidence. If so, what exactly does this display mean? It's only later when he sees an overhead shot of the scene that he'll make the connection to Rock Howard, but for now Reiji is more troubled about these shadow puppeteers than he ever has been. It's one thing to know about them. It's another to see their twisted results first hand.

The Yata retainer quietly smirks to himself at the words of Elias. The priest isn't the only one who has work ahead of him, but Reiji isn't at liberty to share his thoughts with the man. He merely turns back toward the other two fighters and makes his way back toward his side of the arena, pulling his arms back inside of his robe and closing the sides together around his chest. He's tired, wet, and cold, but the chill on the back of his neck is only partially due to these factors. These NESTs guys will have to be dealt with at some point.

Log created on 21:20:45 11/27/2010 by Reiji, and last modified on 13:36:54 12/12/2010.